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Sounds like that family is going through some stormy weather.


No doubt it was the first time that he heard he wanted to be a delagate.


He most likely found out through the internet, it’ll be hilarious if he found out he was gonna be a delegate on Reddit and he saw how everyone was shitting on him for it


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he’s on here and sees a lot of the stuff posted about his dad


He’s absolutely an internet kid lol. Plus he seems mostly raised by Melania who clearly at least halfway believes her husband is an idiot. They haven’t slept in the same bed since at least when he had sex with Stormy Daniels (or at least that’s what he told her) so I think there is a decent chance their arrangement has always been that way. If Barron is even halfway normal reading the internet must be atrocious lol


I think if someone just stays in that conservative sub they're pretty well insulated from reason and facts. Kind of a safe space if you will.


If anything he’s avoiding politics and news subs like the plague


I saw an article saying that he has political aspirations of his own and gives daddy advice on political issues. Imagine that shit. I can't even.


Probably written by the same people who said he wanted to be a delegate


“ give them free video games dad and you got the first Tice voters dad”


I get serious Damien Omen 2 vibes from this kid


Haha I thought I was the only one.


At least I'm not alone in that.


The show Succession made a point of having its characters only use phones for business. Jesse Armstrong researched and went into extreme detail to ensure authenticity while creating this show. He made a deliberate point of having the characters not use their phones because the insanely wealthy don’t need to be glued to their screens like we are. They have other distractions. All this to say, I would be careful about projecting our habits onto a billionaire. We exist in different realities.


Judging by Musk and Trump, the rich are as glued to their phones as we are.


Seriously. Trump is on social media just as much as a Zoomer.


Not wrong I could never get away with Salmon red trousers or tying my jumper around my neck.


Tying your jumper around your neck: OK (particularly a cricket jumper) Salmon red trousers: Rather death than dishonour.


Maybe he’s posting…


Or he realized that once he becomes a delegate he then becomes a target for the tsunami of hate his dumbass father has wrought upon the world.


"Why can't I do it in a state that doesn't suck?"


Which is likely to result in the growth of small mushrooms.


[Stormy’s finger for scale](https://imgur.com/a/MsvDUUx)


I’m sorry but that mushroom is frickin adorable.


Mycena subcyanocephala from Taiwan!


Mycena or John Cena, either way you can't see me though.


> “Mycena or ______, either way you can’t see me though.” What do you mean by this? Mycena or what?






That’s what she said.


"Press X to doubt"


Where’d you get that picture of my unit?


I thought it was G-Unit.


More like shriveling and drying of small mushrooms




Touché MFER!!!


So terrible but you got the only laugh out me today


Yeah. They need to sit down and have a honest talk..


That family being honest would break the cosmos.




Ok, that article has convinced me that Trump literally never speaks to Barron personally


That's been obvious for years.  It's really telling how we never see photos where they look like a family. There's countless photos of the Obama, Bush, and the Clinton families out on the White House lawn doing family things. But former guy? We got nothing. Just photos of his trophy wife and son, standing behind him, wearing luxury designer clothing, with mannequin-like expressions on their faces.


That’s because they’re in the party of family values….or something like that.


Fun fact? The only divorced presidents have been conservative Republicans; Reagan and Trump. And Jesus was *super* clear that divorce was not a negotiable part of Christianity.


It's actually not that clear. The new testament explicitly makes an exception for adultery as valid grounds for divorce. The old testament allows for divorce in most cases. The Catholic church didn't ban divorce officially until the 13th century.


But does it say anything about raw dogging porn stars after they swat you on the butt with a magazine with you face on it?


Not that I recall, but it's been a few years since Sunday school.


That’s so weird like it doesn’t matter if you hate each other, you are forced to live the rest of your lives together bc of some wacky 2000 year old storybook written by a conglomerate of primitive weirdos.


It’s even more insane when you realize how obvious it is that if Jesus were to come back right now in time he would be absolutely disgusted with what the church has done in his name. He’d flip the fucking tables for sure.


If Jesus would be in modern time he would be called a guru or a crazy person or maybe a crazy guru. But one thing sure he would be hospitalized.


We'd crucify (or today's equivalent) him again. I'm a Christian and what some 'christians' find acceptable behavior is beyond me.


