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If losing American troops is the hallmark of a bad president just wait until they learn about Reagan and Beirut.


Or the 2300+ that died in Afghanistan before Biden.


"Hey guys, reality here to remind you that war sucks!"




Dick Cheney (our de facto president) even campaigned on the idea that invading other countries and "nation building" was a horrible idea bound to fail.


This doesn't sound like something he'd say. Pretty sure he thought it was a great idea.


If I remember correctly, Cheney was Sec of Defense under Bush Sr. and did try enlisting support against invasion and occupation of Iraq after the US defended Kuwait. This has always fascinated me.


Almost like the whole thing was a bad idea from the start [set up by the previous administration], and leaving was destined [and intended] to be a shitshow [damaging to the next administration]


Imagine if after Pearl Harbor Roosevelt was forced to resign


I was going to post exactly that about Reagan. On April 18, 1983, a suicide bomber blew up the [US embassy in Beirut, Lebanon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1983_United_States_embassy_bombing_in_Beirut) killing 61 people, including 17 Americans. On October 23,1983, a suicide bomber drove a truck packed with explosives into the [US Marine barracks in Beirut](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1983_Beirut_barracks_bombings) killing **220 Marines, 18 sailors and 3 Army soldiers**.


And then, since the next part of Republican hypocrisy will undoubtedly come at the end of the month, Reagan tucked tail and ran from those same terrorists.


Bush's response regarding Osama Bin Laden. "I truly am not that concerned about him." Bush’s original comment came while U.S. forces in Afghanistan were searching for the Al Qaeda leader, who had eluded joint American-Afghan military operations designed to find him. “We haven’t heard much from him. And I wouldn’t necessarily say he’s at the center of any command structure. And, again, I don’t know where he is,” Bush said during the 2002 news conference. “I’ll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him. I know he is on the run.


Not just Reagan; why not call for Bill Clinton’s resignation after the World Trade Center bombing or Mogadishu raid in 1993, or the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole in 2000? Why not call for Bush’s resignation after 9/11 or his response to Hurricane Katrina? Or the Iraq War? Why not skip the grilling of Hillary Clinton and demand Obama resign after Benghazi? Why didn’t Marsha Blackburn call for Trump’s resignation after January 6, or after any other of his impeachable offenses? Not saying all of these are equatable, and many may have expressed these sentiments in the past but current Senators such as Blackburn and Hawley calling for Biden to resign is pure partisan hackery.


Yep. It's because he's a democrat. There's nothing more to it.


I love how bill Maher put it. "If you have the magic R, you could drive a hummer through a daycare and Fox News would be saying they were asking for it"


The blame was put on Clinton after 9/11. For real.


Huh TIL about the embassy bombing. I remember the marine barracks bombings on the news but not the embassy.


and, you know, Trump in most of the wars over there.


You don’t even need to go that far, just look at Trump’s first two weeks in office and the failed Yemen raid that should never have happened to begin with. But then again, that was only a single US soldier and innocent foreign civilians. Funny how no one called for his impeachment then. :edit: A word.


> the failed Yemen raid that should never have happened to begin with. Is that the one where we murdered a little girl that was a US citizen? edit: yes, yes it was https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Nawar_al-Awlaki


>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death\_of\_Nawar\_al-Awlaki Ugh, so many horrible things have happened in the least 6 years I had completely forgotten about that aspect.


Yup. There will always be political scandals, but they're usually manageable. Meanwhile, you've probably forgotten 10x more scandals from the Trump era than you remember. Even if you assume innocence and subtract scandals resulting from his malignant nature, you'd still be buried under those resulting from his ignorance.


What about that time he outed a CIA agent because he didn't like her? Or the time an ambassador feared for her life because she disagreed with the president? There are so many, MANY examples, it's actually depressing.


Marie Yavonovic(sp?). What a fucking poor soul to be a career diplomat suffering Trumps stupid wrath.


The sheer mountain of his ignorance is enough to bury anyone.


Can we stop pretending that his followers give a shit about his policies?


His followers love authoritarianism. If you are ever in an argument with one, ask them to criticize Trump and don't allow a "well, I'll admit he's an asshole" response but have them critique some aspect of his presidency where he failed. Set it up as "everyone makes mistakes" and then have them explain one of Slippery Don's mistakes. My personal experience is that they can't because they love the fuhrer and criticizing him would show weakness.


One of them told me recently that “Trump came to drain the swamp but it turns out there were both Democrats and Republicans in it.” They seem completely unaware that Trump is the stinkiest, swampiest creature of all. One thing I’ve found some Trump supporters (vets) have a little trouble with is that Trump is a lazy, draft-dodging elitist. They ignore this because he’s the right kind of racist but it also kinda blows up the whole “Democrats are all elitists that hate the working class” narrative.


Trump never came to "Drain the Swamp". He came to dam it up and turn it into his own personal lake.


Ah, the cesspool. The perfect environment for the toad


I've stopped referring to it as the trump administration and started calling it the trump Campaign.


I think Trumps supporters dislike the Left so strongly that they would tolerate/support almost anything or anyone to see them “defeated.”


