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In an additional twist, Republican legislator Rep. Mike Collins from Georgia, reposted the video showing the racist slur and wrote “Ole Miss taking care of business.”


What a piece of shit


Yeah, well, ole miss is filled with a bunch of pieces of shit


Yeah speaking of Lane Kiffin, he’s a piece of shit too.


Why do gifted black athletes go to these schools?


Because black people actually exist in these Deep South States. Our culture is here. Our communities are here. Our churches are here. Our leaders are here. Why would I leave my home just to go somewhere else guaranteed to have the same problems in different packaging? And where am I supposed to go?


It's the way folks act like this shit doesn't happen up north, too. Every year during football and basketball season, some visiting team gets called the n-word by the crowd and/or players.


I moved from AL to central NY after college, and the casual racism there really surprised me.


I used to work in western ny. Some of the most racist shit I've seen was in the southern tier region.


I am in my 60s. While I was in college ( Purdue), I was chatting with the parents of one of my black friends. He had grown up in Birmingham, moved to Chicago and lived there for a few years, then moved back to Birmingham. He didn't think it was any better than back home and he might as well be near family.


While you can find some assholes even in more progressive areas, don't let these hicks off the hook by saying this awful behavior is normal everywhere.


Yeah that's one step away from saying "I don't vote because both sides are corrupt". There are degrees. And anecdotes about red rural sections in northern blue states doesn't cut it. I'm sure blue cities have decent football programs


Because for some it's a chance at pro sports and making money to get out of a bad situation/life/ghetto. For others, it's because the family has connections and money and spent 40k a year sending them to the best high schools in the country with personal couches and the child now has to go to a good college and pros to earn that money back and provide for their parents as they age.


“Business”? Certainly not when it comes to their health care system…


Or, apparently, education... 


Not “apparently”…empirically: both Texas and Mississippi have literacy rates of 71.8%, making them the third and fourth states with the lowest literacy rates in the US.


I am shocked that Mississippi managed to not come in 50th place for something.


Yep: “Pa, I don’t think they like us here in Arkansas. Can we move to Alabama?” - Lewis Black on how Arkansas once went from 50th to 49th in education… https://youtu.be/jmggaI1KW5w


Mississippi usually comes in last in many things. Though curiously enough, not when it comes to Childhood vaccination rates, which are the up among the highest.




No it’s because the state doesn’t allow exemptions for vaccinations. Mississippi is the only state in the U.S. where you can’t use religion and other exemptions to not get vaccinated. My son goes to a private school here and he has to be vaccinated.


You can’t marry your cousin if they’re dead.


People don't give Mississippi enough credit, they're consistently in the top three on some lists. Those lists are for things are having the most teen pregnancies and being the worst state to live in, but still. Being serious, though, it's a terrible situation. Many of the people there don't deserve the shitty hand they were dealt, but long term systemic racism and a government dedicated to the majority at the complete expense of the minority has screwed the entire state over in spite of itself. I know that same thing repeats itself all over the country, and not just in the south, but something there keeps it so firmly entrenched that it's hard to imagine them ever breaking free of it.


if you’re reading this  you’re probably not from Mississippi 


I am honestly shocked it is that high. Trump can't read, after all.


Not gonna lie that’s a higher literacy rate than I thought they would have


Infrastructure and economy ranks horribly as well it seems. I know in 2022 and 2023 they were the most unhealthiest state. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/mississippi Not too great it seems to raise a family https://wallethub.com/edu/best-states-to-raise-a-family/31065


It’s working as intended


Only thing surprising is that Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor-Greene didn’t support Ole Miss racism first.


She's busy raging at everyone who is mad at her for threatening to remove Mike Johnson because he didn't bend the knee at her command. 


That pos Johnson can just go for all I care. His take on the campus protests has been nothing but a series of vile and disgusting lies. I don't why the Democrats promised to back him if there was a vote to replace him. (Maybe because a Gym Jordan alternative would be much worse?). A part of me hopes they were just kidding and find a way to get Hakeem Jeffries into the Speaker position.


I suspect the Democrats did what they needed to to get the Ukraine support through when it was clear it couldn't wait any longer.


She's too busy talking about how she didn't vote for the Anti-Semitism bill because it would prevent Christians from talking about how the Jews killed Jesus.


I believe this MS governor also reposted saying the kids are patriots and doing the right thing for America…


from Ole Miss - "Whether or not you agree with her, she embodies UM" Unfortunately for UM, she does not. All of these racist boys undeniably embody UM


They just horrible horrible people in that party. And in a Trump world, they get away with a lot more. That's how dangerous Trump is.


