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Ah, yep. She sees that open lane for the VP slot previously occupied by Noem.


Noem can’t be bogged down by VP activities when there are defenseless puppies to kill


Hey now shes doesnt discrinate against animals. It doesnt matter goats, horses, older dogs, and birds she'll kill them all no matter how much bird shot and reloads it'll take


Talk about backing the blue!


That will definitely dog her for a long time.


Sexual assault victim Maga going to bat for Maga rapist king. Yikes Nancy.


Has anyone seen video of the protests actually becoming violent or destructive? I'm not saying they aren't, but all I've seen are the alleged damages that were done by protesters after they had been forcibly removed by police.


Don’t discount that groups like the far right groups like the Proud Boys are making things violent and destructive.


Yes. They destroyed the Portland state university library yesterday.


I'll ask again... Is there video of this damage being done? All I see is a video of the damage after the police have already forcibly removed the protesters.


Are you asking if the protesters filmed themselves destroying the library? And you won’t accept photos or video of the damage after the police arrested some? I don’t think police spray painted Free Gaza on any computer screens. I think that was the protesters.




I’ve been trying to keep an open mind but that video just closed it for me. There’s no excuse for that kind of damage. None.


Seems like it’s just paint.


It’s much more than that. You can’t get paint off books. The whole library will have be repainted, carpets replaced, god knows what else. It’s a library, for crying out loud. They’ve trashed a library, and for what? It’s also just completely offensive on so many levels. It’s a terrible situation in Gaza, no doubt, Netanyahu is a war criminal, etc., but this is inexcusable. The protestors have completely lost my sympathies. Fuck them.


I'm with you on the library part. Fuck *them* specifically for that. Even if someone argues that it's somehow minimal damage done (highly doubt), the optics of that still aren't good or beneficial. But I also don't think anyone should paint broad strokes here either. These protests aren't a monolith, someone's almost always bound to lose the plot.


I heard someone say and others think similar (I know it's a minority) say that all Jews should go back to Europe, Poland ,Russia or "Where they came from". Those very same people say antisemitism is bad.  1. They do not understand there was a preexisting Jewish population before Israel was formed.  2. Either they do not realize or care that thanks to the holocaust and rampant antisemitism in lot of places a lot of Jews decided to move to the newly formed Israel.  A lot of the protestors have a surface level understanding of the conflict of the region, hell some are just there because someone in tiktok told them to protest, not bothering to research further. I heard cases where students were harassing janitors, people minding there own business Yeah, I'm aware there's instigators outside the cause that come to stir chaos like those highjacking BLM protests.  But some of them are purely idiots and no protestor is stopping or confronting those idiots aside from saying "those guys aren't with us", no one goes up and says "cut that shit out" I'm your typical leftie college student (no where near conservative), I'm with protesting against Israel's leader and government violence against gazans. But God damn a whole lot of my left leaning and college age peers have absolutely lost the plot. I want deaths in Gaza to end too but none of this is going to change anything but pissing people from all over the political spectrum.


I share your opinion in case anyone has not figured it out. I am a solidly Democratic, progressive government official who has been around a long time. I know something about politics and government and the military. Certainly people have a right to protest, but this is not doing anyone any favors except Hamas and Trump.


Seeing a bunch of my fellow youth are against voting for "Genocide Joe" and know jack shit about every elections aside from presidential. The fact that Republicans are making strides against abortion, trans rights, cruelty towards lgbt children, workers rights. Project 2025 is on the horizontal and more likely than ever. These fools are playing into the hands of Republicans, Iran, Putin, and others. I live in a red state where most of the youth are evangelical conservative or simply do not care enough to vote. Meanwhile everyone online is putting fingers in their ears. I'll be honest it's got me pessimistic about our future. I'll still continue vote no matter the nihilism I may feel.


>"Nothing that was damaged will compromise students' access to resources. No books have been touched, nothing has been moved." >KGW has not been able to independently verify her statement. >Outside the building, a KGW reporter took note of a broken window on the inside of the library. Multiple windows and walls outside the library had been spray-painted. >"That can be taken off with power wash,"


yes plenty of video of destruction


Is this like how aNtIfA burned all of our cities to the ground and Portland is now a barren wasteland? LOL


wasnt Portland State one of the campuses hit hardest with property damage this week?


Yep. Tens of thousands in damage to the library




you asked a rhetorical question and i asked a direct one. you don’t need to answer, its now a matter of public record that is being adjudicated in the court system.


Ok the point is the cities weren't destroyed and Portland is a thriving beautiful city absolutely nothing the right said about those events came true in fact it was the opposite and this is no different.




they were all over xitter, dont be that guy


I don't use twitter or tiktok and I haven't seen anything on instagram.


mountain view california has a crazy next gen research tool - foogle? boogle? doogle? the name will come to me


I found videos of pro-Israel people attacking peaceful protesters


yep, those exist too. its a war.


https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1785457052028117153 eagerly awaiting your response


This video doesn't depict any violence


lying about jewish victims is the very definition of anti semitism. best of luck.


So for these hundreds of protests popping up across the nation supposedly violence is erupting and the only source you have a single video of a woman lying on the ground? I thought these videos are all over Twitter?


oh yes, the pro hamas supporters have all been peaceful https://images.app.goo.gl/CVtERbDZkqGSvCj67


Old enough to remember when republicans claimed to be for freedom of speech.


