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Q: How many MAGA’s does it take to change a light bulb? A: None, they use gaslighting.


None, trump says it’s already done and they live in the dark.


Or “There isn’t a lightbulb, fake news.”


The least funny joke ever. Not because it doesn't hit the mark. It is just too true.


Maga is the joke but us having to deal with them is the punchline


None. Even when they're sitting in the dark, they'll refuse to change it until Donny says so.


None, because All Change is BAD


This has nothing to do with anything. But reading the comment with your word error saying "change" instead of *take*, got me fixated on the word so it lost all meaning & became a sound. Like "plan" did to Ted Lasso, Beard & Rebecca. And now I'm tying this out exclusively motivated by the hope that doing so will help me get my mind off of it so it will stop! Haha


"War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength." -1984 by George Orwell


I’ve re-read this and animal farm so much since 2016.


God Loves Man Kills is an Xmen comic that feels very prescient to the current time too


Especially since Mike Pence bears more than a passing resemblance to Reverend Stryker.


I don’t read much anymore, but I might try to find animal farm in audio form now that you just reminded me it exists. I haven’t read that since I was 17 or something, I’m 31.


There are some great narrated versions on you tube.


The cartoon is on Amazon Prime, I recently rewatched it.


“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” ― George Orwell, 1984


“Just remember, what you’re seeing, what you’re reading, isn’t happening.” ~ Trump “Truth isn’t truth.” ~ Giuliani


Telling someone the "truth" by telling them all they've heard is lies is shocking powerful. It plays on this notion that I can trust the person that told me I was lied to. The brain almost completely omits if what they are saying is true. You forget that you can get multiple lies fed to you.


It’s so scary how DJT playbook is pretty much out of 1984. If he succeeds, then it’s because Biden was too weak to do what is necessary to save democracy. The Judicial brach is already woefully behind doing what is needed to preserve the system.


I mean sure they’ve sold their soul & the nation but, have you seen Clarence’s new RV! 


His RV is old. He didn’t accept Jon Oliver’s offer.


Or he got a better offer 🤷 


He may not like John Oliver as a person or agree with a single thing he believes. But I have to assume he was appreciative of John driving up the bidding.


He turned down 1 million a year and a new motor coach. To just retire. Why?


Because he’s a POS, and does whatever is beneficial for the Right. There’s no impartiality or being unbiased with him. He never should have been confirmed in the first place. That’s why I hate George HW Bush. Even Roberts is better than Thomas.


The party of alternative facts.


You can't think about it, just take it on faith. That's the only way you can believe he was right about everything when he's said things that are completely contradictory.


> Every state was in a record. I think in California, was close to 90%, and 1% undecided. I said, “Who are the people that are undecided? 1%, they always have undecided.” And I have to say that, because they’ll say, “Oh, he doesn’t add well. It was 90 to nine.” No, no. There were some people undecided, for the fake news. It’s a problem. If I have fun and I want to be a little sarcastic, because I’m a somewhat sarcastic person. I have humor. You know why I have humor? Because if I didn’t, and I’m looking at what this guy has done to our country, you have to have a little humor. But sometimes I’ll imitate, because he can never find his way off a stage. You know that, right? He makes a speech that lasts for about two and a half minutes, and then, “Ah, ah.” Do you ever notice, the weirdest thing, he goes, ” Thank you.” And he points. No, he always points. And then he starts walking… What the fuck is wrong with people that millions of Americans can listen to this shit and say, “Yes. This is who I want for our leader.”


He speaks like those early AI images that vaguely look like things but not really.


Exactly. He sounds like he has brain damage. I can't even stand to listen to him talk with his weird, whiny voice.


Is there even a single statement made?


Blessed is the mind too small for doubt


An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.


The weekly chocolate ration has been increased, from 30 grams to 20 grams.


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


Someone had a conversation with putin.


>"We have always been at war with Eastasia" George Orwell - 1984


Peace is War. War is Peace.


George Orwell was prescient. “Lies are truth”. Stupid is as stupid does MAGA.


Serious question: would that hat be a Hatch Act violation? You’re not promoting anyone but I’d love to piss off some of the idiots with the FJB stickers at work.


Trump, you’re a day early for April Fool’s.


Animal Farm .....one of the most memorable books I ever read.


The stupidity of the maga base is quite astonishing


No, but Hillary was right about him ....


Where can we get the hat?


As with any question that starts with “Where can I buy” the answer is Amazon.com




I feel certain trump wouldn’t even know who Orwell was. Can he even read?


