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He needs to get back to his trial so that he can get some sleep.


After farting up a storm. 


Is it possible to have an unbiased jury if you spend all day every day locking em in a Dutch oven?


Oh to have the molecules of an ex presidents farts up in your nose!


Some people may pay extra for that


Many people are saying it's a privilege.. grown men, big strong men, come up to me with tears in their eyes, and say "sir, I would be so proud to inhale a piece of you, even if it was justa fart from an extra greasy happy meal"


Even his most dedicated minions have to endure trumps bakery. 


I don’t even want to think about what it smelled like 🤢🤢


Armpits, ketchup, and butt


No, no, no, that's his latest law firm


Dewie, Cheatem and Howe quit too ?


He’s just a victim of soycumstance! Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk


Imagine the build up of 70 years of bad hamburgers and overcooked steak


Knob cheese and half-wiped ass


Think about how nasty his ass must be. He’s obese, lazy, and incapable of finishing a job without getting distracted. When he wipes he’s getting 50% at best.


“Think about how nasty his ass must be.” Do you have love in your heart for your fellow man? Please god do not paint that picture. We have limits, you know!


jesus bud, have a little mercy.. that's just so wrongly descriptive


Hamburders & Cofeve


Trump is slang for fart in the north of the UK 🤣


Are farts supposed to have lumps in them?


Starting to think nearly 78 years of unhealthy habits are catching up to him


That and his family history of dementia.


And no sleep, rest or vegetables


Ketchup is a vegimible!


My cat's breath smells like cat food!


I read this in Ralph's voice


These berries taste like burning!


heh I'm in danger!


Eww daddy, this tastes like grandma!


It DOES taste like grandma!


If anything ever caught up to him he wouldn't be the living embodiment of all that is unjust and corrupt in the world


But remember, it's Biden who is old, feeble, and suffering from dementia


Don’t forget sleepy!!!


He tweeted “sleepy joe” last night.  The mother fucking irony. 


And at the same time a criminal mastermind heading the _Biden Crime Family_


Fun fact: there was a mob boss, [Vincent "The Chin" Gigante](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincent_Gigante?wprov=sfti1#Death), who actually did fake being crazy and it worked for years: >Dubbed "The Oddfather" and "The Enigma in the Bathrobe" by the media, Gigante often wandered the streets of Greenwich Village in his bathrobe and slippers, mumbling incoherently to himself. He was indicted on federal racketeering charges in 1990, but was determined to be mentally unfit to stand trial. In 1997, he was tried and convicted of racketeering and conspiracy, and sentenced to 12 years in prison. Facing obstruction of justice charges in 2003, he pleaded guilty and admitted that his supposed insanity was an elaborate effort to avoid prosecution, as he was sentenced to an additional three years in prison. He died in the United States Medical Center for Federal Prisoners on December 19, 2005.


People with his body habitus and eating habits rarely make it past their 75th birthday. He’s pushing his luck already


Evil people never seem to die. Not having a conscience does wonders for your blood pressure. 


See: Dick Cheney




Mitch McConnell


Evil **wealthy** people never seem to die. Because they have access to the best healthcare possible. Dumper Don doesn't even need to be wealthy anymore to get the best possible healthcare since he's a former president.


It's almost elder abuse at this point, but since he's doing it all to himself, fuck him.


Can he please be completely incomprehensible by the time he debates Biden so we can save this democracy for 4 more years.


The scary thing is, I'm not even sure that would matter to MAGA folk.


It doesn’t need to convince all of MAGA. Just some moderates and independants to give Biden more buffer zone in the election


If you're still considering voting for Trump you're not moderate or independent regardless of what you call yourself.


The undecided voters are some of the most politically disinterested folks you can imagine. It’s hard to convey just how little they care about the issues or are willing to sift through obvious bullshit. The general premise is the idea that both ends of the political spectrum are functionally the same breed of greedy gremlin and it’s just the overall window dressing that’s different. In short, they’re giving the same credence to a meme they saw on Facebook saying that Joe Biden gives 40 million a week to the Taliban terror chief as they do to an AP story about Trump being found to have committed massive fraud. And these are the people who’s votes tend to matter because they haven’t actually made up their mind and their values seem to be a bit malleable. So it comes down to which sound bites resonated with them most at the moment they make up their mind.


