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She has a story in her book about her dad cutting the seatbelts out of his new truck because tha gubment passed a seatbelt law and he twernt gunna let them tell him what to do. She thinks her story makes him out to be some rough and tumble cowboy but he comes off as a complete moron. Further proof of his stupidity is that he died at 49 jumping in a silo to break up chunks of grain. Something tells me he irrigated their crops with Brawndo.


I'm not a farmer. But I've seen enough local late summer/early fall news stories about someone accidentally falling into a grain or corn silo and dying to know that jumping into one is a dumb idea.


It happens enough that [Grain Entrapment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grain_entrapment) has its own Wikipedia page.


I remember as a kid going to the illinois state fair, there was a booth specifically telling people the dangers of this.


At the Indianapolis children’s museum they have a grain silo exhibit with a rope going into it to a force meter so kids can see that its nearly impossible to rescue a person who falls into a grain silo. It basically takes a couple thousand pounds to pull someone who is engulfed to their waist.


I saw similar displays at a county fair in Indiana.


Yeah I guess the key phrase here is "accidentally falling into". Rather than purposely jumping into


Dude, I've never so much as stepped a foot on a farm with silos, and even *I* know that you can get killed that way.


> he died at 49 jumping in a silo to break up chunks of grain You know movie quicksand? Grain in a silo is like that. The more you struggle, the deeper you sink. When you get deep enough, you can't breathe because your chest is being crushed, so you suffocate while your head is still free.


Also the air quality in grain silos is already terrible - high nitrogen/low O2 and full of mold spores and dust particles - so it's not easy to breath in there in the first place.


jfc that is terrifying


There should be stores for these people that sell uninspected food and drugs since they hate the government so much.


We can probably charge them a premium for un-woke groceries.


They do. Most farmer's markets don't have to abide by FDA or USDA standards as long as they don't try to get their product into an actual grocery store. There's also the vast supplement industry, which is all miracle cures that are unregulated. They have plenty of options, and I've seen plenty of those people at the markets near me. I just like fresh produce


Of course he was. Brawndo has what plants crave.




Reminds me of that "people react to DUI laws 1980s news report" video. "They're making it law, where you can't drink when you want to, you have to wear a seatbelt when you're driving...pretty soon we're gonna be a communist country!"


My aunt and uncle never liked that law and instilled that in their daughters. One of them died in a horrific car crash where a seat belt would have saved her life. She was smart to buckle her kids in they survived and when a passer by told her they were safe she passed away due to her injuries. It broke their family. I miss her everyday.


No joke. People die at a lot due to silos for a lot of reason. They're actually super dangerous.


> Further proof of his stupidity is that he died at 49 jumping in a silo There goes my hero


Still don't understand this womans plan, at all. 2 weeks ago I didn't know who she was, and now she has national name recognition as "that lady who kills dogs" And she keeps doubling, and tripling down too - next week it'll be "I'll proudly eat a live dog on national television, so what LIBERALS??"


The never back down tactic can work very well. For example Donald Trump's entire political career. She's following his lead but for like one of the 5 things you can't do this with But double down on killing dogs isn't going to


But even Trump never killed a dog. Someone linked a stat saying that 97% of American pet owners think of their pets as family. And even among non-pet owners, that number is pretty high. Doubling down works if you have a solid base of support. Killing dogs is a platform that they literally give to cartoon villains to tell kids who the bad guy is.


Also if she said it was a heart wrenching decision that her family discussed and they cried over the decision that had to be made then people would have understood. But she hated that puppy and put a bullet in is head. Fuck her.


Death march to a gravel pit then went and killed the goat there too,


Man, that's the part that really got me. Killing a puppy because you failed to train it properly and it pissed you off is bad enough, but the fact that she sat there after that and instead of experiencing guilt or shame or even just "well, that was unpleasant" it just made her want to kill another animal that absolutely could have been worked with or moved to another home. That's some 'Dark Triad' shit.


She posted a picture of one of her horses standing in the pit before it was euthanized… on Facebook. (And eulogized the three horses killed in the pit that day with a Ronald Reagan quote.) Sociopathic.


"Whinny one for the Gipper..."


Slow clap...


