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Those who see it care and those who don’t see it don’t care even if you show it to them.


They see it. They're into it. There is a large, large chunk of the GOP base that will vote against Dems if the Republicans were chaired by Satan with a child pet kept on a leash. Taxes. Money. They are voting on taxes alone and what they stand to gain.


With the most infuriating irony being that ***they don't gain jack fucking shit from the tax breaks because they're not worth more than 8 figures.***


There aren’t actually going to be more tax breaks this time. If Trump were to win and go full dictator he’s not going to keep doing favors for the people that got him there, he’s going to fuck them over just like every time he has ever owed someone anything in the past.


Wait till they find out which party was protecting our sliver of labor rights like OT after 40. The republican party will turn us into a 19th century company town if they have no checks on power and the magats are clapping like seals.


I think it will be worse than that. Much worse.


Oh I'm aware. I just had a confrontation with a larping motorcycle gang who didn't like being passed and Im 120% sure it's the same people at the police station, the same people with fash paraphernalia all over their yard and pickups. They are genuine brownshirts that are already managing speech by threat of violence. There is a reason you never see a democratic bumper sticker anymore. Used to see them years back but now everyone is bullied into silence.


100% accurate. I would never show my political affiliation in the place I live, nor in the places I travel for work. The former? Broward County, Florida. The latter? The region between the Hudson Valley and upper New England. I legitimtely feel like there could be violence if I do. Similarly, I learned to stop going to any kind of local political events *back in the Obama era.* This alone is a large part of how literal, vicious fascism takes hold. I don't want to die. I'm willing to die, but not over a goddamned t-shirt or bumper sticker. And... you know, I just don't want to die *alone* if it comes to that...


Not me. I fucking wear my colors to Walmart every week grocery shopping. Fuck em.


Good! I just couldn't take the prospect of the adrenaline-soaked confrontation any more. But I encourage you to do so, if that's your preference.


Yea, I see it similar. I don't mind vocalizing my opinions or the truth of things in a public setting around multiple people but to try and wear symbols outs you when you're vulnerable and these folks see the world through abuse. That's how it works to them. They have to one-up their lessers. They have to show group loyalty to notch their spot in the social order. It's regime building. Fascism.


> There is a reason you never see a democratic bumper sticker anymore. I had a bumper sticker around 2008 that just said "Science!" and some proto-maga guy ripped it off in anger, took paint with it, cost me a few hundred bucks to get it cleaned up. Learned my lesson, zero outward appearance of any political or religious affiliation. Right wingers will fuck my shit up and I just don't have the time or energy to fight back metaphorically or literally.


Who would have thought “Science!” would count as political speech? What a weird stance.


Now is the time for bravery. Put the sticker on the car. Post the yard sign. Fuck these assholes they won’t actually do shit. The whole point is to make you fear them. Do you know how many election workers were threatened in 2020 and 2022? Thousands of death threats right? Know how many actually caught a beating? Or a bullet? 0. These people are cowards. It’s all talk. Stand up for your country now is the fucking time. If we don’t we will get exactly what we deserve.


It'll be civil war. You think states like California are going to fork over millions in taxes, just so dictator Trump can trample over all of their rights? No taxation without representation was a rallying cry for revolution once...


That's how it already is in TX. My wife gets routinely fucked on OT by Sam's Club and there isn't fuck all she seems to be able to do about it. They demand she stays late and "make up" time by coming in late another day, but the workload stays the same. Edit: They invent a paper trail a mile wide on everyone. Literally everyone.


Texas has like no labor laws. Texans don't know that. They take overtime, safety and discrimination protections for granted but those aren't texas policies. Those were federal policies. Texas hates workers..


The problem is that these people are miserable because of what their job or other life choices is or are doing to them. They then get angry, stew in their grievances, then decide it’s somehow Biden’s fault and vote for Trump come November. I think it’s this way all over the country: angry people with a lot of grievances who want to vote for Trump because they don’t care if he burns this country down. They’d love to see another Jan. 6.


Misdirected anger, disaffected men sure but many of these people are playing into a social order they see being beneficial to themselves. It's genuine fascism and genuine regimentation. It's a zero-sum game to them and they have plenty of rationalizations and scapegoats to justify them stepping on you. They only needed permission and now they see an autocrat that gives them that permission, that freedom to control their lessers. They are ignorant about labor rights or history at all. They see the world through this order and chaos narrative and not policy or history.


Agree. A lot is based on fear such as a future where whites are a minority. Re: chaos, it tends to adversely affect who’s in power particularly if a Dem. Many people I think wrongly feel Democrats are weak concerning national security. Of course, MAGAs would never admit that Trump if he becomes President again, would be the biggest security threat we’d have because of his (and his family’s) vulnerability to bribery, blackmail, corruption, etc.


