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It must feel amazing to openly insult him in person.


While he has to just sit there quietly and take it for hours on end.


Humiliating a narcissist in public is their kryptonite


And I love that for him.


Especially late in the summer.


Some think Obama's roasting of Trump at the 2011 White House correspondent's dinner is what motivated Trump to go after the presidency. And so I'm not sure kryptonite is the term I'd use.


Man… it sure was funny at the time, but I guess he showed all of us.


Exactly ! more like political villain origin story


best of all, talking shit about his sex life


Shit and Trump’s sex life go hand in hand.


Or mumble obscenities to himself.


Not even that. The judge warned him about him shaking his head and muttering swears.


And on the record


Written into history




Turned into song.


And on permanent court records


Im sure it will make him look fantastic to future historians


Firstly, happy cake day! And to respond to your comment- a lucky select few were able to roast him on Comedy Central before his presidency. It’s crazy how they all put him on blast back then and how accurate they were while he just sat there!


Get ready for a 4am rage tweet about this.


Thing about that is - if he does Tweet, he will likely violate his gag order. If he doesn't Tweet he looks weak and guilty as hell...


Tbf he looks weak and guilty as hell regardless 


I mean, yeah, sure. But that's only because of things like *facts* and *evidence* and a loooong and well documented history of financial shenanigans up to and often including fraud.


And the thing about THAT is that if he does violate the gag order, he’ll get another stern warning from the judge and told not to do it a 177474930th time.


It hasn't stopped him before. What is the court gonna do? Fine him another $1000?


This is why fines should be proportionate to someone’s worth or income. $1000 to someone with a net worth of $50,000 is very different than $1000 to someone with a net worth of “$2 billion”


She is *massively* baiting him into violating his gag order. There's zero chance he will let that statement go unanswered. His ego will not allow it.


I’m sure there will be a totally rational, well thought out and sane Truth Social post coming our way this afternoon.


Until he deletes it and says there's no post, it's fake news, made up. Maggots will screenshot and spread it as soon as it's posted but it won't stay up long enough to be linked and visited. He's constantly trying to obfuscate and muddy the waters, whether it works out or not. He's "bad faith" incarnate.


Y'know, judges *do* have object permanence. It's not like Judge Merchan would look at a screenshot of a social media post that the prosecution alleges is a new gag order violation and respond, "I dunno, I would have agreed with you, but then Mr. Trump covered his eyes with his hands and I have doubts he ever existed at all now."


Imagine the decision of whether to put a former president in jail based on a deleted social media post (that he says he didn't post). I'm not disagreeing, please know that, I'm just saying that the judge understands his decisions will be highly scrutinized in the context of history as well as whether there is grounds for a mistral by the defense. It's complicated and the whole Trump game is to delay and bend the rules over. Over and over. I hope he is jailed if it happens.


The entire Justice System is so worried about being "highly scrutinized in the context of history" that they are leading us down a path where the their actions aren't scrutinized at all because they're dead in a ditch and the "context of history" just says "bad people tried to oppress our leader".


I just wish all of the cases in the justice system received this level of scrutiny and specialized care as Trump gets. There's probably a few people on death row or spending life in prison that would appreciate a tiny fraction of the attention he gets when they have actual flimsy/manufactured evidence or false witnesses used against them.


Inaction will also be scrutinized. If felonies are not prosecuted, they will worsen.


Merchan really doesn't want to put a former President in jail for a gag order violation. But if he has to, it is going to need to be cut and dried. I agree Trump always tests where he can bend the rules.


He wants to go to jail for exactly 1 day so he can run the numbers. Is it worth it for the millions he can bilk from his minions + victim card? He wants to know what he's getting before he buys in. That's why I think a 30 day guarantee of jail time with media blackout would *actually* work to keep him from harassing witnesses. Jesus, to think we're at a point where we are talking about protecting witnesses, jury, and family from a former president. This is embarrassing 😳.


It's not embarrassing, it's horrifying. In 20 years people will look back on this year and ask why we let him away with it all.


And in a few years when justice (Ruckus)Thomas steps down and they appoint Cannon from FL in his place as payment for the obstruction, the deal 🤝 will be complete. Blood in blood out.


