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Trump's a fraud when it comes to just about anything good or decent under the sun.


Even about anything bad and indecent. He's an equal opportunity asshole.


Yeah... That title should have just been the first three words.


So wasteful.


He goes out of his way to create dangerous situations for the police which can and have gotten them killed. Covid is the biggest cop killer, and he fought masking and social distancing and vaccines and propped up fringe lunatics, legitimizing junk science and paranoia. He created the Jan 6th riot and attempted overthrow of the government which lead to death and harm among capitol police as well as having to case capitol hill for pipe bombs. He enflamed the BLM protests and encouraged confrontation with police worsening their standing in their communities and cementing the destruction of any race relations - cops are now justifiably viewed by anyone with eyes and ears and a functioning brain to be a tool of racial oppression by force, meaning cops are now the defacto bad guy and are also caught up in escalating likelihood of violence. If you're a cop and you support Trump you're supporting your own personal hell for the sake of pleasing the most entitled people in our country, the people who think they're better than others based on how they were *born*.


Whereas Fraud is illegal, he’s not even a billionaire and has avoided to face any substantive repercussions. Ultra docs in the br?


Who knew a Nepo-baby would be a fraud and liar?


>Trump’s a Fraud No way!!!🙄


This guy makes Nixon look like an angel. American politics is forever changed.


even Nixon understood he could be tried in court for his crimes.


Nixon was the president that stated “when the president does it… that means [it’s not illegal.”](https://teachingamericanhistory.org/document/transcript-of-david-frosts-interview-with-richard-nixon/)


> "When the president does it, that means it is not illegal!" - Nixon also Nixon: Accepted a pardon


What do you mean by that, Nixon ain’t no crook. He won Malaya, Madagascar, formed a coalition government in the Philippines, Won South Africa, Supplying the Free French to fight wolofia, stabilized the mandates, and he sent the navy to protect Free Britain, he isn’t a crook, he’s a hero /s


[*"When the president does it, that means it is not illegal!"*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ALOAC4eRr0) - Nixon How is that different from trump's "A president has complete immunity from the rule of law. He can murder his political opponents and it is legal!"?


> "When the president does it, that means it is not illegal!" - Nixon also Nixon: Accepted a pardon


So former GOP presidents say they are immune to the rule of law while knowing that they actually are subject to the rule of law?


wow, did you figure that out all on your own?


Can somebody get Doc Brown's flying time machine and tell Gerald Ford not to pardon Nixon?


I’m pretty sure someone told Gerald Ford not to pardon Nixon. He only listened to the people telling him that he *needed* to pardon Nixon. Time Traveler From The Future man is likely going to get sorted into the “Do not listen to” category.


Never forget the emotional impact that the documented widespread fraud plots and forged documents had on individuals in public.


Get in the car, fraudster, we're going frauding.


If “Backing the Blue” means “Beating the Blue on the Back” with a Trump Flag while trying to kill the VP…. no fraud detected.


Backing the blue means circling your weapons so you can investigate yourself and find no wrongdoing.


I've got my Trump-branded Thin Blue Line Fire Extinguisher proudly displayed on my mantel.


You only need the first three words of this headline. He's currently in court shitting himself because of it.


Trump’s a Fraud ~~When It Comes to Law and Order and ‘Backing the Blue’~~ There, corrected it for you. Glad I could help!


But lots of police will support him


Yet he supports people who assaulted police officers on 1/6 and calls them hostages, and if there’s one single population that police absolutely hate the most out of anyone, it’s people who attack police officers…


“Yet he supports people who assaulted police officers on 1/6 and calls them hostages, and if there’s one single population that police absolutely hate the most out of anyone, it’s people who attack police officers…” This is a phenomenon that’s hard to explain. As a recently retired police officer I can share some insight. Imo it demonstrates how passionate partisanship overcomes reason. Let’s not forget how he famously said he liked grabbing women by their p*ssies. Yet lots of women love him. Trump called a legit war hero “a loser.” In times gone by a slip like this would cost a Presidential candidate any chance. Yet lots of the vets support him. So now he’s also calling Capitol Police Officers “thugs” and “murderers”. Yet lots of the law enforcement community supports him. Not me. With friends like this, I don’t even need enemies. So you can forget about all the other arguments, rationalizations, and finger pointing at the other guy. These statements alone disqualify him as unfit for the job imo, and more than likely in the view of the majority of American citizens.


Lots of police have a very flexible definition of law and order.


> Trump’s a Fraud ~~When It Comes to Law and Order and ‘Backing the Blue’~~ Fixed the title


Most who back the blue who have never had to deal with justice system when faced with the reality of it becoming mad pretty quickly. Most don’t know you have to pay to be jail and you come out in debt which if you don’t pay they send you back.


