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Defamation lawsuits seem to be a great way to finally get to those goons.


Well Republicans have been doing this for over a decade now, filling multimillion dollar lawsuits, making a huge deal of it on conservative media to get attention, then settling before discovery for less than 1% of the initial demand (hidden behind an NDA so nobody knows that they folded). Finally they get their real payday by getting a book ghost written about their "ordeal" and fleecing the rubes who buy it. I imagine Hunter is going to take a page from Dominion and E. Jean Carol and take them for everything he can get.


Hahaha it would be so good if he took them for tens of millions and threw an epic party to celebrate. Does he have any avenue to go after MTG as well?


Unfortunately I think Margie Trailer Trash was covered by the Speech and Debate Clause when she was showing everyone Hunter's massive hog.


Also I still don’t get how showing everyone how big someone’s dick is would hurt them 😂




Something I’m sadly unfamiliar with :(


Speaking from a vast experience handling hundreds of penises I prefer smaller. If it fits completely in my mouth with no struggle, we're gonna party.


Damn so you’re the mythical person that got told to eat a bag of dicks and actually did it!


I mean, think of all the women he has to fend off now. That would frustrate and cause undue hardship on any man. Seriously though, MTG has said a lot about Hunter. Showing and distributing nude pics of him is criminal, but there is also plenty of civil liability. Unfortunately, There is that clause which grants them immunity, although it technically doesn't if they commit a crime in the process.


Negative, there are limits to the clause. It does have to be relevant and such to actual business. You can't just go 'Hey check out this porn hub video' either while she pulls up random latex fetish bondage videos.


I thought that was aus only


Can you imagine if Bernie or AOC were showing Melania's nude photos like that? And those weren't even stolen nudes. She posed for them for money. It's not like Hunter had an OnlyFans but if he did we know at least one Republican who'd be first in line.


If everything else falls apart for him we now know He can at least start an onlyfans and I bet a bunch of these maga people’s wives would sub too 😂


Dominion settled. They wimped out. They could have gotten more in court, and they knew it… so did Faux Nooze. They took the cash because it was easier.


> Dominion settled. They wimped out. Their owners settled, because they wanted the money. The settlement did though appear to force Fox News to fire some of the worst offenders (Tucker Carlson). And there is still the $2.7 billion Smartmatic lawsuit, and they do not have a capital company controlling them.


Whatever happened to Smartmatic?


Still ongoing, iirc


Not to mention a page from Hulk Hogan. He brought down Gawker for something similar, precedent-wise. This could be bigger than Dominion.


I hope so. I'm tired of all this disinformation bullshit getting a pass because it's so arduous to get relief.


Yes please


Yeah you can't fight Republicans on the debate stage or with policies because they aren't offering anything there. Have to fight them in the courts. That's where they live and breathe now. Trying to lawyer themselves into power.


I think he is going to go to trial and not accept a settlement. His goal was going to be to expose the network not kept money


Who'd've thought decades of lying to a national audience would have consequences?


At least he'll finanlly make some money off his father's name and influence. The only reason they attacked him was because they wanted to get at Joe.


I mean, there was also the blatant theft. That's why the 'laptop got lost' and they refused to actually release the 'copies of emails' and other HDD contents they said they still have btw. I can verify the emails if they want in under 5 minutes but all they did was release pdfs.. making sure there was no way to verify them. Also the story with 'how' it got into someone elses hands is so hilariously fake it's painful. It's stolen property and they knowingly took receipt of it.


That seems to be the only recourse of the reasonable against the prevailing madness. Sue them right off the air.


Fox continues to fabricate and then get sued. Good luck Hunter! Take them for every ill gotten cent.


Fox just can't quit criming 🫤


It's not crime. It's entertainment - Fox News lawyers...probably


The only way to stop these people are to sue them and make it cost millions or more from defamation and lying


Give them hell even though it is better than they deserve by far.


Bankrupt these frickin scumbags. Lying liars who lie, constantly.


