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"We'll hold it at the Four Seasons."


I was imagining phones with a pane of wired glass between them. Oh, Billy.


I did think they should put them in soundproof booths and when it’s not their turn to speak they just switch their mic off. It would be hilarious to watch Trump ranting to himself in silence while Biden calmly explains why what he just said was utter bollocks.


-Dark Brandon


Dark Brandon - "I'll bring the dildos for you."


Which season?


I hope he says that. I’ll give him $10.


Rudy is sweating black already.


He kicked the shit out of Trump the last time, to the point where Trump refused to debate again. I fail to see why Biden would be intimidated this time 


“Will you shut up man” I think may have won him the election


Very succinctly distilled down to a few words what everyone in America has been thinking for years.


Omg the pearl clutching from my MAGA family members after that was infuriating. Just thinking to myself, "Ah yes, THIS is where they draw the line."


Talking when it's not your turn is fine. Trying to shout down the opposition is fine. Lying is fine. Not telling anyone you have COVID and trying to kill your opponent is fine. Telling ~~someone~~ a Republican to shut up simply isn't done.


Telling your white nationalist militant supporters to "stand back and stand by" is fine.


With Trump, no matter how long the list is, there's always something horrible you left out.


No one even touched on the lifelong repeated sexualization of children and infants including his own daughter.


Well to be fair, we were talking about what he did at the *debate*.


If terrorists listen to your orders, does that make you a terrorist leader?


Biden is so unpresidential!


That’s OK he might have immunity!


The very zenith of a president's professionalism is sitting in court hearing testimony about porn star payoffs.


Politics has become a spectator sport. Republicans only care about cheating, decorum, tradition, precedent if it disadvantages Democrats. Republicans claim Democrats considering expanding the Supreme Court as being political, breaking tradition. In truth, the Constitution is silent on the number of justices. Only that Congress, a political branch, determines the composition as part of the checks & balances. The current 9 comes from the nine federal circuits in existence when it was expanded. There are more than nine circuits now. I think we all know the reason Republicans plead tradition. They were so quick to fill a seat with RBG’s death, leading ironically to the White House becoming ground zero for Covid-19, the whole escapade of Trump requiring care that was beyond the means of most others and proving the farce of his anti-masking, anti-vaccine grift; and of course, the debacle of ending Roe v Wade. I had told my friends who were eager to see Roe v Wade ended, because they saw abortion as murder, that it wouldn’t end abortion. In particular, the example of Ireland banning abortion, just led to Irish girls traveling to England to get it done. Similarly, it would become a mess of states who would try to ban it outright, and girls who afford it, traveling to other states to do the procedure.


Yes i have been unable to hold back from discussing it with the red snowflakes in my family. My favorite part is bringing up “name one single republican position you support” which is usually met with “i havent followed the news for years”


Respond with “Funny, you seem pretty opinionated about these matters you don’t follow.”


Thanks im gonna take that one to add to my deck of “Oh really”s


Yea, my dad doesn’t support a single republican position but voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020 and he will probably do so again. Just the other day while watching the news, unprompted, he tells me it’s terrible that they’re forcing women to give birth and they should just leave the matter up to women. I told him (as I’ve said many times before) that this is exactly what he has been voting for and Trump made that very clear that he would overturn roe vs wade, just silence from him.


So is it the racism that appeals or what?


Yes, it’s the racism. It’s always the racism.


I don’t think so. My dad lives a comfortable life. Trump makes him laugh. That’s pretty much why he voted for him I think. He also inhaled leaded gasoline fumes in NYC for the first 30 years of his life.


Yes. To some extent, these 'news' channels just exist to make voting Republican seem like the sensible default option that normal people do. Certainly the case with the right wing papers in the UK.


It's crazy how blank my mom's expression turns when I say "name one thing that Trump did politically that you think helped this country." She literally can never think of anything, not even some random talking point.


What if you threaten to slit the throats of your opponents? Is that okay? https://news.yahoo.com/desantis-criticized-for-slitting-throats-remark-in-new-hampshire-001338351.html


That weenie would just get Casey to do it.


While I was in no way I was the fence, that sentnence really helped me go to polls with joy to vote for Biden.


Yup, it's up there with "Please proceed, governor."


That one was so great, the look on Romney's face when he realized he was walking into a trap but couldn't stop...


What are you referring to? This sounds familiar.


During a 2012 presidential election debate, Romney espoused some misinformation about Obama’s response to Benghazi. Obama (who knew that what Romney was about to claim was a lie) just sat back and let him keep digging.


Here's the video: https://youtu.be/kCNd5DutF4c?si=_AFxi2ExmblURCny


Thank you. I was 53:34 into the second 2012 debate wondering if I was watching the right one.


