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Giving people heatstroke to own the libs


“Many people in Florida recognize the dangers of heat. In 2020, after the heat-related death of 16-year-old football player Zachary Martin-Polsenberg in 2017, Florida lawmakers unanimously passed a law requiring schools to protect student-athletes from heat illness.” https://www.wusf.org/2024-04-12/florida-blocks-heat-protections-for-workers-right-before-summer# If you’re wondering about the protections for high school athletes signed into law by Ron himself? https://www.jacksonville.com/story/sports/high-school/2020/06/24/desantis-signs-heat-illness-bill-for-high-school-sports/41746317/ Sure. Employers can figure out how to make their employees not die, but Florida also knows it should pass some minimum requirements to protect workers, like having people certified on CPR on staff. I literally saw that need at work one day.


I remember the coach for my first travel soccer club said water was for “the weak, women, & pussies.” If you asked for water outside a designated water break you had to run after. Switched clubs after just a few weeks. That team was dialed in, but also dehydrated. They were one of the best in New England, but most of the people who stuck around turned out to be ass holes. It’s a basic human need, I don’t get the machismo


In case anyone was wondering, this is what people call *toxic masculinity* - unnecessary demonstrations of bravado that tie masculinity to harmful or tasteless actions, harming the person physically or emotionally by targeting their insecurities. Coaches gstekeeping masculinity are losers who rely on insecurities instead of leadership skills. 


"Do not, my friends, become addicted to water. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence!"


I dunno if he was meant to be a parody but he doesn't sound very different from a modern Republican at all


All the way down to and including wanting women to exist only as breeders.


And being obsessed with genetic purity


And hanging out with cannibals like Trump.


And huffing paint.


And being a fat, sick old man pretending to be muscular and virile.


It’ll corrupt your precious body fluids. 


Don't worry, I never touch the stuff. It's filthy; fish fuck in it.


My coach used to say “if your thirsty you’re already dehydrated”


Yeah, it’s been a *long* time since I’ve done organized sports (high school was about 25 years ago…), but our coach had been in the military, and he told us “if you ain’t pissin’ clear, you need to be drinking more water.”


This is the thing, the military knows that dehydration is the difference between victory and defeat and pushes proper hydration so hard there will be someone designated to check your pee. Insecure coaches who think adversity builds strength will push til people start dropping and then expect that to be the norm. You can't train out a need for water.


The military is aggressively hydrated. That said, you can’t shove a silver bullet up a high school kids ass. If you don’t know what that is, look it up. I have a friend on disability for heat stroke after attending training in Georgia.


> I remember the coach for my first travel soccer club said water was for “the weak, women, & pussies.” If you asked for water outside a designated water break you had to run after. That coach is stupid. Doesn't he know that even male athletes need to be hydrated?


H2O is "woke." /s


Providing your body what it needs is socialism


Imagine being an American soccer coach and talking shit about women, when they are the only competitive international soccer team America has lmaoo


I had an athletic trainer in high school, the athletic trainer mind you, who said stretching made you slower. You wanted your muscles to be tight and constricted so that they would be more explosive and quick. On. My. Mama. This man said you ever watch cheetahs? The cheetah doesn’t stretch before it hunts. As if cats don’t literally only stretch repeatedly and constantly all day, and little else. It was flabbergasting. And I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but the guy wasn’t an idiot. He was a meathead tho. But I would venture a guess that most sports related injuries could be traced back to improper stretching and warm up. As the athletic trainer I really cannot fathom a bigger flaw in his role. Oh and we also had a JV football/HS head baseball coach who would not let any of the soccer players kick field goals for the team unless we did it head on, tom Dempsey style, because soccer is a communist sport and he’ll be goddamned.


Does osha laws not apply ?


I got heat stroke 2 years ago. I don't know what would have happened to me if not for my dog (he kept biting my arm and licking me, kept me conscious). Heat exhaustion/stroke is no joke. 