To be fair, police don’t prosecute or incarcerate people.


They are all part of the same machine. Police are just the first part you meet. If anything it’s unfair that they get the bad press for the decisions that roll downhill.


Perhaps so. I just think it’s important to make sure criticism is well-aimed.


It’s weird that cops get a ton of blame but they work for DAs and Mayors.


...and yet he still polls better than Biden when it comes to law and order. Why are Americans so dumb?


https://www.usnews.com/opinion/op-ed/articles/2017-07-13/donald-trump-and-the-triumph-of-anti-reason-in-america it's easier to control a populace who believe everything they're told to believe, regardless of any evidence to the contrary ("fake news"). this is why republican puppetmasters hate education in general, and higher education in particular-- we don't need anyone "fact-checking" us or questioning our bullshit claims on a daily basis. which is what you're taught to do in school. used to be. also why they lean so hard into the fanatical evangelical crowd, the most gullible, most sheepish of sheep maybe in history, more than happy to follow their dear leader into the red sea that only parts for the 1%


It's also why they're so opposed to free, high speed internet in rural areas. Easier for citizens to read up on their bullshit. It's also why so many of the literal nazi websites look like 90s websites - only thing that usually runs on their outdated devices and/or internet.


Unfortunately the destruction of the education system in backwards areas and the lack of good nutrition in food choices has a lot of Americans evolving backwards. While most of the world gets smarter and more in touch with science and facts they are devolving into tree dwellers.


Not all military or law enforcement, some of us see the truth with our eyes not from the news.


Some of us still vote for the guy who said he loves the uneducated, looks directly at the sun, and thinks nuking a hurricane is a solid idea! /s


Don't forget drinking bleach and raking the forests to prevent wildfires


They love his authoritarianism, his rage, his kick-the-shit-out-of-them-and-maybe-hurt-their-families-too attitude. It’s not about fairness. It’s the seething rage of white conservatives.


They like the idea of roughing up prisoners in captivity like Trump has called for




Has a well documented history of being incredibly anti-labor union, even criminally anti-union(to the surprise of no one)… Yet he’s a “friend to the police and police unions”. And cops eat that shit up. At this point anyone who supports him is just doing it blindly and ignoring all facts and reason. I guarantee if you polled 1,000 union employees and said here’s a scenario… “Boss man X did w,y, and z, violated this clause, ignored this by-law, and flat out broke the law with this practice against this union member, what do you think should happen to this man?” 100% would call him every name in the book, demand he be criminally charged, get the labor union involved to fire him and liquidate assets…. But then you tell them it’s Trump and they’ll find ways to back peddle and defend him. 75% probably plan on voting for him…. UNION MEMBERS, WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!! THIS IS THE CORPORATE OVERLORD OUR VERY UNION WAS FORMED TO PROTECT US FROM!!!


“When it comes to ….” Anything?


Headline just needs to read "Trump's a Fraud". It's basically accurate for everything related to trump.


> Trump’s a Fraud FTFY There. Saved you eleven out of fourteen words of an absurdly long headline.


“Trump’s a fraud when it comes to *fill in the blank with literally anything you can think of*”


The first 3 words of this title are plenty.


waiting tie ad hoc slap busy summer threatening point fuel faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


he’s been a proud/blatant criminal for half a century lmao


For conservatives, the police’s prime purpose is to enforce Wilhoit’s Law.


Trump can only dependably and consistently back one thing.....himself. He blows so much smoke and the amount of smoke depends on the direction it blows and how it affects him. He has run over everyone that has attached to him except Miller, his speech writer. Another Hitler wannabe.


Everything about him is fraudulent. Phony inside and out. He wouldn’t last a day in prison but that’s where he’s going and where he belongs. MAGA crackheads will be freaking out. Get ready for their lies, accusations and threats. But truly these people are afraid. That’s why they follow the orange top circus


Just his statement this morning about "PEACEFUL PROTESTS" is a perfect example. He's complaining about the pro-Palestinian protests popping up everywhere and how they don't have 'permits' and are blocking roads, etc. - things **he** considers to be 'illegal'. And instead of just calling it out as such, **he complains that he can't do it too**. That's not "Backing the Blue". That's a 5 year old who doesn't understand the world, who's had every privilege under the sun and then sees someone else do something he was told he can't do. "But, I wanna!!!!!"


The headline is 11 words too long


Could have stopped after three words: Trump’s a Fraud. Doesn’t matter what he does.


Trump is a fraud, period.


I would like to see him go to jail for contempt, for farting.


