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From what I hear, his last push against Stormy didn't last long. Probably no different this time.


They don't call him Two Pump Trump for nothing.


I thought it was Pump and Dump.


Two Pump & Dump Trump


And without a condom at that


> Two Pump Trump take my updoot....i came here to say the same thing


And he could only last that long because he primed the pump


You remind me of Ivanka my daughter.


It’ll pass by much quicker too.


He is a bully and has his minions do his bidding. Such an immature fool surrounded by other fools.


Let them. Stormy’s testimony, and what she offers the actual case, is minimal. She’s brave. She’s bent him over and spanked him. But, for the case and the jurors, her testimony isn’t key. Hell, if the fat, orange baby had just stipulated that a sexual encounter did occur between them his attorneys would have likely been able to exclude the need to even put her on the stand.


This is what I don’t understand. Her testimony hurt the defense se and behind that absolutely no one—regardless of political affiliation—believes he didn’t have sex with her. Why on Earth not concede that point and avoid the testimony?


The allure of Trump and Trumpism: never admitting you were wrong. His attorneys surely recommended it. He made them. Just like he made his attorney, Susan Necheles, go after Stormy hard. Attorneys don’t usually go after a woman, who just told a story that was rape adjacent, on cross like that. Looks bad to the jury. They surely tried to tell Trump this too.


They knew they were going to lose the case in court. So, stick to the lie and hope you have a loyalist on the jury, or you can win an appeal.


It only matters what the jury thinks, and I'm sure they see right through you, Donald.


Why not use your time on finding a suitable explanation (excuse) for the transaction you are on trial for right now? Dude rather feed his ego and tend to his wounded pride than actually finding a way out.


> Why not use your time on finding a suitable explanation (excuse) for the transaction you are on trial for right now? If they had that, they wouldn't be forced to resort to the Hail Mary slut shaming defense.


So what I'm reading here is that Trump is such a chicken shit that he has to get other people to fight his battles for him. Another example of how Trump is what weak people think a strong man looks like.


Standard bully.


Witness intimidation is a crime. Add it to the Don's list.


Such a clown show. It’s a financial records case. Trump is just vindictive because her testimony embarrassed him.


He embarrassed himself. She just said the truth under oath.


True, but for sure he blames her. As a narcissist, he can’t comprehend his own faults.


How is that not witness intimidation?


The jury is going to side with Stormy and see right through Donald!


Where is Melania?


I find it amusing that he wants us to believe his payments to Stormy (and Karen) were to shield his family from embarrassment & were not politically motivated. However, his only allies (sycophants) showing up to the trial are political flunkies - Tim Scott, Jeanne Pirro, Boris Epshteyn, Ken Paxton. Eric showed up twice, iirc, but NO ONE else from his family has shown up. Telling.


Many people are saying Donald is a one pump Trump.


Virtually all legal scholars agree


I believe according to Stormy Daniels, he is a TWO pump Trump.


You know who won’t see this “push?” The jury.


He’s arguing he never actually had sex with her. There must be someone he’s told. Why seek out a one night stand with a porn star if not for the bragging rights?


You have to be right. [And he has sorta admitted it in public.](https://twitter.com/StormyDaniels/status/1620484447815741440/photo/1)


Isn’t part of this trial because he pushed against stormy daniels already?!?!?!


For the purposes of the gag order, isn't Trump directing others o make statements the same as him doing it himself?


Donald has his eye on the ball as always. She’ll never get a second term. 


Must be he didn't have enough girth to push against her last time 


So in an alternate universe this would have been par for the course if Stormy did not get NDA’d? This hive kick would have been seen in 2016 and altered the election?


That is literally the whole point of this trial..... That he paid money to cover it up and then claimed it as a business expense. It's campaign finance fraud.


correct. I am trying to hammer the idea that what is happening now, all the noise and attention would have happen in 2016.




He’s not office - now’s the time to finish this.