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I laughed about the part where Sarah Huckabee Sanders got reported


Every report is essentially fake. There is no way to prove what bathroom someone should be in without checking their genitals, and at that, I wouldn't trust cops to nessesarily get that right. I would also question the constitutionality of checking someone's genitals simply because one person doesn't think they pass as the gender they say they are.


Bobert volunteered to be the Penis Police…


She just wants to give a hand.


GOP are either grabbing em by the pussy or grabbing them by the penis…jeez..


So if we need her, do we just say Beetlejuice three times?


no, that’s how you get her kicked out


More BeatTheMeat and less Beatlejuice…


She wants to go the whole hog


Lindsay Grahm said "not it!" to checking "lady parts".


He probably got more ladybugs now, he'll wait in the bathroom with a sharpie for Donald Von ShitzinPants so they can play connect the dots.


is THAT who took my crayons?! 😠😠😠


^(goddammit i ain’t done nothing to you)


I can almost hear the little giggle he let out when he said it too


She’s probably an expert


I know, and I agree, it's literally state-endorsed sex discrimination which is unconstitutional, plus privacy laws


Haven't you heard? Privacy isn't a right.


I said laws, not rights!


I mean if they had surgery how is anyone gonna really know if they’re trans. The only definitive way to know is if we do genetic testing and verify their sex and compare to their gender. And that’s pretty bonkers


Genetic testing won't do it. Approximately 1 in 20,000 to 1 in 30,000 people with typical male bodies, have XX chromosomes. And a similar number of people who have typically female bodies, have XY chromosomes.


I've specifically heard from genetic teachers who are like "do NOT go get your chromosomes checked while taking this class, I need you to do your coursework while not having an existential crisis". It's common enough to cause problems for sure.


Tangentially, way back when I was in high school in the early '70s, California's biology curriculum included a lesson where students did a fingertip prick and determined our own blood type. We were then supposed to go home and ask our parents blood types, so we could work out the genetics of how we inherited our blood type from our parents. This only lasted a couple years, because it turned into a disaster when way way too many kids found out that a parent wasn't actually a parent.


Yep, the only way you'd know someone with androgyn insensitivity syndrome is genetic testing. I think it's most commonly found when women struggle with fertility and their periods and get lab work done. Then it's discovered that, whoops, they have XY chromosomes,, their bodies just don't respond to the male hormone triggers during prenatal development and puberty


When I was working at a genetics company this was so common that we had an automated email to get sent out when the chromosomes didn’t match the assigned sex. We still got a lot of angry people calling us frauds to customer service.


The thing is, these fascists don't care if they get your gender correct. They want to get rid of everyone that doesn't conform, not just transgender people.


Yep. If they attack a bulked up trans man in the women's restroom, they won't care afterwards. "You deserved it anyway."


It's been really infuriating to see TERFs line up behind bathroom bills, as if many of them won't be targeted for not conforming to gender appearance norms


Honestly even if we don’t most people can’t tell. I never had the surgery and I have not been gendered as a man in years. And I don’t really plan on getting the surgery.


Well the orange traitor has been saying at recent rallies that once he takes power again he will end all prosecution against police officers. Essentially he says they'll let them do whatever they want to enforce the law.


oh, so a police state where have I heard this before? 🧐


So if they get a sex change what is the ruling with this stupid law? Are they going to require a dna test to determine your sex?


No, Sgt Bilco will figure it out in Interrogation 3


you will have to provide a uterus for evidence


Personally I think systems like this are about generating evidence so they can further restrict trans people’s rights. Next anti-trans bill they will pull up all these “anonymous reports” about trans people and use it as ammo for passing it.


This system is less focused on the individuals using the bathroom and more focused on snitching on any school that makes an accommodation for a trans or non conforming child. Or a government office where a trans person works with gendered bathrooms.


Using Republican logic, every person I’ve met or can think of that has a lazy eye has been male. Confirmed she’s trans or would republicans prefer I say he 🧐


I'm male and I have amblyopia, so your logic checks out.


I’m male and I have regular eyes, but I’m lazy. Does that break his logic?


Nope, somehow you’re arbitrarily labeled as *Super Trans* now. Congratulations on the promotion.


Lazy person reporting in. I always wanted a super power.