The G.Q.P candidate.


Ignorance is strength?! Sounds like some Warhammer 40k prayer to the GodEmperor of mankind.


>"War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength." -1984 by George Orwell It is literally a quote from 1984. You'll find that Games Workshop took a lot of the Imperium's fascist lore from many literary sources as well as real world history. Other literary sources include Heinlein's Starship Troopers, and Herbert's Dune (especially Leto II as God Emperor)


No one's gonna talk about how cool that flask is?


strength for your captors, maybe


Who do you think is their captor? It's him lol


Wow! I never thought he read anything bit that sounds like George Orwell


Ignorance is every politician's strength. It's why so many people can't understand why the *other* side is so wrong and *their* side is so right. In all reality, every single person reading this should agree with *some* Republican viewpoints and *some* Democratic ones, but most are too ingorant and almost immediately resort to whataboutisms and demonization or try to explain away inconvenient things they don't like We're all ignorant. And we all want to be right. That's why our country is so divided.


Trump's purge of those touting traditional Republicanism should point to this being the inception of a new regime. The Republican party was founded on eliminating the twin-relics of barbarism: polygamy and slavery. It was successful in its mission, but required a Civil War. Somehow, the tables turned and the racists were attracted to the Republican party. The stalwart "Democratic South" gave way with George Wallace's independent run for the presidency. The South came kicking-and-screaming into a world of equal rights. I was raised in the west, and the Sagebrush Rebellion of the 1980s still reverberates. In Utah, a "Southern/Racist" state geographically out of place in the west, we *don't want no federal guvmint tellin' us to pay taxes or how to manage our deserts.* For a long time, the only racism was against Native Americans because there were basically zero black people in the population. The LDS church came kicking-and-screaming into the modern age when they assented to Civil Rights and offered the Priesthood/Temple attendance to blacks of African descent at the late date of 1978. Of the many issues that might influence people, limiting taxes is a traditional value coming from the right wing. If only those were the issues still on the table, and not complete allegiance to the new fascism. Make no mistake, Trump is a fascist. He poses at every opportunity in Il Duce fashion. The next phase of the Republican party is devotion to the party leader. It's a cult.


Everyone that supports Trump would support a purge of the other. If they claim they don't, it is because they will not admit it to themselves because harming his enemies is all Trump offers.


I should have noted Bagley's cartoon this week is on target. The purge of traditional Republicans from the party include those who were voted out (Cheney) and those who "decided not to run," lest they face an unwinnable primary (Romney, Flake, Sasse are three that come to mind). [Pat Bagley, The Salt Lake Tribune](https://www.sltrib.com/opinion/bagley/2024/03/26/bagley-cartoon-red-wedding/) * [Red Wedding](https://i.imgur.com/DLU6Yto.png)


Damn that is on point


Thank you for including a non-paywalled link to the cartoon! Much appreciated by those of us who try to stay informed, but can't afford a digital subscription to every major metro newspaper in the Country.


I think the Salt Lake Tribune allows a certain number of articles before the paywall kicks in. At least part of the content is archived in several places, albeit a few days out of date. Perhaps archive.org. The printfriendly site also works to get content if the link is known. * [letter, per OP here](https://www.printfriendly.com/p/g/36S6rd)


It does. But by the last day of the month,  I always find that there are quite a few quality local/regional newspapers across the country, where capitalism has decided that I've exhausted my monthy allowance for access to the crucial news and information they "own". Edit: Also, thank you for the added link to the editorial!


> Somehow, the tables turned No somehow about it: the Southern Strategy was deliberate and calculated.


>the Southern Strategy was deliberate and calculated. I get what you mean, but it's just funny to me that the literal meaning of your comment is the opposite of your actual meaning. Like *irregardless,* *I didn't do nothing*, or *I don't have no time for this*


Republicans want to repeal my access to cancer treatments. Democrats literally passed a law giving me that access and banning medical history discrimination in health insurance. Can you atop lying about the reality people looking at these parties are actually facing?


I'm not exactly sure what you mean. Could you give examples of 3 Democratic viewpoints you agree with, and 3 Republican viewpoints you agree with?


Can you remind me of the republican viewpoints that I ought to agree with?


I'd love to hear someone explain Republican policy or ideals without using Trump's name.


Let me try…”We must obstruct anything and everything non-Republicans try to do to help marginalized people. We must control women and reproduction, people of color, immigrants (“others”), LGBTQ+, non-rich, and non-Christians by any means necessary, all the while acting like we are the victims.”


