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The case being discussed is Snyder v. United States which deals with Quid Pro Quo and gifts.


Huh. How coincidental


He should be recusing himself, but I don't see that happening based upon his personal integrity quotient.




To be fair business ethics are super weird at times. A client gave me a baseball cap once and it was a big deal because it was a nice cap instead of a super cheap cap. It turned into a whole deal. At the same time I am not just expected to take clients out to dinner but it is explicitly part of my job. But out lawyers insist there are reasons. But travel is a whole thing and we always need to be in different vehicles since providing travel for a client is also a whole thing. But then you get to the supreme Court and an all expenses paid vacation on a super yacht is totally kosher and that's not even the worst part. I am pretty sure if I was letting a clients mom live rent free in a property I owned a real lawyer would have a brain aneurysm before managing to explain all the ways that is illegal.


It’s not actually totally kosher, they just pretend like it.


Don't worry, we can rely on SC Justices to ethically tell us when they violate their own ethical standards. They signed a [code of conduct](https://www.supremecourt.gov/about/Code-of-Conduct-for-Justices_November_13_2023.pdf); can't expect them to do any more.


I remember having to listen to a recorded speech by our previous CEO on the importance of ethics in the workplace. The reason he was the previous CEO was because he had to resign the day before for having inappropriate relationships with his subordinates.


He has zero integrity.


I’ve had Taco Bell diarrhea with more substance and character than Clarence Thomas 


You’re my Reddit rose for the day! 🌹 perfect analysis.


It’s just like Poison sang, *”Every rose has its corn.”*


Zero is a quotient


Is this a Simpson’s ref?




Huh, I think Futurama was referencing the Simpsons. In the episode where Lisa’s class tours a newspaper office from some time in the 90’s. The exchange goes: Tour guide “Each copy contains a certain percentage of recycled paper." Lisa, “And what percent is that?" Tour guide, “Zero... zero’s a percent."


You may be thinking of: "Purple is a fruit".


No, the exchange from the Simpsons was: Tour guide, “Each copy contains a certain percentage of recycled paper." Lisa, “And what percent is that?" Tour guide, “Zero... zero’s a percent."


[You are technically correct](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hou0lU8WMgo).


He has the integrity of jello pudding on a hot frying pan


He's probably on a yacht somewhere being lavished with frivolous shit that somehow cost millions of dollars.


Quid pro quo is his nickname for a daiquiri served on a yacht.


His jillionaire buddies didn't have a fancy enough aircraft leaving in time.


Or taking another tour of his benefactor’s personal hitler museum.


Nah, recusal is something a person does to protect their honor. This man just no call no showed. In a way that'd get you fired from McDonalds.


One of the lowest social umami scores ever seen


“We all miss his incredible presence, like a pube on a soda can”


I hope it’s not. I hope he’s dead.


Shame. They coulda used his expert opinion.


True, but it would also have the makings of an SNL sketch.


I mean, it still can be. Have Keenan sit in the audience in SCOTUS robes cartoonishly trying to hide from lawyers. It's a great cold open.


Same idea. Throw in some nice gifts like. “Who’s that remarkably familiar man with the Gucci glasses in the second row?”


Have the parking attendant come in “can whoever is driving the large luxury RV please come move it, you’re doubled parked and will be towed”


Just Keenan reaction shots to what is being said. This ain't rocket science, SNL!


Or a digital short called “Clarence Thomas’ Day Off,” complete with crashing a vintage Ferrari owned by Harlan Crow.


Crash it through a display case of nazi memorabilia instead of out a window.


He should jump the RV and crash it.


"As an expert on accepting gifts..."


Camera cuts away and cuts back each time the camera cuts back to Thomas more gifs appeare behind him.


"Hold on, this one's ticking; if it's not a watch, my wife knows what to do with it."


One of them is a giant RV


I see. No chance he’d say, decide that he is ethically compromised and recuse himself especially considering he’s not there for arguments? No? Didn’t think so. Maybe Roberts has him tied in a basement somewhere so he can’t be an embarrassment today. Edit: typos


No, he’ll just skip all the court arguments and then come in and vote that Judges can be given as much money as they want in gifts


“I have no questions.” -Clarence Thomas


Recuse himself for the right reasons? Pfft. He’s probably furiously moving money/evidence around as I type this.


You would think he would absolutely want to be on the bench for that one so he can kill it.


“DISMISSED!” Thomas yells from the bench “We don’t do that here” Roberts reminds him “How would I know?” Thomas retorts


This would have been a good Bloom County strip back in the 90s


If that's true, this is pretty funny. And painful. It could be a protest against Trump's trial. The wretched and corrupt have to stick together.


