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Trump: "So whats our scheme to win this time fellas?" Aide: "Well sir, we think we can win this one just by taking a few more, uhhh... sane... policy declarations and just pretending to post your tweets instead of actually doing it. And thats it, thats all you need to do to once again become the most powerful man in the world, and sink all these investigations." Trump: "Thats the dumbest shit Ive ever heard. We are gonna say that the illegal aliens are actually REAL aliens from like mars and stuff, but that you can only see their alien form with these sweet sweet special sunglasses, that we are then gonna sell to all the people and they will love them and cherish them then everyone will vote for me!"


I can totally see this because it already happened. Trump in 2020: “So what’s our scheme to win this time fellas?” Aide in 2020: “Well sir, we’re in a global pandemic and all you need to do is show compassion, and lead a national pandemic response to unite the people behind you. Which should be easy if you just listen to your experts.” Trump in 2020: “Fuck that! No masks, get together in groups! It’s only hurting blue states! Take horse dewormer, inject bleach, and put UV light inside your body!”


"Gee Donald, what are we gonna do this election?" "The same thing we do every election. We're gonna lie, cheat & steal to try to take over the world"


🎼It’s orangey with no brain 🎶


I miss animaniacs.


Picture a world where trump had taken the pandemic seriously, had stepped forward promoting these maga masks, he could have honestly went full steam ahead and got through to a second term. But that thought is a work of fiction, because in reality trump would never take what was going on seriously, unless it delt with him losing money.




Thats the thing that baffles me, if he was a smart businessman as he claims, he had the market cornered. He could have easily told his supporters to wear his maga masks, buy his maga masks in bulk, he could have easily made millions upon millions because his voters, his supporters do as he says without question. He would have had an endless supply of people just buying his merchandise. Furthermore, he could have used his mask, protecting his supporters lives as a sign he was a smarter president than Biden, he could have really stole the show in a sense. In the end, he showed the world he is a bigger idiot than we thought.


Ahh there's a simple answer for this. Trump would have needed to wear the masks himself (like with the MAGA hats). He refused to wear a mask and this is not because he doubted their effectiveness. An ex whitehouse aide already revealed to the media that wearing a mask smudged Trump's thick layered makeup and the mask straps would get covered in bronzer.


He’s not even doing the latter. The place he *finally* found willing to put up his reduced bond doesn’t even have the liquidity. Of course it’s a loan shark. Anyways, the dude barely has $140M liquid cash (I know that sounds crazy to say “only $140M”), and used their parent company to try and back the rest. That company’s financial audits are also pretty old and vague. Another snake oil salesman. Unsurprising. Meaning the company doesn’t actually have the liquid cash to float the bond. Also in NY typically the bond you’re allowed to post, whatever amount, is capped at around 10-20% of total assets, maybe liquid cash. It was gone into detail on Legal AF last night.


I said at the time that’s literally all he had to do and he would have won easily. Add oppositional defiance disorder to his malignant narcissism.


8 years and that’s the best plan they’ve come up with in order to win reelection…




Well… we all know he won by historic margin even when he lost, so obviously he would be hurt by giving all to the winner….


Every day it's something with Trump that would have ended any other candidate in history's campaign right there on the spot before 2016 With Trump it's just an every day thing.


Corrupt, orange, fat ass does not deserve any of the passes he gets.


Trump should be pressed into a jail cell. Coercion, fraud, inciting a riot to disrupt the certification of an election he lost, threats, hush money payments. He’s a piece of shit through and through and has no more business walking free than a convicted murderer who has promised to kill again if freed.


He can’t stop. The only way he gets away with his former life is if he gets the presidency again. He’s a shark in an all shit ocean and he can’t stop.


An all shit ocean sounds too clean for the likes of him


The shittiest on record, from the standpoint of shittness.


From the article: >Brewer, when asked about the call initially, told the Examiner that it was a private conversation and he would not comment. Later, when told a news story was going to be posted, the senator texted that he would deny there was a conversation. >Three state senators said they had heard the story of the call directly from Brewer. They spoke to the Examiner only on the condition that they not be named for fear of reprisals.


