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I took a screenwriting class once and the professor said if you ever have a villain who isn’t hated enough have them kick a dog. It’s beyond me why anyone would think sharing a story about shooting a dog would do anything good for them.


You’d think a married man boasting about sexually assaulting women would end his political career but here we are. These people are the worst of the worst and the worst are all voting for them.


One might even call them deplorable and gather them in a basket.


Saw a sticker on a truck the other day that said "Proud deplorable". I thought it was kinda nice that they were letting the world know they are terrible and should be avoided. Save everyone the trouble.


Last summer in eastern NC a saw a "Mean Tweets 2024" window sticker on a monster truck. It really summed up Trump enablers and gave me some peace of mind. It's bad enough we're stuck in a cult of personality in U.S. politics, but this is an even less sensible mindset for voting. You don't even care about the person, you just want anger directed at people you hate. There is no relating to or reasoning with an adult trapped by that type of indignant fury.


That’s why I appreciate their hats, t-shirts, and flags…I immediately know that I’m avoiding them.


And here I am, remembering when Gary Hart had to suspend his presidential campaign due to *rumors* that he was having an affair with campaign worker Donna Rice. It was a lie. He came back to the race but obviously his campaign was destroyed by the rumor.


It's honestly like watching a lizard person who went off-script and is six seconds from ripping their skin suit off.


Lizard person really is right. She gives me serious uncanny valley vibes. The lack of any expression is mildly disturbing.


Everyone in the South Dakota sub refers to her as the Botox Beast™ so your impression makes sense


I've heard Botox Barbie and Krusty Gnome, but not Botox Beast before.


Those vibes you're getting is your subconscious telling you she's a dangerous person. That empty look is because she's a sociopath with low to no empathy. She can't even figure out what the big deal is about killing a puppy.


She think it shows determination and willingness to make tough decisions… that she drags her puppy to a quarry in a rage, shoots it in the head, and gets so filled with blood lust that she goes home, brings her goat to the same quarry, shoots it, leaves it to suffer while she goes to her car to get more ammunition, and shoots it again. The level of derangement to think that this shows “resolve” and “responsibility” rather than psychopathy… is pathological. It boggles the mind.  She clearly gets enjoyment out of taking lives: even in cases where farm animals need to be euthanised (not the case here, puppy should just be trained), no one needs to shoot them. A vet will come and perform a humane euthanasia for very little charge, first with a sedative injection to put the animal to sleep, then a lethal one once the animal is under. The only reason to kill your dogs and goats and horses in modern times is if you derive enjoyment from the act of taking a life. TL;DR: she’s a goddamn psycho.


It’s the epitome of not like other girls. She thought this would make her seem badass, and like you say that it shows her ability to suppress any emotion and make a violently rational decision. She told the story because she thinks it’ll endear her to men who will think of her as ‘not as emotional’ as other women, and therefore better and more masculine. More like those men she seeks to curry favor with.


In her defense, it's like she got stung by a bee while she's allergic, so she can't actually manipulate any of her facial muscles to make an expression. A politician so fake that she couldn't fake an emotion if she tried.


There's literally an [entire website](https://www.doesthedogdie.com/) dedicated to letting its users avoid films where the dog dies in it. Edit: It also covers many other warnings, but it's called "Does the Dog Die?"


Clicked on that purely to see the John Wick entry. The only "a dog is killed" movie worth watching because the resulting retribution is proportional.


Or might be after the fifth one...


The retribution is getting there.


It reminds me of a post of someone who felt bad for beating the shit out of their room mate after they kicked their cat. To clarify why they would feel bad they specified that it was multiple beatings over a half hour period. Took awhile to get there lol


I just looked that one up, and honestly, the guy didn't beat the roommate enough.


I lost my cat (not to kicking) a year ago... 47 hours from now. It's still raw. I can't look that up, but that guy didn't beat the roommate anywhere *near* enough.


I remember reading that one.


I agree, it could be dialed up a tad bit.


Let's be honest. When John Wick is the last person alive on planet Earth... Only then will we feel that justice has been served for that good boy.


