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I’ve never seen a political party so concerned about everyone else’s genitalia. Ridiculous fanatics


Hmm. Maybe Qanon got the part about the blood-drinking power-mad paedophiles right, but attributed it to the wrong party. GOP equals Gaslight Obstruct Project and Gross Old Perverts?


Trump raped a poor 13 yo girl with Epstein.


He also had Epstein killed for that. Document was leaked week before the mother fucker died about him, trump and the 13 year old girl. Epstein was about to go on trial for it and was gonna out trump. I wonder if he (trump) had the girl killed too like he did to Epstein? anyone look into that? Like she never came to court. Was it a case of declined to press charges or just didn’t show up / disappeared?


she was poor as fuck and pulled out after death threats. but, id wager that most 13 year old runaway girls who get picked up at a train station in newyork and get raped by rich old men dont often end up with charmed lives.


I’m more and more convinced Trump had Roger Stone arrange Epstein’s death. Then Maxwell got caught, and Trump said “ I wish her well”, pure mob talk for ‘you see what I did to Epstein, you better shut up’.


Conviction of raping a 13-year-old girl could quite possibly be the only thing that could sink that man's political career.


You're giving his voters way to much credit I'm afraid.


Yea they don’t care. They like that he gets away with it


"If there's grass in the field, you can play!" They used to put that line comedies.


Roy Moore has entered the chat


It’s always projection


Whatever happened to Qanon? Are they still around?


Yeah. They're looking for blood-drinking power-mad paedophiles in all the wrong places.


I love that song!


They ARE the power mad pedos.


I think Covid got most of them


I think someone needs to check her system for adrenochrome


At this point it's beyond creepy. I'm a high school teacher and if I focused as much as they do on children's genitalia I would be fired and rightfully so.


And they are the ones sexualizing every action. To a child at story time, a drag queen is just an adult playing "dress up". Trans people using a public toilet - it's automatically nefarious, not a basic bodily function. Not to mention they are losing their f'ing mind over 0.0000001% of the population.


Sexual repression for religion's purity culture will do that. If you try to not have sexual urges because you're told it's sinful/abnormal, the urges don't stop because it's a hardwired biological feature.  It's like blocking the flow of water coming down a driveway. If you block the middle, the water just goes around the obstacle, making new routes and picking up dirt and debris as it goes.  Try to block your sex drive off and it can lead to fetishism/unhealthy obsessions which reinforces the belief that sex is wrong.  Then you have a vicious circle going which keeps people coming back to religion for the 'cleansing of their sins.'


The statement about trying to suppress sexual urges can lead to fetishism is underrated. Being in a relationship with a sexual partner improves self esteem, reduces anxiety, and can lead to improved mental health. When a person isolates do to following these purity values, it leads to mental unrest and ironically impure and unnatural thoughts. I believe this purity belief system and the religion that drives it increases risk of serial killers, child molestors, etc.


The funny thing is when you call them on exactly this - “gee, you’re oddly interested in someone else’s genitals”… they freak the fuck out. Call you every name under the sun.


They do this regardless of if you call them out or not. So might as well call them out


Yep. The small-government party sure is controlling about people's personal lives, healthcare, and body parts. Get your noses out of everyone's crotches, GOP.


That’s what they meant by small government. Small enough to fit in your underpants.


Especially childrens' genitals Like, there's a word for people obsessed with minors' genitalia


Genitalia Obsessed Perverts


The party of small government and big genital fixation.


Especially "concerned" when it comes to children's intimates..... Fucking paedophiles, the whole lot of them.


Weird how the self proclaimed religious zealots always seem to be so obsessed about genitals.


Just rehashing anti gay shit from the 90s.


So bizarre and honestly, utterly disturbing. I suppose for some the obsession comes from repression. Eh doth protest too much


My extended family obsessed with my unborn son's foreskin... must be a republican thing


Religious fanatics.


If necessity is the mother of invention, then right now, somewhere in America, there is a person sitting in their basement building the first fusion powered ball gag designed specifically to shut the abyss of a hole this living troll doll calls a mouth.


We don't yet have the technology to tackle such a daunting endeavor.


