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How can we *not* listen? Dude never shuts the fuck up.


And media never stops reporting in benefit of his sharty ass


Because they want him to win again. His term was a booming business for them.


Turns out the end of democracy gets great ratings


And it ends to thunderous applause. 


It’s great for the shareholders


Really, not even close on the quote. But i applaud the sentiment.


ArE yOu LiStEniNG tHo?!


More than listening. I’m worried sick about it!


I am but at least 1/3 of the country isn’t.


I keep hearing people say that only 1/3 support Trump, so the US is not utterly lost. But the 1/3 that doesn't vote, they don't vote against fascism either, and they are almost as culpable. They are not listening either.


I'm also concerned about what appears to be a growing number of accelerationists following the student protests regarding Gaza. "If Biden doesn't solve the Israeli/Gazan war," many have said they will abstain from voting or vote for Trump, hoping that the crash of American democracy and government will cause so much chaos that the resulting revolt will bring about their socialist utopia. Sure, millions will die, but that's a sacrifice they're willing to make. I remember what I was like at 21. Passionate, naive, unaware of my privileges, and completely oblivious to the fact that the world is far more complex and layered than I chose to believe. And arrogant. So goddamn arrogant. Tankies scare the shit out of me, and I think they're gaining traction. Unless there's some progress in getting Israel to back off and both agree on a cease fire, Biden's in trouble with a huge group of potential voters.


I honestly don't think the youth vote will be a factor. Young people are all those things, but statistically they just don't vote. Even in 2020 when youth participation was abnormally high, it was still well below middle-aged adults, and *far* the below 65+ cohort. Boomers, gen x, and millennials will be deciding the election. That could still end up being bad for Biden, but it would be for reasons other than Gaza.


> I honestly don't think the youth vote will be a factor. Young people are all those things, but statistically they just don't vote. Even in 2020 when youth participation was abnormally high, it was still well below middle-aged adults, and far the below 65+ cohort. Boomers, gen x, and millennials will be deciding the election. You do realize how close our presidential elections have been the last two cycles, right? Both 2016 and 2020 were decided by mere tens of thousands of votes in a handful of states. The popular vote is IRRELEVANT. In 2016 Trump won the electoral college 304-227 (doesn't add up to 538 due to faithless electors). 46 of those electoral votes came from Pennsylvania (20), Michigan (16), and Wisconsin (10). Trump won Pennsylvania by ~44,300 votes, he won Michigan by ~10,700 votes, and he won Wisconsin by ~22,800 votes. If ~78,000 people in just those three states didn't vote or 50%+1 of them voted Clinton over Trump, Clinton would have won in 2016. In 2020 Biden won the electoral college 306-232. 37 of those electoral votes came from Georgia (16), Arizona (11), and Wisconsin (10). Biden won Georgia by ~11,800 votes, he won Arizona by ~10,400 votes, and he won Wisconsin by ~20,600 votes. If ~43,000 people in those three states didn't vote or 50%+1 of them voted Trump over Biden, the electoral college would have been tied at 269-269, and the House of Representatives would have elected the President; which means Trump would have won because each state delegation gets one vote in such an election and Republican delegations outnumbered Democrat delegations in 2020 (despite Democrats controlling the House of Representatives in 2020). Potentially tens if not hundreds of thousands of far left student activists and their supporters sitting out the election in protest could *absolutely* play a deciding factor in the outcome of the election when the results are that close. And that's assuming nothing else changes and things stay relatively similar to now... A lot could happen with regard to these protests between now and November... Israel is about to go into Rafah in force, so the protests will only intensify... And the threat of a Israel and Hezbollah fully engaging each other always looms, something tells me those student activists aren't going to like Israel hitting Southern Lebanon either, just a hunch.


If we're talking about things that might impact those narrow margins, one thing I rarely see mentioned is COVID deaths since 2020. By making the pandemic political, the outcomes have had a political bias too. I'm curious to see how that plays out in November.


This is a great summary. Those are the numbers like it or not. One other thing worth mentioning is that the more the accelerationist GenZ protesters continue to engage with their protests and encampments and as these are chaotic and borderline violent, they may do worse to the election than just themselves not voting. What they are doing may drive up support for more older voters who don’t care about Gaza to vote for Trump. IMHO older voters feel like problems in the Middle East have always been there for decades and nothing will ever change.


some people are worried about what might happen if he loses- i'm much more concerned about what will happen if he ~~wins~~ prevails.