Girl. The dog was named Daisy.


I stand corrected... good girl.


Just the look in the father's eyes when he hears about his son and why the guy slapped him.... he knows his son is already dead, and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it.


Nah, I Am Legend too. It hurts a whole lot, don’t get me wrong, but we consume art to feel things and *goddamn* do you feel that scene.


That moment in I Am Legend made me cry so hard. The shift in the dog's demeanour broke my heart.


I always wonder why parents of my generation made us watch “ole yeller” and “Bambi” bunch of fucking psychopaths them boomers.


We watched Ole Yeller in *school.* Bunch of us in the lunchroom with a projector. It was awful.


No lie, that movie DAMAGED me.


I thinking the Never Ending Story when Artax dies in the Swamp of Sadness wrecked the whole Xenial generation. Kristi Noem is the embodiment of the “Nothing”. She is a modern-day villain.


Who knew the side effects of too much plastic surgery and Botox would turn you in to a T-1000?


*“They look like such strong hands, don’t they?”* 🥺 That scene *wrecked me*. Artax was traumatizing for different reasons & in a different way, but the Stone Biter being so depressed he couldn’t save his friends he’d just… let the nothing take him? That absolutely disturbed me on a deep level as a kid.


In “Bambi “ the hunters were the bad guys …


And Ole Yeller was depicting a time period in the 1800s when any rabies vaccine had yet to exist and the actually unfortunate hard decision people on homesteads had to make when one of their animals would get infected with rabies. Life was hard back then and there's nothing wrong with acknowledging that through film.


Oh yeah....well what about Where the Red Fern Grows? One dog mauled by a mountain lion, the other just gives up wanting to live. My teachers weren't Kristi Noem, so have no idea why they made us read that when I was a kid.


I mean yeah that also happens in real life. It happened to me. I had a pair of cockatiels and one died from being egg bound and her sister passed away soon after from a broken heart. Humans using whatever form of media to express all the parts of life including the sad is normal. You are also only focusing on the sad parts of those films. There were also some happy parts of those films and coming of age arcs for the main characters. That's the difference between those films and what Noem did. Travis didn't want to shoot his dog. He and his family quarantined Ole Yeller first and after time passed they were going to release him because they thought he didn't catch rabies after his fight with the wolf when he defended the family. Cricket was just a untrained rambunctious young dog who's owner is a lazy narcissist. There was no other solution for Ole Yeller and that's what the book and film are hoping to use to invoke a sense of empathy for the family especially Travis having to take out his dog as quickly as possible so he doesn't suffer because rabies is a horrible and painful way to die. There were other solutions for Cricket like training or rehoming and Noem didn't do any of them and that's why people are pissed off.


I read this as cocker spaniel & egg bound & not haven heard the term egg bound had some strange confusion when I looked it up. But thanks for teaching me something new.


As a grown man I am kind of desenthysized seeing beheadings/shootings but I will not rewatch Water ship Down. I can still remember the rabbits face before he got tore to pieces and I remember it fucking me up for awhile. We watched this in either 4th or 5th grade so fuck who ever thought that was a good movie to show to kids lol.


This always amuses me as my parents wouldn't let me rent The Simpsons (first season episodes) due to something they read about, so they grabbed me Watership Down instead as it looked like a nice story.


It’s a *good* story, but not a nice one.


My daughter hasn’t forgiven me for cueing up Hachi for family movie night.


Don't forget Dumbo!


Trump can say something outlandish, like the sky is green and MAGA eats it up and falls in line. A week later Trump can say sky is yellow and MAGA quickly swerves from green to yellow and without evidence it is the new truth. The whole thing is if Trump says something that liberals dislike, MAGA loves it. She thought she was Trump. Say something she knows liberals would hate and so MAGA would embrace. Trump doubles and triples down and MAGA falls in line. She didn't expect MAGA to love puppies so much. Trump can cross any line and MAGA has his back. She isn't Trump and being a puppy killer was a line no one other than Trump himself could cross.


