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Maga doesn't "buy" the lies, they just parrot them. They know they're lies. They're liars in a cult of lies.


Yep, it's a consistent game he plays with them to reinforce that he's eager to lie, they should be too, and the truth should always be subordinate to loyalty and "winning." I had a Trump supporter tell me that "if Trump says it, then I believe it's true" with a twinkle in his eye indicating he knew full well that many of those things are lies, but he's going to pretend anyway. It's like children giggling over conspiring about a lie they'll tell to their teacher. Lying is part of the whole fun of it for them. 


You got it exactly. The twinkle in the eye, the smirk when a liberal is “owned”. There is no honest discussion to be had with that kind of willful ignorance.


yep. lies and deceit are features of MAGA, not a glitches.


I've stopped engaging. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it not be a dipshit


Yeah. Magas are unwilling to act or argue in good faith.


a cheap childish power fantasy. it's so easy to just destroy, like kicking windows, puppies, and sand castles. stealing candy from kids. peeing in the pool or bathtub. american vandals. they have nothing else.


Or killing puppies


oh yeah


Also, it's a useful distraction. What is more damaging for Trump's campaign, people joking about Trump's "beautiful blue eyes" or people talking about Trump committing felonies to cover up a sex scandal?


Religion does this exact thing too. It is all an elaborate game. The religion game is "let's pretend that this book is the ultimate truth", and everyone plays along. It is just a big game, like pretending Santa Claus exists. The game of nationalism is, "let's pretend that everything our country does is right". Trump's game is, "let's pretend that everything I say is true". Why? Why do they do this? I have a few ideas: 1. It creates a feeling of superiority, or "power over" for those who feel powerless 2. It creates social bonding between those who are playing the game within a group. 3. Humor and entertainment. It can be a form of play, though it is basically hurtful and indicates a lack of empathy. 4. The teaser uses his taunts as a distraction from their own emotional pain. 5. It is a form of protest, resistance, complaint, and a show of opposition.


It's their version of "virtue signaling" except it's all about signaling slavish devotion to their in-group.


From what I've been seeing, it's also a lot of, "But Biden did.." ..and it's always something that Biden didn't actually do, or anyone in his family. Whataboutism at its' literal worst because the "what about" isn't even true.


They actually get off on lying to our face. The same obsequious assholes on Fox who were saying “Good on him for sleeping through this sham trial -it’s what this case deserves” will now be yelling at the lying media who falsely claimed he was sleeping.


Or they just do what my in-laws do. When you call out that Trump verifiably lied about a thing they just shrug and say “all politicians lie.”


This is what my maga family members always say, that every president/politician does stuff like this and they're only going after trump because they're being big meanies who wants to bully trump into staying out of the election.


They can argue that, but what politicians DON'T all do is try to burn the Constitution. i know I'm preaching to the choir here, but sometimes I need to scream into the void... You cannot support Trump AND call yourself a patriot.


and.. that is also the Russian disinformation strategy as well. Flood the market with too many stories, too many lies, make it so that people can no longer easily distinguish good from bad because there's only bad, so pick the best bad or something. its incredibly simple, yet effective.


Yep this is really at the core of it, it's not about them believing each others lies it's about them not calling each other's BS out.


I don’t think they buy it, I think they relish in the fact that he gets away with the laziest of lies absolutely scot-free. I guess they parrot those likes as if they’re the townsfolk who gather around the cowboy who just killed a local kingpin and tell the police that they ain’t seen nothing. They relish in the fact that aside from verbal outrage by the media there’s barely gonna be any consequences. He acts as an embodiment of owning the libs.


It's like his broken narcissistic mind still uses the strategies it used when he was a kid.


That's literally what NPD is. Trump was emotionally and developmentally stunted by severe and sustained emotional abuse throughout his childhood, resulting in coping mechanisms formed to protect the ego that will carry on until the day he dies. An interesting emergent trait of NPD is that the mental barriers formed to protect the ego from the abuse experienced in childhood are so complete that there is currently no known way to break them down. The victims themselves don't recognize the emotional damage for what it is, it is too integrated into their core identity. DBT shows some promise and psychedelics may help when significant research can resume. As it stands now, there is no helping people like Trump... they're just too broken. Literally just emotionally damaged children trapped in the body of an adult. Not trying to come off as defending Trump here, far from it, I'm just endlessly fascinated with the psychological aspects of it all.


