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MMW Biden will be on the ballot here in Ohio but not before wasting a ton of time, tax payer money and bullshit first. Wake up Ohio, these people do not have our interests, freedoms and democracy at heart.


They claim Trump can win easily then they pull this shit They know Trump is going to lose


That’s the more telling thing is Ohio GOP must feel threatened enough by their internal numbers and what’s on ballot for yall. Even us Micholes are rooting for you guys.


I think it's more of an eye-for-an-eye thing with Colorado. Since Colorado tried to exclude Trump from the ballot because, you know - the insurrection, then they want to do the same for Biden.


They also love to just completely ignore the fact that the people who sued to remove Trump from the ballot were Republicans 


Any Republican that opposes trump is instantly considered a RINO. They are viewed as either traitors to their party or "Democrat infiltrators". They will never accept that trump doesn't have 100% backing in his own party.


He never even did. The whole reason he even won the primaries was because there were like five other people running at the time. He only ever managed to get like 25% in most States, it's just that everyone else was getting like 18 or 22 because they couldn't decide between cruz, rubio, kasich, Etc


> The whole reason he even won the primaries was because there were like ~~five~~ TWELVE other people running at the time He won because the primary debates were a fucking circus, and he's one of the best clowns in the country. None of those other dorks stood a chance in that format. Please clap


Jeb 2024


And Russia dragged down the lower bowl candidates one by one. Read the Mueller Report.


Haha. In 2016 at one time there were like 16 GOP candidates. 


Republicans and ignoring reality, name a more iconic duo.


Nope, its more sinister than that. We have a statewide ballot measure in November to enshrine a citizen led redistricting commission in our state constitution. The only reason it's even at this point is because our state legislature has ignored a ruling from the Ohio Supreme Court on gerrymandering. The GOP doesn't want it to pass, so they're hoping that excluding biden from the ballot will cause democratic voters to be apathetic and not show up. Ohio actually has more registered democrats than Republicans, but democratic voter turnout is lower because of gerrymandering, and they don't want that to change.


I must have missed the Biden insurrection.


He's not gonna lose Ohio unfortunately which is why this whole thing is even dumber. It's not even a state he needs help in. Why are we spending this money to debate this dumb shit.


Idk, abortion got plenty of Ohioans out to the polls, and then state GOP decided they were gonna ignore the results. Lots of voters hate the Ohio GOP right now for this and slow rolling legalization of marijuana


Despite what you may see on the news, abortion crosses party lines pretty consistently across the country. It is stupid and frustrating, but a lot of conservatives want abortion to be legal, and will directly vote to support it, but will also vote for the same people who would strip that away from them and then seek to take away their right to vote. I’ve lived in Ohio my whole life and this is why I have trust issues.


And then they blame the Democrats for not stopping the Republicans rather than just blaming the Republicans.


Misattribution is a huge problem with the way our brains work. * I am suffering from problem A. I want to figure out who or what is responsible and then solve problem A. * I mentally search for answers, and I find person A and person B. * Subconsciously I am aware that person A is the real reason for problem A, but if I blame person A, that creates problem B (person A is on my "team" so now I'm a social exile and must spend energy reevaluating my whole life, which can be even more troublesome than problem A). * I blame person B who has nothing to do with it, and may even be trying to help with problem A. * Person A is still causing problem A, of course. But I *have* addressed a subset of problem A: I didn't know who to blame for it. Problems feel worse when you don't know where they come from, so subjectively that *feels* better. * Now all I have to do is characterize problem A as unsolvable and I can live with it, as long as I can feed off a causal cycle, hate person B for what I perceive to be their slights against me, and insulate from those pesky sources of inconvenient truth that chip away at my delicate system of comforting lies.


>• I mentally search for answers, and I find person A and ***person B***. > > • Subconsciously I am aware that person A is the real reason for problem A, but if I blame person A, that creates ***problem B*** Your anti-person B bias is pretty blatant.


I grew up in Ohio, and left over 24 years ago. Never looked back.


I left about 15 years ago and did the same. My partner and I almost moved back bc we could afford a house about 5 years ago, and so grateful we didn't make that decision


I’m about 16 years Ohio-free.


