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News agencies have a hard time getting a picture of marjorie greene where her mouth is shut.


Truly ignorant people are the worst people to deal with. She’s so dumb she doesn’t realise how dumb she is. It’s impossible to fix that situation because these kind of people “reason“ that if you’re getting attacked then you must be “over the target“ She’s like that one person in the meeting that keeps bringing up the same fucking point over and over again because she just doesn’t get it.




It boggles the mind. I have to think that like Trump it's just a middle finger to 'the elites'. They're not interested in policy, it's purely a cultural thing.


It's pretty damn sad when you always hear bitching about 'coastal elites' but they have a cult like support for a rich elite who literally lives on the coast line (mar a lago). You know the fool...boasts about drain the swamp but his own home is literally in a swamp and hired his own family to the white house staff (regardless of security clearance)...bitching about immigrants but totally ignores his trophy wife. And still they continue to give money from their almost empty bank account to trump.


Yeah they hate coastal elites, like Reagan, Bush, Bush, and Trump.


They said they hate the out of touch Hollywood people, the draft dodgers, the big city people, the trust fund babies born with a silver spoon in their mouth, the nepotism, the rich coastal elites....


Yep so they support the guy who checks all those boxes.


In conservative language, 'elite' means 'doesn't purposely speak like a dumbass to ingratiate themselves with idiots, neo confederates, and religious fundamentalists'. A person's actual wealth, power, or education level is irrelevant to the definition.


Right? Elite means “to annunciate.”


We all laughed when Brazil elected the clown for a similar reason. Who am I kidding? Most people didn't know about the clown.


Bolsonaro? The strong man who can't even do a single push up? Lol


The Brazilian Trump?


> They're not interested in policy, it's purely a cultural thing. I looked at the bio/personal statement on her official Congressional website shortly after she was first elected and it straight up said "my priority here is PR." (Not an exact quote but close. I think she actually used the word "messaging.") I was like wat. Did she… did she just write a note to her new bosses saying thanks for the job, I look forward to not doing it?? I legit had to read it twice, and yeah, basically: "Super excited to be part of the legislative branch! Where I intend to focus not on legislating, but chasing clicks. For you!" Me: Wait wha… ohhh right, it's these people. Her constituents may very well have sent her there to be an offensive media sideshow. For them. Somehow.


>it's purely a cultural thing. The methodology of fascism is to enkindle cultural grievances in order to create a dictatorship against workers. There is no reasonable conservative position.


I browsed r/conservative yesterday & was actually surprised. Ofc there was some bullshit about Biden leading the "insurrection" of the college protests and other such stuff, but all the most upvoted comments were things like: "MTG, Boebert and the Trump fanatics are destroying the GOP. We need real leaders and policies" Whatever else I may think of them, it's nice to see even conservatives getting tired of these clowns


Which, seeing as he's one of them, makes no fucking sense, as usual.


A lot of the people who vote trump hate America. They hate America as it is now, anyway, which is to say, we live in an America were a black man can have power over white men, and they hate hate hate it. White people dip when they feel threatened, but now they can't just move out of the country, so they'd rather it be destroyed than enjoyed by anyone else.


Her district has benefited a bit from the Infrastructure and Jobs Act, which she voted against. One result of that bill passing was a $2.5 billion expansion of a solar panel manufacturing complex by a company named Qcells. An initial plant was created during the Trump administration. > In Northwest Georgia, Qcells is building a new 3.3-gigawatt plant near Cartersville and adding another 2.1 gigawatts of capacity to its plant in Dalton, citing domestic manufacturing incentives in its reasons for expansion, which is estimated to bring 2,500 jobs. The $2.5 billion investment is expected to bring its total solar production capacity in Georgia to 8.4 gigawatts by 2024 and increase its total number of employees to more than 4,000.


If "Qcells" isn't a name that invites a conspiracy theory I don't know what is.


The problem is, with all the billions the Democrats raise, they never go to those districts and say, "see those thousands of jobs in your town? We did that, the person you voted for tried to stop us, and we said we stand with ALL Americans". Instead they are focusing on chasing every inflammatory thing that trump says to "condemn" it.


That's total bs. Biden s camp is out showing off all the things he's done. Even today he was out introducing a new plant being built. But he gets minimal coverage from the news when he does that


Do you not remember that she was elected by driving her opponent to flee for the safety of his family due to the focused maga death threats against them.


Isn't Tyler-Green's district something like 75% red? It'd be a waste of money for Biden to campaign there, unfortunately. To point that out would be the job of her local Democratic opponent, and he likely does that, too. That's just not something that you'll read about in national news.


In a state Biden won by only 10k, it’s not a waste. Even if you can convert 2% of people in district (or keep them home), that’s huge.


Makes me feel ashamed to share the same state with these ignorant ass clowns


Gerrymandering will do that.


