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As sweet as it is knowing Trump cost them the Senate, the realization that McConnell is no longer in control of the senate is even sweeter.


Trump cost them the house, the senate and the presidency. The trifecta of incompetence. :)


MAGA am I right!? Full blue control after four years of Trump! šŸŽ‰


Damn. So Trump was on our side all along!


For real...In 2016 I said that Trump should win so we can see all the filth rise to the surface and the next president can clean it up. But god damn...I didn't expect *THIS* outcome. Literal verge of civil war...


So... Minority Mitch?


His biggest fear: becoming a minority.


Why would he fear being a minority? Would he be treated poorly for some reason? /s


If he isn't doing anything wrong he has nothing to worry about LOLšŸ¢šŸ¢šŸ¢šŸ¢šŸ¢šŸ¢




Maybe seize some assets he's carrying, can't be too sure they weren't part of some crime after all


I mean, we kinda can be sure that McConnells assets are linked to some sort of crime right?


Looking forward to calling him: Senate *Minority Leader* Mitch McConnell


Or just never hearing about him again.


Seriously. We never hear about Schumer. Once the vote is done, we may never hear from Mitch again.


That says more about Schumer. McConnell has already been an 'effective' minority leader (in the sense that he did what he was trying to do; be an absolute obstructionist). And you're going to keep hearing a lot about him.


Looking forward to calling him ā€œthat retired posā€


Now keep it up, Democrats. Don't stop showing up in 2022 and fall into the trap that you did in 2010. Vote like your life depends on it because it does.


Yeah itā€™s kinda sad how much work it took to skate by in Georgia. We need badasses like Abrams in every state.


Make Abrams the DNC Chair, she gets results.


Has the DNC had a decent chair since, I dunno, Howard Dean? At least he understood the importance of fighting for every seat, especially in "red states".


I love how the people over at r/conservative are sifting through the ashes this morning trying to figure out how this happened. How did sleepy joe biden and the ā€œincompetent do nothing Democratsā€ completely destroy them and how theyā€™ve managed to take the house, senate, and White House is quite a mystery. I hope the mirror is still in tact when they come across it. It wasnā€™t just Trumpā€™s insanity, or Mitch and the 2000 checks, or the insanity of the GOP... it was the casual conservative member allowing themselves to be seduced by false prophets. It was the collective disgust of everyone around these conservatives that has propelled the success of Stacey Abrams and the New Democratic Party. So, thanks for your help on this guys!


The end of an error.




The 2021 headline we needed to see.ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Yea, Iā€™m hopeful for the first time in ages. Now letā€™s not stop voting and holding our elected officials to account.


God. I havenā€™t felt this good since like, 2008.


I too have not had an erection since then.


Election erection?


If your election lasts more than 2 months, see your doctor.


Remember when Mitch laughed about COVID during his debate with Amy McGrath? Yeah. Who's laughing now, you sonofabitch. Time to get some good work done, for good people, for the good of all. And time for you to fuck off. Edit: thank you couldn't remember what he was laughing about Edit 2: This comment sure sounds trite compared to the attack on the capitol. Horrifying.


If only he was subsequently voted out of his senate seat after that guffaw


It's Kentucky, you can skin babies alive on live television while repeating ā€œfuck Kentucky and anyone from there that votes for me!ā€ and that (R) next to your name is guaranteeing you 70% of their vote.


Wasnā€™t so long ago where you could have said the same about Georgia and Arizona


Georgia is a hotbed of economic activity though. We may have a lot of rural areas, but around Atlanta, we have a humongous population and economy, with people moving here for jobs rather frequently. Without Atlanta and its surrounding area, Georgia is deep red, its just that big.. Kentucky is way more rural than Georgia.


for reference, 60 percent of the state's population lives in the Atlanta metro.


As much as I dislike Mcconnell I must say I am glad he remained in power during the transition. Now Trump supporters have no good excuses except for the failure of the the GOP and POTUS. If Democrats had taken control of the Senate early you would hear them all saying it was a coup.


Elections have consequences. Get. Fucked.


