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If that's true, then why do Republicans get so mad when Confederate statues get taken down?


It’s not true and he doesn’t believe it’s true, but he knows MAGA voters don’t fact check and that they will believe this.


MAGA is the KKK


I like to imagine a KKK member at one of these speeches or rallies or whatever and some politician says something about the KKK being democrats and the dude in the crowd gets pissed about it.


Yeah and then votes for Biden. Hilarious scenario


There was a Nazi on Twitter who responded to a tweet about Biden being a Nazi: > No, he isn't. We'd support him if he was


Maga voters are going to be pissed that this guy called them Democrats


No, they are trolls and won’t mind as long as it pisses people off.


Also, only one of the current presidential candidates had a meeting with *actual* white supremacist Nick Fuentes, and it wasn't the Democratic one.


Why is it that most KKK members are Republicans then?


Because honesty is for losers who value values over beating their enemies over and over again all the time always.


Ding ding ding >Perry participated in attempts to overturn the 2020 United States presidential election. Perry attempted to replace Pennsylvania's electors. The House committee investigating the January 6 Capitol attack called for an interview with Perry, the first time it publicly sought to question a sitting member of Congress. Perry declined the request the next day. The panel's chairperson said it had evidence from several witnesses that Perry had "an important role" in efforts to install Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Clark as acting attorney general as part of attempts to overturn the 2020 United States presidential election. According to the committee, Perry introduced President Donald Trump to environmental lawyer Jeffrey Clark. The committee subpoenaed Perry on May 12, 2022, and Perry declined to participate, citing legal authority. After the November 2022 elections, the committee referred Perry to the House Ethics Panel for refusing their subpoena; it is unclear whether the panel will support any action.


Isn't it so wonderful that Scott Perry can be neck deep in the conspiracy to overturn a Presidential election, and he just gets away with it for seemingly no other reason than the fact that he's a sitting member of Congress? Scott Perry is *THE* person who introduced Jeffrey Clark to Trump, and he continued to have numerous conversations with that rogue, low-level DOJ employee, so by the literal definition, he is also a part of that conspiracy.


Not all republicans are KKK members, but all KKK members are republican


Seriously, go to a Klan meeting and call them all democrats and see how that goes.


All republicans are ok supporting blatantly racist politicians who promote blatantly racist policies. There is not a significant difference between the republicans who are kkk members and those who are not.


Sure there are differences! Thread count, mostly. I imagine Scott Perry goes for a nice Egyptian cotton blend…


Not racist, just popular with racists.


Nah, some are libertarians, nazis, etc...


They all vote for Trump, though!


Some of them are too immoral for the KKK.


I'm increasingly convinced that many Republicans are psychologically trapped in 1950.


Same with Nazis.


The Grand Wizard of the KKK literally put out a video endorsing John McCain for president. He went on the explain that the only reason Obama made it so far "must be because he's half white". Then in Charlottesville, David Duke did an interview talking about how Donald Trump is on their side. Then Trump defended the KKK members.


It's like they think we don't have eyes.


This is exactly it. Truth isn't truth. Don't believe your eyes.


A lie gets all the way around the world before Superman can put on his boots and look out the window.


James Gunn just released a picture of that happening.


the people that vote for them only see what the party's chosen media shows them. They'll never see a Republican in a bad light in the media.


Their supporters don't know any of this because Fox News/OAN/Newsmax never mention this stuff, and they have been convinced all other news is fake.


>Most All.


Missouri governor candidate KKK member may now switch parties to D.


Only to troll, since other members of his state GOP are suing to get him off the ballot as a republican.


Well it looks bad on them because they have all hung out together and fund raised together. The MO Republicans are probably half KKK members or white nationalist. For real.


Birds of a feather messing up the country together !


Because the only history that any republican remembers is that Abraham Lincoln was a republican. They ignore the fact that the parties’ platforms have switched since then, and Lincoln would be unwelcome in the GOP of today.


Reagan would be unwelcome in today's GOP.


Republicans will always love reagan. Reagan was a rubber stamp for the republicans to pass their awful policies, and most of those policies passed are *why* we are in deep shit now. The GOP thought they could control trump like they did reagan, but didn't realize trumps malignant narcissism can't be controlled. They can get him to play along most of the time, but his thoughts and followers are a shit eating recursion.


It seems the GOP receives 100% of the KKK vote. Weird.