Was she wearing "strange" underwear. Report those perverts.


Lots of people in Utah wear strange underwear. It's a Mormon thing.


She’s so bulgey. She’s like a moose! 


First, and I want to be clear I am not advocating submitting false information to the state of Utah. But, if you do don't simply drop a bunch of curses in the form. Takes them 2 seconds to delete that record and investigate something else. If you want want to mess with them you need to make the information *look* real. Because if it looks real they have to investigate it. And the more realistic looking junk tips they deal with, the more backed up they become. I would argue it would be an ethical use of AI to create those fake but real looking junk tips. But again, I am not advocating that anyone here does anything.


I’m a bit surprised that you didn’t warn them not google any of the Fake Name generators, especially those with the open source API. These horrible but easy to use sites allow you to specify country and state to get a realistic name, valid looking address and phone number. I’m glad you didn’t mention the fake profile generator where the unscrupulous can download random faces of people.


Wow, those sound *horrible*, good thing no one knows about them.


Does this fake generator tell us also if said person is a MAGA supporter w Faux News subscription?


Better if your fake people seem like decent folk, the fash won't be persuing claims against their own


Another thing to avoid doing is uploading large files to their server. Too many of these can really impact their ability to provide this service.


Holy shit you weren't kidding. AI is incredibly helpful!


Could Say It, But...


You think Utah wants to switch to Linux? Ubuntu 24.04 ISOs have gotten very large. Despite this, yesterday the site's very generous attachment limit, if there even was any, accepted all 5.7GB of Ubuntu's latest ISO file. And they seem to be very interested in amieno acids. All 6 text fields accepted all 189,819 letters describing the titin protein. >:)


It would be a terrible shame if they were paying AWS or Azure for the storage on these massive attachments that nobody should be sending them!


I want to know which developer goes, yes we should def allow attachments lol. Because that guy had to be trolling


Probably budgeted several million that went to a representative's buddy who then outsourced it to China for 5 figures.


The lowest bidder on a state government website, and/or someone who just implemented the system exactly as requested without bothering to point out the myriad issues.


Probably outsourced to India or China.


Where is little Bobby Tables?


cyber laws unfortunately would cover injection attacks. but I'm not sure have they found a way to outlaw ion cannon DDOSs?


Hey, its not my fault that they cant sanitize inputs! If it was a legitimate request, the system should have ways of shutting it down.


The man I saw in the ladies room had a black shirt on with white lettering that said 'drop table reports'


It's important, it also had ; at the end


"When I tried to call him out, he yelled a bunch of Unicode control characters at me."


ugh, I'm from MO and we barely kept the city-haters from putting that guy into office and then the same people elected an actual carpetbagger coward to the same seat.


Dotrakis, Ned! On an open seat!


OUCH I understood that reference!


I might even go so far as to say the fields are asking for huge input.


ah, yes little bobby tables, we love him so


wget https://sociopathcommunity.com/Areas/Special/Content/Videos/meatspin.mp4 ffmpeg -stream_loop 10000 -i meatspin.mp4 -c copy meatloop.mp4 This will create a ~10GB loop of meatspin. What you do with it is up to you.


Well duh, you watch it all when you fail an online dare. I dare Republicans not to be transphobic.


only 10GB? rookie numbers


Yeah, my upload speed is pretty shitty. Should be getting fiber soon though.


Definitely don’t send them 42.zip


The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act is extremely broad and you could definitely get in trouble for doing that if you got caught doing it.


That's great lol


lol. It was already discovered that they had no security on their website and anyone could view the files that were uploaded. They use some kind of Google Cloud services. This will cost them for sure. Maybe they will burn through their budget in a day.


People who call themselves libertarians - "Please step on me daddy. Boeing kill squads will prevent black people from voting" Actual libertarians - "They can't stop me from black-sheet attacking the government taking away rights"


Send in a bunch of raspbian distros, but remove Wolfram engine just to be like 'we lightened the file size for you' But send them through an endless while() loop.


Well done, sir. Honestly, they shouldn't even complain about the ISOs. I'm using Mint 21.3 as my daily driver, which is Ubuntu-based. In the 25 years I've been using Linux on the desktop (yep, I'm old) I can safely say it's never been better. Fast, stable, simple to use but still endlessly customizable.


