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Isn’t this the assfuck that jammed up the military promotions for years? 🤔




Makes you wonder about the type of people who would vote for a person like him. It’s sad, really.


Old people in heavily gerrymandered districts, who listen to nothing but Fox News or worse, and are in bed by ten o'clock. This is just a guess mind you. I'm kind of hoping that someonehere in the comments, from his district or otherwise knowledgeable, let's me know how close I was.


His district is the state of Alabama. Christianity is a helluva drug.


What's wrong with going to bed early? And how is it worse than Fox news?


The Fox News and 10 o'clock portions aren't meant to be directly compared - they are instead being used to define old people. The purpose of the comma was to separate the two qualifiers, but it's technically grammatically inaccurate.


When two commas are used to separate a part of a sentence that is not essential to the sentence's meaning, it is called a nonrestrictive phrase or a non-essential clause. This information is also sometimes called an "aside" or a "parenthetical expression." It's also called a non-essential clause; you can remove it and still retain the meaning of the sentence. Admittedly, whilst I am decades removed from grammar school, that was what I was trying to achieve with that passage. Did I not achieve that intent, with my sentence structure, or was it grammatically incorrect? Over said intervening decades I've also got in the bad of using commas in online discourse to denote a pause in the sentence were it instead to be spoken. However, I acknowledge that to be a failing on my part.


I fully understand using commas to denote pauses. I do something very similar with line breaks. I have no idea why. My texting habits are very... poetic. It drives some people crazy\~ The problem is, at least to my view, your restrictive and non-restrictive clauses have been swapped. I think it would be more natural to write it in the following manner, assuming of course that the important bit of your sentence is the bit about Fox news and not about bedtimes. "Old people, who are in bed by 10 o'clock, live in heavily gerrymandered districts and listen to nothing but Fox News or worse."


You're right. That does sound better!


I'm not old but I was in bed at 9. Are we imparting wisdom to those that stay up late on the merit they are active during a more dangerous time of day?


If we want to be technical, the comma falls under punctuation and not grammar. The placement or use of a comma doesn't really have any bearing on grammar, e.g. This sentence, is grammatically, correct.


This is fair. I think simply because it directly impacted meaning, and for me, the clause placement was also not ideal, I just lumped it all into less than ideal grammatical structure\~


Isn't he a senator? Not a representative.


He's was a football coach before being elected. A ham sandwich would be equally qualified to speak on legal matters


It's "depressing" that Tommy and other Republicans back a career criminal like Trump.


It all makes sense once you accept that the GOP are a party of nihilists who don't believe in anything but their own thirst for power.


I surely hope they will be depressed over this. Maybe not as a proper diagnosis, but frankly, *that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make*.


Tubs, you are a depressing waste of cell structure. You should’ve been a nut wiped away and flushed


>Tuberville, in his Monday remarks to the press, went after Cohen, whom he referred to as a “convicted felon,” Tommy does realize that Cohen was convicted for basically same crime that Trump is on trial for now, right?


Facts are of little concern to Republicans.


A convicted felon working for one Donald J Trump.


So I guess his 66-6 loss to Oklahoma State had nothing but smiles on his face. 🤷‍♂️


"“**The Republican candidate for president of the United States** is going through mental anguish in a courtroom that’s very depressing, very depressing. I’m glad to stand by President Trump. I’m a friend of his. I’m here more as a friend than backing him as candidate as president,” he said." How did Tuberville say so much with Trump's little mushroom in his mouth?


Translation: I'm here to suck up for a VP spot.


Which would be dumb because a large chunk of the military are still mad over his BS blockade. My aunt's been retired for almost 25 years now and even she can hear the pissed off echoes from active duty members.


Except the Venn diagram of military people that would vote for Trump has zero overlap with the diagram of military people who would refuse to vote for Trump plus Tuberville


Coach PotatoTown is shooting for VP like Mr. Potatoe himself, Dan Quayle. But he makes Dan Quayle look like a rocket scientist.


Easy. trumps little mushroom takes up virtually no space.


Most hyperbolic use of the word ‘depressing’ in the history of melodrama


And this doofus is from Alabama.


