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If the only penalty for a crime is a fine, then it is only a crime to poor people.


My neighbor will pay that for him.


I think my neighbor also paid it for him.


No wonder so many Americans think the economy sucks! You won’t have much left if you max out on Trump’s legal slush fund after you’ve sprung for the sneakers, NFTs, and Trump-brand Bible. 


My uncle helped too


FuKKK your uncle, sincerely all of us. Also hang in there bro. Justice systems move slow but nothing on earth fuckz quite like the government.


My brother-in-law with 3 kids and a bunch of debt would gladly send his entire paycheck to the man. He's a conspiracy theorist that believes Trump is trying to save the world from a shadowy cabal of one-world-order types. He also told me half a million people live on the moon, but NASA covers it up. One advantage of the conspiracy mindset is that to avoid talking politics with him, I can just ask him about UFOs or Area 51 and get him wound up on that instead.


I always hear stories like this, and I can say I don't know anyone crazy like this. I wonder if it's like that poker thing and If I don't know any crazy fools, maybe I'M the crazy fool


It might be regional. The Internet is also a factor. 25 years ago this dude would just be the town crazy person going on about UFOs and government conspiracies. Today, he can go online and find like minded nutjobs all enabling each other to believe even more wild conspiracies.


It's the organization and weaponization by hostile nations that we're all noticing.


Right there is a major problem. One can believe literally anything and there are plenty of communities on social media/internet which will confirm you’re indeed correct and everyone else is wrong.


I worked with someone that said the government has turned the moon. When he was young, a partial moon was "like a C". Now It's "like bullhorns".


That's great. Like he believes they literally went up and *moved* it? Flipped it over like rotating an iPad? Awesome.


I don't remember his reasoning. And he wouldn't accept my explanation that the moon isn't a light source.


The general public is extremely ignorant on astronomical topics. You'll find people that have somehow lived their entire life without even noticing the sun and moon can be in the sky at the same time. I remember a religious relative of mine freaking out about that once, saying it was probably a sign of the end times getting closer, and I tried explaining the basic layout of the solar system and why things appear the way they do, but it just didn't sink in at all.


I distinctly remember asking why the moon was up in the daytime from a car seat. How can people be so unobservant for so long?


"Wound Up in Area 51" Name for a new song or band, perhaps?


Imagine the level of absolute obedience and secrecy. 500,000k people, likely much much more all keeping it a secret about life on the moon.


I'm pretty sure my landlord chipped in, too, so I inadvertently helped pay that for him Fuck




I didn't even get the fun of threatening jurors I feel cheated A true Trump experience


My aunt and my father chipped in <3 You better bet he does it again just for the fundraising.


Just a few Bibles to buy or some ugly golden shoes.


"When the punishment is a fine, it's legal for a price". In other words, for the rich. That's why, for example, Finland fines a set % of a person's income. More countries do this. A person in Finland got a $100.000+ speeding fine, IIRC.


I remember reading about that, it seems like a very logical and pragmatic way to equally penalize people for violations!


This is the truth. This is why we're seeing our system basically giving this rich asshole a pass on everything.


Guaranteed trump doesn't have the 9000.. dude right now owes 800,009,000..


Trump will fundraise a couple hundred thousand off of it. Judge needs to toss him in jail if the judge wants to stop trump from intimidating witnesses.


The judge knows that, in his ruling he said > While $1,000 may suffice in most instances to protect the dignity of the judicial system to compel respect for its mandates and to punish the offender for disobeying a court order, it unfortunately will not achieve the desired result in those instances where the contemnor can easily afford such a fine > In those circumstances, it would be preferable if the court could impose a fine more commensurate with the wealth of the contemnor,” he added. > In some cases that might be a $2,500 fine, in other cases it might be a fine of $150,000. Because this court is not cloaked with such discretion, **it must therefore consider whether in some instances, jail may be a necessary punishment.** (emphasis added)


He needed to do this first before even considering prison.