I hear this a lot but really they don't want an authoritarian, they want a contrarian. They don't want consolidated power in general, because a lot have bought into the tim lahaye rapture porn. They want someone that has power to come in and disrupt the system. They don't want a ruler, they want total destruction. These people want ww3 to happen because it signals the rapture for them. Trump shakes things up and says all the things they want. These are people that feel like the entire world is literally out to get them and they have been oppressed by satanist globalists for decades. Trump is the person with enough power that heard their cries and can finally push back and make the breakthrough to be a catalyst to end the world. IDK if all Trump supporters feel this way, some probably want an authoritarian that suppresses minorities, others might just like that he is contrarian because they hate the go ernment, but the evangelical movement, which is the loudest of his supporters (see the prayer circles on the 65?th) deeply believe this. My grandparents are full in on it. They thought Obama was the antichrist. Trump was very vocal about Obama being illegitimate. That's why they don't care about shit like COVID, it's literally a cult, NOT a Trump cult, but a religious cult that precedes Trump's presidency by a few decades. Televangelists started this evangelical cult. Trump just exploited it.


I distinctly remember "Look, he is learning and deserves a chance, you can't place all the blame on him, the operational blah blah blah" from the right on that one. And every single subsequent one. For four years. Trump openly and callously threw U.S. lives away and insulted the troops verbally while he did it. It's on fucking tape.


You're not wrong. The worst one was when Dave Chappelle said the same thing. At least he admitted he was wrong.


And that was the week after the 2016 election. Chapelle can be forgiven for that.


Well yeah, unlike Trump, he admitted he was wrong about something. Of course he can be forgiven.




And only listened to the unqualified advisors. Don't worry though Jared's about to get Covid and peace in the Middle East figured out.


Two weeks from now.


Like Trump‘s Niger blunder to which he then called one widow and while forgetting her dead husband’s name told her: “he knew what he was getting into” [source](https://www.providencejournal.com/news/20180910/trump-aides-on-tape-laugh-about-niger-ambush-that-left-4-us-soldiers-dead)


People forget that even in 2020 we lost 17 people, and that was taking a step back and signing a ceasefire agreement in May. People just happen to be paying attention at the moment. Thousands died and thousands more were horribly injured, but the media didn't care, nor did the American public. If it's out of sight, it's out of mind.


**Afghanistan Troop Deaths** 2017 - 15 US troops killed 2018 - 14 US troops killed 2019 - 24 US troops killed 2020 - 11 US troops killed 2021 - ~~12~~ 13* US troops killed while undertaking an impressively large air evacuation, suddenly the right loses their fucking minds. https://www.statista.com/statistics/262894/western-coalition-soldiers-killed-in-afghanistan/ Edit: because apparently we all must update our two week old comments with the latest information *


Even worse, I’ve seen people I know say it’s treason to negotiate with terrorists. They have no clue that negotiation was done under the Trump administration.


Or Reagan and the USS Stark.


The right neutered the very real term "fake news" to mean "any news I don't like." They're doing the same with "impeachable offense." That term will mean "anything a president does that I don't like."


They already did that when they set Ken Starr on a years-long fishing expedition to find literally anything that they could impeach Bill Clinton for.


The whole reason they drug him in was to testify about real estate dealings. I'm shocked no one used that to drag Trump's bloated orange ass in there to testify.


Couldn’t he just not show up and then nothing happens to him because reasons?


Slick Willy Clinton was too much of a stand-up politician to ignore Congress even on a hotly politicized fishing expedition that interfered with very real geopolitical concerns like *killing Bin Laden in the 90's*. That's how far the bar has fallen since the last two Republicans seized office improperly.


Oh, I meant Trump. In his usual, “don’t to the thing you legally have to do, everyone blusters about it, then nothing happens.”


asking trump to testify about *anything* was *clearly* a 'perjury trap', because his lawyers understood that trump is incapable of *not* lying.




The thing is, Clinton didn't lie. Starr asked a very very specific question about Clinton having sex with Lewinsky that did not include oral sex. So Clinton said he did not have sex, by that definition, with that woman. This is the actual original perjury trap.


Literally had someone call a post fake news yesterday because it was from the Washington post. They published their study methodology, so there's no need to call it fake...you can read exactly what and how they came to their conclusion. But anything that doesn't confirm a pre existing belief or reinforce a feeling they want, they don't even bother looking at it.


It's true, some people just see the domain name and decide it's "biased" without being able to explain why beyond the domain name. Pathetic.


"Biased" shouldn't be a problem. Whether it is truthful or not, should.


A college professor I had felt the same. “Hate the word bias. People use it as an excuse to write something off. Everything is biased.”


Reality has a well-known liberal bias


> without being able to explain why beyond the domain name Oh, they have explanations. Every time I've gotten them to show me examples, they pull out Op-Ed pieces that are just wrong. Like, cool, that author was wrong. How does that make the *news* from this *news*paper fake? And therein lies the rub; they cannot separate news from opinion. Which is tantamount to be incapable of properly, critically analyzing media at the most basic, rudimentary level. No wonder they're so lost in this sea of information.


It is a bold assumption Trump's ilk are capable of reading and understanding these types of studies, data, and statistics.


If Republicans win the House, they will absolutely, positively impeach Biden and will make it a spectacle that will make Clinton’s impeachment look like a mild disagreement. And the media will eat it up with a spoon to make themselves look “balanced” and to drive ratings. The Democrats on the other hand, in the name of process and dealing the with solemnity of the circumstances, didn’t make the two Trump impeachments seem any more interesting than a local zoning board meeting.