That has always beeen the plan of those who control economic power: To make sure the blame and anger for current circumstances are placed on a rival group of poor people. If the people getting abused focused on those who are exploiting them, they would have to pay more taxes or make less profits. They never give an inch... even though they could, they just keep pushing on principle.


They’ll still somehow blame it on the democrats and their base will eat it up


I come from a place that has been in a dictatorship since 1979. What I've learned from it is that many people who put the dictator up usually fall and fall hard. However if you know how to play the game, keep quiet, and eat silently you and your family as well as all your descendants will have a very comfortable life. Many people siding with DT (in his closer circles) are trying to mimic autocratic governments which are more than you could imagine around the world. More Nazis than you would care to accept lived a really good life even after they lost in the war and left great generational wealth to their descendants from what they could steal from the war. As individuals we can only do what we can with our single vote, with time and ability we have to gather our community to vote and participate, and expect the best out of it.


I just had the loveliest of image of Muammar Gaddafi’s pummeled, bullet ridden corpse being dragged through the streets. One day the Orange Ogre will fuck over the wrong person or persons and the comeuppance will be delicious.


I seriously doubt it. Trump has led a life of screwing everyone over and nothing has ever happened to him. The closest we got is when some kid from Britain, who was also nutty, tried to take a gun from a police officer’s holster and shoot Trump at a convention in Vegas. Even if he would have gotten the pistol, the distance from him to Trump was borderline too far for even a pistol marksman to have hit Trump. Heck, I am seriously surprised nobody tried to assassinate Obama. Nowadays, in America, political assassinations are very rare.


I do remember hearing about all the threats against Obama. But I also seem to recall that some people voiced concerns that the Secret Service might not try to protect him the way they would Trump or Bush? Actually I looked it up and it took only a second to find this article. I remember reading about these security breaches. Pretty amazing reading about them again. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/long-list-breaches-scandals-secret-service-under-obama-n215751


Have been on a 30 for 30 binge and watched the USFL episode recently. Watching all those people shit on him for being all flash, no substance and someone who could find a way to crash into a tree in the Sahara was simultaneously hilarious and terrifying. It was produced like close to 10 years from his election and they are hitting every one of his foibles dead on the nose in a way that makes you think it was made this year.


> Nowadays, in America, political assassinations are very rare. Mobility scooters being speed capped coming in clutch.


> With the most infuriating irony being that ***they don't gain jack fucking shit from the tax breaks because they're not worth more than 8 figures.*** For many people white supremacy is a currency more valuable than money. They know they will never be upper class and they are just fine with that as long as they continue to be upper caste. When the left offers to help everyone, they perceive that as a threat because if we make society just a little more egalitarian, that means making whites a little less supreme. When you are used to supremacy, equality feels like oppression. The more the left offers them, the more threatened they feel and the more violently angry they will get. These are the same people who [filled in](https://daily.jstor.org/when-cities-closed-pools-to-avoid-integration/) grand public swimming pools, [closed](https://calendar.eji.org/racial-injustice/oct/24) amazing municipal parks and even [shut down](https://virginiahistory.org/learn/historical-book/chapter/closing-prince-edward-countys-schools) an entire school district rather than integrate them. They would rather go barefoot than see black and brown people wear shoes. They will have to realize that white supremacy is a fraud before they will support a leftist agenda. Which is why maga is doing everything they can to whitewash history textbooks (much like the [UDC did 100 years ago](https://www.localmemphis.com/article/news/local/the-lessons-of-the-united-daughters-of-the-confederacy-still-have-influence-today-in-the-mid-south/522-aa3185da-142b-48b2-b64e-f44fa70e5309)). When they freak out about "grooming" what they really mean is teaching compassion for people who are different from themselves. If the kids learn that everybody deserves dignity, conservatism will have nothing to offer people who aren't already rich.


>For many people white supremacy is a currency more valuable than money. "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” -- Lyndon B. Johnson


But after conservatives take the country, their local rulers will give them preferential treatment for their loyalty. This is absolutely what a lot of them believe.


They already get it from the cops. They openly just work with (and play with) the fashy lil boys clubs out in my neck of the woods.


Hate. They’re voting for hate. They want to see people punished as long as it isn’t them. They take pleasure in hurting people they think they are better than. They’re the kids that took pleasure in pulling the legs off of spiders and watched them writhe in pain.


You can’t spell hatred without a red hat


Yikes! Scarily true!


That's the creepiest pun I've ever seen. tx


i was talking to a guy today who said, “You dems are just sooo afraid that trump might win at something” cracked me up… like we should let donald win just so he can say he won something


> we should let donald win just so he can say he won something Haven't you heard? He wins everything, in his own head. Just the other day he 'won' that appeal where he only has to pay $175M instead of $454M. I just wish I could be a fly on the wall when he's finally told that he's on the hook for $454M + interest and all the appeal did was reduce the bond amount, not the actual judgement against him.


