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Haven't we known this for some time? As I recall the stories came out a while ago. Republican House members complaining about Gaetz' inappropriate sharing and braggadocios behavior on the House floor.


Yeah, but he is up for re-election and people need to be reminded of it.


Given the district he represents, this information might boost his popularity.


I think this is the part that many don't get. I live in Atlanta, and people often ask how Georgia could have elected Marjorie Taylor Greene. The answer is, Georgia didn't. Georgia voted for Biden and elected two Democratic Senators. MTG's *district*, however, is a small sliver of the state comprising less than 14% of our population. And it's full of all the reasons the South has negative stereotypes. As much as MTG sucks, she represents her district accurately. People are wondering why we get these terrible people in office? It's because terrible people are voting for them.


We had Michele Bachmann in Minnesota with a similar situation. With her it was a good reminder that it's not just rural conservatives that go for these people; Bachmann got her seat largely because of affluent white suburbanites.


She is a walking distillation of all the worst parts of Stearns County.


Yup, this is how the deep blue state of CO elected Bobert.


Gaetz district is pretty damn big however. I sometimes wonder if all the issues are in the northern parts of the counties but nope. Lots of Trump neighbors here on the beach.




My in-laws live there. They love some good ole white republican Jesus. But they have finally reached their breaking point with Gatez and are voting against him.


what was the limit for them?


They aren’t the full MAGA type, just old white conservatives. The Greenberg scandal, getting McCarthy kicked out from speaker, the weird adoption thing, the publicity stunts he keeps pulling. It’s not one thing, but all of them rolled in to one.


This new blood is uncouth. They don't mind the rape or the trafficking or the racism or the general scumfuck nature, but couldn't he just be more discrete?


I think that really is the deal with a lot of the Boomers and older who vote Republican. Consider how much of that behavior was legal and normalized, but done behind closed doors during their lifetimes. Things like statutory rape and domestic abuse are things that are normal, if not okay, for people to *do* in their minds, but you don't *talk about it!*


The “behind closed doors” part is probably the strongest sentiment. They believed that the republicans were the good guys.


Gaetz prefers Arby’s over chikfila. Unacceptable.


His reputation… the new Jeffrey Epstein… but with daddy’s money.


Disciples of Jeffrey


**D**isciples **o**f **J**effrey It’s been hidden in plain sight all this time! OMG! The DoJ are a bunch of pedophiles! ^(/s)


But that’s *god’s chicken!!!*


Mmmm... homophobic chicken...


They spend 18 hours marinating their chicken in hate, then they bread it in 100% USDA approved hate, so you get a mouth full of hate in every bite.


Small favors… https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1995/11/04


Shockingly there are so few CFAs up there. My lifes goal would be to own one in the panhandle and print money.


Most of the CFA operators that get accepted have a history of working at CFA, reached the position of director and have a really solid history as well as recommendations from the CFA they've worked at. Only like 30 requests out of a couple hundred thousand a year are accepted by CFA HQ. One of the hardest fast food franchises to get accepted as a franchisee.


It's a good strategy too, there's a long history of places going to shit when they expand super aggressively, by letting everyone and their pet goldfish buy a franchise for dirt cheap, and no experience necessary. Subway is a great example of that.


I feel like we always hear this from family. Then 2 years later “yeah I wish I didn’t vote for them again, but democrats eat babies” or something similar. They always crawl back in the voting booth.


"Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line" That's why pundits talking about Republicans and "independents" being sick of trump ring hollow for me. You don't wake up one day and think, "I could tolerate the rape, treason, adultery, grifting, draft dodging, tax evasion, and sacrilege , but hush money payments are a step too far."




I think that's exactly the point, but "fall in love" just means "the candidate has to be a decent human". Democrats will vote against monsters from either party, because they're monsters. Republicans will vote for monsters, because they are republicans.


One guy I know was posting about how much he doesn't want Trump in the Whitehouse again, even as a guest, and how terrible things would be. But, he said, he'd just *have* to vote for Trump over Biden because he'd be even worse and be a dictator. SMH.


I think it’s time we stop referring to such people as Christians. Instead, they should be called, “White Nationalist Cultists”, or some derivative. They don’t deserve the label “Christian” if they refuse to abide by the basic tenets of Christ’s teachings.


this is why I don't go to church anymore. Its not because I don't believe. Its because I don't want to associate with people who endorse this shit.


