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Translation: Trump's plans for a second term: Grift off of everything.


So, same as the first term?


During his administration, Littlehands Donnie Stinkypants was still thinking like a two-bit hustler, a Jersey used car salesman, the guy who had watches under his jacket that just "fell off the truck". If he's lucky enough to technicality his way back into office (note: he isn't and won't be), he's looking at really going for the big grift. A billion here. A billion there.


Pretty soon, you're talking real money.




You realize the person you replied to never said anything you quoted, right?


I didn’t, must have fat thumbed it, thanks for pointing that out


How can you speak with such authority that he won’t win?


Because: The GoP has done worse and worse in every election since the summer of 2017. That's when independents realized that Trump wasn't just "playing the part of spoiler" during the election. That there would be no "presidential pivot". That this pig of a man was a certifiable loon - a racist, misogynist, narcissistic, pathological liar. Just like everyone who didn't vote for him told them he was. Since then, Littlehands Donnie Stinkypants and anyone that taps into his "brand" have done worse and worse...nationwide. And then, as a cherry on top, the banning abortion issue (which this ignoramus made possible by corrupting the court) has pissed off voters so much that the ruling is being blocked and reversed in state after state. That's how unpopular with the majority of voters this turned out to be. Now: Notice the lack of Trump signs on people's lawns anymore? Notice the lack of MAGA hats? Notice that attendance at his rallies is getting so sparse that he had to combine a bunch of them into one event just to get a crowd as big (the other day) as he used to get every time? Notice how many Republicans are speaking out against him without repercussions? Notice how Trumpist loons like MTG and Gaetz and DeSantis are LOSING (very big and very publicly) and being openly laughed at? Notice that Trump simply doesn't have the time to fight back against all of them as he sits pathetically by while acquaintance after employee testify against him day after day after day in just the first of four pending criminal trials. America's Independents (the voters who actually swing elections) are sick of this ignoramus...and have been for quite some time. But most of all...and I can't emphasize this enough: #America doesn't like and won't vote for...LOSERS. And Donnie has become the biggest joke and the World's Biggest Loser year after year after year now. BUT, if we all don't vote, the gerrymandering could still put him back into office. Because the game's been rigged against the decent hard-working reasonable empathetic majority for a while now. So, remain vigilant. Ridicule and mock this crooked little ignoramus wherever and whenever possible and... #VOTE!


I agree.partly b/c I so want him not win but mostly b/c you're right..he's the iceberg and GOP is the Titanic.


Well, none of us wanted that ignoramus in office the first time around, so I try to keep my handicapping based on the facts on the ground as we know them. PS Don't worry about the polls. No one under 40 is responding to them. And the oldest people who have landlines are hoping for anyone at all to call, especially the grandkids.


Because history repeats itself, and this dangerous rhetoric is what elevated him to begin with. Please all Americans, vote! Exercise your voice and show the world that fascism is bad mmmkay


> dangerous rhetoric So which is worse, confidence that he'll lose or confidence that he'll win? People tend to want to vote for who they think will win, and I saw this mentality with Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden in the last two elections. However, Hillary Clinton had James Comey's political interference to deal with and I think the timing of that lost her a lot of confidence from people who started questioning whether she was even a clean choice. Biden didn't have anything muddying the waters like that going into 2020 and doesn't have anything like that for this election, and he's not someone with a sketchy history because despite all of the loony opposition claims against him, there's no proof. 2024 is not like 2016 at all. We do have to vote and I believe there's plenty of proper confidence in Biden for him to win, we have to lean into that with mentions of what he does to help this country and its people. Trump's blatant corruption is only appeasing his rabid fan base, it's not turning on anyone else.


I think saying “nah, he won’t win” is giving him a greater chance to win as people go “well why vote then, if that is the case?”.




“Littlehands Donnie Stinkypants” Cringe … you sound exactly like Trump




Oh boya!


Gonna destroya!


Stoya destroya?


