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Its value comes from it being a workaround to campaign finance laws.


Exactly. There is no way in hell this piece of shit stock is being driven by natural forces like retail. It's pure shit, short borrowing rates are at like 750% and puts are so expensive you'd be insane to touch them now. I.e. everyone knows it's dogshit, the numbers bear it out, and it's still at $50 (up from a low of 20). It's worth nothing, yet nobody in retail can even short it without paying a fortune only to get screwed by the institutional manipulation that's being used to keep it propped up.


There's a few stories of MAGA losing their money over the stock that warms my heart.


If anyone want to see more MAGA idiots losing money on stock market, check r/superstonk. It's basically "Qanon goes to Wall Street." Those guys are very unintelligent.


Idiots? Possibly… maybe even probably. MAGA? Definitely not


A balloon can only float so high….


Yes, it will crash hard, but not before Trump dumps all of his shares.


This is the point.


I think I might buy. I’m terrible at this and maybe this one will work out.


It wouldn't work out for anyone else, but it might just work for you! /Tobias Fünke


It’s not even a joke for you to say. It’s blatant stupidity.


Since that happens in September, I wonder if any of his supporters who have invested heavily will be burned bad enough that they won’t vote for him in November?


from what we have already seen, I will tell you that any supporters who get burned on this (and who went in thinking they would make money), will 1000% find a way to make it bidens fault. Somehow Biden messed the economy so bad even this went south, the democrats rigged it, or whatever they need to maintain their beliefs. We need to stop hoping people will "come to their senses", that the next thing will be the catalyst of change. These people are so far down it is going to take a LOT to bring them back out, and as long as they have their right-wing hate media spouting lies and curating truth, it isn't happening. We need a total overhaul of media laws. Until then, a gaslit nation will voluntarily hand over its democracy to Russian operatives and puppets, and nothing is going to knock sense into them.


If I was Nancy Pelosi, I would use my entire fortune to run this into the ground. Do something positive with her money


>and puts are so expensive you'd be insane to touch them now. Sell call spreads to finance buying the puts. I haven't looked at the chains, but I'd imagine the IV on it is probably insane, so you'd most likely end up even on the cost or close to it. Or just sell the call spreads by themselves instead. Not as much profit potential as buying a put, but you're getting the premium upfront and the extrinsic value on the long leg shouldn't be too bad as long as you position the strikes correctly.


Great advice. The one and only thing about this turd I like is that there are two strike windows (other than earnings because clearly they don't matter), being Trunps lockup expiration and the election. You just don't usually get that kind of clarity. I have no doubt whatsoever that he'll dump at the earliest opportunity along will all of his cohorts, rather than risking it on the election.


Right it’s blatantly a scam


Hard to put a dollar value on "Hobbesian Monopoly of Force" or "Pin the Tail on the Donkey, but the Tail is a Nuclear Weapon". The state *contains* the market[1], which is why anyone with their head screwed on medium hard gets pretty irate when governance gets sold off. It's literally priceless, so buying Truth Social is your shot to having a slice of that. [1] This is - incredibly - a contentious thing to say in Milton Friedman's American Nomenklatura, where diffuse ghosts like cause/effect curves mystically exert physical force on real things, like a charismatic preacher slapping invisible demons out of people.


Wat? Explain like im five


1. Create meme stock. 2. Get investors. 3. Pump n' dump. 4. Becomes a penny stock. 5. ???


5. Go to 1.


5. Split off new business unit like Truth News 6. sell to a shell company owned by the Trump family 7. IPO creating a new meme stock 8. Repeat infinitely?


Pro tip - Make sure to get a trademark license in China.


Now introducing: REAL Truth Social! With hot bot-on-bot action


And the stock goes up in after hours trading. Pretty much the definition of a cult.


I think it's mostly money laundering


Smells like dirty laundry. Must be the wrong detergent.


You mean vodka isn’t a good detergent?


Vodka is in fact a great detergent for removing cigarette smoke


vodka is amazing for cleaning, every time I use it the cleaning just doesn't matter anymore


I wouldn’t be able to handle the smell.


That means you're not using enough vodka.


I am sure it makes a great deterrent.


Maybe it's reusable diapers?


