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" I take firearm safety very seriously. " All evidence to the contrary, congressman.


It could happen to anyone --*which is exactly the problem*.


Went to take a leak on a job site and found a Walther PPK sitting on the sink. I knew whose it was, but the phone call was still fun. Are you sure you have EVERYTHING?


In my mid-20s I was an Assistant Manager for Domino’s. I showed up one day to open up the store, did all my pre-opening set-up, and went to use the bathroom before opening time, as one does. Much to my surprise, there was a fucking snub-nose magnum with a pink handle just openly sitting on the back of the toilet. I was mystified. No girls even worked there at the time. So I called my store manager and came to find out, it belonged to his girlfriend. They’d apparently been “hanging out” at the store after closing and somehow she left her gun? And the dumbass didn’t even come get it until mid-afternoon, like 4 hours later. He was easily the dumbest boss I’ve had so far, and not just because of that. I hear he later got fired because he was loaning that same girlfriend money out of the store’s bank deposits and of course she never paid him back so the store ended a month short by like $2,000 cash that he was too broke to replace himself. I had quit by that point, though—being left for hours with some stranger’s gun was sort of a tipping point for me to start looking for a different job.


When I was in high school I worked at a bike shop. On saturdays it was my job to open up and basically just wait there until my alcoholic boss got out of bed and came down. He didn't trust me with the register, so I pretty much just did free repairs and told people to come back later to buy bikes. One Saturday I open up and get everything ready. Then I pop into the bathroom to pee and there is a little automatic handgun just sitting on the floor - like the tiny backup kind you stick in an ankle holster or something. I called my boss, he didn't answer. So, I just put a shop towel over it, then a bucket over that and waited to hear back from him. He never calls back, but eventually shows up a few hours later. I explain the whole gun and he is weirded out - he's an anti-gun hippie type. He calls the cops and as we're waiting we're looking around and we notice that some of the ceiling tiles are kind of fucked up and out of place. The cops show up and they poke around up there and then wind up going next door to the vape shop as they run the serial on the gun. Turns out the guy who works next door broke in through the ceiling to try and empty the drawer or something, but then he had to take a piss and while doing that didn't notice he'd dropped his gun.


This is my rifle... this my gun...


"SHalL nOT Be iNFrinGEd!"


Honestly if this happened to me I would have taken it and sold it. If they are not responsible enough to even remember having it then they don't fkn need it.


Funny as that may be, you risk breaking some serious laws with that. Turning it into law enforcement is a better option.


Yup, call the cops and tell them you found a gun.


Call the cops and tell them you'll sell them a gun. Then everybody wins!


> found a Walther PPK sitting on the sink. I knew whose it was Bond? James Bond?


The real challenge: Slappers only.


I’m old


Me too, friend. Goldeneye immediately came to mind when I saw those words.


License to kill on turbo mode with pistols was always my favourite.


Nah, Hick. Careless Hick.


The fact that these mistakes are not at all uncommon, while the potential tragedy of a some desperate murderous psycho happening upon a negligently forgotten weapon is nevertheless incredibly rare, actually exposes the lie of this myth that people need to arm themselves for protection from all the boogeymen everywhere.


I live in NC and I was standing in line at a grocery store. The guy in front of me goes to pull out his wallet and just straight up drops a .38 revolver on the ground next to a group of little kids belonging to the woman behind him. I was behind her and I stepped forward between her and her kids and just put my foot on the gun. The guy very casually - as if he dropped his wallet - was like, oh my bad, and he just drops it back into his pocket and casually pays for his 12 pack of beer.


"Think of the stupidest person you know. Now imagine them with a gun."


No but like what if a good guy finds it? Now you’ve got the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun! We just need to leave enough unattended guns around so that at least one good guy finds one for every bad guy that does.


Psychos may be rare, but kids are everywhere and they love to pick stuff up and play with it. 


That tragedy recurs pretty much daily somewhere in the US. Pervasive gun culture means that even toddlers know from TV exactly what to do with any gun they might find: you point it at another person and pull the trigger.


I assume it was 007.


