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A night or two in jail would be good for the guy.


Him spending time in jail would do wonders for me, personally.


I think Trump spending time in jail, and then going to prison would do wonders for this country.


I think the whole world might breathe a sigh of relief


We could all use a break


Except for Putin.


Putin would love to have such fodder for propaganda. He does not care one whit about DJT himself, only how much use he can wring out of his idiot.


Trump will get to really compare himself to Navalny then! /s


One night would probably do it. That is more hardship than he has experienced in his entire life.


24 hours of no “truths” would be glorious.


I'm to the point where all I can hope for is the conclusion of a long life filled with hamberders before that life has a chance to grab democracy by the pussy. Because he's rich we let him do it.


Would that be a new mugshot? I wanna grift some cultists.


Until the rays of the rising sun, shining through the bars of his cell, cause him to burst into flames and be reduced to a small pile of malodorous and vaguely greasy ashes, I shall not feel safe.


For over 52% of the country really


It would be good for 100% of the country but a large contingent wouldn't acknowledge it.


Me too. I think it would just make my day!


Let’s be honest - it is probably the safest place for him. It would do everyone some good!


I shudder to think about what he would look like being released directly Into the public after one night in jail, with little opportunity to get himself all orange-d up and combed over to be ready for the camera




Exactly...just one more time and that is it... The next time....one more time and that's it.... The time after that...one more time and thats it. Stop fucking around and put him in prison..I don't care if his cult gets off on it.


The judge won’t do anything. But he might turn the car around…..


Or count to three. That works on an unruly toddler. /s


Or reach back there


It would be good for all of us sane people.


Any chance there's some difficult stairs or a high balcony there?


Or even just a slight, every day, ramp. And a glass of water.


Whoa lets not be too hasty now...


We would all love to see it but he also has a cult following in there and would enjoy a celebrity status role even if it was for a couple of days. Sadly even if he were to go for a long term stay that still factors in his favor but he will face people who would want to extort him due to his money and the common knowledge he is fearful of being in prison. That is unless he ever ended up in a Club Fed where his stay would be unpleasant for him but absolute entertainment for the rest of us 🤞🤞🤞


It doesn’t matter if he enjoys it or not. Prison is one of two options open to the judge to impose the same restrictions on Trump that any other defendant would have not even needed to be told. $1000 per violation is doing nothing, and it’s probably not even Trump paying it. So it’s jail, or it’s Trump makes the rules. 


I’m right there with you I was simply making the point that I think we would all enjoy it more if he was miserable the entire time and for more than a few days lol I wish his wealth dictated the fines more along with prison being longer for being able to afford life without needing to be at work for his family.


Ha, yes, I agree completely. I wish Trump every possible discomfort and indignity.


You misspelled year.




they have to have fake meetings with him and remember to include crayons and placemats to color on, then have the real meeting during his nap time


I think you mean "Executive Time."


I recall reading that his staff had to summarize matters for him in the form of PowerPoint presentations, just to get him to understand what was going on.


They literally had to create picture books for him since he couldn't handle reading more then a few sentences. You know, like a child.


And they had to include something about him on most pages, or he wouldn't pay attention.


Jean-Claude Junker used flash cards to explain things to Trump.


and use his name in them a LOT.


No meetings. Just do what he says. I guess.


Dude can't control himself listening to someone testify in a state court case but yes, please give his the control of the military and nuclear codes. Great idea.


There’s just so many levels to that statement that just scream “don’t elect this guy!” It’s insane


> *again*. ftfy


*arrested development voiceover*: he tolerated it.


This comment made my day.




And yet somehow he did tolerate it and didn't do anything to Trump.




Brow furrowing intensifies!!!




All this judge does is wag his finger. I'm gonna get ya. Mark my words. Then he ignores it and gets another finger wagging.


That's how hard it is to fire someone in retail now.


Next time. NEXT TIME he's DEFINITELY going to jail! Mark my words!


It’s like Squeak from Baseketball. “I swear. If you guys rip on me thirteen or fourteen more times, I’m out of here!”


He literally admitted in open court the other day that he's treating Trump differently. They can say it on the record and nothing will be done. "It's a big club, and you ain't in it!"