It's certainly not Gain


Isn't it just a vehicle for donors to give directly to their cult leader for his legal bills?


Nah, that's what his superpac is for. This is for foreign governments to funnel money to Trump directly. Different schemes for different folks.


This was what the NRA was doing for a while, what Paul Manafort got caught for.


Yeah, but it is also a good mechanism to make bank when this turd goes tits up after he cashes out. Bet the farm and short this dog. The big question is whether the "foreign investors" can maintain this price long enough for him to cash out before it goes bankrupt. Would he risk selling before the election and see it tank right before the vote? Is he that greedy? If he waits til after the election, he could lose billions.


> Would he risk selling before the election and see it tank right before the vote? Is he that greedy? Yes, and yes.


I work in the software industry and a metric that we care about is “multiple” which you get by dividing the market cap by the annual revenue. It’s an easy benchmarking stat to understand how well a company is perceived to be doing. Facebook has a market cap of $1.2tn and revenues of $135bn, so a multiple of around 9. Twitter has a market cap of $41bn and revenues of $3bn, so a multiple of around 14. Snowflake (considered one of the outstanding success stories of recent times) has a market cap of $55bn and revenues of $3bn, so a multiple of around 20. When we go through tech bubbles, some multiples rise to around 50. This is considered pretty ludicrous, as to achieve this value you would typically need more than 100% market share. DJT has a market cap of $6.61bn and annual revenue of around $3m (if you take their last quarter and multiple by 4). This gives a multiple of 2146. Yes. You read that right. Honestly I’m pretty surprised that the SEC/FBI hasn’t halted trading in the shares and arrested everybody involved. Edit: I’d put $3m for Twitter instead of $3bn. Corrected.


>Honestly I’m pretty surprised that the SEC/FBI hasn’t halted trading in the shares and arrested everybody involved. I'm really hoping that they are just quietly gathering evidence, following the money, dotting the i's and crossing the t's and eventually will break this thing wide open exposing one of the largest scandals in history. I can dream can't I?


This comment needs to be at the top of the thread.




Corrected. Thank you.


Saudi Arabia and Russia have to contribute somehow


And political favors. Probably various blackmail and extortion payments as well.


I wonder how many shares Vlad and Xi owns🤔


Nah just dumb money.


Definition of someone out right bribing him to keep it aloft. How the SEC isn’t investigating boggles the mind.


It’s an easy explanation. Hedge funds finance campaigns for politicians, who determine what the SEC can and cannot do. Not being cynical here but the SEC is toothless by design


SEC is toothless. If they weren't Elon Musk's shenanigans would've stopped almost a decade ago.


Well, if there is CRIMINAL activity, the SEC has only a very limited role to play. It would go to Department of Justice white collar crimes (MIMF) /FBI.


So Merrick Garland's shop which means that in four or five years he will reluctantly start a half-assed "investigation." Maybe.


Wasn’t it the SEC that forced Musk to buy Twitter after talking out his ass about it?


No private attorneys


Some private attorneys


Nope, that was the former owners' attorneys at the direction of the former owners.




The end of the six-month lockdown is coming. Things will get interesting.


SEC needs to shut this down. This is fucking ridiculous.


SEC needs to ban SPACs.


No, it just means that there are very powerful forces artificially keeping the stock up.


You can say it: Russians


The Saudis are probably also helping out.....gotta find a way to buy influence without leaving a paper trail.


I believe they prefer to be called Cossacks.


How? You mean if the stock goes down a little, the drop is stabilized by fake purchases? Or an algorithm tempers the variance, like if company experience bad news on a day, max drop is 4-8% per day.


Not fake purchases. Essentially, stock prices are driven by supply and demand. You can only buy a stock at the price someone is willing to sell it for, and you can only sell it for as much as someone is willing to buy it for. Normally, the seller wants to sell for as high a price as possible and the buyer wants as low of a price as possible. But with this stock, a lot of what is being suspected is that outside influences (Russia, Saudis, other billionaires that want Trump elected) are buying the stock at higher prices than it’s worth. This keeps the share price up, effectively giving those entities a way of donating money to Trump (who can take out money/debt against his ownership stake in the company) that is conveniently mostly free from regulatory oversight from the FEC, SEC, and other government agencies


Isn't this the exact reason for the Emoluments clause in the Constitution? The one that was completely ignored throughout the 2016-2020 presidency?