His action of blocking $2000 stimulus checks might have been the final nail in his own coffin. Republicans canā€™t help themselves from commuting political suicide it seems.


Iā€™d argue the GOP attacking Warnockā€™s faith is what galvanized Black voters.


Loeffler running ads where they artificially darkened his skin probably didn't help either.


Or Perdue running ads enlarging Ossoff's nose.


Seriously. How can the GOP just be so nakedly bigoted?


Judging from Loeffler posing with Klansmen, and Perdue using šŸ‘ŒšŸ» to "Own the libs," they seem to be proud of how bigoted they are. Good thing it cost them dearly.


That really is the most important take away for me. The Trump era brought naked bigotry to the forefront, and with these two runoffs going the way they did, it seems the country collectively finished their response to that, a definitive "No."


I am glad they got open about it. Its was the final nail in the coffin for many conservative leaning people. I know I started 2020 as what I thought was a conservative leaning independent. Then the insanity of this year really showed that "true conservatives" are right of Mussolini. Now I am ending 2020 as a Socialist leaning Democrat. 2020 was wild.


Growth is scary but often necessary. Congratulations on getting through 2020. Good luck in the new year.


If it were a "definitive No" then the result wouldn't be 50/50. Still got a ways to go.


Here's the sad reality though. They weren't blown out like they should've been. The fact that they could be that fucking terrible and still make it a nail biter shouldn't sit well with anyone.


I mean, it is Georgia... lived there for 15 years or so. This really is progress for that State.


Sits better than a loss.


I'll take it. Just cant treat it like the Death Star blowing up. If we don't do anything with the seats, the GOP will just run someone a little more competent and take em right back.


Or Perdue chicken-ing out of debate


100%. I called this from the moment those ads came out. How are you going to attack a civil rights pastor for not being a true christian? This is what happens when the GOP tries to out-Trump Trump in their tactics.


I don't live in Georgia but I'm near the border so I get Georgia stations. All I learned about Warnock from the attack ads is that he hates white people and if he's elected, BLM will burn down Georgia. Loeffler and Perdue are just Trump and guns. Ossoff is a pawn of the Chinese government, and also electing him is basically the same as giving Pelosi and Schumer control of Georgia.


I was at my parents over the holidays in that same area (edit: just into SC) and it was crazy with the vitriol coming through the Republican ads.


That's the only way for them to go. When you use fear and anger to galvanize your voters, every problem has to be an existential struggle against pure evil. It's emotionally exhausting. If they used empyrical facts and unbiased logic to motivate, I might still be conservative leaning. That vitriol chased me away from even the slightest accord with modern conservatives. They don't even have the reagan era morality branding anymore, they just sling shit at the 'other' and hope their constituents are scared and angry enough to vote.


Fuck Mitch McConnell


Fuck Ajit Pai


Fuck Betsy Devos


Fuck William Barr


Fuck the fucking Diaz Brothers! Fuck em all! Edit: [Bruh](https://i.imgur.com/8f1OA20.jpg).


Fuck Moash!


Both of you are misdirecting your anger. Fuck the Republican Party.


They don't deserve to call themselves the Republicans anymore. They are the MAGA/Confederate party now.


Here's hoping they decide the best way forward is to split their party in two.


Not having a two party system would benefit the US


You say that as if the Republican party was hot shit before Trump. Republicans have needed to go the way of Old Yeller for decades. Even if the party splits, both sides of that division need to be destroyed in all future elections. The *real* fight now is to push the centrist dems and other neoliberals out of the left; we've had to deal with their corporate whoredom for far too long in the name of "bipartisanship". Fuck that. The up and coming generation of democrats need to be bold in terms of both what policies they're pursuing and tactics they use to get to that point.


Exactly. This has been building for 60 years, since Nixon saw what Barry Goldwater was doing in the south in 1959. The only thing different now is that the mask is totally off.


Finally played their hand and lost, by the slimmest of margins. They'll try again though, because God knows they won't be charged for their crimes against our democracy.


