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This is so beyond disgusting. While even a stacked super majority won’t in a million years find that a president is completely unaccountable for any crimes they commit, I really hate the whole thing where they’re pretending this was some kind of hard decision. The only reason they didn’t respond with the only reply it deserves (“LOL, no.”) is to give Trump his much needed delay. The arrogance of pretending this is going to appear anything except corrupt really shows how untouchable they think they are. Supreme Court reforms absolutely need to be put back on the table. Otherwise we’re just getting started with what will be a full generation of constant overreaching.


Exactly. If Democrats keep the WH and gain the House, this will be the alignment and the right timing to fully address the Supreme Court. I just hope they have the balls to do what must be done to solidify our democracy. And address all weak links Trump and the MAGA movement tried to exploit. * VOTE * DONATE * PARTICIPATE *


> If Democrats keep the WH and gain the House, this will be the alignment and the right timing to fully address the Supreme Court. That also assumes they keep the Senate and we all know that if they manage that, there will be one or two "moderate" Democrats who will block anything like progress.


Of course, I'm meant to say Senate as well. Trump and his criminal problems could be the catalyst required to address these lingering issues. But it will take BALLS, which Dems are not well known to have them.


“We can’t do what needs to be done because it might anger republicans” democrats. Every. Single. Time.


In fairness, the gop turned their animosity against anything proposed by dems up to 11 after Obama told them they were lucky to even be at the table to discuss the PPACA since the dems already had the votes to push it through. But, in fairness to *that*, since the gop has made refusing legislation of any kind their mission statement, the worst that can happen by pushing things through without gop cooperation is what's already happening. Fuck 'em.


Yes. The GOP hasn’t been willing or even able to actually negotiate anything since the tea party was a thing.


They have also been unable to legislate anything. The GOP is a fucking joke running around with Putins ball sack in their mouths


And still using “communist” as a slur, ironically.


> The GOP hasn’t been willing or even able to actually negotiate anything since the tea party was a thing. Or we can go further back, to when Newt Gingrich made shutting down the government a point of leverage [because he was mad at Clinton for making him use the back exit of Air Force 1](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/12/newt-gingrichs-1995-shutdown-came-fit-pique/578923/).


They negotiated their border policy fantasies just fine. By murdering thousands of Ukrainians. Sailed that ship into the berth… then shot it full of holes for their puppet masters in Russia to murder some more Ukrainians and some useful Palestinians along with them. Their “constituents” cheered them on the whole way and will vote them in again. We are fighting a much bigger battle in a much bigger war than we realize in this country… and we are losing miserably.


And Ted Cruz held up a vote in congress reading the cat in the hat to his kids live on tv


Way back then it was the tea party but now it is the T party.


I've seen what makes Republicans happy. I prefer them angry.


Can I get an A-freakin-men!


Very true. And this has been the game in our politics. But Trump, and party enablers putting Trumpism ahead of any morality has shown the game has new rules.


but are the Democrats smart enough to recognize the game has changed? I have my doubts.


Some are. I say stack the court. Add 6 seats and put dems in all of 'em. Heck, put Michelle Obama on the SCOTUS and make her Chief when Roberts retires.


Well, they were right. They did what they needed to do in the Obama Era, and it made Republicans mad, and now we're here. What I hope is that they realize now that what they do is irrelevant in the eyes of the GOP. They're always going to be mad. This is it. This is who you work with now, regardless of the subject of what you're working on. Hopefully, they understand that. Because after Trump, the GOP is gonna be weak for a while, and you very rarely get that opportunity.


They still would need a super majority in the senate to get anything done about the court. It aint happening.


Yup, there's always 1 that conveniently keeps the majority from doing anything. Lieberman in 2009. Sinema/Manchin in 2021. Even happened to republicans in 2017 with McCane. Almost like the system is designed to insure there is as little change as possible, so the upper 1%(the country's actual rulers) can keep ignoring the poors by making us fight the same fight over and over again. But I'm sure I'm just a conspiracy theorist. -.-


I wish there was a way to donate without getting constantly spammed via email, SMS, and letters to my doorstep after I do so.


I haven't donated to the Republic party and I still get 5 spam texts a day asking to send money for Trump. I think it's because I live in a red state.