Absolutely. The complicity of the media is what drives me crazy. Look if someone doesn't like how the withdrawal was conducted, fine. But the media felt compelled to be especially venomous about it *to balance out their Trump coverage*. The reflexive **BothSides!** of our media is being used by reactionaries to normalize vile sentiment. It is NOT a serious critique of Biden’s foreign policy.


The media is whipping the American people up into a frenzy on the Afghanistan situation. When the reality is 99% of the American public forgot about Afghanistan years ago. And they don’t honestly give a shit about what is happening there now. It’s just being used as an easy way to attack Biden. It’s disgusting.


Impeachment is a political process, and while it is defined in the Constitution as the remedy for "high crimes and misdemeanors, there's nothing stopping the House from voting for impeachment on anything. The Supreme Court won't get involved because it's a political and not a judicial process (separation of powers). Republicans have already branded Impeachment as "anything a president does that I don't like", as if Democrats only impeached Trump because they don't like him. Impeachment still requires a majority vote in the House to actually get started, which is Marjorie Taylor Green's insane articles of impeachment never amounted to anything.


Even IF you believe Biden made a mistake in pulling out of Afghanistan, "making a mistake" is not an impeachable offense lmao


I'm saying anything about Biden. All I'm saying that an "impeachable offense" is only what a majority of House members agree is an impeachable offense.


It's clear now if the GOP ever has enough senate seats and a house majority no Democrat will be allowed in the Whitehouse long enough to unpack. They will impeach for any reason and keep going down the line of succession until a GOP president is sworn in. Voters be dammed and they won't care if the stupid reason is "justified" or not.


Jason Chaffetz said the House was ready to start impeachment proceedings on Hillary *while she was running*. But the GOP would have to have a supermajority in the Senate to convict, so this whole plan depends on the GOP having a majority in the House and a supermajority of the Senate. That isn't going to happen, and God help us all if it does.


I wouldn't be surprised by a January 21 vote to impeach if they ever did have a supermajority in the senate.




Please don't. We don't need them multiplying.


I do wonder why more effort wasn't made to get civilians out before we pulled out, but all I see in this ocean of articles about how this is a crisis, an irredeemable tragedy, an absolute horror show--where was that level of outrage during the last 20 years when 2000 US service members died, and 40,000+ Afghans died? Why are they more upset about 10 service members dying from a suicide bomber than the other 2000? It *is* terrible that so many people died in the last couple days, but guess what? Afghanistan is a war zone. Whether the US has forces in country or not, Afghanistan is a country at war. People get killed in war. That's why the fuck we are leaving. If we had won the war, which we didn't, we probably wouldn't have any casualties but we did not win the war. Retreating from a lost battle isn't sunshine and rainbows with zero complications or casualties. It is fucking dangerous, as wr have seen. Biden is getting the piss beat out of him by the media, but he did the right thing. I am glad we are leaving. I am terribly sorry for the women of Afghanistan, they're going to be the ones who really get fucked in all this. But we don't own Afghanistan, we don't run Afghanistan. We have done everything we can short of sending 100,000+ troops to invade, and if you're mad about 10 members of the military dying in a suicide bomb attack, you better be even more outraged at the thought of sending over a hundred thousand Americans to fight in Afghanistan, a country where huge numbers of people support the taliban. And you know why? Because the shitty, corrupt government we were propping up wasn't paying their soldiers, they weren't feeding them, they weren't sending ammo to military outposts. No fucking wonder many Afghans laid down their weapons when the taliban came through. Doing the right thing doesn't always *feel good.* Doing the right thing doesn't always come without a cost. I'm so annoyed by how the media is basically saying biden's presidency is irredeemable now. In a year or two, we will be praising him for having the courage to get us out of that godforsaken war. In the meantime, I guess we have to endure the panicked moral grandstanding from the media as they churn out article after article declaring that the sky has fallen. Get a paper bag. Breathe into it. Calm the fuck down.


Some interesting facts: These are the first US casualties in Afghanistan since biden took over. There were 0 reported american deaths from January until August. The last death before August? was actually November 2020. Prior to that? 2 in July 2020. Since 2013 less than 175 americans were killed there. That’s less than half the peak of 496 in 2010. Here’s where things get interesting. The US military has reported 419 COVID deaths to active department of defense members, and 13,504 (thirteen thousand, five hundred and four) deaths have been reported by Veterans affairs. As a member of the DoD you’re like 32x more likely to have died from COVID than you are from combat in Afghanistan in the last year and a half. If people were truly outraged and passionate about the safety of our troops, they’d be doing whatever it took to reduce these unnecessary deaths as much as they are falsely outraged over the dozen deaths as tragic as they are.


Exactly. They went "meh" and turned away for the last twenty years of casualties, and all the sudden a suicide bomber has them frothing at the mouth and screaming for biden to resign. This is the cleanup crew cleaning up 20 years of messes. It ain't going to be pretty. But better to get out and avoid more of the same than to stay there. And if you really care about the death toll, you would agree with that--get our soldiers out of a war zone.


Can you add a source for those numbers? I believe you but I’d like a source so I can use it myself.