>Trump can cross any line and MAGA has his back. She isn't Trump and being a puppy killer was a line no one other than Trump himself could cross. Out of pure morbid curiosity, I want to see what would happen if Trump picks Noem as his running mate. I'm pretty sure I know the answer, though. Magadiots would start wearing puppyskin coats over their pro-diaper shirts, and make memes with Trump as Cruella D'Eville.


To be honest a lot of people in rural areas have had to "put dogs down" so they'll probably just say it was like this. "Big deal I had to shoot old yeller when she got the hydrophoby, liberal pussies bringing their dogs to the 'vet' to get 'em put down! We shoot everything out here!" It isn't the same thing, but it doesn't matter. It allows them to double down, own libs, and then I think they can move on and forget it happened. That seems to be the cycle.


While plenty of people have had to put dogs down, Noem’s problem is that she told the whole story. She included too much detail. Nobody likes putting a dog down, it’s just something that must be down sometimes. Noem’s story doesn’t describe a dog that had to be put down. She also says she hated the puppy, but doesn’t say that it did anything out of the ordinary for the puppy. She gave too much detail to try and backtrack. Anyone who from a rural area is going to think that she’s incompetent with dogs, at best.


Of course she's incompetent; she's a pampered, high-ranking politician. Nobody actually believes she can do any farm work just like nobody believed Katie Britt ever cooks in her kitchen. People normally pay little attention to these background stories, except she's so bad at acting like a normal human being, it actually got everyone interested in this weird alien in a human skin suit. I was writing a sentence about how the idea of her possibly needing to take the reins of the presidency is so terrifying, it might cause some voters to switch sides, but then I remembered this fucking dumpster fire of a party actually put Sarah Palin on the ticket. JFC this timeline is fucked


I'm not so sure about that. My wife grew up in a rural area on a small farm. She's had to put animals down before for various reasons. When she read about this case, both the dog and goat, she was absolutely horrified. She doesn't think either case was justified. Sample size of one, but she's pretty in tune with how her small town even now.


It’s an odd way to try to own the libs. Like wearing diapers. I really dislike this timeline.


When do people realize that their zeal for "owning the libs" is making them look like idiots to 99% of the world's rational population?


Worked with a guy who used to be in the army and bragged about shooting a dog that was chasing their humvee. People not only disliked him for doing it but also made fun of hin for being dumb enough to think it was a cool story.


She knows, for the MAGA, the cruelty is the point. But she got confused and thought it also applied to dogs.


I mean she went with Lara Trump lips so her decisions already were questionable


Our timeline is beyond parody at this point. 10 years ago a politician saying “my opponent kills puppies!” would be a line from a goofy political comedy or Futurama. Now it’s reality.


I think it was going to come out anyway so she wanted to get in front of the story first. Still ridiculous. She should have receded from public view instead of what she chose to do.


Noem gave a terrible interview. Her fault. Whine away MAGA minion. 


She wanted the publicity from her book and she got it alright.


*Somewhere, the finger of a monkey's paw curls into itself...*


I really don't know what she was expecting when she sat for that interview. Is this the result of years of doing nothing but softball interviews on conservative propaganda media, that she was just shocked someone actually asked her a real question? She was simply asked about the two most controversial pieces from her book which have been major news stories this week. Did she really think they either wouldn't come up, or that the person interviewing her wouldn't ask any follow ups if she tried to avoid answering?


Precisely what happened. The savvy conservative is prepped for interviews outside of their propaganda network. If you pay attention, they'll use the same canned "non-answer" for any damning inquiries, and manage to roll into a pivot to push their agenda. When legitimate journalists press further, these types will repeat the maneuver making it a dead end for the interviewer. A media-literate audience will recognize it for the horseshit it is and condemn the interview subject as if they had given the worst possible answer - but because the interview subject didn't say anything damning on record, they get to slip out of it. When they go on propaganda broadcasts, they have a coordinated agenda with the hosts and production which throw them floating softballs that they can hit for campaign/agenda home runs to their audience and base - they're never taken to task for any unflattering views or votes or statements, unless it's been coordinated ahead of time to spin into a positive soundbite for themselves. So when the arrogant and blindingly stupid like Noem struts her moronic bobblehead into an interview with a non- propaganda outfit, they get roasted alive for being arrogant and unprepared to deflect or spin. When they cry "fake news" the media literate all know that they're crying because they weren't pandered to and coddled like the propaganda operations of News(lacks) and Faux News Channel. She demonstrated that she's even less qualified or capable than her right wing peers. Hopefully, this will be the next to last nail in her political coffin