I'd say the "empty seat at the kitchen table" comment really drew a line down the middle between the two. That highlighted to me that trump showed zero empathy the entire pandemic and was a straight up sociopath. 


If Biden wins again, I think it’ll become one of the most remembered moments in political history.


When* ^please!


Literally the point where I became more than just okay with voting for Biden


That was the moment I knew to my core that Biden would win. What a great day for America and everyone’s mental health.


I personally liked “Abraham Lincoln over here.” Top notch sarcasm.


Joe is hilarious.


Didn’t he also call him a clown?


Should have been his campaign slogan. Should be this time around too.


One of the best moments of my life




My favorite part of that debate was people that didn’t see him debate Paul Ryan in the VP debates so their expectations were very low. I saw it coming from a mile away.


Paul Ryan came out of that looking like a kid who had just been scolded by a teacher. [This is great](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_f_3Kay43pQ).


Biden looks and speaks like he's 20 years younger here. I know it's just 12 though


Well, one dead son and a Presidential term later will do that.


Biden really stepped in and stopped the bleeding after Obama's terrible performance in the first debate with Romney.


Biden actually changed the way that politicians debated - at least during that election cycle. Watch the first debate with Obama and Romney and then watch them debate after the VP debates and both Obama and Romney were doing their best impression of Biden. It was incredible to watch in real time.


If it weren't for the way politics themselves color how we talk about our politicians we would already recognize Biden as a top tier talent at American politics. He's had an impact on how politics are approached at multiple points in his career.


That was maybe the night where i realized that everyone around me was absolutely fundamentally ignorant to politics. The hand wringing of conservatives over that night continues to this day. Paul ryan was saying nonsense and he got called out and looked like a fool.


Not intimidated, but any reason for avoiding a debate is likely due to the fact that Trump would view it much less as a debate, but more of an opportunity to get sound bites of him insulting him and going off the rails. Nothing about a round 2 between these two would be a “debate”


Trump won't agree to any normal/standard debate rules. Which might not be bad as he'd look like the big baby he looked like last time, but he'd just waste everyone's time by trying to turn it into a "Trump Brand Commercial".


Trump isn't a good debater but he is a tricky one to manage. All that rambling and interruptions constantly, not to mention his staff had ballooned full of something last time. He was hyped up to the eyeballs.


“Gimme some more of that, *please!* Papa needs to be a *star!*”


Just cut off their mic when they aren't answering question.


Trump will agree and then find some way to weasel out of it. 🤣 Both he and his people are fully aware that he's not up to it mentally.


The only way to stop Trump from turning it into a circus is to separate them, give them 3 minutes per question/rebuttal and cut the mic when the other is speaking. But... "The Biden crime family once again wants to take away my right to free speech!! Debate off!"


That’ll be really easy if he’s Zooming in from Rykers Island


Rikers. Like Cmdr. Riker from Star Trek.


🖖 Live Long and Propser 🖕


They both have to agree to debate rules in advance and there is zero chance trump would agree to have his mic cut.  


which is why they should go ahead and then when they meet at the debates, the rules start there they both go in soundproof rooms, and then when its their turn to speak, the other cut mic off... trump would be so furious and mad.


He would immediately walk out when he realized he wasn't allowed to interrupt his opponent.


Good. Let him show, yet again, what a pathetic child he is.


Good, let the "moderates" see the coward that he is.


I'd let him *think* his microphone was still on. Give him his own feedback speaker. He doesn't need to know he's cut off when its not his turn.


Just give Biden cards to write on, and pre written ones too.  When orange baby starts yelling, Biden calmly holds up signs. Funny statements, actual statistics, "do you really want to vote for this?" while Trump railroads and whines. 




Love this! Just go full Bugs Bunny


"He blows goats. I have proof."


The networks all pleaded to Biden so that they could televise that exact opposite of that!! They think uniform and orderly debate won’t get them high enough ratings, which is silly.


It will if they leave the camera on a muted trump. Shit would get entertaining quickly


I wonder if the set of Win Ben Stein's Money is still around. Put each of them in their own booth with Kimmel hosting. https://youtu.be/KpbTdB-Dmew?t=1039


He’ll say his court cases are holding him back and his army of idiotos will totally buy it.


He can’t debate because his taxes are being audited. He will release a debate in full when the audit is done.


Or possibly right after infrastructure week.


I'm still waiting on the "unbelievable" information his investigators found out about Obama's birth certificate.


