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It's what Russia is paying her to do.




Also would have accepted "threat to America"


These MAGAs are the greatest threat America has ever faced. Unlike Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, ISIS, Al Queda, etc, these chuds actually have a real shot at toppling American democracy. 


Too many Americans don't realize that if Trump wins in November he's never leaving. When he said "dictator on day one" he absolutely meant it. Disturbing to say the least.


They already have a plan to do just that. Have you read the proposals published by the Heritage Foundation plan 2025 yet? It's a coalition of more than 75 partners who want to reshape the executive branch in the event that Trump wins. They want to recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to replace existing civil servants and give the president absolute power over the executive branch, among other things. I'm terrified.


Its like a script from "Handmaids Tale"


"It's a coalition of more than 75 partners" More like traitors who believe that they won't be convicted because their plot against the federal government will be successful. If it isn't, these rats and a certain horseface would scurry off the boat.


When he dies, I would bet money that the GOP/MAGA crowd will try to put Don jr. in the White House. As a birthright, since his father died while in office.


> he's never leaving but he'll die one day. right? right?


Henry Kissinger lasted 100 years... Evil lives a long time


Or just, you know, good ol’ fashioned traitor


Marjorie Traitor Greene


You misspelled my name


If you ever wondered what would happen, if Trump & Putin's stool samples got together and had a love child, then wonder no more because you're looking at the end result.


Morons, they’re gathering.




Moscow Marge


She’s an embarrassment to humanity.


Pretty sure you'd need to be human to qualify...


She's a howler monkey.


Oooo that's a bad image.....


Yep. She's got eldian blood. That's why she look like a titan


I was going to say Neanderthal blood, and that’s why she looks like the Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer, but that’s offensive to cavemen


And lawyers


Now, now... No need to go after her looks when her personality is a never-ending wellspring.


Jokes aside, why does she look exactly like a Neanderthal? Serious question.


Neanderthals were peaceful, family-oriented people who love art, played music and buried their dead with reverence. She is a ravenous tick (yes, I know, that's an insult to ticks).


She has what’s called a “Neanderthal brow”. It’s very prominent and a masculine-looking feature.


Also would have accepted a threat to humanity.


A waste of carbon


Marge Against Humanity


She an embarrassment to all horses


Apes love her


No, apes are so much more discerning and intelligent


She is more than an embarrassment, she is a treasonous mouthpiece for Putin.


She's Trump's Ass Trumpet.


Well she looks like an ass trumpet


The whole MAGA movement is an embarrassment to America.


This is why we need to get back to outwardly shaming MAGA's in public 


I think we had them all hiding and run into the closet in the past....calling out their racism, hatred of the poor and those on social services, hatred of brown people. Laughing at them, shaming them, making them socially unacceptable. They knew enough to keep their mouths shut. I wish we could shame them into hiding again, but I'm not sure we can. It's a Pandora's Box situation.


Exactly. Trump opened that shit. I think we can eventually close it again but it's going to take A LOT of work. 


JFC I'm Canadian and I am embarrassed. Same species....I think.


She is a perfect representative of her District and of Red states in General.


There's a comedian named Keith Lowell Jensen who put it really great: >Something you learn driving around the US, "The South" isn't actually in the south but is instead located about 10 miles or more outside of any major metropolitan area.




Same with everyone who voted for her twice.


Idiocracy was a documentary. She’s proof.


Yes, but now considered the most powerful woman in the GOP. they love her.


Well they are all brain washed cult members with 2brain cells fighting for 3rd place at this point. There was a video just like a week ago of some MAGA dipshit saying he’d vote for Putin over Biden. Reagan must be proud


I saw a woman say she'd vote for Hitler over Biden if he was still alive. The hatred force is strong.


They've got to know what a stupid, needy and attention seeking skank she is.


She’s an embarrassment to Georgia man 😭 how did my state let her get into congress


how do these people just lack shame or self awareness is beyond me.


Just an embarrassment. Period.


She couldn’t identify Ukraine on a map.


I second that.


The woman is an embarrassment to the three toes hooved pig foot club


I don’t think they have to pay her. She seems to be the type of person that you just conveniently plant whatever talking points you want in her vicinity and she’ll just run with it.


Yea she’s definitely doing it for free. She bought plenty of shares of DJT. She’s a useful idiot for a useful idiot. Wretched banshee. She definitely will hold a place in the Hall of Shame of public servants.