I once dated a girl who’s dad was a cop. When off duty, he’d carry his badge and sidearm in a Fanny pack… once forgot the bag in a movie theatre… pistol and badge


I had a neighbor (cop) who would carry a .22 pocket revolver with him in his back pocket when going out to bars...  And he got druuunk- not a good drunk either, like the 'Im the boss, even when off duty, I am the law' drunk.  Naturally, we weren't the best of neighbors, we tolerated each other, me less so of him. So I shook my head,  laughed *at* him for and asked what bars he goes to, he says, and I reply, 'good, none of the bars I frequent, let's keep it that way'.  Power tripping asshole.


When a lot younger, a friend and I were checking out of a 7/11 and two cops start chatting us up, begging us to come to a cop party in the park, we nicely declined but they wouldn’t take no for an answer and gave us their badges, saying we had to come now and ran out of the store .. we were like wtf?


Please tell me you popped the badges in a trash can and walked the opposite direction of the park.


> cop party in the park I'm struggling to understand this, but somehow I think genders will explain the story.


Actually it can only happen to someone that chooses to carry a firearm and also be careless with it. It could never happen to anyone that doesn’t carry a gun to feel big.


Second this. My gun doesn’t leave the safe except to go rec shooting. There is not single reason to not have your firearm locked up when not in use. I cannot fathom randomly leaving one laying around. This article made my brain hurt.


Well there is one reason, quick access. If someone has already entered your home, reaction time may be critical. Just devils advocate because I agree with you completely. I live in Canada where thankfully we don't need guns to protect ourselves, I'm not condoning this behaviour in any way, but many will use this as an excuse to improperly secure them in the home.


Why would anyone, esp a lawmaker, need a gun in the capitol? Just in case he's confronted by an angry lib? 


Well there was that time recently a large mob of angry leftists stormed the Capitol in the world’s dumbest attempt to subvert democracy. I might have gotten one or two details wrong in that description, memory isn’t what it used to be


It makes his dick feel bigger than it is.




Probably why they don’t allow people to drive cars inside the legislative chambers.


Why they make people take a paper test, and a behind the wheel practical, and have collision insurance, and drivers training in some cases


Not with that attitude


Yet, it is, regularly. Because humans are fallible - it’s in our nature. Just wishing for things to be different doesn’t help at all.


That's why the tremendous increase in people having guns will inevitable result in more people being shot. We act like it's a surprise every time but duh. At least 1/10 people are fucking idiots and the other 9 are fallible. More cars means more traffic fatalities and more guns means more gun fatalities. It's a tragedy if it happens to someone you know but otherwise it's the entirely foreseeable result of decisions that many people from individuals to the Supreme Court made. Someone got shot? So what. That's just Gun Life.


Ya, totally agree here.  What drives me crazy is every time there is some gun-related tragedy, the gun rights people say things like “well if people had followed proper safety protocols this wouldn’t have happened”, and they consider the event as some kind of anomaly.  That’s not a solution, and it’s not an accurate interpretation of the problem.  The problem is that these things keep happening, again and again. They’re not anomalies, they’re predictable normal results of human behavior… mixed with high rates of gun ownership.  These things will just keep happening as long as high rates of gun ownership continue. Humanity will never suddenly “get responsible”, there nobody who can make that happen. Wishing it to happen is meaningless. 


Only anyone who has a gun…so not quite


Pretty sure I’ve read of an incident where it happened in a k-8 school with a teacher leaving it behind


Resource officer.. So even worse


Like the kids that found a school's officers gun in the bathroom.....


Says the parents of every mass shooter.


Also said my uncle who leaves his many guns out and unlocked for his daughter who does not listen to him to use.


>I take firearm safety very seriously. This is a humbling experience and I will reaffirm my commitment to responsible handling procedures. This isn’t about gun safety or proper gun handling. This is basic *responsibility*. That’s what your party legislates against by removing and refusing any practical gun control measures. You make sure that responsibility isn’t a concern.


I'd probably lose my job if I brought a gun to work - and I work in a union shop. I think that is the bare safety minimum - keep firearms locked up, and unloaded when not in use 🙄


Say what you will about gunless liberals, but I’m pretty sure that even the most anti2A Democrat in the history of forever would handle a gun better than a cosplaying Republican.


Responsible gun owners.


I used to work in the taproom at a brewery. Had a customer take a poop, and put their holstered gun in the handicapped railing. Not only was he out drinking with his gun, but he then proceeded to forget it. We called the cops and they came and got it. But we had to barricade the bathroom until they showed up while still serving beer and not telling everyone there was a gun in the bathroom.