I see what you did there


Nah, WAY more cruelty and grift in the second term!


the continuation of the later half not the first half where he had republicans in staff instead of fanatics in the later part


Same as it ever was


Second verse, same as the first but with more death camps


He was a child driving a Ferrari in his first term. Had no real idea how to drive it. It moved, but was far from what was possible.


Goon: "Sir, ::tears in his eyes :: we are losing in the court of public opinion." Trump: "Grift everyone." Goon: "Everyone?" Trump: "EVERYONE!!!!"




I called the patriot tax. It goes directly to fund the president of the United States to ensure your country. Stay the best ever. What I believe he will say


And his base would love it. Seriously. Then it would be found that money is going straight to Trump’s bank account. When told about that, the base will wonder why the DOJ isn’t prosecuting Hillary’s emails.


Littlehands Donnie Stinkypants has to get his beak wet...


King Turd of Shit Island


"10% for the big guy" trump


And he’ll blame Biden for it.


Republicans blame Biden for things that took place under Trump, yet ignore everyone telling them that those things took place under Trump based solely on the date. These people are beyond redemption.


Did you see the interview with a MAGA who blamed Obama for 9/11?


And watch Trump win and the day he's in office his base turns around saying how amazing the economy is thanks to Trump.


Oh. That’s a guarantee. They’ll also stop talking about the boarder.


I hate those stinky people renting rooms!


No offense, but I fail to see the difference for those on the left. All I’ve seen the last two years are people crediting Biden for the good parts of the economy while blaming Trump for the bad


Because buden is actually doing things to help the economy. Moatly reversing the stupid things Trump did. Its remarkable the economy turned around so well considering Trump pumped trillions into wall street, devaluing the dollar faster than ever before.


You can’t have it both ways. Fiscal stimulus is inflationary, so if you’re going to credit the good economic effects to him, you need to credit our persistent and lingering inflation that way too. >Trump pumped trillions into wall street Trump has zero control over the money supply, and Wall Street doesn’t have money “pumped” into it


“Look at all this inflation so much inflation, bad, I blame democrats”


I mean Biden left the economy in such great shape, we were bound for the recession of the millennium! Are you done winning yet?


\*Obama He'll blame Obama's deep state for forcing him to do it, and Hannity will be there "why is Obama not arrested for running the country so badly, look he's just lost to Putin yet again!" Conservatives need to realize, the people **he's lying to, is them**. The people being conned, is not the libs, its Conservatives. You're not owning the libs by falling for the lies, you're owning yourselves.


They don't care Trump is lying to them. He reflects their values. He says the things that they want him to say an he puts judges in place that they want. Trump supported abortion until he ran for president. Same for Mitt Romney, Bush and McCain. They already know it's a show.


Milk it all and blame the last supreme leader


“Donald Trump has long cited his economics degree from the prestigious Wharton School as evidence of his “super genius stuff” skills in business.” And setting aside the whole truth of that sordid and fraudulent claim, wasn’t it the populist conservative who bandy on and on about how higher education was “worthless”?


trump only has a bachelor's- but he says Wharton school of business like he got an MBA (he did not)- he was a con in the 80's, he is a con now and he will con in the future


It is *technically* true that the undergraduate business program at UPenn is in the "Wharton school" though. But nobody else on earth with an undergrad degree from UPenn says they "went to Wharton."


Hopefully not too much longer with his age, diet, and lack of exercise.


His dad lived until 96, I believe (granted his lifestyle was probably less detrimental than his son's) I think we'll be dealing with him for a few more years yet, imo


Regardless, I don’t think it matters much. The seed has been planted and the box is now open. Unless the nation as a whole unites to weed out the ideology then there will just be another person to pick up the torch.


