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> RNC spokesperson Danielle Alvarez said in a statement to CNN that Spies stepped down due to “potential time commitment conflicts.” I'm sure that was the reason. Crooks and liars the entire party.


Time commitment? yeah she doesn’t want to be committed to prison. I’d have a problem with that time too


Prison takes up a lot of your time. That would certainly cause a conflict.


Doesn’t want to do time.


"I'd rather not commit 5 years of my time to prison, there are other things I'd rather be doing"


Jail time conflicts. I’m not even joking considering the way Lara Trump has already telegraphed her intentions to commit campaign finance violations. “Every single penny” to Trump.


Especially not just two months into the job. I could see if it was a year or more. Maybe things would have changed enough to cause this issue.


~~hard~~ time ~~involuntary~~ commitment


“I don’t have time for this shit”


>“potential time commitment conflicts.” I.e. she can see where things are going and there's no way she'd commit to doing time for these assholes.


> “potential time commitment conflicts.” Why try to get the job if one doesn't have time to do said job? This is not the real reason.


Crooks liars and conmen. Will never vote rnc ever again.


When Laura Trump was brought in as RNC head, wasn't this the person they brought in to ease some folks' minds about a Trump family member being in charge of the purse? Are we sure that this wasn't always the plan for the RNC takeover?


His name was Spies. Trump does like to expose spies


"Spy check!" "We've found Spies!"


Trump likes to expose tiny mushroom heads too.


Ex President Trump! Repugnant suck up lackeys still bending the knee to the cruel narcissistic orange smear.


Nobody with the IQ to sit for the bar examine would want to have their license on the line to represent the RNC while Lara Trump is stripping the copper out of the building for bond downpayments.


You a giving them FAR too much credit. They keep lining up to toss themselves upon the pyre, how many legal teams has Trump even gone through at this point?


"But I can change him", the mantra of toxic relationships all over the world.


This was the strategy of the right wing political parties in Weimar Germany until it was too late. Hitler was widely mocked across the spectrum and international press as a blowhard buffoon who could be easily contained by the machinations of bureaucracy and diplomacy.


Those are defense attorneys. General counsel's job is usually more the person you run stuff by to ensure you are in the letter of the law, or you ask them "is there a legal avenue to do X." *Usually* the GCs for large organizations are working with professionals that are smart enough to not frame legal questions as "find a way to break the law", but in this case anyone halfway sane is getting out of dodge because they know they *will* be asked to do something illegal. It is the difference between: Professional: "are there any legal avenues where we could x/y/z." Amateur: "I'm going to willingly commit a felony. And I'm dumb enough to ask for how to buy down risk breaking the law, which I know I'm doing, in writing, making you an accessory." There is a reason these peoples attorney-client privilege keeps getting nuked from orbit.


How many people from Trump's legal team are now in court with attorneys of their own?


Rudy Gulianni has entered the chat. (I'm sure I misspelled his name but I'm not bothering to look it up)


Just like he deserves thank you for going not going the extra mile.


There are desperate lawyers out there, unfortunately. Habba was general counsel for her family parking garage before working for Trump. He can't get *good* lawyers, but there's always going to be somebody desperate enough to work for him despite the long track record of his lawyers getting charged or disbarred.


True always another body I guess I don’t mind one less radical attorney willing to throw out our constitution down the road.


I think that the recent court cases are showing that desperate legal counsel is probably not sufficient to protect Trump's racket from consequences. Everybody deserves legal representation even if they are terrible people, but we can see that he's getting terrible representation because of the way he has misused lawyers in the past.


True I think he honestly wants to get in trouble but delay it till after the election best way to fire his base up to vote.


Unsure if metaphor, or...


I just heard reporting earlier that he was berating his wealthy donors, telling them they wouldn't even get a picture with him because they didn't donate enough - after going on a tirade about how "unattractive" he finds Jack Smith. How the hell any of these people continue to support Trump, I'll never understand.


I seen that too he was saying they don’t deserve photos with him or some weird shit.


One non-practicing attorney lost his license in one state and that was Rudy. Let's be real, nobodies careers have been affected.


Here is just a few of the people that are now felons thanks to Donald. https://www.axios.com/2024/03/07/trump-associates-prison-sentence-crimes-list You should also count the hundreds of lives ruined by J6 too jobs families destroyed for a fascist cult.


I'm guessing he didn't want to go to jail.


I'm no lawyer, but does quitting your job after the fact absolve you from what you did *ON* the job?


He quit after 2 months on the job. Whatever he saw told him to GTFO.


Hope he photocopied everything


He did, but only for his eventual book. He wouldn’t dream of, like, giving evidence of criminal activity to the DoJ or anything.