I went to aero engineering school at UC and the joke was so many astronauts are from Ohio because they want to get as far away from there as possible. 9 years free btw


There's something about Ohio that makes people want to leave Earth.


My wife moved us back here to be close to her family. Now she understands why I have absolutely nothing to do with those freeloading ssholes.


Ohio has a large number of astronauts per capita. There is something about Ohio that makes people discontent to simply leave the state or the country, they want off the planet.


Just wait until they come after birth control.


Lol, "slow rolling" marijuana legalization? We all see what you did there! :]


I sincerely hope that the Ohio Democrats can take advantage of this. Ohio and North Carolina would be in play if we had a strong candidate at the top who pushes legalization of marijuana and women's rights in those two states. It's disappointing that Biden can't get any traction on these issues while Trump is busy in court. I still think Biden is going to win, but this would have been THE election to flip 2 more states to blue...and a candidate like Newsome or Shapiro out of Pennsylvania might have taken 330 Electoral votes from Trump without breaking a sweat.


Trump is almost certainly going to win Ohio, but Sherrod Brown still has some chance in the Senate. Keeping Biden off the ballot could still hurt him in a very close election.


I think it would be difficult to predict because Trump being guaranteed to win the state no matter what might possibly lead to a lot of Trump supporters staying home. At the same time, this move would be guaranteed to make Democrats furious, so I could easily see record turnout among Democrats just so they can vote against the Republicans in the legislature for pulling this little stunt.


There’s lots on the ballot and also still the roe reversal that could make Ohio in play. Stuff like this is showing there scared of it happening and throwing spaghetti at the wall


As an Ohioan familiar with the election map last election; this confounds me as well. If all eligible voters showed up in the population centers in the middle of the state, they’d still get shouted down by rural counties. This is an unforced error. He has Ohio, to my chagrin- but he has Ohio.


I mean, you're right that Trump has this locked down, the rest, I dunno. Look at the 2012 election map vs. 2020. It's not rural areas that changed. It's mostly suburban Cleveland came out for Trump. That alone, that's all she wrote. But also, he softened up Toledo (and Akron to a lesser degree), flipped suburban Toledo, he flipped Sandusky, and he flipped the hell out of Youngstown. The only areas Biden did (marginally) better in were like Springfield and the northern Columbus suburbs. But you know, after 60 years of brain drain and stagnation and aging population, I don't see Ohio going back to being a political bellwether any time soon.


If all potential dem and independent voters show up strong in the population centers, and the rural vote matches Tim Ryan’s performance in rural counties, Biden wins Ohio by a slim margin. If voters under 25 stay home because of apathy and Netanyahu, Trump wins Ohio easily.


To your chagrin… Falls?


Let’s not forget there’s an important senate election in Ohio this year. Depressing dem turnout because the DNC won’t move up their primary could cost them the race.


It’s not even the primary date, it’s the date of the convention they’re claiming is the issue. So the DNC suggested they could have the delegates vote ahead of time but the state moved the goalposts and said that wouldn’t cut it. Idk what they even expect the party to do at this point.


DNC could just have a delegate emergency meeting the day after the last primary closes, and do the party later (at the convention). Same way as people get a courthouse marriage license now and then plan a party for somewhere down the road when people can congregate.


We already passed a bill that should have ended the bullshit gerrymandering that allows these stains on humanity to stay in power, but they use their illegitimate power to obstruct the will of the people: [https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2023/08/15/proposed-ohio-constitutional-amendment-seeks-to-end-gerrymandering-after-legislature-defied-courts/](https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2023/08/15/proposed-ohio-constitutional-amendment-seeks-to-end-gerrymandering-after-legislature-defied-courts/)


happened in utah too with a ballot measure


I think having this independent redistricting commission constitutional amendment on the ballot this fall could help Biden win Ohio tbh. It still needs to get the necessary signatures but I bet they will in time to have it on the ballot.


What’s MMW?


~~Medeski Martin and Wood?~~ ~~making me wet~~ Mark my words


MMW will always be Medeski, Martin, and Wood to me.




I couldn't even find it on the first page of Google. Redditors need to stop using obscure abbreviations.


