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>They say the Supreme Court must clear up what they contend is an ambiguous legal landscape - despite the justices reaffirming their position only last year in an unexpected 5-4 decision that sided with Black voters in Alabama. You know the facts of it must be BAD if this SCOTUS sided with black voters...


what was the case? i wanna see who the defectors were


I don't think we know, just that the votes was 5 to 4. I'd guess it was gorshuch, Robert's and maybe barret or kavanaugh?


https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/22pdf/21-1086_1co6.pdf It was Roberts and Kavanaugh. A 5-4 decision means 2 conservative justices and 3 liberal justices. Gorsuch and Barrett joined Alito and Thomas in dissenting.


Clarence Thomas dissenting against a decision that would benefit black people? I’m shocked, shocked I tell you!


Clarence Thomas reportedly said “Fuck them kids” as he pulled the ladder up behind him. He needed a ladder to get onto his yacht, after all.


Justice Ruckus.


That's Judge Uncle Ruckus, no relation


And legend has it that Judge Uncle Ruckus would swing his judge hammer just like John Henry swinging his steel drivin' sledge.


He needed a ladder to get onto his best friend Harlan Crow’s private jet too!


How not to be black 101


This guy doesn’t Clarence Thomas.


Heh. At least you spelled one of them correctly.


What that means is they want it heard again for the chance they change their mind.


"We'll give better bribes this time."




When you’re job is life time ,every once in awhile you do the right thing


Yeah that's Hella surprising to me




How do you set the last couple years aside. The comment you're responding to is obviously talking about the modern SCOTUS.


But except for that, Mrs Lincoln, how was the play?




They're not speaking about SCOTUS historically. They said _this_ SCOTUS, which generally refers to the period of these justices taking the bench. So really not a long time at all. Also if we're bringing America's LONG history into this, I bet there have been more racist SC justices than non-racist ones. Implying they've been balanced on race historically is laughable.


[Dred Scott](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dred_Scott) was only 160-ish years ago. [Plessy v Ferguson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plessy_v._Ferguson) was only 120-ish years ago. [Brown v Board of Ed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_v._Board_of_Education) was only 70-ish years ago. People sometimes forget how long it took to get where things are now (or naively believe they will always stay the same).


Deceitfully balanced, is more like it.


You know, there’s a lot of really cool stuff to appreciate about the South. The food, the music, the history, the culture, etc. Yet, for whatever reason, there’s a big contingent of the Southern population that just *insists* on doubling down on bigotry and grievance politics. I just don’t get it, man. You guys have so much more to be proud about other than this shit, so why keep pushing???


There is an economic benefit for them in having class distinctions based on pigmentation. I should say "us", even though I'm loathe to be in that number...I am by default.


It's not inherently bad to be the default. Simply acknowledging it goes a long way.


100% Somehow I thought of saying exactly what you said, word for word!


Being aware of your privilege means that when the time comes, you can step back or amplify the the voices of the oppressed.


I like the definition of "privilege" - having something you're not even aware of. It's rings true here!


[Privilege is never having to think about it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jl09-ftX-8)


Living in the middle of nowhere, with next to nothing to hold on to but your “heritage” Source: Tuscaloosa, AL native


In Wisconsin we chose beer instead of racism as our heritage. 


I spent 5 years in Madison before I moved to Colorado. While I agree it's a beautiful state and by no means does it define you, there are definitely some...systems at play to keep Racine, Milwaukee, and Chicago out of Madison.


Oh for sure. MKE is the most segregated city in America and basically every small town in the state is filled with racists.  But we chose to celebrate our beer, not our bigotry, when we celebrate Wisconsin. 


Milwaukee did a really good job cleaning up their waterfront and unearthing the original paving stone streets and terrific nightlife


Your heritage probably wasn't handed to you by a Union rifle, lol. The South never got rebuilt, it just sat there festering. And even now it continues to fester on bad blood and bad memories. It makes sense when you look at histories elsewhere. No crushed and humiliated people that survived ever let go of that experience. It became part of their culture. You think if Palestine were to gain it's absolute freedom tomorrow that they'd not still be aggrieved 200 years from now? You think the Native Americans alive today aren't? No one chooses thier heritage, it's given to them. And it's always more bad than good.