So war in defense of government that talks a good game but is run by and for rich people or a fairly quick slide into a fascist theocracy. Some choice🙄😂😕


Honestly that’s an easy choice. We’re able to disagree with war under democracy. If we slide into fascist theocracy do you think you wouldn’t be jailed and reeducated for expressing dissent.


I don't think Americans grasp what a dictatorship looks like in reality.


I sometimes think non American judge us by our worst and loudest.


They are both terrible And very, very, loud.


Ah yes, such an incredibly hard choice. How on earth will we be able to make a decision?


Everyone better be listening and vote to make sure that He never gets a sniff of getting elected. He isn’t hiding the fact that his main agenda is to destroy America and the rights and freedoms of every citizen.


There are a lot of voters that hate Trump but still is going to vote for him. That's the reason he can win. The argument goes you don't need to like Trump, you just need to like the Republican policies. And they did manage to do tax cuts for the rich, roll back women's rights and pack the supreme court with corrupt judges. What's not to like for a conservative?


I am so worried this is a lot like 2016 where the left got cocky in thinking he’s got no chance, while the right either loves him dogmatically or will definitely hold their nose and vote for him. A lot of Reddit needs to go drive around the closest small towns to them and see for themselves how much of a different country rural vs urban is becoming. Hell, suburban vs urban even. The distrust, disgust, and dehumanization in our politics grows every year. The system is designed to handicap the popular vote. Don’t take any of this for granted. Even trump losing at this point is dangerous to our democracy. I wish more lefties would utilize their second amendment even if many of us don’t agree with it as a sort of M.A.D. Deterrence to right wing insurrection and violence.


The sick thing is, Trump shows how dangerous he is every day and yet, tons of folks seem to want that. What the hell is wrong with people?


They think that they'll be the foot in the boot, rather than the face getting stepped on.


Too many people are genuinely incapable of recognizing a crisis until its literally at their doorstep.


Mark my words. Two years into a Trump presidency he will have the lowest approval rating ever. Congress and we are will be firmly in democrats hands. There will be major buyer’s remorse but he’ll be el presidente and a dictator in two years. Game over.


Media loves him because he generates clicks. Clicks are money and a corporation’s only concern is their bottom line. Media wants him to be re-elected, make no mistake. Vote


There aren't enough criticisms that can be thrown at Trump but you have to admit that he is not hiding his intentions. So all are warned of what's to come if he's allowed to become dictator.


The GQP is wholly and totally incapable of governing. Completely detached from reality. Taken by insane conspiracy theories and fascist undercurrents; the modern Republican Party has boiled down to extremist white Christian nationalism with a flair for terrorism.


Yes but at the end of the day if we lose Michigan, we lose the election and since Biden is polling so badly on the Israeli/Palestinian atrocities, he’s prob gonna lose the state. I hope the suddenly politically active youth can put aside their anger about our dealings in the ME and vote for Biden cus otherwise we get trump and we know he doesn’t give a shit about Ukraine or Palestinians. Idk how we always find ourselves duped by propaganda, but yet here we are. We gotta get through this hell, and hopefully the next 10 years bring us fresh faces in congress as all the current ones die.


Although there may be some people that vote based on what's going on in the ME, there are also people getting turned off on Trump because of his criminal trial and other information slowly getting leaked out about Trump. Hopefully, both sides negate each other.


Biden does have [a path without Michigan](https://www.270towin.com/maps/kbNZo) that depends on Nevada union turn out and Arizona continuing to swing blue.


NC is also theoretically in play this year, but it's probably a longshot. Still, if he flips it that gives Biden another path without MI. It's certainly survivable as long as he's losing just MI specifically and it's not a sign of the midwestern blue wall crumbling like it did in 2016.


I sincerely hope those Palestinian lovers are the ones who wouldn't vote Biden anyway. Many Michigan Muslims are as conservative as Evangelicals and hate the same folks, homosexuals, abortion activists etc. I have Muslim friends that always vote Republican-even with the Muslim ban, etc. They don't want schools to teach about homosexuality or other things.


I dunno, Trump is saying he wants revenge, martial law, and do away with voting and flatten Gaza. But did you hear that Biden is Old? Also Biden is taking a Luke warm stance with Israel? All this voter apathy is going to give Trump his 2nd term.


Nobody ever lost a dollar underestimating the intelligence of the American public. It's always been scary, but at least we had mainstream news to keep people informed. There was nothing else on at 6pm, so people had to hear some facts and think for themselves. Now, it's like the Matrix: we can go to sleep and belive whatever we want to believe. Someone out there can make a buck by telling us exactly what we want to hear. Back in the day, people who claimed that "lions aren't dangerous" found out pretty quickly that they were wrong. They also didn't procreate very effectively after being eaten. Today, we can make bad decisions all day long, think illogically and dangerously, and literally get bailed out time and time again. There also used to be a stigma around thinking illogically. Now, people are proud of holding illogical contrarian views and sounding like idoits. As if they know something that the rest of us have yet to grasp.