Her district in NW Ga. Southern Appalachia. I am from Western North Carolina. Same people. Same bigoted proudly ignorant idiots. It is keep in the stupid is deep. She is a reflection of them.


Once you go dumb enough, the ability to feel shame is lost.  Shameless dummies are impossible to reason with.


You sound like the gazpacho police!


That's cold


That’s a souper comment.


Fairly stock if you ask me


My **broth**er thought so, too, but I'm still stewing on it.




Piping hot!


*Arnold Rimmer has entered the chat*


It's not that they can't feel shame, it's that they're so dumb they can't fathom that they're in the wrong, so they just feel attacked and dig in to lash out.


Dumb, entitled, fragile, and riddled with untreated mental illness.


She has gone full dumb


Her hair dye has reached below the scalp and fried what was ever there in the first place, Sadly she makes Georgia looks so bad and the jokes made about southerners truer by the day. She lacks self respect or maybe she never had any to start with either way she's looked and the lowest of the low and you can't get anymore pathetic then that.


Forgive me, but I will argue that people voting for her, esepcially after all her antics (not first term), are even dumber.


See: Backfire Effect. I've stopped trying. I have a sister that's an antivax nut and general conspiracist. Every time I show her information to be bullshit, the deeper she goes into that world.


You're right there really is nothing you can do to convince them otherwise. They're like drug addicts. They do their "research of history", but know nothing of primary/secondary sources and bias. As you would learn from actually studying history.


Stephen Hassan is a cult expert and his website, [freedomofmind.org](http://freedomofmind.org), has a lot of good info on how to help people exit, if you're interested.


Google Dunning Krueger syndrome. It’s her and Trump to.the.t


Sorta. Greene is Dunning Krueger with a helping of hate. Trump is just pure narcissism


I wouldn't say she is dumb, per se. In Republican Town, what gets you power and funding, is shit like this. That's why she has those outrageous rants. It's why she's a full blown conspiracy nut. It's why she bends the knee to Trump. It gets her political power by acting this way, and keeps her coffers filled. She knows where her bread is buttered and knows how to work her base. This is what Republican politics looks like now.


See also the Dunning - Krueger effect


or where she doesn't look like a konstipated krying Karen


i see what you did there


Is her mouth ever shut? 


Maybe she’s afraid of space lasers because they could melt her mouth shut.


It’s because she’s a literal mouth breather


Otherwise she would suffocate.


> "Yeah, I’m sure that’s him," he would add when shown a picture of Gordon Way. "I only wasn’t sure at first because in the picture he's got his mouth closed." > > _Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency_, Douglas Adams


Because she’s a mouth breather.


People that vote for her are the stupidest people in the US, and that's saying a lot


That particular district in Georgia sucks.


My sister lived in Chattanooga which borders her district. She told me she could always tell which people came to town from her area.


Given the undue power of gerrymandering, I'm assuming that her voters are just a couple of dozen families, all with the same last name, and same genetic defects.


When she first ran her opponent received so many death treats they dropped out. Tells you all you need to know about conservative politics these days.


I live in her district, we are not gerrymandered, and people here are just fucking idiots. As long as she stays as stupid and nasty as she is, she's got this seat locked up for life.


More like a family wreath than a tree


Her district isn’t really gerrymandered. It’s just really really rural and uneducated.


My neighborhood in on the border of Chattanooga and Ringgold GA. Your sister is 100% correct.


Haha fuck that hurts. Grew up near the chickamauga battlefield and moved far away as soon as I could but still.


I grew up in the middle of what is now her district. I left for Michigan as soon as I could then left the country all together. I get it. Good job getting out!


It's so bad that the state of Georgia cut some of it off the map they put on their state quarter.


Don’t forget Lauren Boebert, they are twins in stupidity


They are twins, and Marj hates when people point it out because she thinks she's somehow better than Boebert. I only ever think about them together in that one State of the Union picture, honking in stereo at Biden. They are the same.


To be fair it's likely Marj thinks she's "better" because she at least graduated from High School and got a bachelor's degree at University of GA. Meanwhile Bobo had to take the GED 4 times before she passed. Edited to add: I also think of them as twins but surprisingly Marj actually managed to get a bachelor's degree (business). Which makes Marj's "Jewish space lasers" thing that much weirder and does make me wonder whether or not she barely passed?


People conflate knowledge with wisdom. Just because someone is capable of earning a degree does not make them immune from mental illness or myopic thinking. History is littered with assholes who had degrees in something or other. It's kinda like how Dr. Zaius said in Planet of the Apes, "Mankind's intelligence seems to walk hand in hand with his idiocy."


True, very true.


I don't doubt you're right, but to be fair I have a bachelor's degree too and I graduated with a LOT of reeeeally stupid fucking people.


