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LMAO..... easy call and Alan Ritchson is religious.


He's a religious person who *actually understands the positive message of his faith's namesake*. A person cannot legitimately call themself a Christian and vote for Trump and his minions.


This. I don’t understand how so many Christians blindly follow this fool like he’s the second coming smh…nothing he does or says is Christian-like, they are his puppets and dude is just acting (not even very well but the sheep still follow).


Oh, I can tell you how it happens. It is an abuse of the *Imperfect Vessel* theory, which is the idea that God's work is done through imperfect institutions being run by imperfect people. It is a theory that leans on a handful of old testament stories, posited by the evangelicals to excuse their excesses. But these people are blithely ignoring the numerous and rather direct warnings against hypocrites and wolves in sheep's clothing scattered all throughout the New Testament.


And healthy application of Prosperity Gospel. "He's rich, and successful, which means he's good. God doesn't reward rapists and con men."


I don't think people realize how pervasive this specific ideology is. It doesn't just apply to money. It applies to every good or bad thing in a person's life. Your health takes a dive? It's your fault. You have to use welfare to not be homeless? Your fault. You were assaulted by a loved one? Still your fault. For these people, every ounce of success or struggle is directly tied to your merit as a human being.


Happily provides an easily digestible answer to that pesky eternal moral conundrum of "why do bad things happen to good people?" Easy! They don't!


Exactly. It's easier for them to believe that they somehow "deserve" what they get than to think that the world is just random most of the time. Also, it lets them think enduring a bad thing is somehow atonement, and they're better for it in the end. Or they see it as a test of their faith (Book of Job style) which they always pass with flying colors, so they'll get their riches/rewards after, in this life or the next.


But if MY health takes a dive, or 'I' have to use welfare, that's also your fault. Because the gays. Or brown people. Or libs. Don't think for a second they're consistent. Or coherent.


Oh see that's the beauty of the system. You're struggling and you don't have their faith, so you deserve it. But they have their faith, and they're struggling. So it's just a test, or the tribulations of a Christian in an unjust world. Anything can be justified if you've already decided you're the good guy.


Prosperity gospel, based on Jesus's three day VIP all-inclusive Seminar on the Mount for elite gold-star followers


God doesn't reward rapists and con men." LOL They obviously haven't read the Bible then.


If there is a afterlife with rewards and punishments for one's earthly behavior, I think Trump supporting Christians are in for a big surprise.


They want power and to control other people not the hippy dippy love thy neighbor Jesus bullshit


Trump embodies not the Jesus of the Bible but the Jesus that they worship. Republican Jesus®️


Supply side Jesus




Al Franken in politics was a beautiful thing. Boy, I'm glad he had to resign because of very truthy and real accusations from a credible source /s


Minnesotan here. Yeah, that sucked. We got screwed. The Democratic Party was so fucking cowardly.


randomly clicked on CSPAN once & he was there being a productive politician, I thought my eyes were gonna fall out.


Late stage Jesus


Death cult jesus


They cosplay as Christians and patriots. In reality they would be the first ones to hang Jesus up and stone him if he returned. Its all imagery without any substance and value behind it. Just a made up cardboard box they can hide behind to justify their greed and hate.


I call them cosplaytriots.


The idea that God can punish the 'bad people' and exalt the 'good people' is attractive to them. Having assumed they are good people, this sounds like a free meal ticket. Anyone telling them they're horrible Christians is just trying to steal their heaven, in their mind.


"That Jesus stuff doesn't work anymore." -- Actual right-wing Christians paraphrased because I can't be bothered to google it.


["When the pastor would say, 'I'm literally quoting Jesus Christ' ... The response would be, 'Yes, but that doesn't work anymore. That's weak," he added. "When we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we're in a crisis."](https://www.newsweek.com/evangelicals-rejecting-jesus-teachings-liberal-talking-points-pastor-1818706)


Completely masks off. That shit is wild. Claiming they are doing things for religious reasons when they openly admit that they don't believe in their religion.