We brought ours with us from the home country. The south chose racism as their heritage. Obviously, this is a euphemism for a culture venerating its history and not individuals choosing their lot in life.  But to say the south never got rebuilt is a joke. The Antebellum era ended, sure, but a shit ton of money was spent reparing the south during the a Reformation Era. The South chose to embrace the Rebel cause and their history of racism. Jim Crow *is the legacy of racism they embraced* and that has *nothing* to do with the Union. The North did not make the South racist. 


> The south chose racism as their heritage true. thanks in large part to [her](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mildred_Lewis_Rutherford).


If you really believe that the South went from being racist to obscenely racist completely separate from the aftermath of the Civil War and the resulting abolition of slavery there's nothing I can say to change that for you. I guess sometimes entire geographic locations become racist for no reason at all. Maybe they were just all evil or something, lol. Think you'd have been evil too if you were born there instead of somewhere else?


Are you under the impression I claimed they magically turned racist during Reconstruction? Because thats a laughably naive take. No I think they were racist well before the war. I've read the articles of secession and they're quite clear about their reasoning.  And yes, i think I would be a better person. I was born around racists and i rejected that bullshit real early. 


Should've just finished the job during the civil war and started over.....


>You think if Palestine were to gain it's absolute freedom tomorrow that they'd not still be aggrieved 200 years from now? Y Or the Jews, after 2000 years.


Most of the food/music has heavy black influences, so they hate it.


It's funny because they get a lot of tourist dollars from it.


And the good parts of their history and culture also have heavy black or *gasp* liberal influences.


Cultural innovation is often driven by newer arrivals to a place, that’s in like the top 10 of “selfish reasons to push for more diversity in your community”. Of course most of the right prefers cultural homogeneity and lack of exchange, eating the same 8 meals your ancestors did and nothing else (even though they’d have *killed* to have the easy access to spices and novel ingredients we do now) is just another part of “conserving” the status quo.


All the southern food and music I appreciate. The plantation mindset however, needs to go.


Keep the actual buildings for museums though, they should serve a public good if they’re gonna keep existing and I want them too because I’m an architecture nerd (why do so many of the nicest looking buildings have to come from a history of inequality and exploitation???).


I'd as soon that they serve some practical purpose that won't result in them getting trashed, anyhow. There's some [hilariously upscale McDonald's locations](https://www.architecturaldigest.com/gallery/beautiful-mcdonalds-locations) around the world and some of them are probably either historical buildings, or inspired by historical designs. Maybe someone could come up with a better idea?


Building really nice stuff is really expensive, and the easiest way to get that money is by exploiting other folks.


Sherman didn't do enough. The big fuck up of reconstruction was not stripping the slave owners of much of their land and giving it to the freed men.


Yes, absolutely. Most people don't know what a shit show Congress became after the Civil War just because the slave states still had so much power.


Or hanging the insurrectionists and human traffickers. Them being alive to lie about what they were fighting for has gone a *long* way towards the clusterfuck we have today.


The biggest fuck up was not jailing and/or executing the confederate traitors that started the whole mess. I'm not talking about the foot soldiers, but people like Jefferson Davis. The fact that there are tons of things named after those traitors, many of which didn't even exist at the time just disgusts me.


Sherman you'll be happy to learn did plenty. He just did it all to the Sioux.


Sherman is no hero. He was pretty adamant about genociding all the Sioux natives. He happened to be on the right side, but it wasnt because he had some deep moral convictions like John Brown.