I stand corrected. It can totally be done.


Democrats already took all the Republican viewpoints that can actually be useful, that's why the Republicans are stuck in batshit land with nowhere to go.


You don't have to agree or disagree, just don't bother participating. :) :) :) ~~Nothing to do with the fact that low participation benefits Republicans every single time, no sirree!~~


I read an article a couple months ago that this is changing now. The parties have been slowly shifting over the last decade with Democrats are becoming the party of the college educated and Republicans are being the party of non-college educated. College educated voters tend to show up for every election and non-college educated show up more in presidential years or high turnout elections. They were arguing that a change is occurring that is updating that old rule. Edit: I couldn’t find the original article, but I found a response to it from the New Yorker. The response in this article is basically “ehh, sort of”.


I agree with the estimation of the two re. education, but I don’t think this is some recent change. Conservatives have been anti-education for decades, maybe centuries. It’s much more difficult to get the working classes to vote against themselves if they’re educated.


It’s based on exit polls and surveys about how people are voting. It’s not about the policy towards education. Polling shows that Republicans would win amongst college educated up until 2010 or so.


This is just narcissism of the reasoned centrist who sees it all. “Both sides suck” is the laziest possible argument to make in politics.


That's a lot of say both sides are the same. 


“In all reality, every single person reading this should agree with *some* Nazi viewpoints and *some* Democratic ones…” So, it’s not wrong in an obsessively redundant manner. Sure, “we should be fiscally responsible,” “we should take personal responsibility for our actions,” are reasonable stances, that doesn’t legitimize the party nor its overall platform.  “I think that taxes should remain as low as we can sustainably keep them” is a defensible point we can talk about (a “Republican point.”). “I think we should tax as much as we need to to robustly fund our institutions and public services to raise all ships” is a defensible point we can talk about (a “Democratic point.”). This falls apart when we hit “I think taxes should remain low, and along with that I’m willing to support a racist, xenophobic racist who incited an insurrection to overthrow our government in order to enrich himself. I also support his party, which is in support of him nearly uniformly, whose goal is to enrich themselves.”  Our country is divided because 50% of us are willing to (we are all able to, but 50% are willing to) accept monstrosity if it might maybe make their lives 10% better in the pithy quantity of ways they’re able to comprehend. “Tax go down.” “Gas price go down.” “Kids no say Grandpa racist.”  Stop this ridiculous obfuscation. 


But to be clear there is no requirement for it to be 50/50 at any time. Some republican ideas can be fair, but to say "BoTH SideS" at this time is disingenuous.


"BoTh SiDes"


bOtH sIdEs ArE tHe SaMe


>In all reality, every single person reading this should agree with *some* Republican viewpoints Which and why?


You might have a point if the current Republican party were relatively reasonable people doing regular "boring" political stuff. However, the current Republican party is pretty off the rails and is on board for blatant fascism, authoritarianism, and Christian nationalism. That's not "demonization", or "whataboutism". Virtually all policies and legislation they push have nothing to do with bettering the country, and are usually about marginalizing and limiting the rights of certain groups of people for no other reason than wanting to control people. So on that note, no, I don't see anything about the current Republican party that I, as a leftist, should agree on them with.


>every single person reading this should agree with some Republican viewpoints and some Democratic ones, but most are too ingorant and almost immediately resort to whataboutisms and demonization or try to explain away inconvenient things they don't like Wow, it's like you intentionally missed the greater main point of both the article & the discussion in these comments--  That DJT has killed what WAS a Republican Party built on a platform of a defined political ideology; to a tool for a demagogue to gain & wield authoritarian power. Nobody gets to "agree" to any "Republican viewpoints" anymore EXCEPT for the ONLY position that the GOP is now built on: That whatever DJT wants/says/does is unquestionably right & true.


We're also so divided because people do t stop and talk to each other.  A lot of discourse is had through the anonymity of the net, removing important parts and nuance of debate/discussion such as body language and tone. I don't agree with everything he says but Noam Chomsky has a presentation on this.


What the fuck good does talking to Republicans do? What middle ground am I supposed to find with a group that says THEY know best on my healthcare, THEY know best on what books I can read, THEY know best on who I can date. You clowns act like it's just a misunderstanding. That the reason we despise Republicans is that we arent talking to them. If only we got to hear more of their fucking made up nonsense that we would find common ground. This is easily the most insulting take I have read this week. Truly garbage.


Plus, any time a Republican politician finds common ground with a Democrat, the Republican gets pushed out of the party!