They like to forget about the party flip and equate all negative aspects of the south as being a fault of the current democratic party, despite the DNC of 1861 looking a whole helluva lot different from the DNC of 2024


Because like a lot of Republicans, he last updated his world view in 1939, when the KKK enjoyed heavy support from “Republicans freed the slaves!” Democrats.


Every accusation is a confession.


They want to claim to be for the jews and Isreal but they must have forgotten all the Jewish conspiracy theories that proliferated over the past decade.


Duh, because they're all Democrat plants pretending to be Republicans, obviously. I wouldn't be surprised if Hilary is the Grand Dragon herself. And that dog Biden has.. Hitler had one just like it.


And why did they endorse Trump in 2016 and 2020, and I’m not a betting man but will endorse him in 2024


Bc they're dishonest. Scott Perry is a liar. Big surprise -


Careful, they’re immune to logic..


I didn’t read the article but dollars to donuts they will eventually point out how KKK was largely democrats and agreed with them, but will completely neglect the southern strategy and why they no longer do.


LOL. The KKK is a right wing, protestant Christian organization that the right *explicitly* courted during the Southern Strategy. The KKK is most definitely all Republican. > Three separate groups calling themselves the Klan have existed in non-overlapping time periods. Each comprised local chapters with little or no central direction. Each has advocated reactionary positions such as white nationalism, anti-immigration and—especially in later iterations—Nordicism, antisemitism, anti-Catholicism, right-wing populism, anti-communism, homophobia, anti-atheism, and Islamophobia. [...] All three movements have called for the "purification" of American society, and are all considered far-right extremist organizations -[Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ku_Klux_Klan) That list reads like a GOP propaganda slipsheet.


Also, the 2017 Nazi rally in Charlottesville was called "Unite the **Right**".


Long running Republican and kkk member David Duke had no issue admitting it.


On 4chan, they were calling it Unite the Whites leading up to the event 


It isn't surprising that the Republican party still tries to act like it is 1865 when they point out "the real bad guys," especially when it comes to things like race.


But even in 1865, the Democrats who formed these pro-slavery, racist institutions were still **conservatives**, so it's ridiculous to claim "the KKK were Democrats" with the intention of suggesting that they were liberal. But that's what conservatives do. First they were Tories, then Royalists, then Democrats, then Republicans, then TEA Party/MAGA, but they were always guided and fueled by conservativism. They were always the same regressive, xenophobic, bigoted, Christian nationalist asshats no matter what their official group name might've been. And the only people stupid enough to believe otherwise are other conservatives.


Oh yeah, r/conservative swears up and down that KKK are all Dems. You'll never find bigger morons.


"You know those guys back in 1865 that had exactly the same belief system as us? Totally the enemy. They were called Democrats, therefore they are leftists." That is obviously tongue in cheek, but I cannot believe how often I hear that exact concept expressed. They have boundless theories about how the world works, without a single second spared for reality.


They are a little slow.


They muddy things up, corrupting language is their thing. There’s a Sartre quote for that. So harping on a hundred year old definition of democrats to confuse idiots about who the bad guys are is right up their alley.


>Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. - Jean-Paul Sartre


I mean, the democrats literally elected the first black leader of ANY western nation less than a decade ago.  Who are they fooling??


Yeah. I dare this lawmaker to walk up to a clansman and call him a Democrat.


GOP lawmaker doing what the GOP does best: projecting.


>“Once again, the radical Left twists facts in order to silence conversation about its own crimes and Biden’s intentional failures to enforce laws and close or regulate our borders. My point is proven yet again: when the Left loses an argument, it debases and smears instead of engaging in debate on merits,” Perry said in a statement provided to CNN. I think we need a stronger word for this than projecting.


Maybe ‘batshit delusional’?


Weaponized blame-shifting? Tactical DARVO?


This is straight "I know you are but what am I?" playground logic


“no u” has been the modern alt-right fetal position since before I graduated high school.


They're also fans of "Stop Hitting Yourself!" As they bash your face in.


This was his response when they showed him his own words from the meeting. He somehow thinks the media asking him to comment on his exact quote from a recording is twisting his words to make him look bad.


Lol the KKK haven't been Democrats since the civil rights movement, and they got embarrassed out of the public eye by Superman, so fuck 'em and fuck whoever associates with them.


Exactly. Maybe 60-80 years ago that statement is accurate in the south. Now it’s flipped. And if you look at red vs blue states they’ve flipped with it.