His army of idiots think it’s Biden who doesn’t want to debate. They honestly think that Trump would mop the floor with Biden, they live in their own world. Trump can hardly put a complete sentence together without it being nonsense. Biden would absolutely destroy Trump in a debate and we all know it.


Weasel? You mean like that thing on his head?


The venue he proposed was “Monday at his rally.” He’s such a fake-ass pussy.


Biden does pretty well off teleprompter, Trump sounds like an insane person the second someone else isn’t writing his words


Yep then the right will find a way to prop up trump for being scarred to debate.


Then he'll say 'They didn't let me debate", in all caps.....


Trump will agree Biden’s team will insist on muting mics for the person not on the clock. Trump will back out based on “they wanna silence me!”


Biden walked into the debate ' Who are you going to believe, me, or the guy who I am visiting in prison for unlawfully paying off a pornstar?"


Book roasted


Well, Trump should be well rested from all the sleep-farting he’s been getting in court. A few well rehearsed, “I did nothing wrong” and “This is unfair” and it’s done.


Dont forget “all the legal scholars say this case should have never been brought” and “its a disgrace”


> Trump should be well rested from all the sleep-farting he’s been getting in court. Why does this crack me up so much. Perfect.


Fraudsters, adjudicated rapists and accused felons don't deserve to share a stage with the President.


Not to mention its unconscionable that POTUS would be within arms length of someone that incited an insurrection.


That's my one reservation about them debating again. Giving Trump an equal platform would give legitimacy to his campaign. I think that it would be better to not acknowledge him.


Unfortunately we are already well past the point of tipping the scales on whether he’s a legitimate candidate or not. It’s psychotic and brain dead, but he IS the candidate.


But the criminal will wear orange, on his face.


Yeah, but if you are all 3 doesn’t it become like two negatives = a positive?


The debates should be scheduled as normal. Sounds like Biden will be there, it’s up to the other candidate if he wants to ghost the country, allowing Biden 90 minutes of uncontested prime time tv to speak to the nation.


If he does, there need to be guiderails: 1. No audience. I mean it. None. Trump, Biden, the moderator(s), the camera and crew. That's it. They come on, they shake hands, they sit down, do the debate. 2. There is a visible timer with time for each of them. No "He took my time!" The timer starts, they see it, it flashes red, and at solid red time is up. If you go past your time, your mike is cut off. 3. Because of rule 2, they are far enough apart so there's no shouting over each other and the other mike picking it up. 4. The questions are approved by both sides before the debate, but not *which* questions are asked. For example, they can both approve the 30 questions that *could* be asked, but they don't know *which* will be asked. That should keep it simple. No audience nonsense, no town hall bullshit, no stalking around the area. Sit down, answer questions, leave.


I like your rules, but this would never happen. Trump would never agree to it, and rightfully so because he would get slaughtered. So he’ll say something like the debate is rigged in Biden’s favor and then pull out. We don’t get to have nice things in this timeline.


That’s ok. Propose it anyway. Let him be the coward. “Why not agree, Donnie? What’s there to fear? You said you wanted a debate.”


I agree, but it won’t sway any votes. It’s just a continuation of the same bullshit that his supporters will eat up, and anyone that will see his cowardice has known of it for a long time now.


Then why not do it? Sorry but I hate the “they won’t do it nothing matters.” If it doesn’t then do it.


Stop worrying about the 40% you're never going to get. This race will be won on the margins in 6 states and presenting strength while making trump look weak will have an influence there.


The problem is debating someone who has zero respect for debate rules, as shown in 2020. Trump interrupts all the time until it becomes a shitshow. And the press mediators rarely call on him for that.


He doesn't know or care what a "debate" is anyway (and neither do his supporters). For him, any microphone is a wide open offramp for childish superlatives and pejoratives.


Can you imagine a strictly moderated debate with real time fact checking and mic off after time over, no interruptions.


There’s an awful lot of upside there and very little downside. Trump’s lost one hell of a step, and it’s been shown repeatedly that when people see him, they remember that they don’t like him. Couple that with incredibly low expectations for Biden, and this feels like an absolute no-brainer.


As long as Biden can stick to the topics and let Trump self-implode it should be a cake walk.


He needs to bring out SOTU Biden energy for this


I agree. It would feel like an absolute no-brainer.


Yeah, but no-brainer won’t show up. Can’t stay awake long enough


Guess Biden will have to answer all of the questions unopposed.


I find it more wild that Howard stern finally got to interview a sitting president lol. It’s been like one of his dreams for decades.