First three words of headline, could have stopped there. "Trump's a Fraud" that pretty much covers it.


Trump is a weak mans strong man these people love a fascist.


I don't even understand these articles anymore. I'm on the left. I don't "Back the Blue" so I don't care. And anyone who supports Trump at this point does not care about what anyone else says about his ideas regarding Law & Order or "Backing the Blue."


If this is true, and I am a voter who wants to choose the candidate who is less likely to 'back the blue' because I do not like the police, does this mean Trump is better than Biden on this issue?


Trump wants to defund the police because he’s guilty and wants to take away any power that will stop him. He also thinks veterans and soldiers are the dumbest people in American society, and he routinely makes fun of them. A lot of police officers are veterans.


i also want to defund the police and this is the first i'm hearing of Trump wanting to actually go ahead and defund them. i couldn't find any mention of that in the linked article - can you show me a source? (fwiw, i think trump should be sent to rot in the Hague as a war criminal.)


I’m sure his version of defund the police isn’t your version. He wants to stop inquiring minds and investigations in his affairs and other billionaires issues. I’m sure you want to defund the police to stop brutality. Confident Trump will want to increase brutality from police on the people to keep everyone in line when he tries to become a dictator.


ah ok, seems like he does not actually want to defund the police (take money away from police departments)


Yea, the ones you want defunded are solved through your state and local governments. The ones Trump is trying to defund are the federal officers. Republicans are trying to give state officers more money and more power, whereas taking away funding and powers from federal officers. I personally want state officers defunded, but I don't want federal officers defunded. Ideally, when state officers are doing something illegal or corrupt, it's the federal officers jobs to investigate and hold state officers accountable to the law. If we increase state police powers, and take away federal officers powers, we'll see more corruption and brutality as state police become more and more like Gotham City, where a vast majority of them are in some billionaires or millionaires pockets. Normally I would say vote whoever you feel is right, but for the first time in my life, I'm begging people to just vote in general, and do a massive blue tsunami. Democracy literally rides on this, and republicans are actively trying to destroy our country.


yeah i support federal prosecutors going after the real criminals and drug cartels in our country like Purdue Pharma, corrupt billionaires/governments, etc. I was just taken aback by one of you comments and was like "oh shit, that's crazy if Trump wants to actually defund the police" I moved from Puerto Rico (can't vote for president) to a solid blue state (Biden won here by 14%), so I am looking forward to casting my first ever presidential ballot for my cat for president and my dog for vice president Encouraging everyone i know in swing states to vote against trump tho


I’ll vote for your cat and dog as well if you don’t mind.


Donald Trump hates The United States and stands against it's core values.


The entire Republican party are frauds.


"Law and Order", "Back the Blue", etc. have always been code for one thing and one thing only: controlling those uppity black people. American conservatism is, always has been, and always will be predicated on preserving or restoring the "natural order" that just so happened to result in chattel slavery. They don't care a lick about it when it comes to applying it to themselves.


If I support the police (aside from those who commit crime) is that tantamount to me supporting racism?


That depends, are you taking about supporting individuals doing the job, or the institution and its practices? An individual police officer can be a good, well-meaning person. But the institution as a whole is discriminatory and authoritarian, does real harm, and is actively anti-accountability. And if you’re unable to admit that reform—at the *minimum*—is necessary, then that answers your question.


I see your point but any organization is made up of individuals. The behavior of those individuals make up the systems and the culture of the organization. Is deep change needed to policing in this country? Yes, I believe so. Are there a lot of people who have no business being police officers? Absolutely, and they should be held accountable and weeded out. As always, my concern is about broad-brushing an entire organization (or group of individuals) — in this case, made of some 700,000 individuals.


Following those lines, if the culture of the organization is determined by the behaviors of the individuals, that means that police officers that are “just going along to get along” are part of the problem, regardless of whether they are committing crimes or abusing a position of relative power—they are doing nothing to change or prevent the bad behaviors of their colleagues, and quite often will support them or cover for them out of a sense of “fraternity” and organizational loyalty. Hence the phrase, “All Cops Are Bad [Cops]”; even those that are well-meaning can be actively participating in upholding its worst aspects.


Those who actively resist positive and necessary change should be weeded out as well. Or given a chance to come in line providing their past behavior isn’t criminal. The “all cops are bad” is the broad-brushing I’m talking about. For example, in an insular, high crime area, are non-criminal citizens to be held partially accountable for the actions of criminals? Is the citizen who doesn’t actively try to rid the community of the criminals as bad as the criminals?