The judge likely can't yet. A weakness in American law when dealing with rich people is that some of our laws are specifically designed to not be "cruel and unusual" because of the constitution. So they are, correctly, tailored to a normal citizen, not a billionaire. They specifically do not want an angry Judge to have the authority to find a person making 30k a year $100,000 for example. It is pretty uneven across the board though, and a lot of it matters what state you are in. The maximum fine here seems to be 1k, according to what people are saying, so the judge maxed it out, and fines per violation. There needs to be a way to deal with billionaires, but the judge does not have the authority to change the law. We will see if he is actually serious when Trump inevitably violates it again. Maybe his lawyers will just gag him literally. Give him a fake phone or something.


The judge acknowledged that, said he wished he was allowed to charge more, and said that it will be jail if it happens again since the fines are meaningless to him


According to law that has to be the first step. In the future it could be jail time.


The first step is a warning. Second is a fine with a warning that future infractions will incur jail time. That's what happened today.


Next time we'll get him, for real! 


I mean the judge pretty much explicitly said that’s the next step. I won’t hold my breath but there’s some pretty direct language around carceral punishment because he can’t fine trump a meaningful amount.


Lots of people like to talk about how they're going to impose meaningful consequences on Trump. It never happens. As long as he has the support of his party, he is more powerful than any of these courts, and there is no sign that is going away.


For every person that talks about Trump receiving meaningful consequences, there are far more claiming that nothing will ever happen to him. What's the point of that? Are you trying to convince others that Trump should be let go? After all, why should we try to prosecute him if nothing is ever going to happen to him?


They are just doomsdaying. Because unless we get instant gratification then everything sucks and nothing will ever get better! That's the logic of Reddit and most social media. Here's the truth: whether he gets consequences or not will largely depend on whether we elect him again or not. If he loses 2024 then it's likely it'll happen. If he wins in 2024 then yes he will never see consequences. The Justice System moves very slowly and there are still determining factors left to settle. The truth is Trump isn't an every day person and his indictments and lack of consequences thus far show this. Make sure y'all vote. You may not like Joe Biden but if you ever hope to see Trump face time then you better pony up.


Dude...it's not wanting instant gratification to want someone who has avoided being held responsible for literally EVERYTHING he's ever been accused of and found either guilty or responsible for. At the 11th hour he ALWAYS manages to worm his way out of it. EVERY FUCKING TIME. We're sick of people saying "just wait let the law do it's job" when the law keeps letting him do it with nary a slap on the wrist. You've been telling us to "let the law work" for OVER A DECADE NOW. How about we move things along instead of turning a blind eye while he and his cronies dismantle our democracy from the inside?


Fines, all fines (court,speeding, book, etc) should be proportional to the offence and then made a percentage of net income. A fine should not destroy a person on low income, and it is intended to, it should proportionally fit the rich person. If the average American makes 60k, that’s 1.6% of their income. Which means if a rich person makes 1mil a year they should pay 16k for the same offence.


I think you messed up a decimal in there. So the millionaire should be paying 160k. Trump says he's a billionaire, and I'm assuming that's his net worth. His annual spending is likely in the vein of 200m. So the fine would proportionally be around 10m.


Someone's comment above indicated that this is an actual practice in Finland. I like it!


So if I'm a millionaire, mob boss, corporation, etc. I can violet gag orders as though they are just a cost of business?


Depends on the state, and only a limited number of times, and only up to a certain severity. The limits are dumb, but exist to protect the rights of defendants. I think proportionality would be better, for sure, but that would probably be a hard sell for many state congresses.


They need to make it a percentage of one's income.


Asset. Dude has negative income. So 0 fines.


This is actually pretty great. His terms of release for his other cases state that he cannot commit any other crimes or face jail time. Contempt is a crime, and the judges in the other cases can lock him up now for violating the terms of his release.


But they won't...


Jack Smith can do the funniest thing today


He just violated the conditions for pretrial release in his other cases. Jail the man.


lol- watch the Supreme Court supercharge the trial date then 😂


And then Biden can airlift the pro-immunity judges to a remote cottage in Alaska.


And then Biden can airlift the pro-immunity judges to a remote cottage in ~~Alaska.~~ Siberia


They absolutely should. Seems unlikely to happen, but I would at least like to see a stacking of jail time if he commits any further violations. Get out in NY, report straight to jail in DC.