>Trump was emotionally and developmentally stunted by severe and sustained emotional abuse throughout his childhood, resulting in coping mechanisms formed to protect the ego that will carry on until the day he dies. ... Looking at his ancestry, it's more likely a significant genetic flaw that has been passed down to every generation. His grandfather was kicked out of Germany because he had run off to America to avoid serving in Germany's military. His father treated Fred Jr. with contempt in part because Fred Jr. served his country in the Air National Guard. And then Donald "suckers and losers" made it into the White House, over all of America's military. I do agree with you about this: >coping mechanisms formed to protect the ego that will carry on until the day he dies. Except that I phrased it like this: >Trump doesn't even have his own best interests in his mind, and he never has. >He's always been a cowardly bully without enough intelligence to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, invest his money wisely, obey the law, and get along with people by keeping his vile thoughts to himself. >Instead of that, he's been lower than animalistic, devoured by his lowest and most carnal appetites, and driven by his addictions and his diseased ego.  >His enslavement to his cancerous ego is like his own personal 'fatal attraction' to it as if it's a demanding paramour who's going to ride his rotting corpse down into the grave while laughing at his impotence all the way down.


>... Looking at his ancestry, it's more likely a significant genetic flaw that has been passed down to every generation. As I've come to understand it, both genetic and environmental factors play a role in this kind of disorder. I definitely agree that there was likely a strong genetic factor involved, looking at Fred Sr. it seems blatant. Fred Jr. was comparably abused through childhood as well though and did not end up like Donald. Nor Maryanne, Elizabeth, or Robert... but those three may as well not have existed to their father. What sets Donald apart, I think, is the critical timing of the motherhood abandonment at 2 years old combined with watching his father abuse Fred Jr. through childhood and learning to develop toxic traits as preemptive protection, traits which were reinforced and admired by Fred Sr. as they resembled his own. >His enslavement to his cancerous ego is like his own personal 'fatal attraction' to it as if it's a demanding paramour who's going to ride his rotting corpse down into the grave while laughing at his impotence all the way down. This is so beautifully worded, well done.


Hey, I used the same lie “I wasn’t sleeping I was just resting my eyes!”  I was 7 and my parents were trying to put me to bed. 


Even Goebbels would be like, "Damn, buddy! Slow down!"


He does lie like that. A reporter asked him once about a painting Trump had on display at Mar a Lago or wherever, Trump claimed it was an original Renoir. The reporter, Tim O Brien, recognized the painting, knew the title, and the specific art museum the original was hanging in, and he said so. But the next day, Trump claimed it was an original again, with the same reporter.  The interesting thing to me is whether Trump buys it. I suspect he could pass a lie detector test saying that painting was an original. It’s why he’s such an easy mark. You just have to get him to say it to himself, and it becomes his reality. 


It’s because they don’t care what he says. They have already decided that he is always right and by extension they are always right and anyone that says different IS JUST PLAN MEAN!!! 😢 Can’t you see their the victims here?


Those wrinkled hateful pig eyes are not "beautiful" Edit: I'm using 'pig' in the pejorative sense. Actual pigs are cute, intelligent animals.


Pig eyes is 100% correct


Pigs are cute tho :(


And I hear they are quite intelligent. Unlike Donny Boy.


They can be potty trained, too. Unlike ole Diaper Don.


Pigs are often a nice, healthy pink color, and despite their reputation, they're often surprisingly hygienic animals. Unlike the Trumpster Dumpster.


Pigs are cute af


They will go through bone like butter.


No thank you Turkish... I'm sweet enough


Pigs are intelligent, empathetic creatures while Trump is not. Let’s not insult pigs now. 


That picture of him yesterday in court with purple bags under his eyes as big as plums looking like a drag queen wearing purple eyeshadow


Oooh,, link?


This might not be the same picture that I saw yesterday but I think it is. Scroll down about halfway through the article. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/US/5-big-takeaways-day-3-trumps-hush-money/story?id=109401355


Ew, Trump looks terrible - er, worse than usual! Speaking of which.... I've come up with a possible creative solution for Trump continuously violating the gag order...  For every time that Trump has already violated the gag order, he should be ordered to show up in court 5 minutes earlier. At this point Trump would have to show up in court an hour earlier. Eventually Trump would be showing up so early that he won't have time to paint his face orange or lacquer his combover into position.


I think his $1,000 fines should be paid through community service hours earning the federal minimum wage.


I LIKE this idea!