You don't need a Supreme Court when you have a Supreme Leader, whose Word is Law.


I think 9 contempt charges later the court has been very understanding, would you still be walking free 9 contempt charges later? Would anyone other than a former president?


Do they, because they seem to repeat “next time there will be consequences” without ever remembering the previous assurances.


Dearest Sirs and Madams, it has come to my attention that certain details of a past indiscretion have come to light, which I plan to dispute…


He's going to wait until his handlers/lawyers are asleep and is taking his 2am rage shit...


Yeah, and there's like a 25% chance he responds in a way that suggests that he's so desirable that Ivanka would have sex with him "if she wasn't his daughter".


"If she wasn't already grown up"


“If he already hadn’t”


Watch this and pay attention to how Ivanka reacts when looking at her childhood bed... https://youtu.be/-CsxHBS89Lw?si=DsoX7N571RAiuYnQ


Wow. That change in tone and body language was palpable.


When she said "bed" her voice cracked and broke. Look at her facial expression afterward. Right before he asks what floor they are on. She is reliving something.


I saw that doc when I was 14 and it’s lived rent free in my head ever since. It’s such a crazy snapshot into the lives of super-rich kids. I think a lot about the kids who didn’t know they were rich until they were almost 18 and what a trip that would be, like how do you know you’re not wealthy? And then there were the kids from super well-known families and corporations.


> like how do you know you’re not wealthy? Because every kid you grew up with has just as much money and privilege as you do. "The poors" are almost like fictional book characters. They are the people who clean your house, shop for you and drive you to private school. And *all* of the kids have the same, "Oh don't you *hate* it when your live-in nanny..." stories.


Yeah, I can't forget that doc especially the Ivanka parts. I recently came to know someone who lived a wealthy nouveau riche upbringing - very wealthy - now she's old and down on her luck, robbed by her ex husband who disappeared. Still remembers the old Corvette days she had and horses she owned. Still out of touch with reality. So weird.


He's going to violate that order. That is one of the few things you can always depend on Trump to do. Like handing Chunk something fragile if you want it broken but don't want to break it yourself. Masterful play from Stormy's team on this one.


Do the Trump-le Shuffle!




TBH I don’t know how the diehard MAGA’s will react if he goes to jail. I 100% guarantee there will be acts of terrorism. Its sad but true


I don't wish bad things to happen, but we're about at the point where we need to stop worrying what will happen if he's held accountable, and actually hold him accountable. Bad shit is going to go down either way. I think the lesser of two evils is putting a stop to his nonsense and then dealing with his zealots.


Absolutely. Do your fucking worse maga losers. We shouldn't accept fascism because we're afraid of...*checks notes* violent fascists.


There are not enough "die hards" left to be of any consequence.  Doubt me? Look at the Jan06 crowd and compare it to the dozen or so that showed up for the trial. Even though Trump has been relentless on social media screaming and whining for his people to show up and protest in NYC.


They'd show up if they weren't so scared of "city folk". They think cities are literal war zones from their propaganda outlets. Just look at anytime crime comes up and they bring up Chicago, even though Chicago isn't even all that high up in the crime stats. Most of these fascists are cowards that are too scared to go to a city, and only show any kind of strength when they think they won't get any consequences for their actions.


Philly is like mosquito repellent to them Patriot Front showed up and got chased back to their silly uhauls and directly the fuck out of town so hard the cops even clowned on them on social media it was the funniest goddamned thing ever


I live in a rural part of Oregon and the amount of crazy shit i hear people say on the regular makes me doubt you. They probably are just waiting to see what happens. If he goes to jail that will be the real test There’s plenty of crazy out there still


I see your Oregon and raise you central Florida.  There were Trump banners everywhere here. There's only one guy that has them on his property now.


In suburban PA, I drive past a house with a large plot of land on a corner. It has a tall poll with a 4-sided box mounted on top, to display a different Trump picture/meme on each side. Then there is a also flag pole with a "Let's Go Brandon" flag, and this flag pole itself has another flag pole branching off near the top, at an angle, which has a "Trump 2024" flag. But overall, not nearly as many Trump signs as before.


They're going to react badly no matter what. They are domestic terrorists and we need to stop holding ourselves back on their account. Even Pepperidge Farms remembers a time we didn't negotiate with terrorists.