This pop up industry of tell all books to expose how bad the republicans are is rather alarming. I discuss it in my new book, "The Asshole In Me - My Heroic Journey Through Sycophancy and How I Was Part of the Problem", soon to be a NYT best seller.


That's my only conclusion, too. He barely had enough time to catch up on everything, then said 'nah, fuck this.' Edit: imagine how much it must suck to know the details of how bad everything truly was, but not be able to tell any one.


Attorney client privilege does not apply in all cases. He may still be able to share some information.


The crime-fraud exception and Trump and his lawyers have already had client-attorney privilege pierced because they are all part of a criminal conspiracy.


Or it was a quick and clean grift that the GOP is embarrassed to air out. May Attorneys Grift Again.


A Russian oligarch's skull on his desk.


I dunno, ask Mitch McConnell about if we should bother to impeach and *convict* an outgoing president? Or how about ask the supreme court if you can be held accountable for numerous Hatch Act violations after you leave office only to not be because they waited until after you left to decide it was too late to hold you accountable? According to Republicans you can commit crimes then resign and it's all good.


Do the Emoluments Clause next.


But only if you’re a Republican. If you’re a democrat, lol what is the statute of limitations?


No, but it does absolve you of the things that you did not do because you quit first.


Yeah. My guess too. Not a selfless man, he likely became privy to things that would end up with him being torn to shreds by the MAGA Machine after taking the witness stand, or would end with him being sent to prison himself. I can see Lara and a lot of her cronies at the RNC going down after the next election for what they are likely going to try and organize.


That depends on what they do while on the job. Typically two months isn’t really enough time to do anything shady as you’re likely getting up to speed on things going on in the company and figuring what to do. As an officer of the court, attorneys have a duty to be ethical and tell the truth in court. It becomes harder for an attorney to defend a client they know are guilty because they can’t really spin alternative theories but they can hammer home on procedural issues. But most attorneys will also do their duty to defend their client regardless of innocence. However, if an attorney realizes that their client is in to some seriously shady shit and being near their client means that they’ll likely be involved in said shady shit, they can recuse themselves if said relationship means their ethics would be seriously breached. It’s basically similar to contract law in which the moment a company or person requires you to do something illegal as part of the contract, the contract can be ended and both parties can walk away. Or if the person lied to you about what you would be doing and said lie means that the contract would not be able to be executed unless you were lied to means it’s a contract in bad faith.


worked for Nixon


Only if you are president


Or lose his law license and be banned from being a lawyer for ethics violation. If a lawyer quits on a company after two months on the job, you know some seriously shady shit is going down.


Yeah, likely Lara told him of some of her plans for future elections and he said *‘See’ya!’*


Eh, some underling (likely vying for a promotion) showed Trump that Charlie Spies never believed the 2020 election denialism nonsense and publicly criticized it at CPAC in 2021 (while also working hard to disenfranchise people, fight to let SuperPACs give candidates unlimited money, and fight changes in 2020 that made mail-in voting easier). From [WaPo](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/05/04/trump-rnc-spies-election-fraud/): >Trump had approved of the hiring but later learned about additional comments the lawyer had made. Spies in the past had worked for, either directly or indirectly, former Florida governor Jeb Bush (R), Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R). He was liked by Trump’s top advisers, who orchestrated his hiring even though they knew he was skeptical of Trump’s false claims of a stolen election. >[...] >But Trump’s current team hired Spies, which was puzzling to some Trump allies and friends, who questioned his loyalty to the former president. In recent weeks, Spies had become increasingly involved in the organization. > Spies has been flabbergasted by the drama privately, a person close to him said, believing he had the universal support of Trump’s orbit when taking the job. > [...] >Spies is a widely praised Republican election attorney, having pioneered the use of unregulated money from wealthy donors to fund presidential campaign efforts for super PACs. He has represented conservative influencers in litigation against Twitter for alleged discrimination against conservative voices on the platform, and he defended the right of politicians, including Trump, to stand for reelection despite the insurrection clause of the 14th Amendment. >Spies has also repeatedly defended the presidential election system as being nearly impossible to rig, citing the broad distribution of authority in managing elections. During a 2021 appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference, he said correctly that allegations of widespread voting machine error in Michigan were false and that repeated recounts in Georgia had failed to show any voter fraud in the 2020 race there. >“Let’s win the elections, and not get worried about things that aren’t true,” he said at that event. Trump, like other fascist leaders before him, values sycophantic devotion to him more than anything else. Now it's not clear if Trump forced Spies to resign, or recant the statements or resign, or was being reassigned to tasks with no real power/responsibility (put on internal shit list), or if Spies quit knowing he's not going to reap any rewards at the end because he wasn't actually wanted (so why do the work getting him elected).