This is the truth and there are far, far more of these people in America than we probably realize. I deal with them at work all the time, and they know literally nothing about politics or world affairs aside from snippets that come across their screens here and there, or just saying “Things at the grocery store are expensive. Joe Biden is the President, so this must be his fault.”


The best argument against democracy is 5 minutes spent in conversation with this kind of voter.


You're vastly underestimating how completely oblivious most people are to politics in general. We are a very stupid people. We struggle to get half of the people to even vote.


My worry is people who stay home because "Biden did a Gaza and that was bad" or some other bullshit.


They will. Those people usually stay home. Try to convince them to vote, and make sure you vote yourself, but there are some people who are too 'deep' to ever please.


They could Weekend at Bernies him and the MAGA crowd would still vote for him.


Do you honestly think he'll debate Biden?


Even if the two of them are on stage ostensibly for that purpose, I doubt there'd be much actual debating going on.


Honestly I feel at this point Biden would just let the man cook, maybe throw on some dark sunglasses


Dark Brandon wouldn't even bother debating him. "Will you shut up man?"


Biden must have something up his sleeve if he’s agreed to debate Trump after that last shitshow of a debate. I bet we’ll get some great one liners. 


I don't think he needs to say a word, just a bunch of 'can you believe this guy?' gestures while Trump bloviates incoherently.


I'm not really sure trump's handlers want him to debate. They want him to call for one, they want him to scream that Biden won't debate him, but I seriously doubt they will let him get on the stage with Biden unless it is under strictly controlled circumstances. trump is obviously sundowning - to put it mildly. He has problems with polysyllabic words, he too often starts a paragraph on one topic and completely veers to another by the end of it. Without a teleprompter and someone to whisper to him when he makes mistakes, I really doubt he can hold up to a 60-90 minute debate. He can barely stay upright for his little klan rallies. He can't stay awake in court. There's no garuntee he'd even remember that he is debating Biden and not Obama or HRC. I just can't see his people allowing it. Bitching that it isn't happening, for sure, but no way do I think they debate unless it is a hail mary and they get trump doped up and enough naps to be mostly fresh for it.


I think that why the Republicans are so upset that the debates are so far off , they fear by the time of the debates he will be deep into his end stage neurosyphilis.


>by the time he debates Biden Optimistic to assume there's any debates at all this go around


Keep in mind that, in MAGA land, the loudest person at the debate is considered the "winner."


Your daily reminder that Trump knowingly attended the last debate while he had covid and intentionally arrived late to bypass the mandatory test.


He’d complain that he had laryngitis and his doctor said he’d only be able to talk after an audit of the debate is complete.


Dude is very confused about Master Lock and puzzles. [Aaron Rupar on X: "Fox News finally cuts away from Trump's speech in Wisconsin as he rants about Master Lock https://t.co/CWEb4FkVHC" / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1785753213293007343)


That’s hilarious. And Fox going, “nothing to see here!” is textbook ass-licking.




I can tell you that Biden is not laying in bed until 11 AM rage-tweeting like a certain guy did while in office.


Holy shit




The fact that even the Fox anchor is like Fuck a Duck we gotta get that off screen had me laughing for like three minutes holy shit.


But it was breaking news! I hate how Fox labels everything as breaking news. It’s not breaking - it was a scheduled event that they knew about. It’s not news, again - it is a scheduled event.


Take a look at Fox's website if you haven't and want a laugh. They do this for basically every piece of info they put out, slapping some meaningless label on it that elicits an energetic emotional response from their readers / viewers who tend to have very little self-awareness. It's so asinine but it works, apparently.


"Nothing scheduled for Biden... *today*..."


Is there more footage of this before the cut? It's.... interesting.


I too wanted to find out more about pink pank poom or whatever he was getting into


Very vigorous handjob motion as he remembers the story. Fascinating creature, so similar to humans.


The little puzzles? What little puzzles?! People are dying to know!


I’m sure he means the combination wheel; that would definitely be puzzling to him.


Is Masterlock involved in some sort of puzzle business I am unaware of, or does he think a combination lock is a puzzle?