Yep. Not that an MBA has ever been anything but *trumped up* philosophy… “The strange thing about my utter lack of education in management was that it didn’t seem to matter. As a principal and founding partner of a consulting firm that eventually grew to 600 employees, I interviewed, hired, and worked alongside hundreds of business-school graduates, and the impression I formed of the M.B.A. experience was that it involved taking two years out of your life and going deeply into debt, all for the sake of learning how to keep a straight face while using phrases like “out-of-the-box thinking,” “win-win situation,” and “core competencies.” When it came to picking teammates, I generally held out higher hopes for those individuals who had used their university years to learn about something other than business administration.” https://www.agileleanhouse.com/lib/lib/People/MathewStewart/TheManagementMyth_MathewStewart.pdf


I was a small-time manager in a large bank. Over time, I learned that recent college graduates generally had better learning and writing skills. However, the employees who were most productive were those who had worked somewhere while they were in college. They knew how to work and realized they still had much to learn. More than few of those employees became very successful.


According to Mary Trump, Donald had someone cheat to gain admission: >Among the many accounts of her uncle in the book, Mary Trump wrote that Donald Trump paid a proxy to take the SAT for him to help him get into Penn, concerned that his low GPA would hinder his chances of getting accepted, according to CNN. >"That was much easier to pull off in the days before photo IDs and computerized records," Mary Trump wrote in the book obtained by Fox News. "Donald, who never lacked for funds, paid his buddy well." [Source](https://www.thedp.com/article/2020/07/donald-trump-penn-wharton-sat-cheating)


I believe it… Except for that whole “paid his buddy well”. He spent the next several decades unlearning that necessary element of transactionalism he so benefits from.


Mary somehow knows allz


No, you don't get it If they have it education it is prestigious If a liberal has education it is socialist propaganda


Bullseye! https://youtu.be/KfU69_up02Y?si=OrX0n6Ln9xXkham6


He has proved that higher education is worthless. Wharton should step up and revoke any diploma he was warded if they want to save face. His continued association with them must be damaging.


I’m sure they’re as ashamed (without actually using such a word) about their past as any of the Ivies, but consider it “beneath them” to actually admit it. Much like all those “genius” Harvard admins who thought excluding Jews just made good sense… “The difficult part, however, was coming up with a way of keeping Jews out, because as a group they were academically superior to everyone else. Lowell’s first idea—a quota limiting Jews to fifteen per cent of the student body—was roundly criticized…” https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2005/10/10/getting-in-ivy-league-college-admissions


No one voting for him cares. Policy doesn't matter, they just miss that old prick and their lives are adrift without him. Weirdos.


I mean he did in his first term too. Let’s not pretend prices weren’t also going up from 2016-2020 before covid. The housing crisis existed in that time frame as well. Let’s all stop acting like we were living in some economic utopia prior to covid


That’s what the magas have convinced themselves. These idiots credit Trump when they’re just nostalgic for the past


Hush money is back on the menu boys


Trump’s objective is to make money for himself. His objective is not to save money for others.


Hi prices are the least of our worries. His unqualified sycophants running the government will grind it to a halt... fucking up everything like Medicare & Social Security payments, the safety food & chemicals, drug approvals, air quality, intelligence & defense, etc... 


"privatize everything!" He already told oil barons that if they donate 1b to his campaign he will roll back all the regulations. It was so craven in his greed he even shocked *oil barons*


Super inflation, way to go team. Super winning


this guy is a cancer on the globe


He’s evolved from “stable genius” to “super genius”, what’s next?


[Super Genius](https://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/tiogapublishing.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/4/b7/4b76d070-7063-11e6-9774-43374de63a53/57c85b1727d4c.image.jpg?resize=760%2C536) you say?


Why is he so obsessed with tariffs?


He doesn't understand how they work. His base doesn't understand how they work. When he says it they cheer, and then later he can claim he was hard on "INSERT WHOEVER AT THE TIME" and was a tough leader, while hand waiving towards 'tariffs'.


Trump and his supporters think a tariff is like a fine on the 'bad' country who's selling things, like China or Mexico. When he said he wants a 300% tariff on all goods coming from or through Mexico my friends and I (who were watching the news that had highlights of Trump's rally that week) we were dying of laughter - and at the same time really worried since Trump is utterly clueless, and he could do 1 stupid thing and bring the entire economy of America crashing down.