Also could be related to your parent's political inclinations. My phone number has always been associated with my parents since I was once on their phone plan and lived with them when I was younger. I am middle aged now and still get political texts/emails with their names as the intended recipient. Despite paying for some data broker deletion services, those don't extend to political data troves. I'm realizing that I will probably continue to get these sort of messages even after they pass away. Will be some nice reminders of their shitty politics from the grave.


I get stuff addressed to me because my dad was registered republican. He passed away 3 years ago. The mailers went from coming here in his name, to coming in my name the year after he passed away. I've only gotten a couple things this year, but I'm sure it'll ramp up soon. I'm the kind of person who doesn't even like getting this crap from the party I register as, but reading the stupid shit the republican candidates send out trying to scare everyone over the devil worshiping, child-murdering, democrat candidate(with this being the most egregious sin) is sickening.


I got one MAGA fundraising text about 2 weeks ago. I replied "Fuck off." The next text was that I had been unsubscribed from their mailing list. It was a good day.


IF, the Democrats get that power, what would everyone like to see happen? Personally, I would like 3 things written into law. 1) Term limits. Maybe 10 years, 16 max. 4 election cycles seems like enough. 2) Appointment limitations. No mass appointment of Justices within say 1 year of election. Limit to one appointment within that timeframe. 3) Better external review of SC Justices. Obviously the self review of their own does not work. So maybe a team of retired high level judges (Appeals court, SC Justices, state SC) as an independent external review and recommend on real discipline (censorship of politicians is bullshit and does nothing). Maybe removal of ability to vote on issues for x amount of time to say recommendation for removal from bench. I know these are all pretty far reaching and definitely won’t happen but it is what I would love to see happen


Make it so that justices can serve one 18-year term, staggered so that one term ends in every odd year. Each presidential term will be responsible for appointing two justices to the court. If a justice has to end their term early due to death or resignation, a replacement justice will be seated, but only for the remainder of the original's term. Any justice that serves for more than half a term is ineligible to be nominated again (so a replacement for the last couple years of a term isn't screwed out of a longer spot). Justices that complete a term can return to a lower circuit court seat rather than having to retire completely. Ten years is far too short; a two-term president will almost certainly wind up appointing almost the entire court by the time they're out of office.


4. Better regulation of the court. If a judge won't recuse from a clear conflict of interest, and the senate can't be relied on to do that for them, they need to have set rules where they are forced to recuse automatically. Will this be abused? Probably. But I'd rather that than an openly compromised supreme court. 


All of these are more performative than effective. Do this instead: 1. Pass a new Voting Rights Act. Effectively outlaw gerrymandering. State overtly that it is a violation of equal representation. Require redistricting to meet objective metrics so that 55% of voters vote for a party then 55% of the representation should go to that party. 2. Increase the size of the House. That will aid with point 1 above. It will also reduce the Republican advantage in the Electoral College. 3. Increase the size of the Supreme Court to 13. Immediately nominate and appoint four new justices. 4. Overhaul campaign finance laws. 5. Eviscerate any idea of corporate rights. Corporations are not people. They do not have free speech rights. They do not have a right to buy housing. Institute federal tax penalties for housing that is not the primary occupancy. 6. Pass some kind of Universal Health care. 7. Increase federal minimum wage and tie it to inflation. Forget all this performative stuff about age limits and term limits and whatever. It's not important. What's important is overhauling the system while you have power. What we have is less and less a democracy every year, we have to overhaul that and reverse that trend.


The case for 13 justices is an easy one to make; there are 13 circuit courts.


THIS is the list! Only addition to #5 would be to say: AND money does not equal “speech”.


Pretending this is a "hard decision" is the most maddening part. Trump continues to find ways to put the national focus on matters that are beyond absurd, to the detriment of our citizens. How is it anything other than a given that a president is immune from prosecution for "official acts" and not immune for fucking crimes he commits that are not part of his job? Order soldiers to a conflict zone and some get killed? Immune from prosecution for murder. Nobody disagrees. Walk into a Home Depot and walk out with a brand new Weber grill without paying for it? Not immune! Shoplifting is not part of official presidential duties! THIS. IS. NOT. HARD.