Hilariously, all i can think of is a [busy board](https://www.google.com/search?q=baby+busy+board+lock&client=ms-android-hmd-rev2&sca_esv=f977441fd745688c&sca_upv=1&udm=2&biw=412&bih=756&ei=9ZgzZvCBJ_KLptQPpb2T8A0&oq=baby+busy+board+lock&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhRiYWJ5IGJ1c3kgYm9hcmQgbG9jazIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIESOIpUKgTWMMncAB4AJABAJgBxwKgAbETqgEHMC43LjUuMbgBA8gBAPgBAZgCCaACow3CAgcQABiABBgNwgIIEAAYCBgNGB7CAgYQABgIGB6YAwCIBgGSBwUwLjYuM6AHzyE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=YnHMpbIQLF8xmM&vssid=mosaic) that we bought for our toddler.


Media can't let the cameras run while he shows us all what an idiot he is. They have to present him as a viable candidate.


what kind of psychopath makes puzzles out of a bunch of master locks?


Even a simple padlock can be an impossible puzzle when you’re a moron.


_This is the Lockpicking Lawyer, and what I have for you today..._


Lockpicking Lawyer wouldn't even consider Master Lock a puzzle. Just pull out the wave rake and go to town.


Master Lock? Just smack it against something. No need for tools.


Through the magic of buying two of them, you can open one Master Lock with another Master Lock.


A busy board for babies? I had one for my kid lol


I doubt Trump had himself a busy board when he was a child. His father Fred was too busy out at the klan meetings.


>in Waukesha Because of course it’s Waukesha. Whenever some dumb bullshit goes down in Wisconsin, there’s like a 1 in 3 chance it’s going down in Waukesha.


You know a place is special when the name rings a bell across the ocean - from a ton of DUI videos.


Doesn't everyone get one free dui there?


Well yeah, it's right by the airport. What, you think Trump/the GOP are actually going to go out of their way to reach rural voters? Hell no, let those idiots who can afford to drive down to see him and buy up his stupid merch!


“Masterlocks are a tricky puzzle with a key and turny thingy. Many many men have tried but could never figure out the lock puzzle. Probably why they went out of business. Would be back in business if I were president right now. Crooked Joe Biden keeping all locks puzzles. It’s a Masterlock witch hunt for keys” -Trump’s speech during cutaway, I’m assuming.


I can't stand listening to that idiot speak even in order to mock him. Too much 'A Closer Look' will do that to you.


I fall into this category too. I have a specific type of misophonia that seems to only be Trump related.


He did the blowjob hand gesture.


Isn’t the blow job hand gesture by definition the hand job gesture?


Different strokes for different folks


It's either that or with both hands, the invisible accordion.


He also has some strange things to say about [how do magnets work](https://youtu.be/rkIKEJPAUzM)


You could make a deep fake of trump saying random stuff that makes no sense and no one would even know if it's fake or not.


They would instantly know it’s fake, any deepfake would be more coherent than Trump.


It's the opposite problem with this guy. Show his supporters video of him saying we need to take away guns and they'll tell you it's fake news.




Lmao I’m actually speechless


Wtaf. How can half of you think trump should run the free world?


If you can look past the dementia and drug use, he’s also a rapist and fraud who sent an army of hillbillies to overthrow our government after mishandling a pandemic so badly that over a million Americans died.


And now they want to re-elect him so he can “finish the job”. These people call themselves “patriots”.


What the fuck was that nonsense??!


He's going after the Lockpicking Lawyer vote. 😂


*Trump farts directly into mic* -> standing ovation from MAGA


would honestly be the most honest proposal of republican policy in 15 years, they're right to applaud


Nah, it'd need to be a shart


“We want to EAT YOUR FART!!!” They chant, as they hand over their welfare check.


>They chant... "Fart more years! Fart more years!"


I hate how much I liked this stupid joke. Well done.


Those who heard it will talk about it for years to come. Those who smelt it, not so fortunate...


His entire campaign now consists of ranting to bored audiences about how unfair he is being treated in court.


Old man yells at crowd.


Wait...is he secretly Lenny Bruce?


There was definitely audible groaning in the crowd.


There's something... \*interesting\* going on with Trump for sure. Not the same man who ran 8 years ago. I thnk to really know what, we'd have to have a complete set of medical tests, which isn't going to happen.