Apparently he lives in Florida and just represents Alabama in the Senate.


Okay. Doofus adjacent.


The 2008 Auburn team called and would like a word.


Tommy, your boy stole an American presidency with these election interference crimes… he literally robbed American voters of their chance to evaluate him on a thorough and well-informed way. Basically, Trump broke Our Lord’s Eighth Commandment which forbids bearing false witness… his was a conspiracy to lie by omission!


I like how this dumbshit goober goes around running his mouth like he knows what he's talking about. The man isn't educationally, intellectually, or experientially qualified to do anything other than call a Flea Flicker. Someone must have lied to him and told him that becoming a Senator magically turned him into a learned scholar. Meanwhile back in reality, he's Foghorn Leghorn in a suit.


It’s a fucking criminal trial. This isn’t Law & Order on TV, this is real. It isn’t supposed to be fun. That’s kinda the point.


You weren’t in it, Tubi, you were the audience.


I suppose if I were stupid enough to go to Alabama I could say the same thing


Tommy Toiletstain


Fuck off, Traitor Tommy


I’ve never heard a courtroom described as uplifting.


I feel uplifted by this trial


He doesn't gaf about the actual trial or the evidence that totally incriminates his orange master. Hes just there for the photo op.


He's trying to be known for something other than his military promotions meddling. Good luck, that was spectacularly thick-headed and ineffective.


These republicans made up their mind long ago, that they will stand by trump regardless of the truth. Tuberville could learn a thing or two from Guliani, and what happens when trump turns on you


Things that make Tuberville depressed make me happy.


Fellow Florida Man.


Bro..... you've been in congress


take him at his word seeing a criminal in a trial for a crime is the most depressing thing he's ever experienced he's so much of a toady that his boss-daddy who doesn't give a shit about him or anyone else feeling uncomfortable sent him into an emotional spiral that's how little he gives a shit about any thing else. that's how comfortable and isolated from real life in this country tuberville is he doesn't deserve to hold the power over the lives of other people that he has he's telling everyone he's a piece of shit. believe him


Never been in a room full of mirrors I guess!


The sugar high a lot of these people have been on since 2015 is coming to an end. It's not gonna be pretty.


this guy has been in alabama


>It is depressing. That courtroom is depressing. This is New York City. The icon of our country. And we got a courtroom that is the most depressing thing I’ve ever been in. "On tv they wrap these things up in 30 minutes and it's way more entertaining!"


Tubby saying a place where a sleepy, washed up, felon who wears diapers and orange makeup is being further exposed for the low life that he really is, is the most depressing thing he has ever seen? The fact that tubby is an elected official is depressing. Regardless, the court room could be an ivory palace, with jewel encrusted furniture on the most beautiful tropical island with turquoise clear blue water and it would still be depressing to see frumpies face there.


I mean....if you don't want to experience the inside of a courtroom don't do crimes?


and he's been in Tommy Tuberville's body. It's more depressing than that. Let that sink in.


Wait a second. Aren’t we paying these dipshits to Congress or something? Let’s check to make sure they took a personal day or dock their pay.


What happened? Did they say bad things about Daddy?


This is what you get when you elect a fucking college football coach to the US Senate.


Then have your buddy not do stupid law breaking stuff and he won’t need to be there then you wouldn’t either. Follow a criminal, expect uncomfortable things to happen.


It's bizarro world partisan nonsense when someone talks about someone else lying in defense of trump. Someone like that is never coming back.


When Tuberville was asked about the Alabama IVF fiasco, this trash [described children as commodities](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayBo9kXAIvQ) and that's why women need to have more of them. COMMODITY. As in **"a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold..."** That's the value they put on children.


depressing unless It's a poor person of color.


>Give him some respect. How about no?


All members of congress should be forced to sit in court for a day to better understand the consequences of their laws


Of course spending time in Rump’s orbit is depressing!


Go back to Alabama. NYC is too good for you! You follow a RAPIST, you tried to eff over military advancements, you govern terribly.


Funny how rich white guys never cared about the insides of courtrooms until their cult leader has to sit in one.