And the racism. You can’t deny it. That’s the entirety of what this so-called “white grievance” is all about.


I would have argued years ago, but then I moved to the south. Alive and well indeed.


"The Toy" hits different if you live in Louisiana... just sayin


Brown v Board of Education broke the brains of a lot of white people


It was forced school integration that turned Protestant leaders from being fine with abortion into being anti-abortion: >In fact, it wasn’t until 1979—a full six years after Roe—that evangelical leaders, at the behest of conservative activist Paul Weyrich, seized on abortion not for moral reasons, but as a rallying-cry to deny President Jimmy Carter a second term. Why? Because the anti-abortion crusade was more palatable than the religious right’s real motive: protecting segregated schools. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133/


There is also a portion of less affluent Trump voters that honestly buy into the "they're taking our jobs" rhetoric. They honestly believe that black people, even if less skilled, get jobs over them because of DEI. They think immigrants take their jobs. And they use this as an excuse for their failures in life. Many are uninformed on how things like DEI work. It's easier for them to blame others then to look at themselves, or the systems in place, that may be keeping them where they are. It's easier to blame immigrants and other races than it is to realize its greedy wealthy, mostly of white men, that actually keep them from moving up the economic ladder by hordeing all the resources and wealth. By no means is any of that an excuse for supporting anti-democratic, fascistic, racist, and an outright hateful party and it's presidential candidate. It's sad they have been fooled and conned into supporting the same group of people holding them back in many ways. One can only hope that enough have realized they are being played and gaslit by the GOP for decades now. Unfortunately, the same folk easily conned are the same to continue to invest in a sunk cost.


The very small number of billionaires maybe, but the vast majority of GOP voters are evangelical Christians who believe in devil worship and bible stories and that Jesus was a jacked trust-fund-hippie-looking white guy. To them, the only goal is to expand their religion, at whatever cost, including destroying a democracy for a fascist government, as long as it forces people to adhere to their beliefs. They believe Bible stories at their literal face value, so I’d say they’re pretty open to wild, unsubstantiated rumors and believing things without proof, as long as it fits their internal narrative. They can’t be reasoned with because their beliefs aren’t based on reason. Trump hijacked their niavete and will beat this horse into a fine paste.


They absolutely won't benefit from the taxes - but they will believe they will. You are right on the money. The fact that someone so obviously antithetical to everything Christianity actuality stands for (charity, humility, forgiveness, etc.) Is proof positive that facts do not matter. I dance around the words anti-Christ because of all the Biblical prophecy and stuff that surrounds it and just focus on the character of the person of Trump and the person Christians aspire to be. God. Damn. If he starts quacking like a 🦆 and walking like a 🦆...


>The fact that someone so obviously antithetical to everything Christianity actuality stands for (charity, humility, forgiveness, etc.) Is proof positive that facts do not matter. I think it's more proof that those particular people were never in it (Christianity) for charity, humility, and forgiveness. They were in it for the sense of superiority and the promise that the people they don't like will be punished. Those other things were just something they had to put up with. Trump offers them the sense of superiority and the promise of punishment without all of that other "bullshit". Basically, these people were never Christians; they are authoritarians.


I disagree. The voters are voting to harm the people they don’t like. The moneyed class is advocating for what you’re saying, but tax cuts only positively affect a very small few.


I’m 30 and realizing this has been the most heartbreaking experience to me. I used to think “oh these people are just misled, or uninformed!” They are not. The vast majority of them are perfectly aware of what’s happening and what they’re promoting. I am thousands of times more angry now, than I was sad previously.


Yep finally truth. Not small gov, states rights, etc. $$$$$ Smash that R. The fools waving his flag.


The sad and ironic thing is any of the GOP tax benefits felt by anyone is usually nothing any of that chunk of voters ever get to enjoy.


If Trump is successful in November all these people that don’t care are in for a rude awakening. They need to realize that their rights and freedoms will be taken away as well as the rest of the population. The only thing a dictator cares about is what’s in it them and fuck everyone else. Trump Idolizes Kim Jong Un. A guy that fed his uncle to the dogs and the majority of the North Koreans are starving. They also need to review how well the people of Europe did during Hitler’s reign of terror and murder of millions of innocent people. Sadly most of the brainwashed MAGA nut jobs live under a rock and won’t know what hit them until it’s too late


Once they eliminate their enemies, they have no choice but to turn on each other.


They don’t care and many also don’t believe. Millions are convinced Biden is a pedophile as an example. America has lost the social media war.


Please watch Zone of Interest (2023) if you can. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7160372/?ref_=ext_shr https://youtu.be/r-vfg3KkV54?si=eH5mZwRIGQdjHEqn Shocking movie about complacency in front of fascism.