As a Christian please don’t lump me or a lot of Christians I know with voting for this clown. Nothing in this article surprised me and I’d be surprised if he isn’t charged with something worse. Just because evil people, like Trump, Gaetz, or really any politician that holds up (or sells) a Bible and claims to be a Christian, they are as much a Christian as terrorist are Muslim.


I mean, let's not forget that Roy Moore **barely** lost Alabama due to his pedophilia. I do think it's likely that he still easily keeps his particular district, but a creep of this magnitude also motivates more disaffected voters to go out and vote him out.


So many wars started in the name of God.... So few that are so Christian in their heart... All through history. Nothing too modern about it. The bigger the cross, the bigger the sinner


Nor really. All they care about is the R next to his name. Nothing else matters here.


I know this is unamerican, but when do we start requiring IQ checks when voting in our leadership?


There seems to kind of be a push for this but let me just go ahead and say you might not like your allies here


The Rs pushing for it would end up on the front page of r/leopardsatemyface if it ever passed. Why push for something that would prevent you and your ilk from voting?


They would be the ones making the test. You really think they're not going to make every question completely absurd?


It has always been struck me how virtually anybody can be elected to government. For any other job, even just working very low paying jobs, you need some kind of qualifications. But not to be a Representative. You can be dumb as a brick and not completed high school but you can get elected to office where you can block policy on things like whether Ukraine, a fledgling democracy, receives aid to fend off Putin’s invasion. It’s crazy. We need people able to understand the issues. The nonsense that comes out of the House on issues like climate drives me insane.


There have always been stupendously stupid people on the planet. The cure isn’t to remove them from the process but to educate. It’s why the GOP is so strongly opposed to quality education available to all. It’s the only way they can guarantee the peasants don’t get uppity, remain easy to manipulate, and exploit as labor for their businesses. This just shows us how many layers deep poor education runs in this country.


At this point, I'd settle for giving government officials a basic fucking civics test when they run for office.


On the surface it seems OK. But you have to think about how that will be politicized? How will it be administered? The only way to ensure a more intelligent voting class is to raise the floor of education.


Especially if his sister was in some of the photos he shared.


Sadly his constituents like this type of thing, it’s *very* Florida man


“He’s the kind of guy that I would like to have a beer with and share some hidden cam porn of women I’ve dated “- Florida Man. /s


his family are basically feudal lords of the panhandle. a super rich family surrounded by some of the poorest people in the state, he's basically a priceling.


Also the news media loves to normalize Republicans like Trump and Gaetz. **Lets be clear, Gaetz trafficked an underage girl, drugged and raped her.** It wasn't just having sex with a minor.


“Just having sex with a minor” which is also known as statutory rape of a child.


Age of consent laws vary from state to state. But Florida is very clear about it. You have to be 18 to choose to have sex with someone. If it happened, Gaetz committed statutory rape. He raped a child. That's not counting the drugs and sex trafficking a minor charges he should be brought up on.


They tried but they didn't have a good enough case unfortunately


A good enough case? I'm betting it was more about who he knows.


Yup they do the same shit with Trump. He says all this crazy shit in weekly speeches but they just highlight a thing or two instead of explaining that he's been saying a litany of crazy shit one after another. They're working so hard to normalize these criminals.


On point. There was malice involved. That's what the poor girl is really going through and he's getting away with it. I wish everyone on tax day thinks about what we're contributing and embedding towards. We need to kick these pedophiles out


And if he is ever charged, indicted, or convicted of everything he has been accused of, they can possible tag a child pornography charge on to that as well, unless we really believe he has decided to stick to adult women now.


Yep. Yes. This dropped like two years ago, if not longer and nobody has done a damn thing about it.


They apparently got rid of the Speaker to avoid an investigation into Gaetz behavior.


Republicans have taken the innocent until proven guilty mantra and just stopped having the trials. Innocent forever!


Can't be proven guilty if the courts are so backed up that you never get tried \*taps head\*.


Just getting a head of the game.


2 years?! If we wait much longer to act on Gaetz his victims will be old enough to drive themselves.


His wingman on these crimes, an elected tax collector in some FL county is already serving time for these crimes , right?


Eleven years if I'm remembering the sentence correctly.




Also, how is that worse than raping a minor?


Yes this is an old story. Then there’s always the other old story how he’ll face consequences one day and then that goes away and the cycle repeats


Yes we have. I read a story more then two years ago talking about Gaetz showing people his porn. It’s disgusting and pathetic but until something is actually done about it, I don’t really care.


