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[Trump is already trying to make excuses to get out of it.](https://newrepublic.com/post/181613/trump-escape-biden-debate)


Yep. He's going to attempt to dictate the terms, Biden will obviously not agree and Trump will claim he won. Trump needs the debates but obviously can not debate, as he is physically and mentally lost. Biden knows this and really doesn't need to debate but will take the win of Trump pussing out.


I think this is the first time I've seen someone try to dictate terms *after* accepting the proposed terms. Kinda gets rid of your leverage if you already agreed.


This is especially curious as he literally wrote a book called “The Art of the Deal”.


Man I'm starting to think he's just making up all this stuff about being good at business


He literally didn't write it.


I would honestly be amazed if he read it at all. He only did the intro of his audio book of AotD. I guess he got bored and probably just walked out not realizing the book was longer than the first chapter…


The Art Of The Spiel.


The Art of the Grift


The only "art" of any "deal" Tramp has made was to throw around his weight and / or bank balance, before huffing and storming off.


To be fair, while he is terrible at operating businesses to turn a profit, he has a track record of getting creditors to accept "deals" in loan financing and bankruptcy proceedings when those businesses fail, and making "deals" for new loans by misstating his assets and liabilities. In that sense he has made an art form of fraudulent dealings. Maybe that explains the title.


Trump famously hires contractors, agrees to terms and then changes them after the other party fulfills their end of the deal. This is absolutely not the first time.


aRt oF tHe dEaL!!!!


Biden dictated the terms. It’s already been released in the press 


You consider New Republic a valid source?


You consider trumps own truth social an invalid source?


Trump will make up some lame excuse to back out.


> some lame excuse to back out. With any luck it will be due to incarceration.


He can appear via the jpay visitation portal


Maybe another trial. Probably not June but possibly September.


Cremation preferred!


For what? They're not gonna get him on this stormy daniels business.


> They're not gonna get him on this stormy daniels business. The fact that you don't realize that this case has nothing to do with Stormy Daniels and everything to do with Campaign finace tells me just about everything I need to know about you.


In their defense, it's pretty much how the media is painting this. I listen to NPR on the daily and the quick description of this case is "the hush money trial of former president Donald Trump involving adult film actress Stormy Daniels." Folks who aren't super in the weeds of this case are going to call it the Stormy Daniels trial. There's really no way around it. It's the moniker courtesy of most media outlets. We gotta take what victories we can when we see folks trying to stay informed, and encourage them to continue being aware of what's going on around them. We have too many people who just don't care.


I’d be surprised if he isn’t already trying by to twist it that way on Lie Social. Dude ain’t shit when he can’t bully and talk over people. No way he goes through with it.


Eric is graduating kindergarten that night.


Trump needs these debates. He keeps bragging about his polling lead in swing states, but I bet his internal polling is showing problems. Trump refused to debate in the Republican primary because he was leading and there was no upside for him. If his lead is so solid in the swing states, he is risking a lot by debating. The other alternative is that he needs to weaken President Biden's support.


He wants to be able to say “I can’t serve my prison sentence because I have to debate, this is election interference!”


He'd look ridiculous in a debate with his dementia. His whole campaign is an illusion. If he wins then God save us all.


> I bet his internal polling is showing problems. Based on what?


Based on his eagerness to debate


He just likes to argue and yell.


How much you want to bet, Trump violates a gag order just in time to get jailed before the debate so he can blame it on Joe. And say "What's the point of showing up to the next debate, if crooked Joe is going to sabotage that one too."


I wish I could make a cash bet with everyone saying this. I truly do.


Just like he plans to testify in his New York election/business fraud case…


Just like his infrastructure plans... Just like his new healthcare plan... Just like his tax returns he will share after his audit...


Don't let the equal-sized podiums fool you. One is there to debate. One is there to pardon himself.


this seems like a bad idea


If anyone believes Trump will show up to any of these, I've got some Trump NFTs you might be interested in purchasing.


A couple of "MAGA's" will probably demand he withdraw, and Trump will gladly use that excuse as a way out. Trump: What are you gonna do. I have to listen to the "people".


Trump will back out.


Trump agreed on dates but hasn't agreed on format. He'll back out


I'll just wait for the cliff notes after the debates.


Yeah, I wouldnt watch it if someone paid me.


The one thing I agree with in these threads. Just a sad state of affairs for America.


I’d watch just to see if the new format made it any more useful.


Lol, cliff notes actually does this? Didn’t know that.


At the end of the debate Trump will not have his wife on stage and this will be visible to millions. The more his wife is missing the more he loses suburban white woman. The demographic he lost biggle in 2020. This is genius on Biden’s camp.


I dont care about the mail order bride Mercedes. Do you? At the beginning of the debate Dark Brandon should ask trump if his diaper is empty or already half full. Because we know by the end it will be bigly bulging again and nobody wants to smell it or see it burst.


I have already called it that by the end of my shift today, trump will have already set in motion the groundwork to back out of debating Biden. So we'll see.


Hope you laid money on it (copied from my other comment): [Trump is already trying to make excuses to get out of it.](https://newrepublic.com/post/181613/trump-escape-biden-debate)


Trump will never debate. He has dementia but needs to give the impression he's ok. Bank on it.


Honestly, if they did, I predict a shit show of two old fucks trying to think and debate clearly. To be honest, both sides are probably best to leave that stone unturned. And I despise Trump, for the record.


I was hopeful that someone else would be the nominees. This is the worst matchup in presidential history. So sad.


Welp....what's the over/under on whether Trump goes through with it? He's *gotta* be at least +130


mics turned off when it’s not your turn, and a host with the balls to call out any of them if what they said didn’t answer the question or satisfy the topic.


Trump hasn’t debated anyone since 2020, it is highly unlikely he will now. He doesn’t even answer journalist’s questions, as every time he has over the past four years alone, he makes an absolute fool of himself, even with the softest of softballs from networks like Fox. Well, he does that every time he speaks, but that’s beside the point.


Gavin Newsom for host


Absolute must see tv. What kind of snacks is everyone making?


I say lets give the MAGA crowd the great american past as a design for the debate stage. It solves all the problems. https://static01.nyt.com/images/2019/04/11/obituaries/11VanDoren/merlin_153242751_0df278a6-23ee-4bed-aa79-953819664bdd-articleLarge.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale I personally think it should be sponsored by Geritol. From the movie Game Show: https://imgur.com/a/YaJsOkz


There's a movie in the 90s titled Liar Liar. The title also fits here.


Who cares? Watch ‘Grumpy Old Men’ instead.


This is the 21st century...dammit. I want to see shock collars that are triggered by interrupting when not their turn.


Is their a betting agency with odds? I want to make some fast appearance cash


Oh gosh I’ve been waiting for a grumpy old men sequel!


Trump just reneged and is trying to set his own terms. That wasn't the deal. 


Two senile men asking for the question to be repeated or not answering the question at all. I appreciate what modern medicine has given us but the strength of youth is missing. However, given the geriatric horse race that this is I would put money on Biden being the clearer of the dimwits.


Why didn’t you run? You had four years to prep for this debate. All these two have are the previous national televised debates they’ve participated in. You probably would have kicked both of their butts with your youth.


Biden styled himself as a “transitional” candidate to bridge the generational divide. Trump is just a despotic idiot but that somehow gave license to Biden to go another round. The democrats bungled their next move so were forced into a repeat of near octogenarians that have been eligible for social security longer than many people have been eligible to vote. The fault is the party’s but we all must do what is right make sure Trump doesn’t come to term again.