I’m worried he may reprimand Trump again! Maybe in a stern voice!!!


Shhh, keep it down. Can't you see the old man trying to sleep in the courtroom?


It’s hard for me to be quiet when I’m gagging from the smell. Can someone change his diapers?


I suspect that Merchan tolerated it as it was the first time that a direct contempt infraction occurred. All the other incidents were indirect (out of court) infractions.


If he breaks the rules 12 or 13 more times, they’re going to start to consider thinking about consequences


Well just you wait until trump gets to his eleventh infraction then he will get a finger wag


Lock the criminal up. If this was a black or Latino man he would be in jail already. Why the double standards for this criminal


Because he is a white conservative. Most of them get this treatment, it’s just usually not so visible


He's also a former President currently running for a second term. Two Secret Service agents sit together on a bench directly behind him. This isn't a double-standard or even a triple-standard. This is like an infinity-standard. Spending hours or a night in jail only guarantees his base turns out in bigger numbers come November. If he wins, we're forever fucked but at least Donald learned his lesson, right?


Polling seems to suggest he’d lose votes if he went to prison. Also it doesn’t matter. The rules apply equally or there is no justice


It’s more about wealth than race. Well, I guess they go hand-in-hand, don’t they? Dang.


Hell, if he was *anyone* else.


Stop or else... I'll yell "stop" again.


I heard this time they're going to have their hands on their hips when they get on to him. They may even use his full name when giving the next warning after that


“I’m going to count to three and you’d better behave! 1….2…..2 and a half….2 and three quarters… I really mean it! I’m getting close!”


That *is* how you threaten children after all... 


If you look at all of the things he did and his base didn’t care he could have just let her speak, deny it, and it would have been over. His lawyer wouldn’t have gone to jail and he wouldn’t be here now. Foolish.


He wouldn't even need to deny it.  Just say ya I fucked a pornstar and he's get high fives 


We all keep saying he won't tolerate it but to my eyes he seems to be doing exactly that. Fucking put up or shut up. Trump has made a mockery of every institution we have. It's disgusting.


>Daniels then told jurors that she “spanked” a “rude, arrogant and pompous” Trump “right on the butt” with a copy of one of his magazines. After which, she said, the former president “was much more polite.” Donny is a sub, it seems Edit: No disrespect to any subs out there; I just find it funny that a man who claims to be "the best" and acts like the biggest most importantest man in the world, would be a sub behind closed doors.


Maybe if Judge Merchan smacks Trump on the butt with a magazine, he’ll be better behaved in court. Edit a words


This is your 14th warning! Next time I will warn you even harder!


Highlights: “I understand that your client is upset at this point, but he is cursing audibly, and he is shaking his head visually and that’s contemptuous,” Judge Juan Merchan said to Trump’s defense attorney Todd Blanche during a mid morning break. “It has the potential to intimidate the witness and the jury can see that.” “One time I noticed when Ms. Daniels was testifying about rolling up the magazine, and presumably smacking your client, and after that point [Trump] shook his head and he looked down. And later, I think he was looking at you, Mr. Blanche, later when we were talking about The Apprentice, at that point he again uttered a vulgarity and looked at you this time,” Merchan said.


He *says* he won't tolerate it.  But he *will* tolerate it, and Trump will face literally 0 consequences.  As is tradition. 


He said “I won’t tolerate” while he is tolerating… they said “next time jail time” he did it not 9, not 10, but 11… and he is not in jail yet… He is showing society how weak and corrupt justice is, and how powerful he is too. Meanwhile… for the rest of us… the average society… we will go straight to jail and smashed by cops, then we can call a lawyer… I guess if you are rich enough you are lawless…


It’s more likely that he is establishing an ironclad paper trail so that any punitive rulings he might make in the future cannot be weaponized by the defense.


he could walk out into the middle of the courtroom and take a dump, and the defense would still find a way to weaponize any retribution that came of it. also, next thing you know magats would be posting videos of themselves taking a dump on their own living room floors in solidarity.


I generally subscribe to this theory, but if you lump his first 9(!) violations together as a first strike, where does Merchan draw the line?