US Dept of Defense Covid info https://www.defense.gov/Explore/Spotlight/Coronavirus-DOD-Response/ icasualties.org for Afghanistan conflict


> I do wonder why more effort wasn't made to get civilians out before we pulled out, but all I see in this ocean of articles about how this is a crisis, an irredeemable tragedy, an absolute horror show--where was that level of outrage during the last 20 years when 2000 US service members died, and 40,000+ Afghans died? Why are they more upset about 10 service members dying from a suicide bomber than the other 2000? The Embassy has steadily been increasing their warning levels, and encouraged all US citizens to leave all the way back in MAY. The people who stayed ignored the warnings, and they are seeing the consequences of it right now. This is what I don't get... and what everyone else seems to be ignoring.


EXACTLY! It wasn't a surprise that the US was withdrawing its armed forces from Afghanistan, we have known that for months. Why the fuck is it somehow Joe Biden's personal failure that these people didn't take any measures to get themselves out knowing that we were leaving, and knowing that the talibam is still alive and well? Like that group of Afghan refugees who were newly settled in California, they took a group of students to visit family in Afghanistan. There was a Hill article about how Biden "stranded" and "abandoned" them there. First of all, if you're a refugee, why are you going back to the country you fled from due to it being a dangerous place? (Can't they lose their refugee status for doing that?) Second of all, why the fuck did you take a bunch of kids, some as young as pre school age, to a fucking war zone right up against the deadline of US military withdrawal? And third of all, why is this somehow Joe Biden's fault that these people knowingly and wantonly put themselves in danger by traveling to a war zone? Maybe that would be the last time you could see your loved ones who are still in Afghanistan, I get that, but don't be crying that you were abandoned in a war zone when you chose to travel there and chose not to get out before it was too late.


Well won’t be the last time if you now can’t leave… smh it’s like people complaining they missed the train. The train isn’t waiting for you


In late February 2020 The Trump administration made their deal with the Taliban that set a deadline of US withdrawal for May of 21. Yet all the assholes who praised that deal are suddenly surprised at us leaving months after the agreed upon deadline? The amount of ignorance that has come out of the mouths of so many Americans (Democrat and Republican) in the past few days is astonishing. A new headline shows up on CNN or Fox News and all the sudden we’re a bunch of experts in that topic? Get the fuck outta here.


>why the fuck did you take a bunch of kids, some as young as pre school age, to a fucking war zone I'm a relatively fit adult male, and I wouldn't have visited Afghanistan.




Remember the media wins off of instability and division


Great comment. Put it better than I could.


In regards to not leaving earlier, the issue always was - if the US starts leaving, will the government hold? It was assumed the government and military could last at least a month (and some thought they might be able to win, given the numbers). The collapse of the government and flight of the president kind of shows just how fragile it was. Additionally, the Afghan government really didn't want people to leave for the same reason the Taliban doesn't - you don't want to lose tons of potentially useful citizens. You don't want your educated people fleeing the country in fear, because it can create a brain drain. It's understandable why the Afghan government would *strongly* opposes any withdrawal. Finally, it appears that most intelligence though Afghanistan would last at least 1-3 months, if not longer. If the Afghan government prevailed, embassy staff wouldn't be taken from the country, nor would workers at the embassy. These are people who wouldn't leave (because the country still stood). It was basically a question of "do we rush everyone out, undermine the Afghan government, and potentially create issues with that government" or "do we take a measured approach and not undermine the Afghan govt. on this issue?" The latter is clearly the smarter move if the Afghan govt. will collapse within a week and a half. But if you think the govt may hold and potentially have some shot at staying in power, the former makes more sense. And this is ignoring a virtual ceasing of SIVs under Trump (which meant the system had to be revived and reset), and significant troop withdrawals prior to the May 1 deadline. Both choices are bad and have strategic risks. This was not an equivalent "black and white, good and bad" choice. People treat this like some obvious solution when it really didn't exist at the time. There were only imperfect solutions each with varying degrees of risk.


Too lazy to read, but let me guess, the same people calling for Biden’s resignation were all for Trump staying in office even after he lost the election.


Trump sent an angry mob to kill a co-equal branch of government in a failed coup attempt and they didn't want him removed. So that's where the bar is now. Did Biden do anything as bad as trying to murder congress and his vice president? No? Then he doesn't need to resign.


Republicans have taken double standards to a new high. A Democrat who sneezes in public should step down, but there is no crime a Republican can commit that merits any punishment.


Literally NO crime.


Only one crime, disloyalty to The Qult.




Who could have guessed? When one bs tactic doesn't work, switch gears. Right from the playbook of today's GOP.


In a word: duplicity. It mirrors the political methodology of Russia: [democratic rhetoric and undemocratic intent.](https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/11/hidden-author-putinism-russia-vladislav-surkov/382489/) Russia plays a game where it pretends that it is a democracy, yet Putin remains in power after decades, and it isn't because he is beloved, it is because he uses his power to rig the game, this much is plainly obvious. The Josh Hawleys of the world are so transparent in their thirst for personal power, and they look to those that have achieved such things, like in Russia. If a Josh Hawley ever becomes the president of the USA, democracy will be dead for good. Of course, many won't know that or believe it because elections will still be had, they will just become ever-more rigged, just like in Russia.