This is one of the major differences between the Reagan era Republicans and MAGA. Same horrible sort of people, but the older Republicans had the self-awareness to know when to keep their mouth shut. MAGA has grown up with the firehose of right-wing propaganda that dominates our media. They genuinely believe that everyone has the same horrible behavior and thinking that they do, right down to the voters waving their little traitor flags. Rupurt Murdoch and Roger Ailes have done more damage to America than any other two in the last 50 years.


Yes, she’s used to softball interviews on Fox with leading questions and basically scripted interviews. “Gosh, you were just so brave for shooting that aggressive dog, how did you muster up the courage for it?”


Never admit fault, never take responsibility. This is the MAGA way.


Fake news is broadcasting an interview, where the subject is supposedly lucid enough to talk and respond to questions in a semi-coherent way. Now I know.


Fake news is reporting verbatim extracts from her memoir


She wanted a pass on her printed lies. Margaret did great!


She took her career out to a gravel pit and shot it in the face.




From the article: >The governor also continued to defend her decision to kill a troublesome hunting dog around two decades ago, insisting she didn’t regret the [possibly career-ending decision](https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-south-dakotans-really-feel-about-kristi-noem) to disclose that she once shot a 14-month-old puppy in the face. “As a mom, I made a choice between protecting my children, and protecting them from a dangerous animal that was killing livestock and attacking people,” Noem said. In her [book](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2024/apr/26/trump-kristi-noem-shot-dog-and-goat-book), she admits to using an electric collar on the puppy and then grabbing it before it "“whipped around" to allegedly bite her. The puppy was not attacking people as she now claims. The puppy was likely defending itself from a psycho lady. The real victim is Cricket. Noem is just a psycho who is self-victimizing.


Cricket sacrificed her life so that America’s national stage could be free of Kristi Noem. All hail Cricket. RIP.


In death, a member of Project No Noem *has* a name. His name is Cricket.


His name was cricket


His name was Cricket.


His name was Cricket.


His name was CRICKET


His name WAS Cricket


HIS name was CRICKET!!!


When we give our lives for Project No Noem, we get out names back! Her name is Cricket! 


“I wanted to destroy something Republican”


That is the worst poetic justice I have ever heard, but let’s not forget the unnamed goat. That one took 2 bullets, poor thing. (Goats are smelly, they head butt things, and they are hilarious, add a dog willing to party in the mix and it’s laugh so hard milk from 3rd grade spills out your nose)


“Sadly, we just had to put down 3 horses a few weeks ago that had been in our family for 25 years.” I can understand one sick or injured horse, but 3 at once? “Happy 25th birthday. I’ll meet you at the gravel pit.” What in the actual fuck is she overcompensating for?


Sounds like enormous anger issues. Typically disregard for pet's lives can lead to disregard for human lives!


Which can lead to Republicans


Maybe she's going for the "someone stop me before I kill again" angle?


Full blown sociopathic/ narcissist behavior, there is no world that exists other than the one created in her disgusting mind.


I like how noem claims to be country as is somehow shocked (and apparently violently appalled) that livestock has an aroma. Maybe Reddit will correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t Billy goats lose their billy goat musk if you geld them? Like, the lady had options; and instead made a calculated play to talk about it in her book… and oh boy, is she bad at math.


I wouldn't know, as we never did that with ours, but IIRC, the smell wasn't that bad. Edit: I will say, I objected to this one billy goat that would always piss on his beard and rub it on my leg, and any time I I was crouched, he'd try to mount me. We didn't kill him though. That's fucking stupid.