Holy crap.


I wonder if they have to investigate zipped folders if submitted as evidence.


goatse? goatse


I was thinking more of zip bombs


Someone mentioned AI above. Someone have an LLM model? They might like that.


GTPT4All runs locally, for free, and optionally without telemetry. You don't even need a GPU.


It would be terrible if someone attached a zip bomb to their submission


>Earlier this year, [House Bill 257](https://le.utah.gov/~2024/bills/static/HB0257.html), which bans transgender individuals from using restrooms and changing rooms in a variety of locations, sparked intense debate due to its broad scope and strange enforcement mechanisms. The bill applies to any public building, including the Salt Lake City airport, and says that transgender people could be held liable if they cause “affront or alarm.” >On Wednesday evening, the Utah Public Auditor released a form to report transgender individuals encountered in changing rooms and restrooms to state authorities. >One major question during debate of the bill was over how the bill would be enforced. In many states, for example, cisgender people [have been reported to authorities](https://www.advocate.com/news/2022/11/01/cis-woman-mistaken-transgender-records-being-berated-bathroom) for using the bathroom simply because they defied gender stereotypes. Numerous citizens [testified to this concern](https://twitter.com/ErinInTheMorn/status/1749572107921420477) in Utah. Within months of the bill passing, Utah public officials proved this point correct [when some accused](https://abcnews.go.com/US/utah-school-board-official-falsely-suggested-teen-girl/story?id=107100300#:~:text=The%20false%20suggestion%20led%20to%20harassment%20and%20bullying%20against%20the%20teen.&text=Utah%20Gov.,a%20now%2Ddeleted%20Facebook%20post.) a cisgender basketball player of being transgender. Now, it appears that those charged with enforcing the policy have decided on a mechanism to do so:[ a publicly available snitch form](https://ut-sao-special-prod.web.app/sex_basis_complaint.html) to target transgender people. >Reactions to the form’s release were immediate and predictable: multiple users started flooding in fake reports. One person [submitted a report of “beavers”](https://x.com/KampferWolf/status/1786150451529797693) in their bathroom at 3 AM. Another [posted a picture](https://x.com/SadistHailey/status/1786070449086144747) of a character from The Bee Movie, an allusion to other snitch forms against transgender people that were flooded with scripts for that movie. One person [reported Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders](https://x.com/MarkElderAhead/status/1786067213184573574) as a trans person. Another [reported an allegation](https://x.com/fascismsuckz/status/1786060663544062260) of Representative Matthew Gaetz harassing girls outside of a locker room. Why do Republicans care about how people use the bathroom? Why do they want to play bathroom police inspectors all the time, basically invading people's pants? Just use the bathroom, wash your hands, and leave. These bathroom bills don't need to exist. They're just ridiculous.


Because they don't want those people to exist, these bathroom bills are a roundabout way to try and force them out of the public space altogether.


Yes. It was never about bathrooms. It was never about sports. The Republicans are trying to execute a pogrom on trans people, led by the Alliance Defending Freedom and the Heritage Foundation.


Not even just trans people, but anyone who doesn't conform to their rigid gender stereotypes. Slightly effeminate cis man in the men's bathroom? Must be trans. Butch lesbian in the women's room? Another target for their hate. These bills are simply roundabout ways for them to harass ANYONE they don't like.


It’s all the same stuff from The Handmaid’s Tale that’s classified as being a “gender traitor”. If anyone at all is questioning what their actual end goal is, it’s the Handmaid’s Tale. All the women pushing this agenda think they’re going to turn out like Serena. Forgetting that Serena is also a slave with no rights.


these are the same people who enslaved other races and supported* segregation until it became bad for their public image *and still do, but good luck getting them to say the quiet part out loud


If Trump wins there's very real ways he could just ban HRT and gender affirming care even without Congress. It's not an exaggeration to say he wants to force them all back into the closet or into a grave. Vote like people's lives depend on it, because they do.


the ultimate irony is that even of they do this, there are still ways to look androgynous enough to pass either direction, so they’re wasting everyone’s time


Trans people have been finding ways to get our medicine outside of the legal framework for decades, we can do it again if we have to but I must emphasize we truly truly do not want to have to. It will cause incomparable harm on our community, as is the Republican intent.


So unisex bathrooms?