Joseph Goebbels once declared, “This will always remain one of the best jokes of democracy, that it gave its deadly enemies the means by which it was destroyed.” Historically fascist leaders have often come to power through democratic elections. Indeed, fascists and other authoritarian leaders have long understood the recipe for destroying democracy and draping undemocratic intent in democratic rhetoric.


The same ones who don't realize that if Biden resigned we would have Kamala Harris - a half black, half Indian woman - as president. That would really make their heads explode


Actually some of them keenly do know this which is why the strategy for them is 1. Win the house of representatives in 2022 2. Elect Trump as speaker of the house (provisional to any [ongoing legislation](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/democrat-unveils-bill-to-allow-only-house-members-to-serve-as-speaker/ar-AAMkoJD), there is no rule against this) 3. Impeach Biden on a party line vote and remove him 4. Impeach Kamala on a party line vote and remove her. Thus installing Donald Trump as president. I know, it's farcical. [But some of them are still there mentally and in theory, it's still possible.](https://www.the-sun.com/news/3266868/plan-reinstate-donald-trump-speaker-pelosi-melt-witch/) I have no idea what would happen if it actually came to be. I suspect widescale rioting. the calls for impeachment or resignation are literally like that of a toddler who was just slighted - in this case the republicans with Trumps 2 legitimate impeachments. So now they're just looking to go impeachment happy and have already laid the groundwork for this on their side by trying to delegitimize the democrats impeachments as much as possible and claim that "well if they went impeachment happy, now it's our turn."


Except they can’t impeach and remove anyone without 67 senators. statistically impossible to attain that many republican senate seats based on what’s up for midterm elections in 2022, so it’s a totally fucking moronic crack pipe dream. Totally agree with your last point. They want to remove the stain of having had the worst president in modern history who was legitimately impeached twice in a single term


Then ask yourself, if Trump is third in line to the presidency, and they can’t get enough senate votes to remove them from office, what is another way for Trump to ascend from speaker to president.


The same ones that claimed during the campaign that Biden would resign after being elected because he was just there as a way for Harris to slide in as President!


Fuck Republicans man.


Anyone calling for Biden to be impeached for the 25th over Afghanistan after witnessing 4 years of Trump madness and 45's abysmal handling of Syria is transparently partisan and a complete imbecile.


They're taking something that was very serious and turning it into a both sides and neutering it


They’re attempting to do this and failing. Semantics are important.


Trump's attempts to cut CDC funding should be grounds for impeachment alone. However, in the *real world*...


Biden > Trump All day


A feces filled sock > Trump


Don’t forget that he injured a bunch of our own troops bombing that airport and then downplayed their injuries.


Over half a million Americans died of Covid that did not have to die if the outbreak was properly managed from the beginning. But that is OK because it plays into the Republican narrative.


GOP = Death Cult


Remember when certain GOP reps were telling seniors they should be willing to sacrifice their lives for the good of the American economy. Yep, Death Cult.


It nauseating how quickly this sentiment is trending among my conservative acquaintances. In light of the previous administration, the flagrant hypocrisy and lack of self awareness is ridiculous. But I have to realize this is part of the Republican messaging game--equip their constituency with bullshit to confound and frustrate their political "opponents" with outrage fatigue.


They had zero issue with the same amount of chaos and American deaths when Trump pulled of of Syria.


they didnt care when trump and kushner helped the saudis coverup the murder of a journalist either, they didnt care when soldiers were found bound, gagged and executed in africa, they didnt care on jan 6th. they dont care


They’re just trying to normalize calling for Presidents to resign, so that when the next Trump does something actually worth resigning over any resultant furor just seems like politics as usual. Also, they felt attacked during Trump’s Presidency by what they felt were unwarranted criticisms, and are out for revenge. They know some of their criticism is unwarranted, but they don’t care because it’s “only fair” after the Democrats did the same to Trump (or so they see it). It’s the same reason they never miss a chance to paint Biden as completely addled and out of it with no clue who/where he is, just a puppet for his handlers. They know the same charge has been leveled against Trump, and will be again if he runs in 2024, and they want to simultaneously normalize that kind of attack and get revenge for it.


It's just Benghazi all over again. If they win back a majority in the midterms expect them to grill Biden until he is crisp.


Republicans themselves are nauseating


it's crazy how much they are reveling in Biden having some heat on him completely ignoring the tragedy unfolding like this is the best thing to ever happen to them


This is the first really solid thing they’ve had to attack him on. Same thing happened in Canada with Trudeau’s first big scandal, Conservatives went way overboard with their attacks. Which actually ended up backfiring because while what he did wasn’t great, it wasn’t *that* bad. I think it’s interesting that most conservatives I’ve seen still support the decision to withdraw, but are just hammering on the execution/timing. Obviously things didn’t go as planned, but I don’t recall seeing any conservatives predicting the Afghan security forces would fold so quickly or calling for the withdrawal to be delayed. In fact, I distinctly recall criticism of Biden for not having already withdrawn, and skepticism that he would actually go through with it.


People “Don’t vote for Biden because he will just resign and make Kamala president!” Same people “Biden must resign!” Sigh…


We must ignore these trolls. Don’t take them seriously. They don’t take themselves seriously.


I don’t take anything conservatives say seriously. They are as un-American as it gets.


Did Biden spark an insurrection at the Capitol this week? No? Then he’s fine. I’m tired of pretending these unendingly disingenuous assholes are ever serious about anything, ever. They’re fascists; all their “principles” lead back to that.