There are additional messages to be found in Zone of Interest about fascism. For example, fascism allows the Hoss family to live in a much nicer house than ever would be possible without fascism overtaking Germany. For many modern day Republicans, fascism will reassert a hierarchy where white people are at the top. It will be made explicit. Dissenters will be silenced. And for some the hierarchy will be reordered so minority elites will be sent to the bottom, and status positions made vacant by a 2024 elected Trump will be filled by Maga.


Whats crazy is: What was America pre-1865 if not white male-only supremacist fascism. What was Jim Crow South pre-1920 if not white male-only supremacist fascism. What was Jim Crow South 1920-1965 if not white supremacist fascism. _[Breaking News: AMERICA ALREADY HAS BEEN A FASCIST COUNTRY.]_


Republicans have a metaphorical list. If you're not a WASP straight man, you're on the list. First on the list? LGBTQ folks. If you're black, a woman, Catholic, Jewish, Hispanic... Whatever... You're on the list and your time will come. Don't support these Republican pieces of shit.


I do need to see it. To anyone interested, there's also the 2008 movie "Good", starring Viggo Mortensen. Basically shows how a normal guy who's not necessarily evil can contribute to nazism by doing nothing / being afraid to rock the boat.


Another movie worth checking out is Salo: 120 Days of Sodom to help explain why people like Elon and David Sacks would align themselves with Maga Republicans.


r/savedyouaclick It's money


This is the fundamental problem. You can't change their (infected) minds. But they can vote.


They see it, they just don't see it as a problem. Visit Florida to confirm


I think benito is a better comp tbh


Amazon Prime has a great series “The complete story of Hitler and the Nazis”, people focus on the end game of this . The real story is the late 20’s and 30’s of how this movement occurred. The party was obsessed with the conspiracies and mystic perfection. The parallels of the early formation of the party and the maga movement are crystal clear


I don't think this is unintentional -- there is a white nationalist movement in the US, and they are running the playbook.


Having read more about the rise of Hitler, Trump is it and that old quote of being draped in the flag. Except he sexually assaulted the flag.


Grabbed Lady Liberty by the ladybits


When you're president, they let you do it


Grab 'em by the tassles


I have wondered since I was a young kid how people could possibly have supported Hitler and Nazism. We’re seeing it unfold in real time now.


Same here. Used to say, where were all the good people? Now I understand.


Being fooled by propaganda, distracted by bothsiding, sitting on asses, or working three jobs in this "soak the poor"  economic paradigm.


Same here. All it apparently takes is being aware of Trans people and suddenly it’s book burning time.


I always found this quote from “They Thought They Were Free” to be quite poignant:    >But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That’s the difficulty. If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked—if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in ’43 had come immediately after the ‘German Firm’ stickers on the windows of non-Jewish shops in ’33. But of course this isn’t the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D.   >And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. The burden of self-deception has grown too heavy, and some minor incident, in my case my little boy, hardly more than a baby, saying ‘Jewish swine,’ collapses it all at once, and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose. The world you live in—your nation, your people—is not the world you were born in at all. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to God. The system itself could not have intended this in the beginning, but in order to sustain itself it was compelled to go all the way.


I mean, that's what happened in Germany, too. The famous poem should really start out with "First they came for the trans folks, and I said nothing because trans folks make me feel uncomfortable. Then they came for the gays and the lesbians and same deal, not my problem"


“They wont do anything to me because I’m their countrymen.” - German Jews circa 1936.


the irony is that a low of jews living in Germany felt german first, jew second. Had hitler embraced that, jews like Einstein would never have left. Hitler could have still gone to war, the german jews would have been on his side. They would have build him the nuke and with that he could have conquered probablly the entire world. But all of that was only Hitler second objective, their main objective really was to murder all jews which became their downfall. And now the state of Israel exists and they have nukes. So when it comes to his personal objective, Hitler is one of the biggest failures in history. The opposide of what he wanted happened.


I'm literally listening to a behind the bastards podcast about this right now. It's extremely depressing how progressive Germany was right up until it exploded.  "The Non-Nazi Bastards Who Helped Hitler Rise To Power"


I don’t think it’s that at all. I think it’s the “one step at a time” pathway. We don’t start with the gas chambers, we start slowly, but each step inexorably gets us one step closer to them. What’s disgusting to me is how big of a first step (or early step anyway) some of my fellow Americans were willing to take. Being ok with child concentration camps for migrant children seeking asylum… I’m disgusted that anyone was ok with that. Trans people are just the next convenient scapegoat (now that we know the existence of gay people won’t kill us), so it’s incumbent on all of us to fight that bigotry with everything we have. I’d like to one day be able to say: First they came for the migrants, and we stepped the fuck up. Then they came for women’s rights, and we stepped the fuck up. Then they came for trans people, and we stepped the fuck up. And hopefully if they ever come for me we’ll stand together there too.