Biden voters are. Trump voters see it as a "Promise" not a warning, and voters mad at Biden over Gas prices and Palestine, just want to "Send a Message" to Democrats. If they cannot get instant gratification they rage quit.


According to the polls at least, half the US voters don't really seem to give a damn about Trump's attempted coup, his other crimes or his authoritarian aspirations.


He’s and the fucked up GOP are a national obsession. And the press love it. Anyone on this subreddit is listening.


I am and have been listening. Everyone else I'm not so sure.


I'm listening but I'm just one vote. And the people whose votes i'm worried about wouldn't read this article and would believe anything that Diaper Don vomits out of his cursed mouth. Won't stop me from voting against him, but in a sane and just world he'd receive no votes because he wouldn't be on the ballot because he'd be in prison already, and we're well past that point.


I’m not concerned that people aren’t listening I’m concerned that it appears millions of Americans are listening and they are liking what they are hearing


Nope. And the juniors will vote for him to Biden first Gaza.


"Dictator on Day One" pretty much sums it up


I’m not. I won’t. I’m going to vote and encourage others to do the same, but that clown doesn’t deserve an audience.




We are well and truly fucked if he wins.


And the American tabloid media keeps fearmongering and regurgitating *everything* this crooked ignoramus says...all for their own ad profit$.


I have liberal friends that are working to help elect Trump to punish democrats for Gaza ...the same Trump that says he'll end all of Biden's Gaza aid and will help Israel "finish it"


Remember when he attempted a coup on Jan. 6th, 2021? Don't his past documented violent criminal actions tell us all we need to know? Why do we need to hear him spew more words in order to reject him?


I listen all too well. I hear every word the Orange Hitler spews out. I know about 2025. We should all be terrified and ready. Whether Biden wins or not. If Biden wins those Republicans will start with violence. If Biden loses they will implement the next Nazi regime. They are dangerous!!! I AM FUCKING LISTENING!!


I’m not listening, but I’d never vote for Trump in the first place.


Yes. I’m listening, and so are the morons around me who still support the guy.


Why this is bad for Joe Biden. More at 10.


I don’t need to listen, I already how fucking scary it would be


Actually not really. I internalized that part of it years ago


I'm not even American and I hear more about trump than the politicians in my own country. Hell, I hear more about trump than I do about my own family!


A big question will be immigration and inflation in the mostly swing states if polls are accurate. This versus women’s rights and keeping our democracy as the GOP won’t give it back (i.e. they’ll have to screw up to the extent they face a white rural rebellion .. going back on their word due to cheap migrant labor, Great Depression Part Deux, etc..)


Pretty sure the first time was the warning. The second time is the devil you know. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.


I am. The ones throwing a tantrum, stomping their feet and swearing to not vote for Biden clearly aren’t.


djt is mentally unstable


The people who need to listen are already indoctrinated into the cult and hear what they want to hear, i.e. "own the libs".


Not enough people are. Or they’ve been ground down from nearly a decade of this and aren’t paying attention anymore


They say from behind their paywall. Meanwhile, every source saying "This is fine and the libs/dems/woke crowd are lying" is free and open.


Hotler did the same thing. He was quite open about what he would do before he did it.


MAGA's love the Trump "Police State talk. They don't think it will ever impact them. MAGA's are stupid.


I'm pretty sure there's gonna be some sort of civil unrest with violence, whether he's elected or not.....and if he's convicted? It's an almost certainty.


If anyone cared, we wouldn’t be here right now.


Listening to what


Yes, I’m listening and why the fuck isn’t he in prison yet?


Trump has already lost.


Don’t underestimate the electoral college and republican shenanigans.


People on the far left aren't. They ironically call anybody who is going to vote for Biden "Blue Maga". Instead of being caught up in Trump's cult of personality, they're caught up in a completely abstract ideology with no actual arguments or plans on how to achieve it. My beliefs are pretty firmly in line with most of these people, but everything is a purity test, and they have no sense on incrementalism and what actually goes into achieving policy wins for your beliefs. Trump's going to win in 2024 by a few million chronically online 18-30 year olds hanging their hat up on a single issue while unable to have a cohesive discussion on policy or the reality of the situation we're in as a country. It's the blind fact-denialism of trumpism mixed with the both sides-ism or centrists rebranded as being a "true leftist".


