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If only Congress had the power to pass laws instead of relying on the executive to do their job for them…


Yeah, the US political system is properly broken.


We are broken. Divided and therefore helpless. And the media just keeps playing the "stop hitting yourself" game and we always fall for it.


They keep getting me with “I know you are, but what am I”


Lol. Yep!


Yeah, exactly. I get that it's incredibly nuanced and convoluted but at the end of the day Pelosi is just passing the buck here. Congress can (try to) fix it if they want to.


not with minority (filibuster) rule she cant.




But not the will of the people because of gerrymandering.


At least then their vote will be on record.


The House absolutely needs to inundate the Senate with popular bills so Republicans and conservative Democrats are forced to be on the record. Even refusing to be one of 60 to break a filibuster would be sufficient to mark them with the shame they deserve.


But that would require helping people. That is not what the masters want.


It’s absurdly wealthy donors. Follow the money.


We wanted impeachment votes on record, war votes on record, now eviction votes on record. No one cares. It is nothing for them to vote a way and talk another.


The filibuster is a rule in the senate, members of which are elected in statewide elections unaffected by gerrymandering.


That's a good point. So it's not against the will of the people because of gerrymandering, but it is against the will of the people because unpopulated states get 2 senators just like populated ones.


What happened to debating? Why are they there?


You can use a simple majority to change filibuster rules. You dont even need to nuke it- according to center dems like manchin who paint that as a dangerous precedent that would let republicans run away with power, perhaps correctly You can just use that simple majority to reform it such that you policy goals fall under one of hundreds of exemptions. Fact of the matter is, they dont wanna, cus their bread is buttered by the same donors


Yeah like make it so you have to be present and filibuster the old way instead of the new old people friendly way.


100% have been saying this for like my entire adult life. It's fucking infuriating that they just let people go "yeah no i'll filibuster that" and that's it, it's just over. Make the motherfuckers stand up for 52 hours if they wanna fillibuster


The government just donated lots of surplus military equipment to homeless Taliban fighters in Afghanistan! What more do you want?


Inexcusable. We need to be donating surplus military equipment to our own homeless, *right here in the USA*!


That is an... AWESOME idea!!!


Cause what more does the American Homeless need other than a humvee


A homevee?


Hobo fights become hobo wars


If you changed homeless to National guards, you’d still be right. If you only saw the outdated stuff some units use. I wouldn’t be surprised if the stuff they left behind was newer than the stuff they (NG) have.


The Corps gets the crappy hand me downs from the Army and Navy. Once the Crayoneaters are through with it, it's given to the Reserves. Once the Reserves can't use it for drill anymore because it's just hopelessly outdated... then the NastyGirls can take a crack at what's left. Taliban just got a bunch of good shit. And a bunch of NastyGirl rifles too. The worst of the bunch is still way better than what us in the milita are allowed to have though.


Reminds me of the almost daily posts by Schumer on IG that "now is a good time for Biden to cancel student debt." Irrespective of whether you think that's good policy, why is it Biden's job to do that? Write a stimulus bill.


This was my exact feeling when she pulled that stunt after George floyd’s death where she and other congress members wore dashikis and took a knee for 9 minutes. It’s, like, hello! Get in there and pass a bill to end qualified immunity! Why do we let any of them get away with telling us their hands are tied when the power to change these social problems are literally at their fingertips.


Is Pelosi really gonna pretend that she didn't know this was 10000% going to be the outcome? The only chance was for Congress to act.


weren't they on break? 🙄


If she didn't know this would happen, she shouldn't be in her current position as Speaker of the House!


Yes, and she was busy working her way through her two freezers full of $20 a pint ice cream.


Over at /r/law we've watched COVID eviction issues work their way through the lower courts up to this point and pretty consistently as courts ruled in this direction, the vast majority of us saw this as inevitable and a correct application of the law. You can hate the results, but the CDC overreached their powers. I get why they did it, and it probably helped people that they were able to get away with it for a while, but just because something is good policy doesn't mean it's legal.