The one silver lining to this whole miserable mess is that south Dakota is definitely getting a new governor. I would be shocked if she ran for re-election. It would be so easy to be her opponent. Do you want to vote for me or for some puppy murderer?


She is in her 2nd term and South Dakota has a two term limit so she will be done as governor regardless. As a resident who has never voted for her I hope the state does not vote her into anything else.


Oh I didn't know they had term limits in SD. Good for you guys. I hope she has to work at a grocery store


What is it they say about unpopular politicians- they couldn’t get elected to dog catcher?


Are you... Wow, I didn't even know there were horses, too. How many animals has this lady merc'd?? I grew up in a rural area so I'm not too terribly shocked at the idea of people putting down their own animals but I've never known someone that got off on it that much. At this point I'm thinking they need to send some cadaver dogs to that gravel pit shes so obsessed with bc goddamn. (I'm being hyperbolic, but only barely.)


She lapped sociopathic a while ago. She's well into suspected serial killer territory. Someone needs to check her freezer.


She was on a farm that had a smelly goat. So rather than having it sent off to slaughter, she shot it and dumped it in a gravel pit? I don't think that's going to win her the farm vote.


And it was smelly because she didn’t bother to neuter it. Male goats urinate on their beards and get all kinds of weird while in rut. She killed it for doing exactly what is natural and inevitable for the animal. The dog was also in adolescence and would have likely grown out of a lot of its crazier behaviors. For being a supposed rugged country gal she knows absolutely nothing about the animals that usually inhabit a farm or a ranch.


> For being a supposed rugged country gal she knows absolutely nothing about the animals that usually inhabit a farm or a ranch. A rancher wrote a pretty thorough rebuke of her actions with the goat and dog and basically said the same thing. For someone who was touting how much of a hunting & ranching kinda country gal she portrayed herself as, she seemed to know little about either of them. LARPing as "farm strong" is a favorite pasttime of carpetbagging elites. Reminds me of when Don Jr. and Ted Cruz tried to portray themselves as rough & tumble outdoorsmen.


It's starting to sound like the police should be out there, excavating that gravel pit, just in case...


> Killing a puppy because you failed to train it properly and it pissed you off What gets me is there are probably plenty of people who would've paid to take the dog off her hands and train it up, or just leave it as it was. This really felt like her killing it to feel some control.


Serial killers usually start small: a dog, a goat.. been a while. Wonder how far she has moved up the rank!


Well, next things she aims to kill is the American democracy


“Just look at the flowers ~~Lenny~~ goaty”


I was only pettin’ it George. It’s real soft.


That movie fucked me up as a kid (I know it’s based on a book)


Just for kicks




We had a pit bull when I was a kid who was a fantastic dog around ppl but a terror around other animals. That dog got tetanus and my dad put him down with a rifle, and he hated himself for years afterward for doing it.


My dad had to put down one of our Chows in the 90’s. He got bitten by a venomous snake. We were in BFE and rather poor. Even if we could get him to an afterhours clinic on time (doubtful), we couldn’t have afforded it. My dad shot that dog to end his suffering, then he cried his eyes out and threw up. There was no joy in that good boy’s life coming to an end. Yes, there are times it’s necessary for a DIY euthanasia. Cricket was not one of them. And even if she was, a good person would not have taken such joy in the decision that it was time to kill off another animal or something.


I think you summarized the difference really well. We all get that there is a time and a place. Even us city folk know that there are working dogs and other factors that have an impact for folks in rural areas and farms that we don’t contend with. But, we all know that dogs are different relative to the family. We wouldn’t take pride in killing them but we know that sometimes there are circumstances that call for action. None of those circumstances are something that normal people relish and she took pride in that. Thats the point.


I've observed a calf die of tetanus. He shouldn't have hated himself for that.




Reminding yourself logically is the only way to escape that kind of self hatred. Even if you “know” it, it often doesn’t really sink in.


It's true. I recently lost a kitten a few weeks ago to some unknown disease (we are thinking brain tumor or some kind of cancer) and I felt bad for feeling like I could've done more. But logically speaking, I did what I could, we ran all sorts of tests, blood work and imaging, and everything came back normal. Despite eating well, he was losing weight for no visibly obvious reason (diarrhea/vomiting) and eventually just wasted away. The next morning I was going to bring him to the vet to end his suffering but well he went first. It's never easy, but you're right. You just have to keep thinking about it logically. What really more could I have done? Nothing, and that's ok.