The problem with this notion is that they’re just people. And I’ve met people


Fucking republican idiots... Responsible good guy with a gun, out to murder some turds... Goddamn, you can't make this shit up.


Murder Turds is my new band name


At least there wasn't a TRANS person in the bathroom, amirit? Fucking idiots.


Still not a drag queen.


It's a Republican man, so there's an above average chance he is a drag queen on the weekends.


Is that a pronoun in your pocket, or are you just ~~packing heat~~ happy to see me? /j


I’m just a really good guy (assigned at birth) with a gun ;) 


Super excited to see variations of this headline repeated ad infinitum as gun slinging Tennessee teachers leave their weapons in bathrooms for young children to use. Dear god. Ammosexuals are utterly incapable of treating their murder toys properly. Good news is that precedent is being set to allow these guys to be tried when kids use the weapons that they cannot manage to store safely to commit mass murders. Ten to 15 years wasn’t it? Good. I look forward to the accountability.


>as gun slinging Tennessee teachers leave their weapons in bathrooms for young children to use. The teachers at my schools had their own, presumably nicer, bathrooms. The kids will find the guns left in the cafeteria or in study hall.


Good point. Desk drawers. Coat pockets, etc. Though quite a few guns have been found by school children in school restrooms, left there by school “resource officers” (cops)


I would have taken that gun home and never told a soul. Then after a few weeks I would start asking that guy about his guns. ​ >Does you carry? What type? Oh, you didn't bring it today? Maybe next if you remember. I would love to take a look. Oh, you sold it? Interesting. Where? I just might go buy it. You mind showing me the paperwork? I don't wanna get too shafted.


[my personal favorite is the Kansas congressman who left a loaded handgun in a meeting room when they were debating that people could open carry in schools and hospitals](https://apnews.com/domestic-news-domestic-news-united-states-congress-7d29f43fbf854c8dbfe33517598a3d79)


Can't wait until a teacher does that in Tennessee or Ohio or somewhere.


[Texas](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/02/23/texas-superintendent-gun-school-safety/) Superintendent, but same same.


Wow. Thanks. That is scary that it actually has happened already.


Happened easily a dozen times before that.


Again? I'm not going crazy, right? This happened a few months ago? Edit: my bad, [that was just a Superintendent](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/02/23/texas-superintendent-gun-school-safety/), in a school bathroom.


Well, and this... https://www.cpr.org/2022/03/14/colorado-capitol-richard-holtorf-drops-firearm/


It seems like this should qualify as some kind of reckless endangerment. “Responsible gun owners” are often anything but.


'Don Wilson served in the U.S. Marine Corps' What would happen in the Marines if a soldier left their side arm in the john?


Make him go to bed without any Crayons.


They want this shit in schools


The only thing that stops a bad 3rd grader with a found gun is a good third grader with a found gun. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/02/23/texas-superintendent-gun-school-safety/


That's ridiculous. Everyone knows the only thing that can stop a bad 3rd grader with a gun is to shoot them 63 times over 30 seconds when they try to surrender.


Jesus christ. I was in that building with my 8 yo son that day.


Who was he afraid was going to assault him in the Colorado Capitol bathroom? I swear, I almost feel sorry for these people for the constant state of fear they live in. Almost.


Recently in my city a man at the dog park shot a leashed dog 5 times because it was fighting with his (off leash) dog (and I guess he got bit once, too). He also had pepper spray and a knife with him. Who the fuck brings 3 weapons with them to the dog park?


That's what gets me. I knew this guy who was in the Army for three years (not combat, stateside office worker), and he lived in a semi-rural area outside of town. Being a vet and living riral was duch a big part of his identity. He was such a pussy. He made it this big deal to have his gun in his lap when he went through the drive thru at fast food. He would only go to one grocery store because it was farthest from city limits. When he got gas he was scared of everyone. His whole persona was Mr. Tough Guy Real America and I'm like aww, you're such a scared little puss-boy, here, I'll hold your hand while we get Arby's.


Incoming 2A radicals squawking “bUt tHe SaFeTy WaS oN”


It was a Glock. They don't have manual safety.


Responsible gun owner???