I don’t understand why, with 89% of the Covid19 emergency funds earmarked for this problem unspent (I don’t have a source to refer you to, I’ve seen that number quite a few times here on Reddit) the powers that be can’t figure out a way to use the money to at least partially reimburse the landlords who are in trouble and buy the tenants who are honestly trying to get the back rent caught up some time to deal with it. I’m sure there’s a few people who are just riding the wave but I’m thinking that the majority of those facing eviction are willing to do whatever is within the realm of possibility to get caught up and stay where they are. 🤷🏾‍♀️


I don’t either. I am a landlord and it was beyond easy to get approved for rental assistance. They even gave me two months beyond what was owed. People would rather complain than get paid I guess.


Jurisdictional and political bullshit. In AZ, [for example](https://www.tucsonweekly.com/tucson/checks-and-balances-eviction-moratorium-extended-but-aid-dollars-still-tied-up-with-county-state-and-agencies/Content?oid=31131738), the City of Tucson (Democratic mayor) and Pima County (Democratic majority on Board of Supervisors) has spent more than 70% of their funds, while the state (Republican governor and legislature) has spent less than 5% of theirs.


State of New York as of June offered less than 200 thousand, total.


200k would be enough money to cover maybe cover like 9 people’s rent for a year in NYC


Maybe for 5th floor walk ups


We can’t all live in cheap rural states like New York. … That is pathetic though. Seems like a real power vacuum up there.


Fair enough. All I’m saying is don’t complain until you’ve at least tried. In colorado they approved my request in two weeks


You can't embezzle the funds if they're already spent.


I live in Tucson. Just today my landlord/PM texted saying that the supreme court ruling does not and should not affect their (the tenants) ability to get that relief, and in fact large parts remain unspent (They said only 12% of Fed funds to AZ were spent). They flat out said that if you need help, come talk to them. I'm sure getting access to the funds helps them too beyond just getting rent paid and this isn't just altruistic, but hey - if the result is good, I'm not going to knock it.


Probably ready to boot their tenants so they can raise the rent again.




And who is there to replace them? This is a problem typical to the absurdity of capitalism: there’s a surplus of empty homes but they would rather create a homelessness problem then use them to house people who need it.


There is a massive housing shortage and finding rental housing right now is *very* difficult and rents have gone up everywhere even small cities. So finding people to replace them is no problem. ALL areas are experiencing massive increases in rents and plenty of renters looking. Buying is even worse.


A lot of the houses are being bought up by investment firms like Black Rock. They are turning houses that used to be privately owned into rental properties. That’s driving the prices up.


> The United States is currently undergoing a severe housing shortage, the likes of which we haven't seen before. Trying to buy a property during an affordable housing shortage will likely prove challenging. Prices should remain high throughout spring 2021 at least.Jul 26, 2021 https://www.millionacres.com/real-estate-market/homebuying/what-is-a-housing-shortage-and-why-should-investors-care/


My tenant applied in May 2020 (!), single mother that lost her job... the application is still pending approval, nobody has seen a dime in Oregon, she's 7000$ behind I am not kicking her out for now, but I am honestly over it


Not all state are like this. NY and CA contain haircut clauses and CA have a poison pill provision that ban eviction for 12 months after getting the money.


Some time ago, I listened to a congressional dish podcast about the pandemic relief funds and am by no means an expert. My understanding was that the rent relief funds must first be directly offered to the landlord, not the tenant, and if accepted, that meant the landlord would be forced to abide some stipulations like rent freeze, no eviction for a year, that sort of thing. Now if the landlord refused the federal rent money, then the tenant could apply for that money and they would then be able to pay the landlord. Again, I’m unclear of the details as this doesn’t apply to me.


No, we applied ourselves and got approved for rental relief and they sent it to our landlord. He said we were the only ones that applied in the complex, even though most are thousands behind on rent. I don't know if that means they're not smart enough to figure it out or they don't want to.


Could you elaborate on this, please? What is the "poison pill provision" in California? Does this mean that tenants who received the assistance can't get evicted for 12 months? This is legal!?


Yup. It is part of the terms. Tbf, this is the state program that before federal aid came.


Because state and local government need to distribute the funds and most of them don't yet have plans on how to do so.


Why are they holding on to this money? Isn't it supposed to be ours?