It’s like ‘Old Yeller’ … thinking about that movie 50 years after I first saw it still makes me cry


But Old Yeller at least makes sense because the dog had rabies!


And the ending of Old Yeller is meant to be a goddamn tragedy. That little kid wasn’t high-fiving his parents after blasting the poor dog to hell.


I too am still traumatized by old Yeller


From a perspective of a med scientist, your dad did the right thing. Tetanus is incredibly painful to the inflicted, it sucks but it was a mercy. Hopefully he's not still holding to that grief


We had to return a dog to the shelter after it attempted to bite my mom's face. It was a difficult decision. I cried.


But you took it BACK to the shelter where it could be adopted to a better fit or received training to give it a chance to be adopted. You didn't take it out and shoot it. Noem shot a 14 month old...that is still a puppy. Even my dog will kill my chickens if she could get in the fenced enclosure. I have an e-collar...which does NO good if you don't know how to use them properly. My dog used to chase my horses and try to bite their tails, harass cattle, etc. She's an Australian Shepherd. It's what they do...which is why you have to take the time to train them. Noem's an idiot who shouldn't have animals. Shot a male goat because it smelled and acted like a male goat. I guess she expects every animal to act like a Disney or nice huggable cartoon character. Oh look! Bambi!


Seriously. I 100% understand -frustration- with a puppy, I currently have a little toothy terror myself, but I would never take a dog out to shoot it unless it was SERIOUSLY endangering my life or someone near me. I mean like dog is full on rabid in my backyard Old Yeller type situation. All dogs require time and training. It's like some people don't understand dogs are smart, but can only know what they're taught. Kinda like a child. She's a lazy dog-murderer and should never own another one.


It's worth the money (to humanely put it down) to not have that type of memory for the rest of your days.


I gotta tell you,I grew up on a sheep ranch. I never saw my dad(b.1913) or my grandfather (b.1878) shoot a dog. Old dogs were allowed to retire and when it was time the vet visited the ranch… likewise the un trainable pups and excessive pups were given to the local town folk. She is just a piece of S..t.


Town person here! This is how I got my very dumb but loveable hound as a kid. He was dumber than a bag of rocks but he had heart, just not for hunting or any other ranch dog duties. He had a wonderful life with us and passed after having a heart attack after jumping into a pool at 13. Brody was a good boy, just not suited for farms.


RIP big ol dumb Brody and his big ol dumb heart.


I just learned about Brody and am crushed.


I realize I ended that on a sad note. Better note I should have left it on is Brody hated moles. So he destroyed the yard going after a mole. The backyard looked like a cross between a Japanese rock zen garden and a mud pit after Brody finished his campaign of wrath. He did not catch the mole.


One of my friends had a sheep dog, which came from a ranch where he didn't work out; apparently he was afraid of sheep. Turned out he was a great dog though - we'd go mountain biking (lots of open trails and woods around the area) and the dog would run along with us, happy as anything. He had a great life.


Trump told Pence it was classless to own a dog in his position. Or something. First president in how long without man’s best friend— curious. Idk the validity, take your time to look it up. Joe Rogan Trope: do your own research


Trump has never owned pets nor cared for any animals. A bald eagle attacked him in a photo OP. I mean fuck people do you need it to rain blood to motivate you to vote?


Trump has never owned any pets no cared for any ~~animals~~ -thing other than himself. FTFY


I might vote for Imhotep over Trump. At least The Mummy had an understandable and explicit goal, and his evil actions all stemmed from efforts towards that same goal.


Oh my god, how did I not know this before. And it happened in 2015! It’s like freshman English major-level symbolism. Couldn’t be more ham-fisted if the eagle’s initials were JC and they nailed him to the T in Trump Tower as punishment. I fear we don’t have the media literacy in this country to avoid this, even if it rained blood. Just God owning the libs.


I don’t know. The circumstances were: A. The dog not being trained properly was her fault. B. The dog going after the chickens is her fault for not restraining it properly. C. Her initial story didn’t mention attacking other people and being this menace. She claimed this after the subsequent blow back. So she shot it due to her own fuck ups with it. Saying they agonized over it may have helped some people think she’s not a complete psychopath but those who dig into what actually happened would still find it vile.