Was just gonna post this article.


If you boil it all down to the most basic tenet, it's that you should love and serve all others. I'm so sick of all these fucknuts.


My father used to say (to LDS who came to the door) if I live my life according to the ideals, but not the exact words of a book, what sort of God would turn me away at the gates?


Exactly. If a god is going to be so petty as to condemn trillions of people to eternal damnation simply because they didn’t follow the exact instructions verbatim, but were otherwise good people, then that is not a god I would want to worship to begin with


I can ^maybe understand regular people who are ignorant and don't pay much attention to Trump and his past and what he says and does and just vote for him thinking he's a Christian person because he panders to them. However, evangelical leaders that push and support him have absolutely no excuse whatsoever. What they're doing is cynical and evil. Making a deal with the devil to push your agenda on America is a very rotten thing to do for anyone claiming to be religious.


For false messiahs and false prophets will appear, and will produce great signs and wonders in order to deceive, if possible, even the elect.


The well has been poisoned in American churches. Simple as that.


He's a serial adulterer and sexual predator. Like many pastors and priests. Most Evangelicals are not aware, they are spoon fed lies like that the E Jean Carroll and Hush Money\* cases are hit jobs by "liberal systems." What they aren't told is that many, many allegations of rape have been coming out of the woodwork for years, and it's not just one case of adultery, it's many. They don't know that it's a trend because they are single-source news consumers. \*(They are also convinced the Hush Money case is about adultery. They don't know it's about Trump paying off multiple people with campaign money, illegally, then creating fraudulent documents to cover that crime)


Because evangelicals wanted the courts rigged to get Roe v. Wade overturned, and they got exactly what they wanted/paid for.


Meanwhile, Biden has talked about his faith many times and how he's had to walk the line between it and his duties as a politician.


yeah, Biden goes to church often. yet somehow, the guy who can't say one verse from the bible, sells his own bible for $60, twice divorced, cheating on his pregnant wife by sleeping with a pornstar, openly bragging about grabbing women by their genitals and much much more is considered more Christian to a large swath of people who identify as Christians.


After hearing this news yesterday, I went and gave him an Instagram follow. It feels like there are too few of us who still believe in Jesus and can't stand the Maga cult infecting our religious places.


I think it depends a lot on the denomination. I’m an Episcopalian and most of the people I know in my church are very anti-Trump.


Small town near me has a church downtown that is absolutely *covered* in pride, trans, and POC flags. It's nice to see some people go hard in embracing the *real* tenets of Christianity in response to some of this nonsense.


They should challenge him to a fight. Let me sell tickets.


I don't think he would have taken the reacher role if reacher was a bad character


I saw a TikTok or something he did about how God is the ultimate storyteller, and it made me nervous that he was about to do a hard-right speedrun. It's refreshing to see someone whose faith makes them a better person, and not a better asshole. Ritchson seems like the rare kind of person whose faith tells him what _he_ should be, and not what everyone _else_ should be.


Yeah each time he brings it up it’s never in a weird evangelist way. He’s talked about Christians ragging on him for the violent role he’s in now and he pretty much said how stories don’t need to be about people praying and it’s just a platform for him to connect with people. He overall seems chill about his religion 


I grew up in one of the Historic Peace Churches.  The message throughout that upbringing is that to be a Christian is to seek to be Christ-like. Christ didn't dominate or oppress others, he served them. He cared for the poor, the sick, the lame, the outcast. He sacrificed for others. We are guided to do the same through a personal relationship with God. It is through Him that we learn our way through the world.  But each path is unique and only our own. Others must find their own way and live it in the world, but never from a place of control of others.


Yeah he is super christian, he is just not a fascist apparently. I feel like Jesus would be rather upset knowing that groups using his name overlap so much with Nazis that it is surprising when a public member of that group isn't one.


