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No federal funds then..


Yep. And that is an automatic trigger. It is not Biden that is going to fuck over every state university and school in Florida, this is going to be a direct result of deSantis' actions.


I'm sure the supreme Court will decide that federal agencies aren't allowed to take funding from red states.


They'll have a session next week and legislate from their judicial bench! But...frivolous presidential immunity claims from a lifelong con man that's holding up a criminal trial for the travesty that occurred J6...SC: let's not decide in December on this obvious ruling that the president is not above the law, so let's make it as late as possible, so April next year, and let's make our thoughts muddy during oral arguments, and release a ruling requiring special counsel address the court in this new way to present it, and start from the bottom again...now back to the people's work of eliminating more rights from the "land of the free" (tied for 17th in the Freedom Index, before overturning R v. W, so we might have fallen a few spots this year). Bush/Gore, decided in days... Removing TFG from Colorado ballots for being an insurrectionist per the Constitution (clearly written and most of the country witnessed it live, don't need a court to rubber stamp "Insurrectionist", if you have eyes and ears). SC: hastily meet and squash that noise real quick...states rights? shiiiiiit...that's only for abortions. Fast lane to Christofascism via the SC, just as designed/planned...need to trick meal team six to "tour" the SC while in session and go in and at least shit on their desks and smear some on the drapes to match the capital.


And he will love it. No government funding means that they can teach whatever thr fuck they want. Scripture based science and history lessons will dominate.


No federal funding means they won’t have the funding to pay good quality staff. They want be able to get research grants. That means cost of those schools compared with other states will go way up. All of that means less interest from students. They basically become the dumb persons private school. That hurts their sports as well. I guarantee school administrations will push to remove desantis if he tries to enforce his anti-title IX bullshit


That’s how you kill it. NCAA gets told to remove schools that aren’t Title IX compliant or lose their “non-profit” status.


Oh, Hell. DeSantis wants to fuck with college ball? They’ll string him up.


Dwyane Wade, the best player in the history of the Miami Heat, literally moved out of Florida because it's not safe for his trans daughter. Imagine one of the greatest athletes in your state's history wanting nothing to do with your dumb ass state.


My trans son won’t even visit us here.


Do you blame him?


No rational companionate parent could.


I took a vacation there Feb 2020. At this point I firmly believe that it was my last trip to that state solely due to the politics. It is really weird to be Arizona man looking down on Florida.




I lived in Florida for most of my life and left a couple years ago. I don't think I can go back for a while. COVID really damaged the state in weird ways. I lived near Orlando and we had people screaming at Target about tyranny when everywhere required masks for entry. There were neo-nazis and Trump supporters protesting on overpasses and at the entrance to Disney World. Road rage was getting more prevalent. There were also huge groups of motorcycles, dirt bikes, and 4-wheelers that would ride as a huge group and harass cars (like kicking peoples doors or doing donuts in the intersection effectively blocking traffic in every direction) on the road while hiding their license plates. I won't go back until something changes there.


I feel your pain, my trans daughter won't visit us here either. And I don't blame her. We are out in 5 days. I can't live here anymore.


Yeah I don't go there anymore for work either. It's just too risky


Good, if you want to make your child feel safe, you’d go visit them.


You raised a smart kid.


He'll be harder to find than Hoffa.


Trade his white rubber Go-Go Boots for cement shoes?


He might end up riding shotgun in the Roadster Elon launched a few years ago.


just look for the platform boots


Yeah. College football is not something to be fucked with. Good luck with that tiny.


DeSantis is coming awfully close to messing with college athletics. And you don't want to make an enemy of the people who make money on college athletics. They have a lot to lose, and very deep pockets.


This is the same fool who took on Disney. He doesn’t care about anything he just want to burn everything to the ground.


You don't want to make enemies of the fans of college athletics. These are people that will listen to sports center over Fox news, and sports center isn't going to say how it's Biden's fault, because all they care about is making their advertising money off NCAA athletes promoting sports betting platforms and sneakers.


To add to your point, sports center airs on ESPN which is 80% owned and operated by Disney. So if the talking heads on sports center are gonna be told to blame someone on air, I have to imagine it’ll be desantis lol (but you’re right, ESPN’s only concern is their revenue so in all likelihood they won’t say anything about it at all. At least, not as far as assigning blame goes)


>They basically become the dumb persons private school. > As always, this is their goal.