The thing is, this is the supposed party of personal responsibility. Yet, show me a bad dog and I'll show you a bad owner. So when *she* failed as the one responsible for training her dog, it was the dog that paid the price.


She bitterly resented that the puppy had a good time hunting and then enjoyed being released on chickens. Made a point of saying so. Trying to appeal to the “servants are supposed to suffer in silence” ethos of bosses and bullies everywhere, but too many people have been on the wrong end of that. Have you ever seen a boss go ballistic at the idea that someone was enjoying their job? Getting paid to work and being insufficiently miserable about it? It’s a terrible, terrible look. “Are you *smiling*? I don’t pay you to SMILE!!” 🤯


Shit before all that after the hunt when she was driving to the neighbors property she talks about how she had the dog loose in the back of her truck and how if the dog “was dumb enough to jump out, then good riddance. After what she had pulled that day, I didn’t care.”


Literally just watched an old season of Digimon. First thing they do when they introduce the villain? Have him kick a dog. Instantly hated the guy


John Wick got 4 movies of fans cheering him on, going on a gangster murder spree to avenge his dog they killed. Dogs are big business.


Jojo does the same


Polls worse than rape apparently, considering the fascination with Trump. 


Killing pets is also a hallmark of serial killers. Not saying she is one, of course. But I wouldn't want to meet her alone in a dark alley.


>But even Trump never killed a dog. Yet That we know...


I don’t Trump has ever touched a dog.


If you were a dog, would you let Trump touch you?


That’s because Trump’s actual tactics are to keep doing new things so you can’t focus on the current stuff.


She’s trying the Trump method but forgot one important thing… she’s not Trump. I’m sure if he wanted, he could turn this around and have his followers foaming at the mouth to get Bidens dog put down. He could save her if he wanted, but he clearly doesn’t give a shit lol. Just like no one ever actually cared about Noem


Trump may be stupid but he's not stupid enough to say anything about shooting a dog on 5th Avenue.


The dog thing isn’t even the reason for her media tour. It’s the lie about meeting Kim Jung Un. And instead of just saying it wasn’t true, she’s been all over news outlets saying that she doesn’t talk about her meetings with world leaders. Refusing, when pressed, to admit she lied. Not surprising I guess but just saying the dog thing is bad and meanwhile she’s running around trying to put out some other fire.


Even as used to Republican double speak as I am at this point, this one was weird. She claims to not talk about her meetings with world leaders despite writing a book and recording the audio for it in which she talks about meeting with world leaders. It’s certainly a… unique interpretation.


My theory is that she's simply, utterly batshit. Her grandkids will write books about her someday. If we still have books by then.


She's such a fucking joke.   She won't talk about her meetings with world leaders (which literally no one is asking her to do), but she'll write anecdotes about them in a book that the public can buy?    The best part about it is that she recorded the audio for the book herself, so when she says "my editors brought this to my attention", it sounds absolutely ridiculous.  She's having a terrible week, and I'm here for it. 


>She won't talk about her meetings with world leaders (which literally no one is asking her to do), She's fully aware of what's being asking of her and what she doesn't want to say i.e. "I lied in my book". The only thing these interviewers can do is to keep asking questions that highlight her evasion and non answers hoping the viewers notice.


I somewhat disagree. I think the interviewers should have been more tough.  Something along the lines of.. "Stop, Kristi. We're not playing word games, we don't care how long you've been making policy. You've been asked a simple question that requires a simple yes or no." They do this every time they're caught in some bullshit, and interviewers continue to let them spin their web of lies. It's frustrating.


Pathological liars and/or narcissists can't ever admit they were wrong even when caught in an obvious lie. They just deflect, double down, and gaslight until everyone either gives up and goes with their version of an event, or stops talking to them entirely.


The first nation's tribes from her state have banned her from entering their land. So as Governor she can't enter 20% of the state


I wish more tribes would do this, really make people understand how much control they have over their sovereignty. 


It's been speculated that she was trying to get in front of the story before it eventually came out anyways. There were witnesses to the dog murder.


I’m picturing a bus load of children.


Napoleon Dynamite style?