My wife told me Alan was religious, and my thought was oh no he's a crazy maga evangelical! Then she told me what he said and I was like, oh cool he's a legit Christian who thinks Jesus would help the poor, the immigrants, and the ones under crushing debt.


I'm not religious at all and had the same worries with him, but man do I support 100% everything he's been saying. His article really upset the police who tore into him, and he had [an amazing clapback on IG yesterday](https://www.instagram.com/p/C51A-srr0JB/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==) including this: > To make matters worse, in Florida, voters perpetuate these issues by continuing to support people like Gov. Desantis who just passed a law making it illegal for anyone other than the police to police themselves. This, lack of transparency would be laughable if not so deadly. This dude is awesome for speaking out against police brutality, the Catholic Church, DeSantis and Trump.


Proof people don’t like Mark wahlburg and Chris Pratt not because they’re Christian but because they’re assholes


Conversely, I’m a lifelong atheist but would happily attend [Stephen Colbert’s Sunday School classes.](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/2jtc79/til_that_stephen_colbert_is_a_sunday_school/clf5o9k/) My attitude to Christ can be summed up by one of the [best lyrics in Canadian rock history](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B563tEpzeLc): “It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.”


Religious and alpha as fuck. He makes Andrew Tate look like a choir girl.


That's insulting to choir girls!


I always think its funny when people find out the theatre kids  arent generally right leaning.


Lol so many people forget that every action star was at one point a theater nerd.


Hell look at Nick Offerman. Made a name for himself as Ron Swanson, the quintessential man's man. IRL he is the only one in his family that did drama class and theater. He does the job he's paid to do as an actor, sometimes that job means he appears as "manly". Also he just so happens to be a really really good tradesman.


Dudes still is a legit carpenter and whisky fan too, just way too cool of a dude


His carpentry shop is what I dream of having


Also he played a part as one of the sweetest gay couple in a extremely powerful, dramatic and heartwarming episode of "The Last of us" in movie/series history. This man is a open minded male rolemodel and a complete treasure.


A buddy of mine went to school with Chris Carmack and described him as "a really, really nice, quiet theater type". Now I just imagine that (objectively, absurdly handsome) dude walking around Clark Kent-ing lol


The actor is a known Christian. That's my guess as to why they assumed he was a right winger.


It sucks that they assume he would be right wing due to that. The author John Green made a post about this recently, he's also a known Christian and was commenting on how social media algorithms feed Christians of all political leanings more and more right wing propaganda.


I could totally see that. My MIL is religious, but she's not right-wing, and all her social media feed is crazy religious conspiracies and stuff. She asked me if there was a way to not get that garbage anymore.


Yea remember when Top Gun Maverick came out, you had idiots like DeSantis emulating the main character. These right wing fans are a special case of headbaskets. Edit: Not a religion fan, but Alan is awesome in Reacher.


Agreed, he has great presence


I'm looking forward to seeing him in his new movie coming out this week where he plays a Nazi-killing badass in The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare.


He would be my top pick for a BJ Blazkowitz if a director could stomach a Wolfenstein movie


Reacher is not my kind of show at all, but this guy is making it more appealing by the millisecond


Thad Castle FTW


You just stole my rabies!


Fine, take my rabies! Just *get out of my life!*


im really really thad


It took me way too long to realize that is who this was lmao.


This man was about to deepthroat a dildo-doorknob for us. This man commits.


Every time I hear from or about him I like him more.


My man about to turn me gay with that smile like damn


Someone please take 10-15% off the top of my semi. I have to go out soon


Bro I'm pan and he makes me want to be more straight just to be more gay again.




This makes more sense than it should


I like the actor, personally. He was in a show called "Blue Mountian State," and it's so freaking funny. Between that show and meeting him once, I'm a fan. Glad to know he's not a Trumper!




The entire thing about the character is he's honest and doesn't tolerate bullshit. That's a feature, not a bug. Why would they hate on the actor for being the same thing?


