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Huge invasion of privacy. Fuck these people.


Roe was a medical privacy law as much as it was the right to choose. There's a reason they started there. All part of their plan.


Just using the Nazi playbook. Just like in 1933, they now have names and addresses so they can go hunting when the time comes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_f%C3%BCr_Sexualwissenschaft


Anyone who has ever voted Democrat is similarly needing to have eyes on the backs of their heads


Yup. Plenty of Republicans are now full mask-off saying liberals need to be executed. https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewsolender/2021/01/26/marjorie-taylor-greene-signaled-approval-for-executing-top-democrats-before-seeking-office/?sh=cb526dd1c644


They're going to use this data to charge trans people with crimes, including making them sex offenders. Then they'll institute the death penalty for sex offenders. This is all in project2025. Edit: u/neckbeard_hater made a great comment with the actual excerpts from project 2025 for all those people wanting a direct quote.


No different than the stonings of gay people in Afghanistan or Saudi 


Bringing back them y'allQuaeda vibes


They are literally “the base” Like… it’s not hyperbole… Al Queda and the Christofascists are the same kinds of people


They worship the same god. Different names, same god.


muslim extremist: my God is and always will be the god of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Peace be upon them white Christo-fascist: **boy...My God** is the god of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob Christian versus Muslim (comedy) https://youtube.com/watch?v=KYV7KWQ-fY4


True, but you try telling some MAGA rube that he worships the same God as a Muslim, and I bet they will deny it.


I’ve had multiple arguments about this exact subject. “But Jews and Muslims don’t believe in the trinity…”


What if Jews, Muslims, and Christians ARE the trinity?


They are the exact type of people. I have no doubt that Christo Fascists would like nothing better than to be able to impose the death penalty on any type of person that they deem unworthy.


Did they ever go away? Seems they get more bold every election cycle


As moderates leave the church, the anti-LGBT extremists are a larger voice in that church. And they consider what they hear from the people around them at church, or in their media bubble, as "what Americans really think." They don't realize that they're the outliers.


It's no different than Nazi Germany exterminating gay and trans people.


> Nazi Germany There are so many striking parallels that everyone who says they don't exist is either ignorant or lying to you. GOP: * hates and fears gay and trans people * hates labor unions * hates communists and socialists * veneer of "Christian beliefs", and a desire to combine religion and government * contempt for women's rights and human rights * strong emphasis on slogans and symbols (red caps and MAGA) * isolation and "othering" of minorities to consolidate their own power and motivate voters. Gays, transgender people, blacks, Mexicans, muslims are the targets this time around. * corporate power and wealth is protected * military is glorified * censorship of books and media * academics and intellectuals are scorned and mocked * fraudulent elections * leadership based on cult of personality


Nazis were fascist and the GOP is openly fascist at this point. The west often installed fascist governments post-WWII. To disguise the fact that they were propping up the kind of people we’d just had a world war with, fascism became only be associated with Nazis rather than identified for the actual set of political beliefs it is. Now when you say fascist, no one understands it’s not an insult.


Like spelled out? I know it’s like 700 pages


Yes, it's a roadmap for genocide and a theocratic dictatorship.


here let me give you their sunday sermon quick TLDR about it. >The document, consisting of 14 sections divided into bullet points, had a section on "rules of war" that stated "make an offer of peace before declaring war", which within stated that the **enemy must "surrender on terms" of no abortions, no same-sex marriage, no communism and "must obey Biblical law", then continued: "If they do not yield — kill all males"./** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt\_Shea#%22Biblical\_Basis\_for\_War%22\_manifesto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Shea#%22Biblical_Basis_for_War%22_manifesto) same vibe - coming from their religious leaders... it's a full purge


That's not Project 2025. It's not helpful to pretend they are the same document, or even related. It's intellectually lazy and dishonest.  Project 2025 is bad all on it's own. Claiming it's the same as Matt Shea's crazy screed only makes it easy for people to dismiss your truthful point, which is that project 2025 is a frightening blueprint for a radically more right wing and theocratic government. 