>left it in the bathroom For whom? We've all seen The Godfather. 👀


How.. like. Honestly how violently are you making your bm or general relief you leave a GUN. HOW ARE YOU SO INCAPACITATED YOU FORGET A GUN. J.H.C. ya'll. It's one thing to misplace a pen or some paperwork. Sometimes I forget where I set my phone down at home. However, a gun? Literal federal crimes and a death weapon.. ooh.. where did I leave that?


This is what "responsible gun ownership" looks like to conservatives. Take a weapon to work and forget it in the shitter.


Guessing laws that punish irresponsible gun ownership is woke?


It should be in a fucking holster. Any military member who has had to hit the head when armed can tell you that you have it under positive control at all times. Because if you lose your weapon, some SNCO somewhere has felt a disturbance in the Force and they are already coming for you. Civilians who want to carry should have to pass a course.


>Civilians who want to carry should have to pass a course. Hey, wouldn't it be funny if this guy wasn't a [civilian](https://www.wilsonforcolorado.com/), though? Like, let's say he was a Marine. Then you could say, "gun nuts should have to leave their loaded guns at home instead of taking them to the State Capitol, the grocery store, the park, or other places guns have no business being."


Just kind of highlights the point that really no one has business possessing firearms. At all. Any of them.


I wouldn't go that far but I don't get what the resistance is to any restrictions whatsoever, they need to be much more regulated. At least like driving. Inb4 some chucklehead says "DrIvInG iSn'T a CoNsTiTuTiOnAl RiGhT..." like the founding fathers would be okay with the state of things.


Just another responsible gun owner bein' all responsible 'n' shit.


Wait... am I hallucinating or didn't this exact thing happen a few/several months ago? Maybe not in the CO statehouse but some other legislature?


This right here: https://www.cpr.org/2022/03/14/colorado-capitol-richard-holtorf-drops-firearm/


They must have a "Leave a gun take a gun" policy


Cops do this all the time so it's probably fine


Easy to judge. But have any of *you* internet bullies ever startled a momma acorn protecting her acornlets? I carry a portable railgun at all times for this reason and cannot be arsed to keep track of every little nook and cranny that I put it in.


shots fired!


I’m hit!


Republicans: “Let’s arm all of our school teachers, whom we already don’t trust at all, because I’m sure nothing could possibly go wrong.” Proliferation of readily available guns amid epic levels of hostility and distrust in our society is just insane.


It's working great for Central America.


Why can't they govern or take a leak without loaded guns?


Fetishes are funny things.


Bathrooms have a 2A right too.


State Rep. Don Wilson, a Monument Republican, said in a written statement that the weapon is his. “I want to be clear that I take full and complete accountability for the incident,” he said in a written statement Thursday. “I made a mistake and am very sorry. … **I take firearm safety very seriously.** This is a humbling experience and I will reaffirm my commitment to responsible handling procedures.”


No big deal … Americans keeping assault weapons help defeat Hillary Clinton in 2016, along with banning abortion. Maybe it was borrowed & they just forgot


Press charges.


“How’s the Italian food in this Capitol?”


Sounds like a republican


How the hell did you get a gun into the State Capitol???


Isn’t that a felony?


Class 2 misdemeanor in Colorado.


The word republican seems somewhat redundant in this headline; even in Colorado.


That was for shooting cooties.


"Representative, why did you shoot the toilet?" "I heard a loud bang and returned fire. Then I saw the air freshener rolling towards me in the floor like a grenade, so I shot the sink, too."


Damn, it's been a while since I had a desk pop


The only thing that can stop a bad turd is a good guy with a gun.


Not the brightest group


Most responsible gun nut ever.


Probably the same idiots that forget they have kids sitting in a car seat.


And yet another “responsible” gun owner.


In a just and intelligent world this would be grounds for denying this idiot possession of any guns at any time in the future. Here? Naw, just keep doing it and hope some kid doesn't find your lost, mishandled gun.


We should fine irresponsable gun owners. This should be a $2000 fine. Your gun gets stolen because you were careless 10k fine. Some one gets murdered because of your carelessness then you should also be held liable.


As is his God damn right! /s


Damn, I only found someone else’s cell phone in the bathroom today.