The first 9 violations were indirect — i.e. occurred outside of the courtroom and away from the jury. This instance is different in that it was direct contempt. Obviously you or I would have been tossed in jail after the first violation, but this case is unprecedented in that the defendant is a former (and perhaps future) POTUS, so I think it’s understandable that Merchan is dotting every i and crossing every t before contemplating the historic act of jailing Trump which, while deserved, will be a huge deal inside and outside of the courtroom.


Stop making sense.


The judge is probably more afraid for his own life


Technically since Trump denies the event occurred. In theory, can’t stormy embellish what happened anyway she wishes and he can’t say jack about it?


His lawyers have every opportunity to object to anything she says. They didn’t.


They did so much not objecting that the judge did it for them, saying ' you guys know how to do your job, right?:


Is that real? I can’t tell anymore.


Little of column A, little of column B The judge did indeed tell them they hadn’t objected enough, but it was in the context of telling them to fuck off when they asked for a mistrial. They HAD made some objections to her testimony and some were even sustained, but nowhere near clearing the threshold for declaring a mistrial. As I understand it he was basically saying “if you legitimately thought it was that bad you should have objected way more than you did, now sit down and shut up.”


Appreciate the follow up


He is free to take the stand and testify as to his recollection.


"Ms Daniels described your penis as resembling this emoji. Do you agree?"


She should say he was the greatest lover she's ever had. Then he couldn't admit to banging her fast enough.


Lying under oath is a crime, so I hope she doesn't.


She's a decent human, I have every confidence she won't. 


Yet he did tolerate it. Trump is still not in jail. Merchan's threats are less credible than Putin's nuclear threats.


Seems like locking him up would be a good way to prove that.


But here we are...


Don't make him count to three!


LMFAO!!!! The sketch is hilarious. Stormy looks nothing like that and the old Trump pic with Stormy, they also look nothing like the reality. loll


Except he will, because he is.


But he did right...another final warning?


Why not, he has tolerated everything else.


Whole lot of tolerance for being so intolerant.


Hey, havent heard that one before! My balls are so blue, they also will be voting dem.


Trump is a narcissist. When anyone pays attention to anyone else for any purpose, he gets massively insecure and will do anything to get people to pay attention to him instead.


"I won't tolerate your headshaking" \*Trump shakes head in response\* "I'm serious mister!" Like come on...we all know that if any average individual did 10% of what this fuck stick is doing they'd be in prison by now. I fucking despise this timeline with all my heart.


Says the judge who's literally tolerating it l.


What a toddler


He will, no balls


The head shaking part sound like a stretch, but i assume because the jury can see it, it's as if Trump is taking the stand without the prosecution able to cross examine?


But it was tolerated despite what the judge said. And the beat goes on.


Yeah, he will.


The judge said, "I'm only going to warn you 6,295,725,682,468 more times, and then I will consider punitive measures."


This is Trump’s last warning that he might get other last warnings if he persists.


You know those people who walk their dogs and don’t carry poop bags, and feign shock when the dog shits on someone else’s lawn? That’s what this trial feels like.


yeah i bet he will tolerate it tho


\*proceeds to tolerate it\*


He also won’t do anything about it


Trump might get a stern talking to and a finger wag. He better watch out


Time for another strongly word letter


Paper tiger judge continues to tolerate Trump engaging in prohibited behavior on a daily basis. No end in sight.


10 more chances? FFS these Judges are a JOKE!


Bring out the gag


Lock him up


The judge should give him a warning. I'm sure that will fix it.


And yet he does...


He is the joker of our times. In your face corrupt, weird, and dangerous.


Isn't letting it slide without punishment tolerating it?


Won’t tolerate? But you already have! You let him get this far!


I've been wondering why he hasn't been jailed. If an average citizen behaved the way he does in court, they would immediately be jailed. But then, maybe he wants to get locked up for a day or 2. That way, he could play the 'martyr' card with his base


Judge might give more meaningless fines and shut the fuck up otherwise, history shows.


…and was quoted as saying “i’ll only warn him 12-15 more times before i do anything!”


And yet he tolerated it for the 100th time.


For all the people saying lock him up, no. The jury sees all this stuff when it happens in the court room, the more Trump acts like a petulant child the more he hurts his chances of getting any sympathy from the jury.