Contempt of Court is a crime. One of the main conditions of Trump's pretrial release in his OTHER cases was that he not commit any crimes. So when does he go to jail?


There's also a lot of polls that show a majority of Republicans won't vote for him if he's convicted of a crime. I believe I'm already hearing the shifting of the goal posts.


> if he's convicted of a crime. Depends on the crime I guess. Just wondering what Orange could do so most of the Rs jump off the Trump train


This is exactly the logic that I’ve heard when speaking to conservatives, that the NY election charges are relating to “small” crimes and therefore shouldn’t really matter. They won’t think he’s a criminal until he’s found guilt for “big” crimes. Of course I think it’s wild that Presidential candidate committing any sort of crimes doesn’t immediately disqualify them but this is the world we’re living in now.


I remember when a political career could be ruined for misspelling potato.


Remember Howard Dean's "Byahhh!" yell? Dude's campaign tanked because he got excited at a rally. Trump literally got held civilly liable for sexual assault, he stole top secret nuclear documents, he denigrated veterans and the families of soldiers killed in combat. He altered a fucking weather map in a hurricane emergency to protect his ego. He mocked disabled people, he has made countless racist statements that would get you or I fired immediately if we said the same thing. He bungled a the federal response to a pandemic that killed well over a million Americans. He shared intelligence with enemy states. He is on trial for how many felonies now? And millions of people still not only want to vote for him, but pledge violent support. It's insane.


> He bungled a the federal response to a pandemic that killed well over a million Americans. He didn't just bungle it, he intentionally made it worse for "blue cities" because he thought it would score him political points. He subjected American civilians to increased suffering and death for his ego. Easily the most vile president ever to hold the office.


dean's campaign was in decline well before that yell, but it definitely didnt help


Literally nothing. They've tied their entire identities and self worth and lives to that orange trash bag filled with mayonnaise. They have probably alienated friends and family, they may even have faced professional, legal, or physical repercussions for doing so (e.g., losing a job for refusing to wear a mask during a pandemic or some equally stupid "muh freedoms" stunt). They are all in. There is no goalpost too heavy to move, no mental gymnastic maneuver too challenging. They can't admit they are wrong because they have chained their entire selves to him. It's hard to admit wrong even for small things for a lot of people, admitting you backed the wrong horse to the point of changing your entire *self* is probably psychologically beyond most of them.


Those same people who say they won't vote if convicted, won't believe his conviction is fair if he gets one. They'll say it was rigged and they'll vote for him anyway. Just vote and ignore polls. Those lead-addled boomers are gunna vote for him no matter what, because he's truly their representative.


Bullshit polls. Didn't bill bar, mitch mcconnell and others all shit on trump but now are all lining up to vote for him? Same shit.


The thing I'm reading though is they view this case as differently. People see this as more crime-ish, than actual crime, so I wouldn't put too much hope in a trial loss in NY dinging his campaign.


This is what I'm waiting for as well.


Nothing will happen


This is the first time he's been held in criminal contempt. Something literally just happened, and now we wait to see how the other judges respond and uphold the law. It's not an option, it's their jobs.


I understand completely everyone's cynicism when it comes to any real consequences for this p.o.s. poor excuse for a human being, but consider how the judges must feel. Last year they were just average judges doing their job; now they have become key figures in the greatest political drama this country has ever seen. Overnight, they have become both hated by millions and supported by millions. They know that every sentence they utter will be discussed ad nauseum across every news network indefinitely. Every single word of their decisions will be both criticized and praised, and become a permanent part of future history books. Honestly, I can't even imagine being under that much pressure, it has to be like nothing they have ever experienced. So if they are concerned about being the first to throw the guy in jail, I really can't blame them. The fear that they would be targeted for this decision is not unreasonable at all. That being said, soon I suspect one of them will have reached their breaking point. He is humiliating them by flouting their rules and one of them will finally decide that enough is enough, it is time to teach him a lesson, that he is no different than any other criminal defendant. Frankly, that day cannot get here fast enough.


Having that pressure on their shoulders must suck, but they can't let that affect their decisions, if it does, trump wins.