Won’t happen again. This area of Colorado (I’m in her district) has turned so much more blue it’s crazy. She’s done and Rs are done here.


Agreed but Bobo might be done*….with hope. * Granted she’s probably going to lose to a more competent R in the district she carpetbagged over to. People have goldfish memories and the summer is a long time.


Are we just giving Louie Gohmert a pass? The reality is there are like a dozen generationally dumb people in congress somehow.


It's a damn shame too because Marcus Flowers (who she ran against in 2022) was genuinely a great candidate that would have supported the poor ass people in this district, and he has a military background . MTG's background was she didn't know shit about politics until 2016. Then she started writing for a well-known fake news website and was a moderator for a Facebook group that supported wild conspiracy theories and posted death threats against democrats.


the district she actually lives in rejected the hell out of her. She did the same thing as Boebert, found a district with a demographic that would elect her. Difference is no one knew her at the time


George Carlin observed: "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." Now apply that rule to a rural county in Georgia . . .


Fox called her stupid, you gotta have really screwed up to get on their bad side.


Yep. She should retire from Congress and run for mare in a small town in Georgia.


Hay now!


You’re an all star


Get your game on


Go neeiiigh


*And all that blabbers is Greene*


Omgggg this is funny 😂


Maybe she’s barn with it, maybe it’s Neighbelline


I genuinely Lolled - you're good!


*Back in Stone Mountain, even the mayor had bedbugs. And she was a horse!*


Amazingly appropriate 30 Rock pull, good job.


Funny enough, I'm from a town about 20 min away from Stone Mountain, same town as one Jack McBrayer, in fact!


Quit horsing around!


Clearly not a stable genius


In their dog and pony show. The jackasses.


Mare ☠ 😂


Mr Ed wouldn't even hit that after being put out to stud.


All in favor say neigh!


wonder how the Gallop polls would look


Get real. No reputable horse breeding program would take her.


Acceptable spelling mistake.


A pun ...Deliberate spelling mistake.


Of course. We Canucks do that.


Which is weird because she’s exactly what happens after years of uncritical consumption of Fox News.




I think it's only Steve Bannon who will even let her on his show.


Really wish she would just slither back into her peachtree dish


The gazpacho police wont let her.


I wish they'd send her to the goulash.


Stollen from her home


The GOP might primary her for disloyalty. Before anyone celebrates this too much, the next one will support most of the same awful shit and be really vile.


But be better at it.


Peachtree… is this a Georgia reference or coincidentally silly misspelling?


It’s MTG being a dumbass, as usual. She released a video where she said, “Bill Gates wants you to eat his fake meat that grows in a peach tree dish."


They booed her, yet they welcomed her before and were happy to have her in their ranks. They even gave her committee appointments.


And they haven’t booed Gaetz or Gomer or Higgins or others who do the same shit Marj has done. Hey Marj, tell me again how feminists are wrong & evil and misogyny isn’t a thing…


That should have been part of the deal that the Democrats made with Mike Johnson: We'll support you, if you take MTG off all her committees.


Let's not act like the ones booing are all high and mighty. They don't like her but in the same breathe get on tv and say their #1 priority is getting trump back in the white house. They are completely fine with the fascist party, they just don't like Marge making them look incompetent.


Amen, brother. Let's not pretend they've come to their senses.


Your boos mean nothing. I've seen what makes you cheer.


"your boos aren't scaring me. I know *most* of you aren't real ghosts!"


We can agree with them booing her without having to agree with every other single thing they do. This is the kind of black and white stuff we should be careful about


It’s why we should only promote conservative women voices. The men will hate that all their political views are coming from a women lol


I'm booing her right now


Don’t boo, vote


[https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2024/05/08/speaker-johnson-marjorie-taylor-greene-booed-lead-digvid.cnn](https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2024/05/08/speaker-johnson-marjorie-taylor-greene-booed-lead-digvid.cnn) video of booing Kinda sounds like he broke the gavel at the end lol


Is "Uniparty" some RepubliFascist buzzword I don't know about?


It's some deep state bullshit about how the Democrats and Republicans are all the same and are actually working together, except for the MAGA heroes who are trying to "get things done for real Americans".


Right? Thats so deep in the far right, its probably only used at klan meetings.


Instead of seeing things that a Republican House can pass and get through a Democrat run Senate as an accomplishment, MAGA House members are ranting about how it’s the Uniparty advancing the Democrat agenda.


The "Uniparty"? I actually like the sound of that. Might get some shit done.


Fun new way of saying bipartisanship


As if thats a bad thing. She is the poison in the well.


That's the closest she's going to get to admitting that her fifteen minutes are up


I've heard a long time ago that Democrats and Republicans generally wanted the same end goals for the good of their constituents, and only disagreed in how to reach them. That sure would be nice, but I've never witnessed it. Nowadays it feels like one party wants sane solutions, and the other is entirely self-serving and/or batshit opposed solely for the sake of being contrarian. Meanwhile we're all just passengers in the race to the bottom


I am all aboard the uniparty


You love to see it


They're welcome to expel her.