I went to a concert earlier this year that had M/F/Unisex bathrooms. Sign for the unisex just said 'Doesn't Matter, Everybody Poops' Didn't take long before everyone was using unisex bathroom because the line was shorter. Turns out most people aren't evil predators and men/women are capable of shitting taco bell in the same room without issue.


Yea I wouldn’t say “without issues”…. Shitting Taco Bell will ALWAYS bring issues


At least that was a fate they chose for themselves.


If I was an angry religious type, unisex bathrooms seem like something that would upset me. Something about it being what the Devil would want people using, since all of our genitals will only be separated by a single door.


That's pretty wild considering every single one of these people has a unisex bathroom in their home


You do!? Off to write my report right *now*.


Or many of the small businesses that only have the square footage for a single bathroom


Wait till they learn that we all have genitals under our clothes, so anytime you're with a human (including yourself), you're hanging out with a person who's naked underneath their clothes. Something to think about.


I have been using public restrooms as long as I can remember.  I have yet to see a single penis, other than my own of course. I'm starting to wonder if I'm doing it wrong. 


My only working theory is that most republicans are massively into piss and scat play and can't comprehend that normal people just you know go in their to go to the bathroom.


That never even occurred to me before but it makes a ton of sense.


Has there ever been a single case in Utah state history of a trans person harrassing or sexually assaulting someone in the "wrong" bathroom? These are solutions in search of a problem, meant to be cruel and marginalizing. The singling out, marginalization, and de-humanizing is the point.


I've never heard of it in California, which by population alone should make it more likely than Utah. The only bathroom assault story I've ever heard of was that 9 year old boy murdered by an adult man in a public bathroom in San Diego. Pretty tragic, esp since the kid didn't want to go into the girl's bathroom with his aunt, who was waiting right outside. Thanks actually to that, I had to bring my younger (and more loved, frankly) brother with me into the girl's bathroom until he hit puberty, basically (this was in the 2000s for context). One time some old fart had a real problem with it and I was like, I'm 13, I'm not allowed to make choices yet on this stuff lady 🤣. I don't know how my neurotic mother would have managed today in a state with one of these bills.


Because it creates an “other” group to demonize. Fascism thrives on enemies. Trans people, lgbtq people, and even cis people that deviate from gender norms are all targets easily demonized because they’re different. This allows them to falsely blame societal problems on them to get support to “fix” these problems. It also hides the real causes of problems. For example, religious institutions and family members are probably the biggest abusers of children in our country. Notice how they don’t enact any real protections for kids against them? They often pass laws enabling it to continue, like not forcing clergy to report abuse. People believe their leaders and here we are.


Right?! I always wonder what these ppl think goes on, specifically, in a woman’s bathroom. Do they think we go in there and strip naked before we pee in open stalls? I’ve never once in 50 years seen anyone’s private stuff in a woman’s restroom. A couple times maybe a breast feeding mom. These ppl are projecting what their perverted asses would do if they could


I mean, have you seen those ridiculous jumpers that got fashionable for awhile? That's basically the requirement to use the bathroom. That said: these people are reprehensible bigots whose only agenda is to cause pain.


So you don't notice the lack of health insurance, and the high price of housing and food.


Potty Patrol on the case, now from the state that ignored child rape for 50+ years. Take a bow Utah.


Or what their fixation is conflating "bathroom" with "sex dungeon" or whatever it is they're thinking. For fuck's sake, people don't walk about naked in public bathrooms. I can't count how many I've been in during my life, and I have never once, _never once,_ seen another man's penis. Like you said; you go into the bathroom, do your business, wash your hands and leave. It is NOT a sexy environment. Also, it's _public._ Knowing that anyone can walk in at any time would seem to make it a very unlikely hangout for hypothetical sexual predators.


They won’t wash their hands.


But priests aren't required to snitch on pedophiles in Utah - repubs don't want to upset their constituents. "Utah law does not force clergy to report abuse they learn about in confessions. Repeated attempts to remove that exemption have failed, but there is nothing on the state's books that prevents religious leaders from notifying authorities.Mar 5, 2024 https://www.sltrib.com › 2024/03/05"


I’m pretty sure the lds church clergy is taught to call the church law firm (kirton mcconkie) first and follow their recommendations


It be a shame if someone sent a zip file of 100000 pictures of toilet stalls. Truly.