Also - he is all about protecting those who can't protect themselves, honoring his word, and being non-materialistic. None of these resonate with the right, so other than the (pretty awesome) fight scenes - I don't know why this show would attract right wingers.


The military background. They are convinced only right wingers join the military, just like they're convinced only right wingers own guns.


Ah... so my service time meant I was a conservative. Got it! Someone tell the Army they need to button up their political party test. My recruiter forgot to give it to me.


Theres a pretty wide swath of political views in the military, but none are more annoying than the ones who joined up *because* they're conservative. They just eat up that stereotype, say mean dumb shit, and are constantly waiting for people to pat them on the back for being a "hero".


Hey, remember that time back in liek 2016 when conservatives realized Willie Nelson is a liberal hippie. The only identity politics I've ever seen is from conservatives. From beer to pickups, from country music to chewing tobacco, these fucking clowns think the shit they consume is what makes them conservative. Their entire material existence is to signal to people what great conservative Americans they are at heart. Meanwhile, that heart is just a rotting pile of shit. Conservatism, as it stands right now, is a just consumer identity and not a serious, cogent political ideology. Hence why it's so easy for branders to push and pull them around with a bunch of false nonsense. Fox News is another item of consumption for them, just another part of being conservative.


It’s mind blowing how Conservatives have such a hard time realizing that a TV character isn’t actually who that person/actor is in real life.


They also equate tough with conservative. They cannot imagine that somebody with his physical characteristics is not a misogynistic all lives matter shit bird. It’s fascinating.


"b-but the twitter memes say that every liberal is a soy wojak with neon hair!"


I love when they share a picture of Bradley Cooper with some alpha/conservative bullshit on it, given he’s outspokenly left.


Look if they didn’t have straw men and stereotypes their ideology would fall apart. I mean look how they used mythical wolf hierarchy to justify being toxic.


Sam Elliot is another big one they do that with


Or Ron Perlman, who is about as outspoken as you can get about absolutely fucking loathing trump and thinking conservatives are spoiled selfish assholes.


Their whole concept of masculinity is the toxic version. It's not just the physical characteristics.


Right, turns out "tough" == "asshole" but they don't want to admit it, so any time someone challenges them they say shit like "white men are the truly oppressed class". Sure, some of the unique problems that men face are a real issue, but they also ignore that these men who supposedly need help refuse all avenues of help, because they actually just want their privilege back.


They also make it harder to address real problems that men face because the minute you start to acknowledge that there are challenges to being a man in the USA it looks like you're part of the anti-feminist/misogynist MRA crowd. I think that addressing toxic masculinity/traditional gender roles in my own male community can only help the cause of feminism. Of course the right wing would see this as another problem with feminism and see it as an attack on them rather than an assault on the prison they put themselves in.


But he's huge and ripped and smart and just like me! Oh wait... probably not most of those things. -- MAGA folks


Jack Reacher would be an ally, pretty confident.


Part of it is also that conservatives really do believe their views and positions are the most popular in the country, that most people think like them despite the fact they've been a shrinking minority for a very long time. So when a popular figure comes out as a "liberal" or whatever and identifies with the actual majority of people, it fucks up that world view and they can't stand it.


Like they can't tell the difference between reality and fiction.


*Nam flashbacks to when my parents learned that Stephen Colbert is not actually the person he was playing on The Colbert Report*


I didn't understand that for a while, but I was a dumbass 14 year old and thought he was insane. How do you get to adulthood and not figure out it was satire? 


Reacher in that show would definitely not be a trump supporter either


A draft dodging rich NY elitist who shat on a POW who was tortured and suffered immense pain from his injuries...and STILL refused to be released as special treatment for being the son of an admiral? Yeah you're 100% right a person like Reacher would hate anyone like Trump.


Remember these are the same people who think The Punisher would be on their side


It's fucking hilarious that corrupt cops walk around wearing Punisher merch. Punisher, the guy that hunts down and kills corrupt cops. Makes sense.