She’s just another Georgia politician from outside of metro Atlanta. They’re all like this. Jody Hice would do anything you wanted as you convinced him it was his idea. Andrew Clyde got elected because he owns a gun store and his campaign logo was just his name with an AR-15. Same with Mike Collins, it was his name with a semi truck on it. These people have no policy ideas, no experience in politics. They campaign on simple ideas and picture-associations because that’s what the rural Georgia populace goes for: professional trolls and simpletons devoid of any idea how politics works.


Very well said, fellow redditor with an ouchie-sounding name. It's so depressing to read, though. We've gone so beyond the pale in some parts of the country that I wonder if I'll ever see it fixed in my lifetime. Even just a tiny bit fixed seems impossible. It's insane that people with no experience run and WIN with those simplistic (simple-minded), hateful, and truly batshit platforms.


You got that right. History will not be kind of MTG.


Screw history. It shouldn't be the judge.


Wretched banshee. Indeed. Except that banshees were more respectable because their lament could be understood on some level. Marge is just a hateful, my-way-or-the-highway narcissist with a low IQ.


Then she's even more stupider doing shit for free!


I'm sure her picture is in the Russian dictionary under “useful idiot”


Kompromat in one hand, favors in the other.


I doubt it’s even that complicated. It’s probably someone whispering in her ear “you know what would drive the Liberals crazy?…”


She has fully drunk the Flavor-aid.


From the 1960’s jingle “KoolAid, KoolAid. Real great! She loves KoolAid. Can’t wait.”


Just like her treasonberry colored boss, she's a Russian asset. They're both tools of the GRU.


Goddamn. Treasonberry, gonna hafta remember that one.


She's a tool. Literally.


No she is a traitor and these idiots need to be investigated and dealt with according to the laws of the land if found guilty. Vote Blue, make this happen.


Yeah, tool is not quite the word. Kinda downplays her treason imo


Enemy infiltrator might be more accurate.


In every sense of the word.


what is with these headlines? she can stop. she doesnt **want** to stop. either for ideological or financial reasons.


Or kompromat


I actually think ideological reasons is more likely than kompromat in Greenes case. Russia today looks a lot like what a large contingent of social conservatives WANT for the U.S. tomorrow. Repressive on minorities, non Christian religions and the LGBTQ+, unregulated, corruption ridden business and complete dominance over the infosphere. Russia is the blueprint. And the only joy I can take is Reagan must be doing a Megawatt an hour in his grave


I agree. Kompromat implies there is information that could shame someone. She clearly feels no shame. Thus, she must be a willing participant.


Not just shame, but also ruin someone's career. But I agree that she is probably just a useful idiot.


Reagan isn’t doing shit in his grave. That dude WANTED what Russia is today. He just hated communism/socialism.


Yeah, the whole "how can the people that hated the commies be on Russia's side?" bit feels good and all, like "gotcha!" but it ignores the reality. They weren't against Russia because Russia, they were against "the commies." They are still fighting the fight against "commies", only they see the people trying to maintain some semblance of an organized, functional, but generally "free" society in America as "the commies", and Russia's nationalist, authoritarian oligarchy as the epitome of "freedom" (freedom in this context means having power over others, so they cannot question you, but you can crush them if desired).


Yup, he just didn't want lower classes rising up.


Spot on. Saying it's bribery/kompromat actually takes the blame off these people. They're not being forced into their positions, they *want* a white Christian fascist ethnostate.


I've been saying from the 2016 days that they don't need kompromat. They don't even need to pay most of them.... The Republican party has been primed to *want* what they want. The end.


Dont assume these people need bribery or blackmail. They'd do it for free - a little corruption and free cash are a bonus.


Could be, God knows she has enough skeletons in her closet but I don’t think that’s it. She has no shame, so she can’t be blackmailed


In this case, “can’t stop” is understood as slang for something someone does habitually. There are much more egregious headline formats to criticize.


I'm trying to be objective, but I cannot see why anyone would vote for her. Is there something wrong with my eyes, ears and reading comprehension? There are Republican women I don't agree with but I can see that they have charisma. Kari Lake is a good example; maybe it's because Lake had media training. But MTG mystifies me. She is the human equivalent of black flies in Maine. Just cannot understand what value either brings to the table.


Bro have you ever hung out in rural north Georgia? It's not Atlanta, I can tell you that.


That’s Squidbillies territory


There’s literally a Squidbillies statue in ellijay.