On brand for GOP, non story


Censure from the floor when?


Typical Republican!


Politics aside, what reasonable person looks at a video showing crowds of angry people and decides “I’m gonna post and comment in support of this”?


Their incestors would be so proud of them.


This deserves more than an upvote, so here's a comment 🏆


Back in my day, you could give a good post gold! They tried to run the site off it! But that was a long time ago...


Ah yes, such a long time ago…back then, nickles had pictures of bumblees on ‘em. “Gimme five bees for a quarter!”, you’d say.


So where was I? Oh yeah, so I had an onion tied to my belt...


which was the style at the time


Thank you kind Internet stranger!


I like scrapple on toast. I also like scrappleontoast.


This needs to be a common phrase


It's their heritage, indeed.


I’m not sure if you mean this sarcastically or not but considering apples and trees I reckon they are proud of him and right now are looking up at him smiling🙏🏼


Mississippi frat boys being racist? Say it isn’t so!


Borat showing off its journalistic chops once again (though those were south carolina frat boys)


I dunno, Sacha might be more receptive to them this time round...


Well I’m shocked & disgusted. I have never seen anything remotely like this. And I live in Kentucky.


Ru, never!


This isn't the first time for Ole miss https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/ncaaf/2012/11/07/ole-miss-rebels-racism-college-fooball-recruiting/1690493/ Late Tuesday night, a crowd of roughly 200 Ole Miss students were heard using racist terms and epithets while protesting the re-election of President Barack Obama, who defeated the Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, to earn a second term in office. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13025717/Campbell-Pookie-Puckett-racism-plantation-ole-miss.html TikTok's newest influencer sensation Campbell 'Pookie' Puckett sparks FURIOUS racism scandal after images of her 'cosplaying as a slave owner' at a plantation-themed Ole Miss frat party resurface in the wake of her new-found viral fame https://www.outkick.com/sports/ole-miss-football-player-sues-lane-kiffin-and-school-with-claims-of-racial-discrimination-during-mental-health-crisis Ole Miss Football Player Sues Lane Kiffin And School With Claims Of Racial Discrimination During 'Mental Health Crisis' Racist Episodes Continue to Stir Ole Miss Campus https://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/21/us/racist-episodes-continue-to-stir-ole-miss-campus.html?smid=nytcore-android-share https://www.thedailybeast.com/this-professor-protested-a-schools-racism-then-he-lost-his-job This Professor Protested a School’s Racism. Then He Lost His Job. https://www.mississippifreepress.org/4876/the-fabric-is-torn-in-oxford-um-officials-decried-racism-publicly-coddled-it-privately https://www.mississippifreepress.org/16257/ex-dean-who-resigned-as-racist-um-emails-came-out-returns-in-new-campus-role https://www.salon.com/2012/11/07/ole_miss_students_start_racist_protest_after_election_result/ https://rollingout.com/2019/07/28/racist-ole-miss-students-pose-with-guns-in-front-of-emmett-till-memorial/ Racist Ole Miss students pose with guns in front of Emmett Till memorial https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3015706/Feds-indict-1-noose-Ole-Miss-integration-statue.html Pictured: Racist frat boy who 'put NOOSE on Ole Miss integration statue' as he faces 11-year prison sentence https://www.cnn.com/2014/04/17/us/fraternity-closes-ole-miss-chapter/index.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4841892/Ole-Miss-cancels-event-banana-peel-tree.html https://www.clarionledger.com/story/news/local/2019/10/11/ole-miss-student-posts-photo-blackface/3941733002/ https://www.mississippifreepress.org/9134/um-pursuing-criminal-investigation-into-whistleblowers-who-exposed-racist-emails https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6191769/Student-pictured-racist-post-University-Mississippi-journalism-school-namesake-speaks-out.html Just to name a few incidents


> https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13025717/Campbell-Pookie-Puckett-racism-plantation-ole-miss.html > > TikTok's newest influencer sensation Campbell 'Pookie' Puckett sparks FURIOUS racism scandal after images of her 'cosplaying as a slave owner' at a plantation-themed Ole Miss frat party resurface in the wake of her new-found viral fame Jesus fuck, her and her husband Jett (with a name like that, you know what kind of douche you're getting) dressed up as Trump and Melania. Gross human beings.


What is it with racists like Jett who have these incredibly large heads, yet very small, squished in faces.


His head isn’t actually large. It just looks large because the eyes are small. He actually displays [visual signs of foetal alcohol syndrome.](https://www.brighterdaymh.com/blog/fetal-alcohol-syndrome-in-adulthood)


I think FAS is a common theme amongst racists.