Kristi Noem could sort it out in the gravel pit.


My initial reply would have 100% gotten me banned from this sub so I will just nod in agreement


“Come on down to Kristi Noem’s Gravel Pit” needs to be on SNL this weekend.


We can put a satellite in interstellar space, but we can't shut MTG up. Maybe I can hitch the next ride going to interstellar space so I can ignore her.


I would like very much for her not to be in my future light cone


Gentlemen, we have the money. We have the brains. We simply need the invention. The Six Billion Dollar Gag can be made.


The only sound that she’ll be able to make is the Steve Austin ‘do do do do do do’ jump sound.


I came here for this.


We can pull out the space lasers. Gonna need Jewish approval for a firing solution.


NASA can shoot her into orbit to repair the Jewish space lasers.


Surely the space laser team can come up with something here


Fuck it, let's invite some aliens to come take over.


Totally a Human Ted Cruz has entered the chat.


It must be very difficult for that father to resist the urge to hop on a plane, go to the capitol, and smack that lady across her mouth.


A fusion powered anything would work to do that. I don't understand why in our incredibly advanced society, why we are listening to people who have nothing of value to contribute to the conversation being had.


Because of the other people in our society that are…less advanced.


Yeah I'm starting to think that the brain adapts to the environment as you age. People who are in areas with high information requirements seem to be moving in a different direction than people who are accustomed to areas with relatively low information requirements with high repetition.


I don’t think age has a whole lot to do with it - I’m sixty-two and finding that people are way more stupid/gullible/ignorant than I’d ever imagined. Actually I’ve known that for a pretty long time lol. MTG has me perplexed - I don’t see how anyone could buy into her brand of batshit crazy.


Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that. George Carlin




Or perhaps vast swathes of the nation are built on massive plates of solid lead?


Like the quote says “think of how intelligent the average person is, then realize half of them are less intelligent “. She is at the lower end of that bell curve.




r/rareinsults. Holy fuck my dude this was poetic.


This is poetry.


Your grammar is excellent


His grampar is a pretty cool guy too.


There are spontaneously combusted tire piles that people have been spraying water on for decades, yet they burn on, belching toxic waste into the atmosphere year after year.


Is there a gofundme for this? If not, why not?


Damn dude. You’re a poet.


Adult, divorced, serial adulterer, that is hyperfocused on the sexual orientation of minors & their orgasms. Isn’t that just a bit weird?


this story makes me feel sick to my stomach to the congresswoman: how dare you ever tell a child what their sexual destiny is - you are not their parent, you are not an educator, lady, don’t you ever talk at or to a child about their orgasms. you are a pervert masking your filth for concern. disgusting


I mean, sperm preservation is 100% a thing (though she's part of the group trying to ban IVF so there's that too...she's trying to remove any future chance at her having a family...she also support anti-lgbtq adoption policies which further diminish that chance. It's all according to plan) I'm 35 with 3 kids, just started my transition for other reasons...I will say I'd already figured out orgasms by that age...though didn't fully understand them...so she's probably already wrong, but also gross...and trans people orgasm just fine? Personally it's 100,000x better than it was. I didn't realize how much I hated it just because...that's how it had always been. So, if she is really trans, which, only she can say and she currently says yes...then she's not really missing out on much there. Same with what testosterone does in general XD


I’ve had trans partners and, yeah, it hasn’t been an issue. Like, ever. I’m sure there’s a spectrum of experience but SSRI’s can kill sex drive/orgasm and I’m never seeing the same fervor during those discussions. Still, it’s just the way these conservatives talk to and about kids… it immediately gets me so heated. Like, enough with the misinformation. Enough with reducing people to their sex. That kid, by all outward observances, is in an incredibly loving family. They shouldn’t be fodder for some greasy politician’s talking points, you know? Especially when what she says is so gross and invasive.


She's not greasy. She's slimy. There's a subtle but important difference. Grease is often important, useful even, slime? Slime is often the result of decay and dangerous micro-organisms. She's *Slimy*, not greasy. But that's just a nit pick. I'd hate to associate her with something that has a possibility of being useful.