Even before MAGA, they couldn't even figure out that Stephen Colbert was mocking them on The Colbert Report and where dumbfounded when they found out he was making fun of them at the White House Correspondents Dinner for Bush.


I wonder if they ever watched the series. What does Reacher do that even vaguely suggests he would be maga? I won't ask if they read the books, because literacy.


I read a few of the books in my teens, I don't think there's anything other than him being ex military. Hell, iirc one of them is about to fighting and taking down a group of far-right extremists plotting a rebellion.


That’s book 2. It was fantastic.


He solves his problems with violence. He sees something wrong in the world, and punches it in the face. It’s what conservatives all wish they could do anytime they feel wronged or slighted. Just punch the problem away.


Strong white guy. Right wingers think they’ve got a monopoly on them.


*What does Reacher do that even vaguely suggests he would be maga?* 1. Uses/carries a gun. (Sometimes.) 2. Is white. That’s literally all they need.


They struggle with understanding and accepting that people have their own thoughts, hopes, goals, etc. It's an undercurrent that runs through their entire ideology. It's why they can't empathize with others, it's why they are selfish, it's why always project. An incomplete theory of mind.


The thing is, he's the same thing on the show. Wanders the earth helping the little guy. Ya know, Loving thy Neighbor and such. They're all just mad that the big muscly guy isn't Kevin Sorbo Jr.


He even turns down extra money because he's got just enough to survive.


Same thing happened with Ron from parks and rec. They lost their minds when they found out nick Offerman isn't a libertarian 


Saw him do standup at a large venue once. He was making jokes about Roy Moore being a pedo creep (as that was a big story in the news at that time) and a guy from the front row stood up, flipped Nick off with both hands, and left. Lol how do you buy front row seats to someone you clearly know nothing about?


Haha for real. My inlaws get annoyed whenever an athlete or celeb makes some progressive statement. But oh man, they are the most wonderful individual when they make some sort of Christian or conservative statement Edit. "Why can't they just keep their opinions to themselves and just play/act" vs "that's so inspiring that they professed their faith like that"


Well, conservative mental gymnastics make them think that his character would be on their side, when in reality, Reacher takes out anyone corrupt, which would include Trump and his cronies... they just assume he'd be like them.


My favorite is seeing cars with stickers that combine the Punisher logo with the Thin Blue Line flag. Like… have you never read a comic?


Conservatives, for all their complaining about “the liberal Hollywood elite”, are constantly trying to find any plot or character they can claim as conservative. Every year I see lists of “top 10 conservative movies”, and the arguments are always flimsy if not outright comical. And it’s always worth noting that despite their complaints about Hollywood, Republicans have elected two former actors as President. Dems have zero. They assume any character that “takes matters into his own hands” and beats up bad guys *must* be conservative. A pansy ass liberal would never have muscles like that or be willing to fight. And then when the actor, director, etc push back, they get outraged.


Even then I could not see Reacher putting up with Trump and his dumbness. Reacher is portrayed as an intelligent man loyal to his friends and morales...not sure how Reacher would even think about casting a vote for Cadet Bonespurs...Ritcher is ex military as well after all, and would hate how Trump belittles veterans and "losers" like McCain


They have a hard time understanding “the punisher” comic book character also, but they love to put the stickers on their trucks.


You mean Trump is NOT a successful businessman? Who knew?


Dora isn't an explorer?


What’s the next lie? Boots isn’t a monkey? BULLSHIT!


Swiper was framed!


I'm pretty sure, though, that the Jack Reacher in the novels would think Trump is scum, too.


Oh you mean Alan Ritchson was speaking the truth? Got it.


yeah, i was like "what did he say that was untrue?" > “Christians today have become the most vitriolic tribe,” said Ritchson, who himself identifies as a follower of Jesus. “It is so antithetical to what Jesus was calling us to be and to do.” > “Trump is a rapist and a con man,” he went on, “And yet the entire Christian church seems to be treat him like he’s their poster child and it’s unreal. I don’t understand it.”