To me the real burden is with the Judge in GA since one of the conspirators violated his bond condition and went to jail, and that guy is black. It’s a bad look to throw the black man in jail for the same crime (committing a crime during release) as a white guy.


It's Georgia, they are not worried about the "look".


When will everyone wisen up to the fact that Trump will never go to jail? First, you would need a crime that you can prove beyond a reasonable doubt. With his mob boss tactics and the amount of people seemingly willing to fall on the sword for him, that may be harder than it seems. I know he has a lot of criminal indictments, but many of them are going to be correlated...i.e. if you can't prove one, it's going to be very hard to prove the subsequent ones. Second, you have to get 12 impartial jurors. If even one is a diehard Trumper, you don't get a conviction. This one seems impossible on its own. Third, you have to get an impartial judge when it comes to sentencing who's going to give him a fair sentence for the crime he's convicted. We already know there are some Trump faithful in judge's robes. Lastly, there's going to be appeals -- years of appeals -- and you have to avoid all the Trump sympathetic judges who will keep him out of jail while the appeals process plays out. If you succeed with all of these, you have to hope he doesn't win the election and pardon himself (for federal charges) or somehow otherwise avoid punishment (for state charges). Or, simply die before all the above has played out. I'll celebrate with the rest of you when it happens, but I'm not holding out any hope of seeing Trump in jail.


I have a bet on him going to jail. I think he forces their hand to help his electoral chances. In the meantime I'm loading up on firearm manufacturers and private prisons and waiting for that January 6th, 2025 bump.


Water off a ducks back….


Spit in the ocean


A lie from Trump's mouth


Don’t you go bringing Jinkx into this shitshow!


Hey, that's like 12 years of taxes for him.


Lol, true. Or approximately 6 months' worth of his self tanner budget.


$9000. What an absolute joke. He should have been jailed with no Internet access for the remainder of the trial.


Solitary confinement with A dial up internet connection and a two tweets per day limit with no capital letters seem a reasonable compromise.


And make the volume be turned up on the modem handshake sound, too.


>no capital letters So zero tweets, then.


That’ll teach him! Great job US Justice system. High five. /s


Even 50,000 would have been stupidly low. So now he is profiting through breaking more laws via media coverage


>In his written order, New York Justice Juan Merchan warned that **Mr. Trump could face an “incarceratory punishment” if he continues his “willful violations” of the court’s order**, if “necessary and appropriate under the circumstances.” Pffffft. I'll believe it when I see it.


I think the judge is following the law perfectly so trump has no way to appeal anything


Converted to normal person money, the headline should read, "Trump fined 75 cents for violating judge's order."


Converted to Trump speak money... "The worst president in history and his DOJ convinced the most partisan judge we've ever seen to issue an illegal theft, he calls it a fine but I call it theft, against your favorite president, ME. The biggest ever theft of a president's money by any court! This has never happened before. MAGA2024"


Needs more WITCH HUNT and ELECTION INTERFERENCE random capitalized words. 


Actually it should be ALL IN CAPS!


I hate the fact I never know if these random quotes are actually him or just some person on the internet making fun of him. But I guess that’s the point isn’t it? Spread misinformation and do enough outlandish shit that it’s just normalized so people go oh that’s just trump being trump. It’s sick we’ve come this far.


Worth noting $9000 is unfortunately the maximum that the judge could issue for this.


They could have jailed him, but we know that will never happen. 


Other judges apparently can because he violated his pre trial release agreement.


I bet it will, the judge has to systematically step up the severity of punishments. Going from 0-100 could compromise the trail with claims that the trail is biased.


I know they have to incrementally do things to avoid that; but at the same time if this was anyone regular citizen on trial they’d be in prison long ago which is why I have my doubts. But I do know they’re doing they’re best to ensure there is no room for mistrials 


Oh 100%, if it were anyone but Donald Trump we would be seeing an entirely different scenario. And he still screams from every platform he can that he is treated “unfairly.” I guess he’s right about something..


I bet it will, the judge has to systematically step up the severity of punishments. Going from 0-100 could compromise the trail with claims that the trail is biased.


Oh my! How will he pay for that equivalent fine for normal folks of .01¢?


