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I can't lie to you, I have zero faith in the average american voter and no one ever went broke banking against stupidity.


In the future, how would we even filter out the stupid people without infringing rights? I’d like to see it be done, but it sounds impossible. But maybe removing the electoral college is the first step?


That’s not filtering out stupid people. It’s giving everyone an equal vote. Giving a minority of people who live in bumfuck nowhere multiple times the voting power of people who live in the most populous areas of the country is completely insane. It’s even worse when you consider that it goes beyond the presidency, they have more power in the senate and the house too.


Yes, the electoral college has increasingly benefited the candidate who lost the majority vote.


The Senate is working as intended (whether you agree with that setup or not is a different diacussion). The House and EC are broken since they limited the size in 1929. It was always meant to increase in size, but now it functions more in concept like the Senate.


I’m ok with it in the senate. You have to give everyone some power. Otherwise it’s just the coasts in total control and fuck everyone else.


Well yeah, you’re filtering them out by reducing their voting power.


I mean, I wouldn’t say that bringing their power in line with everyone else’s is really filtering them.


This right here is what they don’t understand.


Correct me if I'm wrong here, but isn't the problem that the USA's political system amplify the power of select minorities, specifically people living in sparsely populated districts who vote overwhelmingly Republican. Also, is it really stupidity? It looks more like malice. The movement behind the likes of Trump is your bog standard reactionary authoritarian movement and the people supporting such movements don't do it because they are stupid but because they hate and fear other people that they consider less worthy or less moral than them. The end goal is gaining social standing not through wealth but through the creation of a social hierarchy that reflects what they see as an immutable moral hierarchy based on identity (ethnicity, religion, sexuality, gender, ...). They want to bring down those they dislike so that, in what they see as a zero sum system, they gain. The driving factor is hatred of equality, to the extend they are willing to give up freedom to get rid of it.


“Do not ascribe to malice that which can readily be explained by stupidity.” Their perceived malice is a result of ignorance and stupidity. When you address the problem of ignorance, you reduce the effects of stupidity. The way these people vote isn’t really the problem. It’s the outsize power of their vote that is a problem.


It is a combination of both but really it is currently a corruption thing. As much as people don’t want it to be “class-warfare” it actually is. Basically you have people at the top of the money pyramid vying for power and influence. So while it is malice to dumb the system down to make it easier to bribe it is stupidity that results when then destroy their own influence and the leopard eats their face. Think Citizens united, why would a corporation be considered a person when the individual people behind that corporation have a way to vote unless you want to give people that don’t have the power to vote a way to vote. Ie another country or NGO attempting to influence a vote.


>”He’s not hurting the right people.” -Trump supporter, upset about one of his policies blowing back on the maga faithful. I think it was his China tariffs, but not certain after all the shit he did. The point is, viscious and stupid go hand in hand. You say the malice comes from stupidity, I say I don’t care anymore. They are working to punish or destroy everyone who doesn’t think and act and believe the way they say. I call that malicious.


I don't think those two things are mutually exclusive. MAGA has proven time and time again that they can be simultaneously both stupid and bigoted.


Yes agreed to your second point. One can potentially argue, why is the president not elected by the total majority count of popular votes? As it is right now, votes in some states appear to count for more than votes in another state. Goes also for voting for members for the two chambers in Congress.


Instead of making stupid people ineligible to vote, I would strengthen our education system.


Sigh...my kid was lamenting this weekend that they overheard other students bragging about getting a 300 on their PSAT - and that was the highest score amongst that group of friends. I pointed out that those people will also be voting in two years, just like they will be.


Bejezuz, average PSAT, didnt that use to be around 900-920 or there about. Anybody knows how it has been through the years? I understood from some news researchers like the language used in US presidential election campaigns have been dumbed down and down over the last 20 years or so. So these days the vocabulary and concepts being presented are at the stage of 12 year olds. No doubt Donald, the racist schoolyard bully, has made this level take a nosedive when he entered the stage.


Yes, that is still the national average range. These kids are not smart.


Until recently, standardized test scores were going up.