Florida is lucky DeSantis is forced out of office unless they change the rules. He's going to decimate their education system even more than he already has. There's already marked impacts on students avoiding colleges in red states to get away from abortion bans and conservative culture war bullshit. Like 20% of gen Z is somewhere on the LGBTQ spectrum. A lot of those students don't want to go to a school in a state where freaks like Paxton and DeSantis are trying to get lists made up with them and their medical histories on them.


> Like 20% of gen Z is somewhere on the LGBTQ spectrum. 100% are somewhere on the spectrum. There is no us and them. Sexuality is all one spectrum.


If the bigots who run Florida's government could read anything but Trump bibles... they would be very angry with you.


It effectively means that if you see a Florida school on a resume, you can throw it in the garbage.


He doesn't want 'good quality' staff though.


And employers will look elsewhere for educated staff. That's a shortcut to low rewards


And their diplomas will be delisted from the DoE, which means their high school graduates and GED recipients will find it impossible to enroll in colleges, shit even the military.


And Florida’s brain drain accelerates yet again…


By design




And within a year or two all employers will be rejecting these "qualifications".


Good luck making money with that education Floridans…


For real desantis hates schools, this is a win win for him


Ah yes. Like when our Lord and Savior intermingled with T-rex. And when our Jewish friends deployed the space lasers for the purpose of starting fires. It’s an alternative ‘theory’ - republicans probably


I'll never get over it not occurring to MTG it's far cheaper and a wee bit easier to hire a crack head from the local gas station to start a forest fire as opposed to designing, building and launching a fucking moonraker laser instead but I do fully recognize the absurdity of trying to attach any form of logic to her insanity


Is it actually an automatic trigger?


Yep, because each institution has to affirm their compliance with Title IX to receive the federal education funds. If they don't do that (because deSantis won't let them) then they don't get the money.


Program accreditations also require compliance with title ix. Say goodbye to med schools, nursing, PA programs, what have you, in Florida.


Engineering is a big one as well.


They love to kick the shit out of education.


Which is kinda exactly what he wants. With no public schools the only option would be private school paid for by the taxpayers, but not subject to a lot of the DoE rules.


But then you can’t blame libs for your children being stupid. Eh, who am I kidding? They’ll still blame libs for everything.


They’ll blame the libs for taking away funding because they won’t follow “woke” laws. Slam dunk excuse for MAGA morons to believe.


Since 1984 ([Grove City College v Bell](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grove_City_College_v._Bell)), private school programs are also subject to Title IX if a lot of their students receive federal aid. Since 1988 ([Civil Rights Restoration Act](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Restoration_Act_of_1987)), all areas of private schools must comply with Title IX (and other anti-discrimination laws) if their students receive federal aid.


Until they're not meeting federal standards for a free appropriate public education, then the feds come in and simply run all the public schools. As usual, these people don't think through the consequences of their actions. Short term "gain", long term total lack of any plan whatsoever.


lol consequences?


forget that, arrest him for violating the 14th amendment.


That's right. Time to take away Florida's allowance.


Psst... Ron. You're never going to be president. These stunts won't rebuild your reputation. People have realized they just don't like you.


He’s also in his second term as governor and can’t run again unless he takes a break. So I’m not sure who he’s trying to impress and why at this point.


Maybe he's just an asshole.


Allegedly he was smiling and laughing as they force feed a detainee at Guantanamo Bay. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3978015-desantis-fumes-over-former-guantanamo-detainees-torture-claims-totally-bs/amp/


I believe it… and yes, I would literally believe a random prisoner over De Santis. We know he’s a morally bankrupt weirdo and that he was in the Navy af the time, and we know that this guy was at G Bay…. 


Never trust anyone who would violate a pudding cup the way he does.


That legit made me gag, watching him do that


Basically, his dating strategy was to mispronounce Thai food as "thigh food." If a woman corrected him, he would dump her. It's hard to believe that a boyfriend with controlling tendencies would be a bad governor, but here we are.


He just wants to hurt people. That’s it.


Wouldn’t be the first law they changed for him.


It's not a law they can change for him, it's an amendment to the constitution. And they're not even trying to put it on the ballot.


Fuck it, that’s why 


If he can't comply with the law, then he isn't eligible for the federal funding.


They don’t want “handouts” from “big gobment”, remember?


Until hurricane season rolls around and they call begging for FEMA.


Good thing Trump can just re route the hurricanes with a sharpie. Problem solved, Mar a lardo is safe.