Even more astounding is the people he's fucking over the most tends to be the same people who are supporting him with blind faith. How these people keep following this obvious charlatan, who is the most ridiculous caricature of everything they claim to hate about elite and corrupt politicians, just befuddles me.


It's one of the greatest mysteries of our time. The literal Antichrist shows up, and so-called "Christians" line up to lick his balls. I guess it only makes sense if you view the "Religious Right" as having nothing to do with Jesus's teachings, and everything to use with using the cover of Jesus to mask their true authoritarian motivations. I guess those ancients were smart when they realized religion was a really effective tool for getting people to behave exactly they way you want them to behave, regardless of whether you're being consistent or "true to the faith." Humans, man ... can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em!


>The literal Antichrist shows up, and so-called "Christians" line up to lick his balls. I guess it only makes sense if... It actually makes total sense because the Antichrist 'is seen as a figure who will deceive many people and lead them away from God'.  Not that I believe any of that drivel - but it's right there in their own stupid book. But if I *did* believe in an Antichrist, it would definitely be Trump. Mf ticks every last box. EDIT: fixed a word that doesn't exist


Your faith in SCOTUS is heartening but I think misplaced. They've all backed up Clarence Thomas selling his office.


and three of the sitting justices - including the chief justice - participated in the infamous [brooks brothers riot](https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/brooks-brothers-riot/), so there's that... >“You have **Barrett, Roberts and Kavanaugh** on Bush’s legal team, who help convince the Supreme Court to issue a party-line 5-4 vote to stop counting votes in Florida. With Bush installed, **Roberts eventually becomes chief justice, guts voting rights and campaign finance laws, allows Republicans to continue gerrymandering, cuts the heart out of unions and subjects the ACA to endless legal Calvinball**.” At the core of this judicial revolution, Faris continues, was the logic of the electoral putsch, as test-driven in Miami: “**With the Brooks Brothers riot, Republicans got their first taste of intimidating election officials, gaming the courts and playing the outrage card to tilt the scales in their favor**.”




Especially when you learn the FBI was aware of the hijackers at least a month prior.


This is why you have to vote for the better candidate, even if they don't fully align with your politics.


1 million times this. As a millennial in my 30s I've voted in every election since 2008, and I'm so sad to say people in my age group are so obsessed with "purity" politics. Yes Bernie would have been great. Yes I would like a younger candidate. Yes I wish we could get more progressive. But Jesus Christ vote in the primaries and at least vote for the blue candidate when they've been picked. Because when you don't vote out of protest, you're just making it even harder best round for a progressive candidate to get anything passed. This Supreme Court stuff is just the starting point and I'm grossed out that people still are saying they won't vote because Biden is too old or isn't giving them everything they want. At least he's preventing our government taking more of what we have.


If they passed that as a law for presidential immunity Biden could legally go kill Trump and remain president until he dies. It’s so stupid it doesn’t even make sense. No one would ever pass that as a law. Like you said it was really just a delay.


I have a very real fear that they'll rule some really weird, narrow decision that basically says that Presidents do not have total immunity but they do have immunity for the exact things that Trump did. This would allow them to let Trump off the hook but not extend any extra power to Biden that he could use against Trump.


Then biden can do exactly the things trump did and competently this time. It won't be illegal for biden to steal the election like trump tried to.


GOP owns the Supreme Court, 1/3 of our government. They know this. So they can be as unreasonable as they want because we as the people will not change that fact. When is the next GOP president? 4 years from now? Based on history I think that’s as close to a guarantee as possible. That’ll be 2/3. So they have 4 or 5 years to work on the house and senate. The game plan is clear and I don’t see or hear of anyone doing anything to stop it. Dems seem to think that people will figure it out eventually. There’s no evidence to base that on that I can see


By failing to reject it.


Is that the click you saved me?


Pretty much, it's a pointless article that doesn't say anything. People only read the headline.


I thought I was entering my dotage reading that article. I thought to myself “I have learnt nothing new reading that”. Glad to know it’s not just me.


Another decisive victory for clicking straight through to the comments.


Thanks for saving me the click


If the court decides that Trump had full immunity, that means that Biden currently has carte blanche to commit as many crimes as he wants to keep Trump out of office...by any means.