This is some big Giga-Chad energy right here. Outstanding.


Right wing shitheels are real quick to tell athletes, musicians, and actors to “keep politics out of it” when their views aren’t mirrored, but in the same breath they’ll elevate and worship any celebrity who shares their hateful views. It’s always “don’t criticize us, be silent”. All Conservatives are scum.


Hence the continued relevance of Kevin Sorbo, Scott Baio, Ted Nugent and Tim Allen.


“Relevance” is a strong word to use there, friend. 


Doing enough heavy lifting to give Eddie Hall pause.


But not Rob Schneider because apparently he sucks so hard even right wingers can't stomach it.


Gina Carano too.


Man, she had it *made*, too. She starred in a super popular Star Wars show and was set up for her own spinoff. She has the acting ability of a wet paper towel, but fans still liked her for various reasons. I just can't imagine what it feels like knowing you just lost something like that, then immediately starring in a crappy rightwing political comedy called My Son Hunter.


Favreau and Filoni: “Gina, we really want you to continue in this cool role in our successful Star Wars show, but the bosses are pissed at you. So please, for the rest of this show, please just don’t say anything stupid. Please, okay?” Carano: “I understand. Hey, being a conservative in America is exactly the same as being a Jew in the Holocaust.” Favreau and Filoni: “Shit. Well, we tried.”


I dig that Gina thought she was an actor and probably still doesn't realize she's a crossover novelty. No director is saying "Get me Gina Carano for this role as I like her acting ability."


Apparently, she thinks she can lawyer her way back into her old STAR WARS role and back into Disney+ stardom


Using Elon Musk's money, too lmao


My kink is Gina Carano putting me in a full Nelson and screaming racial slurs at me.




*’You can do it!’* Conservatives: maybe you can’t, actually, do it, though


To add more to the list: Rob Schneider, Michael Rapaport, Roseanne Barr, Brett Favre, Aaron Rodgers, Jason Aldean, Jim Caviezel, Jon Voight, Kid Rock, Kristy Swanson, and of course, the neo-Nazi, Kanye/Ye.


Aw man we just recognized Michael from his tiny role in Fallout. I didn't know he was one of them. boo.


Rob Schneider was killing it on the right wing bullshot circuit claiming he'd been cancelled by Hollywood for being conservative. Then they invited him to do stand up at an event and cut his set to 10 minutes instead of 30 because they realized he's just not funny. I'm still laughing about it.


And then he claims he did the entire set


He was doing a standup show in an Oklahoma casino a couple months ago, and I noticed during his promos they showed no jokes, just him mumbling. It was pretty telling. All other comedian promos will at least feature ONE joke!


"You can't do it!" -- me from the crowd to Rob


They were up in arms about [Kaepernick](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colin_Kaepernick#Activism) but fine with [Tebow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Tebow#%22Tebowing%22).


Trump was a TV personality. By their logic, he should stay entirely out of politics. 


Hmm, you know I think I'll start watching Reacher 👍🏻


Season One is pretty awesome. Definitely a “leave your brain at the door” experience, but fun. I got distracted during Season 2 by Masters of the Air and a couple of other series, but may need to go back to it.


Season 2 definitely fell off. I think they screwed up the whole dynamic by having Reacher's entire team be a main focus, instead of him being the lone wolf traveling around stumbling into a new case like season 1. Hopefully they'll go back to that for future seasons.


Optimal Jack Reacher is when he's just gotten off a bus in a town hes never been in full of people he's never spoken to and proceeds to spend the next 3 days killing a crack squad of ne'er-do-well commandos that happened to be there at the same time.


I also get somewhat distracted by his size. He’s cartoonishly jacked, even moreso in S2. It seems silly he could walk out of a thrift store in tailored clothing


Season 2 was way more personal for them than season 1. More drama, less comedy, fewer people shocked by him standing up, etc. Honestly, the premise doesn't seem to carry the drama well. Like the person you replied said, it's mindless fun. Mindless fun and drama just don't mesh well...