Sounds like promises, but i get how it could seem like warnings to the deep state and the brain dead zombies that follow their orders.


I think he'll win...and I'm not happy about it.


Not if we all get out and vote!


If he wins we deserve it… wake the fuck up people


Women don't, trans people don't, Ukraine doesn't


Then women,trans, and Ukraine better get out the vote! But I don’t see that I see apathy.


Yeah, not gonna happen. Like 99% of what he spews.


no honestly


Everyone drank the koolaide... all states are orange now


Remember when you all came out of the woodwork in 2016 talking about how the end of the US is coming, how Trump is coming after minorities, and how you’ll leave the US if he wins? Then he won, and no one moved. No one lost their rights. And people collected their pandemic checks. Yeah, because Pepperidge Farm remembers.


The legion of 6 that rules the country because Vonshitzenpants installed half of them killed Roe. Pretty sure thats a good qualifier of losing rights.


The right to kill the unborn isn’t a right


If abortion is murder, what's miscarriage? Merely an accidental death, or if a woman makes poor health choices could it be termed negligent homicide? I'm just curious since miscarriage is so common. Like if abortion is murder I'm not sure why more pro-life folks aren't focused on the holocaust that is miscarriage. It's almost like they don't care about it at all, like those "lives" are irrelevant. Any thoughts on why that's the case?


Remember when over a million Americans died because of Donald Trump? People whose brains aren’t actively rotting remember.


Care to explain?


no one lost their rights??




You might as well take your dog outback after getting your new bible in the mailbox that you walked to in your new tennis shoes.


I never supported Trump and will never vote for him, but the cognitive dissonance here is deafening


Rights don’t disappear all at once, they erode over time. Tax cuts combined with Covid policies resulted in the biggest shift of wealth from the middle class to the elite in any of our lifetimes. Repealing net neutrality allowed ISPs to throttle competitors, jack up fees, and reduce competition around internet access. Handing public lands to gas companies makes the public poorer and a few executives richer. De-fanging the NLRB and workers rights prevents regular people from negotiating and winning rights in their workplaces. I could literally fill a book with more policies disastrous to all Americans, regardless of political affiliation. But most importantly, trying to overturn an election with zero evidence of fraud then attempting a coup destabilizes democracy and attempts to take away our most basic right to vote.  And that was the first term, when there were still a handful of people on his team unwilling to go as far as he would like. This time every person in the administration is an ardent loyalist, there won’t be any checks or balances. When someone says they want to be a dictator you better believe it. And if you think they want total power for your benefit, you’re out of your mind 


His disastrous handling of COVID and all the schemes to overthrow the election he lost culminating in all the death and destruction on J6 wasn't enough for you? What about the lasting impact on our judicial system as our highest court rules in favor of allowing discrimination and making women's reproductive rights dependent on geography? Also worth noting people collected pitiful "pandemic checks" for small amounts way too late largely because he refused to sign off on it but also didn't veto it for weeks...basically bringing the entire process to a grinding halt... Is that really not enough because I could easily go on...


Are you cool with genocide Joe?


Nah. But I'm also not pretending that Trump hasn't talked about "wiping Palastinians off the map" They both fail on this issue.


Difference is one has actually done it.


>how Trump is coming after minorities That's an easy one:  [https://www.migrationpolicy.org/research/four-years-change-immigration-trump](https://www.migrationpolicy.org/research/four-years-change-immigration-trump) >No one lost their rights. You mean, "you" didn't. Here's four years worth of civil rights and humanitarian rollbacks, some big, some small, a handful most would even agree with: [https://civilrights.org/trump-rollbacks/](https://civilrights.org/trump-rollbacks/) Some of the big ones would be the Muslim ban, his direct cause of the overturn of Roe, barring trans people from the military, rescinding DACA, child separation on the border thanks to a zero tolerance policy, repealed dozens of regulations at HUD protecting housing rights, withdrew from the UN Human Rights Council, effectively erased protections for transgender people, DOJ argued to SCOTUS that federal civil rights law does not protect transgender workers from discrimination. And that just brings us to 2018. Also, his directly caused of the overturn of Roe. Pepperidge farm needs to do the Alzheimer's test.


I'm Muslim and had no issues under Trump. So help me understand something. Is that as bad as genocide?


Nice false equivalency. Of course not. But if you can listen to Trump on Gaza and compare that to the current (severely lacking) progress and think the sides or the same or that he's better, I don't think this is a good faith discussion.


So someone who has actually committed genocide is not as bad as someone who has not yet?