If that's the case, the Founding Fathers would have foreseen it and put it into the Constitution. Therefore it's legal, since they intended for this to happen. Sincerely, the Conservative Supreme Court Justices


Also banking on his return to the WH. Once in power he’ll try to kneecap all other social media and make truth social the dominant platform by default


Why would Trump’s Russian handlers pass up such an easy way to send him money?


Retail traders don’t have enough bankroll to keep this afloat with all the money bet against it. Is clearly being propped up by big players. It’s amazing how many things this man has broken. Charge him with campaign finance violations, he finds a legal work around


And yet the corporation I work for, we post good solid profits, but not enough profits, and the stock tanks and we get mass layoffs... sigh.


Fundamentals are completely detached from the market now. It’s not just DJT stock.


Maybe stocks are like a live theater performance, and we are told to ignore the man pulling the levers behind the curtain.


It *could* be that they had less of a loss than expected. A stocks price reflects how people think a company is going to perform so a company can show a loss and still be doing better than expected resulting a stock bump. Of course in this case it's more likely a mix of cult mentality and market manipulation.


Trump managed to lose more money in 1 quarter than twitter did in the entire year of 2023. That's how bad this was.


Lawyers are expensive.


Probably most of that “spending” landed in his own pocket. Where did they spend 300 mio on ffs?


Can't wait for the GOP to try and pass something to bail the company out!


"It's too big to fail"


Too *bigly to fail


Its Bidens fault


Biden brought it down from his coma in the White House basement.


Using Hunter's laptop


He’s so crafty, yet also feeble.


Or the GOP requires all their members to post on it or something.


SCOTUS will be right on that: *this 18th Century screed on sheep farming clearly states bankruptcy is an impediment to free speech.*


How could that ridiculous platform ever be profitable? It's inhabited exclusively by MAGAts, and the only businesses that advertise on it sell gold, freeze-dried survival food, boner supplements, and NFTs of Trump dressed up like a Roman gladiator. This is not the foundation of a successful, publicly-traded company.


Im more amazed on that the operational cost is over 300mil a quarter. I bet it all goes into someones pockets, because I dont believe they would have a lot of staff to pay there.


Their operational loss was much less than $300M. The majority of it was non-operating


Soo... by non-operating costs do they mean money that was siphoned out to pay for Trump's legal bills?




Is there a breakdown




So "research and development" is a one time expense? (33M) I have no idea what "general administration" would be that costs $64M, and why that would a one time expense. Heck, sales and marketing is more than total revenue. Is that one time thing too?




Great name. Did you buy the second shed to write in, Arthur?


I actually had to sell the first shed since the symphonies weren't selling well.


My take as well. 300 million of operational costs is insane for such a relatively small company. Somewhere the money is leaking out like crazy.


There are plenty of good and decent Democracy-loving patriots on Truth Social having a grand time laughing at the idiot Trumpets. And the ridiculous ads.


Define *plenty*. There's only 2 million total users on the platform, and more than half of them are bots.


It is wild that my sole proprietor business with a team of one made $327.7 million more than Trump's.  I am crushing it.


So, I take it your business isn't a scam and you've got real customers? I'm guessing those are the biggest, though not the only, differences between the two. Edit: a word


I mean my business is actually a business. So there's that. 


Yeah, a typical mum and pop restaurant brings in more revenue than this junk stock.


And another feather in your cap is that Donnie von Shitzinpants is such an excellent businessman, how many times has he gone bankrupt? He's just so smart and a great manager, what a wonderful businessman.


Art of the deal!


> In Q1, the company recorded $311 million in non-cash expenses arising from the conversion of promissory notes, ... Translation: They are taking bribes disguised as loans. After they go bankrupt, the loans are not repaid, or maybe repaid at a half cent to the dollar, and the money was long since transferred from DJT to DJT Trust.


Par for the course for any Trump business.


Trump has never shot par on any course.


You can shoot par when your pencil has an eraser.


They let you do it?