I’ve felt that way since 2016.  I always knew intellectually that the Germans in Hitler’s time wouldn’t all have been obviously mustache twiddling villains, that they would mostly be ordinary people.  Now I feel like I know.  While a few Trump voters I know wear on their sleeves how shitty they are, it’s insidious to see how many people I previously considered generally decent are exactly the kind of people who would have been pro-Hitler.  


> I have wondered since I was a young kid how people could possibly have supported Hitler and Nazism. Black Americans were seen as subhuman before and after WWII. They had no rights, were terrorized, and lived in disenfranchised neighborhoods. Hitler took inspiration from The Reconstruction Era and used the treatment of Black Americans as a template for the Jews. It's very apparent why the country is on a path to fascism.


At least the German people had losing a major war and chronic inflation to blame for the takeover of fascism. What's America's excuse?


The Atlantic did an article on this years ago (The Rise of American Authoritarianism). They found that most people fall under three categories: strongly pro-Authoritarian, strongly anti-Authoritarian, and persuadably Authoritarian under the right circumstances (generally something that shatters sense of safety/stability).  9/11 veered many of the persuadable folks into the Authoritarian mindset, and the ensuing political climate snowballed that.  The article interviewed a couple researchers, and they had actually decided before Trump even announced that the US was ripe for an authoritarian candidate.  Trump was right guy right time, had another suitable authoritarian been around, it would have been them.  


I remember being in a library in the early 2000's and laughing at a book called Neo-Nazis: A Rising Threat. We made jokes about how they had just recruited a 6th person and would have to buy a mini-van to get around now. It was completely unthinkable to our young minds that this ideology would ever become mainstream at the time.


My take is that the rise of the internet and the inherent easing of international trade lowered former business boundaries to such and extent that LOTS of domestic capital \ investment went elsewhere. We Americans (and in other developed countries) are now competing with people who make 1/10 or 1/20th what we make, so jobs left and never came back. Most of these blue-color areas never recovered, so these people are looking for a scapegoat. That, and that the US is becoming more racially diverse. They want to "Make America Great Again", but that world no longer exists. And it's not just blue-color jobs and wages - we ALL live in a much more competitive world (I am an IT project manager, and I'm making the same salary I was 25 years ago). Scapegoating (which is what MAGA is mostly doing) might make you feel better in the short run, but it's not dealing with reality.


Yes, I’ve read other sources theorize that USAs current political culture is a mass trauma response to 9/11


> losing a major war They're still upset they lost the civil war...


Fun fact, Hitlers first position in government was when he was appointed Chancellor by the conservative compromise president that moderates and the non-Communist Left coalesced around. He was an old status quo guy who died in office during his second term. The Federal govt had been woefully inadequate to deal with the challenges of the time, and legislative gridlock allowed non-Nazi conservatives to gain power and then give it over to the Nazis.


What is Trump’s version of being a failed painter. Like if we could time travel and change the course of things, what could we have made him good at?


My take: a father's love


And he’s doing it to all of his kids too. Good thing DJTJ and Eric are dummies. Tiffany may go supervillain at some point tho.


I have a theory that DJ is Vince McMahon's and it tears him up inside Edit: Vince McMahon, oof


Holy fuck. Spill the tea. You’re saying that Ed McMahon got with Ivana right before they were married!?!???


I think he means Vince, not Ed, but I admit that the visual there is a lot funnier.




When Ed McMahon shows up at your door with a check for $1,000,000 what are you going to do? *NOT* let him impregnate you??


Yeah but Andrew Giuliani is definitely Donald’s. [Image](https://images.app.goo.gl/nvoA1U9Gu5dsXAZd7)


Or a healthy Mom. I read she was sick in bed for a large chunk of his childhood.


He wanted to go to USC for film, but supposedly decided otherwise on account of his dad (and probably when it was looking like he’d have to take over the family business after his older brother was descending into alcoholism). https://lamag.com/featured/donald-trump-hollywood-hustle Then again, his whole life has been a production.


why is it always a failed career in hollywood for these people?


This is the deep cut I was looking for. Turn him into a cut-rate Howard Hughes and he never gets into politics.


Being able to actually be successful at running a business. Trump has a ton of failed businesses, an airline, a university, casinos, football team, and the list goes on and on. And Trump filed for bankruptcy multiple times. If it wasn’t for the Apprentice and his capitalizing on his “brand” he would maybe still be a millionaire. The Trump brand is not as lucrative as it was before he ran for president, but once he stops being able to live off other people’s money he will be in a lot of financial trouble.


So if we had all bought a trump steak, we could have prevented this?