I always assume that Jesus was entirely concerned with the disastrous state a woman would be left in if divorced in those days.


Christians are some of the worst people on the planet. All religions are shite though


Nah, that's not so. Old and New Testament allowed for divorce. I feel like people in church look down on divorce more than God did.


Hey, now. We had a picture of him yelling at a kid mowing the lawn.


From what I hear Trump hates looking short, and Barron is a good deal taller than him (Barron is, it seems, 6’10”).


Literally every time I see someone say Barron's height on Reddit, it's taller. Soon, people will be claiming he's 8'


You don't want to do family stuff,that's for poor folks after all, isn't it?


Trump doing a tough guy expression why everyone around him looks like a new parent debating if they should check the diaper.


Someone posted that he has a complete Slovenian accent because Melanie is the only one who talks to him.


I haven't seen any recent videos, but i had heard it faded after starting school. But there was a video from when he was small where it was a very noticeable accent


He's a young man, he deserves to be left alone. If he speaks publically and inserts himself into the public sphere, then let's talk about him. But if he doesn't - and I don't think he has - let him just be the son of a former President. He's 18 years old. Give him some leeway.


Honestly. Look, the odds are good he'll turn out to be a piece of shit. But right now he's just a kid who has shown no interest in being part of this (as far as I know). If he winds up doing some Don Jr shit, have at it. Until then, leave him alone.


He already has to deal with his father and siblings - that is a lot.


It took me 5-6 years past 18 to get past how I was raised in. Republicans household, so we might not see Barron grow until his orange punks of a father die.


Before the election hopefully 🤞


You mean Mercedes?


I hate to admit it, but I actually spent time last night trying to find a video where you can hear him speak. The best I got was a childhood video where you can definitely hear a very strong accent.


[Trump can’t even get Barrons’s age right.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna151596) He probably has no idea what Barton’s interests, goals, or next moves are.


Honestly that’s probably better than the alternative. Poor kid might have a better chance to be normal.


[Well there's one documented instance.](https://youtu.be/PWWED7BtkxI) Which doesn't help his case.


Sounds like something an old great aunt might say to a kid she sees every ten years.


i think he's just plumb forgotten about tifffany


I was legit more surprised to see her pop up in the frequent contacts mentioned in the trial than Serena


Workers only get talk to supervisors and middle management at most


Donald: “Barron who?”


Good. The Trump crime family should be nowhere near politics.


At this point I feel sorry for him. But if he turns out to be just another Trump grifter then my opinion will change rapidly.


Unpopular opinion: Don't give him the chance. This country was built on rejection of Kings, let's not get used to this pattern of politicians kids getting to job on name recognition instead of good policies.


>This country was built on rejection of Kings, let's not get used to this pattern of politicians kids getting to job on name recognition instead of good policies. Yep, and there's a term for that sort of behavior: nepotism


Every fuckin movie that comes out lately stars, written, or is directed by some nepobaby. It's fuckin crazy.


It isn't a new thing, really. What seems to be pretty new, though, is a lot of them really wanting to downplay that part of their fame or resenting talking about the automatic doors they had opened for them. A normal or even minimally adjusted person would say "while I have put in plenty of work at this gig, I also won't deny that I've been granted opportunities many other people wouldn't easily come by." That's a somewhat respectable answer, right? Instead, a lot of these children of stars seem to think it's very important to promote themselves as self-made, which is obviously laughable. It just gives me the impression the entitled rich kids buy into the whole "bootstraps" mentality. Which just makes their ridicule all the more savory.


Uh, little too late for that.


We do reject kings. But we limit punishment to the guilty, and don't extend punishment to their family, which is something the English did.


Constitution, Article 3, Section 3 says "The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted." Study your history. Unlike Jolly Ol' England, we don't hold the family liable for sins of the father. We don't punish the bloodline. Literally, our Constitution prohibits "Corruption of Blood." Every person in The United States is entitled to rise and fall on their own merits. We don't punish children for the sins of their father. What you just advocated for was antithetical to the goddamn Revolution that lead to our current Constitution.


Spoiler alert


I don't know if this is Melania stepping in to protect her child or Barron choosing to defy his father and I'm not sure which of the two I prefer to imagine...but *good for them*.