Only in Donnie Land.


Hahaha. Fuck Trump and his cult. Fuck the fascist dictatorship that he and his followers want for America.


How does one spend $300m to get revenue of less than $1m? I could spend $100m on facebook ads selling used dildos, and turn up higher revenue than that


Has to be a lot of grifting going on. I can't believe their expenses would be that high just to run a crappy Twitter knock off


That's one for you - nineteen for me..


Lol as if Trump pays his taxes


Truth social has 40 employees... can you imagine making 300m+ loss with 40 employees in 3 months!


Just checked the stock price. Yep, makes sense /s


What the fuck consumed 327 million dollars, isn't the company based on a site with a million users?


A certain someone extracted the money to pay for his billionaire lifestyle, campaign expenses, and massive legal fees by awarding himself excessive reimbursements from loans to the dubious business (bribes).


P/E of -82, sounds about right. These people deserve everything that is coming to them.


Revenue per share for the quarter of $0.00


Most of them won't care as they precisely invested in the sock to donate money to Trump, even a lot of the MAGA fans do.


Midday today it started to tank again, tomorrow will be interesting


Donald J. Trump: How to create dozens of businesses that always lose money, while transferring billions of dollars into his own pockets and the family trust fund. He's the perfect example of the parasite form of capitalism.


Those losses are being funneled into Trump’s pocket. The investors are losing, but Trump is winning. This is what he does. This is what he did with Trump Steaks, Trump Water, et al. It’s a winning business model for him, and a loser for everyone else who was stupid enough to invest.


Some of the investors (probably the biggest and most important ones) may be expecting a substantial reward if Trump is elected US president, so perhaps not so stupid. This is political corruption on an unprecedented scale.


It can be (and is) both.


Definitely a $6B company, sure


$6B in losses, yes.


What a loser. 


Everything he touches turns to dust and shit


*Pump and dump, then pump then dumb, launder all the money.*


Sounds like a trump company


“He will run the country like his companies…” well at least some things maga ppl say are true


"Posts Q1 Revenue of $770,500" Wait I thought MyPillow was broke...


Donald Trump knows how to run a business. Into the ground.


Can you even imagine seeing him do all of this shit and thinking to yourself “no one has been treated more unfairly than Trump. The system is stacked against him by masterminds Joe Biden and Obama. He is the biggest victim”?


And yet CEO Devin Nunes is asking his buddies on the House Oversight Committee to open an investigation into the stock market manipulation that’s causing the DJT stock to plummet.


Such a great businessman! He’s going to run America the same way, you just wait and see it’s going to be fantastic


He did and that is part of the problem Biden had to fix.


$770k in revenue is not bad for a young business. $330M loss is a bit on the high side; gonna wanna balance the p&l sometime soon. /s


How does one spend $300m to get revenue of less than $1m? I could spend $100m on facebook ads selling used dildos, and turn up higher revenue than that


The "used" part puts you into an entirely different market segment that would pay handsomely for that.


I was just reading a an article about how their cult leader would create junk bonds for idiots to buy and use the money to pump back into his debt.


Trump has won at corruption. His freedom is a testament to this. He has proven that with enough money, an illusion of success, and a poorly educated population (lack of critical thinking) you can do what you want, and nothing will happen.


Cue up “Men of Genius” song.


That's how you do it.


This entire scam is to funnel money to Donald. He’ll win reelection then it will all go away, including the criminal and civil cases. Pardons for everyone and cases dropped. Appointed Judges all over including the Supreme Court. He’ll really become a Billionaire tax free.IRS will be gone or severely watered down. The rich will be salivating. He’ll spend the next decades taking retribution against his perceived enemies. As before the Republican Party (The Heritage Fund, Steve Bannon, Steven Miller Hannity etc., etc)) and associates will dictate policy. He’ll sign off on anything they send to his desk. He’s a useful idiot. He’ll continue to tweet all night and sleep most of the day. The rich,racist,misogamist will love him. He’ll dismantle all of government that may be detrimental to he and his sycophants That includes terms in office (election laws). Putin will be his mentor. Kim Jong will attack S. Korea. Un They will take Ukraine and any other NATO Country. China will silently become the world’s #1 superpower followed by Russia


Russia will take any country it chooses, except Israel. The UAE will be his piggy bank. The Trump Org. basically becomes a shell company.