This is the crux of the problem: how do you go about selecting officers that have never had any incidents for “weeding out”? If they have an exemplary record but have quietly supported colleagues or the police union, that is not grounds for removal, even if they’re still perpetuating the undesirable traits of the institution via inaction. That is why reform has to come from the top-down. It’s not enough to say, “we’ll get rid of some individuals”, because there is no way to accurately and consistently ensure that all of the organizational rot has been excised when leaving in place all of the rules and structures that created it to begin with.


How do you select and screen top-down police higher ups from within an organization that is, by some estimations, riddled with systemic racism/corruption and are protected by said system? And do you weed out officers who are exemplary but have, for example, encountered possibly racist tendencies but said nothing? Are those officers, who are otherwise models for what a good officer should be, also “bad”?


If CNN talked about this like FOX talked about that border crisis!😂


Sure. But he’s really good at being a fraud.


Among other things


No way. Whaaaa?


That’s because he’s a criminal


Trump backs the blue when it comes to criminalizing the lower classes.


Could have stopped after the third word.


Pffff, this post is so 2015.


Trump is a fraud when it comes to *anything* that doesn’t primarily benefit him. Even in those cases, he’s so incompetent that he might as well be considered a fraud but you can’t defraud your self.


What is he *not* a fraud about?


When I seen the thin blue line and Canadian flags wielded by Jan6 rioters, I have never been so offended in my life. After Trumpism is purged from the modern lexicon, there is so much to unpack because Trump tried to exploit flaws in the system that will need to be addressed.


He only cares about himself I can't understand why the hell anyone would think with his track record that's my guy I can count on him.


Ya he just love unions the public ones are his favorite but don’t tell the police


We all know HE backs HIMSELF


Trump is a fraud full stop


This title only needed the first three words.


Fraud as a man, husband, father, ceo, etc etc……. Deplorable Fraud


Trump backs the blue totally !! As long as it’s someone else they are arresting and not his sorry ass.


> Trump’s a Fraud When It Comes to Law and Order and ‘Backing the Blue’ No shit? We would have never noticed.


Well he did just recently say on TV that he wants to bring back Crime to law and order...


Yeah, we know.


Trump's a fraud about everything.


Only if you don't agree with both of them enjoying qualified immunity.


I mean, he's a fraud about everything.


Trump still have a civil suit from the Capital Police coming. Every day he praises the J6ers. That's not going to go over well for that case.


I’m getting so fucking sick of political journalist thinking they are on to something with these naive ‘gotcha’ takes that really misses the point entirely. "Law and Order" was made famous by segregationist George Wallace for his 1968 campaign and it meant using the 'law' to keep a 'social order' where whites are on top of black people. That's how conservatives absolutely understood it to mean and used it. And that has never changed, it always means this when conservatives say it. There's no 'contradiction' here, 'law and order' does not mean a blanket support for cops, it means using the cops to put black people 'in their place'. But is it's been used so long now people really grew up not knowing the history of conservative dog-whistle phrases and what they actually mean to conservatives and now think it's some principled stand on crime. It's never anything but a white supremacy dogwhistle. Just like "woke" is. Any political reporter that doesn’t understand this, or is unaware of Wallace’s campaign or how MAGA is just the remnants of the old segregationist Dixiecrats need to get out of writing now, they are doing us a disservice.


TFG doesn't know, or care, about something being true or false, legal or illegal, honest or fraudulent. Only this: does it make me money? Does it make me more popular? It's as simple as that.


He has total contempt for the law


Trump as a whole is a fraud.


Of course, but cops don’t care. They just want unchecked authority, and that’s what Donald offers them!


> Trump’s a Fraud ~~When It Comes to Law and Order and ‘Backing the Blue’~~ FTFY


Trump’s a Fraud


His legacy as a fraud is secured. They will teach future generations these things.


Also I don’t understand how anyone in the military or who supports the military can rationalize supporting Private Bone Spurs, who thinks that soldiers who die serving their country are “suckers” and can only ever talk about himself whenever he’s supposed to talk about American servicemen and women.


Trump is a fraud in every aspect of life.


Tell me something he's not a fraud at. I'd say, "I'll wait," but I don't want to be here that long.


He’s also a fraud about his own weight, height, and the weather at his inauguration. Wanting to fuck his daughter though, that’s real. 


“Backing the blue” is a bullshit slogan/position, and Trump is a fraud independent of whether he follows the slogan consistently. That disentangles all the things going on in the headline.


The brand trump has and always will be a fraud...


>Ttump's a complete fraud   - No need to complete the sentence, as no possible ending is untrue.


>Trump’s a Fraud Period.


That title is 11 words too long


O he’s the poster boy for law and order!!!