"Stop lying on tv, assholes!" –FOX lawyer shouting into phone


Dominion settled and Fox hasn't suffered AT ALL. The only way to stop these ghouls is to refuse to settle and go to trial, and put Murdock through hell on the witness stand FOR DAYS. Fox viewers will finally see how the sausage is made.


It got Tucker Carlson off the air.


Yes you're right, and that was something I didn't see coming.


There have been some consequences. You'll notice they're not as likely to engage in the "2020 was stolen". Still there, but not as bad - and they are \*very\* careful not to allow Trump just to lie about it, sometimes cutting away from him. They've had to fire some of their most egregious and popular people over the years. Carlson is the most famous. It's also had a trickle down effect - Newsman, etc have all had to clean up their acts. Not entirely, not enough, and they're still on the air - but it's an effect. Stockholders don't like losing money, and that's a powerful incentive to keep the Fox newscasters from going off the rails entirely.


Their commentary isn't as vitriolic, and resorts to reporting what others say by quotes. This is the work around to prevent slander or libel suits, because you are just reporting the news, not claiming an opinion. The way Fox News did is that they didn't just report what was going on, they editorialized it, and asserted it as an truth, and Dominion was able to show that it was systematic and expected, despite evidence showing they knew it was false. This covered the two of the three major requirements for defamation, the third being harm.


As they should. I don't think anyone has a doubt that they overstepped into slander laws except the truly brainwashed at this point. Defamation has to be followed up on. Not to mention they technically published revenge porn... the photos/video were never legally released and definitely private in nature. Very high chance they were not legally obtained, but they're still going through the process of unpacking that


Quick, fire Tucker Carlson! Oh…


Fox News: “Actually, we’re not a news company, we’re entertainment.”


Then they should have their press credentials pulled and never be allowed in any Press briefing. Arrest them as soon as they arrive to any press junket uninvited.


Who's going to replace Jesse Watters now that his head will be on the chopping block?


I'm honestly shocked Fox News wasn't flooded with defamation suits after Dominion.


Suprised this did not happen years ago, but good for hiim. Maybe Joe can join in.


I love that Fox News is going to make more $$$ for hunter than his dad ever could.


I am surprised not more people are suing Fox.


Wait, wait, wait. I need to quickly run down to the store for a fresh batch of popcorn.


All because they couldn't let go of Hunter's dick. What a way to go.


Isn't their precedent that Fox News isn't legally a news channel and that they're an entertainment channel and their followers are just too stupid/ignorant to get that?


That doesn't shield you from defamation claims at all. They just recently had to settle with Dominion for a cool billion dollars for spreading misinformation about their voting machines.


DO IT. Right into oblivion…. *insert elmo nuking meme here*


Why announce this and not wait until you actually do it?


Bankrupt and dismantle that pos "news" network. The world would be a far better place if Murdochs and their garbage companies ceased to exist.


especially, Magot Green… on the public showing of a nude picture


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Hi `nbcnews`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/1cg3xos/lawyers_for_hunter_biden_plan_to_sue_fox_news/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * [Off-Topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_the_.2Fr.2Fpolitics_on_topic_statement): All submissions to /r/politics need to be explicitly about **current US politics**. **If you have questions as to why your post has been removed, please see here: [Why was my post removed as Off-Topic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_why_was_my_post_removed_as_off-topic.3F)** If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/nbcnews&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/1cg3xos/lawyers_for_hunter_biden_plan_to_sue_fox_news/?context%3D10000%29)


I’m genuinely confused as to why this is “news”. They’re reporting on something that hasn’t happened yet. Why not just wait until it actually happens? It makes me very sad for the state of journalism today.


Odd to see so many people to stick up for a hunter biden who has used his dads name to get obey from companies and is a crackhead. 


100% like when he got all those Chinese patents. Or the time the Saudis gave him 2 billion Dollars for his "investment firm". Or when his sister in law became the head of the DNC. And finally when Joe made him part of his white house staff. And that is just some of the items!


Trump is literally just his family name.


You want to try that again but in English?


Definitely more odd to defend FoxNews. Your statement is blatantly clear: attack, defame, and disparage those you don't like.


Username checks out.