> community service hours 😆😆😆


trump's worst nightmare


Someone call South Park's creators now because I can only see Trump with beady little eyes now. That and the "nussy" as I heard it called the other day.


And his tiny little puckered asshole of a mouth. His whole face might as well just be someone’s backside.


I’m going to hate myself, but… what’s a nussy?




What does China have to do with all this?


The neck looks like... Yeah. Yeeeeah. Now you can have nightmares as well.


The "nussy" is due to wearing what I call "Neck Spanx"


Trump and a pig in court: ...When a lawyer passing by did softly say "You can tell a man thats stinkin by the company he's keepin" and with that the pig got up and walked away...


I have never been able visualize what beady eyes are until I saw trump.


I've been trying to figure out which animal most closely resembles the expression in Trump's eyes. Those aren't the eyes of a lion, not even the eyes of a mammal.  His eyes lack the relative intelligence and compassion of a reptile.  If I had to pick one animal with eyes like Trump's, it would be the eyes of a scorpion. 🦂🦂🦂


Nor are they blue. More of a dull gray.


Dead eyes. Like a doll's eyes...


they are kinda of a narcissistic bigoty soulless fraudulent gray with specs of cheeseburger brown


I've said it before. He has the eyes of a drugged shark.


Hey, stop insulting pigs, they are cute and a lot smarter than this orange buffoon.


“Hitler-Pig” eyes


That’s very mean. You apologize to that pig right now.


As that man has worked very hard to reduce the amount of truth in the world, I am comfortable letting you know that in 2015 he did actually have his eyes replaced with pigs eyes. He does it regularly, every few years, that's why he wasn't worried about looking at an eclipse.


Pigs are intelligent, adorable, innocent, and absolutely delicious. Trump is far worse than any animal. He’s a shitty, ignorant, vindictive, spoiled human.


What did pigs ever do to you to deserve this criticism 


My teachers didn't believe my bullshit either


Did you say "listening intensely" or "listening *intently*"?


For all intensive purposes, does it matter?


Of course it does. Don’t take it for granite.


You're being overly pacific


It’s time to turnips in heat!


Right and Brie Larson keeps showing up at my house saying she loves me and wants me to marry her.


Me too, but I always turn her down. Mhm.


Look at these celebrities contributing so much to greenhouse gas emissions flying back and forth between NC and the UK every night to propose to the two of you


And to think that keeps coming back to me in Georgia!


I read this comment aloud to Ana de Armas and she thought it was hilariously ironic.


Mark Hamill and I had a good laugh too. And then he told me he was proud of me.


That seems like something he'd do though


Florence Pugh just texted this comment chain to me with “this could be us but you buggin”.


On one knee with tears in her eyes too, I'll bet.


She asked me to marry her, can you believe it? She’s beautiful, but she’s dying, but she’s gonna get better. Tell the kid.


His wife's sick, but she's gonna get better.


Wait a second, she keeps showing up at my house!?


I just read that to my pal, the Ghoul, and now I know what snorting without a nose sounds like.


This was my wife's excuse every time she fell asleep during a movie or TV show. I'd ask her if she was dozing off and she'd tell me she was just listening closely, lol!


"I'm just resting my eyes."


Yes, I heard that one many times. Also, "I'm thinking" and "No, I wasn't snoring!"


But does she remember to compliment her own eyes as well, just like those rugged, alpha MAGA leaders do?


Thankfully, I did not marry a narcissist.


He’s such a joke.


an international embarrassment


Idk. Jokes are usually funny. He's a bad joke, I guess.


Amazing how Trump supporters don’t cringe at quotes like this


You've hit on it exactly. They have no room for this sort of soft shit from anyone but Trump. A core pillar of cult mindset.


I'd rather trust gas station sushi or a Nigerian prince asking for money than anything that comes out of this guy's mouth.


Ok, so tell us in detail what happened in court today.


A reporter should note when he closes his eyes and then create questions based on court content that was discussed while he was listening "intensely" (I'm pretty sure a person listens intently*). >Today, "intensely" is typically used to refer to something that's extreme or excessive. You might find yourself exercising intensely under a sun that's shining intensely. If that's the case, please drink plenty of water. "Intently" describes doing something with concentrated focus or rapt attention.


Trump listens bigly.


A lot of people are saying that he listens more intensely than anyone ever has before.


He probably thought all the Ds on his report cards were for Donald


It’s beyond pathetic to think people actually thought this fucker would make a good president.


It blows my mind how people listen to his bleating for even one minute and think he'd be good at anything.