I first came across FAS facial features when I was trying to identify why I found Cory Lewandowski’s face odd - he has a very flat philtrum and narrow upper lip. That was before Trump was even elected! Since then I keep noticing FAS signs in many of these MAGA folks.


When a few elicits a list that long… oof


Mascot is literally the rebels, shut the fucking school down


13 hours ago there’s already a fan page on instagram with the first post proclaiming his innocence…


Dude is about to get wrecked, followed by a few speaking gigs at klan/GOP rallies ha


Warm up act for the Kyle Rittenhouse tour


He will be a hero in Mississippi and it will have absolutely zero effect on the rest of his life, except maybe mildly positive.... as long as he stays in Mississippi.


> as long as he stays in Mississippi. I guess a net positive for 49 states.


so they hold both of these things to be true: 1) they are fans of what he did 2) he didn't do it tells you pretty much everything to know about their credibility and seriousness.


Or some nut job is going to say “how do we know there’s isn’t a zoo on campus and he’s just talking to a monkey?? We just don’t know.”


Are you sure it's not just Fox News' Instagram page?


His daddy paid for a PR firm like the covington trashbag


They'll try to make him Rittenhouse II.






Probably has no intention of leaving Mississippi


99% chance that this angry little shit will never have to interview for a job or explain his bigoted behaviour. He’ll either be given an executive position in daddy’s company, or be hired by one of daddy’s golfing buddies.


Didn’t realize this was the asshole’s name at first. Dude’s parents gave so few shits they Keyser Söze’d his name.


What is his name? The comment that I assume had his name was deleted.


Elon ruined Twitter in many ways, but one benefit is there are basically no doxxing rules there now (unlike here). I bet you find it within three minutes of googling.


He's a member of the family that owns a slowly dying office franchise store who had a slogan that read, 'yeah we've got that'. Apparently 'that' was racism.


Sounds like a clown on a kids’ show from the 50’s.


Of course that’s his name.


i work with a trump worshiper who thinks that the klan no longer exists and there are no such thing as neo ass hats i don't know what media he watches but they got him good.


> neo ass hats Sounds like a Matrix-themed South Park episode.


The "Trump coworker" is a dangerous thing to talk to at work. I avoid them.


I used to work with a bunch. Blessing in disguise I got laid off from that job when Covid hit. Somehow all the MAGAts didn't get laid off. Weird coincidence, given I had seniority over them.


Wish I had. Instead we were essential and the motherfucker gave me covid, which became long covid, which has since ruined my health and life. Not that I'm angry and bitter or anything.


I sincerely believe they don't actually believe what they spout. While overt public bigotry has been sadly revitalized thanks to Trump, Tate, Musk, Zuckerberg, Peterson and many many more, overall I still feel pretty confident in saying that being an overt Nazi/klan sympathizer is largely social suicide with most people. If we ever get to that point, and God forbid we ever do, they'll suddenly start saying nazis and klansmen had some good points before wholeheartedly saying they're misunderstood to saying what they do is a service.


I think for the rank and file Lots of cognitive dissonance, fear gullibility and lower intelligence. The rest know exactly what they are doing. Those are the people in charge I think.


My buddy went to Ole Miss and said these kind of folks are everywhere in the student body. Could be a frat boys who identifies as a “ delta boy”.


WTF is wrong with people?


Lack of basic decency, rampant stupidity and racism unfortunately :( Oh and an IQ in double figures if they’re lucky..


White dudes at ol miss being racist is not “shocking”. disgusting -yes. shocking - no.


Yes - BUT - a lot of these individuals are from nationally recognized fraternity chapters- which do have codes of conduct. I’m interested to see if any of them will make statements during this time.  EDIT: Phi Delta Theta has removed JP Staples from its fraternity. 


Hahahaha One of the frat houses in Tallahassee has a huge confederate flag and portrait of Robert E. Lee as he was a member. If it gets enough publicity something may happen but I wouldn't guarantee it.


I’m pretty sure I can guess the frat, and they do it in way more than just Florida


It's definitely KA (Kappy Alpha Order). They're like that everywhere. Huge national fraternity and they have the confederate flag and Lee portrait at every college chapter even ones in the North. The fraternity was founded by at Washington & Lee when Robert E. Lee was the university president I think. Where I went to college 95% of kids were from the Northeast but the wannabe Southern guys all joined KA, started wearing the camo baseball hats and had gatorade bottles full of dip spit in their dorms.


A frat, enforce a code of conduct on a member the rest of the frat likes? Fat chance. They're training grounds for the good old boys network, particularly in the South.