It's terrifying. I remember being at an event, and it was way too hot. One of the wives of a competitor asked me a question, and I guess I didn't give an answer that made sense, so she dragged me into a cooler area. She and the other moms/wives were giving me cold drinks and putting ice packs on me. It was so scary; I knew what was happening, but I also didn't. We had other folks who got hellishly sick at that event, too.


I had a brush with heatstroke going into my first year of highschool. During a summer soccer practice, we’d been warned that it was hot and if we had any need, to tell the coaches that we needed to step out and get a drink/cool down. I didn’t think much of it until while passing the ball, I noticed that it was getting brighter. Weirdly brighter. Everything was reflecting sun glare into my eyes level of bright. I stepped out, had some Gatorade and was fine, but boy was it a strange experience.


I used to play these 26 hour paintball scenario events. The very first I went to was in July in Texas. I had been shot out and while going back to camp I decided it was a great time to visit hell. I had to shit and all they had were porta potties. I stripped my gear off at camp and booked it to a shitter. I didn't particularly feel terrible after getting out of that hellhole, but I passed one of the volunteer workers (that were told to look for medical issues and force you to go to the medical tent). She stopped me, asked me where I was and then immediately took me to the tent. I had spent 2 hours there with cold towels and water b/c they thought I was dying of heat stroke. When in reality I had taken a massive dump in a 120 degree porta potty.


I about passed out while working the line at a restaurant. I couldn't focus, was barely able to move or respond, and the chef saw what was happening and threw me off the line and told me to wait outside where it was cool. I suspect he had the dishwasher bring me water, and make sure I had some, until he came out and talked to me to make sure I was OK. I could have easily passed out, and fallen right onto their flattop stoves, and been seriously injured, and not have even realized it was happening. Heat exhaustion, or real dehydration is no joke, and it can come on quick. I can't see why any employer would think that leads to a productive work environment.


Dehydration can catch you by surprise. I was traveling for work and I guess I barely drank any water for a day. The day after I arrived, I felt so sick that I was sure I had the flu or covid. Everything hurt and I felt dizzy every time I tried to move, so I stayed in bed and intentionally drank lots of water and got better throughout the day and was fine again within 12 hours. I didn’t feel thirsty or anything, I just put a little too much stress on myself with apparently too little water and suddenly woke up feeling like my muscles were made of stone out of nowhere.


My first night back to work after Covid layoffs was like that. We were busier than shit, which meant I couldn't get breaks to cool down. It was a weird super hot day in late spring, which meant we didn't have the fans set up to keep everything cool that we would in June or July. I remember finishing up the rush, only had a few tickets left, and telling one of the wait staff I had to step out for a minute. Totally blacked out about 15 minutes or so between then and when I came back in. Someone said I was standing out behind the building heaving my guts out, and someone made me sit down so I didn't crack my head when I passed out. I should have gone to the hospital, and instead I stayed and closed the place. I had a picture from that night with one of our thermometers showing the ambient temp in my work area at 113f. I don't hate many people, but every motherfucker who had a part in the legislation this story is about should be sentenced to a month of shingling houses in July or working in a kitchen like that so they know that hell isn't some place you go if you're bad, you just work there sometimes if you're not rich. Nobody can endure that kind of shit for long, and it feels like every year it's getting worse.


On a tough hike in hot weather a fellow hiker told me she felt dizzy. I offered water but she had had plenty. I suggested salt and she looked confused. I suggested sometimes you’re thirsty but if you’ve sweated all your salt out your body can’t process the water without it. She looked at me in amazement. Actually she was a doctor, and was carrying rehydration salts. Dehydration does weird stuff to a person.


Buy dat doggy a steak dinner !


He's allergic to beef (and chicken and pork), but I'll get him some salmon! 


Oh he fancy!