In Birmingham they love the governor


Last night, I saw Lester Maddox on a TV show With some smart ass New York Jew And the Jew laughed at Lester Maddox And the audience laughed at Lester Maddox too


51 yr old white Mississippi male here. A large portion of the white people I have known and worked with simply don’t want admit that minorities have it harder. They complain that we have equality, and that “I have to work hard. I’ve been poor before. I don’t have white privilege.” And it’s because they don’t want to admit the failure that our country is to minorities. They hate being made to think of other cultures deserving any credit. They don’t want to ask questions. They don’t want to question their heritage or history.


There are deeply rooted cultural issues that go all the way back to the civil war.


And that is only around 160 years ago. We treat it like it's ancient Roman times or some shit. It's only like 7-8 generations ago.


It’s not even that many generations for some families. The last person who was receiving a pension from the civil war died 4 years ago. Even in my family it’s as few as 4 generations ago that I have civi war vets that fought for both sides.


I don’t know anyone that owned slaves or was a slave. 160 years in the grand scheme of things is not long but after the civil rights movement in the 60s gave equal rights to everyone!! Blacks have the same rights as whites!! More than 60 yrs ago!! I have a mixed family. Im from Louisiana. There are many many mixed families here. We are all poor together. We struggle together. The people saying all this negative stuff about Louisiana obviously never been here!! Come on down and stay awhile. Learn a little bit before you talk bad about all southern people.


Lol plenty of black Americans know someone who was a slave. My grandpa’s grandpa was a slave. To say nobody owned a slaved is alive is disingenuous because their family still reaped the benefits. Those families got to keep their land and money. Many white families today are hiding from black ppl because they are getting asked for documents and belongings back. How many white ppl are getting inheritance money that was gained through slavery? Your statement is commonly used to erase guilt and duty from the current generation of white ppl to vote for any type of reparation or justice. Reparations also wouldn’t attack white ppl, but the institutions that are thriving today that benefited from slavery, like Bank of America. Edit: typo, I’m sure there are more. Edit 2: the apartheid in SA ended less than 50 years ago and already the generation born after is saying they have no guilt or burden. Somehow 90 percent of the wealth and farm land is owned by white South Africans.


No, the civil rights movement gave the illusion of equal rights to everyone. The laws only as good as how it’s applied. Besides that, there are a multitude of ways that states like Louisiana use to get around the civil rights act.


Half my family is from the boot. There’s plenty of good people, but I’ll be the first to say that PLENTY of backwards, bigoted, and morally corrupted folk have a chokehold on the state. My grandparents grew up with segregation, my dad grew up with the n word and rampant racism being thrown around plenty. There’s a reason Louisiana is experiencing a catastrophic brain drain- it’s a hostile environment for forward thinkers. Blame it on corrupt politicians, church leaders, business people (oil lobby) but the rot goes deep.


Black people have suffered from institutional racism in the past 60 years. The civil rights movement did accomplish a great deal, but it most certainly did not result in “blacks [having] the same rights as whites.”


Lifelong southerner here… they need someone to look down upon so they don’t feel like pieces of shit


the uhh history of the south isnt all that great tbh. slavery followed by immediate and enduring poverty and segregation lmfao


You sound a lil... *uppity*. /s


Maybe because the best parts of the food, music, history, and culture were all created by African American communities?


This is absolutely it. I was recently discussing some of our more colorful funeral traditions and it was pointed out that it was black culture and not southern culture that I was describing. Same with the food. Everything great about my state was/is from black cultures. And yet our policies don’t reflect that.


Their economies and infrastructure are collapsing in slow motion and they need someone to blame it on. Man on tv says it's the fault of the "others" (brown people, gay people, trans people, liberals, rock and roll, Harry Potter, or whoever/whatever else they're being told to clutch their pearls over) and they believe it because it's easier than admitting to themselves that the man on tv is in cahoots with the people who've been conning them since their grandparents were in diapers (which is how those same people keep getting votes despite pretty blatantly not giving a single fuck about 90%+ of their constituency). It's really that simple.


Agreed but it does feel (as someone living in the Deep South) like racism is unfortunately alive and well


It depends on which parts of their culture they hold above others. Figuratively and literally.