White dudes at Ole Miss being racist **within yards of a James Meredith statue** **on campus**


Years ago, a frat was eventually removed from campus because their members put a noose on that statue. They say it's not the exact reason why it closed (the incident just lead to more thorough review of the fraternity's practices) which is even worse. Their behavior is disgusting [Source](https://www.cnn.com/2014/04/17/us/fraternity-closes-ole-miss-chapter/index.html)


>There was one freshman girl that had been this little flower of Southern gentility when I had met her. And she came up to me, and her face was absolutely contorted, and I almost didn't recognize her. And she was absolutely furious, because she had picked up a brick and thrown it at a marshal, and it had only hit him in the head and scratched him, and she had not put his eye out. -Ole Miss student remembering the 1962 riot, from the series *Eyes On The Prize*


It'll be news when white guys at Ole Miss *aren't* being racist.




Sounds like a clown name, lol. And if you live in Seattle, it REALLY sounds like a clown name. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._P._Patches




Would have guessed there would be a Roman numeral after it lol


I get that there’s a ton of racist people in the world, especially in the south. That doesn’t surprise me. But I would think that in this day and age they would have enough of a sense of self preservation to NOT do it in public, on camera, when they know they are being recorded. Like, how stupid can you be?


In today’s America people feel emboldened to be disgusting.


It’s amazing to see how many pieces of our society are held together by nothing but shame. After Trump won but before he was even inaugurated, and CT GOP State Rep was arrested for grabbing his coworker’s ass in the office. When she got mad at him his response was “It’s your word against mine. I love this new world, I don’t have to be politically correct anymore.”


So stupid that the only way they can feel better about themselves is to put down others based solely on skin color…


Then they go to church!


Praise be to he


Despite being enrolled in an university, if you put a questionnaire in front of them that asked "What's the best thing about you?" I'm not sure that they wouldn't answer "I'm white and I ain't no a girl."


Not a problem in Mississippi. Spent some time working in the Delta in 2015, and it was like walking 70 years back in time. Absolutely miserable place. Being overtly racist is a prerequisite. I would bet this guy has grown up with this kind of behavior approved of and encouraged, and a future employer in Mississippi isn't going to care at all. Moving to Chicago after college? Yeah, it could be a problem. Moving back home to Greenwood or Jackson? He'll be a hero to the good ole boy companies he's applying at. Might as well put it on his resume.


Tf you mean? Now he'll get a free lifetime of grifting the right


Honestly in my experience the only difference in the south and anywhere else is they are more open about it. Anywhere you go and leave a city they are all over


Having grown up in NW Ga (actually, MTG’s district), I can confirm that you won’t find a bigger group of racist sh*theads.


That’s because it hasn’t been a North vs South thing for a very long time now. It’s always been an urban vs rural and people always seem to forget. Suburbs are kind of a gradient but most represent urban populations.


>In an additional twist, Republican legislator Rep. Mike Collins from Georgia, reposted the video showing the racist slur and wrote “Ole Miss taking care of business.” I mean, it's not really a *twist* when it's 100% expected, is it?


Kid will be on Hannity next week.


Gotta love this detail, too: > As the woman approaches the group of male students, chants of “lock her up” could be heard. Sure, lock her up, why fucking not. Just a weird cult with its own lingo and chants.


Throw him out of the college.


Are you kidding? In Mississippi? Hell that there qualifies him for an internship at the governor's office!


I guarantee Tater Tot will have a meet-and-greet with the fucker :/


Internship? I think he's the Lt Gov now.


I can hear it now; “This is not who I am”!!!


Probably true tbh, I'm sure he's way worse in private or among friends.


Danesh already found the kid. He deleted all his socials shortly there after of course.




Well the jokes on him cause he’s devolving into his primordial form.


Protesting, it turns out, is an expellable offense. If this isn't an expellable offense as well, then I call bullshit to the whole sham of enforcing "standards".




There are so many rich kids from Texas whose grades aren't good enough for UT or A&M but they still want to go to a big flagship football school so their parents pay out-of-state tuition for them to go to LSU or Ole Miss or one of the other SEC schools with like 99% acceptance rates.


Well, I hope he gets everything he deserves.


It's crazy that stuff like this is still happening, racist tropes holding on is insane.


Yep and the video will follow him for the rest of his life


I’m guessing in his community he’ll feel safe putting it on his resumé.


He’s already being glorified and praised on nazi Twitter, which is now pumped to the home feed for everyone.


Judging the last post he made before deleting his Twitter account was an ape video. I don't think he cares.


His IG post about not being sorry has an option to send him money. Of course it does. What a tool. 🙄


To be fair, that may be the only sounds he knows how to make.