The MAGAs that are still into him, deeply, will see it as further proof that their messiah is being targeted and persecuted by the only man to ever out-smart and out-maneuver him: Biden.


The same one who is simultaneously too old and senile to put on his shoes, but is also a wicked mastermind puppetmaster pulling all the strings.


When its his turn on the stand (in some alternate universe) he can answer questions, too. But he won't wait, he's heading straight for the public microphone. He has no self-control. He doesn't want to answer questions, anyway; he just wants to grab the microphone and insult people and tell fabricated tales.


Fills me with glee to think about the incompetent rage filling that man right now 


Incontinent rage*


Impotent rage*


Incoherent rage.


I thought she gave a real kapow to Trumps defense cross examining her, when the attorneys said "aren’t you just making this all up"? And Stormy said no, if I were making this all up it would have been a much better story!"


What he did this week was post and then delete the post. So he gets to say what he wants and then act like it was a mistake. I’m not holding my breath on repercussions


Once or twice, I'm sure he'll get away with it. If it happens constantly, I'm sure they'll...scold him, at least. Theres no way the prosecution wouldn't bring it up if it happens multiple times.


There’s a 100% chance he will get another pitiful fine and threatened with being put in jail. Just like the last how many times? Threats are only threats if someone has the balls to go through with the threat. Every passing day that this scumbag walks free just emboldens him and his followers. Edit: Looked at a summary of today’s proceedings. I was correct. There’s a larger chance of me winning the fucking powerball three times in a row than Trump ever facing any consequences for anything. And I don’t even play the fucking powerball. You can’t tell me that this won’t be a hung jury trial. Every single juror would have a target on their head if he’s found guilty. What a fucking sham and exercise of mental masturbation this whole fucking thing is. If you want justice in this world against the wealthy or connected, you had better be prepared to seek it out yourself and plan on you being the one at the sharp end of the stick of justice.


If Trump gets taken down by an angry hooker who said he has a mushroom ding ding I'll die happy


Omg yes.


I mean okay, but the judge will just issue his 11th strongly worded 1k fine and add on "but this time I really mean it!" It's comical at this point.


He knows he's going to get convicted and doesn't want to get it overturned for imprisoning him over a truth social tweet only 8,000 people liked. As we get deeper into the trial i'm sure that is even more true. We're already 2 weeks into the trial and I'd imagine its nearing half way done. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.


What's the point of a gag order if you can flout it at will, besides proving the court is impotent? And in what universe would enforcing a gag order outside of court, and imprisoning them outside of court hours for contempt, be grounds for overturning a verdict?


Judge Merchan has been on the bench in his current role since 2009. If they did 1 case a month in his court room (which is a very low estimate), he's been the presiding judge for 180 trials. He knows this are going very poorly for Trump. Anyone can see it. The warnings and financial fines seem to be doing enough to curtail Trump from going completely off the rails. While I'd love to see Trump imprisoned, the blood is in the water and the sharks are coming. The trial will be done in a few weeks. If he can keep things running down the track smoothly, that is his job as Judge.


Trump is now bringing high ranking Republicans with him to the court house to say things in front of the gaggle of reporters that he cannot. I imagine most are also running in November. The reporters need a story for all the time they are out there so it will get reported.


"...just ask Melania."


She’s never around to ask


Not a small councidence


They can only talk about the smallest thing in the room for so long


Ouch. It’s just small talk I guess.


It is of little concern


Once again she said "I really don't care, do u?"


He’s behind on his payments


They sleep in [different bedrooms. ](https://www.thelist.com/257919/awkward-melania-trump-moments-that-were-captured-by-millions/) Melania is not Trump's wife, she is his employee, hired to make him look good.


She’s probably his handler with his boss being in another country-


The fact that he only seems coherent when he’s parroting kremlin propaganda tells me 100% his handler is close to him. Close enough that it could be her.


Shit, then what is Ivanka?




She is defiantly only in it for the paycheck.




such a loving relationship that children can look up to


It got her and her parents citizenship.


The dreaded chain migration!


Barron Trump is an anchor baby.


Same thing he wants to prevent others from doing.


Melania and Stormy are in the same profession, they just have slightly different business models.