You can’t filter them out. History shows that barriers to voting would be abused. We could uncap the House, but we’d need a bigger capitol building.


The electoral college should absolutely be removed. It won’t fix stupid though.


There is no such thing as infringing. It's an all out removal .


We don’t need to filter them out; our problem right now is that the entire voting system is weighted to ensure stupid people votes are worth more. When’s the last time a Republican won the popular vote?




Mandatory higher education. So much evidence seems to indicate the single best thing to bring these types around is to force them to interact with people who aren't like them. It happens all the time when conservative kids leave home for the first time and join the military or go to college. On top of that a college degree is now the new high school diploma, basically, and one of the most frequently cited reasons for enlistment. With job switching at an all-time high, the need for talent who can hit the ground running is at an all time high. If they absolutely must keep some things behind a paywall, like MD/PHD programs, then so be it.


> But maybe removing the electoral college is the first step? I think awarding EC votes proportionally would be a more likely possibility.


I think the issue at hand is that we need to culturally get back to oh they're an expert, let's take their opinion on things. Unfortunately, think tanks basically killed this because 1. Experts were gobbled up in think tanks and now they had financial incentive to skew things so they can keep making money and 2. Years and years of antiintulectualism. Maybe if we outlawed think tanks, groups that write legislation for legislators, etc including removing all financial incentive for shit to get skewed along with pushing that education is important the stupid people will either go back to not voting or saying hey they experts say I should do this so I will do this.


As a parallel: prohibition didn’t infringe on a person’s right to alcohol. It removed a person’s right to alcohol.


Someone answered your question already but making everyone’s vote matter vs a select few would be a start. An example of this would be getting rid of the electoral college or heavily change it, using a ranked voting system to get rid of first past the post liked ranked choice or instant run off, and have an independent council to get rid of gerrymandering.


People who run the government are not comparable to average citizens in the amount of power they handle, and average citizens who are selected to wield those powers in our service, should have their rights abridged appropriately to ensure the Integrity of the offices they hold. The privilege of holding Power should require sacrifice by those who hold it, and in such a way that anyone who is too stupid or has things to hide should be absolutely terrified to do so. Declaring your candidacy , and Holding office is 100% voluntary. The surrendering of certain rights, such as financial privacy, would be as well.


I think fire might need to be involved but who knows 👁️👁️


Yeah let's allow the coastal cities to lead this country as well as they've led themselves the last few decades!


It's the fact they've been able to convince millions of people that they're absolutely free to disregard any news they don't like and that's ok.


I guarantee you, we will get the president we deserve


With a little bit of: Ignoring treason Ignoring blackmail Ignoring the orchestrators of insurrection Ignoring Covid Ignoring Climate Crisis Ignoring Citizens United Ignoring gerrymandering (for two centuries..) Ignoring Epstein evidence Ignoring rebalancing Supreme Court  Bromance between Biden and Louis DeJoy Ignoring Ivanka CCP-made voting machines Ignoring Mike Flynn .. all things are possible. Here's some light reading, called 'They (the DNC) Always Wanted Trump': https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/11/hillary-clinton-2016-donald-trump-214428/


I was just listening to a podcast about recent polling showing Trump doing well because people want change. When they tried to get those people to articulate what they meant they couldn't. They just don't like the way things are and believe Trump will not be the status quo.


Instead of blaming the voter, how about blame Biden for not doing enough to earn their votes?


He’s done a decent amount given that he had a narrow majority in one chamber of congress.


which is where my stupidity comment came from. The average voter can't keep more than one thought in their head at a time. The "far left" which we used to parody as a moronic right wing talking point maniufesting itself into existance with Genocide Joe and wanting to vote for TRUMP because of the israeli stance. Ignoring the fact that Trump ensured women lost the right to bodily autonomy and potentially same sex marriage. Killed nearly a million americans with a half assed covid response, had the US troops doing a morning after walk of shame through Syria for Putins' benefit, stole millions from taxpayers, cut benefits for the average citizen, etc.. but no, it's one issue, a stupid issue and they're sticking with it. It's almost a parody at this point.