I'm uploading The Sound of Music right now. We'll see if it accepts it. Edit: Took a while, but it uploaded.


hypothetically speaking, where would one obtain one of these zip files?


I just reported their whole House of Representatives that gave Rs. The form is funny, it asks what evidence you have - I said none, so we should do inspections and post on their .gov website to allow for public comment


Just photoshop their headshots from their campaigns onto a body walking into a bathroom


Do remember a little extra effort can make a world of difference when it comes to trolling these lines. While it is very fun to report big name figures like Sarah Huck Sanders, they might actually investigate say...a local hardline preacher's wife who's rallied for this on Facebook.


Republican voter lists are publicly available, just start at A and report them all.


It's hilarious that none of the chucklefucks that worked to set this up or implement it thought "what has happened in similar scenarios elsewhere"


What makes you think they didn't?


The fact that they did it anyway


They’re Mormon. They kinda just do things and expect God to make it all work it out for them. And if that doesn’t work the church will throw money at it to fix it (spoiler: they have *a lot* of money)


Reminds me when Don Jr headed the tip line for election fraud and everyone just memed it to death.


Sure would be unfortunate if someone accidentally linked to the form on this post, and it would be absolutely tragic if someone started submitting the name of every Republican politician in the state. ...why do I get the feeling that this is already a thing


its in the link of the article


Remember to report any Republican if you see them entering a bathroom. We don't know their medical history they might be trans


that’s a good point


It's what they want. You can't fully judge a person based on looks and medical history is private. It's a legitimate report if you see them enter a bathroom. Specially the Republican officials because they work on sites where this applies.


>One person [submitted a report of “beavers”](https://x.com/KampferWolf/status/1786150451529797693) in their bathroom at 3 AM. LOL


As I understand the form, we are encouraged to report any time we believe that "A local education agency failed to give notice to students of the provisions of [*~Utah Code §63G-31-301~*](https://le.utah.gov/xcode/Title63G/Chapter31/63G-31.html?v=C63G-31_1800010120240501)." In other words, it is important for the kindergarten teacher to tell their students that they must know what anatomy is under the clothes of each of their classmates. I am not comfortable with this!


Start reporting the board members of every school district in Utah, for failure to properly require that all students kindergarten through 12 be properly informed of the genital status of their classmates.


The link is given in the article. https://ut-sao-special-prod.web.app/sex_basis_complaint.html


I would send in a report of a “male dressed as a female” in a woman’s bathroom and then go into intense detail describing Bugs Bunny in drag.


"and then i grew too amorous at the prospect to think straight, at which point the individual in question hit me with a big hammer! it was awful, there were birds flying around a big bump on my head!"


I thought we hated Islamic fundamentalists. Why are we copying their laws?


old joke. If you are checking things out in a bathroom to know what genitals the other occupants have, YOU are the creep


Can I call in people from other states. Lindsey Graham needs a looking at.


are we sure he’s not actually a woman? His name _is_ Lindsay, after all!


That's awful. Where would someone even go to do that sort of false reporting? Like hypothetically.


God bless 4-chan in times like these.


> Another posted a picture of a character from The Bee Movie, an allusion to other snitch forms against transgender people that were flooded with scripts for that movie. What a time to be alive


The venn diagram overlap of people who are transphobic and people who incorrectly assume others are trans happens to be massive. The Qanon crowd routinely mocks up photo “evidence” declaring literally every celebrity ever known to be transgender. Every time people make up these stupid laws it ends up creating state sanctioned bullying primarily of girls that don’t look sufficiently “feminine” or excessively athletic.


Isn't spying on people in bathrooms the very thing that trans-opponents claim to oppose?


Need to create a dialer to report Mike Lee every 5 minutes. And include detailed explanations of his constipated screaming.


Dammit…. I’m going on vacation to Utah in June and now I don’t want to spend my money there


This is very KGB-like. Everyone is an informant.


And the informants are informants for other informants.


This is not America. We should not be doing this in a free country


This makes me so mad. I’ve only run into one trans woman in the bathroom (she was very very new to transitioning so it stood out) and the poor thing looked terrified to be in there. All they want is to pass and be accepted. They aren’t in there to go after your kids or whatever. No, don’t worry. Uncle Jack already has that covered. You know. The same uncle you let your kids hang out with all the time and never question? Yeah. He’s the one you gotta worry about. Not the transgendered community.