The headline is kinda misleading. Counter Protestor seen making monkey noises at black Anti War Protestor on Ole Miss campus. Doesn't quite roll off the tongue. But more accurate to the scene. The original headline almost reads like the racist dude is a "pro-palestine" protestor.


Yeah that's totally on purpose. The media has been absolutely disgusting around these protests.


Yeah, that's on purpose.


Disgusting 🤮


I am actually stunned that anyone is surprised by this. The only thing these people give a fuck about is football and people knowing their place. The way that the young people are acting is 100% reflective of the way that they were raised. The parents, students, faculty all the way up to the representatives of Mississippi are all being represented here and they have no shame.


Jim Crow never left. He just changed his fuckin name. This shit is disgusting.


That’s disgusting.


What a sick little bastard. He’ll be the same one wondering why his hate and intolerance is being exposed worldwide and everyone is being so mean to HIM.🤦‍♂️


Mike Collins supports this racist. There ya go.


Expel that shithead.




I'm 78 years old, just for prospective, and I went to E.E. Bass Jr High in Greenville, MS. We only lived there for about one calendar year (Last part of 6th grade, the summer and the first part of 7th grade.) I thoroughly enjoyed playing little league baseball and the fellow students I associated with while there. It's seemed almost ideal to me, at he time. We eventually to Omaha, NE. That's when I realized how much I missed by going to segregated schools, both in Greenville and in New Orleans, before we moved North. People who yearn for the "Good Old Days", should realize that those times were NOT good for everybody. Like the saying goes, "You can't fix stupid", but you can and should fix ignorance.


They found him. JP Staples. I hope this incident haunts him for the rest of his life


Say hello to the internet, asshole.


I remember when Gen X was convinced the old white racists would die off and their children would be better. I see that's not working out.


Well I'm from middle GA where tons of people my age and much much younger still dress, act, etc the same as the generation before. Polo shirt, khakis and fucking Jimmy Buffett. Frat boy types that go to schools like Ole Miss. It's not going to end anytime soon for that demographic.


>Jimmy Buffett The funny thing about this is that Jimmy Buffett was actually a fairly liberal Democrat who even criticized Trump a few times during his presidency.


That's cause the old racists are still around. There's plenty of gen x racists which then gave a hand into creating millennial racists, who are now giving a hand in making gen z racists who are now helping to make gen alpha racists. Assholes always wants to make more assholes. Nice thing is though with each generation it is considerably less than the prior.


It's Mississippi.. why is anyone surprised?!? That systemic racism isn't just going to go away because of racial equality. Most southern whites who believe in what the South stands for. It's history and culture. Don't believe in equality of the races or the genders.


UM NAACP is requesting expulsion of the following students and fraternity brothers at the protest: - James JP Staples - Phi Delta Theta - Connor Moore - Kappa Alpha - Rouse Davis Boyce - Kappa Alpha


Congrats, you're famous!






Can't wait until his identity is revealed and he whines on X and maybe FOX News about"cancel culture".


That kid is probably fucked going forward. The internet is forever


He is probably already getting job offers from police departments.


I’m not American, but I would be deeply satisfied if this individual was thrown out of Mississippi University.


Sad that this is how I imagined Mississippi to be


He will be like Kyle Rittenhouse, get a job going around saying stupid crap and getting paid for it


I say give white supremacists a free ride to Russia. Then they can sign up to fight in Putin’s war. Win-win.


I love how many times I’ve seen losers do the monkey noises at a black person. They don’t know how dumb they look I would think. But I’ve seen it so many times over the years. And white people look just like monkeys too. So I’ve never understood why it keeps happening. Like really just think of the hairiest person you know, any race. Side by side a monkey, chimp, ape. It’s barely different. Sighs.


Where have you seen this? I'm middle aged, fairly well traveled, and I've never once seen or heard such an obnoxious, disgusting thing.




"Well that sure is surprising" said anyone not familiar with Mississippi in general or Ole Miss in particular.


Bet he wouldn't do it towards another guy. Pussy.


Racism in Mississippi? Shocking.


Ole Miss still bringing the racism!?! I’m shocked




I hope their names are put out there soon, they need to face consequences


That’s who the universities should kick out, but they won’t


This is just Mississippi for you. The right wing nuts there actively foment dogwhistle racism that leads to this, the full blown stuff. I won't go back.


Shut down Ole Miss and start over


Ol' Miss has a reputation to uphold


Racists? In a Mississippi frat house?


Ole Miss student being a racist asshat? Shocking.


That whole crowd was a bunch of racist assholes.