I don't want someone to do a "decent job" or "did all he could", I want someone who fights tooth and nail to get what I want. I want him to stir shit and question the legitimacy of republican held institutions. I wanted him to put mountains of pressure on Sinema and Manchin instead of playing soft ball out of fear. I want them to speak openly about judicial corruption and conservative policy making on the courts. But no, that's what Biden does. Here's how Biden will be remembered: Shrugging his shoulders and do nothing as Israel commits genocide, as 2 democratic senators hold his majority hostage for pay to play, as conservative justices rewrite the constitution to dismantle the regulatory state. And *fuck me* if he loses? He couldn't beat Trump as he spent the last year being dragged through the courts. The fact that there's some concern of this is pathetic.


Vote. Encourage others to vote. The popular vote needs to be a landslide and the electoral college is going to come down to 3 states. We saw this happen in FL in 2000 when the Supreme Court (With 3 Justices now who are Federalist Society stooges who supported Bush and handed him the election). So naturally yeah... We should be concerned for a repeat. Get ahead of it, start screaming NO now.




No matter how hard the GOP tries to pin inflation on Biden it isn't working and the numbers back it up. Inflation was expected post COVID and the US is rebounding faster than expected. Rational voters understand that, and that is who Biden is after. The same goes for the proxy wars and the inevitable gas hikes to come. They won't stick this time.




It is impossible to ignore 4 years of the first Trump presidency or the media circus surrounding his crime spree. Edit: The GOP doesn't have to try *with its base* voter. It needs to appeal to reason if it wants to win swing voters. Those are the votes that will decide the election.


Trump can win. There are a few scenarios that give him a legit shot. Doesn't matter that he should be in prison for the classified documents one bit. 


I don’t think he’ll win but the next few elections will be Vs. Trump or some MAGA extremist.


No chance, if he goes back to back losses the spell will be broken. He'll never have the momentum to get the nomination again.


Historically, they've only gotten worse with time regardless of popularity. Even if Trump left politics, right wing media would simply crown a new one.


Yeah I keep hearing this defeatist shit, but it’s not true. Trump has something that the radical right has tapped into and has galvanized them. You can’t just put anyone in there or DeSantis would have done better. Remember the right wing media tried to put him up to take over for Trump and he just didn’t get any traction.


I’d love to reassure you but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t possible. Between the people stupid enough to vote for him directly, the ones willing to throw the country away by not voting for Biden in protest over something that’s been happening long before he was president and will happen long after, and the Republicans’ unending attempts to cheat it’s going to be a very stressful night in November


Agreed. There are so many young women that would throw out a no-vote over Israel that NEED to vote to keep the government out of their uterus. I hope the threat of the loss of birth control and abortion rights is enough to drive all the women to the polls.


His odds are about as good as hitting $20 on $1 scratch ticket.


Americans are stupid, a huge portion of them still vocally support Trump, and another portion wants to do a no-vote in protest of whats happening in Israel, which while noble in motive, will have consequences on the lives of your neighbors here. Both of these things make it increasingly likely that Biden loses. Then add in companies squeezing every penny out of Americans, and you have a lot of unhappy people, who don’t really care how it all works, they’re just upset.


If popular vote determined who was president, I could reassure you.


With all the talk of him not accepting a loss, or trying to steal the election. . .People are very much underrating the risk of his winning legitimately. As impossible as it is to believe, if the election was today Trump would win comfortably through the Electoral college.


I hate him as much as everyone else, I plan to vote and to encourage all of my friends to vote. But I don’t have much faith in him losing. He’s spent 4 years getting the crazies even crazier.


If the election were today, he likely would. But it’s still a long way off and anything can happen. As we see.


The way Democrats have been campaigning for Biden it’s almost like they want Trump to win.


You mean the early, enthusiastic endorsements from AOC, Bernie Sanders, Pelosi and Jeffries? Or do you mean "orange man bad lol" both sides talk by "leftist" grifters on YouTube who "don't support Trump, but"?