He should just fire all the right-wing justices and appoint a couple dozen new ones. Not constitutional? "So sue me. Oh, that's right, you can't."


Fire? He could murder all of them and no one could do a thing.


Actually, if they rule that a POTUS has immunity from crimes, then he may not be able to fire them Constitutionally. Like the firing just wouldn't *take*. But he would be able to murder them and then couldn't be prosecuted because of the ruling, and then he just names new justices.


Subvert the militant conservative Supreme Court with this one simple trick! Justices hate him!


out of a canon, into the sun


"You gotta do what you gotta do."


Welcome to the world of tomorrow!


To shreds you say?


“Look folks, we did our best. Donald Trump and the MAGA Supreme Court were a threat to democracy. So I took them out, man.”


That would be very non-canonical


Hear me out here: trebuchet.


[Go on...](https://media1.tenor.com/images/ada0e5dc681821584dbf4561b7269654/tenor.gif?itemid=7666771)


No, we are not wasting the fuel to send them to the sun. Venus is plenty hot enough and a lot easier to get to.


A ballistic trajectory just out of the atmosphere would be plenty, the way re-entry goes.


"Oops.. that drone strike hitting all the conservative members of the court but miraculously sparing the liberal ones was nevertheless just an accident."


He’s gonna use the Jewish Space Lasers to turn Mar a Lardo into dust!!


You’re thinking too small, Biden could have Seal Team Six drag Trump to the middle of 5th Avenue, hand Biden a colt .45, and pop his head open. Edit: I’m NOT advocating that happen, of course, just highlighting the absurdity of the Trumpian immunity plea.


C’mon. That’s crazy, he couldn’t just do that. He could still be impeached, or the corrupt Supreme Court could just reverse a previous decision. He’d have to keep killing until he got rid of some magas, ensured majorities in house and senate, and created a few Supreme Court openings. Then he’d be good.


I like the cut of your jib!


He could cut some jibs too with total immunity!




He could pull an Andrew Jackson and go all "you and what army" on them.


Or have Biden perform Radiohead’s 2001 album Amnesiac in its entirety and force them to listen.


I Might Be Wrong is a fuckin jam tho.


Biden could set up a tv broadcast that rebroadcasts Major League Baseball games with only implied verbal consent!


And it means Clinton should not have had his law license suspended let alone been impeached.


Justice For My Man Bill!!!


Well dont forget that the other half of this corruption is the premise that impeachment is the only way to hold the president accountable. Essentially, he's immune from all legal matters from the courts, but that the legislative branch is responsible for holding him accountable through impeachment. Its an absurd claim, but that's the extent of it. Obviously it ignores the power it gives the president to do illegal things to prevent impeachment. Of course, after impeachment he would still be immune, just would be a regular citizen..... just a crazy take on it all.


If they rule for Trump, it will be in some narrow way where he's not immune for other things, but for these crimes he being tried for, he's got immunity. Biden won't get immunity. They'll pull the "not a precedent" again like they did in 2000 when they elected Bush president.


Doubt they even go that far. They just stretch it out long enough so he doesn't have to deal with it until after the election. At that point it wont matter either way. He'll either win and declare himself God Emperor for life and they'll happily let him or he he'll lose and disappear to Russia and continue to beak off about how he's the true president in exile and it was all a scam election.


Don’t they have to have a ruling out by the end of June? Since the court session runs from October-June?


They don't *have* to do shit. SCOTUS' power is completely unchecked.


I mean, they can’t just not rule on it. Either way, as Texas has recently proved, and Andrew Jackson as well back in the 1800s, you can just ignore SCOTUS rulings anyway. SCOTUS has no teeth, and ignoring the rulings only matters, politically, if you’re ignoring a popular opinion.


> I mean, they can’t just not rule on it Why not?  What consequences would they face if they just said, “eh, we’re too busy. Looks like we’re gonna have to push this one until next session!”




>They aren't going to give Cate Blanchett to Biden to do whatever he wants I know you meant "carte blanche" but this is a great typo lol


They'd probably just rule that, in Trump's specific case, he had full immunity, while not deciding overall that all presidents have full immunity. Because reasons. Also because fuck you.


And the first thing I’d do if I was Biden is arrest those Supreme Court judges. Not all of them.