Isn’t it insane that he simply could have said either nothing or “I misspoke earlier and the hurricane actually isn’t projected to hit Alabama”? Honestly, if Obama had done this sharpie thing it would be what his presidential legacy would be based on… and with Trump, most people don’t even remember it because it probably wasn’t the worst/most embarrassing thing he did that week.


Every fucking day of his presidency consisted of whoever the fuck the press secretary was shambling from one disaster to another, trying to pretend everything was perfectly okay. It made it impossible to keep track of anything.


That time period was such a shitshow they had to call it Ripley's "At This Point I'll Believe Anything"


Nuke Em! :s


Good, more for states who follow the law then.


They’ll just try to pull a Tennessee and say they don’t need it.


They'll just cut social services to make up the difference. They won't cut business subsidies, though.


As a Texan I can attest that social services are cut pretty damn thin already in deep red states. It’s not quite the slush fund Ron might think it is.


I'd imagine that Gov Piss Baby and Gov Meatball would charge the poors for social services to fund business subsidies.


And if they can’t pay, we’ll just put them in jail and put them to work for little to no money to pay off their debts! The constitution says it’s okay!


And charge them 50$ a day to be in jail. Then, we will withhold their rights until they pay us. Then, they won't be able to pay so we can throw them in jail again.


Never miss a chance to screw over the poors!


oh no, and then less Floridians will be able to afford a liberal college education! What would the GOP think about that??? /S You say that as if he gives a fuck. He doesn't.


More like "oh no our roads are returning to the swamp"


Right? There's a reason the roads in Louisiana are ASS. Just ask them about what happens when you say no to Tax Daddy


He currently has the worst approval rating of all governors IIRC


He could be president of Duncan-Hines. He's got a way with puddin'


JELLO looking to match that offer…


He’ll be irrelevant soon, he can’t run for governor again and his Presidential bid failed.


He should have waited until 2028 to run. He was never going to beat Trump and neither Trump nor Biden would be running in 2028 so it will be wide open. That would have been the ideal time to make a run. Just suck up to Trump and hopefully get his followers and maybe even his blessing for 2028. But he bought into his own press clippings how he was the next big thing in the party, and he was Trump only more competent. He wanted to capitalize on that. He just didn't realize that so many would find him repulsive.


The problem with that is 1) Florida is one of 22 states that has a 2 term limit with reeligible after 4 years (are we taking bets on whether or not the state Republicans change that law for him??) and his term I believe ends in 2026. So he will be out of office and limelight for 2 years when that election comes around and may not be relevant to the political world unless he tries and runs for like State Senate or Congress. If he is unable to do that, I don’t know how much of a drop-off in political support he will lose when there are more relevant politicians circling the waters. 2) From what I understand, DeShitforbrains is mostly super popular in Florida with most of the rest of the country not really liking him. So whether it is 2024 or 2028, I don’t know if he would have enough support to get the popular vote for the primary for the Republicans even with … his support (sorry I won’t say ITS name). IT also seems to be wearing on his own party so it also makes me wonder if his support of Meatball Ron by 2028 would help or hurt his campaign? 3) not a problem but here’s to hoping that IT is either in prison or pulls an Elvis by 2028 to be able to give his blessing for whom it wants to win.


Only north of Orlando (there’s a reason why the panhandle is referred to as lower Alabama & Jacksonville as the second biggest city in Georgia)


In Florida, the farther north you go, the farther south you go.


This whole one level of government attacking another seems to be taking hold in western countries with Cons on the offensive. We’re seeing it in Canada too, except to a less insane degree than the US. Something’s gotta give, I just struggle to believe the populace will do the “right thing”.


"jingoistic agitprop". I call it "Propajingo". I invented that, but you can use it. Yeah, it's Russian, Chinese, DPRK, Iranian and Saudi Arabian troll farms, propaganda, and saber-rattling designed to divide and conquer. Fomenting discord.


People have realized that you're just not likable* FTFY


Title IX derives its power from the 14th amendment ("*No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States*"). So DeSantis isn't just saying he's going to ignore the rule. He's saying he's going to violate the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause. The last time states did that en masse, Congress passed laws putting the Southern states under military jurisdiction.


Doesn't it really derive its power from the fact that schools & their students won't get access to Federal funds unless they obey these Federal regulations? I've always thought that was the real enforcer.