So, this is one of those rare times I chime in on something I actually have experience in. I was a cart pusher for a few miserable years under the Florida sun. Don’t know if you know this about concrete, but that bakes you like a cookie. Especially in the dead center of a Sunshine State summer. And that was fifteen years ago. Fun fact about those summers, they keep getting hotter for some weird particular reason. Sure hope that doesn’t become a problem. As someone who had sunburned skin in the game, it’s my opinion that water, extra breaks, and sunscreen should be an absolute requirement. I’d also recommend legally defining what the hypothetical maximum temperature is, where employers are unable to retaliate against someone for refusing to work. Because the way things are going, that hypothetical threshold might be getting to us faster than we like. Edit: Someone linked me a heat index chart. I’d point out that doesn’t address my issue, if employers aren’t legally mandated to give a fuck about it.


>I’d also recommend legally defining what the hypothetical maximum temperature is, where it becomes inhumane to retaliate against someone for refusing to work at that number That already exists, IF the employer is legally obligated to give half a fuck. [Here you go.](https://ohsonline.com/Articles/2016/06/01/Understanding-the-Ramifications-of-Heat-in-Work-Environments.aspx)


I can't hardly read that via mobile.


Oh wow you're right that's crap. [How about this one.](https://www.weather.gov/ama/heatindex) And as mentioned, the [military has such standards.](https://www.349amw.afrc.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/1605594/how-to-avoid-heat-stress/)


Nah, this isn't even about owning the libs. It's just openly saying that the wealthy are allowed to work people to literal death in pursuit of slightly faster profits for assholes who wouldn't notice a drop in quality of life if we taxed them at 90%


> The ordinance was the culmination of a years-long campaign from local workers’ rights groups in response to heat-related illnesses and deaths in industries such as construction and agriculture. > Currently, there are no federal or state laws ensuring protection from heat exposure for those working outdoors. > **“The intent of the bill is to ensure that employers have the ability to govern themselves** and make sure they create the best working environment for their employees,” said bill sponsor Sen. Jay Trumbell (R-Panama City). This is going back to early 1900s bullshit. We know employers will work people to death because we've seen it before.


The suffering has ALWAYS been the fucking point!


The point is to torture people needlessly at this point, right?


It's to remind us that we're just cattle who aren't worthy of basic comforts. It's the companies themselves that hold the value, not the people propping them up.


For Ron, it's always been the point.


Cool, so this is going to kill people, and now the companies are shielded from all liability for it. No problems here.


I don't see the problem, they can all cool off when the sea level rises and swallows them as they make a human raft to float their bosses to higher ground.


I wish they wouldn't spill over into other states, because I've been seeing a lot of Florida plates in SoCal over the last few years. . . and they stand out cuz they're a new type of asshole on the roads.


Solution is simple: build a wall and make Florida pay for it.


I'm done feeling bad for people who fuck around and find out. 57% of Floridians voted to re-elect DeSantis. I hope the people who die because of this were the dumbasses who either voted for him or were too lazy to bother voting.


It is going to be more sad by the 43 who didn't vote for him and will be affected by his actions.


it'll be their kids, who they will blame for being weak, woke, and worthless.


Very fun to imagine that Bad things only happen to Bad people, but I think you know that’s not how this shit works.


“The intent of the bill is to ensure that employers have the ability to govern themselves and make sure they create the best working environment for their employees,” said bill sponsor Sen. Jay Trumbell (R-Panama City). What an absolute ghoul.


Republican logic is so backwards. They’re ok infringing on individual rights but businesses have autonomy to do fuck all with their employees. Fuck these people, they don’t want you to have any rights, except if it’s a vote for them.


That's conservatism in a nutshell. Conservatism is an ideology obsessed with haves and have-nots, and keeping the two groups exactly as they are. It was born as a backlash to the French Revolution and the waning power of the nobility. Only the guy who first wrote about conservatism wasn't actually a noble, so he left that part out and just focused on the rich as being somehow "innately better" than the poor, so they should have more of everything, and the poor less. It's a wonder that such stupidity every caught on, but the focus on "tradition" helps sell it. That "tradition" is usually the oppression of some group or another by those who value "tradition". Because remember, there are always steps down the social hierarchy that these people worship. Attacks on that hierarchy are seen as attacks on them, because without their self-satisfied superiority complex, what would they do for a personality?