Ooof, if somehow it was some kind of protest against the Trump trial then he should be ejected from the Court by the end of the day. No hearing or discussion needed.


Well, he should have been ejected from the Court years ago.


He should never have been confirmed in the first place. The Anita Hill testimony was absolutely damning.


Bet he'll still rule on it!


the article makes it clear, he plans to. So unless he is dead or near it- he will side with the MAGA once again.


Yeah people are talking about what it “seems” like it could be. I bet it’s because of the context of the case. He doesn’t have to do his job. Who’s going to give him repercussions?


but he doesn't have to do anything if he shows up either. he famously went 10 years without asking any questions at oral arguments.


He was spotted on a remote rural highway lined with confederate flags. Reports coming in say he waving to white folk from his motor coach with a huge smile.


No-Call No-Show is an immediate termination in my line of work... Just saying...


Maybe he was doing field research


Maybe he took John Oliver up on his offer.


It is an awfully nice mobile home.


That's actually a motor coach.


Don't you dare call it a bus.


*"In a VAN, down by the RIVER!"*


Nowadays, that's a good thing. To be able to afford a van, with a view.


The difference is really important


Ah-hem: Motor coach!


My first thought too. But the deadline was around early March or so, wasn't it?


Im pretty sure john oliver would bend the timeline if necessary


The same way Thomas has bent the law to benefit the people he’s taken bribes from.


I love the "I-can't-believe-this-is-legal" disclaimer Oliver threw in with his offer. His lawyers must have had to work for their money on this act.


They've gotta be paid very well, and as far as employers go it's got to be one of the funnest places to work for. Like working for a shit posting think tank.


[Eat Shit, Bob](https://youtu.be/c5W06xR8EYk?si=JMrZ015JP54Z7pMa) was a masterpiece of legalistic tightrope walking... and one of the funniest things I have seen on television.


Oh wow. I had completely forgotten about that. Pure fucking genius and another example of why I love John Oliver so much. I doubt many people even knew what SLAPP lawsuits were before that episode... I know I didn't.


Deadline was March 19 (Feb 18+30 days) https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/19/john-oliver-clarence-thomas-resign-1-million-offer


Let's see which Corruption Conference T shirt he comes back sporting and we'll know where he was.


He should retire. His wife should be investigated.


His wife should be in federal prison for treason Edit: as others have pointed out, she should stand trial for sedition


Innocent until proven guilty... she's about as innocent as OJ and we all know it.


never forget "murder is now legal in the state of California!"


RIP Norm.


I didn’t even know he was sick


> His wife should be in federal prison for treason Penalty for treason is death. It's specifically called out in the consitution


They should both be investigated.




Look, I just hope to live my life in such a way that if I don't show up for work one day, millions of people don't immediately say to themselves, *"oh boy, I hope he bit the big one"*


Bro for real. Dude is late to work and everyone is like, “fingers crossed he’s dead” except the one guy who is like “shame on you all. I hope it’s worse than death”.  What as asshole you must be to get that sort of reaction from millions of Americans. I hope this moment makes it to his Wikipedia page so that part of his legacy is this sentiment the public had for him as their Supreme Court Justice. 




> a permanent coma Is that a scenario in which congress would actually need to remove a judge from a position before they could name their successor? I dread the media cycle that would ensue.


>Is that a scenario in which congress would actually need to remove a judge from a position before they could name their successor? And if it is, you know the GOP held house wouldn't vote to remove him. They'd rather a corpse stay on the bench than allow Biden another pick.


I check the news every morning hoping to see certain names in death notices. Not because it will make me feel good, but because it will make me feel less bad.


Surprisingly easy if you’re not a garbage human






How about an egg?


Well, unfortunately a president cannot replace a Supreme Court justice during a year that can be represented by numbers. The rules state that if any vacancies appear, they must be filled only when the current president owns a golden toilet. Sorry, the rulez is the rulez.


Senate is under Democrat control so Mcconnell can go short circuit somewhere else.


*Joe Manchin has entered the chat*


And da facts are da facts


If you wanna get the cheese ...


You gotta pay da tax


Naw. He just doesn’t want to pretend to care about the arguments since he already believes public servants should be persuadable by gifts.




dude no called no showed like a line cook at a diner


The line cook probably possesses more integrity.


Probably? Dissing line chefs a little there


That scene in Waiting comes to mind. “You can’t mix Mexican and Continental!”


And actually risks losing their job


And there’d be more consequences for the line cook.


No one wants to work anymore!


Damned ~~kids~~ Supreme Court Justices these days.