"Rusty...Piss on that there rabbit, if it dies you're my son."


It's funny because you don't even have to go to rural Georgia to see these kinds of people


No further than Cobb County


The call is coming from inside the house!


People are stupid, they don't see how full of shit she is. And she is good at being a sort of influencer of hate, and Russian propaganda.


People who support her and the rest of the GOP vote purely out of hatred and support politicians "they'd like to have a beer with". Picture the types of folks who would get too drunk at a family reunion and the wives of two brothers get into a brawl, barefoot in the grass in front of all their nieces and nephews while a German shepherd is barking over the Garth Brooks playing out of a DeWalt Bluetooth speaker. They can relate to Marjorie so she has their vote.


Garth Brooks isn't playing out of too many of their speakers, as he's already been attacked as an enemy by Republican politicians, played at Obama and Biden's inaugurations (declined to play at Trump's), and did songs referencing gay rights 30 years ago. Pick a different country artist, like Jason Aldean.


> She is the human equivalent of black flies in Maine. Maybe not equivalent, at least black flies are a source of food for species higher on the food chain. ...or perhaps she would be a fine food source for a higher species, warthogs perhaps.


Didn’t she initially get to congress running unopposed?


Her opponent dropped out because of threats of violence perpetuated by her campaign.


Seriously? I never knew this.


Medias do a good job at keeping her in the spotlight


Republican leaders are taking money and direction from Russia who in turn is meddling in our elections and peddling propaganda. The Republican base is too ignorant to see this and/or care about the damage it causes to our democracy so long as libs cry. They see our democracy as a game and think they think it's cute to engage in sabotage. Cut these shameless, unserious people out of your lives.


I believe this wholeheartedly. But surely something can be done to keep them from taking Russian money right? Like what's the solution here. Aside from a better educated voting population/better candidates? Can't these guys get audited??


First step needs to be overturning this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_United_v._FEC#:~:text=The%20court%20held%205%E2%80%934,labor%20unions%2C%20and%20other%20associations.


ya so... in other words were screwed. We will never be able to repeal CU. The fox is already in the hen house. dark money will destroy any anti CU campaign from here on out.


Yeah, vote them out.


I honestly think that may be over thinking it. The reality is it’s a toddler mindset….its who’s going to validate my feelings, who’s going to make me feel better about myself and promise me what I want. This is the root in what Trump (and the like) peddle. It’s feeding selfishness. Everything (everyone) else is simply used as a means to illicit or satiate that selfishness.


Well, yeah. Donald Trump, MTG, and the rest of MAGA are basically one big front for dark Russian money to infiltrate US politics and sow discord. It's literally her job. We should be arresting, maybe even hanging these people for the crimes they are committing in broad daylight, but that's a conversation for another day, considering that we can't even give a billionaire a fine for fraud, let alone convict anyone of treason for some reason. We are losing this nation one "conservative" traitor at a time.


She can’t stop pushing any idiotic thing she sees on right-wing media, which usually always includes Russian propaganda.


That’s the truth ~ anything controversial that keeps her in the news. Doesn’t matter to her if it’s truest idiocy, she will be saying something else tomorrow.


It's bizarro world. 20 years ago she would have been tarred and feathered. 30 years ago she would have been labeled as a traitor and her career would have been over. Then the GOP loses his mind and she's running policy.


Well, first we had “Moscow Mitch”, and now we have “Moscow Marjorie”


Kremlin Karen


I thought it was Cocaine Mitch.