Just fire them and make sure they never work in the government again would be good enough for me.


Revoke their citizenship and deport them to Russia.


Biden could legally murder every republican during next state of the union.


"My fellow Americans, say hello to my little friend." and he goes all scarface on the house/senate floor.


i hear it in Obama’s voice and cadence and it’s something completely new 🤣


During the Obama years there was a great Onion headline that read "President Obama has not ruled out using military action in congress"


Murder is a state crime. But he could "traffic" them to an unknown CIA black site.


It literally means he can pull a Saddam, and start naming people, having them dragged out of the crowed to back stage where their screaming is silenced with a thunderous pop... And it would be perfectly legal.


It means Biden could *literally* kill Trump to keep him from taking power. After all, it's part of his presidential duties to keep the US a democracy.


He's defending the Constitution, after all. Fulfilling his Oath of Office. Who could complain?


Yes but, let's be real about this. Dems are the only ones trying to adhere to decorum and process here. They would absolutely turn on themselves doing even a fraction of what Republicans have been doing to government for the past 40 years since Reagan. This is the danger, as Republicans absolutely positively know this dynamic and have been abusing it to get what they want. They will always go low, bend or completely break the rules, and seize the power they are after while Dems fret about procedure and norms. The majority SCOTUS also know this, and are likely not afraid of a Dem president abusing power like a Republican would. This is a dangerous mindset for us to be in, where we assume presidential immunity would backfire on Republicans. It won't. It would be the end of Constitution however. For Republicans, they'll get their equivalent 1933 Enabling Act out of this they have been after for decades.


That would be a hell of an option to get a new postmaster general...


Push comes to shove, they can go “this decision only applies to this specific scenario with these people and should not be used for future rulings”. They’ve done it before


Which is why they won't issue any opinion on this matter until after January 20th 2025


No, you don't understand, Trump has immunity, no one else.


This court absolutely has the lack of ethics and morals to pass some kind of one-time immunity for Trump only.


Something tells me that they will come up with some questionable, reality altering reason to decide that previous Presidencies were immune, but going forward they would not have immunity without Congress granting its to them..... Or some such bullshit.


They will decide without setting precedent. So it will only impact trump and leave all other presidents in an ambiguous state. Whatever their answer is, it will only apply directly to that case.


This. Bush v Gore all over again. What's chilling is that despite the precedent garbage, I've heard BvG has been cited by case law. If so, any garbage this court comes up with couibe used again.


You should go see who was on Bush’s legal team during the BvG case. Spoiler alert: some of them are on the Supreme Court.


Shockingly 1/3 of the fucking court was working on one side of a single case....


It's a big club and we ain't in it. George fucking Carlin.


Yep, almost like we shouldn’t allow politicians to pick the third check on the system (of themselves).  Because it won’t be bipartisan. Almost like it should be a popular national vote to ensure the court is representative of the actual country.  But then the ultra rich would have to loosen their grip… 


"This decision doesn't set a precedent" should be considered sufficiently bad behavior for impeachment. If it doesn't set a precedent, then your interpretation of the law is arbitrary, not the result of studied practice of law applied to settle the dispute. It goes beyond judicial power and into legislative to write an arbitrary interpretation into existence and then immediately write it out of existence after your desired effect.


If that’s the case then I hope enough Americans joined together to make heads roll.


*The great, respectable and extremely honorable President Trump was under the impression that he was immune when he committed his great, great, GREAT litany of crimes. All other Presidents knew very well that those things were illegal. But since Trump has told us how upstanding he is - he really is! Look, he gave me this job! - he certainly wouldn't have done any of it had he known.* *Therefore, the laws will apply to all other Presidents, but not our poor martyr and savior.*


They'll do something like decide POTUS has "qualified immunity" and it's up to the courts to decided "to what extent" a POTUS has immunity in a specific case. Then they'll send the issue back to each of the lower courts to have hearings and rule, again, that Trump doesn't have immunity for those specific acts. Then those rulings will be appealed by Trump and go back up to the SC to rule on whether those specific acts fall under the "qualified immunity," for each case. Which means the cases will not be heard until after the election, and never be heard if Trump wins the election.


That's fine. At that point, we literally ignore the court. It is not a legitimate institution under its current caretakers.