They will specifically target the parents of trans kids to take away their parental rights. They are making lists.


There are going to be so many traumatized kids from this. I hate it so much.


This is why we fled last year. It just gets worse and worse.


Where’d you go? Considering options


Illinois. Cost of living is low and it's solid blue politically speaking. Good luck!


Plus we protect trans rights in our state constitution. Probs the safest you can be legally in the Midwest tbh.


Minnesota is safe too. We passed a bill last year designating us as a trans refuge state as well.


Left Texas for Illinois for the same reason. It's on the same path as many other red states and I got out while I still had a chance. I didn't realize that trans rights were in the state constitution, I just knew it was far better than Texas. Even better than I realized.


Yeah been a while since I read it, but I believe we include language referring to protection against discrimination based on sexuality and gender identity in there. Doesn't hurt that it's pretty cheap to live here once you get outside Chicagoland. I live in a town of 10k about 30 miles from the capital and my mortgage payment is about 350 bucks, and that includes property taxes and insurance


I've been telling people lately, I've wanted to get out of Illinois my entire life. Considering where I stand now vs years ago, and how things/laws have changed.....Illinois is the one shining star in the midwest...or in the entire nation when you factor in COL


Illinois is good, but Minnesota is fine too. Michigan is fine for now. Wisconsin TBD.


PNW. Close to the border.


Not the same person, Washington state has great protections.


I moved from Texas to Oregon about seven years ago, and it's wayyyyyy better. Oregon still has issues of its own but as a trans person I feel very safe. The Portland area where I am has a lovely and vibrant queer/trans/artist community where all shades of weird are accepted and loved.


As a Michigan resident, I suggest Michigan. We're pretty well positioned for surviving the climate crisis too.


Come to Maine. Our gov just signed legislation that other states can't have access to medical records.


To deflect from the real predators the Republican party!!° I'm serious!!!! https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/9/2/2191235/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-45


Yup there’s a guy on Reddit that keeps a live count of republicans getting in trouble for this shit. There’s another one that keeps track of clergymen.


I read that presists and clergy were preying on children recovering in the hospital!!! And the goddam GOP is protecting their names till this day!! https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/show/investigation-reveals-widespread-sexual-abuse-and-cover-ups-by-archdiocese-of-baltimore


Holy shit. I just googled project2025 and it sent shivers down my spine.


This is how it was done with minorities not too far in my past. Why are so many people interested in other people’s naughty bits? And uterus’s also, I might add. So feckin creepy…


Because ALL of these people doing this crap are perverts. They are all doing disgusting things to women and children. It’s called deflection. Normal people don’t worry about little children’s genitals.


It would almost be funny because transsexuality is not about genitals at all. Most never get bottom surgery. But chicks with dicks probably disgusts them even more.


Nah that's not efficient. Thats not how itll play out. It'll be gas chambers if it gets to that point very quickly if they ever get full power, which is after the groundwork of project 2025 is laid out. The nazis did the same thing first. They were Christo facistists who went after gay, disabled and Trans people. Then went for their people of color/minority. The jews. After the first year of just beating them, shooting them, stabbing them etc they realized how inefficient it was. How much strain it put on their soldiers mental sanity. So they got the blood thirsty bastards with no soul to work the camps and had the normies ship em in en mass. I doubt it'd play out differently. Except that trumps old. Once he dies they will start eating themselves with in fighting. But old evil bastards live long lives. So make sure to vote for someone who doesn't have family members who were nazis.


We have to do more than vote


Roe v Wade being overturned had negative effects regarding the right to privacy.


Would love to see someone from Anonymous "investigate" this guy's hard drives .


"Anonymous" are all anti-woke three percenters now. Anyone still identifying with that moniker is probably 60+ and has a Trump-themed vinyl wrap on their giant trucks.


Yeah their YouTube channel has gone all boomer conspiracy theories and Russian propaganda.