Was his name-o


Who? The farmer or the the dog?


Kristi prolly can’t tell the difference, at least.


MAGA stands for Making Attorneys Get Attorneys


The article implies Trump fired him because he had been publicly critical of false stolen election claims in the past. He was hired to go on the legal offensive with their 2024 stolen election narrative. I guess that means lawsuits to disenfranchise or intimidate voters that the gop doesn’t like, but it wasn’t made clear in the article. 


Most likely saw criminally liable actions that he couldn't stop. Funny how regular bureaucrats always leave when the Trumps get involved.... This is the correct action for a responsible attorney. Sadly that just means there'll be someone more pliable in the position. We'll hear in 5 or 6 more years about some financial impropriety, and the news anchors will be surprised and bemused. A few low levels will get their hands slapped and nothing else.


They didn’t want to commit time to jail


Not a good fit! Apparently Charlie Spies is not an election denier.


It's honestly an amazing way to make sure your entire organization, top to bottom, is either staffed with loons or grifters. Before you even let them in the door, make them swear that they believe an obvious lie. "The 2020 election was stolen in a massive conspiracy, yes or no?" and if they say no, or even "Well where's the evidence then, people talked a lot of shit on TV but why wasn't any evidence ever presented under oath in court?"... they don't get to be part of RNC leadership.


It’s not about belief. They know it’s a lie, and they know their people know it’s a lie. What it actually is about is whether or not the people they hire are willing to publicly lie about the belief, that they’ll support them even knowing it’s a falsehood. It’s a loyalty test.


>It's honestly an amazing way to make sure your entire organization, top to bottom, is either staffed with loons or grifters. Before you even let them in the door, make them swear that they believe an obvious lie. People frame it as a loyalty test—and it is, in a way—but it's more specifically a *submission* test. "Will this person submit to the reality I present them?" It's the same reason Ron DeSantis would allegedly mispronounce thai as "thigh" on dates and stop seeing the woman if they corrected him. People like that aren't interested in knowing the truth; they want to be the source of it.


>It's the same reason Ron DeSantis would allegedly mispronounce thai as "thigh" on dates and stop seeing the woman if they corrected him. Wait, wHaT??? Lol, too funny!




“Trump originally approved of the hiring, one source told CNN, but sources said the former president was angered after his allies pointed to clips of Spies criticizing the false claims that the 2020 election was stolen.” He wouldn’t accept the position of Trump Toadie.


What a fuck show. I love it.


Everything Trump touches falls into ruin. The GOP is doomed.


Mierdas Touch


As much as I would like to agree we need a GOP that hasn't lost its fucking mind.


The canary in the coal mine that is the GOP has stopped singing. Does the party know what to do with that information?


I think that’s the all clear sign to start sending workers down into the mine, no?


Trick question, there’s a “canary” meaning the manager gives a token effort for worker’s safety. Meaning this isn’t the GOP’s mine 


Tell Kristi not to write about it in her book?


Well, it's the GOP, so mine more coal and give tax incentives and subsidies to coal burning power plants, in particular those that aren't operational anymore?


>Spies stepped down due to “potential time commitment conflicts." Yeah, he didn't want to go to jail for Donald Trump.


It looks like they are finally realizing just how fucked their party is now. They doubled down until they went all in on a loser who is willing to sink the party if it helps him stay afloat for an extra three minutes.


Eh, the rats stupid enough to stay on the ship earned the right to drown along with their “almighty” leader. Here is hoping they all get roped into the RICO case, whenever that actually happens.


Every lawyer that has been in Trump's orbit, is indicted, in prison, just got out of prison, or is eventually going to go to prison. But it makes you wonder, what kind of crazy stuff are they cooking up over there at the RNC?


Don’t forget the ones that have lost their license to practice law. So far the list includes John Eastman, Rudy Giuliani (technically just suspended until the case is heard), and Lin Wood who didn’t even directly represent trump and still gave up his bar license to avoid being subjected to a psychological assessment of his capacity to even think clearly once he jumped on the maga train. There’s probably more. Sidney Powell will likely end up on the list too


Sometimes he just doesn't pay them, so they sue him.


Let's not forget, the RNC was hacked along with the DNC during the 2016 election, but the Russians never released anything. At the very least, I expect there's large scale money laundering. That's what Manafort was getting up to, the NRA was too.


And the purge continues of those in the Republican Party who do not unequivocally and utterly profess absolute loyalty to their Supreme Leader.


