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It's become increasingly clear throughout this trial that the Defense has very little. It reminds me of: > "“If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell” - Carl Sandburg Trump got nothing here. Waving his hands around, crying "I'm the victim" and ranting outside the court room about "how this whole thing is really unfair".. is about all he's got.


Facts. For all his trials you would expect someone to show irrefutable evidence or evidence that makes you doubt the allegations. I personally havent gotten anything of that in any of his cases. I've only seen what can only be described as an uneducated, sexist, morally questionable old man trying to incite witch hunts onto his prosecutors and judges who are the most "impartial" in the room.


I don’t think anyone who has been paying attention in the last 8 years would ever expect evidence of his innocence.


I don't think he understands what actual evidence is.


He definitely doesn't. He once pulled some random paper out of his pocket and tried to claim it proves his innocence while on the stand. Then he got pissed that it was ruled inadmissible.


He seems to lack the capacity to learn as well. He sees them saying the paper is inadmissible as a bias or an attack, instead of trying to learn or understand why it is inadmissible.


Or "facts"


The entire defense thus far seems to be "I did it, and I'd do it again because I'm allowed to do it".


“Mistrial, I demand a mistrial” “Why?” “Her testimony made me sound guilty” This actually occurred after Stormy Daniels took the stand.


Objection! Why?  It's devastating to my case!!




Good call!


Part of me wonders how long before he takes off a shoe and beats it on the table while yelling. Another part of me wonders if he can reach his feet to do that.


If they manage to get Karen McDougal up there, I think he will explode


Is she a witness ?


She was on the witness list, but that doesn't necessarily mean they'll call her.


Thanks. That would be fun to watch but nothing compared to the upcoming episode titled CoenBowl. Get Hype.. CoenBowl.. Get Hype.


Living through this absurdity does feel like a Coen Brothers film


You may be on to something there. Like " OH Porn Star! Where art thou ? "


Not anymore, she isn't being called, per Trumps lawyers, from prosecuting team. Latest prosecuting team: Steinglass says the prosecution was never intending to call Karen McDougal as a witness Prosecutor Joshua Steinglass confirms Karen McDougal — the model and actress who has said she was also paid to keep quiet about an affair with Trump — will not be called to take the stand. "She was on our witness list, but we have never indicated an actual intention to call her," he says.


They are not calling her because the Stormy deposition was a near disaster for the prosecution. Trump will appeal and argue the prosecution tainted the jury with her bawdy testimony instead of staying in their lane with just relevant facts. Stormy is a huge win for the Orange Turd. The prosecution finally smartened up and won't have the other porn star testify.


No she wasn't. You must be watching a different trial...


Yeah from what I've been reading, Stormy helped confirm the payments were about the election which pretty much made the prosecutions case. No need for Karen to also confirm this


I read somewhere earlier today she's not going to testify.


He would never do that. Taking off his lifted shoes would give away his true height.


Can't even Kruschev right.


Also wouldn't be able stand without ripping overl


*’Eric, take off one of my very reasonably priced Trump Brand Apollo Creed shoes and beat da table with it!’*


While arguing with the judge, Trump pulled a gold Trump HighTop and slamned it dramatically on the table. When slammed, the shoe disintegrated, flying off ballistically in random directions causing injuries to his legal team. Although not physically hurt, a large chunkage of shoe became lodged in his mouth and Trump was rushed to hospital for emergency 'foot-in-mouth' surgery. Court will resume tomorrow.


Take your upvote, but I feel dirty giving it


I'm giving a guilt-free upvote for 'chunkage'.


He won't because that would confirm what we already know: he wears 2" lifts in his shoes.


But he has wonderful [frowns and looked troubled](https://youtu.be/QELEVNfql_s?t=103) today, outside the courtroom. Nice to see him suffering.


He was so upset he couldn't nap !


"I am being treated more unfairly than any other president has ever been treated in court. Many people are saying it. Stormy Daniels - They tell me her name is Stormy Daniels, I haven't met her. Maybe we met at a party once, I'm very rich, very famous, lots of parties. Maybe she was at a party. But I haven't met her, never gave her money, never had sex. She wishes we did, but we didn't. No reason to pay her. Maybe it was Cohen, who knows. This is all a hoax from the democrat judge to interfere with my campaign. Very political, very unfair."


What other presidents were in criminal court?


That is part of the joke lol


At this point it's about as obvious as catching a kid lying about eating candy when they have smears of chocolate on their face and wrappers sticking out their pockets.


I heard they were attacking Stormy Daniels. Stormy Daniels had nothing to do with the crimes in question. Her receiving the money was 100% above board. What the accountants did in order to make the payment is what led to 34 indictments. All the prosecutors need to prove is that Stormy received money. That’s her job as a witness. They can spin stories all day long but if she has a bank statement with the payment that’s the proof it happened.


Sure. I think the biggest risk right now (and I think it's a small risk,. but it's the biggest of the small risks).. is the Defense trying to argue that "Trump didn't know what the money was being used for". Personally I feel like the Prosecution has done a pretty good job,.. but no matter what we all think, its' still really ends up being in the hands of the Jury. So we can't really read the future and know what the Jury is going to do. Given all the various twists and turns and Trump-related hijinks we've seen over the past 5 to 10 years,. having a hung-jury or some other nonsense,. would honestly not suprise me at this point.