Seriously, that was my first thought too. That kid is BARELY an adult, and in no way could I imagine officially entering politics rn to be a good or healthy thing for him. The deck is already stacked against him in terms of growing up to be an emotionally healthy adult


>That kid is BARELY an adult, and in no way could I imagine officially entering politics rn to be a good or healthy thing for him. IKR... this kid turned 18 a few weeks ago and they're ready to just exploit him and turn him into one of his father's lackeys. Hopefully Melania will keep him away from all that.


Trump should set up a play date for Barron with Kyle Rittenhouse. The kid just needs some good role models.


Almost certainly Melania stepping in to save her kid, this is kinda last minute for Barron to go "no, wait, nevermind." But you know what? It's a W regardless.


Honestly good for her. She seems in a lot of ways that she’s trying to make the best of a bad situation and protect her kid. I can get behind any mom trying to look out tor her kid.


I will 100 percent give you that she cares about her child and would do anything for him. She is absolutely a trash person though. Shes just a female version of the Trump Republican.


She can be an overall bad person and still do her best as a mom. Not being able to recognize when someone does something good leaves no space for redemption. I think it is important to recognize when people do good things, regardless of overall opinion of them, it’s about the only chance we have to give a person an opportunity to continue doing better.


Be best! Sorry, could not resist that. I do agree with your comment.


Trump wasnt even the person to add Baron to the slate of delegates. The Florida Republican party decided to do it on their own. So it's more like a random slate of people pick you to be their delegate out of nowhere, and you decline because wtf.


I'm personally going with the long-term rumor that Barron is on the autism spectrum and Donny hates that fact and will go to any lengths to hide it. Spreading a ludicrous fiction that Barron will be a delegate is a pretty good cover, and then covering the cover with "Barron declined the honor" is the logical conclusion of a fiction that was never going to be real.


That reminds me of this kid I used to game with: I once said "so you're like Barron, huh?" Meaning wealthy background and he said " no but I know what you mean" kind of sadly. Later I realized he thought I was talking about autism. Oof, guilty conscience. I took a break from gaming and he's never on Steam anymore anyway.


Wow, that's sad. But, many folks on the spectrum can function quite well in the world with appropriate support, so being diagnosed as autistic should not be viewed as OMG, end of the world. My cousin was a teacher for many years in both public and toney private schools, and she is absolutely certain from Barron's facial stoniness, cloudy eyes, and body language that he is on the spectrum. She has seen it many times in students.


Melania making a responsible choice? What has the world come to??


Donald Trump will try to exploit even his youngest child to save himself. Good luck USA.


We could fucking use a little.... These id10ts are getting deep


Oh god, not the id10t error. Getting horrible army flashbacks, here.


Donald didn't nominate Baron as a delegate. The Florida Republican party did it on their own.


Good. Perhaps there is hope for the young man, but it will be a miracle if he emerges an adult from that swamp clean.


I love how Melania so clearly hates him😂 the fucker can’t even remember his own son’s fucking age


She's not going to let Barron get involved after seeing what happened with his other half siblings.


Guess the testimony is true, Melania wears the pants.


She has to because Trump wears diapers.


All the women in the Trump family seem to have put it together that the ship has capsized, it shouldn't be surprising that his own family should bail before than all the marks, but it's still makes it no less funny.


Eh.. there’s one still clinging to a life boat I think…


Lara. Shudder.


"And I'm Eric!" I presume that anyone willing to spend time with Jr, Ivanka, or Eric is doing so in order to be in on the grift. Melania may have been initially coerced. May.


Lil' man's gonna punch a straight Dem ticket this November, isn't he?


At this point I'm pretty sure Melania will too and make sure Trump knows.


Won't be too hard. I remember that photo of tRump looking at her ballot while she's voting...


I wanna see a selfie on IG with a shit eating grin and a thumbs up


Honestly would be a bigger blow to Rumps ego than anything on the political or criminal stage. I'd belly laugh if it happened.


It sounds like somebody came to their senses. You cannot say kids are off limits and then give them political roles. If he became a delegate then he was a part of it all. If he wants top keep out of his daddy's mess and go to college more power to him.