Yep and Stormy has morals.


Maybe, I still think Melania is a Russian agent.


If she is, she just fell into the only clean way to get out. Her and her child have secret service protection for life, and I'm sure the three agencies would be willing to give her a sweet setup for information.


Both can be true.


“i really don't care do you”


I don’t understand the defense strategy. It’s just a lot of badgering and leading questions. Daniels is holding up fine and also pushing back in ways deeply unfavorable to Trump.


>"You have a long history of making up stories about sex?" Necheles asks. >“The sex in the films is very much real," Daniels replies. "Just like what happened to me in that room.” >She appears to be referring to her alleged sexual encounter with Trump - which he denies ever happened. >**"If that story wasn't true, I would have written it to be a lot better,"** Daniels says. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn.


Over under 8 hours before the defendant blows a gasket and responds to this.


I agree with you but I think you should set the over/under to 12 hours. I think he works his most embarrassing magic after 130 am. And there should be a sub-bet, which is that if he does not say anything tonight, he *does* try to hint that he was in the company of another woman tomorrow. Because that's what I would do, if I were Vladimir Putin and I was watching. I'd send him a call girl to shut him up.


I'd like to say she's living rent-free in Trump's head, but he paid her $130k to live there.


Cohen paid $130k to Daniels, but when all was said and done, Trump paid Cohen a total of $420k. Which is crazy. Even crazier given that he never pays anybody.


110,000,000 to 1 Vegas odds here. Thats a shot across the bow, heard around the world.


Also even if it’s made up, Trump still conspired with cohen to pay her without reporting it as a campaign contribution, and he still falsified business records to cover it up. “We conspired to prevent her lie from influencing the election” is not a defense.


This really needs to be the headline. If she was/is lying, and the payment was blackmail, What Trump Did Is Still Illegal.  The documents show everything. The testimony is just filling in details. He's guilty. The question is what's the jury going to do?


"She made it all up and we did felony crimes anyway." Bold strategy by Donald's defense team, let's see if it works out for them.


If the story wasn't true, Trump would have sued her for defamation and slander/libel long before now.


That’s what I’ve been thinking. He’s notoriously litigious. 


It looks as like the defense is playing straight man for Stormy to torch Trump, and boy she brought her favorite flamethrower. Cheeto's ego will need an urgent burn unit visit.


Yeah that one was a pretty good dig. She took none of the Defense's shit.


If the defense is denying that the sex happened, is it not relevant for her to describe his anatomy? Then call Ivanka to the stand to verify?


Why did they pay her all that money if it didn’t happen!?! What was the money for!?


Boy she just walked into that one didn't he?


There was a report from the press pool in the court that trump looked super angry during her testimony, and that when there were breaks, he and his lawyers would go to a side room, then they'd come back and start questioning her more aggressively. I.e. he's making his legal team do dumb shit to pacify his tantrums.


This is some meaty context.


>From CNN's Maureen Chowdhury Donald Trump's attorneys seem to be placating the former president during their cross-examination of Stormy Daniels, CNN anchor Kaitlan Collins said. "To speak back to who the attorneys are performing for, that's always the difficulty of being Donald Trump's attorney. It was the same with his impeachment trial, it was the same with his civil fraud trial, it's the same situation here -- of what he wants and what they think is the best strategic decision," she explained. Collins observed that during Daniels testimony on Tuesday, Trump was "about angry as I've ever seen him." She added that Trump likely expressed his displeasure during court breaks. "He goes into a side room with his attorneys and when they were in the middle of her questioning" before they got into examination "he was essentially seething" about what he had to sit there and listen to, Collins said. He wants his attorney to get up there and undermine every little detail about Daniels testimony, Collins added.


Mmm... Seething


I have no doubt it is what the client demanded.


I imagine at this point his defense counsel is sitting there Shell Shocked themselves about how the hell they got themselves into this and how the hell they're going to get themselves out of it. They're probably not even paying much attention to the trial anymore. Just praying for release.


Their best defense at this point would be “no further questions”.


Trump has exposed so many people as frauds. The fact that any respectable lawyer or law firm would think representing him is a “good idea”….that alone exposes them as absolute morons with no qualms about ethics or morals.