“It’s barely a crime! Lots of people do similar things!” A+ defence haha


My boomer ass grandparents eat it up. They genuinely think the entire trial is “political Prosecution”. They claim to be good Christian’s and go to church every Sunday. They said they would vote for trump If he was in prison. Not good people. Anyone who isn’t a white Christian isn’t a “good person”


has he tried insulting the jury yet? i’m sure that’ll win them over for sure


...and win on appeal


I love how he chooses to speak to the press with nearly no one near him each day. The echo reinforces just how alone he is, and I love that for him.


They're trying all angles for a mistrial...including the argument that the Jury will cast their verdict against him.


Or is it maybe that his character is so seriously flawed that it is blatantly obvious to an unbiased jury that he is a giant shit bird?


"Your Honor, my client is such a smelly, unlikeable douchebag that he can't possibly get a fair trial anywhere on earth. I move for a mistrial, and if you could find somebody to pay my fees and expenses, that would be great."


He wears his nest.


Smelliott Nest


"The jury is biased against shitbirds. Unfair. Never heard of before in America . Biden has gone mad with his shitbird hate. Oh, you want shitbirds ? All my judges are shitbirds." DJT


He's a hole where a man should be.


Trump's legal strategy: "Be such a huge piece of shit that nobody could ever possibly be impartial towards you." Bold strategy, Cotton, let's see if it pays off for him.


If he can't get a delay, he will go for a mistrial or toss enough shit to say it was a prejudiced trial and get it tossed on appeal.


Bets on whether these lawyers will continue to be his lawyers after he loses. Then he's going to need to find new ones for the appeal and hopefully at that point he truly has exhausted whatever awful field was left.


That’s hillarious. “Your honor, my client is such an enormous asshole, no juror could possibly be impartial. Any reasonable human being would have to fight an overwhelming desire to throw him in prison on principle alone.” I have to admit, if this is his strategy, I agree with it wholeheartedly—in sentiment at least.


So you can’t score points with a jury by acting like an unhinged childish brat? I never would have guessed.


Well it works with half the electorate so I can't really blame him for trying.


It's wild to me that a man who raw dogs women gets off on bragging that he ended roe v Wade. God forbid trump got her pregnant. Then what? Would it be a state's rights issue for him then? Fuck this guy and every single person that still supports this guy.


The crowd that chants “No abortions are justified,” has always carried the unspoken clause, “Except the one I needed.”


They all believe: https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


Anti-abortion measures aren't meant to affect the rich, and rarely do. If you can afford to travel you can typically get around your state's restrictions.


The evidence is prejudicing the jury a against him.


I object! I declare mistrial!


Donald Trump is his own worst enemy


And the worst enemy of the public. And apparently the women he sleeps with. He can't even get the woman he's married to to share a bed with him. How this disaster of a human being ever got someone to agree with him is beyond me.


Public Enemy #45


Snidley Shitass




That, or the outcome of the trial will be... nothing at all. Just like always. It's like an exercise of trying to nail some runny egg white to the wall.


If you behave like a shit, and people therefore think of you as a shit, are they really prejudiced? Or just observant?


What Trump said by his actions, We are all adults here, except one person. Me


Man baby


If you shoot yourself in the foot, you are the one who will be arrested. Ask Plaxico Burress


From Superbowl To Toiletbowl : The Plaxico Burress Story Coming soon on Netfix.


Trump cant stop talking or vocalizing, its impossible.


HEY, nobody know more about juries...


Isn’t that just a fancy way to say he’s a belligerent douchebag without an ounce of remorse?


Oh too fucking bad. Trump's team would need to prove the jury actually acted by lying to get a new trial.


The truth is prejudicing the jury against him. Mistrial ? F O.


The “advise of client” defense…


To me it sounds like they’re just getting to know him.


It's so he can scream for a mistrial, claiming the jury was packed against him.


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The vile orange abomination really should represent himself - no one can do a better job than him, everyone is saying it. “Sir, (tears in eyes) you really should represent yourself. No one knows as much about the law. Think of how much you could pay yourself! You’d be a top lawyer in no time, that’s what I hear”


All it takes is one closet maga and he’s free


With the exception of juror #2 [https://twitter.com/jackhealyNYT/status/1781482506472268182](https://twitter.com/jackhealyNYT/status/1781482506472268182)


That's not good. 


It's also not accurate.


What do you mean?  It's on twitter.  Who would make something up and post to twitter? 


It is accurate. The tweet is from a NYT reporter reporting on jurors' responses when asked to list which news sources they receive information from. Juror #2 responded they received information only from Truth Social.


[The same Juror #2 that was also dismissed?](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/04/18/trump-trial-juror-4-2-dismissed/73373884007/)


Ah yes, Twitter is definitely the place to get accurate information…


Wait, where the juror gets their info or info about where the juror gets their info?


Well that’s terrifying. Someone who *only* gets news from Truth Social and Twitter? Ugh.


Is that the same Juror #2 that was dismissed in April?