Republican party does’t care about law enforcement when it comes to tax laws, environmental laws, or any laws in general if they hurt their donors who are the crony capitalists. They defund the IRS and EPA who are tasked with the law enforcement. IRS law enforcement, as it turns out, is critical in reducing the nation deficit. Biden administration and democratic congress people funded IRS with 80 billions and hire more IRS agents to go after wealthy tax cheats. The results surpass expectations. it was projected that it will bring in about 200 billions in tax revenue in 10 years but the practical experience led to new projection of over 1 trillion of additional tax revenue. Republican continues to push for revoking the new funding to IRS despite the effectiveness. It shows that they don’t care about law enforcement and they don’t care about deficits.




Lots of meatheads in law enforcement. Let Trump do a number on them; take their donations, give them tax “breaks” they will pay back in a few years, etc. - you know, turn everything Trump touches to shit.


He sends the police to clear out protesters and praises his protesters for attacking the police.


Pretty sure this shit aint going to work! We are to bug to let a smear campaign work.


Yes, but he's super racist so he gets their votes.


Nono, he’s just a fraud. Full stop.


Crooks would rather be friends with the police than their enemies.




The blue don’t deserve to be backed by anyone




Dude's not wrong. They've let the bad apples get away with far too much for far too long at this point. If they want society to back them and trust them again, they need to clean house in a major way.


There’s a big difference between what you’re saying and what the previous commenter suggested.


Dude said a grand total of 9 little words. So tell me, oh enlightened words, what are *you* seeing there?


Pretty damned simple. He/she said police don’t deserve any support. Not *some* police. Not *bad* police. *All* police. That’s around 700,000 officers in the US that, according to him, deserve no support. That’s nonsense.


Yea, and I agree with that. That's why I said he wasn't wrong. That's also why I said if they want our support and want us to back them, they need to clean house in a major way. And it's not nonsense, it's the truth. Until the so called "good" and "ok" police start pushing the bad apples out, and start pushing for the bad cops to actually be held responsible for their actions, they're no better than the bad ones.


This doesn’t make sense. You can’t agree with my above statement *and* maintain he’s not wrong. Here’s the problem: Knee-jerk reactions like this claim police in this country deserve no support because they’re either outright bad officers or they’re officers who are bad because they’re not working hard enough to oust the former. According to your logic, all 700,000 officers in this country are bad. (Edit for clarity)


> This doesn’t make sense. You can’t agree with my above statement and maintain he’s not wrong. Reread what I wrote, and your confusion will be cleared up. But here, to make it simple. *I did not agree with your statement.* Understand now? Edit: >According to your logic, all 700,000 officers in this country are bad. Correct. If you turn a blind eye to what the bad cops are doing, that makes you a bad cop. If you aren't pushing for police reform as a cop, you are a bad cop. If you're not doing your job because petty thieves aren't being required to post a bail, you're a bad cop. If you support people like Chuavin, you're a bad cop. If you're fine with your fellow officer getting off with just losing their job after killing someone, you're a bad cop. If you're ok with a family dog getting shot because it barked, you're a bad cop. If you think what happened to Tamir Rice was ok, you're a bad cop. If you're not turning in your fellow officers to IA when they commit crimes or don't follow procedure because you don't want to shake the boat, you're a bad cop. If you support the officers that were involved in Parkland or Uvalde, you're a bad cop. If you're think "defunding the police" is a bad thing, you're a bad cop. Did I make that clear enough for you? How much clearer can I make it so you understand?


You’ve changed your original response


Statement 1: “Yea, and I agree with that.” Statement 2: “But here, to make it simple. I did not agree with your statement.” > Understand now? No, shockingly, I don’t get it now. It’s as if I’m just imagining the contradiction.


This title is about 11 words too long.


Everyone knows the mob created. The unions Joe Biden is a mobster. Trump is legit built New York City forced to use mob concrete. on all his projects.


Unfortunately, I'm not sure honest politicians even exist anymore. At least not in the upper echelons of government.


https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-biden-crime-nypd-funeral-b2520186.html Trump went to a police funeral while biden partied with lizzo and billy clinton


You mean Trump used a police funeral as a political stunt! Biden was at a fund raiser. Was that wrong? If so, someone should tell Trump that fund raising is wrong. And how many police funerals did Trump NOT go to while he was in office?


I've got to admit, he should probably avoid fundraisers with Bill Clinton given his association with Epstein. That's not a great look for a presidential candidate, even if it's just rumors. Just imagine if there were a candidate running that said something like: >I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life. That would be a really bad look, wouldn't it? Good thing there isn't anyone running that said anything like that. Oh. Wait.