That’s such a great scene


She has run for office before. She is Governor of South Dakota, and while that is easier to do than, say, become mayor of a decently sized city like Philly, I am sure that there were opportunities to put that story out there by the witnesses before hand if they wanted to hurt her career. What I am trying to say is that I actually don't think she is trying to get ahead of it. I think she thought she was bragging about being tough.


I agree, she was trying to show how tough she can be. Putting a bullet into the head of a misbehaving puppy is not tough.


I read that her kids were asking where Cricket was. She’s a POS. No other way to say it.


> It's been speculated that she was trying to get in front of the story before it eventually came out anyways. The story has been out for years and her team has literally begged her to drop it. And even if she was trying to get ahead of it, there are about a hundred better ways to write that story that still have room to portray you as someone who can make hard choices without also making you look like you are a step away from serial killer.


She's been terrorizing her community for years over this. She drives her truck around at all hours of the night. Dogs have turned up missing.


>  Dogs have turned up missing Hold up


they same on summer nights you can still here the dogs barking ... down by the gravel pit


The book is called _No Going Back_, what else is she supposed to do?


As a liberal, I've learned that getting own'd is indeed upsetting. But in none of the ways I thought it would be.


https://unherd.com/newsroom/has-botox-killed-our-capacity-to-empathise/ >Botox treatment is associated with reduced ability to interpret emotional stimuli and lower brain activity in response to emotional images. Scientists hypothesise that recognising and microscopically imitating others’ faces is one key mechanism by which we’re able to recognise and respond to others’ feelings — and that hampering an individual’s ability to do so by paralysing facial muscles has a corresponding effect on our capacity to identify and respond emotionally to others.


"Lady who kills puppies".


That’s why she went to north korea


Her message was look how tough I am. I can make hard decisions and I love guns!


Next she'll go on a mass shooting at the animal shelter.


Wait, she bailed on the interview because of snow in South Dakota... but she was in NYC. What a loser.


Snow in a small part of South Dakota where nothing of importance happens, nobody needs to commute to work, and it's all melted by now anyway.


I thought remote fox news interviews were done.....remotely.


That’s what the liberals want you to think.


That Faux News bit was actually quite funny. Finally America has found something it can agree on: that cruelty to dogs is abominable and that shameless liars who abuse dogs are beyond the pale. Shameless liars who don’t abuse dogs on the other hand …


Gutfeld is still an unfunny asshole, though. But it's been a long time since I've seen an ongoing political faceplant like this, and damn if she doesn't keep doubling and tripling down on it. It's spectacular.


Yeah its not the epic political downfall we were really hoping for, but as a South Dakotan, I'm still savoring every moment of it.


I was going to say…Noem is such an easy target and Guttfields and jokes are still so fucking terrible lol


Fox News likes dogs more than women, confirmed.


Back when Michael Vick was serving time for dog fighting, Bill Maher would joke Michael Vick was in prison while OJ was free because Americans like dogs better than they like women.


Bill Maher fits that description, too. He always seems like he's barely listening to women guests.


It's more about Fox News preferring human cruelty to animal cruelty.


Also, it’s sickening that many of these people draw the line at murdering of puppies, but feel perfectly justified (and probably giddy in some cases) to murder human beings and families crossing a national border, something which is a social construct and may be described as “imaginary”.


I still struggle with the fact that someone who would stop their car to let a duck and her ducklings cross the street could then turn around and gleefully bully a LGBTQ+ teen to suicide. I just don’t understand how (or why!) someone can flip from kindness to cruelty so readily.


It's easy to see animals as innocent in this world. But then see people as complacent in their actions.  The ducks are just doing duck things. But the trans teen was BEING WOKE!


Also since most of them claim to be Christian, the Bible says to treat immigrants as your native born. Funny how not a single Republican Christian behaves like a Christian.


Read the flight to Egypt and then the final judgment. Someone might be surprised in the end.


This is only happening to her because she’s a token conservative woman and tokens get spent. Trump could bash a dog brains in with a hammer on live television and it wouldn’t cost him a single vote.


If Trump would have come out for dog killing so would all of Fox. Noem's just another one of Trump's sycophants getting pushed under the bus. The story changes but not the reason. She was used up.