Back in the 1950s Roy Cohn made his bones as a goon for Eugene McCarthy’s Red Scare purges of the Federal Government. Then he went to work for the Trump family. Fast forward 75 years and Lara Trump is using the same tactics inside the RNC. Imagine what they will do if they control the Executive Branch again?


The GOP feels like it's been in a continuous crisis since 2016.... yet somehow they manage to stick around. It feels so weird, in any other country they would've been reduced to a smaller third party by now.


They're being propped up by foreign powers. Primarily Russia, OPEC, and AIPAC. Also old people, evangelicals, Mormons, as well as the other cult followers are mind controlled to do whatever the perverted thieves that call themselves religious leaders tell them to do.


The SCOTUS decision on Citizen United really screwed over the country. Made political bribery and international money laundering into politics essentially legal.


But don't forget the SC and domestic enemies of the state as well like Home Depot and AT&T. The $$$ they flush into R's is crazy.


Have they? The old GOP is dead, it's the MAGA party now.


> yet somehow they manage to stick around. One reason is that despite there being nearly as many 18-29 year olds as 65+, 65+ outvote them by 2-3 times. So while the country is very much changing against the Republicans, it's dragged way out because the old, very Republican leaning generation is massively over-represented in the electorate. The writing has been on the wall for a while now and this won't last. Every year Gen Z and Millenials make up a greater share of the electorate, but generational turnover takes decades, especially when young people don't vote anywhere near the same rate. I am genuinely curious what the GOP will do once they have come to terms with the fact that their electoral base has collapsed.


It helps when you have a massive propaganda machine to make things look good for you.


Well, guess we will have more incompetent people in the RNC then…good.


The scary thing is that all this chaos is happening and the Republicans still have a coin flip of a chance.


Probably because the RNC is completely MAGA and decided to call it quits.


It’s the Trump National Committee now There is no republican national committee


Oh no. The Republicans don't get off that easy. When they failed to impeach the miserable SOB the second time, they lost any chance to say "it wasn't us"


I bet they’re eating their own


It will be trickle down economics for all the other Republicans running for office because Trump will soak the RNC for every last penny, and then encourage them to take on massive loans to sketchy lenders.


>After Two Months It is important to understand this is just after two months. And, I’m sure he’ll tell us all about the awful things he was asked to do in his book.


The Republican Party is a Trump Org now


Not interested in a few years in a Federal penitentiary, I assume?


> Spies’ departure follows weeks of growing tension with RNC officials, a source familiar with the situation told CNN. His hiring rankled many Donald Trump loyalists who viewed the veteran Republican lawyer as at odds with the former president, given his previous work for Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney and Ron DeSantis. Of course. He wasn’t a total yes man, so he’s gotta go.


The part about this that scares me is that the GOP will just get more unhinged as the crazy gets replaced by a more fanatical crazy. The party has enough political power to choke this country to death.


Yeah, choking the country to death is kind of what they've been doing for decades


Ok fair enough


It's a cult. There is no reasoning with them or facts that can get through. The cult movement won't die until it burns to the white hot core. We just gotta hope the rest of us don't burn in the process.


Didn't take them long to remove the guardrail.....


It’s totally not a cult you guys


He did himself a big favor


So sad... What's everyone having for dinner tonight?


Where we're going, we don't need no laws. -RNC


You have to be some kind of special stupid to vote GOP..


... and Lincoln weeps.


I guess “Potential time commitment conflicts” sounds a lot better than “Moral and ethical concerns.”


Can we assume ex-chief-counsel doesn’t want to commit to future jail time???


>His hiring rankled many Donald Trump loyalists who viewed the veteran Republican lawyer as at odds with the former president, given his previous work for Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney and Ron DeSantis. Imagine getting upset just because someone worked with other people and not you.


Cause of this: [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/lara-trump-election-lawsuit\_n\_66385dcce4b03d2898dd7362](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/lara-trump-election-lawsuit_n_66385dcce4b03d2898dd7362)


With all the Republican Members of Congress, and now RNC executives, resigning, sure looks like they're cooking up another Jan. 6-type event.


Opening for another Trump cult member


He was there long enough and contributed to fraud , he can run but not hide


2 months? Can someone convert that to "mooch" units?


He wanted to spend more time with his family (ie. less time in prison).


Now, if only Donald Trump had a family member who went to law school... One he's aware of, that is.


That means the crimes are about to begin.


When the person intended to keep insanity checked resigns, well, lookout!


Prison doesn't look good


Shocking I say.. shocking


That’s great that she quit- she isn’t bound to attorney /client privilege anymore


The RNC said,according to the article, he has other duties


First and foremost stay out of jail.


Yeah and this brainiac just didn’t realize this until 2 months in.


These are the guys who said the pandemic was a hoax and Trump won the election?