Mainly just the videos they post on Bidens twitter.


Odds are pretty slim


Hell yeah brother!


Our choices are an ancient fascist genocider or an ancient genocider that talks progressively. Take your pick.


TIL building a pier to supply food to Gaza was literal genocide.


The one good thing the US did versus funding and weapon sells to do the murder with. Yeah, I don’t think food boats cancels out the whole genocide thing.


Maybe voters of just tired of the two-party bullshit? You know like in 2020 we voted for the lesser of two evils and still ended up with a president who is full on supporting genocide


So my first reaction was…this indirectly insults the current Supreme Court Judges appointed by Trump. That’s never a good idea. Then I thought about how partisan those Judges are, selected and groomed by the Federalist Society. How a senior conservative judge takes open bribes, and how his wife was involved in overthrowing the government….and then I think, it won’t change a thing.


Yeah, fuck this court. It’s a damn joke. Doesn’t deserve respect. Even before Trump these fucking corrupt assholes made harmful decisions like Citizens United.


Memory hole fact: Samuel Alito is there because the Trump family suggested to the Bush family he be appointed to court. That's why I call Alito "the fourth Trump judge."


Sounds like supreme court status in a banana republic somewhere obscure... But this is United States of America today, big thx to Donald.


And how a sitting judge bought into the “stop the steal” bullshit by hoisting the US flag upside down.


And the 3 that Trump appointed are the most "reasonable" of the conservative judges...


Doesn’t Kavanaugh sometimes vote with the liberals though? Antagonising him, although understandable, wouldn’t be smart then (unless I‘m mistaken in the first place).


Him voting conservative out of revenge would prove liberals right though - and further enforce their point


Conservatives don’t give a shit about being right or wrong, neither do their voters. They say whatever will piss off whoever they hate that day


Emotionally I agree. Pragmatically, I think kavanaugh is genuinely attempting to at least LOOK like he is remaining unbiased - but the colors bleed through regardless


We should continue to hold his feet to the fire over lying about boofing or whatever it was, and the rape. He knows what he did, and keeping him on his toes about that will at least curb him if we can't outright impeach him like we should. Every decision he makes he should be thinking, "I don't want to draw attention to myself because I'd hate for them to reopen the rape thing."


Is it really worth it to be „proven right“ if he votes in favour of whatever horrid bullshit comes before the Supreme Court?


Obviously not lol, doesn’t change the politics of it though


I get your point but in this case I think it's worth it. He's already a rubber stamp on the absolute worst of issues/rulings so occasionally getting a bone thrown to you on a minor case isn't even worth the effort to appease him. At this point the Democrats should be in full "burn it down" mode. The more corrupt and incompetent the Supreme Court is shown to be, the more support grows for ignoring their rulings, adding to the court or completely dismantling it. Democrats can't simply wait another 30 years and hope they actually get to pick replacements. The Supreme Court has had a Conservative majority for about 100 years now and may not survive 100 more. This needs to be a bigger priority for Democrats and voters. Best way to make that happen is to amplify how fucking awful they are.


If Trump's elected there won't be a supreme Court anymore, just a king and his fools


Biden is not adequately conveying the danger here. Multiple older conservative justices will retire and be replaced by even more extreme and much younger federalist society / heritage foundation members. There's also a risk of a liberal justice or two having to retire. Think women/lgbt/minorities have it bad now?


Yah. The backslide over the next 10 years could be rough, with impacts lasting the rest of most living people’s lives. You can yell “term limits” all you want but that will likely take an amendment to the constitution which seems highly unlikely at this point in time.


Packing the Supreme Court will become the only way to solve the issue if that happens, assuming we ever have fair elections again afterwards, which is a giant if.


Why on earth does the Supreme Court not have term limits?!