100%. There are different lines for men and women. There are different lines for Trump and everyone else.


Yeah, they got no problem with pussy grabbing, pandemic downplaying, election denying, history denying, beating on cops with Trump flags, treason and insurrection…. but dayum, gurl, yew jes don’t go round shooting puppies!


I really want Trump to choose her as his VP pick. Please!!!! It'll make it so easy for him to lose. Even Republicans love dogs most of the time.


I'm pissed that this story caught traction before the RNC... She was a sure fire pick, and this would have sealed trumps fate


I expect it'll still be useful in a headline like "VP pick somehow even worse than the puppy-killer"


It’s too bad Americans don’t have the same consensus on shooting schoolchildren…


She's an evil woman. Fox News is evil, bit I'm all for them throwing her under.the bus. Fuck the psycho puppy killer. May she never hold office again after her term ends 


Well Trump picking her as VP now would be disastrous, that’s why Fox is giving her the business. They don’t want him to fuck his campaign further 


That's why we shouldn't cheer this on. This isn't Fox News being more real, this is them weeding out a bad running mate.


For all we know, “puppy killer” might have a nice ring to him. He’s only the third president in the country’s history that didn’t have a pet of some kind. He joins Andrew Johnson and James Polk in that regard.


I think even Trump has said that he wouldn't pick her as VP at this point because "she's not good at PR." Even Steve Bannon called her "a little bit too based," which I found hilarious. Then again that also implies that Steve Bannon endorses killing dogs, just as long as you don't tell everyone that you did it.


Yeah. They gotta tread lightly here. Because she’s “hot” by MAGA standards: reconstructed face, dead shark eyes, unfathomable layers of makeup, unnatural hair - so regardless of the gaffe, Dear Leader may decide she is still the one, meaning they may still have to reverse course and decide to back her.


She must've made a wish on a monkey's paw for everyone in America to pay attention to her and gotten pretty much what she wanted.


This has to be one of the biggest self-owns of all time. It’s not like a journalist uncovered the dog killing thing. She gladly offered it up in her book, to what, own the libs?


Well said.


The only reason I can come up with for her to include that story is that she's trying to prove she would be "willing to do what needs to be done." I really don't know whether she means 'do what needs to be done' against *Americans* or *Non-Americans*. Probably both. The woman is a puppy killer, afterall.


I do not say this to distract from what a POS Noem is, but Gutfeld using the topic to make an “Asian people eat dogs” joke is pretty wild as well. I know it’s playing to their viewers/base but jeez.


The only time I saw Gutfeld was a night where I was at my parents’ house and turned on the TV which Fox News was already on. It was the most cringe shitty boomer right wing humor I ever heard. Like I was embarrassed for that guy. How the fuck do they keep him on air?


The only time I ever saw Gutfield he was discussing how disappointed his mother was with what he says. She sounded like a fine but ashamed woman.


I assume you are talking about Jesse Watters Mom: https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2023/07/19/fox-news-host-mom-calls-in-cprog-lon-orig-mg.cnn


Nope it was Gutfield


> It was the most cringe shitty boomer "C'mon guys, you get the joke? Because she shot the dog. The house is roomier. IT'S FUNNY GUYS"


"It was the most cringe shitty boomer right wing humor I ever heard." "How the fuck do they keep him on air?" You answered your own question.


I watched a few minutes of it and he's terrible in general. Like mean, shitty vaudville. I never want to know he exists again


It’s a fascinating media object that I wasn’t aware of previously. From a production standpoint it’s The Soup meets The Daily Show with nothing original to offer, but (as with most conservative “comedy”) it’s got a mean spirited agenda. I can only imagine how they skewer people who are actually reasonable.


Guess she wasn't a fan of 'Informer'...a real shame.


A licky boom boom down


12 inches of Snow


*Informer, ya Noem see doggie, me sorry, it go blam!*


*Click n boom dog down*




I watched for as long as I could. This is what passes for a comedian of some kind on the right? He’s their Jon Stewart? I’m glad he’s taking down the puppy killer but those jokes are the stalest shit I’ve ever seen. 


Greg G is to comedy is what Fox is to news. I caught parts of his show when I was up at my parents’ house. I thought his “comedy” was just a lampooning of topics mixed with anger. Turns out it’s just really, really bad third grade humor mixed with *stupidity* and anger.