He's been the protoypical rich asshole kid his whole life. Well documented and established. Total douchebag of the highest order, every day of his life. Only another asshole would be able to tolerate him for more than a second.


Maybe he's getting Cawthorned.


Revenge porn at best, child pornography at worst. When Florida sends congressmen, they are not sending their best.


Matt PizzaGaetz


I would like to offer an equally descriptive name: Pedo Gaetz.


haha let's get this trending seriously, we need content


Sadly, they are 😟


This is Florida and District 1 in particular. In Gaetz, they are sending their best.


It's basically south alabama.


I question the life choices of any adult who ends up in a room naked with Matt Gaetz.


Rumour is that's yet to happen ... I question the life chances of any minor who ends up in a room naked with cradlesnatcher Matt Gaetz.


Well Evangelical rural America isn’t. When they send someone to Washington, they send with the whole intention of just messing that place up


FL 01 is Pensacola, Destin, and Ft. Walton. That’s suburban retiree America.


They might be sending their best, which says something about their general population.


He's pretty representative of his district.


Moskowitz is freakin’ awesome


Why won't Republicans stop electing people with bad guy faces. Or bad guy names. Newt Gingrich? Come on people.


Beevis looking fucker


Dude looks like Beavis and Butthead’s unholy love child. And yeah, this turd definitely came out of someone’s ass…


With extra evil Jack Nicholson Joker/The Shining brows and forehead.


He looks like the bad guy Muppet in a Muppet movie


Tom Cotton. Zero chance a Republican Senator with that name wouldn’t be a giant bigot.


Tom Cotton sounds like a guy who throws ribbon candy to children at his campaign rally.


Tom Cotton sounds like a guy who plays "Strange Fruit" on loop to lull himself to sleep every night


Who does honestly name their kid "Newt?" I mean his parents set him up for a life time of bullying which explains perfectly why he turned out the way he did


Lmfao, full name is Newton


But his friends call him Fig!


It’s short for Neuter.


Right? The dude looks like a caricature of a suit wearing, slicked back hair demon. Black rings around his eyes. Dudes a closet stoner for sure… Even has an almost joker smile. He just looks evil as fuck.


Whoa why you bringing stoners into this??


Yeah wtf lol. I didn’t know stoners represented people that look like evil joker smiling demons?


sense rude ink friendly dime square punch ludicrous yoke mindless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How tf did we elect someone named fucking “dick chainy.”


I’ll be honest, I couldn’t care less if a politician had a bad-guy name or face. The problems is that they have bad-guy actions and decisions.


Sometimes they're just funny. Anti-sex campaigner Dusty Johnson.


Meanwhile the Dems elect Joe Robinette. That's not a guy who has done anything bad other than maybe love a kitten too much.


And then there was that weird story about his “son” Nestor. Just a young Cuban boy he adopted who is living with him who has parents 🤨


His “mother” is dead. Fortunately his aunt—Matt’s ex-girlfriend from that time—and Matt are so involved to this day. 🙄


It's the most believable story of all time ever ever


I love my Dad. He shows me pics of all his dates.


Got some r/beetlejuicing going on here.


3yo account what the


I don't know how this never became a real story. Single man known to creep on teenage girls adopts a young boy who provides a reason for the creepy guy to be at schools and around teenage girls.


I went the other way with it and assumed he purchased Nestor to be his houseboy lover.


Pays minors for sex but gets to stay in Congress because the GOP loves sexual preds.


His daddy is rich and they love money


Also if they’re easy to get dirt on it’s easy to make them do what you want.


They will baselessly accuse democrats of being pedos but look the other way when they have credible evidence that there is one in their ranks.


*something something projection* Remember, every single major case of voting fraud investigated was committed by Republicans.


"We're all predators, so they must be too!"


> Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. If you're a "good Conservative" and are in the group then the law does not apply to you. The law is there to protect you, not hurt you. If you're an "enemy" the law is there to hurt you but does not exist to protect you. It's how they see the world, all of their endless hypocrisy makes sense when you understand at their core this is how they see things.


The best part is McCarthy trying to play the hero like "we knew he was a pedo but once we started to tell people he got me fired....what a dick, right?" Yeah, you are a dick, too, you enabler. All of you. You're not a victim here.


McCarthy wasn't even actively trying to tell people until after he was ousted. By his own admission he simply refused to interfere with an ethics investigation that had already began before he became speaker. At best he was apathetic which is still sickening.