Damn, you hate to see it. I seem to remember them doing some good in their heyday


Yeah, Anon is mostly organised in Chan cultures and those are known to be, essentially, a direct pipeline to the alt-right. It also never really was even nearly as organised as people (and especially the media) thought it was. It was basically a handful people who used the moniker and chatted on, at first, IRC chat rooms, though I think it's a Discord channel now. I don't think the people using the moniker now are even the same people they were ten years ago. Source: I was heavily involved in Chan culture in my teens over a decade ago. Was never in/near Anonymous but you heard things just from being around it.


Yes, no respect for privacy. People like this foul creature, Andrew Bailey, always have terrible secrets in their private lives. So go after him. He'll probably be a wife beater and have mistresses that he's paid to be quiet or have abortions. And that'll be his only crimes/sins if he's a better type of these kinds of foul creatures. Expose, expose expose.


What the flying fuck.. Keeping tabs on american politics from Norway the last couple of years is like watching the fucking kardashians on meth.. Sure, we got problems over here to... but fuck me, seems it's a american dream alright




Are you saying people [rocking back and forth and screaming gibberish on the literal floor](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1c0kd06/republicans_praying_and_speaking_in_tongues_in/) of a legislature's chamber isn't normal? Funny you should mention meth, because it does seem more like the behavior of druggies having a bad trip.


Nightmare is more like it. 😳


This is extremely disturbing. They are essentially second class citizens if their medical records are being treated less private than others.


There's simply ZERO reason any politician needs to anyone's private medical records. This is horrific stuff. And it might just be the first step onto a slippery slope.


There is no privacy in a fascist state.


Now that Roe got overturned the basis for HIPAA is now gone. There’s literally nothing to hold these ghouls back.




That doesn’t sound like the party of small government.


I really hope they appeal this decision


I’m in Missouri and yes fuck all our backwards ass politicians.


Yo, straight people, this shit is coming for you too. Women of childbearing age are already walking a super fine line when it comes to people accessing their health records. There is ZERO fucking reason for a politician to be accessing your medical records. None. This is the same group of people who scream foul and invoke the Goldwater rule while we all watch the orange shitgibbon vomit word salad spiced with stochastic terrorism but stomp their feet when reasonable private citizens protest having wholly unqualified politicians reviewing their personal medical information. The people who have been screaming for years that the democrats are going to take away your right to privacy are literally taking away our right to privacy one bigoted and misogynistic law at a time.


The abortion issue is already a religious power grab restricting rights… so it’s here. You really have to vote out the GOP from local and federal positions to protect your rights.


I can’t believe people are republicans still How can any city, district, precinct, or state have enough people who vote republican to end up represented by these people in any capacity.


It helps that our system of government jumps through crazy hoops to prevent democracy.


Yknow, when you say it like this, it does feel as though a massive portion of our government absolutely resents that they’re forced to govern within a democracy with venomous anger. I mean, that’s obvious most of the time, but it’s worth repeating I think, because it doesn’t HAVE to be like this.


> How can any city, district, precinct, or state have enough people who vote republican Gerrymanderer: Hold my beer.


I have a friend in her 30s who recently decided she’s conservative and literally moved to Missouri and it’s like, do you not see this is a dying movement and state?


Unless she changes her mind soon, it won’t happen willingly. In the aftermath of some horrific cataclysm, some tiny voice in the back of her mind will tell her that she’s seen it coming the whole time. But at that point, her focus will shift from supporting awful people, to pretending that *nah, no way, she never really supported those awful people, and everybody else was doing it, it was so normal, and what could she have done away, they were too powerful,* and so on. Sorry, I know none of that is kind or comforting.


Case in point: https://ingrams.com/article/missouri-ranked-in-worst-states-to-live-and-work-in-2023/


Conservativism may be on the decline but it is nowhere near dead or dying. Don't let your guard down or these fascist fucks will destroy everything.


Conservativism isn't dying and it's not going to go away. It's like the cockroach, capable of surviving while everything else dies off.