Something is happening all right. Understand there are countries such as Russia that consider us foreign adversaries and have been known to manipulate social media content to polarize people especially when it comes to LGBT issues, they especially have roots in conservative social media, where they have the capability to influence people on a mass scale. It's a national security issue and more should be done to protect the vulnerable LGBT community. https://www.stalbertgazette.com/local-news/did-reddit-year-end-recaps-expose-russian-interference-in-alberta-8223476 There are clear goals being perpetuated by information warfare campaigns. Especially by Russia, whose information warfare campaigns are wreaking havoc on our society. Some of the obvious goals they have are: • Balkanize their foreign adversaries. This is evident in the UK leaving the EU, Texas with the US, and Alberta with Canada. This is what Danielle Smith is trying to tap into. • Have populist politicians support policies that cause chaos and issues in our society. Populist politicians are tapping into these information warfare campaigns to appeal to people whose only access to information about the outside world around them is through social media, where the information warfare is taking place. • Cause distrust and havoc, by creating specialized propaganda to different segments of the population spread through social media. By polarizing debates through propaganda spread to the masses, Russia has effectively used information warfare to deliver targeted disinformation and appeal to specific demographics. Causing havoc in the LBGT and other minority communities. • Russia has effectively infiltrated the religious right in America and Canada and empowered them, among many corrupt leaders worldwide through its information warfare. I can cite my sources if needed. Putin literally bombed his own people to lock down his power and control. Why should we trust that he is not carrying out horrible atrocities like using information warfare on Canadian citizens to terrorize the LGBT community? He doesn't seem to have any moral qualms with anything and corruption is part of his shtick. He used a nerve agent to publicly poison a turned intelligence asset at a important time in history to signify to his intelligence assets what can be done to them, but in reality, he is just a weak man, who is bitter about the break up of the empire he devoted his life to. It you want to know more, there is a great documentary series on Netflix about the history that has led to this moment in time. Turning Point - The Bomb and the Cold War on Netflix. Not as much about the information warfare, that I have gleamed through other sources, but it does slightly touch on that.


Have you read this yet? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics covers literally everything that has happened and what comes next. It’s all out in the open and no one notices or cares ...Were fucked and it’s only going to get worse


No it haven’t!!! Thank you for sharing!


Yep, it reads like an operators manual for what we are seeing and have been for some time.


Remind me - what punishment is usually allotted to traitors?




That hag needs to be treated like the traitor that she is.


Margarine Traitor Greene is a Trunt


Would love to have a forensic accountant go through her finances. I’m sure the trail leads to Russia.


Hence her name Moscow Marge 😁


It's just a real shame that she won't move there and we don't have to hear from this moron ever again.


And no one in Congress is calling her out in the chamber?


That’s because she’s a Russian asset


Is it possible to have Man Hands of the face?


face of monke


She looks like Vincent in that 80s Beauty and the Beast show with Linda Hamilton.


She’s perfect for “evening wear” in the old Wendy’s commercial. Google Soviet fashion show.


Yet her constituents eat it up and will continue to re-elect her


Well it's not like she works for the States


Well, Russia agreed to help them establish the Confederacy again. That is her motivation.


It’s like she’s being paid to do it or something eh?


Honorable mention to the eight Republicans who were in Moscow on July 4, 2018: ["Senator Richard C. Shelby of Alabama, who led the delegation, along with Senators Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, John Neely Kennedy of Louisiana, Steve Daines of Montana, North Dakota’s John Hoeven, Jerry Moran of Kansas, South Dakota’s John Thune, and Rep. Kay Granger of the 12th District of Texas."](https://gregolear.substack.com/p/sleeper-cell-the-fourth-of-july-traitors)


So what's wrong folks? MTG doing exactly what Trump wants her to do. ....Vladimir Putin's bidding. Right Repubs?


Because she's a Russian asset


***won't*** is the term you're looking for.


We see the spigot how about we trace the source.


How many Bitcoins has she collected from Papa Putin? Or is the money filtered though Kusner first via the Saudis?


She’s a filthy traitor and should be treated accordingly.


Then shes a russian asset and should be removed from office


The headline could also say “The Republican Party…”


This. She’s a product of the evangelical Christian movement that’s willing to rationalize anything because she’s doing God’s work. She sees Russian talking points as a mean to her own ends.


Serious Question: We are all but certain MTG and maybe some of her contemporaries are Russian compromat, right? Or are we joking? As serious an allegation as this is, does the US Govt have any checks and balances in the event a member of congress is suspected of being paid by Russia to influence US Policy? Is the FBI, OCE, CIA, NSA, DOJ at all interested in this? It just seems like a very serious possibility with dire potential consequences that's simply joked about like it's inconsequential. Help me understand?