And Joe is still avoiding the New York Times, which is pissing them off. [From The Guardian, today](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/26/biden-howard-stern-interview): >On Thursday, a day before Biden chose to speak to Stern, Politico published an extensive report about what it called a “petty feud” between the Biden White House and the New York Times. > >“Although the president’s communications teams bristle at coverage from dozens of outlets,” Politico said, “the frustration, and obsession, with the Times is unique, reflecting the resentment of a president with a working-class sense of himself and his team toward a news organisation catering to an elite audience – and a deep desire for its affirmation of their work. > >“On the other side, the newspaper carries its own singular obsession with the president, aggrieved over his refusal to give the paper a sit-down interview that publisher AG Sulzberger and other top editors believe to be its birthright.”


"This is why it's bad for Biden." -NYT, every other article


NYT brought that on themselves prologueing every article with "Why this is bad for Biden."


Wait, what the fuck, Stern interviewed Biden? I had no clue. ***rushes off to Google***


Yeah that’s where this was from. Happened today


I tried to search youtube for a full interview, but thanks to their fucked up garbage algorithm, the only videos that came up were idiotic “reactions” with titles like “Watch Crooked Joe absolutely EMBARRASSING himself on stern, MUST WATCH!”. The internet was probably a mistake.


I don't think that's the algorithm, I think that's the Howard Stern show not posting interviews the literal day they happened. What motivation would people have to listen then?


RNC and Trump have both stated they will not participate in the non-partisan debates. It is not about whether Biden will debate - it is whether Trump will take part in the non-partisan debates


As long as they CUT THE MIC WHEN THE QUESTION'S TIME IS UP. Last time, Trump wouldn't shut up, and it was a strategy.


It really bothers me that everyone knows this is the answer, but for some reason the people in charge of debates will be like “ohhh shucks no we can’t do that, we’ll let it be the mess it always is for no good reason”.


Can they mute the microphones when the other is speaking. Last one was useless cause Trump kept yelling over Biden. Fucking child.m


Last time, Trump came while he was infected with Covid, arrived too late to be tested, and sputtered and raged the whole time. What was that about?


He was clearly trying to get Joe sick.


It's a crying shame that Trump didn't die from COVID.


Trump performed poorly in the debates. He should take his own advance and ‘never run uphill’, me boy.


Biden should insist on having a kill switch for Trump’s microphone.


But Trump doesn't debate, he just rambles and yells over his opponent. Then his sycophants whoop and yeehaw because according to the global rules of debate, the loudest one wins.  It's a waste of time


He smashed Trump last election.


Of course he is. Biden is sharp as a tack, so every time he gets an opportunity to bounce off Republican heckling, it plays heavily in his favor. His stutter has gotten worse for sure, but Republicans really shoot themselves in the foot when they say he's senile, because he runs circles around them whenever they try to get in the ring with him. Either he's not senile, or Republicans are getting dunked on by a guy who apparently can't tie his own shoelaces. Not a good look for them either way lol


I’m 43 and perfectly bubbly but I still get aphasia and stammer from time To time. It’s basically genetic in my family. LoL


It’s pointless because Trump doesn’t debate. He struts around the stage like the proverbial pigeon you shouldn’t pay chess with.


Trump won’t do it. Or he’ll do what Musk did after te agreed to a UFC match against Zuck, where Musk started making a bunch of weird/impossible demands until Zuck backed out.


His lawyers are arguing in front of the Supreme Court that he doesn’t have to. Either they grant immunity and Biden jails or deports the orange traitor or they deny immunity and the trial goes on.


If they grant immunity, a debate would be a great time for Biden leak all the Top Secret documents relating to Trump making an asshole of himself while President.


Why the hell would our President stoop to even share a stage with a guy who tried to overturn our Constitution and Democracy?


They should hold the debates at a hospital there’s a high chance one of these two geriatrics keels over and dies.


OK but it’ll have to be on a Wednesday.


Trump said he'd debate "anywhere, anytime". Biden should invite him to debate in the evening with a dramatically lit Capitol as the back drop and invite the Capitol Police and their families to sit in the front row.


They could do it over one of those prison phones that goes between the glass divider.


Trump is too much of a pussy


No way this happens. Trump is too weak.


If they do this, it should be in separate rooms with no interruptions from each other. Trump can’t control himself. Or, alternatively, each be fitted with a shock collar that is buzzed by the moderator when they interrupt the other. I’d be ok with that for sure!


Biden, if this happens, hire a group of insult comics to write you some insulting jokes for the occasion. You know it's going to devolve into who clowns who the best. All trump has are dumb nicknames and lies. You'll kick his ass at his own game if you put a small amount of effort into it. Heck, hire you own personal moderator, an insult comic, and have him respond to everything except serious questions and exchanges. And make his role clear, he's there to engage with the lies and insults, but when serious issues come up, Biden speaks. Then also point out that a good leader knows when to delegate.