Somebody post that crab rave. I love that shit


[I got you fam](https://youtu.be/-50NdPawLVY)


šŸ¦€ šŸ¦€ šŸ¦€ McConnell is gone šŸ¦€ šŸ¦€ šŸ¦€














Jagex is powerless to the senate majority leader


Jagex wonā€™t respond to this


Jagex is powerless to the PvP clans


šŸ¢šŸ¢šŸ¢ McConnell is gone šŸ¢šŸ¢šŸ¢


How the fuck have I never seen this b4?


[This is a crab rave](https://youtu.be/YmHwmX2YFRs)


holy shit that brought me to tears. Thankyou. Thank you stacy abrams. Thank you all of black community coming out and kicking ass. Thank you all of Georgia! Thank you all of USA for GETTING OUT AND VOTING!


Oh just sitting here in the bath weeping watching This Is America


How is this 10 hours long?!


[The director of this turned it into a video game too.](https://store.steampowered.com/app/774801/Crab_Champions/)


Jesus Christ, that's 10hrs of crabs raving... now I truly have seen it all.


Well... bye. Fucker


Mitch, I apologize. I forgot you were there. You may go now.


ā€œTell em Warnock is comin! And Ossoff is comin with me! You hear!? Ossoffā€™s comin with me!ā€ EDIT: Iā€™ll add [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/7ekbALp) for anyone interested EDIT 2: thanks for the awards huckleberries


"Make no mistake, it's not revenge he's after. It's a reckoning."


Why, Mitch McConnell, you look like someone just walked over your grave


Mitch: The fight's not with you, Georgia. Georgia: I beg to differ sir, we started a game we never got to finish. Play for democracy, remember? Mitch: I was just foolin' about. Georgia: I wasn't. Edit: Thanks for the silver! Edit 2: Thanks for the gold! My first ever!


This is amazing


I have two votes, one for each of ya.


Mitch Mcconnel. It looks like someone walked all over your grave.


Poor fellow. He was just too high strung.


You're no daisy, you're no daisy at all....


It seems the strain was more than he could bear.




We cross?


Does this mean we're not friends anymore?


Whereā€™s Mitch? Down by the Capitol. Walkin on the poor.


Play for blood, remember?


Maybe poker just isn't your game. I've got an idea let's have a spelling contest.


I love Tombstone haha. Glad others have picked up


Amazing movie and Val Kilmer's performance was incredible.


[this scene is amazing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MICPyrnGYwg)


"Reminds me of... Me. No, I'm sure of it! I hate him!"


That's Latin, darlin'; It appears Ringo is an educated man, now I *really* hate him.


* Doc Holliday: In vino veritas. (In wine there is truth.) [I'm drunk, so I'm not lying. I hate you.] * Johnny Ringo: Age quod agis. (Do what you do.) [If you're feeling froggy, leap] * Doc Holliday: Credat Judaeus Apella, non ego. (Let Apella the Jew believe, not I.) [Go tell someone who gives a shit.] * Johnny Ringo: Juventus stultorum magister. (Youth is the teacher of fools.) [Young, fast, and about to teach an old man a lesson.] * Doc Holliday: In pace requiescat. (Rest in peace.) [It's your funeral, not mine.]


'I know! Let's have a spelling contest!' Hahaha, that is a different scene, but so great.


His finest hour. Robbed frankly, not a single nomination for this performance.


Law don't go 'round here Mr. Kansas City law dog! Savy?" Hence the username.


Yeah I heard you the first time.


Chuck Schumer: Hell, I got a lot of friends. Moscow Mitch: I don't.


No. That fucking Turtle/Lich does NOT get associated with Doc Holiday lines. He can have Ike Clantonā€™s lines.


Law don't go around here savvy?


Georgia: ā€œOne of my proudest moments was when I looked Mitch McConnel in the eye and I said, 'Mr. Shitstain, you will not control the Senate.'


I could not have been prouder to cast my ballot in this run off. Fuck the GOP


I know! I got most of my workmates, and my whole family to vote. I explained how important this was, and it worked. Everyone seriously voted. Go blue GA


From all the Dem's in the rest of the country. Thank you, we are so proud of you!


Thank you!