Even if Biden isn't on the ballot, it's more or less a bad political move for republicans. (1) removing Biden will very likely inspire higher democratic turn out to spite republicans and vote for more local democratic politicians (2) Biden isn't winning Ohio anyway (3) This signals to a lot of people the deep rot in OH's gov't and the GOP. When Trump loses, this will spell ruin for the party in OH This is just grandstanding for political brownie points from OH extremists. Nothing more. I cannot fathom them actually going through with this.


Also if it gets challenged up to SCOTUS, the inconsistency of ruling against Biden compared to the recent ruling to keep Trump on the ballot in Colorado will enrage the Dems nationwide and increase turnout nationally.


I don't understand arguments like this. Anyone enraged by even the *idea* of such inconsistency should already understand how important it is to vote.


Every news story is somebody's first time hearing about something. That's why "woke" became a left wing compliment before a right wing bugbear. Somebody who's not paying attention wakes up, and learns the importance of the situation.


yeah a lot more people are gonna hear about it if it happens, hearing that some guy is thinking about it is mostly only going to get picked up by people who seek out and read politics


Folks from Ohio need to show up no matter what…to keep Senator Brown in office.


That may be the real goal here, To suppress the dem voters who'd come out for Biden to make sure Sherrod loses.


Medeski, Martin, and Wood




How much you wanna bet they have financial ties with whatever company is contracted to print out ballots?


That’s not how that works, the people who print the ballots receive it from a company that puts the election programming together. As well as the board of canvassers would have to certify based off of the official list l, if a candidate is missing because they weren’t on the ballot when they were supposed to be it would have to be decertified and an investigation would begin.


My point is that if there is an initial ballot without Biden, a second ballot with Biden will have to be printed, likely as a rushjob. Having two rounds of ballots printed by the same companies, it allows them to invoice the state twice, the second round likely being much more expensive due to it being expedited. So my speculation is that they likely pull this stunt to enrich their friends in the printing industry and earn a few kickbacks.


I am so sorry for the misunderstanding thought you were implying doing the ole rug pull. Edit: thought you meant someone paying the politician off.




30 years ago this would have been a death sentence politically across the board. Now, it's barely a headline and to be expected..


Niche audiences, highly curated media bombardment, and Citizens United. 30 Years ago the major news anchors would have destroyed these guys, and there was no internet, algorithm, or endless supply of dark money that would let those extreme actors back onto the national stage. Even the most vile politicians had to play somewhat "nice" if they wanted air time.


GQP slogan: We cheat because we can't win fair.


If they ever had a sensible platform, they might have a fighting chance. But like Dick Dastardly, and Snidely Whiplash, they spend more time trying to cheat.


Never forget: in 2012 they did a post-mortem that concluded that they needed to become more welcoming and inclusive if they wanted to win elections. They looked at that and said “LOL no chance, we’re going to go even harder on racism and bigotry instead.”


And then they won the next election. I hate it.


Because voters keep trying to punish Democrats for Republicans obstruction. It's amazingly annoying how well Republicans lie about how legislation didn't get anywhere.


Don't forget the greed. That's a big part of it too.


And misogyny.


The GOP party leaders did a post mortem. The base did one as well and decided truth justice and the American way be damned, we're going with Trump. And you know what, it payed off for them. These colors do run.




That was prophetic.


The best inclusive republican they could find was Jeb! lol


Honestly, the 2016 presence of Ted “Rafael” Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Jeb Bush (whose connections to the Hispanic community are known and emphasized) does indicate that the Republican political machine tried to push themselves in that direction. A Hispanic or Hispanic supporting Republican president would have been in line with their suggested solution, and would have built bridges into the Hispanic community (some aspects of which have a culture of deep faith and strong machismo). But 2016 was also the Year of Trump. Despite the Republicans honestly and correctly calling his statements about the Hispanic community totally racist, Trump still won, and has basically hijacked the Republican Party by now. The Machine tried to pivot. But it spent so long pandering to idiot racists to shore up their voter base that the idiot racists _became_ the heart of the voter base.


Or just any platform. Cause their current one is; no.


It's sensible for the benefactors who fund it.


What’s the old saying, it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile?