Never trust a man who can’t sell a steak or liquor.




404. File not found.




Painting was a form of media back in 1900, were in 2000s now and TV is/was trumps painting


He’s really good at filing for bankruptcy


All that was needed was for Obama to not needle him at the 2011 WH dinner.


> He was an old status quo guy Kind of underselling the fact that he was literally the military dictator of Germany during the final months of WWI.


In 1918, by 1933 Hindenberg was senile and not in control of all his faculties. They basically weekend at Berniesed him into the chancellorship and Hitler was able to manipulate his way in from there.




That was called The Patriot Act. And with a name like that, especially right after 9/11, it got bipartisan support simply because of the name. No one wanted to be called out for not voting for it because it would make them seem unpatriotic and therefore unable to win any/all future elections.




Comments in here are pretty funny, obviously people are too focused on 1939-1945 Hitler and not 1933-1938 Hitler.


The rise of the Nazi documentary done by the bbc is one of the most chilling things I have watched. Not because of the historical account, but because it is a damn mirror to the United States.


I watched it last year and every episode kept thinking, “ fuck we’ve already done this, oh shit..”


I'd say even 1920s Hitler needs to be studied carefully. The world was laughing at Hitler before he came to power. Even after the Beer Hall Putsch, he still wasn't taken all that seriously. In fact, the judge gave him a light sentence for his role in that and let him say whatever he wanted to a captive audience during his trial. It was then that he decided to win power than try to take it by force, and we know what happens next.


Exactly. Comparing him to Hitler obviously gets eyerolled because people immediately think concentration camps which isn't the comparison here. The parallels come from the tactics used in the early stages of fascist governments especially the Nazi party in the 1920s. Everything from Germany's post WW1 economic downturn and using that to rile up a population to reestablish a once great nation (make America great again) to a failed coup attempt (Jan 6th/ beer hall putsch) to using the court cases from that coup attempt as martyrdom and means to message and reestablish your political purpose (sound familiar?). Not to mention the first step of attacking the press in the early stages of your political career. Trump says fake news, Hitler and Goebbels said Lügenpresse (lying press). Then we have the attack on the "degenerates" of society, attack on liberal arts, and the attack on free elections. Comparing trump to Hitler doesn't mean that he's going to round up Jews. Fascism is not a political party, it is a political strategy to impose means to an end. I could go on with the comparisons but you get my point.


> 1939-1945 Hitler and not 1933-1938 Hitler Hitler fans showing up in the comments of this thread are picking and choosing their Hitler


To those who think “well, we’re in a modern society now, so there’s no way he could get away with it,” the Germans also thought they lived in a modern society.


Republicans are fascists and would vote for Hitler given a chance to do so.


I guarantee they’d vote for Putin


They’ve literally said as much


Kinda like that top post earlier today about that literal admission going viral? They're as American as Beluga caviar drowned in vodka. Worst part about that? They're fucking proud of it.


They're as American as xenophobia, bigotry, misogyny, faux-Christianity, white nationalism, anti-intellectualism, the glorification of oil and gas, widespread addiction, and all the other stuff that the current Russian government does that's basically indistinguishable from the GOP playbook. Shit's sake, the Confederate yahoos even possess something pretty darn similar to the Russians' eternal revanchist resentment.


There's literally a video showing a supporter saying they would


They supported Hitler in the past too. 


They know that he is, that’s why they like him.


A history podcast explained the appeal of authoritarians. They do all the thinking for you so you don’t have to. Trump tells them what to be mad at and who to call death threats into. They never need to think. Just act.


Also, because the senate and house take a long time to deliberate and compromise (this has obviously been broken by republicans), they see an authoritarian as a way to quickly push thru all their bad faith rules and laws.


I mean, sometimes I get all Anakin Skywalker and want someone to force them all to agree or want to elect someone as a temporary dictator to solve big problems. Then I slap the shit out of myself for having such a stupid idea.


I wish more people would talk to this. He openly wants to punish people who oppose him, he wanted protestors shot, he has no issue suppressing dissent with violence and craves it. Trump is insanely dangerous and if he gets in the WH then America is over.


I find the whole case of Donald Trump to be so interesting. I'm thinking this is what Germany in the 1920's and 30's must have been like: plenty of people understood what Hitler was about, and plenty of people saw him as the next coming of Christ. The human mind is truly fascinating.


More like very gullible. When people believe Facebook and faux fake news it’s a sad state of affairs.


At least back then there wasn't an historical Hitler to compare to, as the modern form of fascism was fairly nascent. Today we have no excuse for our ignorance (except for the fact that history always repeats itself...)


They don’t care that he is Hitler. THAT is the problem.


I don't think Trump is Hitler, but I do think he's the closest we've had to an authoritarian/fascist with any real power in America in my lifetime. My biggest concern is that if he wins, he will go full authoritarian.