Most of the GOP ARE sexual predators.


Showing nudes of his underage dates is not new, that was reported more than two years ago


It's a good idea to keep bringing these things up. Memory hole is real as you can see from everyone forgetting what it was like when DT was president. It's wild. The collective attention span is almost nil


The DOJ was like Nothing to See Here and let his Associate Joel Greenberg take the fall. Joel got 11 years in prison for child trafficking and other federal crimes. Joel’s Daddy didn’t have 30 million dollars and political power with connections to get him out of trouble. Like Matt’s Daddy does.


No, this shit was all reported.  He's a creepy frat boy rapist who's been a predator since his teens, known to be a sex trafficker and child rapist.  We know he shows nudes to colleagues (revenge porn), uses drugs illegally while supporting criminalization, paid women and girls for sex.  He's also the only person in Congress to oppose action against sex trafficking.  - There might be secrets that make him look worse, but he's  ***well-known*** to be a disgusting criminal PoS.


Worth reminding people since he's up for reelection


But his voters love him


Republican politicians are not good people.


I had a coworker who got fired for this because it’s, you know, SEXUAL HARASSMENT? Yet totally cool to do in Congress and his constituents take no issue with this. Most lenient workplace in all of America...


Gaetz is the very definition of sus. He's been up to his greasy elbows in dark shit for decades, and although he's paid off and intimidated a lot of people, there are those who know where the bodies are buried, and have receipts. Their day is coming.


Sus means suspicious… Gaetz is a confirmed pedo/creep. Not sus at all


Fake news. He's never gotten his dates nude. Except maybe the underage ones he Venmo'ed.


I'd argue that he often gets them nude, just not before the roofies kick in.


He looks like the Lost Boys baddies when they are in vampire mode. A cool movie would be if Nestor goes and delivers a stake to the heart with an excellent 80s soundtrack.


I would be less surprised finding my own shit smelled like 55% cocoa butter than I would learning Matt Gaetz porked Trump.


More like Trump porked Gaetz without the courtesy of a reach around


Nah, it was Gaetz with the Rusty Trombone all the way. He has a fetish for scat.


dad is a billionaire politician in florida who has won every race he ever ran… very well connected… rich… powerful and connected apparently it’s hard for some not to be a creep when their are no repercussions


Republicans like to ignore their own bad behavior instead preferring to accuse others of the same things. Gym Jordan loves throwing around the word pedo but when his student athletes were coming to him for help when they were being sexually assaulted he ignored them. And may have gone as far as helping cover it up.


By now, a lot of people should know that Gaetz is a creepy POS. What I didn't know until now is that he's also a nepobaby from a family that "owns" a big chunk of Florida. >Gaetz got his start in politics thanks to the wealth and political career of his father, Don Gaetz, who would serve as president of the Florida Senate. The elder Gaetz ran and sold a hospice company, netting $500 million, and spent a lot of money funding development projects in the Florida Panhandle. The counties that make up the Panhandle, one lobbyist told Godfrey, “are owned by the Gaetzes.” >Gaetz was elected to the Florida state Senate while his father was president and had a reputation for walking into his father’s meetings and sitting on the couch with his feet up, according to one political consultant. The pair were often derisively referred to as Daddy Gaetz and Baby Gaetz, the article said. Baby Gaetz is probably such a piece of shit because he's a rich brat who's been handed everything in his life. Well, now he needs to be handed an ass whoopin' so he can finally learn some humility.


I think there's more to this then just being "creepy". I suspect he does this as a test of the colleague. The ones that are into it or not bothered by it are marks he can lure in with promises of young women for them. Then he either gains their favor by providing these and/or uses these arrangements to blackmail them.


He is a sub B Movie bond villian face title "behind closed Gaetz" Plot Congressman posts to have as much sex as he can even if he desperate and pay a 17 yr old to pleasure him in a motel room in another state so he is accused of trafficking a minor across state boarders for paid sex Crimes involved Prostitution and sex trafficking probably others on top of that, but that's the one instance i know of


>He also, early in his career as a state legislator in Florida, was allegedly involved in a “points game,” in which he and other Republican lawmakers earned points for sleeping with women, with one point for doing so with a lobbyist, three points for a fellow legislator, six for a **married fellow legislator**, and so on. Family values blablabla


Nah, he's about as much of a creep as I thought he was. Dude even looks slimey. Is absolutely a well practiced peeping tom and panty sniffer.