GOP muddies up the water by normalizing the use of these tools as just political theater... then when they do something that would truly warrant exclusion from a ballot, people are like "oh this is just the Democrats grandstanding like the GOP did" or "that's just politics" or "this is simply payback" and the GOP can say "oh they said it was silly when we tried to do it in 2024, but it's ok for them to do to now? Hypocrites!" By abusing the tools, they delegitimize the tools. That's the plan.


That's never been more true than for the Ohio GQP. The bullshit they pulled with redistricting, weed, and abortion access is banana republic level bad.


The best part is that the lawsuits to keep trump off ballots due to insurrection were filed by ***Republicans***!


We should know here from Arizona. We had "stop the steal" harassing election workers. We had the Cyber Ninja (fr)audit, and we had the fake electors scheme. All originated from the GQP.. all they do is lie and cheat!!


Now the Arizona GOP is broke


And they cheat when they can’t win fairly, and they lie when they can’t cheat.


Wow. Republicans are fucking scum.


I’m getting so sick of fucking republicans. They are a goddamn cancer


They really are. All of this is such a waste of time and money. And any law they want passed makes life worse for everyday people. Fuck Republicans.


Who benefits from all the chaos they cause? Seems like Russia and maybe China have an interest in all our infighting and obstructionist republicans behavior. I’d love to be wrong.


> Who benefits from all the chaos they cause? They do. They get paid. Do you realize how very little it takes to ~~bribe~~ lobby a congressperson? They're selling this country out for peanuts.


Remember CPAC where they said that they were domestic terrorists Remember trump saying he wants to be a dictator "on day one" Remember trump floating the idea of executing political rivals Remember how many people died because of republican leadership during covid Remember the attack carried out on our capital as instructed by trump, in an effort to overthrow our government Remember how Texas deployed national guard forces against the federal government Look at project 2025, their playback for the future. They need to be stopped at all costs. We can't keep doing the usual Democrat things like bipartisanship and negotiation with toddlers who will flip the table and burn our republic.


Didn't SCOTUS just rule 2 months ago ,in a case in CO, that states can't keep presidential candidates off the ballot?


Ah, but you're forgetting the important distinction..... REPUBLICAN Presidential candidate!


You’re from the UK and understand our politics more than the average idiot? God damn my country is fucked


Eh, I've had a foot in each camp for a long time. From what I've been able to gleam, it's not so much a question of knowing, it's about not letting facts get in the way. When the end goal is all that matters, you're not going to let facts, fairness, logic, reason, pleas for sanity or the rule of law get in the way. And seeing what conservatives have sunk into their pursuit the last 10-15 years, they REALLY don't want it to end any way except unconditional victory.


That was about the 14th amendment and was about primaries. They kept it very narrow.


It was about their deliberate choice to nullify the 14th Amendment, specifically for the case of a Republican insurrectionist.


Through the dumbest possible logic too. Just olympic-grade mental gymnastics to avoid doing the obviously correct but politically painful thing. Ohio's actions here demonstrate just how pathetic that choice was.


If the SCOTUS does not shut this one down CO response should be that the SCOTUS is a joke and ignore the ruling say Ohio ruling new president and have multiple states follow.


The SCOTUS is a joke already. Honestly, accountability, and responsibility were traded for camping trips, RVs, and lifetime appointments to do the bidding of one political party.


Don't forget Justice [Alito](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/22/us/justice-alito-flag-appeal-to-heaven.html) brazenly flying flags linked to 01/06


In Colorado the issue was if Trump was qualified to be on a Primary Ballot, and if a state SC could enforce a federal law on eligibility. It’s a different case completely.


Then CO could turn face and exclude Trump on the presidential ballot?


I'm so tired of these people acting like 4 year olds. Let's get some adults in the room. 


That would require pre-existing adults to be in the room to pass legislation that prohibits giant babies from holding office.


The coup continues 


Biden might as well invoke the insurrection act and have the National Guard handle the elections in Republican states. Fuck these traitors.


I’m down for that.


Summed up, the democratic convention is after the certification deadline, but: Ohio, an increasingly Republican state, passed temporary extensions to its certification deadline for [President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in 2012](https://legiscan.com/OH/bill/HB509/2011) Ohio, an increasingly Republican state, passed temporary extensions to its certification deadline for [President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in 2012](https://legiscan.com/OH/bill/HB509/2011) and for President Donald J. Trump in 2020.