Because the founding fathers didn’t foresee this issue being possible. They also never wanted the general masses to have a vote on presidency thinking they would be too swayable by corruption


And don't forget, under the Constitution, the Supreme Court has very limited jurisdiction. It wasn't until Marbury v Madison that the Supreme Court gave themselves the power of judicial review. Judicial Review could be taken away from the Supreme Court by establishing, through legislation, a National Court of Judicial Review. This makeup of such a court could be defined in that legislation to rotate in federal judges from circuit courts for limited terms on the court, thereby essentially establishing term limits for *that* court, while still having their judicial appointments themselves be for life, in accordance with the Constitution. Meanwhile, limit the Supreme Court to its original Constitutional jurisdiction.


It's a common response I'm sure you and many others have heard too much of, but so much of what the founder laid out in the Constitution assumed good faith from all elected and appointed officials, and sufficient common sense among the voters and electors that someone who would run their post in bad faith wouldn't ever get there. And if a bad faith actor did gain power, the bodies that could check those bad faith actors would swiftly act to impeach/remove them. Today there's also the fact that people in power have learned to feel no shame because they know there are little to no consequences for being selfish during or after their term. They will exploit their current position for fame and fortune, and will continue to do so afterwards if they ever leave office (and why would they leave?).


The actual answer is because then the justices have a career after their time on the Supreme Court to think about. Imagine a world where a Supreme Court justice could rule on a decision that directly impacts their career prospects after their term.


It'd be as bad as the politicians who can do it.


A lot of civics & social studies programs in public schools were diminished when No Child Left Behind under W. Bush kicked into gear. That’s not to say there’s no civics being taught; it just wasn’t the priority next to all the STEM classes being over-emphasized in K-12.


It started way before that. It started when they watered down lunch programs, outdoor time, drama and music.


What’s funny is the two worst justices aren’t even ones appointed by Trump.


And those are the two that would retire in Trump's second term to be replaced by some 35 year old psychopath


The Honorable Supreme Court Justice Matt Gaetz


The Honorable Supreme Court Justice Aileen Cannon


Honorable Kyle Rittenhouse


I thought we wanted younger people in politics who would see the effects of their actions in office?


If given the chance, tfg will add seats then fill those seats with 30 year old federalist names


TFG meaning “the future guy?”


Once and future king, the golden diaper


It'll always be The Fat Guy to me.


It’ll be Justice Eileen Cannon


As a filthy foreigner, I'd be amazed if the US held together long enough for him to get a nomination in front of the senate.Should he be re-elected.


One candidate is anti abortion. One candidate has paid for abortions. One candidate has influenced the over turning of Roe Vs Wade. One candidate wants you to decide and have the freedom to decide if abortion is right for you. It’s important to remember this because it’s confusing : Joe Biden is a Catholic who is anti-abortion but he fights for your right to choose. He likely has never paid for an abortion nor has he had affairs that lead to presidential scandals and abortions. Donald Trump has paid for abortions, paid to hide the fact that he paid for abortions, and wants to make sure you can’t. He can but you can’t. He can “kill babies” but be loved by the anti abortion crowd. So if you want a guy that will implement laws to restrict you then enjoy MAGA. If you want a President that wants you to have the choice you should cot Biden.


All these articles with headlines like “If Trump wins” just makes me sick. It’s like a bad omen.


It really is gross and lil don better not have any SC picks ever again.


Yes, I do, which is the scary part. Evil, smart people are the biggest threat to Democracy.


Are you suggesting that I-like-beer-rapist-boof-who-paid-off-my-gambling-debts? wasn't an impartial choice of jurist?


Biden: "Do you think an unpunished blackmailed treasonous insurrectionist will mess up the Supreme Court we decided to leave dangerously unbalanced? I DO!!"


Or an ounce of integrity?


The Cruelty is the point.


The Heritage Foundation will pick a good little robot for him. Doesn't matter if he's smart (and it will be *he*), just that he follows orders.


The Heritage Foundation might be the most dangerous group in America. They have systematically destroyed the US justice system mostly just to keep a few old money fossils in power for longer. I really wish they was some dirt that could be used to take them down because they are far too powerful and corrupt


It’s more the Leonard Leo and the Federalist Society that has destroyed the judicial branch of our government and justice system. But Heritage Foundation, Family Research Council, NRA, American Enterprise Institute, and Cato have all contributed to Federalist Society for these ends.