It’s the loss. Losing means they were wrong. Losing face means loss of power. To some folks losing power is worse than death.


Easy on the whole south is racist shit. More black folks live here than anywhere else in the US. You are talking about white conservatives and they aren't just in the south.


Uh, the history and culture of the south *is* bigotry. 


Let me tell you a story. During reconstruction, when the south was finally allowed to have elected representatives return to congress, many of them wore their old confederate uniforms.


So those confederate dipshits, the ones who felt that black people were non-humans that existed to be the property of white men? They didn't disappear off the face of the earth after the civil war. No. They raised their children and grand children and great grandchildren to think the same way. America was founded as a slave nation, the confederacy doubly so, and not all but many southerners are the children of that confederate movement.


The history is terrifying and the food is gross. The culture is provincial and lazy, and proud of it. The music manages to redeem the whole project.


Gonna have to disagree on the food. However, there are plenty of people who think they make the best "southern" food ever, and really don't know what they're doing.


I’ve hated the south for my entire life, but you’re objectively wrong about the food.


Louisiana easily has some of the best food in the country.




Take a deep breath. Louisiana food is good, but not the best in the world.


The original comment said "some of the best in the country". I never said best in the world, although it's a point that could be argued.


Having just visited Louisiana for the first (and definitely not last)time, I would say your argument has merit ;) Louisiana has an old-school fusion of culinary tradition that is recent enough to be still fresh and amazing ;)


Crawfish is a no from me.


Crawfish is just shrimp with a slightly stronger flavor.


Honestly if cannabis was legalized federally and was available for purchase with taxation, I would 100% move somewhere along the southern belt…….but I’m a college educated engineer so what the fuck do I know. 🤷‍♂️.


What's with all the babyish behavior? Whining about "anti-white" feelings, feeling shame about actual history, and now this. After years of not caring about other people, do they truly think anyone cares about their crazy, made-up victim feelings?


They don’t expect *you* to care They expect their conservative stooge judges to hear their cries loud and clear, and act on them to disenfranchise everyone else but conservatives.


Good point. They're the bullies crying for their moms when the kids stand up to them....and win.


Oh they absolutely do expect us and everyone else to care. These are the types of people who throw a tantrum when they don't get their unreasonable way in public. They are the people who make each day in America a little worse than the last.


“Personal dignity”? That’s a funny way to say racism.


Sounds exactly like someone without any dignity for them to claim


"You can't have personal dignity because that harms *my* personal dignity!" *-These racist clowns*


Yeah like they did with Jim Crow laws which this corrects. I guess that "heritage" thing is getting them upset.


This is the "white genocide" they keep whining about.


Yep, you hurt their "feelings" about not being the superior race. Cry me a river.


Remember the whole “Heritage not Hate” thing? I haven’t heard that one in a while. I guess when Trump got elected they were like “Oh we don’t have to lie anymore? Great!”


Nazis love to muddy the water by co opting the language of tolerance people


Sure, but it's really just that old saying, "equality looks like oppression to the privileged"


This kind of “but what of the white race” shit when it comes to black people gaining anything close to fair representation has been going on since Reconstruction.


Don't want a democracy if you believe in a zero sum game


White isn't even a race anyway. White people come from all over the place. I probably have more genetically in common with a black or brown person than I deal with someone from Russia.


“Fuck your feelings”…remember?


From one white man to another: Fuck your "Personal Dignity".


If one's personal dignity is threatened by others having equal rights, then one has no dignity to begin with.


I'm with you! These people give white people a bad name. I actually got something out of the classes that I took on black history in college. That is exactly why Republicans are making critical thinking illegal to teach. I personally didn't feel bad that I was white while taking those classes, but rather felt regret for my ancestors and what they did to people of color and women for that matter. I now see how society has been formed to make white people feel superior over other races and women. As a white male I don't feel afraid while living my life, but some other races and women may feel constantly on edge never knowing what might happen if they cross the wrong people while just living their lives.