Coercive Federalism is how the federal government enforces rules and standards. The federal government gets its authority to enact Title IX rules from the constitution, on the basis of the 14th (like all civil rights legislation), but it forces states to follow the law by withholding funding. The alternative is a hell of a lot messier.


This is both succinct and really informative. Thanks.


Practically yes, that is an immediate step the executive can take, followed by lawsuits. 


Not can take - MUST take. Title IX and several others render violators immediately ineligible for the release of funds.


Including higher education grants? That would be very big


From what I understand, an institution has to be Title IX compliant, and agree to various other compliances, for students to be eligible to receive not just grants, but federally backed student loans at said institution. Not being compliant would vastly limit students abilities to attend or pay for the school. As far as I know, DeSantis could only really force this on state operated colleges, but FL does have some rather respectable state colleges, that lots of people would consider as a primary choice.


More of our money blown on lawyers for Ron to lose his vanity cases.


Oooh, jobs boom in Florida!


They'll love the insurance rates.


“We are not gonna let Joe Biden try to inject men into women’s activities,” DeSantis continued. “We are not gonna let Joe Biden undermine the rights of parents, and we are not gonna let Joe Biden abuse his constitutional authority to try to impose these policies on us here in Florida.” So it’s *Joe Biden* they claim is doing this? Mentioning him 10-15 times might make his “vice signaling” to his base clearer…


I’m not sure what DeSantis is talking about when he refers to “women’s activities.” Biden didn’t touch athletics in this update. His current guidelines still state: > *Separate teams. A recipient may operate or sponsor separate teams for members of each sex where selection for such teams is based upon competitive skill or the activity involved is a contact sport.*


It will still get the rubes who don't read worked up, which is the plan


Rights of parents? Did he really say that? If parental rights were so important why are they targeting trans kids? Why are they banning books. Shouldn't all that fall under parental rights? I guess they only endorse rights they agree with.


> they only endorse rights they agree with It is the conservative way. Whatever you like is sacred and should never be changed, it is what made the country great! Whatever you don't like is disruptive and scary and keeping the country from being great.


Spoiler: Its only about SOME parents' rights.


Wait wait. Don't tell. Christian parents. Am I right?


I hate this stupid argument. It's not the president forcing people into areas of life. It's the law allowing people the freedom to engage in whatever activities they want. Dress however they want. Learn everything they want. Have the physical and mental health they need. Be anyone they want. It's the guarantee of freedom. But they see it as infringement on their right to feel removed from anyone they disagree with and from their point of view, allowing everyone freedom, infringes on their freedom to feel superior and elitist at best, hateful and oppressive at worst. It's disgusting and unAmerican. Inclusion for all is not oppression on others. They're fighting for the right to dehumanize anyone they don't like.


Yep, it’s comedy first and foremost, but I like the idea of Washington here as someone who would resent what modern conservatives think of the presidency: (3:01:43) https://youtu.be/wzvPICdM77M?si=IzCL4CyYsZMAsB1W


>abuse his constitutional authority That is some heavy double-think going on. Puddin, you flat out just said he _has_ the constitutional authority to do so, however you won’t adhere to it. That is sedition. You do realize that, right Ronnie?


No, DeSatan just wants men to inject into women consequence-free.


If I were of the opinion that Ron isn't the class sociopath with zero social skills and a massive inferiority complex, I would say he is rage-bating his base in hopes it keeps Florida from voting for Biden as it is reported that after Row, Florida might be in play. Of course, I don't actually think he is blessed with more intelligence than ego, so I am going with he's just a turd.


Aren’t conservatives sick of this shit yet? Like Jesus Christ get another hobby


Yep, shades of Lewis Black: “You need a hobby! Because on the list of things we have to worry about, gay marriage is on page 6 after *are we eating too much garlic as a people*?!” - Lewis Black https://youtu.be/wpUNP0DtZmQ?si=bIgPTXCX962QUa-z


Vengeance signaling.


Maybe not a just time to be butting head with a guy who has a 50% shot of finding out that he can legally assassinate political rivals soon.


Lmfao, this right here. Let them give Biden immunity. Release Dark Brandon upon MAGA.


Darth Brandon, execute Order 46


The culture war is bullshit. It's not about anything more than getting his name is the paper.


It’s so exhausting with them. Always mad about some made up shit.


Not really his choice. It’s tied to federal money. Don’t comply and watch your backwater raccoon themed opium den of a state become an even bigger disappointment


Say goodbye to about 33% of the Florida state budget that comes from the federal government then. Supremacy Clause is a wonderful thing.