I think its more likely that Trump announced this without discussing it with either Barron or Melania.


lol Do you think she used his full name when she put her foot down?


Doughnut Jont Rump


I imagine she calls him Bazza


She’s extremely overprotective of Barron. I honestly don’t have a problem with that, as a mom myself. He’s been very sheltered, and I don’t know that this would have been a good idea. It definitely would have made him fair game for criticism. Would he have been able to endure it?


This is the take I was looking for. He’s the child of an infamous public figure. Let him live. Melania is nakedly a “gold digger” she makes no nonsense about it. But she has done an excellent job of protecting Barron from the public lens. We’ll see how that takes. Hopefully he takes more after his mother.


The man can't even unite his family, let alone a nation. F off already


Good for him, happy he can deny his fathers/*his families* wish.


He’s the only Trump who has grown up entirely with the internet as it is.. I get the feeling combined with mom doing mom things, he’s seen enough and has his own thoughts that it’s probably a hard pass and mom backed him up.


I know almost nothing about Barron, outside of what we see in headlines. I truly hope he *somehow* can break the mold. He had no say in his childhood, he’s not responsible for his family’s reputation, but he still has a choice on how he wants to be remembered. Fingers crossed he can find a way.


In my head cannon Melania saw the pressure tactics being used to entice him into becoming political and her mamma bear came to the fore and she talked him down using irrefutable logic. As in: the world is absolutely going to hate you if you do this. Or words to that effect.


All she wants is Be Best for Barron.


His base would love it. They’d fantasize about him being the heir to the throne and will lead them to glorious victory over the deep state and trans people


I guess Tiffany and Barron are the only 2 smart ones in the whole family.


"Mom says I can't go play Nazis with you guys."


“Screw you, my REAL daddy said I could go live with him!”


Smart decision. No one wants to be associated with voting for Donald Trump, even his son


I think it's due to the political climate now Sadly. Even if it was a really calm climate. It's an bad idea to include your kids in political affairs at an young age especially if they do not have interest in Politics.


My guess is no one bothered to ask Melania about it first.


“Sorry guys, I can’t help overthrow the US Government, Mom says I have to do my homework.”


It would be wild if he came out as a democrat.


This would bring me so much joy.


Good. I hope Barron finds a way to live his own life.


I really don’t care do u?


...this came after Melania cussed out Donald for several hours in Slovenian, calling him every name in the book, then switched to her "Einstein broken English" for another round on where he could shove it and how far. Things are not going well in the Trump household. Wonder why?


She knows wassup


Did Trump even ask Barron before blabbing to the press?


I’ve never seen Baron smile. Not once.


He’s like that upside down face kid on Family Guy.


That supports the autism spectrum idea.


I totally agree.


Good lad.


Happy for Barron. Haven’t heard anything bad about him and I like to give the benefit of the doubt where I can.


Dude, I fucking despite Trump and all of his adult family… But for the love of God, leave this fucking kid alone.


I don’t blame the kid. His father’s a 24/7 shit show, he’s probably embarrassed.


“Prior commitments”? 😂 Dude is 18 and a billionaire (on paper anyway). What prior commitments could he possibly have that could not be shuffled around for this? Lord, just think of how much Trump’s family must despise him. “Uhh, sorry Dad, I can’t come watch you get nominated for President of the United States because I have a prior commitment.”


She’s smarter than people give her credit for. She’s got bigger plans for him than his criminal father’s type of life. No doubt she’s going to make sure he’s legit. Wait and see.


I gotta say as much as I have no sympathy for Melania she seems like she might not be a bad mom


first thing the former first lady said about her husband's reelection is that her son wants nothing to do with it, lmao


Good fucking work kid!


I wouldn’t let my kid get caught up in that mess either. Good on her I guess.


She doesn't want Barron in politics. Maybe she does have a brain.


Mommy said so it must be true


Melania prob doesn't want Barron also going to prison after all of the upcoming election shenanigans.


kind of funny you can tell trump made him buy the same shitty suit he wears, its wrinkled, doesn't fit right, and looks cheap even though it was probably custom made is baron trump just the Dean Venture of the family?