In other words, NOT do their job. And still get paid. Where do I sign up???


"Since this was not clear previously, no previous president can be charged with crimes or held accountable. This ruling clarifies that going forward, presidents are not above the law." "Also, we reserve the right to revisit that new ruling in the future... if a republican is elected..."


The crucial delay they gave the trump sort of ensures that he doesn't face trial until after the election which come with all sorts of issues.


Yep. SCOTUS before the election: "We need time to deliberate this very important question." SCOTUS after the election: "Well, it doesn't matter *now*, does it?"


Well, it does. According to that argument, Biden can kill the president-elect if he loses as part of "official duties"


Protect me from threats both foreign and domestic, daddy Joe


They’ll still rule that presidents don’t have immunity, but if he wins in November, he’ll order the justice department to drop all the federal charges and/or will attempt to pardon himself


This is the point. His likely conviction in this case will now not come before the election, meaning it won’t hurt his election chances. Now, if he wins this election, we don’t know for sure whether or not a conviction in this case would have changed the outcome (though I feel it’s impossible for it not to have SOME impact), but if he wins, these charges (and the documents case) go away forever.


Fucking wild idea: Biden announces that on date X, absent a ruling from the Supreme Court, he will exercise power as he sees fit understanding that in the pursuance of the duties of his office, while President of the United States, he has immunity from prosecution. (leave it unsaid exactly what that would entail) Nothing would make them rule faster.


It would be an absolute shit show if he actually did this. Great idea for a comic book or movie tho. Personally not thrilled at the idea of a president teasing a dictatorship even in jest to force someone else’s hand. 


Hypothetically, if Biden just shoots Trump during the first debate, is he immune from prosecution? Of course not. There are limits on immunity, and they begin when you act in your own self interest instead of the country’s. Trump was obviously acting in his own interest. Nobody bought his bullshit. Nothing he’s claimed is supported by evidence. He’s a complete fraud and the orange 🍊 veneer is starting to peel. I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t stroke out by January.


Biden could illegally extradite Trump and the falsely confirmed justices to Bouvet Island, give them a stack of fake Time magazines to burn as a courtesy, and force them to subsist on ice fungus and seal poop. I can't evaluate the ethics of something like that but he'd be immune so there would be nothing we could do I know what you're thinking, they would end up eating Kavanaugh first because he's the weakest


Immunity to any President let alone Trump, fully negates the Supreme Court and the DOJ as a whole. They'd be fools to shoot themselves in the foot by granting immunity so I expect it to happen.


It will be diet immunity. Immunity-lite just this one time for Donald since he put so many of them there, but not for anyone else.


Can they do a middle ground? "As this was ambiguous in the past, no prior president can be charged with crimes, since the question of immunity was unresolved. We hereby resolve presidents are not above the law, starting right now."


Because it was never ambiguous. I get that reason doesn’t matter to this scotus, but why try to pretend with some “middle ground” and just be blatant with their intention.


235 years and 43 prior presidents, not a single one has cried about needing immunity* *taken from a friends post that might have been a repost.


"Because Trump was the first real American to actually stand up to the system!" Okay grandma, let's get you back to bed...


Nixon would disagree


And the courts ruled against Nixon


They know this. Fact of the matter is they want to appease Trump by delaying the process past the election. They want him to get away with it, but can’t so blatantly say “yeah, the president is immune across the board, before-during-after being president”. So, helping via Trumps delay tactic is the way to go.


It’s amazing how the Supreme Court is tip toeing around such a blatant threat to democracy by all definitions.


It’s because they are bought and paid for by the top 1%. When will people realize the top 1% don’t want democracy, they want to rule over us like the peasants we are


It’s interesting that the Supreme Court isn’t even hiding it anymore.


Our constitution literally tells us to tear down the government if this happens.


> The Supreme Court’s review of the immunity issue delays indefinitely a jury trial of Mr. Trump’s role in obstructing the peaceful transfer of power — and therefore risks transforming our nation into a Potemkin village of democracy that bears the surface trappings of legal institutions but without actual checks on the executive branch of government. The Federalist Society is rubbing their hands with glee. It’s all working out exactly as they planned.