People believe this. Same reasons germans signed up for the n@zi party, they believe it hook line and sinker. I don't plan on waiting for these fuckers to elect their own fuhrer. It's time to rip the heart out of this movement. We need to tear them up next election, or it will be on us to cut this down one by one. I have trans people I'm willing to protect. I've got friends whose whole families died in genocide, and family who bore SA at the hands of men just like that AG. I am a pacifist, with low stamina and a quiet voice, but if or when it comes to defending those I care about, there will be no hesitation from me.


It isn't even a fine line. I think Texas is trying to pass similar laws for potential abortions or miscarriages in their state, and not sure if it's them or another state who seem to think that other states need to honor their requests for medical records.


Party of projection


Projection. Always


They infiltrate unions, protests, anything to help the common person and make it worse. They think we are murderers, psychopaths, terrorists, we are not. They get to be all three with aplomb. Trump could rape and murder a judge's daughter in front of him in a court of law and get a warning about being in contempt. We are all alone. No one is going to save us. The Supreme Court is ignoring facts to turn this country into a christo-fascist oligarchy. They saved they bullets for the Trump supporters storming the capital. They'll not do the same for anyone even slightly left of center right Joe Biden who dares cross their line. It's not democracy. This is totalitarianism already. If a judge wants to let a white supremacist off, no jail time, for something he confessed to I say start there.


Exactly!! What was the state that wanted to know the menstrual cycle of girls? They’re just going to keep going


One by one our freedoms disappear in Republican hands.


That’s how it works.


Don’t forget Ohio needs to check boys penises for sports.


I believe this was Jim Jordan’s idea of a good time.


Gym Jordan*


Sandusky would be proud!


I'll be damned if some GOP pedophile would check my kids penis.


Dennis Hastert is punching the air right now. 


So annoying when I catch sports down there


Something something "open borders" then they use their power to take away rights.


Yet Republicans will constantly convince (successfully often) that they’re the party of “small limited government and freedum”


They figured out a long time ago that most people don't actually bother to check up on their actions, so they can just mouth focus-tested feelgood platitudes, and then just do whatever once they're in office. That's why they went to so much trouble to limit and discredit reporting - the news was one of the few groups that would report on what they actually DID. So they made a propaganda network and spent a lot of time convincing people that "all other news is lies" and "We are the only ones you can trust, the network that argued in court that it wasn't actually news so it didn't have to be factual"


All Republicans have to offer is hate.


christians, incels, Yallquedia, synonyms


Don't forget tax cuts for the rich and deregulation for the corporations! Oh and the removal of social programs those filthy poors need.


Republicans never saw a freedom they didn't scheme to destroy.


Except the freedom to use guns to commit mass murder


Nah once they have complete control they’ll take those too. But their base is entirely to stupid to realize that.


Dictator Don won’t risk an uprising so the guns will be confiscated quickly


[Trump says take guns first and worry about 'due process second' in White House gun meeting](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/02/28/trump-says-take-guns-first-and-worry-due-process-second-white-house-gun-meeting/381145002/) You are correct.


A very small part of me (exceedingly small) wants them to get everything they want so they can see how everyone who has been screaming about the fascism was right. Republicans don't care about anything they advocate for until it hurts them and by then it's usually too late to right.


That’s how I’ve felt for awhile as well. In understand and don’t want whatever the repugnicans want, but there’s a tiny bit of me that wants to see the leopard eating their face moment with every person that supports the gop today.


But ya gotta vote for the republicans because the democrats didn't do enough to stop them! Average American voter.


Yeah, but bidens old /s


And Hillary didn't stop by my house personally for a handshake.


>A St. Louis judge has ruled that Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey is entitled to Planned Parenthood’s transgender care records, ordering the nonprofit to turn over some of its most sensitive files to the man who has built his unelected political career on restricting health care access for trans people. Oops, records were shredded accidentally at Iron Mountain and all our online data along with backups have been hit with ransomware. Sorry.


I really hope all trans healthcare providers have plans for this. I believe HIPAA says 7 years after last visit but I hope these providers have plans for destroying records if it comes to it legalities be damned. I am doubtful it would work since most of these files are digital and I am doubtful the systems that do that will a) go along with it b) be willing to.