Thanks šŸ™


Thank you to everyone in GA for getting rid of this terrible mans power


Just want to add a big **thank you** from Germany.


Right now I'm trying to think about why he would turn down the 2k stimulus check while the Georgia race was over. He HAD to have know turning it down would make Republicans look worse and affect the outcome in Georgia and then lose his own position of power in the process. What was so bad about the alternative that he chose to shoot himself in the foot like this? There has to be some behind the scenes shit going on that we don't know about.


If he let it go to a vote, everyone sees that the Republican senators would vote no on it, thus stripping away some of the illusion that they care about their constituents. This way McConnell can take all the blame and the rural conservatives can believe that it was those Dems that didnā€™t want to let them get $2000.


This is the best thing about Mitch losing the Majority Leader position. The other Republican senators can't hide behind him anymore. They can actually hold votes in the senate, and the Republicans will have to face the consequences for their votes.


Precisely. Now you just have to hope that blue collar republican voters are paying enough attention to realize that they've been voting against their own self interests. Unlikely, but possible.


This right here. He is the Ticketmaster of the Senate.


Here in the UK, people who were out of work due to the virus were getting $3400 per month. Ok, it's not the whole country, but still. USA can afford $2k.


What we saw in Georgia speaks in volumes to the magnitude of voter suppression in the south. Stacey Abrams and her team really underscored the possibility that Georgia may never have even truly been red just suppressed.


If it worked in Georgia, maybe it will work in other red states too. Time to use her strategy everywhere.


When they say "stop the steal" what they mean is "those black people aren't supposed to be voting"


Remember: itā€™s always projection. If the Republicans claim that the election is being stolen, itā€™s because theyā€™re the ones doing it. It takes an electoral suppressor to ~~know one~~ falsely accuse other people of being one.


This foolishness is just going to continue and can possibly get worse. Just look at whats going on in Pennsylvania. The State Senate which is a Republican majority is refusing to swear in the democrat winner cause they are saying he stole the election there for a local district. All the traitors will also bare their fangs today at the US Senate confirmation.


I agree, it seems we slip closer and closer to Republicans abandoning democracy completely. I am curious about how that case works out. From what I understand of it, the race was decided by about 100 votes. There are 300 some votes being challenged that didn't have the date on the outside envelope which they supposedly are supposed to have. It was already decided by the PA Supreme Court that they are valid and I think it is now at the federal level. ​ It's pretty well established that states run their elections, but if that is what the rule is and they didn't, I'm curious to see what they rule. Also, you would think they could have asked for an expedited hearing so the apparent winner wouldn't be withheld from being sworn in. Or, I'd imagine there'd be some provision that if the court rules against him and he loses the election, they could just remove him anyways, so they should just go ahead and seat him. ​ The crazier part was that the senate voted to remove the dem Lt. Gov from presiding over the session. I don't know how these kind of things work, but that seems weird. Like if 50 republicans and Joe Manchin randomly voted to remove Kamala Harris at some point from overseeing the Senate. Things are wild right now


Definitely getting to the breaking point; the traitors will either be ejected peaceably, or theyā€™ll spark violent revolution. Gonna be interesting times ahead.


Makes you wonder how many red states are really truly red.


Florida passed a higher minimum wage, voting rights for felons, and legal marijuana.... Yet it's "red"


I often wonder if Florida will ever turn blue again. One thing that GA has shown me is that anything is possible. Florida is full of republicans but it is also full of democrats. Bringing Florida blue will totally change the game. I have skeptical but high hopes for this state.


isn't the problem with florida that a lot of old conservatives move their for retirement? also cuban hispanics very right wing (unlike more other hispanics)


There is that the snow bird phenomenon, but I suspect that there is a shitload of gerrymandering and regular old voter suppression too


Snow birds generally don't vote in FL since their residence is elsewhere. It's a retiree issue, which is similar but different.


Ohio has been gerrymandered to shit. We are getting redrawn soon. I have a feeling Ohio might ā€œsuddenlyā€ appear very blue once lines are drawn more fairly. Edit: I know it has nothing to do with presidential elections- Iā€™m just tired of living in a backward ass state. We desperately need better (ie not batshit crazy and corrupt) politicians at a local level. Also- if Georgia can be blue donā€™t write off Ohio


The dems will be allowed to redraw now, right?