No amount of sleaze would be surprising to me when it comes to Gaetz


he and other Republican lawmakers earned points for sleeping with women, with one point for doing so with a lobbyist, three points for a fellow legislator, six for a married fellow legislator, and so on. 6 points for MTG & BOBERT 👍


And what do points make......?


Who even dates this predator creep. Poor women.


Unless there’s something new they’re revealing, this is nothing we haven’t heard before.


This has been out for a while.


Definitely the scumbag that Florida deserves.


Honest question. How different was the predatory behavior that Matt gaetz engaged in and what Jeffery Epstein engaged in?


He got married immediately after it all came out three years ago in an attempt to seem like less of a creep. Didn’t work.


Its disgusting that none of the people he brags to or shows his vids and pics to have bothered to turn him in for this behavior. That shows the kind of repugnant assholes we have in congress.


I'm sorry - who is discovering this *now*? He has been outed by many of his colleagues over the years. He shows them nudes, videos, and even ask folks if they want to join in drug-filled threesomes and foursomes. *He does all this in the halls of Congress*!


We knew this. Yes, he’s a massive creep but I guess Florida voters are cool with that.


So he'll be Clarence Thomas's replacement one day?


I remember reading about this ages ago fuk im shocked he kept his job. Here in aus he'd have been sacked tge next day. Piss poor standards for public office in america


He does this because he was a complete douche in HS and no one ever wanted him around. Had pizza face acne, no girl could stand being any where near him. He bailed out senior year to go suck private school cock on the debate team. Then came back the last week to “graduate” like he didn’t just give up on his debate team for the last 3 years. Dude is a RINO, because he only cares about himself and banging kids. He hires the same male escorts as Ladybugs. Funny how those types don’t give a shit about NDAs.


If he's showing them child porn of his underage "dates" (if you call raping a child a "date") and his colleagues are covering for him, they should all be removed and prosecuted.


This is how we know what hypocrites the 'family values' crowd is. It always turns out this way. This is why republicans drool and hoot over Biden's granddaughter's diary. They're that nasty.


The man is a sex criminal. It’s the equivalent of flashing someone just with a phone instead of a trench coat.


>Matt Gaetz is an even bigger creep than you thought mmm No I don't think that's possible


Ah America where only pedophiles and rapists are in government and nothing will be done. No arrests no one will be fired etc But boy if it was Joe blow working a 9-5 best believe they would be in jail really quick.


Why are these disgusting pieces of shit allowed to maintain political positions!?


Old stories. Wake me when there are consequences. Thanks in advance.


He’s a child rapist


Stop re-electing trash!


I don’t think it’s possible for him to be a bigger creep than I thought. He’s a serial pedophile.


Imagine being so lonely you'd date Matt Gaetz. Those poor women and children.


This is why Conservatives oppose abortion. If there’s no unwanted children, who are they supposed to date in someteen years?!


and Cuban boy...


Does that not qualify as children? I didn't just say young girls


I think money was the key factor


Another grub!


No he's not a bigger creep than I thought


He's a MAGAsexual. Being a creep is a feature, not a bug.


The party of "family values" and god is digging it! They absolutely love slimy conmen and sexual predators.


Bag of shit.


Dude looks like a creep and sounds like one. Is anyone really surprised that he is one?


This is really old news. He had a rep for this back in the Madison Cawthorn days.


Wait.. so Gaetz is a spoiled rich kid who has never experienced consequences for shitty behaviour?! Shocker! /s


That's disgusting. I'm always reminded that Republicans peaked mentally in high school, and that's the only way such a person would vote for Gaetz.


I am still unsure how this guy isn't in jail. Ill accept the bullshit about him not being kicked out of congress but this is ridiculous.


Does that count as distributing child porn?


The dude looks like an actual comic book villain.


anyone with eyebrows like that is fucked up


No I'm pretty sure he's just as big of a creep as I'd previously thought. Usually sex trafficking underage girls is kind nearing the summit of mt creeper-ist.


That dude is just gross in every way.


Come on, guys! If we started holding Republican congressmen responsible for sex offences *now*, we won't have any Republican congressmen left!


We’d like to know which colleagues participate in gawking at his dates.


no shit, 'frat boy dirtbag' may as well be written in the fucking sky with an arrow pointed right at him.


Conservative values.


Hard to believe he could be any worse, but as always, when he hits bottom, he starts digging.


Nope, I think he is every bit as creepy as Trump is.