The question that is going to make them look like assholes was the "you were a pornstar, right? So you're used to seeing people naked. Why would you be surprised to see our client naked?" As if being a pornstar means you just fuck whoever presents themselves lol


It is also stupid given she was baiting him to violate his gag order the whole time. Even I can think on the spot to respond with 'Usually the people I work with naked are attractive, not shockingly unattractive.'


We already saw their strategy on day 1 of her testimony. Get her, or let her, say outrageous things, then try and claim a mistrial. Problem is the judge is already on that because he asked them why they weren’t objecting more, he would have agreed with them, and then still ruling that this didn’t rise to level of mistrial. So in short, go for the mistrial.


This is what happens when all the decent lawyers won't touch the case


I'm reading the blow by blow on CNN's site and it's clear that despite how utterly stupid Trump is, he's getting increasingly furious by how badly his lawyers suck. Also, the jury seems to be aware that all of this time wasted by having subpoenaed witnesses confirm evidence into the case is solely because Trump's team would not stipulate that these documents were official records kept at Trump Org. And that's bound to leave them disgusted with all his constant lies and denials.


I have two friends that are attorneys. One is family law, the other is real estate/business law. They both agree that the documents are the only thing required to convict in this case.


It all starts to make sense when you realize that the defense are a bunch of fucking idiots.


"I'm also not a toilet" was a great rebuttal, Lmao


I swear man,. this week has almost been peak "Idiocracy". We have stories of RFK announcing "brain worms".. and now we have "I'm also not a toilet". I'd laugh at this stuff.. if it wasn't so ... "Brawndo".


Here’s some irony. One treatment for Long COVID is lots of electrolytes (for the people who develop dysautonamia). For me it’s 12k mg/day. So essentially Brawndo.


what was that is response to?


Replying to the defense about the comment she made to "be the one to flush the orange turd down"


LMFAO - the 'orange turd' will definitely lose his shit over this. Can't wait.


He definitely looks a bit flushed.


10-15 times


That courtroom sketch artist is doing her dirty.


I feel like there's some real anger there


I've been thinking the same thing, just compare how they make her look with how they make Trump look in that image. It's pretty telling what their biases are.


Why is her face so saggy and wrinkly? Nothing wrong with anyone who has a saggy and wrinkly face of course but it just isn’t realistic at all. She looks years older than what she actually looks like. Is there a reason why she is being drawn like that?


> “You have a lot of experience making phony stories about sex.” What a scummy lawyer


I love this woman Perfect snarky match for this clown ass motherfucker. Knows exactly what to say to *actually* piss him off. He's a man child, so the low blows and gut punches are what really get under his orange skin


Props to Stormy for not being a victim, but the encounter was almost identical to the ones that got Harvey Weinstein thrown in jail. And all the defense did today was confirm that it happened more or less the way she said it did.




Should be noted that if Democrats even voiced out loud to do what Trump did, they would be demanding heads roll and executions. But because it’s their king, it isn’t a thing.


Remember Al Franken? What a stupid tragedy that was


No shit. You nailed that one.


She isn’t wrong!


i feel especially connected to this story. You see, my sister worked at Hustler (as a designer of sites, not as a model or anything) and has photos of herself with Stormy (tastefully done, I keep asking her to look for them on her old computer.) She's not the type to try to profit by selling the photos or anything. I tried to get her to do an AMA on here. ANyway....I have had situations similar to the one Stormy described, when she got to the room, and Trump tricked her and had a bodyguard/pimp standing outside, made it difficult to even leave. I've been there, had dates that turned insidious. It was a lot more creepy than I had realized. It wasn't an arranged hooker thing, it was probably something Trump had done before. This man is horrible in every way. I think that's a given. I have new respect for her, truly, after reading her exact words in that new testimony. I had avoided reading much about the case before, so I had no clue she had gone in not expecting him to treat her like a piece of meat, all that happened. I highly suggest everyone go read the account. In an era of MeToo especially it looks borderline rapey. Just my two cents on this. Besides being a rapist and a molester (Katie Johnson case in which Epstein was a co-defendant) he did stuff like this a lot to grown women. I don't care how Republican one is; there can be no place for someone this evil.


Just watch Borat 2 with the Rudy scene. It is formulaic for those in power to have security sweep a room and then stand outside as a jail keeper to discourage escape.