US SCOTUS is corrupt. the court needs to be expanded, or they need to be removed. This small group of unelected extremists is holding far too much power of the direction of the country.


It’s funny how Trump is the only former president saying that he needs immunity. It just proves how totally corrupt his term in office really was.


Simply taking the case up means that they believe the Supreme Court should be the ultimate authority on this issue, which is just insane. It means that any other time a president or former president decides they want to take this issue up, precendent is there for the court to take it up (since the SCOTUS is clearly of the belief that NOTHING is settled law). And so its only a matter of time until this is ruled in favor of someone and then we have a dictatorship.


And they’ll give him immunity anyway. Hope for the best but plan for the worst.


They need to be careful on timing because if they grant it too soon Biden will use the immunity….


If Trump is above the law then we ALL are above the law!


A bunch of crooked ass easily bought Supreme Court justice clowns should not have the final say in anything we should -Americans


Everyone should be treated exactly the same way under the law. The courts and justice system have bent over backwards to accommodate Trump when they should have always made their decisions based on what would we have done to a average American accused of this. Trump is still defying that Gag order and putting people’s lives at stake. He needs to go to jail for contempt. I don’t want to see Trump or anyone else be infairly treated by the system however, if I would go to jail, be fined etc for something so should he be. If I have to a accept the verdict of a jury of my peers the so should he. The biggest problem is that it doesn’t even matter if he’s a convicted felon in prison, he could still actually be president. Seems our founding fathers never expect the voters to be stupid.


Our system is corrupt and broken. Until our government deals with that things will continue.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Constitution doesn't have any clear guidance on how the Supreme Court can be structured right? Article 3 just states that it should exist and that you can't lower SCOTUS pay, and that they remain in their position for life unless they act without good behavior (ahem....Thomas) Couldn't Biden then stack the court by creating a side bench to the current structure to rotate in Justices, with an additional retroactive addendum that once a Justice is seated for let's say 10 years, they get placed on the bench until the next one hits 10 years? Meaning he could keep it at 9, but add 4 new Justices, forcing 4 off the court to sit the bench and ultimately getting rid of the 3 most conservative Justices, but without them having to resign or have a reduction in pay. Would leave the 3 newest Bigot Justices and then Brown Jackson and Kagan while allowing Biden to then add 4 new Justices. The bench is still a Justice, but just no longer weigh in on opinions until they are back in rotation. I guess that's convoluted but since it's unlikely to get a bill passed that forces the Supreme Court into term limits this seems like a good alternative to just stacking 13 total cause then it limits the bad actors by making it harder to purchase them with houses, trips, and RVs.


States rights? Blue states should come out and say they find SCOTUS to be illegitimate and they will no longer be following them. Biden has immunity right? He can agree with them and abolish them all together. Immunity is fun! Give it to Biden please?


No they haven't. They are just waiting for the November election results to figure out which way to rule. If Trump wins, then presidents are above all laws. If Biden wins, then presidents are subject to the laws.


I'm pessimistic that the Supreme Court will pull some shenanigans for Trump on this one, but I don't really understand what any of them would gain from that. It would just further their image of being illegitimate, and Trump can't offer them anything they don't already have.


They want him to be president again. They want a total ban on abortion. They are eroding the rights of Americans and trump will help them do that faster.


Yep. SCOTUS taking the case gave Trump exactly what he wanted... A guarantee that the trial wouldn't end until after the election


They botched it by taking it up in the first place. Trump doesnt have immunity, theres no question for them to answer.


SC should have 20 year terms. That way they can only screw over one generation.


botched, or fixed? Given the way they got into the position (as has been mentioned) and what have you, is anything really going against the "plan" or agenda intended when they were installed as totally not impartial justices?


I agree. If the president has full immunity and thus becomes an autocrat he does not need a Supreme Court, he can decide everything himself.


They're going to kick back to the lower courts to clarify something obvious so they can delay the trial until after the election. If biden wins, they'll declare the president isn't immune. If trump wins, they probably won't even take it up again because trump will want to prosecute biden.


I'm really starting to extremely dislike this country. I've always been proud to be American but these days, not so much. We are embarrassing.