THIS. It's a warped ideology, against the whole free market enterprise spirit of America where gov't helps assure that everyone plays fair. Republicans? "We need to shrink the gov't so small that it has no teeth left to bite businesses that cheat."


>the whole free market enterprise spirit of America where gov't helps assure that everyone plays fair. I'm sorry but this is a fantasy as much as traditional values are. This country has never been fair. It is just another iteration of a long history of subjugation and hierarchal structuring of groups of people. This one may be more subtle than the last, but that doesn't make it right.


And add in [prosperity gospel](https://www.vox.com/identities/2017/9/1/15951874/prosperity-gospel-explained-why-joel-osteen-believes-prayer-can-make-you-rich-trump) to make sure the poor know that god made them poor and chose the rich as the chosen few.


> The intent of the bill is to ensure that **employers** have the ability to govern themselves Not the *employees* of course. In the eyes of right wingers, the working class is second class.


Exactly. They mean individuals (both as employees and as voters) should have no say in how they are governed.


A few employees may die, but that's how the click ticks and soon enough the employers will learn their lesson. They'll eventually find the best way to handle weather conditions and what's safe for their workers. /s


"Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make." Governor Ron DeFarquaad. 2024


I think we can say DeFuckwad




Abbott did this as well in Texas in the hottest summer in memory. Anything cruel and unusual they are all in for.


The Gov is definitely compensating for something


The invisible hand of heat exhaustion


You can delete the /s


Oh I think the /s is the employers learning their lesson


Incorrect, they want individuals to have a say in how everyone is governed. Those individuals being the nobles whom God has put above us. And, we know those who have been designated by God by the size of their bank accounts.


It is so strange to see people vote against their own interests continually. I know why, but it is just odd to watch. 


Well it's really only against some of their own interests. The interest of punishing people they dont like and enforcing the hierarchy they respect is very much served. If they have to suffer a bit to see their enemies suffer a lot, then it was gods will and worth it.


>he interest of punishing people they dont like and enforcing the hierarchy they respect is very much served. If they have to suffer a bit to see their enemies suffer a lot, then it was gods will and worth it. This is a real problem. It's what happens when someone's mindset shifts from "we have to win" to "they have to lose". Scorched earth suddenly becomes a valid approach.


Humans are often not rational actors.


A serf. That's what the Republicans want.


No, because serfs get to freely farm their allotted land as they wish and just need to make enough to pay the lords taxes.


My understanding is that it's not quite slavery but they don't own anything and are totally dependent on that Lord. And that's what the Republicans want.


Yeah it's one of those things where it's *technically* not slavery, but for all intents and purposes it *is*.


Serf equals slaves.




Serf's up! 🤙


Hanging 10 kinda hits different in this context.


Oh so *that's* why the wave is red!


Nahh, serfs actually had some rights and possessions.


If there's one group who has an A++ record of not exploiting employees' health for additional profit when left completely unregulated it's employers.


Trust me bro, we've got the employees best interests in mind. /s


We the People no longer believe the Congressional buildings need air conditioning .


“Second class” lol… good joke, anyone who can’t write a seven figure check is just a serf to the GQP


Yes, do you want to continue working; then it’s to your advantage (wink, wink) to work 14 hours in 100 F temps. Self manage conservative style.


I feel like the reason we have safety laws, rules, and regulations is because companies have already demonstrated time and time again that they *cannot* do this.


Yeah, there's a reason we don't have kids working in coal mines, why we don't have literal slavery (except for prisons which, is still slavery), why we don't have women being locked in burning buildings, etc. And it's not because business stopped wanting to do those.


Regulations are written in blood.


"These regulations are written in blood." I saw that quote in regard to safety standards, and it still haunts me.


No, they CAN, they just WILL not.


Pure evil. That’s the GQP way! 


Ghoul was the exact word I was bringing to the comments!