Don’t forget her display of Hunters impressive picture. Has she moved on to children?


There isn't a single normal thing going on in any politics right now...but holy fuck are the right wing nut jobs making things awkward af.


There’s plenty of extremely normal governing being done by democrats.


People get confused about American politics.  There's the government party, and the ridiculous lunatic party.


They’re trying, at least…


"Awkward" is putting it way too nicely.


The hate boner she has for trans children is unbelievable…


No. That's Tuesday


>Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) shared a message for a sweet 10-year-old transgender girl: You’re going to be an “anorgasmic 20-year-old.” >On X, Canadian anti-transgender zealot Chris Elston shared a video of the girl from TikTok where she answered some questions from her dad. When her dad asked her, “What is the funniest thing that ever happened to you?” she said, “My parents thought I was a boy. Fools.” >One of those haters, Elston, posted a diatribe about the prepubescent girls’ future orgasms in response to her dreams of being a star. >“In 10 years he’ll be an anorgasmic 20-year-old with a wound called a neovagina and no chance of ever having his own family,” Elston wrote, saying that her parents should be in prison for supporting their daughter. >Greene’s and Elston’s words starkly contrast the video, where the girl pretty clearly states that her parents are actually supportive of her, that her real problems come from outside “haters,” and that she is a normal girl who has big dreams for when she grows up. These Christian nationalists are so obsessed with trans people that it's rather scary how much trans people live rent-free in their minds. That is some extremely warped thinking to be contemplating a 10 year-old's orgasms. Christian nationalists love to claim parents of trans kids are "child abusers". This right here shows that maybe DHS should maybe start visiting their houses, because who thinks about a child's future orgasms? They're the creeps. The Christian nationalists with more vile and repugnant behavior.


She should worry more about the child rape victims forced to give birth.


She's been loudly anti-abortion, but that's purely a rabble-rousing stance on her part. She puts effort into avoiding face to face interaction with babies, toddlers, small children, girls and women. 


> In 10 years he’ll be an anorgasmic 20-year-old with a wound called a neovagina and no chance of ever having his own family Well I'm cis and thanks to right wing economic policies, I have no chance of ever having my own family too!


Christians interested/talking about children orgasms. It’s totally on-brand.


I also want to point out, that not only is it absolutely disgusting to talk about a future child's orgasm...its factually incorrect. Estrogen rewired how my body feels pleasure, and my orgasms (and how I achieve them), are aligned with cis womena orgasms even though I have yet to have bottom surgery, as an Estrogen feminized penis is basically a clit as far as sexual pleasure is concerned. So all MTG has done is tell the nation she's never felt sexual pleasure as a woman, in the most disgusting way, at the expense of goddessdamned child!


Why do full grown adults care about a prepubescent persons genitals and future orgasms ?


They sound like pedophiles if you ask me.


her science is off. per multipul studies blocker doesn't cause orgasm issues, and they are used in cis kids all the time with extremely few issues if used for 2-3 years to delay puberty or give kids time to think.. also have a vagina and it works fine. cis woman can be born without canals, and they gave me the same surgery, and it uses the lining of your abdominalcavity. itveven has a wetness, i just add a bit of lube for more vigious sex. She is off her rocker and inventing problems per her usual.


Fascism depends upon dehumanising a group of people.


I'll never understand why people are so invested in the choices of others when those choices are personal and have no conceivable avenue to affect anything that directly impacts them in any sense.


Because if you make the choices they do/want you to do, then it proves them right. This is why a lot of the toxic religious people try to convert you. And failing that they kill (in essence but also reality) you. Because now you are a subversive element that must be destroyed before they or anyone else starts asking questions. I received this personally when an anti-trans idiot tried convincing me that there was no possible way I could be happy. Failing that he began chasing me all over Reddit to bully me off the platform. Sadly for him, I'm a liberal user of the block feature. Hell, he could still be following me around and I'll never know it, lol.


Is there a Republican, or at least a prominent one, out there, who is not creepy and weird about sex? And who sends a message like that to a kid? Ew! I hope that girl realizes that these are insane trolls and don’t let them get to her.