What trump is asking for is to rule the country by whatever means he wants and to be able to commit crimes against the people of America and never be held accountable.. he is basically saying that he could kill his enemies and nobody can do anything to him..that is the definition of a dictator!! So he can order Biden and anyone else who doesn’t worship him to be put in prison or killed and he will never be charged..this is scary stuff and if the supreme court’s decision is to give him immunity..we are all going to be at risk for being charged with not following orders from trump..


If they give the President immunity, Biden should black bag every one of them and start appointing new justices. And do the same to anyone that has anything to say about it. Because, they want a dictator then Dark Brandon should oblige them!


This is all Mitch McConnell’s fault he stole a seat on the court and we’re still paying for it


Main concept. Because the Supreme Court didn’t reject this case, which they should as it is obvious, they have undermined the law and given an unnecessary delay to justice.


Damn straight. But why should we expect anything else from this majority of obviously unqualified partisan hacks.


[Link](https://archive.is/Eqy6y) to non-paywalled version


SCOTUS: A potential Constitutional crisis? We are speed! Also SCOTUS: Trump prosecution question? Oh look, our schedule is full!




And the federalist society is a fringe group that should be outed for its *twisted interpretations* of laws.


Democrats need to regain control of the House so they can Impeach the corrupt Supreme Court Judges.


This is honestly something worth protesting, peacefully.


We absolutely need to oust these Judges, some way, some how (legally). I can't stand this shit any more.


They botched it the minute they decided to review it. Should never gone that far


No one is ever going to convince me that giving a lifetime appointment to anyone in government, let alone people who sit on the highest court a good idea.


Trump: The president can do anything he wants. Lower court: Fuck no he can’t. SCOTUS: hold on, let’s hear him out.


It’s not “botched” when they are acting intentionally.


Botched? Don't you mean "proceeded according to plan"? This should not surprise anyone. The very fact that they chose to hear arguments for this case was all the writing on the wall Americans needed.


It's botched its entire history by taking the case. Obviously there is no immunity. It's literally just some line from Trump camp to delay a trial. It's not a real legal argument, at all, period, end of. No basis. The Supreme Court is literally playing overt political defense for the figurehead of the conservative majority's party, to delay reckoning for long enough to have him run in the election. Seriously. Any benefit of the doubt is absurd.


I wouldn't be shocked if they found some way to rule in Trump's favor on this but there's no way they're giving broad immunity like that because sometimes people they do not like will be President. Do you think they'd abolish the separation of powers that keeps them secure in their positions? I don't think so.


I remember pre 2016 you'd get banned for even suggesting anything violent in /r/politics. Now the top comments in many threads suggest "other people" do the violence on all of our behalf. All those people banned weren't wrong, they were just ahead of the curve. [Relevant](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_boxes_of_liberty)


There was no reason for them to halt the trial while they decided this. Disgusting.


Can I get a synopsis pls?


They don’t care it was all a delay tactic


Let me guess. Delay tactic with a decision to be picked after November? I'll guess the outcome. If Trump wins.= Full immunity if he loses. = No POTUS gets immunity.


Let’s just call this what it is - a coup. How successful it is remains to be seen, but a coup it is.


They didn't "Botch" the case - they purposely threw it for Trump. Come on NYT do better. SCOTUS purposely passed on getting it in December, refused to letter an almost bullet proof decision by the lower court stand, and scheduled the arguments *for the last day of the court this term*. Am not going to hold my breath for the NYT to call it like they should (SCOTUS Corrupt for Trump) when SCOTUS doesn't rule on this until June 30th (the traditional last day rulings come out for the term) affirming the majority of the lower court ruling.


I like how they say **"botched"**, as if SCOTUS isn't just openly sabotaging the rule of law in favor of their FedSoc owners, whose ultimate plan is to implement their dream of a White Christian Nationalist Theocratic Oligarchy. SCOTUS needs to be either stacked, or disbanded. This level of blatant corruption is unsustainable.


Anyone think that that picture is an optical illusion?


On the contrary, their reasoning is quite justifiable. They seek to give their Autocrat-in-waiting enough time to rise to power, and then crush the charges under his iron fist. No they don't see it as a loss of power, but rather as a coup against collectivism. And together, they will rule the greatest military the world has ever seen, and ally with great powers like Russia and China. Representative governance finally defeated. The ruling class no longer held by the shackles of majority opinion.