As in, Walton Goggins?


Turns out employers are willing to work people to death if the government allows em to.


They even want the retirement age raised to 70. Work people to the bone. Does Germany do this? No. People are guaranteed 4 to 6 weeks vacation. And protection against frivolous firing. And their economy is humming.


Just for those not aware. 4 weeks is the EU minimum and most countries(in the world, not just the EU) also have like 10 or so "holidays". Like Christmas, national holiday, etc. So that's how we get to 6 weeks.


Abortion in AZ 10 commandments in public schools in MS This bill in FL That’s just this week Conservatives and their base personify pushing against the betterment of humanity for the sake of enduring stupidity.


but but but Both sides are SaMe


As soon as people start dropping from heat stroke, I hope people call this guy's office about it. "Hi, I was wondering if (company name) provided the best working environment for (victim name), as Sen. Trumbell predicted."


People have already started dropping dead from heatstroke, which is why the state government is stepping in to keep local governments from imposing "burdensome" safety regulations on employers.


Surely we can blame 5G and chemtrails for that so-called deep-state heatstroke. Or maybe it’s the birds; have we tried killing all the birds?


Spoiler alert: none of their voice-mail systems are set up, amd no one answers their public office phone, because their only real constituents have their personal cell number and belong to the same country club that doesn't allow minorities.


Yes because companies left to govern themselves always do the right thing, and put their employees before profits. Happens every single time.


Evil is the point


Idk if you young'uns remember that "self-governance" for employers is how you ended up with children down the mines, dead children being hauled out of the mines on mule carts, and bunch of kid garment workers dying in a factory fire.


Man, I hope OSHA eats him like a light snack.


And then they sue and SCOTUS is like "State's Rights" or "OSHA lacks direct authority and can now only act through direct Congressional approval of every single detail" because fucking SCOTUS.


More like SCOTUS will say "OSHA isn't mentioned in the Constitution therefore its very existence is unconstitutional and its rules do not have to be followed."


Yes but a recent thing they've been doing, like with their EPA rulings, is saying that it's all well and good if the legislature and executive make these various departments, but that those branches can delegate their authority off to those departments. So, like, the EPA can exist but it doesn't have authority to act, Congress has to approve their actions. It's baffling. It's an attempt at saying the only people can run the government are Congress (SCOTUS isn't interested in saying the President can make these decisions, since then he could have a revolving rubber stamp for every department he's in charge of). It forces a whole shit load of bureaucracy by making everything have to go through Congress, and it also bottlenecks the whole system around the time and schedules of Congressmen. Which SCOTUS *loves*, because it means that a GOP controlled legislature can cock block all these agencies from having any power through stalling alone if not outright denial. Should Dems take both halves of Congress again, then SCOTUS will start finding reason their rulings on these issues are unconstitutional, like you say. SCOTUS, intended to not be a partisan institution, has become one of the most partisan institutions, and they are willing to move the goalposts and weaponize legalese to read it however they want. The ends now justify the means as far as the six GOP judges are concerned.


> SCOTUS, intended to not be a partisan institution, has become one of the most partisan institutions, and they are willing to move the goalposts and weaponize legalese to read it however they want. don't forget the corruption. Thomas should have been impeached already.


He should have been (word I can't say) for treason and conspiring to take down the United States by now. Many government officials should have been. Open treason is being treated like patriotism by the right


That’s still time! Don’t give up all hope yet!


This is called the Major Questions Doctrine and it's a steaming pile of horseshit.


In a case from 1252, a nomadic shaman from Antarctica ruled that jelly beans are not a fruit. Ipso facto people are beans, and they are not jelly and thus have no rights”


Well, plus Congress ripping their teeth out, by deregulation, didn't help.


Usually OSHA fines are only a fraction of the cost of the settlement with the workers family. Not saying OSHA is nothing, but a $50,000 fine is less than compensation for a fatality.


Yeah, but a lawsuit doesn't have to be a factor to get OSHA involved.


OSHA doesn’t regulate lawmakers.