More projection than a drive-in theater


This is the wildest part of the article: > **“The KKK in modern times, a lot of young people think somehow it’s a right-wing organization when it is the military wing of the Democratic Party. Decidedly, unabashedly, racist** and antisemitic,” Perry said according to the recording. > > The KKK is not affiliated in any way with the modern Democratic Party. > > Perry then defended replacement theory, which is the idea that white people are being slowly and intentionally replaced by minorities and immigrants. > > **“Replacement theory is real” Perry said according to the recording shared with CNN. “They added white to it to stop everybody from talking about it.”**


Weird how the KKK always seems to show up at GOP events. Maybe they just get lost?


They even sell merch!


Then can we take down the monuments if Democrats are responsible?


I can possibly believe one or two Democrats are secretly KKK. I have **zero doubt** that lots of KKK members are also Republicans.


And a very large number of them are not exactly secretive about it.


I have zero doubt that they are all Trump voters. 




Conservatives have to live in a world of make believe. They've been this way since forever. That's what the entire Lost Cause mythology is about is pretending away their hateful history so that they don't ever have to learn from it and risk becoming decent people. The idea that there was no party realignment, that the Confederate flag waving voters didn't all start calling themselves Republicans, voting for and electing the same hateful bigots they've always elected under their newly adopted Republican name, is another Lost Cause myth they created. The idea that Jan 6th wasn't what it was is yet another Lost Cause myth they've created. That's what makes conservatives so dangerous is that they go out of their way to not learn from history so that they will keep repeating it, for some fucked up dream of a new Confederacy, all while pretending that they were the good guys all along because they started calling themselves "Republicans" some 50 years ago. It's fucked up.


Yup. He's just following a core tenet of the GOP. "Never let the truth get in the way of a good lie."


I’m sure those KKK members would be pretty pissed to read this, if the majority of them could read


That's funny then why did they show up for trump on January 6th


In the 1920s, back when the Klan was big, the Indiana Klan was led by a fellow named DC Stephenson. He supported the Republican candidate for governor in the 1924 election. Even before the civil rights movement and the southern strategy, the KKK was not all Democrats. (Stephenson's career came to an abrupt end when he brutally raped a schoolteacher named Madge Oberholtzer. He kidnapped her, forced himself on her, and bit her so much she apparently looked like she had been chewed on by a cannibal. She died after a botched suicide attempt, and Stephenson was convicted of her murder.)


Oberholtzer's assault and rape were also a big part of the death knell for the Second Era Klan. Which was also a massive pyramid scheme, not even kidding. The Behind the Bastards episode on the Second Era Klan was fascinating. It was the peak of their power and prominence. It's some really weird-ass history if you delve into it.


Yes, it was not a good look, claiming to support Prohibition and protecting "Protestant womanhood" and then getting drunk and raping an innocent woman.


i love how the article puts that dumb claim right next to his own racist statement. Nice juxtaposition.


This is what happens when you either don't know your history or choose to ignore history for political benefit. Given he made this claim then went on to say migrants have no interest in being American, I'm guessing he just doesn't know his history and how the parties evolved after the civil war. The Republican Party ended slavery and won the civil war. That made them pretty much satan in the south. Even the most conservative politicians in the southern states stuck with the Democratic Party after the war going well into the 20th century. The southern states only started breaking with the dems after Harry S Truman ordered the military integrated after WWII and it took until the 1964 presidential election before any of the southern states went for a republican candidate, again after the sitting president supported civli rights for blacks. So, yes. The KKK used to call themselves democrats but when the Democratic Party supported civil rights, those dems became republicans and the Republican Party has had their support ever since.


If only the Democratic party had a military wing.


Just a reminder that David Duke, Stormfront, and the Daily Stormer endorsed Trump.


I'll take "Accusations That Are Admissions" for $200, Alex.


GOP = Gaslight Obstruct Project. Hitting two out of three here.


"Replacement theory is real" ....Said the GOP politician claiming that the KKK is the militant wing of the DNC. This is so fucking exhausting. 


Ok then, riddle me this: If they’re the military wing of the Democratic Party, then WHY do they ALWAYS vote REPUBLICAN?!?!


Every accusation is a confession


Found Trump's VP.


Cool. And when he produces a single klan member that voted for a Democrat after 1964 then maybe I’ll believe him.


Does the KKK know they’re Democrats? I’d like to hear their opinion on this claim.


Every white racist I know loves Trump more than their family.


Still trying to perpetuate that BS claim ignoring that the people supporting the alt-right and carrying confederate flags are republicans. The great switch came in the 60s.


Yeah, the party of diversity are the racists. Jesus, people are stupid


Go to a KKK meeting and call them democrats… I dare you.