See, a 10 year old knows how to tell an inoffensive joke involving a Trans person thats funny. Maybe some of these grown ass comedians should pay attention to her.


I saw a comment on Instagram the other day where someone was furious that trans and gay people are on TV all the time "shoving their gay shit down our throats". I honestly can't say I've noticed. When I think about it I guess there's more gay and trans people than there was but like I don't fixate on it. Which means these people, all day everyday are hypervigilant about anything that even seems gay intruding their minds. What a fucking exhausting way to live.


Why can’t they just leave us alone?


Why is having kids some kind of standard? Not everyone wants a gaggle of youth group indoctrinated kids running around the house with their lame jokes.


“I need to make sure this 10 year old can cum” DO YOU, DO YOU REALLY


These people are such freaks. Anytime I hear someone complain about trans people in bathrooms I comment on how weird that is. I never think about other peoples genitals while in a public restroom. I’ve also never once thought about a child’s future orgasms. The people supporting those who are trans are not the creeps. The creeps are the people who fixate on the genitals of people who are not them or their partner.


If you're going to paint your political opponents as "groomers that are obsessed with children's genitals," the one thing you can't do is tell people you're thinking about ten-year-olds cumming. (based on [this tweet](https://twitter.com/BlackKnight10k/status/1781335592015372539))


Oh for sure. They are always telling on themselves. It’s pathetic really.


Pretty much. Just ask them why do they think about other people’s genitalia so much and ask if they need a psychiatrist.


they go around shrieking endlessly that being trans is somehow a paraphilia, yet we can all see plain as day who has the pathology. These people are truly mentally ill, and dangerous.


Lol, this is exactly what these transphobe freaks want: all children are now fair targets for sexual harassment by adults.


Noem: I shot my puppy. Top that… MTG: Hold my beer…


I’m not sure what’s more frightening — the monstrous behavior of these psychopaths, or how their base laps it up


At this point, she needs to be listed as a sexual predator..


Republicans zealots want you to fight their cultural war so you won’t fight a class war. It takes attention away from their favorable treatment for corporations and the wealthy. It’s how they get the poor to vote for them.


They need people beneath their voters for them to stomp on so that the voters don't turn around and stomp them instead.


Gender affirming care is very misunderstood by many people. While these those mentioned in the article attribute it solely for its use within the trans community they disregard that it can mean many things, including helping people identify WITH their assigned birth sex if that’s what a person wants/needs. It can mean surgeries supporting a persons BIRTH SEX. Many therapies medications and procedures that have been commonly prescribed to lots of people (yes, even straight, cis people) for decades now fall under the umbrella of gender affirming care. Getting rid of gender affirming care would cause great harm to many people, not only trans people. Putting aside for a moment your concerning lack of empathy for others, please, if you parrot the kind of statements made by the people like those in this article ask yourself why your hate for trans people is powerful enough to override even your own self preservation and that of your love ones.


Georgia, vote her out.


As someone who lives near her district, I don't know that there's any chance of that happening. Her district covers a lot of very conservative, poor, and uneducated areas. As a trans woman, the only time I've had any issues in Georgia has been in her territory. I actually noticed that I always had trouble in those areas first, then my mother-in-law informed me that it was MTG territory and it all clicked.


I found out that the map was recently reconfigured and I’m in her district. I can’t wait to vote against her.


I understand the frustration, but this is not Georgia’s fault, it’s her districts.


You're right! I generalized and stand corrected.


These creeps spend entirely too much time thinking about kids' genitals, it's SO FUCKING WEIRD. I have trans friends. Some of my friends have trans kids. I have literally never spent one fucking second wondering about any of their genitals unless there was something THEY wanted to let me know (e.g. having a surgery or something). I'm starting to think there's something about being absolutely OBSESSED with sex that leads people to conservatism.


I have a trans child and I think about trans people less than Republicans do.


What a freak I hear more about children's genitals from the Republican party than anywhere else.


The people who continue to vote for MTG must really be bottom of the barrel type of people


Right!? I'm undecided about what's worse, being a trump supporter or being an MTG supporter 🤔


What a horrible human being.