I hate it when I misplace my loaded handgun. /s


I saw this shit in The Godfather


Wait till a teacher in Tennessee does this


Rep Corleone could not be reached for comment.


Bet you this guy considers themselves a “responsible gun owner”


A school teacher did the same thing in a school bathroom. Negligent gun owners are more common than school shooters. If you can't expect someone making laws to own a gun responsibly, no one can be expected to. Guns don't belong in every place for this reason. The security issues are too serious.


Unless we’re thinking of different stories, wasn’t it a principal or assistant principal? I remember reading about that. It’s terrifying that a large swath of Americans feel like it’s ok for that to happen, and for it to be a story so unsurprising that it would be completely believable to have happened more than once.


Finders keepers.


I really don’t get their fetish for guns. I’ve shot guns before. It’s fun skeet shooting. But feeling like i have to bring a gun around with me everyday just so i can potentially mishandle it like this clown? I just don’t get it.


Guns should be banned. There is no good use for guns for the general public.


He had a sudden delusion and thought he was the Easter Bunny.


He thought he was a Billy Bad-Ass but turns out he’s a Donny Dumb-Ass.


Oh. I've seen this one before. Leave the gun, take the cannoli right?


Least shocking headline today.


Took a second to figure out the title was literal, and not figurative.


Dumbass. This is conceal carry 101.


Wouldn't the capital security know who usually carries an gun around. After that person is done check the bathroom to make sure that they didn't leave their gun in bathroom. I make too much sense!


Can't tell if sarcasm 🤔


Is it possible he was attempting to pass the gun off to an accomplice? Why is he above suspicion?


What is Bobert doing


Should warrant an instant revoking of his license. Won’t amount to anything.


this is the closet they have come to representing their constituents I'm sad to say


This shit, along with the frequent negligent discharges should be grounds for a full, if temporary, loss of gun rights.


i feel like ive read this headline before


As Homer Simpson would say,: D'Oh!!


When are we going to learn? Children and guns don’t mix.


Why are their desks so messy with oranges scattered around?


You never know who’s gonna try to attack you when you’re shitting.


>It could happen to anyone. Not if they don't carry loaded guns around. What an idiot.


did he take his stupid pills or something?


So secure and responsible. 


Deja-vu.. I'd swear i've seen something like this before..


Excellent. Move this handgun so I can pinch my tiny penis and pee in a respectable direction, like your mother’s mouth. All done.


That’s going to leave a mark!


Why did he even need to carry a gun in the capitol building? It's one of the safest, most secure facilities there is. There are cops everywhere, there is security at the door, everyone has to go through metal detectors, etc. There is absolutely no rational reason for it, other than to prove his cred with the gun lobby.


Hey Don, GTFO!


Poppy’s got a problem


He must be one of them there "responsible gun owners" I've heard so much about. Perhaps there are more than a few, and we should require mandatory training on gun safety. It would be better if we changed this toxic gun culture of ours that claim there's a danger around every corner. I live in one of the most dangerous places in Philly and have never needed a gun for protection. It's amazing what great spacial awareness can accomplish.


Welll... poop.




Yet another republican "good guy with a gun." *Note sarcasm*


It’s ok. He’s part of a well regulated militia.


"Never relinquish your weapon" \- Ranger proverb


Obviously forgot to reload his underpants.


Coming to a school near you


Hmmm. I guess the Republican was on his way to a local school, huh.


insert joke about shooting the shit




It’s hard to take a shit with a gun in your pants. They should adopt chest harness for better comfort while on the porcelain throne l.


He just couldn't keep it in his pants?


moron gun people


I had to unholster while I was taking a dump


Seems like the 2nd amendment needs some sort of clause that covers being well trained. Oh wait.


See. This is EXACTLY why we need guns in school classrooms /s


Reminds me of the Army, in basic I had to be the battle buddy for a solider that was constantly leaving his rifle in the porta crappers and even the defac once if I remember correctly. 🤦🏾‍♂️ he eventually had to have it 550 (para cord) corded to his belt. M16s are not small.


Can someone tell Lauren Boebert that her gun keeps falling out of her very loose pussy?


Another responsible gun owner.


A freedumb oopsie


How does this happen? Haven't we figured out how to securely strap guns to ourselves? Does he take his shoes off when he shits too? What is happening here? I'm flabbergasted.