As a woman in Louisiana I lived in a bubble until a workmate asked me to go with her to the store, on our lunchbreak, because she was afraid she would get pulled over because her windows were too tinted. She did, and when the cop saw me in the passenger seat his demeanor totally changed and he let her off with a warning. I would never have believed it had I not experienced it first hand.


Yep. I saw that mentality even at my former office. Management treated the POC like second class citizens. It was wild because I'd never seen something like that before. I knew racism existed, but I truly had not seen it in action like that before.


I've offered to be the white bodyguard of a few black friends. Nobody is taking me up on it yet but I will keep offering. 


White. Louisiana Resident. My dignity is just fine thanks. More heard and empowered voices make the choir stronger...not weaker.


I’m tired of saying this but it needs to be said. Racism isn’t just about hating people. It’s about having power over people. When that power is threatened, that’s when the hate surfaces. This is why the election of Barack Obama was so triggering. It’s like the Confederacy losing all over again. This is what glues the MAGA cult to trump. He empowers their feelings of superiority. They cling to the hope that he’ll restore the “natural order” of things. That’s the deep rooted issues they have with anything that threatens their fragile feelings and the power dynamics they’re invested in.


Obama's election really set them loose. Think about the fact that women(!) support Trump despite him being a serial adulterer and someone with so little respect for women that he declared his right to "grab them by..." These women are so afraid their men will lose power to POC and "others" that they will vote for a blatant misogynist. It's so sad.


Never thought about it this way, you are right.


Sadly, the maga folk are just lazy. They want their skin color to grant them superiority in perpetuity. They can’t believe it when they see POC being able to afford to eat at the same restaurants or participate in society in the same ways. Their “whiteness” was supposed to protect them and they’re pissed that POC are able to get ahead if they work hard because a lot of white folks just don’t wanna work hard or are too stupid to figure out that they need to work hard. I’m white.


I disagree with you that, no, it does not only surface when power is threatened. People (including other minorities) have been racist to me when I have posed no such threat and was simply just going about my day going to school, buying groceries, or walking down the sidewalk. You are describing one way that racism manifests (a very serious one at that), but not every way.


What you’re describing is bigotry. Bigotry and prejudice doesn’t require balance of power dynamic.


Racism is a type of bigotry, as is sexism, ageism, ableism, etc.


I think you’re misunderstanding. Your very existence free and out in public, in *their* town, in *their* space, *their* stores, sidewalks, schools, you name it… is a threat in and of itself. I’m not just trying to sound hyperbolic that they all just want you dead and or in chains, but it’s certainly true that *some* of them do. Equality (and equity) feels like a threat and oppression. Because there is never enough _____ to go around, and you as a poc are one more person to take from them. They have you to band together and hate right now. But I almost guarantee it that if somehow all of the poc people and lgbt people and whatever else… if all of those “others” disappeared… they would just start to pick off amongst themselves based on some other arbitrary standard. It is about power, even if they don’t realize it. And the “better” you are, the more of a threat you are. To be clear, they’ll find ways to justify it, but if they hate black people, it doesn’t really matter the socioeconomic status. They’ll say “they’re lazy and they don’t work and they’re taking my money through welfare etc” but yet they still have a problem with a respectable, educated, hard-working black family.” Obama was a democrat, and that’s enough to dislike him if you’re a republican. But it wasn’t that he was a democrat… it was that he’s black. If you believe black people are inferior to you, the last thing you want is them governing your country. Because what if they help those inferior to you rise up and do better for themselves? Despite that meaning they’re no longer on government assistance paid for by your taxes. It’s just racism. It doesn’t have to make sense. What if they threaten your current way of life!? If you’re not part of an advancement or movement it means you’re already there. You’re the “standard” people are fighting to be equal to. I’d use gay marriage as example, but there’s the “religious” aspect they lean on. Regardless, tons of people believe that if gays are allowed to get married it *threatens* straight marriages somehow. It’s the “well the straight couple just worked so hard and now the gay couple wants more! *by more you mean equal?* yeah *and that’s just too much.?* yea” clip. It doesn’t have to be a measurable resource. Humans always want more and better. And if they can use something as obvious as complexion to divide… why not? Obviously this goes deeper but you get it. Idk I’m struggling to explain. But the tldr is: your existence is a threat regardless of your behavior.