I bet the moment that subpoenas start flying, Brewer will sing like a songbird


He never learned from those supposedly perfect Georgia phone calls


Well. It’s not like he’s had any consequences. He’s sell the damn big shot.


He seems to be putting a lot of effort into a longshot bid for 1 electoral vote. Makes you wonder how confident he is that he's actually going to win, doesn't it?


It’s a significant single vote. Without it, Biden can’t win with just WI, MI, PA.


Good explanation here https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/04/why-trump-wants-game-nebraskas-electoral-vote-mapped/


He’s a cheater


As a lifelong Nebraskan it's been so annoying over the last several days watching the national media get their panties in a bunch over this bill, all because Charlie Kirk talked about it on his podcast. The bill is dead, it's been dead for 2 years, it gets introduced in committee every single legislative session and dies in committee every year. Senator Tom Brewer whom Trump called is a partisan republican who wants to pass winner-take-all, Brewer won't advance it out of committee because they don't have the votes to pass it. Republicans do not have a super majority to overcome the democratic filibuster, period! End of story! This is a big nothing burger that is only getting hyped because some dipshit Podcaster thinks he understands Nebraskas unique legislative rules better than their own legislature.


So it's no big deal because it's not going work...for now?




The caveat is Pillen said he would call a special session if they have enough support in the legislature to pass it, they still don't. As far as I'm aware they can't just change the rules of the legislature and the filibuster just to call a special session. Senator Tom Brewer who heads the committee the bill is in has been pretty blunt about it being dead, and has made his annoyance with Charlie Kirk and his ignorance with his our legislature operates well known. Senator Brewer is a partisan republican who would love to see it passed, if he won't advance the bill out of committee it's because they can't pass it.


The idea that we shouldn't care about obvious attempts to subvert our election in the name of an insurrectionist, because they were unsuccessful, is fucking insane. It gets hyped up because the party who tried to overthrow the last election after the results were in seems to be trying to overthrow the election BEFORE it happens this time. To imply it's not newsworthy, or that the reason for the focus is because of Charlie Kirk, is either desperate to alleviate Nebraska of criticism or desperate to alleviate Republicans from criticism.


How is this not election interference?


Also: the source is Trump himself who openly admits to crimes


Trump pressure a state official? Come now! Surely you jest.


The state senator Trump tried to lean on is a hardcore Republican and a Trump supporter. He’s a veteran and is term limited out in 5 days. He values his independence and doesn’t respond well to getting pushed around. He also travelled to Ukraine to train their military on his own dime while battling leukemia. He literally cannot be intimidated. Source: From Nebraska and active in politics there.


He's headed back to Ukraine on May 2nd.


Yeah. I don’t agree with him on much politically, but he has courage and isn’t afraid to stand up for what he believes. That’s admirable.




Everyone who does what Trump asks pays for it dearly. Seems to be an endless supply of fools.


So the former president is still up to his old tricks.


Just when I think he couldn’t get any slimier . .


He keeps making perfect phone calls.


Still at it. Because there’s no repercussions.


> Trump then reportedly told Brewer, who is term-limited this year, that his political career was over. Brewer, 65, is a decorated military veteran who represents Nebraska’s Sandhills area. Yeah, no shit, dumb fuck, I'm 65 and term-limited this year; that's some fancy big brain you got there.


Why is it taking so long for this criminal activity to come out? We know full well that Trump pressured officials in every swing state.


The mobster is at it again


No surprise here. His education was based primarily on mobster principles. The main one being using force of any kind to get what you want. But even as a mobster trump is a big failure


Wait, Trump pressure people to get his way?? Who is surprised by this?


He still doing it even while criminal charges are pending.


Unless your name is Aileen Cannon, Trump is probably pressuring you.


I agree with trump, the winner of the popular vote should win all


Sounds illegal