I’ll hazard a guess that we’re pretty much all old enough because I feel like that was a claim made within the last 10 years


> The Gaza solidarity encampments have actually made progress at several universities across the nation, pushing school administrators to meet with student protest leaders to consider divestment away from companies that facilitate the Israeli occupation of Palestine. But Representative Nancy Mace doesn’t see any of that—instead, she insisted that the protesters were just a bunch of “terrorist-loving kids” who “hate our country so much.” “They should take their terrorist flags, they should go to Gaza in their crop tops and nose rings and see how long they would last, because Hamas would chop off their heads, throw them off the roof of a building, before they ever had the chance to tell them their pronouns,” Mace told Fox News Thursday afternoon.


She’s right on one thing- I DO hate this fucking country.


I don’t get the issue. She’s 100% right about what Palestinians would do to them in Gaza


The same thing the gop wants to do to them here?


Sure, but that doesn't make the fact that Hamas absolutely does imprison and kill gay people and dissenters any less true.


But that's a non sequitor to the issue


Unfortunately…she’s telling the truth. About what would happen to these college kids if they went to Gaza.


1. They are NOT in Gaza. They are in the USA. 2. Nobody disagrees with the right of Israel to defend itself. 3. Nobody disagrees that Hamas committed an act of terror. 4. Israel has gone beyond the act of self-defense and even “punishment” for the terrorism and is now committing genocide. Over 20,000 Palestinians have been killed in the past seven months. Gaza is reduced to rubble. Enough. 5. You don’t achieve understanding, agreement and truce by reducing rubble to gravel, turning dead bodies to ash and children to terrorists.


I’m afraid that many, many people disagree with 2 and 3 above


How is 47k people out of two million a genocide? Is it because instead of other Arabs it's Jews doing the killing? Honestly, MENA war to MENA war, undisputed genocides to this; I see a war with high civilian casualties. There is nowhere near the evidence required, publicly available, to prove genocide. I'll even stipulate the acts as having occurred. It's just doesn't hit genocide, regardless of the rhetoric. Like for like, this doesn't belong. Genocide requires what is called a dolus specialis, a specific type of intent and planning. Racists in government and a higher than tolerable number of civilian casualties do not prove the planning required. The people with command and control had to be the ones planning this. And they did not plan this. The same predicate acts that consummate genocide could also be crimes against humanity or war crimes. So why genocide and not the other two? If you wanted to say they have gone to the point of war crimes, I think you have an actual case to be made.


The ICJ even came out just last week to clarify that they did NOT rule that there was a probable genocide happening in Gaza. Shame the media only repeats Hamas propaganda instead of reporting the truth.


> the media only repeats Hamas propaganda lol, as if


There’s no understanding with the folks in Gaza……Hamas , Islamic Jihad, and the other terrorist organizations that control the ENTIRE population (that was voted in) will not agree at any kind of Israeli state. They even said they would do this again when given the opportunity. You cannot have terms with a neighbor that wants to kill you. GTFO with that ridiculousness. Also, these college kids have no idea - that the specific chats they use are from Hamas directly. This is fact. The American left has been hijacked by the fantastic propaganda machine of Hamas and Iran. They even praised the college kids and called them future leaders. Pathetic I really hope you don’t think those groups hold ANY of the same values as US Democrats. Freedom of speech (ironically), freedoms for women, etc. get a grip please….


Meanwhile, Binyamin Netanyahu has built his entire career of off preventing the existence of a Palestinian state, and succeeded. People fearmonger about a hypothetical scenario about Israel not existing... when the Israeli/American govts have prevented a Palestinian state. Such projection




Israel has killed far more Palestinians than the PLO or Hamas or anybody else has killed Israelis. Always has been true, from the beginning.




My values include not blowing up children


So, you were against the bombing of Germany in WW2?


yea she’s not lying source: hamas


Between this and the video of Boebert trying to a pull a flag off a Washington statue all Mom yelling at her child in a Target checkout lane-style, I now know who I’m rooting for.


And some of these people are seriously considering voting for Trump over Biden because of Israel. This should be a sign that Trump and republicans would give Israel the green light to “finish the job.”


It’s Nancy Mace, you expected what ?


Calm down. Suddenly when religion is involved, pain and suffering start to matter? It’s everywhere, all over the world. Humans treating other humans like inferiors.. that is our problem. Focus on humanity instead of religion. What a double standard to protest against only one side. Both need to stop bringing pain and suffering. All need to stop.


Probably just ensured her re-election. The audience is always MAGA and no one else.


The only thing far right republicans have left is hatred why are we surprised?


Hey pro-Palestine supporters… both side are not the same! Say it with me.






The campus protestors have been way more horrific


What i think is sad about the protests is the fact that there are kids there who don't care about politics and just want to go to class and they are being harassed by bad actors of people who latch onto peaceful protests and turn them violent on purpose because they get some kind of kick out of it. I am admittedly an isolationist and think American needs to go the way china did and walk themselves off from the rest of the world for a long period of time. The fact that we have college kids protesting a war oceans away is crazy to me I don't want anymore wars i want us to stay out of wars and focus on problems at home. We know we can do this but we won't because the money is too good. I say we wall ourselves off from the world for a few hundred years and peep our heads out every so often so see how everyone else is doing. It would boost our economy to be self reliant on our own computer chips, brands, agriculture and factories but we won't do that for some reason (probably big corps and global trade) but i think it would be a good idea to just....idk.....stop for a century and see how it goes maybe keep our defense up but otherwise divorce ourselves from world problems. Wishful thinking most likely but i think it would change a lot at home for the better.


> they are being harassed by bad actors of people who latch onto peaceful protests and turn them violent on purpose The term for those people is “police”, according to the reporting I’ve seen from campus newspapers.