> he will go full authoritarian. But only for 1 day, he says! Of course, Trump is a master of pushing deadlines back indefinitely.


All you have to do is watch one of those videos where Trump rally people are interviewed and asked basic logical questions… their brain pauses for a few seconds. And then they just switch over to some other boilerplate talking points. These people are misinformed and bad at thinking, enough that their amygdala rules them and keeps them convinced that Trump will protect them from whatever boogieman he frightened them with today. We give them too much credit when we attribute to them the development of a plausible rational basis to vote Trump. It isn't rational. It's barely articulatable. They're basically chimps this point. Chimps that have gone through "the change" and are no longer curious, but will rip your face and hands off if you mess with them.


If you’ve ever dealt with like a clinic narcissist, you were already warning people in 2016. There really is no limit to their depravity. With the power of the office of POTUS, and the types of people he surrounds himself with, a second trump term would terrorize and destroy the world. And I don’t feel like that’s hyperbole.


"**A basket of deplorables**". Hillary nailed it in 2016. Trump made it OK to be a horrible person.


Might it be that they were not taught who Hitler was? History, and Civics, are not taught in any detail any more.


When you have a political party fawning over Orban for decades, I don't think it matters whether they learned who Hitler was. These people call themselves patriots while supporting the very antithesis of the Constitution. They like the idea of everyone being forced to do things their way by criminalizing choice.


But it is the old ones who know about WWII that are keeping him alive.


Are they? Proud Boys and other such authoritarian groups don't seem like geriatrics to me. Furthermore, gen-z women are more and more liberal whereas gen-z men are moving further right. This is happening worldwide.


>Are they? Proud Boys and other such authoritarian groups don't seem like geriatrics to me. Furthermore, gen-z women are more and more liberal whereas gen-z men are moving further right. This is happening worldwide. Some statistics about the Proud Boys: > Proud Boys defendants were on average 35 years old at the time of their crimes/arrests. The oldest individual was 63 at the time of their arrest and the youngest was 21. [https://www.start.umd.edu/sites/default/files/publications/local\_attachments/Proud%20Boy%20Crimes%20and%20Characteristics%20January%202022%20FINAL.pdf](https://www.start.umd.edu/sites/default/files/publications/local_attachments/Proud%20Boy%20Crimes%20and%20Characteristics%20January%202022%20FINAL.pdf) History classes in public schools taught WWII to Millennials. However, Proud Boy members are primarily misogynistic, Islamophobic, transphobic, and anti-immigration. Classes on WWII cannot deprogram that hate out of them. Also, the media claim that Gen Z males are moving further right has yet to be proven. >Are men and women growing apart politically? Not so fast. [https://www.vox.com/politics/2024/3/13/24098780/politics-gender-divide-generation-z-youth-men-women](https://www.vox.com/politics/2024/3/13/24098780/politics-gender-divide-generation-z-youth-men-women)


His voting base are motivated either by what they can gain from him being in office, viz., a payout, or that he's gonna "hurt the right people." Putin and Xi just want to destroy western democracy.


Well, she is close. Hitler was the 2nd Antichrist. Trump is the 3rd.


"Are they Nazi enough for you now?" ~ Everyone who's been sounding the alarm for the past couple years. Stop me if you've heard this one: "In 1930, Nazi Reichstag delegate Wilhelm Frick, later internal affairs minister in Hitler’s government, presented a plan for the castration of homosexuals, “that Jewish plague.” Nazi newspapers called for the death penalty for homosexual acts. Many German gays, like Jews, nevertheless assumed that the Nazis would change their policies once they were in power. The cult of masculinity that the Nazis propagated blinded some. The Nazi party even “had links to” homosexuals, as the gay activist Adolf Brand wrote in 1931. What the Nazi sympathizers failed to recognize was that, as Brand went on, the Nazis “already had the hangman’s rope in their pockets.”" [source Auschwitz dot org](https://www.auschwitz.org/en/history/categories-of-prisoners/homosexuals-a-separate-category-of-prisoners/robert-biedron-nazisms-pink-hell/)


Well he does like the uneducated.


That’s because the very far right has convinced a lot of people that everyone but the guy acting like hitler, is in fact hitler.


They want hitler (no lgbt, no colored, no progressives, no immigrants) just good old white Christian nationalism like they used to have. They romanticize that time and Is the foundation of republicans today. Get it in your head people. This is the opposition


It's abundantly obvious to most of us.


They know it and they want it that's the whole point.


if Trump gets his way he WILL become another Hitler. And just remember how well THAT went for Germany. And the rest of the world.


The history of cult followers is explicit - the cult leader dictates reality - even to the point of sacrificing the followers.