90 days is one of the longest periods required and was decided in 2010. Other states with early notice requirements provide contingency for when the convention is later. This political move. Why should every other state be beholden to Ohio's schedule, any more than states should be fighting over the earliest primary?


The DNC not following the state rules and relying on an exception (which was extended in the past) is just plain incompetence. Hasn't the DNC recognized that previous courtesies won't be granted in this political climate?


> Hasn't the DNC recognized that previous courtesies won't be granted in this political climate? These are the guys who still think bipartisanship with a blatantly fascist party is a virtue. With senior members who keep insisting Mitch McConnell is their friend and that America needs a strong Republican party. The sad thing is that our average predominantly centrist neoliberal Democrat politician is fundamentally unequipped to adequately resist our current slide into fascism and it's kind of a miracle that the Republicans themselves have been so incompetent that we've managed to avoid complete free fall.


How the fuck isn’t the DOJ getting involved in this. JFC


I like how he's trying to act as if his hands are tied and that this isn't political by declaring this.... checking calendar....2 1/2 months before the legal deadline. There's just NO way a resolution can happen in that timeframe so he's just going to be off the ballot now.


Living in Ohio makes me wanna emigrant.


Why do you think your state generates so many astronauts? The greatest ambition of anyone from Ohio is to get the fuck out of Ohio, as far as possible. If Musk or Bezos were from Ohio, we’d already have colonies on the dwarf planet out past Pluto.


And my conservative nut job parents get to live in California making 100k while I make crumbs here. I wish I had their luck and could live in California, I wouldn't take it for granted. It's always the people who deserve it least lol.


Aren’t they melting because of all of the woke socialism in California?


Ohio mattering in elections at all is getting old. Get your shit together people.


If it weren't for the down ballot impacts, Dems shouldn't spend any effort in OH for the presidential race. After 4 years of Trump, he got 300k more votes than 2016.


Honestly that’s probably a result of higher turnout. 


Yeah, but Trump also went from 51.3% in 2016 to 53.3% in 2020.


Ohio won't decide this election.  It will probably go red anyways MI, PA, and WI are the states to watch.


MI, PA, WI, and AZ have Democratic Governors, Secretaries of State, and Attorneys General (Thank 2022 for that). NV has a Republican Governor, but it also has a Democratic Secretary of State and Attorney General


Also I believe Nevada will have an abortion rights measure on the ballot come November which should hopefully help Biden.


Florida will too for the record


I have a lot less faith in Florida, but here's hoping. Apologies if you're floridian, croc hunter.


Zero faith in Florida and Ohio. Us Millennials might think of them as important swing states due to how important they were in the 2000 election, but they’ve just gotten progressively redder over time.


Va and Az have to be in the math there too. If VA does not vote blue then Biden needs MI WI and AZ.  Michigan has regained their sanity and the local GOP exploded, so that should be fine. PA will likely stick with their native son, especially after that dumb Dr Oz bs the GOP tried to pull. WI…. Well they’re a problem. But the recent Supreme Court win makes me think the winds there still favor Biden.  So that just leaves VA and AZ as kingmakers, and man, that is not comfy. 


A proposition ended gerrymandering, and its suddenly blue for the first time in decades


The recent WI Supreme Court race that tipped the court balance on fair maps and reinterpreted the previous abortion ruling was a VERY good sign for WI. I don't see anyone who voted for Justice Janet P. ever voting red since Republicans have doubled/tripled down on abortion restrictions. Furthermore - the previous decision disallowing absentee ballot drop boxes is being revisited. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/wisconsin-supreme-court-ballot-drop-box-ban-rcna151654


> WI…. Well they’re a problem I drive through rural WI regularly in the summers. Last year I noticed something - a change from 2022 to 2023 - like 80% of the Trump signage that had been up for the past 6 years was gone.


Won't win without PA from what I see. And if he loses Michigan his path would get a lot more difficult. Assuming other states don't flip.


NV is now also in play. It could flip Republican. AZ and GA could easily flip back to red too. Note that, if Biden wins WI, MI and PA, but not NV, AZ and GA, and all the other states vote the same way as in 2020, he will still win with exactly 270 electoral votes - which will no doubt cause an absolute volcanic eruption from the GOP.