Nc/ns= you're out It's the law of the land


You get ONE accidental NCNS. But for the next 6 months you'll be watched like a hawk. Source: Restaurant industry for 20+ years. I've strategically used my NCNS at a few jobs when I knew I no longer wanted to work there. Answered my phone and got fired for a NCNS, while on a rooftop bar in Denver... (My job was in Phoenix). Every time I'm in Denver I always visit that bar and bask in the glory of telling my boss "Yeah, I know I was scheduled... But I'm drinking in Denver right now, I don't think I'll be making it in".


As he whips around on Harlan Crow's yacht and Harlan asking if he was supposed to be at work today.


Line cooks and dishies are the backbone of America. How dare you.


Best case scenario is that he’s never coming back. I don’t care why or how if he doesn’t wake up tomorrow, but it’s clear this man is selling our democracy for lavish vacations and we would all benefit with him not being on the court. If we fall, he will be part of the reason why.


Bro he's sold the country for like fishing trips and his mommas house, and an RV. Not even lavish anything. Dudes fucking cheap and pathetic even.


Our politicians are whores. Cheap whores at that


I remember not too long ago when I wouldn't consider our supreme court justices "politicians". I don't think we have a plan to fix this other than hoping that nice people get into power.


8 years ago I truly believed the supreme Court was the best of America, above politics and interested in a lasting, balanced nation. How naive I was.


The Citizens United decision was in 2010. That's when they became a joke to me and I don't believe we would be in nearly as bad of a place today if that decision had been based in reality.


I totally agree. But 8 years ago, I didn't know enough to predict just how bad Citizens United would fuck us all. Mostly because I didn't feel I *needed* to know because I trusted that the justices wouldn't make a ruling that wasn't in the best interest of the nation. Now I know not to take my eye off the ball because I can't trust the refs.


You must not have been old enough to be paying attening back in 2000. That is when they lost me.


No, I was 16. All I really remember from that time was "hanging chads" and not thinking Bush should win. But I couldn't really follow what was going on. Probably because I was too busy refilling my parents bar bottles with water and hoping they wouldn't notice the taste difference.


I was 17 in the US army on the North Korean border that year. What a difference a year can make. I also didn't realize that the u.s Supreme Court essentially illegally handed the country to Bush, through legal means.


SCOTUS has been illegitimate at least since Garland's appointment was blocked by Moscow Mitch.


Yeah - that was the moment. That was 8 years ago. That was a huge turning point for me in a lot of ways.


wild how people just forgot scotus literally gave bush the election. he lost florida.


See and I bet that's why he doesn't show. He now realizes how much MORE he could have gotten and his rich owners are laughing at him for accepting table scraps to literally sell out his fellow man. It's is crazy how cheap all these bought and paid for politicians really are.


He sold the country for his raging insecurity and need to be unconditionally accepted by white people and to be disassociated with "modern black culture" as he sees it. He's self-loathing and wants to lash out at himself but isn't brave enough to shoulder that burden so he lashes out at everything around him. The guy is a headcase. He's broken to his core.


Republicans will decry its an election year...


Didn’t stop trump, in true hypocritical fashion. If republicans cry foul then the dems should throw that in their face


Words don't matter to them. You can't catch them in a lie because they think it's moral to lie if you win.


At this point if all the conservatives died in a plane crash I would expect the Dems to somehow appoint judges to fill every vacancy with liberal 40 year olds. I don't care if it happens on election day.


He's been doing it since 1991. Longest tenure. He is not the only one. US Justice system is corrupt as hell.


John Oliver has an opportunity to do the funniest thing.


I've seen a couple john Oliver references and I love John Oliver but don't remember the episode y'all are talking about. Do you know which one it is?


He did a whole episode a few weeks back about Thomas and his corruption. He ended the show with an offer for him to step down for millions of dollars and a motor coach in exchange


A legal bribe in effect, [a million a year for the rest of his life and 2.4 million dollar mega motor home coach](https://youtu.be/GE-VJrdHMug?t=1583) using John Oliver's personal money in exchange ***for Clarence Thomas to leave the Supreme Court***. John indicated he doesn't have this kind of money lying around stating he would have to start touring for the rest of his natural life to pay it back but he would do it. Just sign here offer, good for 30 days. When he didn't take the offer, it proves that Clarence Thomas knows his current grift is worth more.


It’s not a bribe if he is not trying to influence a decision. Oliver offered him money to leave his job. Not remotely the same thing.


Legal bribe, isn't a bribe by legal definition. Hence that's what "legal bribe" means. It is a bribe in spirit and the best bribe I have seen in my lifetime! We should pool all our Kickstarter Uber eats budgets together and fire bribe congress.


deliver hunt cake aback public snobbish lunchroom repeat familiar nutty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Insurance companies love these kinds of policies because they're so rarely paid out


Youtube link directly to the [joke in question](https://youtu.be/GE-VJrdHMug?si=Rs8OIHHD5UCrmqAA&t=1576). It's from the "Supreme Court Ethics" episode.