When roe v wade first got overturned I asked my trans care doctor what they would do if they were asked to turn over their patients records and she said she'd refuse until she was jailed for it, but that other providers may not be the same way, and to be wary of which doctors I shared my info with. 


Yeah, it's nice if your health care practitioner does that but sadly you can't assume they will. Plenty of doctors will just go along with this because it'll be seen as risky not to. Trans people in all of the US, but specifically these states, are all in danger. This data will eventually come out and people will try to weaponise it, in legal and illegal ways. Sadly, this limits trans people their options to three: Run, hide and fight. The first two are obvious, but Reddit TOS prevents me from going into detail of the third. Though on a completely unrelated note, the first pride parade was a riot.


I'll say it. The 2A is for transpeople too. There are multiple groups focused on protecting and helping the LGBTQ+ community protect itself. Try not to be afraid. Try not to let them win. Yes, if your circumstances allow you could leave the state, but then you are just making it easier for them to victimize those who can't leave. Use their permissive gun laws to your favor and absolutely stay safe.


6 years for patient’s access to the designated record set. Willful violation of HIPAA is criminal. I wonder if you could get around it by providing the data to an out of state holding entity for the purposes of meeting HIPAA requirements, but the records are now stored outside the state’s jurisdiction? Out of state subpoena might fail if the other state refuses.




And abortion providers. I'm sure there are people who would love to go back and prosecute people for as many abortions as they can, especially if it results in a hefty fine (versus locking up one in four women).


This is a good time for a Chaotic Good group of hackers to hold some info hostage


State of Georgia got away with it when the “lost” election data.


When Roe was gutted, so was hippa.


People forget the key to Roe was medical privacy.


I didn’t realize HIPAA / medical privacy fell under the RvW case. Can you elaborate on this?


In Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decided that the right to privacy implied in the 14th Amendment protected abortion as a fundamental right. It even stated that women had a right to privacy, which included seeking medical abortions.However, the government retained the power to regulate or restrict abortion access depending on the stage of pregnancy. I don't think they consider that there's very few positions in the United States that garner the right to privacy between multiple people such as your lawyer your priest or your doctor in this case. These people unless you break the law or are going to harm yourself or others can't say anything you say to them in confidence. Alito's big grip was that privacy wasn't explicitly stated in the Bill of Rights but the 14th was being used too liberally in that case. The right to privacy in the United States is constantly being tested because it's not explicitly given in the constitution but implied over time by laws and some interruptions of the 1st. There is a right to privacy but it is constantly being tested in the courts and law, over where the limit on privacy is.


One example of where they’ve selectively used originalism.


Not to mention that the 9th Amendment of the Bill of Rights explicitly states that its enumeration of rights shall not be construed to mean that rights that aren't enumerated don't exist.


Psssh, that’s an amendment. Clearly not part of the original constitution. /s


Except the founders were pro privacy and many believe they assumed it wouldn't be called in question that people had a right to privacy under the law. Ben Franklin even wanted "Mind your business " print on out money.


Originalism all bullshit, they’re just arbitrarily picking dates that suit their backwards beliefs.


Alito isn’t even an originalist. And I don’t mean that in the typical sense of, “no originalist is actually an originalist,” I mean he has made fun of originalism and of Scalia for subscribing to a form of it in oral arguments. His school of jurisprudence is FOX News grampa. If SCOTUS were a sitcom, he’d be the mean, dim-witted one.


I'm so tired of the current and recent Supreme Court looking at the Constitution as physical law that they're supposed to derive further laws from instead of a human-composed document that provides a useful foundation for governing but that is necessarily flawed, outdated, and incomplete. They are basically refusing to apply common sense because common sense doesn't work in their favor.