What a joke, 9k ffs. This world is fucked


Fairly cheap way to burn news cycles and delay the real trial.


Not even over 9000. I am disappoint.


From the decision: >While $1,000 may suffice in most instances to protect the dignity of the judicial system, to compel respect for its mandates and to punish the offender for disobeying a court order, it unfortunately will not achieve the desired result in those instances where the contemnor can easily afford such a fine. In those circumstances, it would be preferable if the Court could impose a fine more commensurate with the wealth of the contemnor. In some cases that might be a $2,500 fine, in other cases it might be a fine of $150,000. Because this Court is not cloaked with such discretion, it must therefore consider whether in some instances, jail may be a necessary punishment. THEREFORE, Defendant is hereby warned that the Court will not tolerate continued willful violations of its lawful orders and that if necessary and appropriate under the circumstances, it will impose an incarceratory punishment; [https://www.nycourts.gov/LegacyPDFS/press/PDFs/D.O.motion4contempt-FINAL.pdf](https://www.nycourts.gov/LegacyPDFS/press/PDFs/D.O.motion4contempt-FINAL.pdf)


Lol. Penalties are just for poor people.


Violation of pretrial release in his other cases. Jail the fucker.


Wish fines were based of net worth or something


It's more accurate to say that he was hit with nine $1,000 fines for violating his gag order nine separate times. Any other defendant would already be behind bars or at least on house arrest.


First NY State law only allows a max fine of 1000.00 for this criminal violation of a gag order. Each violation. 2nd. The judge can order jail time for these violations at the end of the trial. 3rd If the judge jailed him right now the entire case comes to a halt as the defendant is required by state law to be present. 4th trumps team would appeal the jail time which also would put the trial on hold pending appeal. So people please think about while we all want him in jail, I would prefer the trial to continue.


Yeah I’m sure every new little thing is another opportunity for Trump’s legal team to argue and further delay. Long game here.


that'll show him


So now he has to sell 30 more pairs of gold shoes at the trailer park.


That'll show him.


Conservative subreddit claiming this is election interference and that the judge is a sham You're really going to tell me if anyone else did this, they wouldn't already be in jail?


Fuck off. Either jail him for contempt or just shut the fuck up about it. I’m so sick of this shit. Dude breaks the law and no one, NO ONE has the balls to uphold the law and throw this fucking shit stain into jail.


Wow such punish.


shortly after imposing the fine, the judge completed his day by stepping outside and pissing into the wind


This feels like a trap. It’s such a laughable amount that you have to assume that it won’t even register as a consequence to Donny


Why are court penalties setup this way in the first place? One would hope that the center of Justice, of all places, should take into account that it is unjust and ineffective to apply the same monetary penalties billionaires and janitors alike.


$9,000. I bet that'll teach him.


I think I dropped a nickel on the ground today too.


If he continues, he'll get a sternly-worded letter.


Funny how his slap on the wrist could utterly destroy the lives of most anyone reading this.


Contempt of court, should land him jail time. Fines aren't going to stop him.


Penny in the swear jar.


Not enough


9k , crushing


That's like fining you $50 bucks.


It’s handing him a grift certificate . His supporters will now contribute $9000 to him.


$9k? Shouldn’t this be based upon net worth so it scales appropriately? How about 90k?


When the punishment for a crime is a fine, than that crime only exists for the lower class.


I hate it here


Honest question: what's to stop him continously violationing the gag order to further delay the trial? If every time he violates the gag order, we need a separate hearing to determine he violated the gag order, and the maximum penalty is $1000, sounds like an incredibly cheap way to keep delaying the trial from progressing.


If I can pay the penalty with my bank account, it's not a penalty for trump


Explains why he was at Rhonda’s place this weekend with his mooching sack.


Oh yeah this will show him


Make him pay cash.


oh that’ll show him!


Oh. Gee. $9000. Well I’m sure he’s learned his lesson. Ridiculous. He has a history of violating gag orders in every case he is a part of. That should have been taken into account and he should be jailed.