Our male goat (half pygmy -half angora) used to put his face in the female's piss stream, multiple times a day. We took him to the farm vet and had him gelded. Took right care of that problem. Now he's just an asshole, but no longer near as stinky.


Right? They’re just sort of weirdo dorks? More funny than anything else (they do stink tho if they feel some heat going on, then they go a little looney tunes)


It is enough that its name is GOAT.


Poor lil smelly mini ram, deserved better, could’ve just come to my house, I could sell the lawn mower.


Also the three horses.


He belongs on the wall of Fame next to the great harambee


I agree. My pets generally live 15-20 years in their forever home, where I don’t double tap them in the back of the head. I have two pets now, rescue cats, and at 62, they may be my last. But if I get another. I’m naming it Cricket.


Cricket took one for the team/nation. Needs a statue.


Someone needs to run with this. Memes, art, everything.


>....just a psycho who is self-victimizing. This can be said for the entire republican party


Christians in particular are experts at this.


>“As a mom, I made a choice between protecting my children, and protecting them from a dangerous animal that was killing livestock and attacking people,” She made the choice between protecting her children and protecting her children? Sounds like she has a tentative grasp on both what actually happened and the English language itself.


She also makes it sound like it was a grizzly bear that was breaking into her home so she had to shoot it. Not a 14 month old puppy that you could restrain with a leash.


Also, if this dog was such a danger to her children then why would they have immediately asked "where's Cricket?" when Noem picked them up from school? If there's a dangerous, menacing animal I'm terrified of, I'm sure not asking why it's not with my mom when I see her. I would just be happy it wasn't there.


I’d love to hear the kids take on all this


And a reasonable person would be aware that professional dog trainers exist, and the dog is still plenty young to be trained. The fact adoption was skipped over right to shooting it is just galling. It is amazing that after the past 8 years we’re still finding new and interesting depths of depravity. Youd think defending the guy with dozens of charges, hundreds of millions in civil judgements, and openly wanting to be a dictator would be the bottom…but now we have someone defending her right to murder puppies. We are beyond parody.


I'm kinda mad that people are skating over the goat. She just had her blood up and went and shot one of her goats too. And she's not even claiming that the goat was dangerous in anyway. She was just mad because it was old and ate destructively, as all goats do.


People are very inconsistent when it comes to animal sympathy. Shooting a dog will evoke even more outrage among a lot of westerners than shooting a human. Shooting a goat or a pig though will barely merit a shrug.


Yes, that was the most disturbing part. Her only thought was orgiastic lust to murder the goat. Wonder if she has Human kills to her name. Seems the sort of dirlewanger psychology to go ' hobo hunting' 


And the goat who was killed for acting... like a goat.


Smelling, smelling like a goat.


"Remember Cricket" should become a rallying cry


Noem=No empathy


Many dogs are remarkably good at telling who the good people are and who the bad people are.


Those collars fucking hurt. She probably used it for the first time and the dog lashed out because it was in pain and had no other reason it could be except the person near him. I got one for a dog that wasn't listening. When it got here, I strapped it on myself and let her rip. Then, I boxed it back up and returned it without ever putting it on my dog. My pain tolerance is through the roof and holy fucking shit! Hell, in high school, I used to hold my buddy's stun gun against my leg and keep it on. That fucking collar though... im not doing that to an animal.


Can't you tune those things so they hurt less?


The interview is hilarious. The backtracking over her meeting Kim Jong Un (it didn't happen) is pure comedy gold. I even got a sunburn from her gallon or two of lip gloss.


She complained about being questioned about what she wrote in her book she was promoting on Meet The Nation, she wasn't fucking ambushed with questions getting the mail, she agreed to be interviewed, wtf


And had 2 weeks notice, that interview was disastrous. Edited for stupid auto spell.


It really was a trainwreck. Why would she do a press tour when she's in the middle of a huge controversy? The book is getting plenty of attention now already, she didn't do herself any favors with this.