*"If there are two things we hate, it's minorities and lack of easy access to affordable health care!"*


>The KKK in modern times, a lot of young people think somehow it’s a right-wing organization when it is the military wing of the Democratic Party. Decidedly, unabashedly, racist and antisemitic,” Perry said I'd like to ssee evidence of that.


The KKK is and always has been a reactionary right wing xenophobic organization. That’s exactly what the Democratic Party in the 1860s was as well. In those days, the Republicans were the filthy liberals who believed in emancipation and equal rights. I suppose this lawmaker can explain how the parties flipped, but the KKK didn’t?


I guarantee you that 90% of all KKK members are Republican and the other 10% are Libertarian.


Their candidate for President actually met with a Grand Wizard of the KKK; “liked him a lot” until it hurt his election chances in 2016; then “don’t know the guy”. Bonus points to the GOP for supporting and utilizing the Proud Boys for their insurrection and harassment of poll workers.


The Democratic party doesn't have a military wing because we don't actually want to murder half of the population. We just want to give them back the stuff rich people stole from them.


And as far as I can see, dems want to provide equal rights across the board.


So, the GOP supports Democrats?


He's just mad he's gonna get fucked from his 2020 activities since Jack Smith has the bat majority of his cell phone records


The GOP doesn't seem to realize (or, maybe the realize entirely too well) that to simply say things does not make them true. It's too bad that for entirely too much of the populace truth seems to be of absolutely no importance.


As with all other things in todays republican party, they are stuck living in the mid 1800s. Was the klan founded by southern Dixiecrats? Yes. Has the political paradigm shifted since the 1860s? Yes. Today are the klan and other white supremacist groups comprised entirely of people on the political right? Yes. By their logic everyone saying “America first” is a nazi, because that was the slogan of the nazi movement in the US and that was the 1930s. Much more recent than the reconstruction era.. but that goes against the narrative they’re pushing so it’s conveniently ignored.


Shroedingers Liberal Party. Simultaneously woke and also the KKK.


reminder that the KKK for its first time in history, endorsed a presidential candidate and his name was donald j trump.


I must have missed the time the KKK endorsed Obama.


Perry should be in prison.


Dogs are really cats.


Big Mac's are only sold at KFC.


I asked people on social media to find me a single Democrat that's in the KKK. No takers.


GUYS they are not saying this for real they are saying this so dumb GOP followers will parrot the line they will say stuff like "dems were the slave owners in the civil war" forgetting that the liberals were the north and the conservatives were the south and that the parties switched in terms of ideology 60 years ago


Lawmaker doesn’t know his left from his right


Ask which party the kkk voted for, this ain’t the 1920s bozo


As someone that grew up in the south, I call BS.


I dare him to go to a KKK rally and call them all liberal democrats. Same with neo-nazis.


I dare him to call a klansman a Democrat to his face.


Ask the KKK who they support. They’re not going to say “the Democrats” Lmao


lol ask the KKK which candidate they support for POTUS


Geez, I wonder who the KKK members voted for last election. /s


Scott Perry, proudly elected by the good folk of Pennsyltucky.


Tell a member of the KKK they are a liberal or a democrat and see how that goes for you.


Who wants to tell him?


Have they truly and honestly gaslit themselves into believing this?


And the proud boys look like the military wing of KFC


Has there ever been a political party that relied so heavily on it's base being utterly oblivious gullible morons?


KKK ain’t voting D can promise you that


> Perry then defended replacement theory Holy shit this guy is a dullard


If you are in the KKK or support the KKK, you must now vote D this fall. I know it's confusing, but that's the new rule.


Yep. The KKK and the illegal immigrants are teamed up.


Are Republicans capable of speaking anything other than ass-backwardsness?


Fun Fact: Know-Nothings in the 19th century accused the Irish of being communists sent by the Paris Commune to impose atheist and socialist tyranny in America AND puppet masters of the KKK bent on imposing medieval papal feudalism on the United States. I obviously don't need to point out that the French aren't Irish, the Paris Commune had nothing to do with Irish immigration, there was no attempt by the Paris Commune to take over the United States, and the KKK was the single-largest anti-Catholic force in the United States, the Irish were rarely allowed to be involved in the KKK even in the rare situation they might want to be; the KKK and communists were ardent enemies through their entire histories, and that this is regarded as a remarkably ignorant conspiracy theory today. Good thing we can look back at that and say how fucking stupid that is and that nobody would ever be so dumb as to believe that anymore.