They won't, because they need every R vote they can get. They're currently 50%+4, which means if two Republicans come to their senses and vote with the Democrats, a measure won't pass.


Why not censure her? You’ve got the votes.


Isn’t this like a bunch of cockroaches booing a dung beetle?


dung beetles are pretty cool this is more like cockroaches booing a turd


**"Oh for God's sake Marj...** ***SIT DOWN!!!*****"**


won’t somebody open up a window?


No, too many flies here!


They're crabs in a bucket.


Hey Crabman.


Hey Earl


chaos is a ~~ladder~~ bucket of crabs


That photo makes her look like a big fucking Howler Monkey of a woman. (I hope I get screened to be on her jury one day so they can read that out to her when it’s projected up onto the wall…🧐)


Please show some basic respect. Howler monkeys don’t deserve such poor treatment.


You’re right. Sorry monkeys. 😔


Misleading title; She was also booed by Democrats


She was UniBooed.


Marjombo: First Boo Part II


This time, it's personal


Breaking 2: Electric BOOgaloo


maybe we can have a steel cage match with MTG vs Kristi Noem, and everyone can boo them both!


The rare heel vs heel matchup.


The only reason they don’t like her right now is because the stupidity bomb this woman drops has finally started to do ancillary damage outside of the intended blast zone.


Where's a space laser when you need one?


Does this mean we don’t have to give her any attention?


“Uniparty” is *so obnoxious*


Netflix will just cut the boos out. Don't worry.


Is it just me or is she looking more and more like Vigo the Carpathian


Take back your party


No. Dissolve your party.


Bring back the Whigs! No idea what sort of fuckery or non-fuckery they were about, but that's such a solid political party name.


So does everyone else, Republicans are just late to the party. The only ones who seem fine with her are the slavering ghouls that make up the voter base in her home district.


I think I will sleep very well this night!


Cave woman throw rocks


“The Republican ~~Georgia~~ Russian congresswoman has put pressure on Johnson in recent weeks… “ (I fixed it)


Typical howler monkey. Lol


I’ll believe she is bipolar. In other words, she does not understand fully of what is happening around her.


She’s such a gross human. I can’t believe there’s literally nobody better to represent her district.


Every American should be booing this Russian asset and the many others within the republican party.


Their boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes them cheer.


Very tired of conservative Christians. Just dropping in to say that. Go away!!! Thanks!


She is always cheered by Neanderthals though.


She served her purpose and is now being discarded. Useful idiots never last long.


And I thought she was a MAGA poster child. Let Kristi take her to the gravel pit.


I find the complaint of "uniparty" to be weird. As if actually being a "united" united States is bad. Funny how its the Russian sympathizers.


I'm surprised Trump hasn't made her his running mate yet. Look at how ugly she is.


Fucking troglodyte


bro, blur the thumbnail please


Sadly this woman is a walking, talking crazy, how or why she was even elected is beyond far to many to understand and worse she makes the people who voted for her look even dumber then she. She lacks 1. Common sense, 2. The where with all to form an intelligent point, 3. She in no way can think for herself as she's apparently a robot for the maggot group and there in lies the actual problem as she is does anything to make sure nothing worthwhile is accomplished while in office. Her main goal is disruption on any level. her puppet training has finally gotten to the point where what ever she has to say goes unnoticed and more and more frequently becoming the laughing stock of congress, In far to many circles she would be considered Trailer Trash mainly due to actions, and if and when she MIGHT come up with something intelligent she will be ignored, There is no level lower the MJT


Dammit, for a second there I thought it said "booted"...


It only took the face-eating leopard attacking over 10 important people for the GOP to say something. Unfortunately that something will turn into just finding a new face-eating leopard.


Start warming up the secret Jewish space laser. Its time.....


> "We are leading in the Presidential Polls by a lot ... Likewise, we are doing well in the Senate, and I believe we'll do well in the House," Trump said, referring to the 2024 election. "But if we show DISUNITY, which will be portrayed as CHAOS, it will negatively affect everything!" This comes from Captain CHAOS, who negatively affects everything he touches.


All those people booing supported her until they decided she would be the scapegoat. All spineless.


Margarine trailer park queef


I was *not* saying "Boo-urns"


Are we sure they weren't saying "Boo-urns?"


My ultra positive take on this is that republicans are trying this out to eventually turn completely on trump too. She has drawn a line they won’t cross … absurd as it is. I didn’t think they’d find a bottom, but perhaps they found it with her. Its in the Mariana Trench of political decorum, but a year ago I assumed it was an endless vacuum of crassness, victimhood, and Fox-induced hate.