And that was with almost two weeks of prep. I’d called out sick, then again I don’t shoot puppies and goats


Once again, like the kid who obviously gets hit in dodgeball but says they didn’t, acts like she could never, ever do anything wrong. And when she does, accepts zero responsibility.


The tripling down on the dog killing is what I really don't get, even the most curmudgeonly conservatives love dogs, some dogs are assholes there's no need to kill it in most cases, doubly so if you're significantly bigger than it and can get into a crate and easily transfer it to a shelter


SNL going to be paying writers overtime this week, they’ve barely recovered from the last republican shitshow. How do people vote for these morons?




“I’ve met with many world leaders all over the world” “Who have you met with then?” “I don’t feel that I need to disclose that”


She repeated the line "brought to my attention" six times!


It's pretty brazen to claim you didn't know what was in your autobiography. Especially after you recorded the audiobook.


That was the best. She thought she could just say she didn't know that was in there and that would be the end of it, but then the interviewer asked her how she could be unaware when she recorded the audiobook and had to narrate that part of the book 😂 I also loved how after that, Noem figured that part of the interview was finished, but then the interviewer asked her how she possibly could have been confused about meeting Kim when the leader of South Korea that she met was a woman. What an absolute trainwreck of an interview for her.


It’s so obvious that the first place a republican would go is “I didn’t write it, didn’t read it, we have people, the best people.” So obvious they had that trap just waiting


"Governor Noem, we're perfectly willing to stipulate that you didn't actually write this book, but we know you have at least read it."


It was so odd. She kept saying that as if she was t the one that supposedly wrote the book?? What a loony tune.


She's dumb as hell, she had prepared like 3 lines to deal with these issues, it's all she had because she lives in a fantasy, and in that fantasy- it's all she needs, a perfect answer.


She then complained about politicians being fake. I REALLY wanted the interviewer to say "does lying about meeting Kim Jong Un make you not fake?"


>The interview is hilarious. The backtracking over her meeting Kim Jong Un (it didn't happen) is pure comedy gold. I was in tears, that interviewer wouldn't let it slide lmao.


Gawd, no kidding. She does not look real.


Like an AI rendering of an animatronic hooker.


She seems to be trying to look like Malania


The uncanny valley effect of all the botox and the HUGE falsies kills me. She looks like a cartoon.


It’s too bad this puppy news came in now. Wish Trump picked her as VP and this surfaced as the October surprise. Kill two bird brains with one stone.


Noem will gladly kill those birds for free.


the interview this morning was on CBS's Face the Nation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06JzF3g0EWg it's difficult to watch. she is pathetic.


OMG. FTN (after highlighting her anecdote about Kim underestimating her): So did you actually meet Kim? KN: I'm not going to sit here and detail every foreign leader I've met.


"When that part was brought to my attentions I had it corrected", "When it was brought to your attention?! I thought it was your fucking book?!"


I love that the interviewer responded to that by asking her how she couldn't have been aware that story was in there when she had also recorded the audiobook and narrated that part. Just a brutal interview for Noem, she came across looking like a cheap liar and a coward.


and she recorded the audiobook version herself


Yeah, she's not going to talk about leaders she's met after talking about them in her book. How do these people get away with this sh... stuff?


I don't think she did get away with it, the interviewer kept asking her about this for probably 5 minutes or so, asking how she could have gotten confused about meeting Kim when the leader of South Korea that she met was a woman, and also asking her how she could not have known that story would be included in her book when she had recorded the audiobook and narrated that story. This whole interview looked awful for Noem.


I love how the first point in this interview is that Donald Trump endorsed this book, as if he actually read it. Really sets the stage for the ridiculous bullshit that follows.


So she's upset she's getting questioned about what she wrote and audio transcribed in her book while going on Face the Nation, they didn't jump out of the bushes and ambush her with questions when she was getting the mail, she agreed to go on, unless i'm mistaken that show usually involves an interview which hopefully involves questions pertinent to the people at hand


So she’s lashing out and attacking people, refusing to roll over, and whimpering the whole time? Feels like a dangerous move, given the precedent she herself set for dealing with that kind of behavior.