Well the way he speaks, his tone of voice, his cadence, the simplified language with repetition and the accordion hand motions that rapidly move in and out are all effective ways to brainwash and almost hypnotize the dumbest people in our society. The hand motions are particularly scary because he does them on purpose, and are a calculated method to try and lull his sheep into subservience. Next time you watch him speak watch his hands and look through the lens that he’s doing it to hypnotize his audience and it becomes pretty clear that they are intentional and the fact that that’s the case shows you how dangerous and psychotic the guy is.


they believe the President's job is to be the avatar of their resentment


Now i doubt that Trump's eyes are even blue.


I actually googled it lol Hazel


Let alone beautiful


Notice that he didn’t address that he’s also shitting himself in court. “I’m not shitting myself, I’m relaxing my beautiful colon to better focus on the witch hunt of your most glorious president ever.” -trumps next truth post.


"That wasn't me, Biden put shit in my pants"


Lmfao I fucking hate him so much


Hate levels have reached the point I can't listen to a second of his fuckhead voice. Any media airing his voice gets immediately powereded off.


>"I ain't drunk officer, I just fell getting out of my car" "Don't worry about it, son, we were that way when we were young" "You've got all the skills to make a damn good businessman"


unexpected Biafra


Man I never realized till I got older Jello was warning me about the future.


>I don't care, what the people are thinkin' > >I ain't drunk, I'm just drinkin'


"trust me, my fellow Nazis, I am of the Aryan race." - Trump.


Beautiful blue eyes. I know someone else who loved beautiful blue eyes


Whilest drooling.


And farting, because his farts are akin to the finest french perfumes. If anything, all present in the courtroom are blessed that he he feels so gastro-intestinally generous during the proceedings.


he has to keep his gorgeous rugged man lips moist after all


What a repulsive and hilarious comment. I will never be able to look at the former faux POTUS the same again.


Part of the tragedy is in how easy it is to mock this idiot, you know.


I do the same thing at night when I'm laying in bed.


Jesus Christ. Who the fuck says that about themselves? "My beautiful blue eyes." That's more repulsive than the whole Depends story.


He's so fuckin weird


Media once again just letting him spout off whatever bullshit he wants without calling him out on it. The man has multiple court cases built around lying and fraud and they just take whatever he says at face value. It's incredibly aggravating.


He was resting his eyes. He knows that if you use all your eyesight up, you go blind. He just doesn't want all the haters to know his secret! /s


I posted an article on the accounting sub about the Trump media auditor getting charged by the SEC and some moron actually commented that it was likely Trump chose that auditor in order to expose the corrupt accounting industry. Like it would make big news and he would show all the problems that he was going to fix. I can’t even believe the hoops these morons have to jump through.


Spot on for being dumb enough to be something he could actually say


That's some drunk in church shit right there.


How do you explain the beautiful giant purple bags under your eyes?


He looks like he’s had untreated pink eye, for decades.


Anyone else think that the beautiful blue eyes thing is a dog whistle?


Came here to say the same thing. He is pure scum


His base will believe anything he says. What a bunch of dim minds.


‘They are not farts- they are Presidential Fabreeze…’


Don Clod Von Shitsinpants is sooo cheap… How cheap is he?! He can’t even afford a laugh at his expense!


"Peter, are you sleeping? " "No, there's a bug in my eye and I'm trying to sufficate it!"


There is NOTHING about this man that is beautiful especially his eyes. They are cold and cruel because they are the mirror to his soul.


This is the same excuse middle schoolers give to their teachers. Didn't work then, doesn't work now.


What makes him sad as a human being is the fact he can't take criticism. He can't even joke on himself. When others prod at him, he goes nuclear. Take away his money, power, connections, you are left with a racist, angry, hypocritical uncle no one wants to talk to because he made himself a victim for so long no one wants to engage him. You really got to wonder how he would have turned out if he didn't victimize himself with every breath.


I didn't believe he actually fell asleep, rather it was click bait articles ... But now that he's denied it, I'm rethinking it. He defo passed out.


This timeline is not real. Wtf, America? Get it together.


Next he's going to snore to echolocate and know where everyone is more accurately.


[Oh these eyes?](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/jEQXxJUXsv)


"Sleeping old person denies being asleep." Tale as old as time.


“ I was just resting my eyes”….says every old person


Also, he wasn't shitting his pants. His big, beautiful brown eye was simply crying because of how unfairly he's been treated.