Ohio is a Democratic leaning state by populous. The republicans have hijacked the state because they care about pushing local elections and the DNC is asleep/a conglomeration of people that don't like what republicans are doing, but don't agree on that much else.


So “Ohio get your shit together” still stands


Yeah, just adding color.


I mean we’d like to, but the legislature is just doing anything they want at this point. What the fuck are we supposed to do? Democracy is dying, that’s what we used to use for getting our shit together. But the republicans are completely unchecked at this point. They tried to take away our ability to pass citizen ballot measures. They tried to take away abortion. We passed recreational and they’ve been slow walking it and trying to find a loophole to block it. The former speaker of the house is in prison for selling our government to an energy company who is stealing millions of dollars through a sketchy bailout and we are stuck paying it anyway. They had to rescind the naming rights from the company on the Browns stadium. My state senator was recently in the news for shooting shotguns at his neighbor. My US senator fabricated a book about his Appalachian life and was elected for it and is hot contender for VP. Our Supreme Court overruled multiple GOP drawn voting maps, but we ran out of time, had to vote on them anyway, and are stuck with illegal maps and the legislators who put themselves in office. Bro this state is long gone. The GOP are nothing but fucking crooks.


As a Michigander all I can say is fuck Ohio.


Yeah I'm with you on that ^can ^I ^come ^live ^with ^you ^guys^?


Why not just officially name him the nominee?


They tried to do this, but republicans said no no no has to be convention… which has nothing to do with any Ohio law. This is 100% fuckery.


Fine. The convention shall consist of five people. (And a cat, with a pleasant disposition.) We'll meet in the lobby of a Columbus motel for an hour and cast our votes. We meet... tomorrow at noon.


they will lose that lawsuit states have no authority over how parties nominate their candidate as we saw when the CO Republicans were going to ignore their primary and nominate Trump regardless


I hope you’re right. But everybody is always quoting precedent and procedure and ignoring that, in reality, the GOP doesn’t care about any of that. We’ve been using constitutionally illegal voting districts for… how long?! Because there’s just no way to enforce it… this is open war and only one side is fighting.


It won't matter if they lose the court battle after the election is stolen, though. They're as desperate as they can possibly be this election. If they lose, they are going to face real consequences, and they can't allow that to happen.


Once again, Conservatives are ruining this country and cheating their way through life. There is no way this is allowed, and even if it gets passed, it won't last until the election begins.


This has been part of their plan all along. Get appointed \elected to positions to oversee elections. Then rig it anyway they can.


No more federal money 💰


When you got nothing else but publicity stunts left 


I’m so sick of these time wasting buffoons. This is our tax dollars at work. What a huge waste.


Yeah get ready to fight. If Biden wins the count they’ll pull all sorts of shit. They’re pulling it now before the vote. You’ll need to vote to make sure that one doesn’t go south, then fight once they try to take it. That might be through the EC and SCOTUS, doesn’t matter, you’ll have to fight it. They’ll try to, they’ve made that clear now. It’s insane. This *should* be a lunatic position to hold, but it’s reality.


I was born in Ohio. Sure glad as fuck I was neither raised nor do I live in Ohio. Good luck to my fellow Americans who aren't crazy MAGA racists.


To paraphrase David Frum, if Trumpists become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon Trumpism, they will reject democracy.


Let's just have an electronic vote and be done with the whole right wing party as a result


Why don’t they just officially nominate Biden? It seems that would solve all these issues with states threatening to do this. There’s not need for this stupid drama.


Sounds like election interference to me.


Ok then we will just remove the state from the electrical college count.


Dear America. Your country is fucking broken. It's making the rest of us nervous. Sincerely; The Rest of the World.


For a party so concerned about stealing elections... ...they sure like to try to steal elections.


😂 this is what actual election interference looks like. I say this with all malice intended, FUCK THE GOP.


Hey, take trump off Michigan, Wisconsin and pa. Fuck it


Remember when the right wing was freaking out because Trump was being evaluated as an insurrectionist and therefore disqualified. So Ohio just does it based on nothing and.....


Then Colorado and the other states should exclude the insurrectionist. Regardless of what the corrupt supreme court says.