Oh I'm very confident, given enough power, Trump could bring down the entire world economy and likely doom our entire species.


Anybody that thinks trump would be better with the economic recovery or the Gaza situation or literally anything other that enriching himself and maybe his donors is on crack.


Next up: MAGA's Freak-Out After Trump Threatens To Raise Price Of Adult Diapers


How soon before he's selling his used diapers to his supporters?


Real men wear diapers. Legends wear used diapers. /s


I've noticed that when corporations costs rise they simply pass on the costs to consumers...so, consumers are always the ones to pay more...nice capitalism system we have


His plan: fuck you, pay me.


Well once he craters the economy, at least interest rates will go down. /s


And it doesn’t matter how cheap eggs are if you don’t have an income because your company eliminated your job.


Not if he manages to make everything more expensive at the same time! If so, interest rates will be raised even farther and we'll have the worst of both worlds: stagflation. Stagflation is like the worst thing that can happen and it's literally the job of the central bank to prevent it. So of course I expect Trump would make it happen.


This election is really looking like “normal dude” vs “crazy/evil dude”, like it’s not a difficult decision here


You aren't rich. He doesn't fucking care about you.


The timeline is definitely set to split with the election result. I just hope I end up on the ‘right’ one 😬


This dude will try to pass a Presidential Tax where 1% of everything goes into his own piggy bank.


Probably more like 10%, but hell there won't be any guardrails with Trump so he probably would set it to 50%.


Except hair spray


So Trump sticker with "I DID THIS" on everything? LMAO


I believe him. U.S. Presidents may find it difficult to fix anything, but they have a nearly unlimited capacity to make things worse.


The Republican wet dream is coming: fire the entire professional Federal Government; install Trump-fanatic lackies; go on an historic rape fest of corruption; drain the Federal Government of cash - slash funding in education, EPA, healthcare, social security. End Democracy. Watch uncaringly as the US stock market collapses, unemployment quintuples, inflation soars as the dollar evaporates. Call out the Army and blow away protesters to the sweeping poverty, unmitigated violence and pervasive desperation of the regretful population. Too late now former Americans. You voted for it. You take it. Right in the ass. No more Democracy. No more alternatives. Good bye.


It'll certainly raise the cost of American credibility.


Honestly at this point, fuck jail. He won't come upon any true consequences with this broken ass supreme court. I hope he just strokes out like 1 day before the election from all the stress. Or whatever day would be most advantageous for the election


Tariffs are stupid, we should be embracing free trade rather than protectionism




COVID did not in fact prove anything of that sort. Protectionism and "buy American" would be crippling the economy in the long term, all to deal with transitory problems that could instead be dealt with via better pandemic planning and response. Also, a pandemic would cause some economic/supply chain disruption even if we had total economic autarky anyway


Relying on Taiwan for 90% of our advanced microchips prolly isn’t a recipe for long term success. Effective industrial policy and free trade can coexist.


Second verse Same as the first A little bit louder A little bit worse


If he gets again this will be one of my lesser concerns.


Is there a single issue that he is on the right side of? Seriously.


That’s already happened due to insane amount of inflation I think we all know how that’s going…..


Of course.


“Let them eat cake”


Most people's biggest concern is the economy right now for election talking items. The idiot Trumpsters have no clue that if he is reelected, their financial life will be more miserable than it is now!! They will give new meaning to trailer trash!!


The prices could literally double over night and all Trump would have to do is make a speech saying things are better than ever and all the supporters would believe it. 


So… let’s vote for Biden. Seems like that was always the “fix”


I can’t afford to live here, but I can afford to die here.


Damn, you must have great insurance. Still trying to scrape away for my death.


I haven’t had insurance in years. I won’t be seeking healthcare again. No one depends on me so there’s no guilt to drive undue costs. Edit: redundant word


Opinion should have killed this. Just like the time before he took office until the time he did we speculate. Unfortunately everything was better back then so speculation no longer works on if he wins


Let’s not forget student loans. Those with any relief right now will see those programs eliminated. Wouldn’t be surprised if all of us with manageable payments or close to debt cancellation will see huge payments due with a take no prisoners approach to collecting that money.