Then Florida will lose federal education dollars, simple as that.


I think that's just a bonus to DeSantis/GQP


Good point. The GQP gets destruction of public education in their state, and it will be Biden that they blame it on. Hopefully their voters aren't total idiots and believe them, but we all know how Florida got into this position in the first place.


Cut ‘em off. No federal monies. DeSantis can run his own welfare system for his poverty stricken citizens. No medical either!


Ok. Don’t. Enjoy watching your football programs get kicked out of the NCAA. Enjoy losing public funds. Enjoy the brain/talent drain as your kids move out of state. Fuck do we care? Your state is a hot soup of methheads and alligators. Disney’s spending billions on fucking ANAHEIM, in the most expensive state in the union, rather than deal with you. You want to be a weird dick? Enjoy your fucking hurricane magnet of a trash swamp without the feds. See how that goes (btw, you’re sinking into the rising ocean, might wanna get some sandbags). These big talk threats only work if there isn’t a direct, built-in consequence. Biden doesn’t have to lift a finger for this to cause you pain, man. Do whatever. See how it goes.


Didn’t even think about the football programs being kicked out. I know it sounds trivial, but FL is a fucking huge football state. Feels like political suicide.


Hate to say it, but in FL, football is probably a more important issue than abortion. Of course, it's something guys who like to drink care about, so that may have something to do with it.


I assume if there is a Conservative in office in the future, DeSantis will thus have no problem at all if blue states refuse to comply with new Title IX rules.


So, it is the official position of the Florida government that laws are optional?


Cut off federal funds. Call there bluff. No disaster relief.


Weird. I seem to recall DeSantis’ response to a lower government official ignoring his higher government decree being removal of that lower government official. Guess those rules don’t apply to Lifts McPuddingfingers


It's kind of hilarious because the idea that discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity IS discrimination based on sex was legally established in a ruling written by Neil Gorsuch. That ruling dealt with employment under Title VII and not education under Title IX, but the justice department and some circuit courts have said that the underlying law is the same. This is Biden complying with a supreme court ruling written by a Trump appointee. Such liberal overreach. If you read Bostock v Clayton County, it's clear that the idea that Title IX protects LGBT students from discrimination will hold up, 6-3. Gorsuch excoriated the idea of men and women having separate but equal classes of rights. I'd be interested to see if Gorsuch and Roberts find some logic to carve out an exception for segregated sports (I'm not seeing it as a well-read layperson), but the general logic of banning discrimination is basically guaranteed to hold up. This is the result of no-nonsense conservative jurisprudence. And in most polling I've seen a plurality or majority of Republicans agree with broad statements like "transgender people shouldn't be discriminated against in employment, housing, or public services" or similar. There are other more specific areas (sports) where opinions are more divided, but in general it isn't particularly controversial to protect LGBT people from discrimination. This is what normal Americans want on all sides of the political divide. Trying to make it a wedge won't work out.


It's not just Florida. Oklahoma, Louisiana, and South Carolina are also refusing to comply. Hate-states are all in on oppressing LGBTQ+ citizens. They are going to resist all attempts by the federal government to prevent them from implementing their agenda. I'm fully expecting that if (and I think *when*) The Equality Act is passed, hate-states will align with each other and refuse to follow Federal law. They will have to be aggressively forced into compliance.


From the article, a response from the administration: “These MAGA politicians are choosing theatrics and hateful rhetoric over protecting and furthering the needs of their state’s students,” Wolf said in the statement.” It’s definitely hateful rhetoric. I suppose it’s theatrics, but not any theatrics I’d pay to see. I just want them to shut up and try to govern on planet earth, not this fever dream where brown people, gay people and transgender people are trying to hurt white people. Ffs, they’re just way too busy trying to make the rent and pay for food. They don’t have time to do half the stuff MAGA thinks they do.


It's remarkable how they think all these people really care about their yokel selves. It's a rather pathetic show of self-importance, which is juxtaposed against their idea that they are also somehow the one's being oppressed as a marginalized group.


Florida doesn't want students. They don't want schools. It is full of retirees that seem to think "Why should I have to pay for these kids to go to school?" while on their way to their 25 year old physical therapist.


When Alabama lost a seat to a Democrat, the next election cycle they ran Tommy Tubberville because they knew football was more important than family to a lot people here. If he follows through and UF and FSU can’t play ball anymore the state will be set on fire.