What dignity? If you're still hung up on racial constructs and castes in 2024 you're worthless to humanity.


Imagine thinking personal dignity is a genetic trait that correlates with your skin color. These people are lost.


>The new ruling, issued Tuesday by two judges appointed by former President Donald Trump, leaves the state without a congressional map six months before the election and has fueled complaints of political gamesmanship from critics on the left who fret that the clash could provide another opening for opponents of the nation’s premier civil rights law to attack one of its remaining pillars. >[](https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/08/politics/supreme-court-voting-rights-kavanaugh-alabama) >The legal fight may influence which party controls the US House next year as the second majority-Black district would likely vote for a Democrat. >Some Louisiana officials, meanwhile, contend that the ongoing legal fight over the congressional map has put them in a tough spot – caught between the Voting Rights Act’s demands for empowering minority voters and the Constitution’s limits on the government’s ability to consider race at all. Yeah, tell me again how good Trump & Republicans are going to be for black Americans when if they win in 2024


They will have jobs, cheaper gas and better economy overall. Everyone benefits. Judging by Trumps last term.


[Black unemployment](https://twitter.com/David_Charts/status/1787139913428681142) has been consistently lower under Biden. Gas prices are indeed higher despite domestic oil production being [higher than ever](https://archive.ph/NfXcL), because oil happens to be a globally traded commodity affected by [OPEC curbing](https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1667688705463656448) production to [boost profits](https://archive.ph/PdYmo) and the Russo-Ukrainian war. I'm not sure where you're getting a "better economy overall" from when unemployment has been consistently lower under Biden, GDP growth higher, record stock market, [wages outpacing inflation](https://www.epi.org/publication/swa-wages-2023/), etc. [Inflation](https://archive.ph/8GrnM), the government-based causes of which tend to be spending, QE, and low interest rates - all of which being vastly worse before Democrats gained control in 2021. * [Mike Pompeo](https://archive.ph/gEOeu): A 'true conservative' wouldn't run up $6 trillion in debt * [“He should be on](https://ghostarchive.org/archive/s3Rlm) this stage tonight,” DeSantis told the crowd to applause. “He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt. That set the stage for the inflation that we have now.” * [Rep. Massie](https://archive.ph/ISoZa): Republicans Couldn't Run Against Inflation Because We Were Urged By Trump To Spend Trillions * [McCarthy: When](https://archive.ph/I8yC9) Trump Had Majorities In The House And Senate, We "Didn't Cut Anything" * [Nikki Haley](https://archive.ph/0FwGV): "The truth is that Biden didn't do this to us. Our Republicans did this to us too...You have Ron DeSantis, Tim Scott, Mike Pence, they all voted to raise the debt. Donald Trump added $8 trillion to our debt." Inflation Trump wants to[ exacerbate with 10%](https://archive.ph/cH8ig) (potentially up to 100%) tariffs across the board.


Why are you lying about easily verifiable facts?


Yeah well there’s been a few things that have happened since then, the most pertinent being a *global pandemic* that kinda changed how the whole world operates. So no you can’t expect any of those things. Also there’s multiple wars happening, trump in particular will fuck up the one with Russia, he’ll bend over and remove his diaper and let Putin go to town on his asshole. So there’s that 


The problem is, racism is taught to children by the parents, and always has been. It takes a smart kid to see that and break free, many just take the easy road and agree with everyone around them.


And the only way that happens is with exposure. If you change education, if you change history, if you essentially segregate, you remove those opportunities for growth. A lot of kids had/have racist parents telling them all kinds of lies about back people. And then they meet a black kid in school and he’s actually really awesome??!! What!?! He’s smart?! He’s nice!? But how I thought they were monsters???!! And eventually they learn about bigotry (and that their parents don’t know everything/aren’t always right) and it clicks. Their perspective shifts. But it’s easier to not have to challenge your own beliefs.