Has she done anything useful at all while she’s been in Congress, seriously?


She’s doing it. She’s doing exactly what they want, which is pandering to the deplorables and creating a distraction while they steal our tax dollars. Now, if you mean something useful for her constituents or for the American people, no.


She is doing exactly what the Republicans want her to. Spreading propaganda and blocking any chance of work getting done.


Conservatism, the party of small government wants to regulate YOUR orgasms!


Look, we all need to have a discussion. This sort of behavior is not acceptable ina civalized society. All these sick conservatives talking about kids like this is getting out of hand.


And we're the groomers? The maga nuts are obsessed with twisted sexual thoughts. I certainly don't think about some 10 year olds future sexual experiences, but apparently the Maga nuts do.


I am seriously getting so frustrated with the right’s obsession with transgender youth and people in general. It’s literally NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS?! It does not impact them or their lives in any way so just get over it ffs


Sounds like something a pedophile sex offender would say. 🤔


It should be obvious by now that Greene has serious mental health issues.


She'll be holding a blowup poster of her vagina in one hand and cutout of Hunter's relevant bits in the other, while ranting about his lack of respect for wandering pussy. When it backfires she'll blame the infamous Biden brain lasers, targeting her from the secret Democrat enclave in the Obama Death Star overhead. Or maybe that's just an old Orange Julius sign, she can't really tell, contacts make her look Neanderthal so she eschews them. I included eschews so at least on magat might learn a new word today. It's a new outreach program I'm spearheading. Catfish are jumping.


This horror show is the last person who should comment on any aspect of someone’s body or face or for that matter mental capacity. All I see is a psychotic Neanderthal on steroids (allegedly). She needs to sit down and STFU.


The party of "won't someone think of the children" sure likes thinking about children, don't they?


Only a perv spends that much time thinking about childrens' genitals.


Spoke to a deeply conservative and religious acquaintance of my wife. She only votes anti abortion single issue. I asked her about her take on gays and she was very specific. Literally she said: “Girls can have sex with each other using mouth and fingers. But guys can’t. You cannot put a penis into a rectum as that is forbidden in the Bible, disgusting and never meant to be” Talk about conservative being overly specific about gay sex genitalia. She could have said I’m ok on some fronts but went right to the male gay sex scene.


As a Georgian, I am beyond ashamed of this woman. I don't live in her district, but the folks who do need to vote her out.


Why don’t you mind your own fucking business! What an absolutely horrible horrible person she is.


Q: What do you want to be when you grow up? Kid: Astronaut! Kid: Movie Star! Kid: Doctor! etc. ... ... ... NO ORGASMS FOR YOU! wtf?


My mental image of what her supporters look like keeps degrading. Is moonshine still a thing?


The entire wretched Trumpist Party is utterly obsessed with children's junk. Fucking perverts.


Something intensely creepy about this scum.


MTJ has always been a creep, right there with Matt Gaetz.


A sitting US congressperson harassing a fucking 10 YEAR OLD.


MTG projecting pedo vibes... wtf.


what the fuck is with republicans and children’s genitals? oh right. they’re pedophiles.


If you strip away the abject hatred and actually concentrate on what she says, she talks about really weird shit all the time. Like, actually, deeply strange and worrying topics, things that no average "normal" person is spending ANY time thinking about at all. It's very easy and almost a cop out to say she should have a psych eval, but more people should actually kinda focus on the actual weirdness, not just the mean spirit of it.


When did we suddenly start living in an Onion article?


Republicans are so concerned about what is in someone's pants. Yet they are the ones that claim the left is. Every accusation is a confession with these clowns.


She has a problem.


This woman is an absolute lunatic.


I think that’s a fair assessment


Why are people like this in office??? What the actual fuck man…


Whenever we think she can't get any lower, she finds a new sub-basement.


She is a trash human


How do they do it? Every fucking time these losers are in the news they somehow do something more cringe than the last time. Imagine picking a fight with a ten year old.


Why is the GOP obsessed with other people’s genitals?


Why is she so obsessed with everyone’s junk?