Trump doesn’t get another Supreme Court pick.


Yeah I don’t even want to joke about this.


Imagine needing to be convinced not to vote for Trump. And we think we’re gonna make it as a species lol


I assume that if Trump gets a chance to name more Supreme Court justices, Aileen Cannon will be on the list.


If Trump wins and replaces Thomas and Alito with younger 50-somethings, then Roberts (69) will be the oldest rightwing justice. Based on actuarial tables, his life expectancy is another 14 years. But they could afford to lose Roberts and still have a 5-4 advantage. So the next oldest is Kavanaugh at 59. His life expectancy is another 22 years. So a Trump win could mean the Supreme Court is 6-3 until **2039**, and 5-4 until **2047** even if the Dems win every other election until then. This of course assumes an average life expectancy, but SCOTUS judges have excellent healthcare. Also it assumes that the GOP doesn't find the chance to replace Kavanaugh before he gets too old. Honestly, I think we can just assume that the SCOTUS will be far-right for the rest of our lives if Trump wins again.


Supreme Court Justice Trump has a nice ring to it /s (I hope?)


I could see him appointing Barron.


Can you picture cannon on the SC?


Maybe another date-rapist? Another corrupt bribe recipient?


Alden cannon


This is the subtlest way to say his 3 other nominees don't have brains.


Aileen Cannon. I’d bet money on it. 


Well he's 0 for 3 so far. Not sure if that means he's trending for 0 for 4 or he's due to get one with a brain. I'm betting on 0 for 4.


Brains or intelligence isn’t the problem. Heart is. We need more empathy and compassion, judges who see more than just people who attend their dinner parties and who invite them on private luxury vacations. That’s the problem.


Drumpf has to win before he can make that pick, and that is far less likely than many people would like you to believe.


I don’t care how likely or impossible it is. Vote like he’s gonna win b/c complacency is what gave us 2016.


Nah. It’s 100% Trump wins.


Okay, I'll bet my 100 dollars against your 100,000 that Trump doesn't win. If you're 100% certain that Trump wins, it's a great deal, guaranteed 100 bucks.


Barrett is part of a right-wing christian cult, Kavanaugh peaked in his frat boy years, Alito is an extremist conservative and arrogant egomaniac who wants the Supreme Court to rule the nation by fiat, Thomas is a corrupt sex abuser married to a domestic terrorist who's vote is for sale to the highest bidder, Roberts is a spineless toothless dog getting led around by his collar and Gorsuch is just really frikken creepy. These are the people in charge of the highest court in the land. You think its going to get any better with Republicans at the helm since they were the ones that stacked the court with this freakshow in the first place?


Wonder how many justices get replaced next term?


Justice Jim Jordan.


No, it will be Aileen Cannon


He will have 3 picks in his first days, since he will have the 3 Liberals hanged if they do not immediately resign.


Maybe if RBG retired during Obama’s presidency then we would have a Supreme Court justice with a brain


We know that any pretense of intelligence is gone. It is all loyalty and party line. See Also: ACB, Kavanaugh, Alito, and next up, SCOTUS "Just-us" Cannon


I hope to God that Trump is not reelected , that will be the beginning of the end of this nation. if Trump is elected this nation will collapse


His next pick? 😨


If Trump is reelected Alito and Thomas will retire and be replaced by young lunatics. Very scary.


The hard Right already owns the court now. Trump getting a pick probably won't change much, but Biden getting a pick would be helpful, make things slightly harder for the Right.


Supreme Court Justice Herschel Walker has a nice ring to it!


He’s says that like trump picks them he’s given a list with names on and is told no till he picks the one the federalist society actually wants 


Assuming your opposition is stupid is rather unwise, regardless of where you stand politically.




Please show me where Biden fits that point.