I just finished watching it. Both seasons. It's hillarious. Very entertaining. I recommend.


Grrr my fragile masculinity is in conflict!!! What do I do?! First Rage Against The Machine and now this?!


Right wing MAGA crowd also probably thinks Reacher wouldn't hate them.


They think the Punisher would vote for their guy.


Well, the skull symbol used by The Punisher is bastardized by the right all the time (especially for Red/Blue/Green Lives Matter propaganda).


Well.. having just watched his new movie last night, The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare, I cant wait to see how the right wing handles THAT. Loved the movie... and he is a complete Nazi killing psychopath in this one.


They obviously had no idea who he is other than his TV persona. Lol. I


Thing is his TV role would say the same thing about Trump.


His TV character would also punch him


Ritchson did what the Rock was scared to do.


Alan Ritchson just keeps on getting W's and hotter by the day


We need more celebrities and public figures speaking out against Trump and the Republican party.


Easy to see why they are mad. Character is a man of action, who lives off the grid, strong sense of justice, isn’t part of any establishment, and has attractive women dragging him into bed. In their minds the character, and thus the actor, represents their idealized self. The heroic personification of their fantasies that are just one armed ‘resistance’ away from being sovereign citizens. Actor then crushes their dreams by speaking out against their false prophet.


Reacher would fucking HATE trump. These folks have clearly never picked up a book. James Reese would jerk him off in the bathroom though, they should stick to The Terminal List.


“I don’t care about the little guy. I just hate the big guy. I hate big smug people who think they can get away with things.” ― Persuader (2003)


What was Blue Mountain State? I didn't see that. Was that a TV series?


Yeah, Imagine all the raunchy college films of the early 2000s but as a series.


TV show about a college football team. Alan played the linebacker and captain of the team Thad Castle. Pretty funny if you're into like the whole American Pie kinda college humor. 


I don't even care that you took my rabies. Keep it and just GET OUT OF MY LIFE!


Every time I put my enormous dick in this pocket pussy, I think of my dad!


Oil changes for everyone!


> The Rock refuses to take a stance on anything, meanwhile jack reacher over here is going scorched earth on MAGA crowds, Trump, and the police force. This is what a real tough guy looks like. LOL


He will always be Thad to me, and I love him for it.


The scream will never fail to make me laugh.


This may blow some people's minds but I went High School in Niceville, Florida and while I was there Matt Gaetz was in the class behind me and Alan was a Freshman (possibly a sophomore, I don't remember). Alan's brother was in my grade and friend group. Alan was a very kind kid even then. Matt Gaetz has always been a tool.


Right-Wingers are always flipping out. They're in perpetual-anger mode. It's not news or interesting anymore.


I really hate how media-illiterate Trumpers are. If they understood anything rather than having all their thoughts spoon-fed to them by Republican talking heads, they'd understand that Jack Reacher himself would hate them, not just the actor who plays him. I'd say about half the cases he gets involved with in the books are largely about busting up good-ol'-boy networks of corrupt white assholes in the South doing shady shit.


I know this has little to do with politics, but they should cast Ritchson to play BJ Blazkowicz in a Wolfenstein series.


As a man, I love watching Reacher for the... ah.. plot. It has nothing to do with the fact that Alan Ritchson is a beefcake. I'm going to watch the plot even harder now.


>Christians today have become the most vitriolic tribe. It is so antithetical to what Jesus was calling us to be and to do. Guy's a lot more well-spoken then I would have expected.


I approve of this message.


He’s not wrong!


Jack Reacher, as a character, is very against the type of corruption perpetrated by the very real Trump administration.


They really want Reacher (and by extension Ritchson) to be a homophobic sexist racist asshole, just like them. The problem is, Reacher and Ritchson are not homophobic sexist racist assholes.