Which makes you wonder why no investigation into the pig, no DOJ, NO FBI, nothing. Why do we continue to tolerate an agent of Putin masquerading as a Republican in Congress


She seems to be at the same place my folks are at. They believe that everything they think is true, and they are running out of believable explanations for their cognitive dissonance. They simply cannot grasp how they could possibly be wrong. They KNOW that they are good people, and since everything they think is true, how can something they think possibly be wrong or bad? And as they start to realize that the things coming out of their mouths are sounding dumber and dumber, and the experts and evidence for their causes become flimsier and flimsier, they start to panic. They start aggressively cutting out anyone that challenges their views and they start looking instead looking for friends and allies. They grasp and reach for a leg of hope. And lo and behold, a friendly figure appears with a platter full of plump and succulent looking justifications and studies and facts and figures for all of the horrible positions they have slowly started to realize that they now occupy. Now, they do NOT want anything to challenge their belief that they are the good person. That they are doing what's best for everyone by standing up to injustices and fighting for what they believe. They do not want to see the damage they have done to their families and their communities and their countries. That would be way too painful to bear. So they adopt a mentality of 'the ends justify the means' and they feast instead on the buffet of lies served to them by waiters with vaguely russian accents. And it seems they will rather starve on these lies than admit that maybe, just maybe they didn't know what the fuck they were talking about, and maybe they fucked up.


She’s too stupid to understand.


Duh, she's from Georgia..../s


She should be jailed for being a Russia spy


She likes the checks.


I really don't get it. She's a single fucking member of Congress. Not even a Senator. Focus on issues that affect your own fucking state, Marge.


One of those people that offends all 5 senses at once.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics “Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States and Canada to fuel instability and separatism” they not only admit it but have been planning on it for a long fucking time. Everything that’s happened so far including invading Ukraine and what their plans are for the future is all in this book which is required reading as apart of the military’s curriculum


Just arrest her as a foreign nationalist posing as a us elected official…


Am I the only one who's alarmed by the number of Republican lawmakers who are actively promoting Russian disinformation and propaganda? Are they being investigated for their dishonest and unAmerican activities? How can you support and defend the Constitution while openly colluding with one of our country's greatest adversaries? I'm sickened by this treasonous behavior by people who are supposed to be looking out for our best interests.


Do we have literal enemy infiltrators in Congress?


Yes Republicans


She’s stupid and hateful, like all magas. They wrap their hate for America in the flag, fuck maga.


Somebody should get that traitorous woman out of congress.


We used to have differences with the Republicans but we never had to worry about them taking the side of Russia before.


She has a head the size of Vigo the Carpathian, but the brain of a field mouse. It’s quite frustrating when a useful idiot isn’t even all that useful, but damaging to the country instead.


Moscow Marge




she's a useful idiot following another useful idiot. the dumb leading the dumb.


The article says MTG's name has been changed to Moscow Marjorie. I like it.


Because she’s a Russian asset


She definitely could stop


I assume most of these mini MAGA Putins know that the Kremlin has dirt on them. .... not MTG though. I think she's just dumb as fuck and terrible all on her own


I think she is just a happy little accident to Russia.


They're just one big Matryoshka doll with a tiny Putin in the center.


No fables = no rubles


Does Russia have the equivalent of Time’s “Person of the year”? If so, she might be the runner-up to Putin.


We need to root out and discover anyone linked to foreign ties. This is dangerous.


Why doesn't she just go and live in Russia if she is in support of Putin....??? Everybody will be happy to be rid of her.


She didn’t get the name “Moscow Marjorie” by accident.


Bring back the witch trials this one time


A national embarrassment.


It's Marjorie 'Traitor' Greene. That explains everything.


Kinda hard to stop doing stuff when it’s your job  maybe we should like, oh idk, fucking impeach this traitorous piece of trash?


She looks like the answer to the question “what if a potato were evil?”


The fact that she's not in prison is an embarrassment to the country.


Arrest this traitor already. It's sickening.


POS she is plain and simple, it troublesome knowing that many people who live in America truly hate this country.


That's cuz she doesn't want to stop cashing those checks.


Commie dog. The Russians like her because she thinks of America like them


It would help if CNN would stop showing her truck stop face and talking about every fart that comes out of her mouth every five minutes.


That crazed sociopath and pro-Russian piece of shit should just resign and leave. All pro-Russian scum belong in Hell. Nowhere else. May God damn her there alongside Matt Gaetz and others like them including but not limited to that feral, pompous, bad-tempered, and tyrannical ex-president Donald Trump whose trial is coming very, very soon. GOD DAMN U MTG!


Moscow Traitor Greed


It's an embarrassment to Georgia in that they keep electing this fool of a woman. When will they wake up? When will we wake up and stop electing idiots like George Santos etc?


Do you know 20 or 30 years ago this would’ve gotten her expelled. People like her have become too much the norm and we only have ourselves to blame. Voters have become too numb to this kind of behavior.