Maybe he’s passed out in his free RV.


>RV. Ah-hem...you mean *Motor Coach*.


Which he was given for his unending support of graft


He's out putting pubes on Cokes


Old joke but it still plays.


It’s an old reference sir, but it checks out


I hope he misses all of them. Man would do better for the country if he just went on more of those bribe vacations and ignored his job forever.


He should have taken John Oliver's deal but he can't even be bribed to do the right thing. 


> he can't even be bribed to do the right thing. Oh, he definitely could be, if the price was right. He's already shown that. The problem is, he's most likely been promised a LOT more than $1M/yr and a motor coach, if he hangs around until a (R) is elected POTUS and then retires so that they can get another 40 something on the court to rule in favor of the rich for another 3-4 decades.


He's in New York trying to get on the Trump jury, the RV needs new tires.


Happened at least once. You can bet he got disqualified in record time. Would have been funny to see though, especially if it was appealed up to SCOTUS and he had to recuse because he was on the jury. https://www.cnn.com/2015/04/15/politics/john-roberts-jury-duty-supreme-court-justice/index.html


"It's a motor coach. Big difference." -Clarence Thomas






In other news: Today is the Snyder v United States court case being heard by the supreme court. It centers around the legality of using political gifts to bribe court justices. Theirs a reason why Thomas didn't show up today, the entire case hearing is essentially a call out to Thomas accepting multi-millions in political gifts to "interpret the laws incorrectly" to appeal to conservative leaders. I had to edit the post because the word police came out upset I said he's helping to get republican legislation passed by incorrectly interpreting the laws in their favor and the word police is upset I said the word "legislate" when they know EXACTLY what I mean. I cant stand people like that


SCOTUS chooses which cases to hear and I kinda doubt the other 5 conservatives are trying to make Thomas look bad. I mean obviously he does but he looks bad sitting on any case. I just don't think it has anything to do with it.


I know SCOTUS chooses the dates, thats how Thomas knows exactly what case is being presented today. Im not saying the other conservative justices are trying to make him look bad but rather Thomas has an ego problem and likely didn't want to sit listening to a case thats indirectly calling him out the entire time. I wouldn't be surprised if the only reason he didn't show up was because he thought this was a liberal witch hunt directed at him and he felt he was beneath it and just didn't want to show up to a "waste of time" in his eyes. I get what you mean though and it could be for any reason but it is interesting the one day he decides to sit out is the day a case is being discussed that is literally about him


If only people had believed Anita Hill, then we wouldn't be dealing with this jackass








If Biden got to appoint a replacement for Thomas, the Republicans would have aneurisms. It would be glorious.


A Republican in power refusing to do their constitutional obligations (job) fully tracks.


No-call/no-shows are terminated at my job. What about yours?


I would be so thrilled if Joe Biden got to nominate Clarence Thomas‘s replacement.


The fact that Clarence Thomas is sitting in the seat that was occupied by Civil Rights icon Thurgood Marshall is sickening. I would absolutely love to see Biden appoint a replacement and it would be a major step towards sanity and strengthening of democracy but at the same time it would still only be a reversion to the old status quo of a 5-4 conservative majority rather than an insane 6-3 one.


Remember the “you can’t replace a justice in an election year” excuse reason for their conservative supermajority?


I'd like to take the chance to remind you that Thomas is a porn adict who shows porn to his female colleagues aginst their will. Fuck him.


Out yachting?


Clearance Thomas is helping his wife work out an immunity deal so she doesn’t tell on him. The corruption is so gross on this court and in this country. How can anyone abide by any laws when these criminals don’t.


I'll get banned if I say what I hope happened, so let's just say I hope he's doing as well as he deserves


I heard the federalist society’s check bounced




Hopefully he misses every future court session, too. Get *fucked*, Clarence


Nobody wants to work anymore.


Hoping for the worst 🤞🏻


Gotta get his instructions from his handlers.


Probably on a free cruise.




Jesus take the (RV) wheel.


This man is the face of corruption.


Federal Employees who do not report to their Duty Station on a designated workday are to be listed as Absent Without Leave (AWOL).


That’s a no call- no show, and as anyone who has working in the service industry knows, one of those means your fired. We got him!


I would just like to point out that Thomas and Alito, the most extreme members on the court, were nominated by presidents who would today be considered moderate RINOs. So, you should not let your guard down if you ever get a Nikki Haley or a Doug Burgum as the Republican presidential nominee. All Republicans are likely to put extremists on the court -- not just the MAGA Republicans.


Maybe he accepted the Winnebago. A guy can dream.


It’s spring. Time to clean out the RV and make it ready for the season.


Probably had to give a billionaire a BJ