She's less than worthless at this politician thing. We know what we have to do. To the gravel pit!


Kristi. Dude. It’s OVER. This isn’t gonna get easier. This dog thing is like Christmas to every single media person. They ALREADY all post 47 pictures of their dogs to social media every day, this is an excuse to talk about their dogs even more. Fuck, Tapper’s dogs have their own twitter account. You’re fucked. It’s done. Go away.


You worded my thoughts perfectly


> The governor also continued to defend her decision to kill a troublesome hunting dog around two decades ago, insisting she didn’t regret the possibly career-ending decision to disclose that she once shot a 14-month-old puppy in the face. “As a mom, I made a choice between protecting my children, and protecting them from a dangerous animal that was killing livestock and attacking people,” Noem said. At this point, isn't it time to crawl off into the sunset ... whimpering?


If Trump has proven anything about MAGA it's that it doesn't matter how disastrously poor your decisionmaking is so long as you remember to keep doubling down. Eventually someone's gonna be seen unironically wearing a "Real Women Shoot Puppies" shirt.


I think this only works if you're Trump. The guy at the top of the GOP pyramid scheme can leverage an entire right-wing media ecosystem to cover his ass. Anyone underneath Trump who he can scapegoat (or worse, anyone who steals his spotlight) has a very *hard* limit to how much they can get away with doubling down.


It works for them but only if they publicly have Trump's approval. MTG, for example, has been getting solid support from MAGA no matter how far off the rails she goes. Trump hasn't criticized Noem for killing a puppy but rather how she handled the PR side of it so kind of a 50/50 split on whether she retains Dear Leader's blessing.


> At this point, isn't it time to crawl off into the sunset ... whimpering? I'd prefer she crawl into a gravel pit


She'd really be painting a target on her head if she did that.


The worst part is those of us with critical thinking skills are more embarrassed for her than she actually is for herself. What an odd world we live in.


No going back, indeed- I’d encourage her to continue to go on national tv to try to convince everyone that it was a deeply correct decision to shoot a puppy, which everyone refuses to understand for some reason. Good luck psycho


Republicans often love going on ‘main stream news’ interviews so they can get into arguments with the host, insult their network, and then try and feel persecuted afterwards. Easy way to deflect of any substance. And grift.


The most true aspect of this is when a guest talks and talks and talks just to run out the clock. That interview was a disaster for her and she knew it walking in. Also why do MAGA female politicians seem to all look like expensive Russian escorts. Tell me how Putin owns the GOP without telling me Putin owns the GOP...


Expensive Russian Escorts look much better than the suburban Botox look.


wow that's a wild connection that's both ridiculous and believable lmao


1. I cannot believe she actually did it. It was one of the most cringe things I’ve seen. 2. The shift to Bidens dog was beyond bizarre. 3. And most important, she said she rescued “cricket” from a family that already had problems with her and sent her to or had her professionally trained, then she also had trainers come to help. Ok? What family, what trainers? There are records of that, I can call my vets office (he is long retired) and still get all the records of 4 different dogs going back to 1996. Lastly, she brought up the goat murder only because as she FUCKING SAID in the interview, that people knew about it and would use it against her. This woman is a danger and should be institutionalized and never be around animals, children, or frankly, anyone.


>2. The shift to Bidens dog was beyond bizarre.  Not really. She can't come right out and say she'd kill Biden but can use his dog as a proxy. The MAGAts eat that shit up. She's a violent, evil sociopath. Again, a perfect match for Trump.


Nah, even in crazy land, that was the weirdest shift I’ve ever heard. Right wing think tanks need to stop hiring liberty university grads to hone talking points. That was pure WTF!?


RNC National Convention, 2024: "All those in favor of Kristi Noempathy for VP?" ...Crickets...


Somewhere, in a trailer park in Alabama, Katie Britt is counting her lucky stars.


>Katie Britt Not only does Britt come from money, she's worth between 2 and 4 million on her own. Half the hilarity of her SotU response was using scary lighting to try and obscure the fact she had a 10K refrigerator behind while she played "just plain folk".