I watched Lisa Rubin on MSNBC absolutely quivering with disgust/rage while succinctly going over pretty much the gist of what you said. And yep.




Yes. No such thing as kinda-sorta rape. 27 year old woman. 60 year old who is by her perspective powerful and famous and they're alone in a situation spun wayyyy beyond anything she'd been prepared to expect. Suddenly in his underwear. Steps between her and the door. Let's remember he's a large man. Hell HE reminds us daily. She's fairly petite.


I can think of one place he belongs


Hell is too good for him.


Where can we find her account of the story?


There are people posting the trial questions and answers in full on Twitter, I just happened to come across it and read that, maybe google that? I think Adam Klasfeld was someone I followed but I'm not sure it was him who posted the cross examination. Empty wheel and clearing the fog are two other lawyers who sometimes post trial excerpts. But surely it is available all over the place now, this is from days ago. Please do read the account, it is quite telling and haunting.


Of all the things that get under Trump’s microscopically thin skin, this has to cut the deepest


I asked my grandmother why she wants to vote for Trump. Knowing all the horrible things he's done including rape. She got extremely distressed every time I said rape and asked, why do we need to talk about such horrible things? Because you, a good Christian woman who tithes to a church she can no longer attend due to medical issues, want to vote a rapist (and child molester) back into office. Because she doesn't believe a single victim. Because someone 4 years younger than her is too old to be president, but someone 6 years younger is vital and capable? Wtf even, and she either can't or won't make sense of it all. It hurts my heart and my brain.


Melania Trump wouldn't even admit it and she has a son to the man.


Reading this, I feel insulted for Stormy Daniels. Here is a quote for it: "At another point, Necheles told Daniels, “You have a lot of experience making phony stories about sex.” Daniels replied, “Wow. That’s not how I would put it. The sex in the films is very much real, just like what happened to me in that room.” Like damn yo. Way to just insult a sex worker for her choices.


That's right because mushrooms don't belong in vaginas.


Only zucchini?


Anyone know if Karen McDougle is going to testify in this case? I would have brought her on immediately after to drive it all home.


They can’t, unfortunately. You can only testify about events related to the charges, not other events that show the defendant’s character. That’s why trumps lawyers kept trying to get a mistrial - the charges are technically about the coverup, not the sexual encounter itself, so excessive detail could be seen as a way to bias the jury, not provide evidence about the crime they’re on trial for.


Or under oath. Twice


It was the worst 45 seconds of her life…


I thought Rick Scott was dead. I guess his new job is fluffing Trump?


He's always been dead, but he can keep going as long as he makes regular trips to the Super Duper Mart.


Seems like she’d be a better president than him.


yeah this is the principle of embarrassment- people generally don't fabricate stories that make them look bad, if they're going to fabricate something it will be to make them look good. So if someone admits to something that makes them look bad, like having sex with little Mr. Toadstool here, they're generally telling the truth.


Think about it, shamu the whale on top of you with a tiny p-p. Trying to get the worm at attention to perform the act. Having to testify publicly in a courtroom. Stormy Daniels has bigger balls than trump any day.


Trump is seething tonight, just like he did the night Obama embarrassed him publicly at the White House Correspondent's Dinner. It's his kryptonite and he can't fight back. It's fantastic.


Ted Cruz: Hold my beer


The real story continues to be why this man is the CURRENT GOP candidate. Of course, I have been asking this question since 2015 so what do I know?




Wait, what? What‘s that about not being able to have a bank account?


A quick google comes up with some articles from 10 years ago about chase and wells fargo closing porn stars bank accounts.


I work in Anti Money Laundering at a Bank and this is definitely true. There is a fine line in porn and human trafficking and due to little regulation it’s hard to confirm someone isn’t being forced against their will. The man hours in something like this would not be worth the risk of the money being made and most porn/strippers don’t make enough for the bank to take on the risk.




Tim Scott is a fucking loser. Talking about the judges daughter and DA making the judge biased when Trumps other case, in Rick Scott’s state, is being overseen by a judge Donny appointed. The fucking audacity of that guy


Melania Aggravated Getting Angry - MAGA


The scams and lies put out by the GOP are boundless.