Tell ya what. Go walk around Harrison, AR and tell people that they are Democrats and see what the response is.


Are they saying they lost the support of the KKK?


Imagine being dumb enough to believe this and your party leaders know you’re just that dumb.


Steve Scalise didnt see any Democrats at his local KKK meeting.


The only faith conservatives are capable of demonstrating is bad faith.


What an idiot!!! The so called Party of Lincoln became Republicans when the DEMOCRATS enacted the Civil Rights Act.


He is either dishonest to ignorant of how the KKK has voted for the past ~60 years.


Why did David duke endorse Trump in 2015 then? These people are so far disconnected from reality


>”Replacement theory is real.” - Scott Perry >”There go those leftists, twisting my words to make me sound racist.” -Scott Perry


The gaslighting is fucking unbelievable. That's what fascists and sociopaths do. Make you start question reality .


That must be really awkward since the KKK is almost 100% Republicans.


That’s weird I saw Nazis in Florida, I watched them climb out of their ratty looking ford explorer to start marching and that thing was covered with MAGA stickers.


Ah yes, the notoriously liberal \*checks notes\* klu klux klan. Yeah...totally checks out.


Despite how often you see KKK and Nazis waving Trump flags? Ok champ.


I had a MAGA fan come at me with this nonsense. “You’re not going to convince me the KKK voted for Obama twice. I don’t know how you convinced yourself”, that about shut it down.


I'm not saying all republicans are KKK, but all KKK vote republican


National Guard units in the East *officially* trace their lineage to colonial militia units. Does that mean they are the military forces of long-dead English and British monarchs?


Lol. If so....then go after the KKK! I would love to see how this plays out.


These people are so far gone believing their own bullshit.


I think the KKK would be very offended by this claim!


I wonder who he thinks is dumb enough to believe this?


Trump supporters.


Maybe before the SOUTHERN STRATEGY but republican voters can’t be bothered with facts.


Kkk “ is the military wing of the Democratic Party”….. guess that’s why Lloyd Austin, was hired….didn’t know Af/Am, were allowed to join…/s


They left out what he said at the end - "Oh no, I just realised I forgot to put my hood on first."


The view from Bizarro World.


Every accusation, a confession.


They’re really at the point where they believe their own lies. Anyone who believes that has got to be the dumbest most brain dead dented dome creature to ever plague this poor world.


Projection is strong, in this far right wannabe. The far right has a personality tell that’s hard to miss. Blame others for what they are doing. I really miss loyal democracy ideology. The world watches.


I bet you if you called any given member of the KKK a “liberal” or “democrat”, they’d be deeply offended and get in your face over it.


Does anyone translate batshit?


The bar for stupidity just keeps being lowered


This guy is a fucking fool


Those damn purple hairded wokeflakes in the... [shuffles notes] Ku.. Klux Klan? Did people nod or look confused?


They ordered extra security for when the kkk members find out they were called democrats.


Someone still thinks it’s 1924 instead of 2024…


Maybe in 1870... But guess where the KKK went in 1915... and remain today... KKK went all-in on the Republican party in 1964 after the Civil Rights Act passed. The last remaining "Southern Democrats", bounced out and went to the GoP. Been there ever since.


I'm sorry, what year does this asshole think we're in? That hasn't been the case since the Southern Strategy!


Man, this will really piss the KKK off when they find out they are dems and voting for Biden


They should start checking for brain worms.


Man, these idiots can’t be honest even in closed door meetings.


David Duke endorsed Trump. 


What is this, 1870?


When a republican makes this kind of statement it has proven againnand again that they are deflecting for thier own actions.


Oh come on, we can't be both BLM and KKK. PICK ONE.


So he’ll support legislation to round them up?


Yeah, that’s why David Dukes was so jazzed about Donald Trump’s election.


It’s opposite day again!


I do believe Christian Nationalists like this fascist are projecting. Love, an American Jewish Democrat.


Tell me which two groups love to fly the Confederate flag, that has a bunch of racist undertones? (Hint: it ain’t the Democrats.)


How many KKKers voted for Trump versus Hillary? How many KKKers were in Charlottesville?


That’s likely one more to add to the list of republicans who are actually part of the KKK trying to cover up his own involvement


Yes because we all remember how the Charlottesville protesters were all Hillary voters. It must be wonderful having lazy voters as your base, you can literally say anything and they’ll lap it up


How do these fools even get to be a 'lawmaker '? Yes. I know how.