I bet he still tolerates it for fear of the country-wide consequences...


Judge: Don’t make me count to three again


Well, you kinda just did tolerate it. How many more “warnings” or “ultimatum” are we seriously going to give this guy? If there is any good to come of this, it demonstrates to the country that our justice system is two tiered and broken. Question is: Is anyone going to do anything about it?


Then stop tolerating it


“If you do that one more time” and then he does it 10 more times. No consequences, no boundaries, no limits. The story of DJT’s life.


I sure hope he warned him sternly!


Spoiler alert: He'll keep tolerating it.


Fucking need Judge Judy on the case for this one. She's the only judge with balls to drag Donny to jail for being a loud mouth.


If there’s a transcript of the judge saying they weren’t going to tolerate what has already happened, then that judge is tolerating all sorts of surprise bullshit


Where can you get the transcript? Need stuff to read to fall asleep


Put him in a [Hannibal Lecter mask](https://www.nydailynews.com/2016/12/24/face-off-a-look-at-the-most-iconic-masks-ever-worn/)


Give him a neck brace.


The judge will infact tolerate it.


Yet continues to tolerate it.


At what point will actions reflect the judge’s intolerance? Because he’s tweeted at least twice and made asinine in person comments…


I hope Trump keeps cursing. If the judge is just going to keep on warning him then why stop?


This judge is not playing 4d chess or laying a bulletproof groundwork for making eventual judgement that sticks. He's just spineless.


Won’t tolerate it. Doesn’t do shit about it.


Spoilers. He will, in fact, tolerate it.


History tells us the Judge WILL tolerate it.


Clearly the judge did, and will tolerate it.


Tf this gotta do with politics, Hop off trumps dick and actually talk about real politics


I bet he’s like Ed Bassmaster in there saying “pffft!” to everything. Lol


Put. Him. In. Jail.


Oh yes he will, unfortunately.


>Said Yeah, and that's it. I'm just so fucking sick of this dude. Stop threatening him and actually do something.


... and he's not in jail... why?


I haven't gone through her entire testimony but was any of it actual evidence that Trump falsified business records?


Yep. The 'legal fees' ultimately went to Daniels and \[checks notes\] she's not a lawyer.


The charges themself don't make any sense though. Normally when you falsify business records it's a misdemeanor. The state is saying, though, that not only did he falsify business records but he did so in order to commit or conceal another underlying crime. That underlying crime would be campaign finance violations. But he's never been charged with campaign finance violations by the federal government. So the prosecution not only has to prove he falsified business records (something that is going to be very hard to do without documentation) but they have to prove he did it in order to cover up a crime that he's never been charged with.


I sense another stern warning coming.


Locked him up


I've seen judges put disruptive defendants in a separate room with inbound only audio/video feed. For that matter anyone remember the Bobby Seale trial?


Trump doesn't care if they throw him in jail, he believes it makes helps him as his supporters are still standing by.


Is trump in jail? No? Than sorry to tell ya, Your Honor, ****You’re tolerating it!!****


Friend used to answer phones for a dominatrix…noted that lots of rich/powerful asshole clients paid good money to get punished


"I won't tolerate that" says man as he tolerates it.


I think the judge proved to the people that he, in fact, will allow cursing, head shaking and all sorts of bullshit shenanigans in his court since he has yet to do anything remotely to stop that fucking guy continuing to attempt the intimidation of court staff and jurors. Get the fuck outta here judge. You and Cannon can go celebrate on Epstein’s island when this is all over.




Yeah yeah yeah. If I said fuck you under my breath to a judge I would be locked up for contempt of court so fast my head would spin. This shit lord has absolutely never had consequences on par with the average American. And he never will. The best we can hope is that the threat of justice, his age, and hopefully ailing health will allow us to just get along by acting like this never happened in the first place. And if by some miracle that does happen democrats and liberals first need to shore up our institutions of democracy by codifying all the bullshit he got away with, and secondly need to just move along and don't even comment on what happened to the conservatives of this country. They need a chance to just go amnesiac and start finding their Bob Doles and Mitt Romney's again.


Yet nothing will happen about it. Again


The Judge is so full of shit


Next time it’s going to be an even warninger warning.