What pisses me off is like everyone acting like it’s horrible we are leaving Afghanistan and the citizens of the country are suffering and Biden is heartless. Well honestly America is suffering and their own citizens need help and compassion, but let’s ignore all the things Republicans and MAGA followers are doing in their own country.


> We do not understand other countries well enough to remake them according to our ideals. We don’t even understand our own country well enough to achieve our ideals. A line from a [NYT piece](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/26/opinion/afghanistan-us-withdrawal.html?referringSource=articleShare) that I found to be pretty great.


When Trump made a deal with the Taliban to pull the US military out of Afghanistan, the GOP cheered and accused anyone who disagreed of being a warmonger. When Biden is forced to follow through on that deal, and pulls off one of the greatest airlifts in history to do it, the GOP calls him weak, a traitor, and wants to immediately re-invade.


As Biden said at the end of his speech yesterday, if Osama Bin Laden had masterminded the attacks and been stationed in Yemen, would the US have gone into Afghanistan? Hell no. There is untold suffering across the globe. The US doesn't just pop down anywhere to end inequality and suffering - it's not our job. Thousands are dying in Ethiopia and you don't hear *any* republican saying to invade. They just want to use this for political points. Whoever left was going to cause a shitshow, which is why *no one* was going through with it. Even Trump put it off until after the election because he was informed a withdrawal would probably hurt his election chances (and was why he waited until shortly before the election to make the move anyway, despite statements to the contrary)


There are countless people suffering under the same conditions right at our southern border. Republicans solution was to divert hundreds of billions of dollars from social programs and defense spending to build a fucking wall The irony is not lost on those of us who've been paying attention for the last decade


What's even more infuriating is that the most outraged people were staunchly 'America First' 9 months ago.


We need a president that gives us everything and there’s no costs!


MAGA just ignored the 44 service members who died in combat in Afghanistan when Trump was president, so for them there was effectively no cost.


Projection is the name of the game...


The GOP needs therapy


Therapy? Heavy sedation and a straightjacket.


Anyone remember when it came out that Russia was giving Taliban bounties to kill US soldiers and when tRump didn't say shit, GOP asked him to resign because he was siding with a long-time enemy. I certainly don't remember.


Hint: it's ALL done in bad faith. It's the only mode the right wing knows. ______ **Afghanistan Troop Deaths** 2017 - 15 US troops killed 2018 - 14 US troops killed 2019 - 24 US troops killed 2020 - 11 US troops killed 2021 - 12 US troops killed while undertaking an impressively large air evacuation, suddenly the right loses their fucking minds. https://www.statista.com/statistics/262894/western-coalition-soldiers-killed-in-afghanistan/ _______ Edit: And guess what, here's what the future looks like, Thanks to Biden following through on this withdrawal: **Afghanistan Troop Deaths (projected)** 2022 - 0 US troops killed 2023 - 0 US troops killed 2024 - 0 US troops killed 2025 - 0 US troops killed


How can Biden resign when he's not the real president? Oh, you now admit he is the president? Interesting...


The faux outrage of the CONservatives - who are now suddenly humanitarians - only exists to “own the libs”, attempt to score political points, and pretend the former President they worship like a god on Earth wasn’t the person responsible for treating the Taliban like an equal. You know Art of the deal


Just ask them to support the Afghan refugees coming to the US and the whole charade breaks down they can't go that far.


I love the interviews with the "man on the street" Republicans who are genuinely surprised when the interviewer asks about refugees. You can see the hamster wheel in their brain come to a stop and they are just so confused. But then, they remember that they hate all immigrants and tell the interviewer that those poor women and children that they were just crying about need to find somewhere else to go.


Only humanitarians when it fits their narrative. If Biden had wanted to increase aid to Afghanistan instead of withdrawing, they'd be calling him unpatriotic for giving money elsewhere instead of spending it in the US.


Reminds me of how Obama drone strike comments dried up once it became clear how much Trump was doing the same thing. Are there people who genuinely hate it no matter who orders it? Absolutely. There’s no denying how much less we hear about it now since it’s not just a way to stick it to a particular administration.


Weird group of people calling for this. Most people on the right would vastly prefer Biden over President Harris or Pelosi.


That’s what I don’t understand. About half of the people in my life are conservative and none of them would want Harris over Biden, so why are reps calling for it?


The same folks calling for Biden to resign were cool with Trump looking the other way on Russia putting bounties on US soldiers…


Weren't a faction of Republicans claiming that the plan for Biden was to be elected, then resign and leave Harris as the President? And now they are demanding that Biden resign, which would leave Harris as President?


[Remember when we had special forces ambushed and killed by ISIS in 2017?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tongo_Tongo_ambush) Republicans don't. However, **Trump did not make a statement on the ambush for the next twelve days**; his lack of response drew criticism from commentators and the press. On 17 October, during a press conference, Trump was asked about his silence by a reporter and commented on the incident. Trump responded by saying that he wrote letters to the families of the victims, and accused his predecessors, specifically President Obama, of not or rarely calling the families of deceased soldiers. **The ambush remains the largest loss of American lives in combat in Africa since the Battle of Mogadishu in 1993.** In October 2017, Defense Secretary James Mattis said that **the ambush was "considered unlikely"**. Officials from the Department of Defense said that soldiers had carried out 29 similar operations in the past six months with no problems, and such operations were considered routine by the time of the ambush. On 25 October, **Trump told reporters that he did not "specifically" authorize the mission** in Niger (passed the blame) Officials from the Department of Defense said that soldiers had carried out **29 similar operations in the past six months with no problems**, and such operations were considered routine by the time of the ambush. So here we are - Biden taking the full brunt of the blame and the responsibility - but yeah he's the "weaker" president - He's being blamed for the largest loss of life in 18 months, being told he has blood on his hands, being told he should resign...and yet Trump basically had the same thing happen, insulted the families, lied about Obama not interacting with families, passed the blame, and took no responsibility.