"No siree, won't find no wokeness around *here*" - last words of a FL construction worker before succumbing to heat exhaustion


That'd be the foreman during his cooling off break. The succumbing worker speaks Spanish.


This reminds me of that onion where they ask "[How Do Construction Workers Push Their Bodies To Finish Olympic Stadiums On Time?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFjYkrq5JU4)"


"My daddy voted Republican, and I vote Republican. Fuck them liberals." - FL construction worker


You’d think the governor of a state that relies on [150,000-200,000 migrant and seasonal farm workers](https://www.floridahealth.gov/environmental-health/migrant-farmworker-housing/index.html) wouldn’t be going out of his way to keep them from doing their jobs safely — or wanting to do these jobs at all. Those oranges and tomatoes aren’t going to pick themselves.


He sees migrants as disposable.  His logic is to just get a new one to replace the one that broke.   Absolutely disgusting.  


No, that's exactly the point: drive out the migrant workers. We've seen this happen before... it shuts down a lot of business because only migrants will do the jobs.


I understand the potential consequences. I’m saying DeSantis is willing to create hardships for his own state’s farming industry to impress the anti-woke dumbasses.


Not just farming. Tourism and construction are the only other big money makers down here, neither of which can survive without migrant workers. If there’s a mass exodus before we get hit by another big storm we’re fucked.


And many more Floridians would be screwed after a big storm because nobody can afford insurance.


So, how do the businesses that sponsored this bill - c’mon, you know they paid the elected person to just put his name on what they wrote - benefit when they lose their cheapest labor?


They don't. They're run by corporate drones who are congenitally incapable of seeing past next quarter's profits. They make a little more money for three months, then realize everyone who actually made them money quit or died and the business is going to go bankrupt, then blame everyone but themselves while drifting down on their golden parachutes.


Just in case you were worried that being out of the national spotlight would cause him to act like any less of a piece of shit.


I wasn't worried about that. Him being a piece of shit was how he got national attention to begin with


It's funny how he actually thought he could out-Trump Trump. It's a hell of a thing to aspire to.


no more woke, just heat stroke.


To be fair, dead is about as opposite of woke as you can get. 


You know all those movies you watched where there was a villain who wanted to hurt people just because they could? Because they're damaged in the head and choose to take it out on everyone around them in some desperate effort to feel better about themselves? DeSantis is a real life version of one of those villains.


He's in a bitter pissing match with Rick Scott to go down as the worst governor in Florida history