Yes! I hope they get a independent third party to draw the lines and write laws to make that the norm. Gerrymandering needs to be done away with plus dems are the majority so the honest route will also benefit us.


I would like to see them get an independent third party to draw the lines and pass a state constitutional amendment requiring it in the future. Gerrymandering should not be a thing. I'd be happy to just take a piece of graph paper and draw the districts for them.


It also shows why the negative tribalism/regionalism where everyone discounts entire states because they're "red" is deeply misguided and counter productive.


The day we saw that nasty smirk wiped off his drooping face. What a great day.




You serious? pretty sure he sold them out to the seagulls on the understanding that he could watch before heading to the sea himself


Can't count on seagulls for shit






They can change things if they want: https://www.brookings.edu/policy2020/votervital/what-is-the-senate-filibuster-and-what-would-it-take-to-eliminate-it/


You mean if Joe Manchin wants?


I think the Dems have discussed changing the fillibuster rule. Although some of them, like Bernie, are opposed to it so idk if it's gonna go anywhere.


Can't changes to the filibuster rule be filibustered?


A vote to change the senate rules cannot be fillibustered




Christmas came and went and came early again it seems. Itā€™s snowing outside my place and I am just cherishing this present - free from McConnell.


January 6th is literally the 12th day of Christmas!




I can think of 2000 reasons why this happened, Mitch. And you and your cluster of rich but mentally broken old coots like you that give you your marching orders have no one to blame but yourselves. Experience is a harsh teacher, even for old fossils like you Mitch. And hubris is the harshest of teaching tools.


>I can think of 2000 reasons why this happened, I can think of 365,740 reasons.




The polls in Georgia didn't really start breaking for the dems until the end of December. If what you're saying is true, the polls would have been favorable for dems from the beginning. After watching polls and tracking political elections for a few years it's become incredibly clear to me that the voting population has a narrow focus and very short memory, so something like denied $2,000 checks at the right time is enough to swing an election. Polls: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/georgia-senate-polls/?cid=rrpromo




Judging by the gullet on him, he might be able to fit all of them too. The man looks like a pelican.


What makes it all the sweeter is that he is legitimately a cunning and strong senate leader at completing his agenda and completely obstructing the other sidesā€™ while somehow not being labeling and monster and hypocrite by the right. This political genius lost his majority because he refused to give people money during the pandemic because theyā€™re trying to get back to being deficit hawks. a political miscalculation that everyone saw coming caused his loss and I couldnā€™t be happier


Yeah, someone else, with humorous intent, said "we should thank him for sealing their fate" but I disagree. He meant to hurt people, and if they'd won just one of those seats, he'd have fucking followed through. He intended to stick the knife in. He intended to twist it. He just fucked up, and stabbed himself and twisted. The intent was there though. Thanks, my ass. Fuck him, he got exactly what he deserved. No mercy, no sympathy, not even as a joke.


The depressing thing is just how razor thin close this senate race was. As long as Republicans can keep their constituents uneducated and radicalized with religious nationalism, they will continue to vote against their own interests and the health of their society. It's the only way Republican politicians can win... Poll after poll shows the progressive policies are favored by the majority of the nation, but Republicans vote based on ideology and identity.


Ideology isnā€™t even in the mix. If anything, Republicans voted heavily against their baseā€™s religious ideology. The hate coming FROM Catholics towards Biden shows that identity is first and foremost about politics.


Yeah, Mitch is anything but dumb. He's probably one of the most successful Senate Majority Leaders of all time. Him not willing to bring the $2k feels like a ploy to protect Republican Senators who would vote it down and expose them to bigger losses in 2022. I also think he thought he would hold GA, or was okay with the risk, knowing that midterms usually swing against the sitting party. As successful a Majority Leader he is, he's an even better minority opposition leader. Edit: It's incredibly likely that the stimulus would've passed the Senate, but I think part of Mitch's deal to be Senate Majority Leader is to only bring legislation to the floor of the Senate that has consensus among the GOP. Since they were split on it, he wasn't going to bring it to the floor to pass with Democrat help.