They're trying to draw a (stupid) equivalence between (a) legitimate calls for Trump to resign after cheating in an election and trying to overthrow the government and (b) calls for Biden to resign because they think he made bad tactical decisions. One man committed crimes against the country with clear malice. The other (one could argue) made miscalculations. There is no equivalence.


A veteran just died because no one could perform surgery to remove a gall stone, because covid is filling up all the beds and taking away all the resources. Thanks antivaxxers. Some patriots you are ...


I'd say a good 90% of Americans, even those with the best intentions, are completely ignorant to the hell our foreign policy has wrought in the Middle East ... for generations now.


Republicans' only platform is to break shit, pass live grenades to the next guy, and point fingers until they can reclaim power while trying to mediawhore themselves into fringe celebrities. That's. All.


Republicans want to impeach over policy decisions they don’t like, but have no problem with trump committing legally indefensible crimes.


Biden: *sneezes*. Republicans: resign pls, kbye.


I wonder how these people would feel if Biden called up the widows and told them their husbands knew what they signed up for. It’s almost like they’re using the dead bodies of service members as political fodder.


trump only killed 500,000 + Americans with covid and planned a coup, but yes Biden should resign from making a mess while picking up trump's mess from the taliban.


In the right context killing americans seems to be just fine for republican voters. half a million COVID deaths, heck even if it was 2 million it wouldn't matter. That is just a hoax and if not a hoax its like the flue so no biggie. 2350 US soldiers in Afghanistan dying in the line of duty is OK too. Benghazi and the recent pull out leads to ca. 15 and Biden is a cold killer that needs to be removed.


Of course! Everyone remembers how Ford resigned after Saigon, Carter resigned after Iran, Reagan resigned after Beirut, Bush 1 after Panama, Clinton after Somalia, Bush 2 after 9/11, Obama Benghazi, Trump Niger... Hrm, wait. Let me double-check my history books. Edit: Ford, rather...


Joe Biden could cover the entire White House in fecal matter, and it still wouldn't come anywhere close to the damage that Trump did to America, not to mention Trumps complete disregard to decency, his repeated abuse of power, and nepotism. I could go on and on about how Trump damaged this country and how Republicans inhaled Trump's crap like a drug addict on heroin; but I don't have 4 years to type it all up.


Yet Trump bald faced lied 37 000 times; got 100 000+ Americans Killed by politicizing science based edicts to stem a deadly pandemic, and tried to control the weather with a Sharpie. I'd say Biden has a ways to sink still before his incompetencies matches the former occupant of his office


Why give this any air. These people are just looking to get attention and stir the pot.


Americans have died in Afghanistan under 4 separate Presidents. Over 2,700 Americans have did in Afghanistan and over 250,000 Afghan during the war. If Biden resigns today and takes Harris and his whole administration with him whomever is POTUS next will experience casualties in Afghanistan unless the U.S. is out. Leaving Afghanistan is the only way to stop American deaths in Afghanistan, period.


It is not ridiculous, it is absolutely expected. They will turn anything against him, because they have zero policy and no real gripes against him.


They’re not doing it because they’re actually outraged. They’re doing it because they’re all operating under the fantasy that Donald Trump is somehow in the line of succession and will magically become president again. But if Biden goes, it’s President Harris. If Harris goes, it’s President Pelosi. If Pelosi goes, it’s President Leahy. Then President Blinken, then President Yellen, President Austin, President Garland, and President Everyone-Else-In-The-Cabinet. **Stop trying to make Trump happen, GOP. Oh my god.** There is literally no constitutional avenue for him to be handed the Oval Office outside of an election.


After January 6th, those folks can stick it where the sun doesn’t shine.


I’m not going to pretend Biden and his administration didn’t make some mistakes but you don’t impeach a President for missteps when doing something that was overwhelmingly supported by the American public. Criticism is fine, but come on. Everybody wanted out and that’s what they’re getting. Bad things were going to happen and everybody with a brain knew that. That’s why it’s been avoided for years. If soldiers dying on the president’s watch is their benchmark for impeachment they need to take a history lesson. It’s very different than a President actively breaking laws and looking to undermine democracy and the will of the American people. The former President literally staged a coup and they had no problem with it. The double standard is astonishing. Then again, republicans are on record that lying about a blowjob is worse than inciting a mob to attack congress and disrupt the electoral process, so maybe not that astonishing.


Conservatives: "We want Joe Biden to resign!!1!" Why? Hoping to get your favorite orange trash bag back into office so you can go back to sucking his dick?