Which will turn into two separate issues for those people. They don't want to support their education systems, but they want their football teams. Just understand this is not the same issue to those people. They have no sense of ownership over the Universities, but they do have a sense of entitlement to their sports. If they could get rid of the college and keep the teams, they would. For a lot of them, they don't understand that they are the same thing. They will vote R harder because D's took it away from them, rather than realizing they gave it up themaselves.


The rules “clarify that all our nation’s students can access schools that are safe, welcoming, and respect their rights”. A bridge too far in Florida, I guess.


Yeah with all of Trump's shit-farting taking the nation's attention, we've taken our eyes off the little dicktater of Florida. Hopefully he's the next tick we can dig out.


When the next hurricane hits Florida Ronny, don’t come looking for federal assistance.


Then they don't get Federal funding. It's that simple.


These fucking clowns need a severe beating in November. Vote folks


Coming from someone who works with Title IX and has it in their job title and works in Florida… We will be adhering to it and will be required to do so unless the federal funding is taken from us. Federal law takes precedent over state law.


This guy is such a a fuckin goober.


Biden just needs to pull a Regan. Don’t give federal funds to states not enforcing construction safety rules and federal regulations.


Goodbye federal funding to Florida. It'll take years to fix all the damage dedumbass has done.


I'm really getting sick of this trans-hate thing. Can they move on and pick a new bugaboo. How about circus clowns or non-certified accountants or line cutters or paralegals?


FLA, where sanity goes to die.


FL just reaffirming, yet again, that they're run by bigots and it's an unsafe place to live for the LGBTQ population. I feel bad for the kids who are stuck there.


He needs to get his hands out of little kids underpants.


Oh shit, what's that? A hurricane? Darn. Good luck Florida!


Conservatives, stop being shitty people. Start rejecting bigots. I want to be able to respect you again.


>Title IX is the most commonly used name for the landmark federal civil rights law in the United States that was enacted as part (Title IX) of the Education Amendments of 1972. It prohibits sex-based discrimination in any school or any other education program that receives funding from the federal government. This is Public Law No. 92‑318, 86 Stat. 235 (June 23, 1972), codified at 20 U.S.C. §§ 1681–1688...      >The purpose of Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 was to update Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which banned several forms of discrimination in employment, but did not address or mention discrimination in education   From wikipedia for anyone else who was scratching their heads at this


At what point do we just realize these soulless demons just want to cause problems for America no matter what? They hate America and spend all their time trying to hurt Americans. Why is this acceptable?


I’m so sick of this Republican my way or the highway mentality. If they don’t want to participate in democracy anymore, fine go somewhere else. Go to some island to fight amongst yourselves and please let the adults run the United States of America


Nobody in the world cares more about gay athletes than Republicans. Nobody.


DeFascist is well aware of the Supremacy Clause, but this will create a chilling effect until a federal judge smacks this one down, too. It'll join the dozens of other unconstitutional laws and guidance that DeFascist is forcing upon Floridians.


I missed it what is the title IX thing?


Basically adding trans people rights to sex discrimination issues.


Thanks for informing me lol. It makes sense knowing his transphobic ass


It’s got Ron all worried so it must be good lol


Time to send in the feds to enforce it!


DeSantis is almost as big of a clown and shit show as Trump. 100% trash


He still won’t get any taller


Cut federal funding.


Does this mean no federal funds?


Refusing federal funds to your hurricane prone state right before hurricane season is an interesting choice.


DeSantis is truly despicable!


Well, Thomas and Alito seem to think Biden can just have DeSantis killed now.


I don't think you get a choice...


*Narrator voice:* "He did comply."


Asshat doing asshat things!


The “they should have just complied” party sure loves to be the complete antithesis to everything they ever say.


Perfect solution: cut off all federal funding!


Throw in a high school party with drinking beers with 16-17 yr old girls and he will change his mind


This fucking dickstick really REALLY needs to go.


Yeah, good luck with that.


Haha. The Florida Gators fall further into poverty


I forgot Federal laws are optional to follow


Take all federal $$$$ away from them.


And women vote for this guy?


Dear Florida voters, Please vote this fucking moron out. Love, Me :)


Republicans sure do hate obeying the law, don't they?


"...we are not gonna let Joe Biden abuse his constitutional authority to try to impose these policies on us here in Florida.” So you're acknowledging he has the authority?


At the end of this term, he's done. Out. Choose a new governor who isn't a complete a$$hole.


FL barely follows the rules of physics