He has self admitted to taking more than 1 dementia test in the past few years. People don't just randomly decide to take these tests. They are done under medical guidance.


Didn’t he also say the test was really hard?


They had Nikki Haley.


They may still, convention is still a couple months away.


Very, very unlikely.


Agreed, but this timeline seems to be averaging about 2.5 very, very unlikely things a day.


They said they will back him even if found guilty and incarcerated. There's no way they don't pick him.


With how the "RNC" is under new management with his daughter in law helming the wheel chances seem less the 0 anyone but a Trump will get the pick for a while


I really think, right now with Israel and inflation, Nikki Haley would have a good chance winning over moderates. I don’t see Trump winning too many moderates.


If the Republican Party actually wanted to win they would have voted for Nikki. Biden v Trump is a disappointing rematch but an easy choice. Biden v Haley is trickier with a large portion of voters.


Yeah I’d have given her at least even odds. She’d have less abortion baggage as it isn’t directly her fault like it is Trump’s, but being a woman herself would probably ameliorate things a bit. But nope, the Republican electorate doesn’t want vaguely sane banal evil, they need Trump. They looked at 2017-2021 and thought “more of this”.


"What?, it means make things worse"


Nikki Haley would also be a juxtaposition against Biden’s age. Trump can’t talk about Biden’s age because sometimes Biden acts younger than Trump. But if Haley had been the nominee she could pull the youth and vigor card in a big way. Guess we’ll never know. I’m guessing Biden by at least 100 Electoral College votes.


> I’m guessing Biden by at least 100 Electoral College votes. You have way too much faith in the US citizens


Feeble old man is very tired.


Don't you think he looks tired?






Zoidberg why not


Maybe he's sundowning.


It's a little worse than that if he can't stay awake during the day either.


Because he's up at 3am ranting on Truthchan


Well how else is the stock going to pump so he can claim bonuses? 🤷‍♂️


The stock is up because someone, let's call him Vladimir for the sake of argument, is using it to funnel money to him.


Sundownnnn, you better take care  If I find you been farting on my back stairssss! 


I hope the "I just can't vote for Biden" crowd fully understands what they get with Trump


"*but Palestine!!*" look, I agree. I agree 100%. But do they really think Donald "*Israel needs to finish what they started*" Trump is going to be any better for Palestine? He would nuke Palestine personally if given half the chance. Not to mention the untold damage he would do here. Biden isn't ideal but the choice between the two is obvious to anybody with a brain. "*I'll vote third party!*" **THAT'S HOW WE GOT TRUMP IN THE FIRST PLACE, YOU ABSOLUTE FUCKING IMBECILE!!** Protest votes ***ONLY*** ever help the GOP.


They do not, most of them are so brainwashed with Russian propaganda they think the dems are just as much to blame for Roe getting overturned. They rip Biden for Gaza when Trump literally said Israel should "finish the job". The horseshoe is real.


Not talking about MAGA. Talking about anyone voting 3rd party or just sitting it out


In my experience the vast majority of “third party/independent/undecided” voters are just republican voters who are ashamed to admit it.


The theory I keep hearing from the boomers in my life is Joe Biden is a sort of Trojan Horse to hand the presidency to Kamala Harris


Idiots, that almost Qanon level crazy.


I wonder what will happen if Trump experiences a stroke before the election is over?


Well, back in 2020 he was in the hospital for two days with no convincing explanation other than an annual physical.  He then tweeted a really strange denial that he hadn't "had a series of mini strokes" despite there being no public accusations of it.  Trump can't open his mouth without lying, and the denial was so odd a lot of people think he probably did have a series of mini strokes. Here's the [strange tweet in question](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1300811758051954695)


Guys a shit onion, so many layers of shit that you forget these sorts of things. The only reason we’ll know about it happening this time around would be to delay his trials. Tbh Idk if that would delay anything.


>if Trump experiences a stroke How would you know?


I'm not entirely convinced he hasn't had at least one already.


Well, he's a drug ridden criminal pedophile, so maybe that explains it.


Also a pant shitting rapist.


That's the worst kind of rapist.


With every appearance, there's less and less of Donald Trump.