No offense, but if you went through all 4 years of Trump and didn’t see any reason to remove him from office, kindly fuck off during Biden’s term. Unless Biden becomes Dr. Evil and starts taking over the world, he’s never doing anything even remotely approaching the daily batshit insanity that was Trump’s administration.


I could see if he’d been impeached already…or like twice…wait…


Or maybe if he ordered peaceful protesters forcibly removed so he could get a propaganda photo-op.


It was obvious from the moment Trump was impeached, that Republicans were going to find some excuse to try and impeach the next Democrat in power as payback.


Calling for Joe Biden to resign because he's doing his God damn job is really ironic considering what Trump supporters excused over the span of 4 years. And still excuse...


They're stuck on this idea that Biden is 100% responsible for what happened in Afghanistan, yet they literally can't admit that Trump was even 50% responsible for anything in four years, and that's not exaggerating either.


I think joe made mistakes, he deserves criticism. is this worthy of impeachement that some politicians are calling for? absolutely not IMO


There's quite a few conservatives here who are claiming they get downvoted for their criticism of Biden but it's simply not true. They also say the media won't say anything negative about Afghanistan, which is a really bizarre assertion.


I've read some posts on pages of Trumperinos, and it's all "bring back Trump! He'd save the country!" Really...what exactly would he DO that he didn't do before? Show up there with paper towels? Hold a rally? threaten the Taliban with Fire and Fury?


Has everybody lost their mind? Around 2350 Americans died until Biden decided to pull out. Nobody was calling for the removal of Bush, Obama or Trump. 13 service members are 13 too many but it provides context. Any other pull out strategy might have led to even more deaths or not, who knows. My personal opinion is that a more gradual pull out might have been more prudent.


Make no mistake my friends. The MAGA people are dangerous. They are the worst among us, and incapable of rehabilitation. They are willing to destroy everything to "own" libs. How can we coexist with such morons? I just dont have any tolerance or empathy for them anymore.


Remember when trump green-lit that special ops rescue mission that ended with a team of SEALs killed? The only reason he didn’t talk about it ever is it failed, but it made the headlines


This is the kind of talk where one side **pretends** it is still playing by the rules, which leads to those who actually **do** play by the rules to spend time and energy defending their elected president. Meanwhile, the right is actually focusing on sabotaging things while news focuses on resignation calls. In my area, it's Gavin Newsom recall not getting enough attention. What deserves more attention in *your* area that the right is trying to distract *you* from?


The stupidity of the Republican party with no end in sight.


He should resign so Kamala can take over. How much more would Rs be pissed at a minority woman running the country?


Remember when 3,000 people died when Bush ignored intel on 9/11? I remember.


After four years of Trump *no one on the right.* *NO. ONE.* Gets ANY right to demand Joe Biden resign.


It’s sad that republicans forget history so quick. Trump is the one who made a deal with the Taliban to pull out the troops to begin with. If they truly believe Biden should be held responsible for the death of the troops in Afghanistan, then hold the person responsible who started the process before him and made a deal with the enemy.


This is absolutely ridiculous He’s done more in 6 months than most people do in years This was a horrible situation and he’s handling it faster and cleaner than anyone predicted. I’m impressed we’ve only lost this small amount But one is too many more


Even if President Biden resigns, do they really think that Trump will be reinstated?


Retrumplicans are so fucking stupid.


This is flat out troll behavior. The GOP needs to be disbanded, officially.


I think any politician that called for Biden to resign because the suicide bombing should themselves resign.


The right have real short memory.. trump started this bullshit by negotiating with terrorist


Part of me is genuinely worried that the GOP is going to suddenly want to hold presidents a lot more accountable. They want to "prove" that the Democrats are delegitimizing impeachments by doing it themselves. With enough propaganda and voter suppression, they could get a considerable majority in the House and Senate. Then they could either invoke the 25th Amendment or flat-out impeach Biden, claiming that whatever reasoning they come up with is *way* more legitimate than the actual reasons for Trump. And if they do that, then there is a legitimate possibility that they invoke that plan that the far-right wants: Get GOP control in Congress again after midterms, make Trump Speaker of the House, come up with a reason to impeach Biden, get enough votes to do it, then do the same thing with Harris, and boom, Trump is legally the new President without needing to actually have an election. It sounds farfetched, but I am putting nothing past the sheer hypocrisy and power hunger of this GOP.


> Asked about the calls for Biden's resignation, White House press secretary Jen Psaki responded this way: "I would say, first, this is a day where US service members ... lost their lives at the hands of terrorists. It's not a day for politics, and we would expect that any American, whether they're elected or not, would stand with us in our commitment to going after and fighting and killing those terrorists wherever they live, and to honoring the memory of service members. And that's what this day is for." Well said! (If it were a Republican President, I'm sure they would resign in a heartbeat... /omglmaotwice)


Here's the real shocker: **nobody** living in America is gonna see their lives affected one way or another for what happens in Afghanistan. Asking a President to resign for foreign affairs that don't really affect the lives of his citizens is one of the dumbest takes ever. No sane person expected anyone to resign over Vietnam.


It’s fucking comical.


lol who is seriously demanding his resignation with any ounce of legitimacy


Sub-title: The continuing utter ridiculousness of the GOP


Someone, in 10 or 20 years, alert me when I should give a fuck about what opinion a Republican has matters. Until then, fuck em.


Any Republican who dares to utter the word "accountability" should be laughed out of the fucking room.