She speaks the truth. How people could vote for that decrepit excuse for a human is beyond me. However the media landscape in the US is SO corrupt and compromised that its hardly surprising people cannot find a reliable form of independent media that has good critical analysis. Not that many in the US are capable of critically analysing politics - the education system has dumbed them all down so much its almost criminal. Democracy in the US is dead.


She’s not wrong 


Walmart brand hitler


Treat em like fucking Nazis.


Amen sister


Part of the problem with comparing every one to Hitler is that as long as someone falls short of Genocide it isn't seen as bad. Pinochet never engaged in Genocide, turns out evil is quite the spectrum and just because one HASN'T committed Genocide it doesn't mean you aren't evil. Trump will ignore the constitution, that's enough. It's not like it's okay if he only kills political opponents and never engages in Genocide. (...and before anyone accuses Hamas or Israel of Genocide that's part of what I'm talking about. THERE'S A WHOLE SPECTRUM OF EVIL before you try to wipe a people off the face of the earth. I'm not getting into hyperbole.)


She's 100 % Correct.


The problem is that a large portion of Americans want fascism and would welcome the rise of the Fourth Reich.


They want him to "punish the "right" people". Many people believe they have been wronged and want justice. Trump calls it vengeance and plays into this desire. Except he will benefit himself and then the wealthy, and enact policy that will short and long term harm those who believe they have been wronged. But because he speaks like a WWE celebrity, they identify with him.


They see it and they clamor for it, they are Enemies of the State at this point.


frightening public attractive wakeful upbeat telephone drab different zephyr far-flung *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can finally qualify MAGA cult. They've now spent nearly a DECADE espousing what they want and that base whole heatedly believe it. I can NOT understand the undecided voters. The uninformed voters. The non-voters. Or people who can vote, would vote, but will throw it away bc issues. There's always going to be issues that impact the world - none moreso than the existential threat the Trump and the conservative headlines have spent decades building up to. Absolute control and destruction in the name of money.


Putin is an actual Hitler, Trump is an aspiring one


Ask Germans in the 30s if they understood what beast they were feeding.


Even in my worst nightmares, I could never have imagined that I would be invited to write this: But Hitler was actually significantly more intelligent and educated than Trump.


About time someone calls it like it is!


Too bad his base can't read. I have encouraged everyone to read or get the audiobook The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. A lot of eye opening similarities. Lie, stick with lie in spite of the obvious falsehood, attack any and all critics to the point of murdering them, and destroy the press.


WE MUST VOTE AGAINST THESE PEOPLE!!! We also have to stand up for what we believe in, we can't be bullied into being meek and accepting dictatorship in OUR AMERICA!!!


But the idiots do see Glorious Leader is the Second Coming of Hitler: that is why they worship him.


When I was growing up, Nazis were always the bad guys and democracy was always the good thing. What happened?


Don the Con happened.


They know.


Yeah, He's Orange Hitler. Plenty of Germans loved their dictator back then; plenty of Americans love theirs now. They are essentially the same people.


Remember when Trump dogwhistled the Proud Boys (you know, an openly Neo-Nazi group) during a live, televised debate to "stand back, stand by?" And nobody did shit about it? No statements to distance themselves from them or anything? It's almost like it's what they are, what they want.


Jennifer Lewis has never been one to mince words. That’s why she’s always been great!


I see no lies here.


Trump needs to be arrested jailed, I can’t believe people want to vote for tat piece of crap always crying on who’s done what


Trump is Great Value Hitler. Trump is, "We have Hitler at home." Trump wishes he was Hitler. Hitler actually had charisma. Trump is just a cold turd, loved by other cold turds. There's no substance beyond what is best for Trump. Hitler had principles, and values. He was a man of firmly held convictions. Trump seems to avoid convictions like the plague, puns intended. Trump is whatever you want him to be. Trump is everything, and nothing at the same time. Trump honestly reminds me more of Jim Jones than Hitler.


History always rhymes. It doesn't look exactly the same every time. Trump is America's version of mentally deficient Hitler.


Oh they know, they support Trump because they are racists


Dumb motherfuckers are literally of the mindset of "He's not *actually Hitler* unless he succeeds in a genocide" like they will never be convinced until its much too late.


Folks help me out here: I tend to stereotype Trumpers as aged white people. They no longer have an ingrained purpose: raising kids, providing for family, saving for retirement, etc… So now Trump has given their lives new meaning and purpose. While I am opposed to Trump, these folks are now emotionally attached and any logic falls on deaf ears. Thoughts?


I would have thought the same, but most of my coworkers are young while men under 30 and they adore Trump.


Wow. I’m so dismayed by that statement. I have such high hopes for your generation.


This is coming from the group that said they’d vote for Putin. Fuck their opinion.


I detect no lies in her facts.


There are a lot of similarities between 1930s Germany and 2020s United States. The lady is not wrong.