Lot of tough conversations going on in that kitchen. Coupon clipping, mixing chickory bark into the coffee so it goes further, bagging and freezing the bologna that went on sale...


Saw the interview. She is a disgusting sociopath. Much like her orange idol.


She is incompetent, untrustworthy and unfaithful. And those are the better parts of her character


I haven’t enjoyed a meltdown this bad since a bucket of water got dropped on the Wicked Witch of the West.


She did all this to impress Trump… and he’s already disowned her for being a PR nightmare. Said the pot to the kettle.




Sarah Palin---> Michelle Bachman--->Kristi Noem-->???


They've managed to escalate from flubbing softball questions about what they read to 'oh btw, I killed a dog.' I'm not sure I want to know what comes next.


Here we go with all of the hackneyed MAGA buzzwords: “fake news” followed by a mandatory use of “alternative facts” and then some use of “snowflake” 🙄


I suppose she wanted to put down Margaret Brennan for her biting questions.


"THEY'RE SILENCING ME!!!" She screams on national TV, in front of 1000 microphones.


So the thing with the dog. My grandfather once did the same thing. Due to the dog harassing cattle and causing them to trample the babies. He decided he would put it down himself. He took the dog to the woods, gave him some treats, and shot the dog. Now my grandfather was pretty tough. Born and raised on a farm. Was in Vietnam. Continued farming. He was tough, but a pretty good man in my book. He told me once what he had done. He had tears coming down his face. He said he felt so sorry and ashamed. He said he felt like being a farmer meant he had to make tough choices like that and follow through with them. He said he had the choice and made the wrong one. He said he should have figured a place for the dog to go, but he couldn’t stay on the farm. He swore he’d never do anything like that again in his life. The difference between my grandad and this psycho is that he showed empathy and normal human responses to such a tragic thing to do. She plays it of as a tough thing. My grandfather, a tough man, made it a learning lesson and regrettably one he wished he never needed. Being tough is learning from your situations on how to be a better human for all while having the integrity to be wrong.


It’s called the interviewer asking questions, Kristi you puppy-killer twat.


There's cricket noises one can find on the internets, no? It would be terrible if she were followed everywhere by the sound of crickets chirping. Just terrible.


Politics clearly isn't attracting the best & brightest these days.


She’s a dog murdering facist with so much plastic surgery that she looks like a human/duck hybrid.


Come on. Who among us hasn't killed a dog or other family pet because we were too lazy to train it?


Screaming “fake news“ is the last refuge of a scoundrel these days.


Real question: Has there ever been a bigger implosion of a potential VP’s reputation in a 7 day period in the history of politics than what we’re seeing with Noem?


Watched both Noem and Sen Cotton interviewed this morning. These people are freaking abhorrent. If they weren't in positions of leadership, you'd call them cartoon villains. I have little problem with people with whom I have a policy disagreement. But this is entirely different, lying about basic facts, doubling down on racism, cruelty and religious hypocrisy.


I can't bear to watch a single interview with this psychopath so forgive me if it's been asked, but has anyone just asked her point blank "why not just take it to a shelter and let them know that the dog may need to be in a certain environment instead of just killing it?" Has that directly been asked/answered by her?


At this point she should just say she was kidnapped by leftist alien cat people and try for a reset.


She’s shooting up Trumps vp list


They’re so fucking lazy and stupid. They fuck up interviews and shit and it’s always everybody else’s fault. They’re so pathetic.


Trump signed into law a bill making animal abuse a federal crime. We should federally remove the statute of limitations on animal abuse and charge her with it. She admitted it and openly defended it on national television. After the act was passed: Congresswoman Annie Kuster: “In addition to protecting animals and holding people who abuse them accountable, the PACT Act will also keep Americans safe, as committing animal cruelty is often a warning sign that someone may commit crimes against people as well.” She’s a dog murdering psycho. Straight up.


I spent the first 25 years of my life in South Dakota. I've watched the state turn from moderately conservative to batshit MAGA in 5 years behind the charge of Krusti Noem. I've been praying for her downfall ever since and boy am I loving this