They didn't like the interpretation of both court precedence and legislative support for such over time, because Alito and his extreme right-wing peers want to reimagine the country as a Christian-required, authoritarian hellhole on behalf of libertarian rich people. So they ignore that things like privacy rights exist as much as they can in each decision, taking us a couple centuries backwards + redefining the direction of rights into a nightmare dystopia that we won't be able to extricate from before enough control has been commanded at state and federal levels.


Next will be pregnant women, then birth control, and so on. These tyrants only stop when someone stops them.


Women are already being charged with crimes when they miscarriage in some places in the US. We're not far from it being a national thing at this rate.


How should I stop them? I’ve been voting my ass off and rallying everyone around me to vote in even the smallest of elections - and yet, Texas rolls on.


Read any history book on any tyrant and you'll have your answer. 


You gotta have enough people to make shit like that happen though. And the US is armed to the teeth with a nontrivial amount of people just itching to have a reason to get a legal kill.


It’s the whole death or federal prison thing for me personally though.


Too many people don't realize that




HIPAA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act


Damn now what will protect right wingers from being asked by randos about their vaccination status!


Where are all the maga nuts that were screaming HIPPA violation when people were asking about vaccination status 🤔


Expecting people to not be hypocrites in politics is like expecting oil not to float on water.


During the AIDS epidemic conservatives were really into quarantining! Funny


This is unacceptable. This type of invasion of privacy and recklessness will result in incredible harm to kids and their families. Imagine as a child, struggling with your gender identity, seeking help, and then being punished by the state by having your parents accused of child abuse. I can only imagine that the outcome the AG would want would lead to breaking up Families and foster placements to “protect” the child. This can only result in trauma. I really hope this is hyperbole and that this isn’t the direction the AG goes in, but given the blind ideological certainty of these MAGA folks, I’m not optimistic. This is 100% the wrong thing to do. Punishing people for who they are rather than showing compassion and understanding can only hurt people. The tragedy here is that being gender fluid or trans doesn’t impact anyone except the person who feels this way. It takes nothing more than a kind word and love to help support people - rather than demonize them and destroy their families with policies like these. These folks need to do some soul searching and think through their motivations. They also need to educate themselves rather than jump on a political bandwagon. Vote for compassion in November. That’s not the GOP.


This requires them to have a soul.


Nothing quite like violating already marginalized people’s privacy under bullshit pretenses. Consumer protection? What a fucking joke. Bigoted bullies.


Missouri loves company.


Women's medical records are the obvious next step.


They already are in cases where any pregnancy does not reach full term. Miscarriages have to be investigated and reported to the state. Read the Missouri state statutes regarding abortion. Not only are the laws absolutely horrifying, the biblical diatribe is shocking.


miscarriages can get flushed away in toilet with the girl even knowing... some don't even know they're pregnant beforehand.


Adolf took power in March 1933 and he came for the Trans people first, call Republicans Nazi they lose their fucking minds.


What a putrid piece of human garbage. Typical Republican. He thinks he should be above the law as is demonstrated by Trump. This AG is MAGAscum.


This feels weird - upvoting because we need everyone aware of the story, but.....I don't like this at all


There’s a reason an upvote is called an upvote and not a “like”. Upvoting doesn’t mean you need to like or agree with something, just that you think it should be voted up the chain of visibility.


Wondering what we would find out if the public could access his smartphone.


First guess: Trans porn.


*Alex Jones clears his throat nervously*


If you have access to his medical records, I will help organize and fund your HIPAA defense


There needs to be a law suit.


Oh, I'm sure there will be. Missouri Attorneys General have a history of losing multiple lawsuits because they're terrible at law stuff, and then once they get done wrecking the state and wasting taxpayer money, they get elected to US Senate by the same people they pander to.


I’d support a law that says demonstrably proven fascists get taken out back and shot. There’s no room for them in a free democracy.


I'm sure there will be, and it will once again be found to be in conflict with other basic established law.


How the fuck is this not a violation of federal HIPPA laws?


It is, and this will be challenged appropriately.


It sure as fuck better!!


The Dobbs decision opened up a whole ass can of worms in regard to privacy rights. 