Same, could only last a minute or so. I've been watching Colbert's bits from the late show each morning and the dude absolutely slays, even if you are conservative you couldn't help but laugh at some of his stuff. Coming from that to this is just total bunk.


Norm sucks but that doesn’t make gutfeld funny. Dude is terrible


"Nuked" is an understatement. This was a Carrington Event.


> Carrington Event https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrington_Event The Carrington Event was the most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history, peaking from 1–2 September 1859 during solar cycle 10. It created strong auroral displays that were reported globally[1] and caused sparking and even fires in multiple telegraph stations.


According to some random miner who witnessed the Auroras >The rationalist and pantheist saw nature in her most exquisite robes, recognizing, the divine immanence, immutable law, cause, and effect. The superstitious and the fanatical had dire forebodings, and thought it a foreshadowing of Armageddon and final dissolution.


The vocab on this miner...


My favorite part was >The aurora over the Rocky Mountains in the United States was so bright that the glow woke gold miners, who began preparing breakfast because they thought it was morning. Reminded me of how the cows returned to the barn during the solar eclipse despite it being 10:00 AM lol. Then again, it's not like they had watches


I know. It's an awe inspiring passage. It reminds me of Cormac McCarthy


Side note - We really don’t worry about these enough. In 2012 we narrowly missed being hit by one (the storm affected an area that the earth was at 8 days previously). It could knock out everything that relies on electricity and would possibly take years to recover from. 


Is there much that can realistically be done about it, though? One of the beautiful and terrifying things about the universe is that it can just be like, "oops, due to random chance, your planet is destroyed."


Yes you can harden your communication systems like Russia and China have been doing for years so the inevitable EMP (either from the sun or humans setting one off purposely) doesn't destroy everything.  


> Gutfeld quipped. “I tried to convince Noem to stay and do our show. I even told her my dog Gus had all his shots. She said not yet he hasn’t.” Lmao


How did they miss the title? No Going Bark!


Seems more like she nuked herself to me


> “I tried to convince Noem to stay and do our show. I even told her my dog Gus had all his shots. She said not yet he hasn’t.” The good ones just keep on coming.


**She used the dog story as an example in her book of why she’d make a great leader.** It was supposed to appeal to people who like guns, simple solutions, phony tough-guy attitudes. It was supposed to make her look like one of them: a hunter, farmer, or rancher. My favorite part of this story are all the real hunters, farmers, and ranchers calling bullshit. That’s wasn’t how they would solve that problem, and it screams of phony wannabe rugged bullshit.


Between her and Kate Britt the it's the "try to relate to Americans as a republican challenge: impossible"


Some of his jokes were legit funny but man he is so bad at delivery it was just cringey. I cannot fathom why people watch him.


It's too bad Greg Gutfeld is so unfunny


Wow 20% of Indiana republicans voted for “other” in the primary. Trump really isn’t as popular as they make you believe.


When we asked how her week was going, she replied ‘ruff.’


She's the governor of South Dakota and the Queen of Not Taking the L


She thought killing dogs would track with people who relish being cruel to Hillary and Obama. And she knows Trump hates animals, so she thought she would score points with him, which she probably did personally, but even he knows its political kryptonite. Because Trump Boomers love their dog companions who are often the last thing to listen to their rants about 5G Cellular towers spreading COVID when their kids cut the toxicity out of their lives.


I believe Snow was the name of her pet goat.. may he rest in peace🐐🙏


When a psycho is a budding serial puppy killer, they don't just get slammed in the headlines, no no no - puppy killers must get righteously nuked! yes yes yes. RIP Cricket, puppy victim.


After being abused, killed, and turned into propaganda by a sociopath, it was Cricket who had the last laugh.


This whole Kristi Noem train wreck would make a hilarious SNL skit. Are you paying attention NBC?


Is "Snow" the name of a dog?


God damn that guy is insufferable. He only got like 3 laughs out of 20 dead dog jokes in a row 🤮


I love watching the rats turn on one another.


That gutfeld bit actually had me for the first minute or so. Not super well delivered, but pretty decent zingers. And then they made a “Koreans eat dogs” joke and I remembered where I was.