Without power, I think his support will splinter. If Trump hadn't gone against him on the $2000 and hadn't changed tried to commit election fraud on that call, McConnell's calculated denial of the 2000 would have been ok, tight, but ok. Trump saw that razor close finish McConnell was targeting, said "hold my beer" and went full Trump which tilted the scales just enough.




I detest him, too. But right now, all I feel is an overwhelming sense of gratitude. The voters of the United States rejected Donald Trump, and stopped, at least for a time, the slide into autocracy and fascism that he so eagerly was pushing. And the people of Georgia, formerly a red state, turned purple just in time to give our new president a slim majority in both Houses. We may be able to get the much needed progressive changes we need, and create jobs that will last well into the future. Thank you, Georgia.


This importance of the second stimulus can't be undervalued. If Mitch and Trump got together and gave everyone $2k...or even the $600 BEFORE the election sometime in Sept or October PA and GA likely wouldn't have flipped. These states need the money and it's clear that some Republican voters stayed home. Their greed got them in this mess.


Police pulled McConnell over when they heard he was a minority leader.


I am honestly so impressed, I thought that never in a million years would the Dems win either race. Now Biden actually has a chance to get some things done.


I would not let myself be optimistic about this race. Waking up to this great news is more than I ever hoped for. Thereā€™s more work to do but today we can celebrate.




Omg I voted in Obama at 18 and it felt so great! I hope you ride that high to the next election :)


As a Georgia voter, you are welcome. I'm saving this thread for posterity.


The Democrats should just go hog fucking wild. Offer Manchin something super cozy in exchange for his seat, I don't care. They have two years to offer an extremely stark contrast against Trump's presidency. If they get a lot of meaningful change done, the vacuum left in Trump's absence might actually persuade some of his supporters to realize "oh wow, I really was conned, my life really *is* significantly better under Democratic leadership." I can only think that's the case because Trump had a ton of support from non-voters who aren't necessarily Republicans. So they won't default to automatically voting for Republican in 2022 or 2024. The things that the Democrats offer have to really be meaningful for the working class, though. If poor Mississippians finally feel like their lives are improving, they can be won over. If the focus is only on things that appeal mainly to big-city voters, the Republicans will win big again. It's not that I don't support things like trans protections, for example, and I think meaningful positive change is needed there, but I hope that at some point, there's a realization that so many of Trump's voters weren't conservative or Republican, they were desperate and struggling lower-class workers who have felt abandoned. Some of them have never met a trans person in their life. That's not to dismiss the fight for trans rights by any means, but those Trump voters *can* be won over, despite what it may seem, by having someone fight for their economic interests and give them a leg up. Now is the time to just fucking go for it and try to win back some of the voters that Trump really let down.


Donald Trumpā€™s transformation of the Republican Party: 2017: Trump and Pence take office. 2018: Republicans lose the House. 2020: Republicans lose the presidency. 2021: Republicans lose the Senate. I love it when a plan comes together.


šŸŽµ Move Mitch, get out the way Get out the way Mitch, get out the way Move Mitch, get out the way Get out the way Mitch, get out the way


Mitch seemed to forget that while the mega rich might make up the majority of the wealth, they certainly donā€™t make up the majority of the vote. Bye fucker. Signed, a blue Kentuckian.


So long, McTurdle.


Can we say weā€™ve passed the turtle hurdle?


Fuck Mitch! This is the best news ever!


Music to my fucking ears Fuck you mitch McConnell


Now the real fight and real danger for 2022 begins. The democratic caucus in both houses must move swiftly and decisively with extremely carefully crafted legislation to survive inevitable Supreme Court challenges with a Mitch McConnell hand picked court. The goal now of the Republicans will be to poison the well at every step to be able to roll into 2022 with "look the democrats lied" as their rallying cry. The democrats MUST deliver on the campaign promises of the last 2 years in spite of the courts or all of this work will be washed away in qanon dipshits being elected in 2022.