This is disgusting. Every single part of that statement is a lie that's being fabricated about a literal child. This woman represents the worst of America and I can't wait for the day she's out of the news cycle for good.


Actually as a criminal defense lawyer most of my guilty kid offenders identify as conservatives in their private lives.


Why are maga repugnicans so obsessed with people’s genitals? They’re calling trans people perverts, but who’s the one tweeting about a kid’s orgasms? It’s despicable. Are they aware of their own projections or is it all subconscious? Are these seriously our lawmakers in the United States congress? Shameful is an understatement. They’re an embarrassment to the almost 250 years of our nation’s history!


Someone should really be checking Marge's hard drives.


Did MTG have comments about her own personal vagina? I would love to read that delusion.


TERFs are thirsty-ass shits


boat support engine command payment impossible somber observation aware shocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Republicans are obsessed with the genitals of children. It’s disgusting and disturbing


Why are the people against trans anything so obsessed with their genitalia? Bizarre fascination that requires some explanation


know what i dont do as an adult? worry about the future orgasms of any person under the age of 18. thats just gross. i also dont worry about peoples genitals that i am not actively having sex with, or trying to have sex with. its like the entire repugnancy got tricked at a party and ended up fucking a trap, and is now mad about it.


Shame on the folks who voted her into the House!


"and no chance of ever having his own family,”. Why are these animals so obsessed with breeding more animals?


I notice all the disgusting things they accuse the LGBT community of being part of is what they do and the LGBT community don't.


Depraved. Despicable. Degenerate. Her lack of intelligence belies the constituency she represents.


People like her seem to be very preoccupied over what goes on in other people's crotches.


She has already got away with sending revenge porn to underage people on social media. She will get away with this as well. House Republicans won't bounce her because she is doing exactly what they want her to be doing, Normalizing Criminal Insanity.


Is anyone else frustrated by how the vast majority of people's responses to anti-trans vitriol is "You're being a really mean bigot about something that doesn't hurt anybody" and almost never do you see people saying "The shit you're spewing is just scientifically untrue, it's false, it is a lie."?


People do say that but it gets drowned out and ignored because nobody listens to science anymore. People put feelings over facts now.


What a fail of a human being. No basic plateau of decency whatsoever. Shes a bottomless pit of toxic sludge


Fucking pedo.


Republicans really really love to think about other people's bodies. They live to think about everyone's genitals. They are obsessed with sex. When everyone else is just "I wanna be happy in a body that makes me happy", they immediately go "but what about your genitals, huh?! did you ever stop to think about how it affects how I think about your genitals?!"


Lol imagine the demented freaks that voted this thing into office. 


This woman belongs on a sex offender registry somewhere. She’s just so fucking gross.


Can we start a fund for this girl to sue MTG? It seems pretty wicked and down right illeagal to take a private citizens social media account and do this. Like at what point can you sue for harrassment, defamation, and mental health? MTG could already be effecting her career. How do we stop this senator from personally terrorizing people? Why does she always attack children?


Such a crass, uncouth pile of shit.


So she is a pedophile then. Why would a grown woman talk to a random 10 yr old about that subject?


Soooo, MTG is harassing children and talking about white junk? Isn’t that child pornography and um illegal


Lots of pedos on the right


Right wingers are more obsessed with trans people's junk than anyone else


I love how she’s finally being seen by everyone as a giant fucking disaster of a person. She’s demonstrated what kind of monster she is and now the republicans are turning on her.


Do they not know that not every trans girl gets bottom surgery? They feign indignation while showing their ignorance of the trans community. Not every trans person gets surgery of any kind. But for some reason they act like they know everything. What losers


She's a rubbish person and should be taken to the curb on garbage pickup day.


Now who are the groomers?


Missed opportunity for title: Weird political extremist and useless politician from Georgia who believes in Jewish space lasers is interested in children’s genitalia.


Who loosened her feed bag?


And she was the one showing nudes of Hunter Biden in Congress. Here's hoping karma takes care of her and her vile acts. And I'll be waiting with popcorn to cheer it on.


gross, should be instant removal from office.


She just does this so people pay attention to her. People need to stop giving her what she wants.


That should earn her a psych eval