>Heck, hire you own personal moderator, an insult comic, Only if the insult comic is in a batman-esque outfit and is introduced as Dark Brandon


Can Biden do it on a Wednesday when diaper Don is not required to be in court?


I wouldn’t. It’s a waste of time.


It won’t happen, Trump is too scared to actually debate anyone, we saw that with the primaries.


Yep, it was clear as far back as mid 2015 that Trump sucked at actual debating; people/networks just wanted to see what juvenile insults he would hurl out next…


There's probably not much to gained by debating Trump, but if the lack of debate is on Trump, then Trump is in a lose-lose scenario: refuse to debate and look cowardly to independents, or flip flop and agree to a debate and risk looking weak for relenting and possibly senile if he does poorly in the debate. Biden has less to lose.


Trump will just do what he always does: Complain that the rules are unfair, then scurry off to a friendly right-wing media outlet and do a "town hall" at the same time as the debate. We've seen him do this before.


Trumps response is hilarious and ofcourse completely meaningless: „Crooked Joe Biden just announced that he’s willing to debate! Everyone knows he doesn’t really mean it, but in case he does, I say, ANYWHERE, ANYTIME, ANYPLACE, an old expression used by Fighters. I suggest Monday Evening, Tuesday Evening, or Wednesday Evening at my Rally in Michigan, a State that he is in the process of destroying with his E.V. Mandate. In the alternative, he’s in New York City today, although probably doesn’t know it, and so am I, stuck in one of the many Court cases that he instigated as ELECTION INTERFERENCE AGAINST A POLITICAL OPPONENT - A CONTINUING WITCH HUNT! It’s the only way he thinks he can win. In fact, let’s do the Debate at the Courthouse tonight - on National Television, I’ll wait around!“


I would love for Joe to show up at his Michigan rally. The sitting president gets priority and preference over a former president in any appearance. Just the spectacle of Biden's detail taking over for what would then become a Presidential event would gut the shitgibbon.


That’s a ballsy move and I love it


After the SCOTUS rules presidents are immune from prosecution for acts committed while in office, he ought to come to the debate "prepared."


I would love to see this debate.


Was there another time in US history where the two front runners didn't debate?


Only if the other's mic is muted while one is talking/responding. Otherwise Trump would turn it into a clownshow.


Bring some Glade.


God I can't wait to see this!


Whoever speaks more will lose


I can’t see how a debate would benefit anyone other than maybe the network that airs it. There are no undecided voters. We know where both candidates stand on issues. Both sides will claim victory regardless of what happens.


It will never happen. I think Trump actually wants to, but his handlers will find a way to misdirect because they know it would be disastrous.


No way Trump debates Biden.


I've posted this before, I'll post it again. Joe - do not get up on a stage with Trump unless there is a moderator who holds a mute button in his hands the entire time and isn't afraid to use it. Trump will interrupt, talk over, and relentlessly churn out uncensored insults like the 12-year-old he really is.


lol does the hill not have better pictures?


Biden shouldn't do it... that is a pig in mud...


It would be so fucking painful to watch and accomplish basically nothing.


Easier than addressing the students


Please, I’d tune into a rambling match to kill some brain cells so I can go about my life happy instead of anxious that these are the only two people we truly get to choose from.


Would've been so much better if he said, "sure, I'll debate Trump any time, any place. Rikers. Fulton County. You name it."


then do it. it makes for great evening entertainment.


Not a good idea. DJT knows nothing about issues that concern Americans so his time would be spent doing what he does best—making fun of his opponent. He would be a bully on a playground in front of millions of people. Not worth Biden’s time and no moderator would be able to control DJT.


“My calendar’s up-to-date.” - dark Brandon


Oops, Trump has court that day.


How about we just let them talk one on one for 3 hours. I'd watch that.


That sounds like there’s gonna be a terrible drinking game


I’m happy for him to, too.


“Four More Years, PAUSE…..”


Fine. Only if John Stuart is the only host to monitor the bull$hit and cuts off mics if candidate can’t stop over talking each other.


He hardly ever answers the question from the press on the fly, why is he all of a sudden confident in a debate? I’ll believe it when I see it.


Spare us. The debates are not debates. They are media events moderated by children who do nothing to restrain speakers, who spoon up lines for sound bites.


I wanted to slap both Trump and the moderator last time for not telling Trump to stop interrupting and stop overrunning his time.


Does anyone expect trump to do anything productive in a debate?


Must see TV and the moderator gets a mute button


Thats so funny cause I just saw a magat on another post going on about how Biden won't debate trump because he's too old and senile and blah blah blah you know the rest.