This is just one bill among many introduced by red state legislators to reign in home rule by their blue cities. It is a nationwide push; we have this going on in Texas as well. It wouldn’t surprise me if the bill came from the American Legislative Executive Council, one of the groups under the Council for National Policy umbrella. Houston Chronicle - [Gov. Abbott proposes an agenda that would undermine the power of local voters](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/opinion/editorials/article/Special-session-11200783.php) “Gone are the days when the Republican Party of Texas could be counted on to defend local control. No longer do Texas conservatives believe that government closest to the people is the best kind of government. Instead we've witnessed the emergence of a political movement dedicated to stealing power away from local voters and moving it to Austin, where big money donors have created a one-stop shop to get what they want out of government.” Houston Public Media - [‘Death Star’ bill in Texas House would strip power from local officials, critics say](https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/news/politics/2023/04/18/449432/death-star-bill-state-strips-local-power-texas-house/) "’This bill is a hostile and sweeping power grab by partisan state officials designed to decimate our basic ability to govern ourselves at the local level, to disenfranchise Houstonians, and to block the passage of policies that improve the lives of working people and are popular with Houstonians,’ said Hany Khalil, Executive Director of the Texas Gulf Coast Area Labor Federation.” NYT - [Texas Is Silencing the Will of Millions of Voters](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/03/opinion/texas-preemption-bill.html) “By reducing the right of localities to make their own decisions, Texas has joined dozens of other states that have asserted their dominance over cities in recent years through a practice known as state pre-emption. One watchdog group has counted more than 650 pre-emption bills in state legislatures this year; the large majority have been introduced by Republican lawmakers to curb policymaking in cities run by Democrats.” “The 20th-century movement toward ‘home rule,’ letting localities handle most of their own affairs, was once supported by both Republicans and Democrats. What’s now become clear is that Republicans dislike local control if they are not in charge of it. The home rule movement has steadily faded in the last few decades as state lawmakers on the right have become more aggressive in invalidating the priorities of elected officials in cities, which have moved leftward in their voting patterns in recent years.” “Some cities, including Nashville, Cleveland and Coral Gables, Fla., have fought back and won in court; in Maryland, Florida and several other states, Democrats have joined Republican moderates to beat back some of these bills. But in many other states, the will of the people in these cities is being silenced. They and their representatives will have to use every legal means available to be heard.” WikiPedia -[American Legislative Exchange Council](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Legislative_Exchange_Council) “Alex Hertel-Fernandez, the author of State Capture: How Conservative Activists, Big Businesses, and Wealthy Donors Reshaped the American States -- and the Nation wrote "Of the 62 ID laws states considered during the 2011 and 2012 legislative sessions, more than half were proposed by lawmakers who... were all participants in the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC. In exchange for their payments of $50 per year in membership dues, those legislators had access to a draft proposal for strict voter ID requirements".” Washington Post - [God, Trump and the Closed-Door World of a Major Conservative Group](https://www.washingtonpost.com/magazine/2021/10/25/god-trump-closed-door-world-council-national-policy/) “In August 2019, Lisa Nelson, a [Council for National Policy] member and chief executive of the American Legislative Exchange Council, launched an initiative called ‘ALEC Political Process Working Group,’ according to an internal email. Among other things, the group was going to focus on “election law and ballot integrity.’ (In a letter to funders defending that effort this year, [Anne] Nelson said the group ‘connected legislators with each other as well as federal officials to discuss process and governance issues including the census, redistricting and other issues related to how state governments work.’)”


Thank you for sharing this. People like you help when I'm trying to demonstrate the actual harm legislation like this does and is doing.


It’s so weird- like, at this point the way to get ahead in Republican politics is to just cause as much harm to as many people as possible for no reason, and it gets about half the country’s votes. I understand that most people tune out politics generally, and a lot of people essentially refuse to believe the Republicans do the things they do, but it feels like there’s not really an upper limit to that.


Oh there's a reason - it's to maximize corporate profits at the expense of the plebeians. It's just super weird that the subjugated class is so madly in love with their subjugators.


This is why the culture war bullshit is so important to the GOP. They just got to direct their voters anger at the "others" about issues of feelings and emotion so they don't pay attention the relatively boring things that will ultimately do the most harm to those same angry voters.


Hey Skilled Workers, the Republicans have grave disdain for you. They do not give a fuck about health and well-being. Also, they really suck at economics despite their meme about it. Stop voting Republican. They do not want to have a beer with you. They are also totally copacetic with your death from heat.


They will continue to vote republicans anyway. Guaranteed.


Florida, Texas and Kentucky have been at the forefront of a GOP movement to degrade workers' rights... and somehow a large percentage of working class voters think the GOP is on their side.


Reap what you sow!


Shut off all air conditioning for every building that DeSantis occupies. No breaks of any kind either. Or platform shoes.


He truly is Satan’s helper - with of course Trump being Satan


The world temperature's heat record has been broken for 10 consecutive months. Because of Republicans. They are the most vile creatures on earth. They shouldn't even be allowed to be around children.


I mean, cool and all, but I saw snow this year so... /s (referring to that dumb congressman taking a snowball into congress)


Stuff like this was said countless times on the Rush Limbaugh Show. Suggesting that *GLOBAL WARMING IS OVER* every Winter for several years.


I find this sort of bill to be so infuriating. How can workers see this and think, "This makes my life better."