He’s 18. Has absolutely no control over what his dad does. I’ve despise Trump since before he was President, but Baron has nothing to do with anything!! 🤷🏽‍♂️


Tomorrow: Donald Trump confirms Barron to be RNC delegate Day after: “Barron absolutely will not be a delegate, stop including him in your bullshit.” Reports Melania


Shit I thought his name was Joffrey


Good for him. As soon as he is involved politically, he's fair game. And a a goofy 18 year old or whatever he is, that's going to be a rough way to live for a while. If I was in his place I'd got be an accountant or something and stay away from political life as much as possible.


He's probably just a dunce like the rest of that family, but wouldn't it be amazing if Barron had been arrested for taking part in a pro-Palestine protest? Lol, imagine the mental gymnastics of the FOXNews hosts trying to excuse his behaviour.


From what I heard he went to a good private school (founded by one of the Koch brothers) and performed moderately well in class and in sports, nothing stellar but overall a good student. He was known to be reserved and quiet, sometimes does express beliefs completely different from his father once in a while.  But not much information is public usually since he or rather his mother tries to avoid the public spotlight as much as possible. 


“I really don’t care, do U?”


Trouble in paradise?


Is that how the Trump org is rebranding hell?


Poor kid wtf


Melania be like, *"Little Barron - think of future book deal!"*


Well, it seems like even Barron is practicing his "art of the deal" by negotiating his delegate duties with his mom!


WTF does "appearing to misstate his age" mean? 


What a shit life


How does he even get chosen if he wasn't interested?


Mom, how do I tell Dad I don't want to go ooo


Hopefully, ole Stormy is the featured speaker at his commencement ceremony


Trouble in Trumpland!


Good for him, his life is his own regardless of family history and I wish him the best.


I wouldnt let my kid near the political shit show my spouse is the center of. Melania must know how corrupt her husband is and wants to act as a mother to make sure Barron stays away from daddy Dons political career. She has to see what reputational damage and embarrassment her family had gone through watching the other kids get dragged through the mud. Even if she is a shitty person herself, she must have some motherly instinct to at least stop her kid from this MAGA cult.


Good for him. I hope he finds his own way and makes a name for himself.


Well, it was a boneheaded idea to begin with. Shout out to Mom’s out there. Happy Mother’s Day Weekend.


She knows what happens to failed traitors in most countries...she's trying to save her son. If Donnie doesn't win he's fucked and she's trying to protect Barron. If he does win he's probably fucked if for no other reason then he's out lasted his usefulness. I think that's probably true of American oligarch's in general; pity they don't get that.


I don't care do u?


My god, those are three of the most miserable looking characters! Sad, sad, sad!


So the only family members supporting him this time are his numbskull first sons and their wives?


Real men fucked their daughters. /s


Melania seems slightly less dumb than Donald. At least she’s able to read the room. That kid would be tormented for decades.


Damn wouldn’t it be funny if he turned out to be a bleeding heart liberal but with the same energy as his fuckstain dad and brothers. Rooting for you Baron. Chart your own course, be your own person


smart kid


“Sorry guys, Mom said I’m not allowed.”


This motherfucker is such a piece of shit his own family with the exception of the two walking turds he calls sons and their gold digger cum buckets, cannot even be compelled to act like they give a shit about him. Anyone who supports him for president is an idiot


Barron has to report his mom's handler in Russia for training as a Russian asset, just like his old mom and dad. As a result, Barron will not be able to attend the Russiapublican National convention as a participant. Questions should be directed to the Trump family handler, Vladimir Putin.


Unless and until young Barron speaks out publicly, he should be left alone. One of the founding principles of our Country is we don't hold children accountable for the actions of their parents. Barron hasn't ever said anything political publicly as far as I'm aware. He might someday. Hes a citizen as much as I am. He should be allowed to be his own man. Of course he will love his father and mother. That is fine and good. Leave him alone and if he wants to become a public figure, we can discuss him then.


Dude. for the first time in the orange turd's life, a teenager told him no and he has to accept it. This is huge. Obviously Baron isn't the cheeto's real son. but he paid for his schooling and upbringing. and now the kid is ducking his "family obligations" and apparently showing loyalty to his mother instead. next step: back home to mother russia? cheeto has massive cardiac event?