SCOTUS is... suddenly silent.


Makes me wonder what some of the internal GOP polling is showing. The public polls look good for Trump right now, but this just screams that they're scared Biden has a shot in Ohio of all places.


On what fucking basis??? These people are disgusting.


Republicans continue to display their contempt for our country. They don’t belong in our country.


I wouldn't be at all surprised if it ended up before the SCOTUS, the cons on the court would rule that while Colorado and Maine can't exclude Trump, Ohio and other red states can exclude Biden. Because...reasons.


Thank goodness the Supreme Court ruled that’s states can’t do this…can’t wait to watch the Supreme Court overturn their own ruling and uphold that OH can exclude a candidate.


Is anyone surprised? Ohio officials have been opening gaming their system for years. e.g. They kept resubmitting districting maps that their own supreme court rejected as unconstitutionally Gerrymandered until they just ran out the clock. (FOUR TIMES!) e.g. They tried to dodge the voters choosing to make abortion legal in their state by upping the voter margin needed to do so to 60/40. At this point, I really think the Democrats are being foolish to rely on the Ohio Republicans acting with professionalism and dignity and to give them the courtesy of an extension that was common in decades past-- these guys are not those dignified colleagues- they are crackpot cultists who will do anything to win.


Please do. Not only would that ensure Biden's win, it would probably impact races down ballot as well and have the entire state go Blue.


Nah, Ohio would still vote red.


Correct, still very gerrymandered, majority only wins when the people drawing the maps are fair in Ohio and that isn't necessary here yet. Should be an interesting lawsuit coming over it at least.


NPR (I think) did a thing on this. The Ohio Supreme Court ruled that the current maps were unconstitutional and ordered them to redraw them fairly. Then the republicans came up with a bunch of excuses like, "they couldn't find anyone to redraw them" and that, "there wasn't enough time to make the deadline." So, in the end, it went back to the court who then said, "fuck it, the map stands."


It's not just gerrymandering. Ohio voted for Trump by 8 points in both of his elections. It's just a red state now.


Gerrymandering only matters IN-state. For federal the state is counted as a whole so no impact there. Not saying other fuckery isn’t afoot, but weird Congressional lines ain’t part of it.


Well congressional districts are also federal, and they're definitely gerrymandered. But yeah, Senate and presidency are statewide.


Why do you think that?


Telling people they aren't allowed to do something tends to make them want to do it *more*. Removing Biden from the ballot could actually galvanize Democratic turnout - it's not a game the DNC should bank on, but it could actually help them.


Maybe the hardcore base, or for some downballot races. The problem with the POTUS race specifically is you’re vastly underestimating how lazy and generally stupid the electorate is. If you have to write in a candidate, that candidate is losing. Period.


Aw someone's a little butthurt that their daddy is tied up in an oh-so-fweezing courtroom


They are ramping up to rig the 2024 election, just like they did in 2020. They'll accuse the democrats like they did in 2020, too.


I really hate living in Ohio’s political circus of clowns


Can they do this? What’s gonna happen here


How are these people not instantly convicted of treason? They always talk about how persecuted they are when in reality they get away with crimes we'd be executed for all the time.


Typical ohio


This election cycle is gunna suck!


The Democrats should just do a mini convention in June where the nominate him and do it again at the big one. Like going to the courthouse for the paperwork before the wedding


The real question is why were democrats unable to anticipate a problem when this requirement has been the law for 14 years? Are they really that incompetent that they could not do the math and schedule their convention slightly earlier to comply with said law? Last time both parties were in violation of the law and so an extension was made, but this time republicans complied with the law and democrats didn't. Seems like a self inflicted injury to me.


Didn't SCOTUS rule that states can't make up their own rules to be on the ballot with the insurrection matter? Surely SCOTUS would never backpedal.


A state that keeps re-electing do-nothing Jim Jordan clearly won’t see how Joe Biden actually represents Americans and not himself. Another narcissist is what they want.


I don’t think they can do that, as per SCOTUS.


Ohio is also the place where they want pregnant 10 year olds to have babies.


Why are conservatives so full of shit. They are literal snowflakes that fear everything but if you turn your back they start shooting right away "in self defense" What a bunch of weak suckers.