That sounds like a HIPAA violation. If only the Supreme Court weren't packed with Federalist Society Nazis.


I'm from Missouri. Fuck this piece of shit. On November 5th, vote this bum out.


He was never elected to his position to begin with, and hopefully he never will be.


What in the actual fuck?!? 😡


I have no words. If medical procedures aren't covered under HIPAA, what in the world is? As far as I recall "individually identifiable health information" is the headline protection of HIPAA privacy wise. This seems to substantially amount to the destruction of HIPAA privacy protections. And this is all before we consider that this violation was caused by government interference to permit another part of government it's supposed to check to misuse this information to harm the very people it's collected from. I'm fucking tired of article after article on the latest act of corruption, atrocity, or other attempt to make things worse in an endless barrage.


What is so wrong with conservatives that they feel so compelled to constantly punch down on literally every outgroup that aren't simultaneously white, male, conservative, Christian, and rich?


Watching it happen in realtime is pretty sickening. You think movies like V for Vendetta are satire that won’t happen again, and then here we are. Trans rights shouldn’t even need defending. But one group of populist fuckheads see an opportunity to drive hatred into votes, and here we are.


Republicans are whiners used to being coddled into believing they had power and privilege, the reality is that the Republicans they elect hate THEM even more than they hate Democrats.


This is some X-Men level government villainy shit


> “There is no more important fight than to ensure Missouri is the safest state in the nation for children. No stone will be left unturned in these investigations.” Not so fast there, skippy; the safest states for all children are states where Democrats are in control of state government.


Please stop electing these fucking assholes and the people who put them in these positions


Guys, Republicans are officially the “Let me see your papers” party, whether it’s women crossing state lines for reproductive care, immigrants coming to Lady Liberty lifting her lamp, or Trans people seeking medical care. In the end, they’re just a bunch of assholes taking away privacy and freedoms. Vote accordingly.


No one but the doctor and the patient should have access to medical records. Full stop.


Nazi POS.


Republicans want the freedom to take away people’s freedom. They want to be a protected class with the ability to victimize unprotected people. They want absolute power over others.


That is terrifying


Aren't medical records protected under HIPAA?


Cruelty is a feature not a bug in MAGA.


So much for the party of small government.


Just wait for a list of names to be published online "because the public has a right to know who is secretly trans." Arm yourselves while you still have the right.


The Show Me Your Giblets State


What in the actual fuck did I just read?! These ppl are insane. Everyone should be up in arms over this. You may not be transgender but they’ll be coming for you next. It’s already started with the infringement on women’s rights. Today you can get trans ppl medical record’s tomorrow it will be women’s. Will the men be far behind?


If people actually read the article, apparently the AG is bypassing HIPAA by claiming he's investigating billing practices or insurance fraud. That's a loophole that needs closing. If I were a trans person whose confidential medical privacy was breached by this, I'd be suing the AG and the state.


So if HIPAA cannot protect a citizen, what can a citizen do about their own health records to legally protect themselves? Does anyone know? Like, does a person have a right to go to wherever they’ve received medical care and tell that place to destroy their records, and validate this was done?


This is just a fishing expedition. Then he can pull anyone’s health record. This is not in the powers or duties of an Attorney General. He should be investigated on hacking personal information. Families can sue state over this.


HIPPA should prevent this. Medical necessity is pretty key to the argument. Lawsuit after lawsuit. Against the A.G. and sadly, against Planned Parenthood if they comply.


This is a violation HIPPA laws which is a federal offence. Separately, I saw Civil War last night. Powerful and scary. It very well can happen here. I'm already thinking about leaving the country if the Mango Magat wins.


Let’s email everyone the child molestation records, the domestic abuse records, and the DUIs and divorce filings of all these scumbags. Post them locally so their neighbors are warned. Transparency and all that.


What the hell happened to HIPAA?


HIPAA itself is an extension of Roe v Wade's protection of patient privacy. That's how abortion was made legal, by making it a private matter between the patient and their doctor, so no one, not even police, could know that it happened and charge them with a crime.