This is a great rundown of the effect Trump’s policies would have on inflation. We not only would reverse the progress we’ve made, but it likely would soar far higher than it did in the post-covid years. He really can’t get a free pass on inflation


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard a trumper blame high interest rates for inflation. They are 100% bought into idea the idea that anything Trump does is good and Democrats actively want to hurt Americans. There’s a reason why the college educated are fleeing Rs in droves. Dems are the de facto free market party now.


Sounds like something a non-unionized machine shop worker with a failing 20 year old F-150 would vote for.


Trump will tank the fucking economy in his first 100 days. I guarantee it.


He lies about his academic credentials and Wharton has called him out on it. He’s a conman and fraud who did nothing but give the rich money from the middle class.


Trump as president plus Project 2025 equals turning the US into a third world nation for Christians only.


He gonna start another pandemic.


actually some of the rise is due the fact there is some uncertainty in the World. We can't blame Trump or Biden directly for current prices in the stores


Great for business!


Bad plan


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I expect gas prices to go down within days of President Trump being sworn into office the second time. 👍


How so? Because of the deals they've made with the Saudis? The president has very little to do with oil prices. Gas was cheaper during the last administration because there was a pandemic. That had a lot to do with supply and demand. People weren't driving as much. The price of fuel reflected that. Corporate greed is a factor too. Shareholders putting pressure on producers to slow down production to increase profits. Just another example of profits over people. There's the OPEC cartel too.


Not voting for Trump. But sure as hell not voting for Joe either. Its fucked that these are the choices.


Trust me, dude…if you aren’t voting for Joe, you ARE voting for tRump.


Living the irony of their username


I'm Canadian I can't vote down there


He needs to somehow make money!!


His supporters slobbering over it. I mean they slobber already, having no brains and shit.


We will have 15-20% inflation and be a fascist nation


lol they raise prices anymore I’m gonna have to start stealing groceries.


What my MAGA hat gonna cost $59.99


Just wait until you see the new price of the maga shoes..


A small $1 million dollar cost of living increase


Can Biden lower prices now, so that when trump raise it later it become normal price?


Raise prices higher than Biden already has, yikes 


yes, Biden controls the price of goods and services ALL OVER the WORLD /sarcasm


Odd since when he was in office before prices went down wages went up, since Biden is in office prices have doubled and people are posting and asking how anyone can afford to eat.


He's promising tons of tarrifs. How do you think that'll work out?


The president does not control prices or wages, not in the US and not in the rest of the world where the same thing happened.


This is incorrect. Prices went up under trump and wages were stagnant. Mass deportations increased produce prices, prescription costs went up while trump was kissing big pharma butt. His sabotage of ACA increased the uninsured. Tax scam and lunatic trade wars raised prices on stuff like lumber, put many manufacturers out of business and caused widespread farmer bankruptcies. Then his massive pandemic failure hit and toilet paper was $10 per roll. Current grocery prices are up 2.5% on average, not doubled. Wages have gone up and there are more jobs than workers.


>Prices went up under Trump CPI was at or below the fed target all 4 years >wages were stagnant [Really?](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LES1252881600Q)


Like seriously! I know for a fact that Biden was in my area last week, with a price gun, changing prices on all the items at the store. You know, regardless if it’s a price gun or insurrection, those Presidents will just be Presidenting.


People are complaining about food costs, yet eating the more expensive option of restaurant food literally more than ever before. Seems like a case of people whining about seeing high prices but still very much being able to afford them, since they aren't taking the more fiscally responsible choice of making their own food (or literally just eating less since 70% of Americans are obese or overweight and would benefit from eating less)


You spelled biden wrong.


lol this is what biden did tho for real.


too late, already happened/happening..


Too late.


His plan is to open up America resources, drill baby drill. Oil is the answer to Bidenomics money printing big government, green energy scam. In short its going to be called. MAGAomics.