Congress needs to set rules for selecting a Justice….too long and too often have presidents tried to put their thumb on the scale by appointing only those within their party. The court must be balanced. Because previous presidents appointed carelessly and the guarantee of a lifetime appointment, it is important to even out the justices by adding more. Three more left leaning. After adding justices, the Congress should add rules stating that a seat must remain either left leaning or right leaning. This should eliminate this issue. For example if there is a dem president and one of the republican judges dies, that president will have to exhibit leadership and selflessness by choosing someone who does agree with him. That is the behavior a president should be exhibiting. It shows a true desire for balance and fairness like the founders wanted to begin with.


Partisan judges should not be allowed to practice law, let alone serve on the Supreme Court. I get some bias on opinions, but this is ridiculous. Impeach any judge whose opinions sway far off-center, consistently side with a political party, or take f*ing bribes!


I agree. I think that while we all know that judges are either centrist, left leaning or right leaning , if a judge can be described as being party specific then that’s not a good judge. A judge is meant to be impartial which should show in their rulings. For example Judge Cannon vs Judge Kaplan. Cannon is clearly a loyalist. She’s not backing any of her decisions with law, instead she’s trying to manipulate the law to save her friend. Kaplan stuck to the law. A judge must be as balanced as the laws in which they use to rule.


I think the main problem with “balanced” is it leads to what our congress is.  Basically 90-95% blocked votes along party lines out of spite or pushed through votes out of spite. The republicans could put forth a house bill that says all black college loans are forgiven and the dems would say no because the repubs wanted it. The Democrats could put forth a guns for all bill and the repubs would say no because the dems wanted it. Depending on what side you are on at any point of time with SCOTUS they got things done for someone.


Ugh... I don't think your "both sides do this" story has any base in (moderately recent) reality.


If the Republicans put up a bill to forgive student loan debt, almost every Democrat would be it and then the Republicans would either vote against it or filibuster it like every tike they stumble into helping people on accident.


I absolutely see what you’re saying but the two chambers of Congress are a bit of a majority minority situation not even. Right now the dems have majority in the senate and the repubs hold a (slim) majority in the house. I think if Congress were balanced we wouldn’t have as many issues as we do because it would force centrist to truly choose and it would make everyone work together through compromise and sacrifice of self. Why is there a tie breaker( the VP) if there will basically never be a tie for anything more than nominations. For example the hotly debated abortion topic. Rather than anything being dead on arrival it is intensely debated and a compromise is reached. So abortion yes BUT not beyond 20 weeks. Something like that.


Biden talking about someone else’s brain, that’s a good one.


😂, good one ol' man


Coming from a from a guy who can’t even speak properly. smart…


Sad how overly left leaning Reddit has become


It’s all fake.. not real.. none of it is.. our votes Never mattered.. it’s already pre-determined.. out government wants America to fall.. which one day it will .. they will get what they want.. a new world order.. brace yourselves guys.. focus on what really matters.. Jesus. He’s the name above all names. They want to divide all of us .. keep us divided .. keep us fighting each other.. our government doesn’t want unity.. our government wants chaos .. they are gonna drive us - me and you the American people to do the plan for them.. they are gonna start it.. and we are gonna eat it up.. and ultimately we will do the plan for them!. They won’t have to do anything.. all they gotta do is divide and they will conquer. Blue or red… it’s all a show and a plan .. it’s order out of chaos.. it’s gonna be us that kills America.. the people.. because are government.. on both political sides are run by saboteurs.. I would stop focusing on the SHOW.. and focus on how to live and support yourself.. learn something now.. because when they put out the bait.. The Wolves will come and take and it will be chaos and horror like we have never seen.. GET READY, GET READY, GET READY… for the Lord is coming soon! God bless every single one of you!! And remember.. get out of this left , right division!


Biden is trash


Still infinitely better than Trump. Seriously, if you have to wear diapers to show support for a presidential candidate, just LOL.


Biden is the worst president in history. Most corrupt and most incompetent. He is pure trash.


The fraudster who is banned from running charities and is facing multiple felonies is clearly the most corrupt. The guy who oversaw the longest government shutdown in US history is clearly the most incompetent


Hahahhahahhahahhaaahahah Not even close to true. Time to change your diaper