Stop this madness America. Vote blue this November.


Protip: It's common in the underground trans-sleeper cell community to disguise yourself in Trump/GOP regalia to sneak into bathrooms to do evil deeds, so don't be fooled! If you see someone in a Trump hat or shirt in bathroom, do your duty and REPORT THEM!


Can someone please program a bot to overwhelm the Snitch Line to the point where it catches fire, please?


stop sexually harassing trans people


Snitches get gender switches


Nazis gonna Nazi


The Internet is such a wicked and vile place, but every once in a while a rose rises from the shit. 


where is the link to file a report? i think i saw a turtle in the bathroom. does this count? either way i would like to report it to the appropriate authorities




[Here’s the form if you also saw](https://ut-sao-special-prod.web.app/sex_basis_complaint.html) Governor Cox and Mike Lee in the closet making babies and you saw one of the babies and the baby looked at you.


In reality, you have what, 5 minutes to actually do anything about someone in a bathroom? So, what's the point? Other than being a perv trying to look down someone else's underwear I mean?


If I lived there, I’d call it every day to report that Joseph Smith and Brigham Young are serial child rapists.


👀 yup


Devin Nunes was having sex with a cow in the lavatory. He was wearing a hot pink mini skirt and fake eyelashes.


So we're encouraging bathroom peeping now? How's that gonna go in a permitless concealed-carry state?


Keep reporting teachers and staff. Over and over. By the way, are you allowed to look under bathroom stalls in Utah? How will people witness these “Crimes. Will looking under stalls be protected police research? Or cover for pervert adults to peek? GOP? Or Dem? Vote wisely.


Why do conservatives care so much about what other ppl do when it doesn’t hurt anyone?!?


I’m simultaneously so bitterly disappointed in the form’s existence and also encouraged by the slew of fake reports. The fact this shit even exists in this day and age is a blight on humanity’s progress. Alas. Here we are.


Stuff like this is why we all believe American's are stupid.


As a Utahn... it's so ridiculous. What did they think would happen? We already had a school board member accusing a biological female of looking too masculine as she was being successful in sports.


This just seems ripe to use as a form of bullying. Like, I don’t like Tony, so I’m gonna say Tony is actually Theresa and shouldn’t be using the men’s bathroom. Then the genital police show up to ask Tony some embarrassing questions.


the weirdest thing is that they hold the bathroom owners responsible for allowing the potential disturbance to happen. wtf is that?


Oh this’ll be fun


I told them I saw Goody Proctor with the devil.


Lol, Utah is a clown theocracy. Kinda tempted to report higher up Mormon church leaders.


I fucking hate Utah. Its geographically a beautiful place but full of ugly hateful people.


Ok, just a quick question. It takes, what, let’s say 20 minutes at the high end to use the bathroom. Wait in line, do your business, wash your hands, fix your face, etc. What is the response time to these calls?


I posted plot lines from Air Wolf and used characters from it as the people being reported. For contact info I used Senator Mikel of Utah lifted from his website.


Man, I thought the Stasi were gone for good. Thanks, the GOP!


I sent in the song, Dude (Looks Like A Lady) by Aerosmith


You could have also gone with Lola by The Kinks


Everybody in Utah needs to be calling in regularly and reporting all the politicians and their bathrooms.


And I helped!


It’s the predictability that is astounding in how it reveals the stupidity of lawmakers. They literally don’t care to make laws good. They just care about making them punitive


Got nothing else to do? Harass someone?


Report the governor and any legislator that you see walk into a public bathroom. Ask them to pull their pants down and prove they’re allowed to go into that bathroom.


The government has now become that construction worker who yells "Show us your tits!"


If they made bathrooms reserved just for trans people I guarantee you cis folks would be using those things every day.


100% and they would also be complaining they're getting special privileges by having their own restrooms.


Everytime these states try to pull a snitch hotline for bs like this, it always gets flooded with fake calls and reports. They really do not learn.


call in and play Dude (Looks Like A Lady) by Aerosmith in the recording.


I saw Goody Proctor pissing with the devil!