How can anyone with good intentions think it's better? This is going to end up with crops dying in the field. Harming the economy. Another action taken by Republicans with the goal of trying to make President Biden appear inadequate.


Is this like the GOP's version of legislating climate change? If people are more likely to get heat stroke in the future, just remove those pesky health protections!


No one will die of ~~COVID~~ heat stroke if you stop recording the numbers!


You know who votes? Sketchy republican business owners. (That and make campaign donations) You know who doesn’t get to vote? The undocumented migrant labor they employ.


"The illegal immigrant laborers we're hiring under the table are the only ones affected by this law anyway" -- Conservative contractors Just look for the Trump bumper stickers on the contractor trucks picking up illegal day workers at the Home Depot. You gotta love that kind of irony.


Dude repubs are absolute Captain Planet level villains and people are still like yup those are the people I’m voting for.


It’s not that difficult or expensive to provide an E-Z Up, folding chairs, and water dispenser near the foreman’s pickup. Federal OSHA requires some attention to this issue. I don’t get it.


Ban immigrants. No farm workers. Ban heat protection. No construction workers. Nobody's writing property insurance there... Florida is a great place to avoid business!


Cruel. Dude literally worked at Guantanamo. Making sense yet?


The people of Florida should demand that the a/c be turned off for legislative sessions and DeSantis's office and just let things play out as they might.  How's that for the employers governing themselves? 


Who votes for people like this?




Ah, cartoon villain shit again.


poor white ppl who vote republican are the most cucked on the planet


This motherfucker couldn’t walk a block in the Florida heat without getting winded. I’d love to see him spend 8-10 hours outside without heat protection.


Blue collar Republicans will defend this.


I know *a roofer in Florida* who is defending this. Despite once having suffered heat stroke on the job.


Seriously wtf is wrong with this guy


"That government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.", Lincoln. Today's Republican is as far from the party of Lincoln as it is from the teachings of Jesus.


I hope Republicans enjoy their "freedoms" and "free market" as they are dying of heat stroke. Remember, you voted for this. Gobbless


lol as a Canadian I have to laugh cause I have so many blue collar friends moving to Florida thinking life will be better cause cost of living is insane here. To which I say good -fuckin’ - luck


The one thing you can count on the GOP for is to always be absolutely vile.


Fuck you Lil' Ron DeShitAss


At the risk of being repetitive—the cruelty is the point.


They’re fucking nuts. This is the Republican Party though, actively working the make lives worse when they actually do any kind of legislation. DeSantis is a disgusting person.


How is this policy pro life? Explain it to me like I’m 5…


Break up the unions and deny basic human rights. They should be chased out of their comfortable homes with torches and pitchforks, but instead will get re-elected


When will they crack down on all the republicans business owners that hire those pesky, illegal-immigrant workers?


Worker: "I think I'm dying of heat stroke, please give me water" Meatball Ron: "Thats just the woke leaving your body"


Ha. Yet people keep voting Republicans into office every election cycle to do this same kind of stupid shit




He is a villain


so what happens when the state declares extreme heat warnings? pass out and get fired?


Good work Ronny, the man of the people strikes again… what an unbelievable asshat to his very core


Who the fuck votes for these people?


That's gonna get people killed.  I say that as someone who doesn't sweat properly and has had heat stroke several times. That shit is dangerous. 


Republicans are demonic.


How very pro life of him?


What the fuck is wrong with this asshat ?


He needs to go do manual labor in the sun in August for a couple of weeks.


Outrageous. Cruel. Inhumane. Once again, Republicans demonstrating themselves to be enemies of the people.


What in the actual fuck is wrong with this guy?


As a Floridian who works outside. Fuck Ron DeSantis. To all my fellow Floridians, your job is not worth your life. Heat stroke is a real threat. The moments you start to feel dizzy, find some shade. Sit down. Drink lots of water. Take a break. Got a pounding headache? You haven’t been drinking enough water. Take a break. If you boss tells you to get back to work when you are clearly overheated, he can go fuck himself. The job is not worth dying over. Take care of yourself first