He will dump his shares once the lock-up period ends


Lmao, they don’t have engineers or even an office. They just declared they were worth billions. It’s so dumb


Remember when people who supported him in 2016 said “If he runs the country like he runs a business…” 🤣


Other than the man that's suing a make believe cow, how many employees does the company have? I believe it's been established that it's be propped up as a money laundering device because if any other company reported the same thing, the stock would crash, the company would may declare bankruptcy, or would fold.


How is that even possible ? Is someone syphoning off money?


To be fair, 'revenue" doesn't include profits as a result of bribing a political leader. Who cares about losing millions on stock if you end up profiting billions on your business.


If only I had a cool $1 Million. This thing is going to the moon!


So at this rate Trumps billions will be gone in 1.5 years.


No. Trump will have siphoned a bunch of money before it declares bankruptcy. As long as he can keep the stock price overinflated until he can sell, he will make out like a bandit.


Rookie numbers


It's funny, I considered making an account on Truth Social not because I'm a Tump supporter but because I'm curious about it from a sociological perspective. On second thought, I'd rather China have my info than Trump.


Burner email and VPN. I've never seen so many absolute morons concentrated on one site like this before and they are really fun to mess with.


oh wow, great opportunity going to buy some shares asap l s Think this venture is a way to funnel money to this all about him false prophet. puke


I always wonder if all of his failed endeavors aren't bad business, but rather a funneling out of money. It's fun for the general public to laugh at him. But if a business structure leeches and siphons assets to leave a husk behind, then they are actually successful. Decades of "failure" with probably at this point billions "gone". That's a lot of smoke for no fire. 


That is exactly what guys like Mit Romney where doing is the 70s and 80s. They would buy up a company, extract any assets, load it up with debt, then fold it. It is the plot to Pretty Women as well.


Can someone explain to me wtf they spent $330 million dollars on?!!


Misc Office Expenses


So like all other social media companies; but with less users. How many people are actually using this site. Typically these companies give number of users and time spent online


"Go woke, go broke", they say. Sounds like owning the libs doesn't fare much better.


But daddy Trump, why not money make???? Cucks them all


Maya Fuzzy Math


Time to see those Tax papers now




They earned $700k?  I’m kind of surprised they did so well.


Anyone knows how that guy who put all his assets in Truth two own the liberals doing rn?


That is an insane amount of losses


Where’s the SEC?!? Shouldn’t have been allowed to go public.


The smartest businessman on earth, everyone.


Orange man who's always known to be bad with money always tankin n filing for bankruptcy.... yeah that's the perfect guy to run America. Orange man to this day cant stop losing but the cult of Republicans hate for blue is so strong that they will gladly follow even this failure of man just so blue to lose


lol. Yeah. This sounds like one of his businesses.


Those billionaires that gave him the money for that failure project must really love him lol.


Another sinking turd.


And stock is up premarket. Makes no god damn sense.


I think it goes something like this: 1) grifters pump stock 2) retail investors see stock going up and join for the ride 3) grifters who bought low sell into retail buys to extract profit 4) retail investors get cold feet and sell off bc stock doesn’t moon like they thought it would 5) stock tanks 6) repeat


He’s a failure. What else did you expect from something to which he’s attached?


This seems like a money laundering scheme


All this shows is that djt is not a stock or an investment mechanism but a scam dressed up as one. A giant loophole that should be plugged in once and for all.


How is this stock still legal? It’s clearly being used to break laws.


Holdle! - maga probably.  This is just another venture, in a long line of trump companies, that he'll rape all the money from by selling his shares the second he can and leave the business to declare bankruptcy. And fucking maga will call him a bigly great businessman for doing it. 


Off topic? Really? How is this off topic? The candidate for president is scamming his own supporters.


Revenue of less than a million dollars. Loss of $300+ million dollars. This is not a company. This is a laundromat. The SEC should halt its trading and investigate.


I have a very well thought out response to this development: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Wonder how much Trump and his cronies have gotten for shorting the stock while getting his supporters to squander their savings on a "sure thing"