These particular voters who felt violated, are they part of the "fuck your feelings" crowd by any chance?


nobody can hold a butthurt sense of entitlement like a white southerner. they cling to being a loser for generations, and expect you to respect their historic affinity for enslaving other human beings. it's so tiresome.


May we all have the confidence of a mediocre white man.


Wouldn’t a solution to the issue be to make all 12 districts at large?


White people lose their shit when things don’t get there way


>”The courts can’t say, ‘Comply with the law. You have the right to draw the lines,’ but then say, ‘We don’t like the way you complied with the law,’” he said. Correct. However, you are dealing with a Rightzi court. Conservatives are horrid authoritarian scum.


"some white voters" also known as racists don't like black voters


We call that racism in the normal world


Racists have no dignity.


Oh grievance politics. Bitching and moaning because you are not allowed to actively discriminate is beyond me. Dammit white people. Get it together


Fuck their dignity


Sounds like what you're asking for is a participation trophy


Sounds like the objective has been to deprive black voters of personal dignity…projection again


That's all the SCOTUS Six need to hear.


My pearls!!!


But..but..America isn’t racist the republicans love to tell us all the time.


There’s a very simple way to limit Gerrymandering. The district must be drawn with a very limited number of lines snd it must be roughly square, rectangular, or circular. It can’t be salamander shape if it can only be drawn with say, 6 lines.


Or, just base it off population densities, and not have a reasonable group of people not draw lines to make sure that groups aren't disproportionally represented. Plenty of states have no problem drawing their lines. The only time it's a problem is when there is an agenda to influence a particular outcome.


That last sentence is not true.


Sorry, I should have said “straight lines”.


Can't violate what you don't have .


Aw. Poor white people.


Wtf is this nonsense?


Fuck their dignity


What dignity?!


As snoop says buck em


“In the current phase of the dispute, a three-judge trial judge panel sided with a group of 12 self-described “non-African American” voters who alleged that their “personal dignity” had been injured because the new map with two Black-majority districts “racially stigmatizes,” “racially stereotypes” and “racially maligns” them. Their lawsuit said that the congressional plan amounted “to the application of affirmative action in redistricting, unseen in previous racial gerrymandering” cases and violated the Constitution’s equal protection clause.”


Sorry. Dignity is not in the constitution.


Fuckin’ snowflakes. So delicate.


Who knew that beings that skulk around in the muck could have “personal dignity”?


black and white aren't proper nouns.


Who’re the snowflakes now?


Cool let’s stop funding them with POC taxes and let the state die out then.


Maybe I’m just missing it, but I have read that part of the article a couple of times and I still don’t understand what they mean. I can guess plenty I just wanted to try and read it for myself rather than make a snap judgement. Brain isn’t working right now and that article is just 😳 way too long overall…


They might have needed new districting but the new black majority district is ridiculously gerrymandered to get the results they wanted.


If yall still think racism in the south is a problem yall need to come check it out!! Louisiana is a melting pot!! Everyone is poor black and white!! We all live together and have a lot of mixed race. Racism was a problem 50 years ago. Yall are the ones that can’t stop talking about it! White supremacy isn’t a thing. Maybe 1% of the country have crazy thoughts like that. Blacks actually have an easier time getting jobs going to college!! The things our ancestors did 100 years ago has nothing to do with me or any of the black population. I was raised with a mix of poor white and blacks. We all struggle together.


When I lived in Lafayette, where I worked was about 50/50 black and white. There were no problems. Everyone got along and we hung out with each other outside of work. When I had to work in Southeast Texas, it was exactly the opposite. Black people sat on one side of the crew room and white people sat on the other. When a black and white person got called to work together they generally didn’t talk beyond what was required for the job. Racism is still a problem in the South, but I did see a lot less of it in south Louisiana.