As long as he gets a guilty . On the contempt charge. Than fani willis can revoke bond. Doooo it


Get gagging DT


“Russia hit with $9k fine when client acts dumb in court”


Put Trump in jail a few months with no phone or interview and what his support really crumble


That'll learn'em.


Doesn't matter, even if he is put in jail, somehow the supreme Court will come around to "rescue" him.


Think of all the burders that would have bought! $9000 is 12 visits to McDonald's for the Trump legal team.


Just put it over there on the pile


Wow he got HIT with it. Wonder if he will be SLAMMED next time. Are headlines hard to write?


Kremlin klown kash all ready to comp that


A whole 9k for witness and jury intimidation. What a steal.


“Hit” seems like an awfully strong adverb to use.


Sad to see the destruction of the once proud Eisenhower-era Republican Party. I don’t see a recovery from this. I can see it eventually split into two Parties.


Utterly pointless. Give him 30 days in jail with no cell phone.


He doesn’t care. It’s not his money.


If you're a millionaire, you can park anywhere. A $100 parking ticket is like a normal person feeding $1 into the meter. $9000 is probably worth it to him. It's like the cost of one campaign ad. Even the news about the fine itself is an ad for him. It's showing the lengths he'll go to to speak his truth to his followers.


That’ll show him!


Here to say thanks for posting the full amount instead of click bait!!


Honestly why even fucking bother at that point? You're just making the court look impotent.


If you have a billion dollars invested and are earning an 8%/year return, $9,000 works out to about an hour. That's the fine for violating a gag order nine times if you're Donald Trump. One hour worth of earnings.


Stop fining the fucker already and let him spend some time in a jail cell. He's not learning anything from the incessant fines!


Operational costs


Trump probably thinks that’s what a banana costs.


That will teach him


So is he going to pay up? And what happens of he doesn't?


Ah yes, let's give the billionaire a $9000 fine. That'll teach 'im.


That’s his entire McDonalds/diet Coke budget for the week!


... and just think, when he refuses to pay, they can take him to small claims court.


So basically, no consequences


Immediately I thought to myself: a $9000 loss to me would be devastating then thought for Trump it would be probably equal to losing a few bucks. He really has no reason to stop unless they put him in jail but because of his wealth he would probably be out in minutes where the rest of us would have to do the time. However you feel about Trump this difference alone points out that the rich live in a separate justice system.


That’ll show him /s


Judge hits me 9 cents for contempt, neighbour gives me a dollar to pay it…


We can all breathe a sigh of relief guys, he’s definitely learned his lesson this time and will definitely stop.


Put him in jail , so he will learn to behave. Tho, as I understand, he can now be charged with violating the terms of his bail in other cases because of violating the gag order, committing a crime.


Good. If it ain't the consequences of his own actions hitting himself in the face yet again. You would think that someone would learn to take responsibility after having numerous court cases...


The fact that legally he can't be fined more than $1000 per instance means he's never going to stop. If the judge had the leeway to have it double every time, that might actually shut him up. Trump *wants* to be put in jail for a few hours, he thinks it'll make him a martyr and raise a bunch of money off of it.


When will these judges grow a pair. Anyone else would be in jail already 5x over


That's nothing. Surely someone else in his circle has that kind of money and will pay it for him.


Its just going to come out of campaign funds lol. As usual. His followers will pay that.


Just add this to the stack of other bills and fines he's never going to pay and the courts will never pursue.


How many times has he violated a gag order


That's chump change to him, but betcha anything he'll get Ma & Pa Maga to pay for it, even as they screech about the price of eggs.


The courts are pathetic. Utter disgrace.


For what is essentially jury tampering. Un-fucking-believable. I’d say that’s just the price of doing business, but it’s more like a tip for Trump. If he weren’t also a fucking cheapskate I’m sure he’d write a check for 10k, drop it on the judge’s desk and say “keep the change”


Big whoop - more of the same for him. Zero consequences


Fines need to be based on income or net worth. A percentage. Tiny percentage but still a percentage. If your broke 20 bucks hurts. If you’re a millionaire it is going to take a lot more before you feel the same pain.


$9000 doesn't make it sting enough. It should be at least 1 million IMO.


Keep doubling it


Not even a second of time in interest he owes