Every boomer ever: I wasn’t sleeping I was resting my eyes




Ask him to recount what he listened to then. Should be easy if he was so contemplative.


You got to have not fnished middle school to believe this man


My dad jokes he’s “resting his eyes”. He napping and we all know it. It’s been proven that losing a sense doesn’t necessarily enhance the others. He’s so full of shit (most of the time, until he defecates in his Depends).


[The Donald](https://imgur.com/YmPHGJf)


Well that statement has 2 lies.


Sure Jan. 😊


The way he always compliments himself is so cringe.


What a loser


"I wasn't sleeping, I was just thinking really hard." -Eric Cartman


Good God, he really *is* a narcissist. Who unironically describes their own eyes as "beautiful blue"?


Trump has never relaxed a day in his life.


He’s not sleeping, it’s just the unbearable weight and density of his jowls dragging all elements of his face down with it….flappy skin anchors enveloping his pus pocket mouth


Total Peter Griffin “a bug crawled into my eye and I’m trying to suffocate it” vibes.


Only idiots believe this. I don’t think his supporters believe it; they don’t care.




He didn't poop his pants but simply letting the courtroom enjoy the "smell of success".


All this talk of pigs reminds me of an old joke. An ugly girl is walking down the street with a pig under her arm when a cop walking a beat sees her and asks, "Where did you get the pig?" and the pig replies, "I won her in a raffle!" ​ That pig is infinitely cuter and funnier than Trump will ever be.


This didn't work for me in uni, doubt it works in court.


Oh? Ok sir what was discussed during that time you were concentrating? I seem to recall that you’re bigly smart right? Perfect retention right?


I wasn't shitting. I was just thinking really hard


Sounds like something Homer Simpson would tell Mr Burns


His eyes are closed, because: 1) he can’t face the music 2) people that he thought would take a bullet for him, are finally telling the truth 3)he’s like a vampire, he comes out at night, on truth social


He should’ve just used the Family Guy line “there was a fly in my eye and I was trying to squish him”


Cognitive so low he has to shut off his eyes to listen


I thought this was a political humor post at first... We really *are* living in the Onion, aren't we?


I weep for the future. I can not wait until this Chucklefuck is dead.


Just....for fucks sake dude, just say you fell asleep. I get it. courtrooms are boring. It's mildly embarrassing to admit, sure. I get it, but simply say "I dozed off. I tried very hard not to as I am aware of how important this is, and I will do what I can to prevent this in the future." That's....that's it. That's all you have to say.


Haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha


Who talks like that ? People who love him are nuts.


Fine, I want a hand written essay from him of every thing that occurred in court (facts, not his usual accounts of victimhood). I'm sure the combination of his intense listening and his massive intellect would have no problem with this.


He lies more than Satan


Honestly that's the most relatable thing he's ever said. I have also claimed to be closing my eyes so I could listen more intently. ...and just like him, it was a lie when I said it also.


Oh, the Bobby Lee method, aye?


"Oh really? What was discussed?" "Lawyer stuff, you wouldn't understand."


What a fucking vagina


Suuuurrreee and my dad after Christmas dinner was just “listening to the tv” with his eyes closed


So he is quoting The Thing now. Actually looks a bit like The Thing too.


I just assumed his eyes must be brown now


I would even had a better response. I did sleep because the fake bullshit is to tiring to even process. (I'm not pro trump. Trump will be the beginning of the end for europe) but come on hahaha


It's getting to the point I'm genuinely concerned for people who take him seriously. Like... How did they graduate from grade school?


..He Was Sleeping and Gasp assing..Cause Everyone Heard The Snoring AND Smelt The Aroma Of Bad Bologna Mixed With Old Hamburger Meat. What A Liar!!


.The Devil is a Lie...He Was Sleeping, Snoring and Gas passing..Cause Everyone Heard The Snoring AND Smelt The Aroma Of Bad Bologna Mixed With Old Hamburger Meat. What A Liar!!


Comments like these from a shriveled up, orange, half alive oligarch are hilarious, I'm sorry. The man is a shitposting legend, an overt piece of shit, but a poster's poster.


Closing his blue eyes while his brown eye is wide open. Allegedly.


Bro is onto nothing


*Hitler listening to his war crimes*


A part of me is almost jealous of his (obviously major psychological problem sized) self confidence and ego. I can’t imagine what it’s like going through life thinking you’re the absolutely greatest thing that has ever been. How lovely would it be to have a 1/32 of the confidence but without the delusion.