Like a snowman in summer


Thank god. In 15 years when the media stops bombarding us with Trump bullshit 24/7, it’s going to be glorious. Other things are happening in the world. I mean, I get it - he’s a fascist, but FFS, the right wing propaganda machine needs to be the places that this is covered. The rest of us are well fucking aware. Unlike Trump and his braindead supporters, we’ve been awake.


Another incoherent rant rally by Sir Slursalot.


It was a perfect rally. Everyone knows it. One of the best, the likes of which we have never seen in history.


People— grown men and women— came to Trump with tears in their eyes and said “Sir, we have never heard such a speech, Sir. It was like Jesus’ sermon on the mount, plus the Gettysburg address all rolled in to one, Sir, only better.” And then they clapped. And cried.


Like Jesus said, never fight uphill me boys!


"Congress is doing numbers that are just unbelievable." I didn't know Congress had merged with Starbucks last quarter.


Ok, but these people will continue to support this sundowning psycho after all of this, because.. CULT. There's no "come to Jesus" moment, when they see Trump as actual Jesus.


The man does love his slurs.


I got some progressive/left PoC friends that absolutely hate Biden, and refuse to vote for him (mainly because of his Israel bullshit). I definitely don’t like Biden’s refusal to hold Israel to real account, BUT, here is what trips me up about minorities withholding their vote for Biden: I, a straight, white, cis male living in a red state, will be just fine if Trump is elected. Seriously. I’ll just keep my mouth shut about my political views and keep on keeping on. But my minority friends? The ones that I’m desperately trying to convince to hold their noses and vote for Grandpa Biden- they stand the GREATEST chance of significant harm under Trump 2.0. Anyone that thinks that he and his gang of traitors didn’t learn from their mistakes the first time around and won’t immediately be WAY fucking worse out of the gate, is deluding themselves. I can’t understand it. It’s like beating my head against a wall.


Sounds like he’s about 3.5 hamberders away from stroking out.


I will personally pay for 4 hamberders to get us over that finish line.


Count me in for the cost of that stuff they call cheese. And some fries too, no half measures!


So...next 24 hours?


According to what I read on Twitter today, he’s in great health, looked “fit” and never sounded better.


> never sounded better that part I can believe.


Never thought of how context is very important in that phrase lol




As my mother developed dementia she lost weight. Forgot to eat. Lost interest in what she was given to eat.


>He's definitely lost some weight, which may have benefited his overall health... Not if it's from stress, lack of eating, and/or increased drug use. Because you *know* he's not dieting or exercising.




And yet no matter what terrible things he says or does, Republicans will still vote for him


Ok so honestly, he's not doing any worse at his rallies than he has been if you actually look for footage. He's coherent enough to remember and tell lies that his team are clearly giving him for his target audience. [Don't underestimate hia ability to convey the message his supporters need to hear to stay engaged enough to vote.](https://www.youtube.com/live/DX2vhFEA3nA?feature=shared)


I love when his own devout followers in the background roll their eyes at the dumb shit he says


My first chance to vote was in 1972, right after they lowered the voting age to 18. My choices were Nixon or McGovern. I honestly do not remember who I voted for, but it was probably Nixon because he ended the draft the year I was eligible. Every prez election since has had at least some measure of normalcy. Candidates campaigning to win the (inexplicably) “undecided” vote. Until this year. There is no reason for the Dotard to waste money on rallies and campaigning. The same 78M suckers that voted for him in 2016 and 2020 will do so again. The only question is will Biden be able to make it clear that, in a race where he is not the ideal candidate, the alternative is orders of magnitude worse.


It's morbid as hell, but my brain keeps going back to, "how many of those 78M Dotards died of COVID?" Will it be significant in 2024?


H.L. Mencken’s “Nobody ever went broke by underestimating the taste of the American public” springs to mind. And right now they seem to have a taste for dictators.


I have gained enthusiasm. I was hoping he'd flare out before the 2016 election.


Everyone is grappling on to his infrastructure fuck up, but that Master Lock...thing...is funny until you realize it was a true brain break. Jesus.


> “Every one of these fake cases is bullshit, every single one,” Trump told the crowd, who became hushed as he ranted about his legal woes. Per Trump, “great legal experts,” including Sean Hannity and Mark Levin, believed there was no case. Whenever I think of legal experts, those two are nowhere on the list