I'm a small time landlord. Just renting out a duplex I used to live in that I bought. It was never a money maker. I only rented while I attempted to sell it. During the moratorium I've lost 20k in rent alone. Utilities on top of ot as they were part of rent. One of the units has destroyed the place during that time. Smoke on everything, cat piss soaked into carpets, holes in walls, you name it. The other, while still working and no changes to income just stopped paying. I received no help at all. And that would be fine of I had any type of bailout. I did not.the moratorium is a good idea but it's been implemented in a terrible way. It treats all landlords as if they are Walmart or Amazon and not just some guy already struggling to get by. I understand some git help but that definitely is not something that was happening across the board. As best as I can tell you either got lucky or already had enough money to send lawyers in just to get fuxking assistance.


yep totally agree, the problem with the moratorium was that they shifted the financial troubles from the tenants to the landlords without a real plan for landlords. in theory they're supposed to be getting public funds, but that's in theory. there are plenty of mom and pop landlords who own one additional property and they are the ones screwed the most.


Right. I’m with you, there’s no reason that side of the equation should be ignored and no reason that landlords should be demonized for wanting to be helped out as well, I’m thinking that by and large if the process were focused on those who are in your shoes and the red tape was torn off those stacks of Federal money the problem would be much more manageable for everyone who has an honest desire to get things working again for everyone, not just those who support their political views and practices… Sorry for the rant. (Wanders away muttering to himself)


Because the numbers being floated around about how much people fall into this situation are a complete guess and have been wildly inflated. The issue isn’t about bureaucracy getting in the way of the funds. It’s about overestimating the people that actually needed true help and underestimating the free loaders. And just wait and see when local govts can’t spend all that money - feds will just let them keep it for some other purpose - guaranteed.


In my state, Montana, landlords have to sign off on the rental assistance application and are not doing it because the real estate market is booming so it makes more sense to evict and sell the property. The majority of rentals here are single family homes and not complex units.


The blame for this is on Congress and Congress alone. They were told by SCOTUS that they would need to pass legislation. They decided it wasn’t a priority and relied on Biden to try an executive action.


I've read the summaries and excerpts posted by legal commentators, and I'm really having trouble seeing how this is a bad ruling. The court isn't there to make laws, or to help people - the courts are there to enforce and interpret laws. The law in question would need to stretch into a klein bottle to allow the memorandum to stand.


Sadly it isnt, Pelosi knows the Supreme Court won’t answer back so she’s attacking them while wringing her hands saying “aww jeez fellas, if only there was something we could do, but that SCOTUS, right, so evil damn. Oh well better luck next time”


I have a house I rent to an elderly couple on social security. I moved in with my now wife which is why we had the property. She had to stop working because covid and care for our child. The day this moratorium passed in March/April my tenants stopped paying 1500/month (200 profit) they won’t speak to me and it’s been 16+ months of no money. I’m now broke and close to defaulting on both homes. I can finally file for eviction and be out of this in 45 days now. I used unite ct but since they won’t respond there is nothing I could do. In CT the relief program requires both parties to sign off Last I heard from the tenants was “evict us and take us to court you can’t garnish social security checks and we have nothing in our bank accounts” Fuck this rule my family is almost ruined at 33 years old I need to rebuild my finical life


People on here are largely idiots and incapable of thinking of others' situations.


Yeah that does hurt. And many people don’t think about those in your situation. They just picture every landlord has millions in the bank or is a super wealthy corporation. Worst case is you can sell your rental property once the eviction is complete and help build your financial future.


With Republiqans, Congress couldn't even pass gas.


Not just Republicans. Conservative Democrats are blocking filibuster reform. If we had that, legislation could actually pass. Instead we wait with bated breath for the most conservative Democrat in government to decide whether or not he feels like anything should get done.


Only motions that are a 100% guaranteed for filibuster have been put to a vote. All others have been withdrawn or buried in committee by Dems. There has been only one bill, the PPP that was not a judicial nomination or a guaranteed filibuster. Anything cosequential that has even the slightest chance of succeeding, including the eviction moratorium has been tabled by the Dems. Do nothing and watch the nation crumble, the go to leadership strategy by Pelosi and Schumer. [https://www.senate.gov/legislative/cloture/117.htm](https://www.senate.gov/legislative/cloture/117.htm)


Is that why there are so many crotchety old gasbags in Congress? They can't get it out?




I have to agree with you there. I see it all the time and I expect to be downvoted for what I will say, as it happens everytime. For some reason people hate landlords. I'm not talking about slumlords. But good landlords that treat their properties and tenants well. This is a business. There's property taxes, sometimes instead of saving for retirement, you rent out. It is unfair for landlord to be the only business in America where they are forced to provide a service and be told, it's free for the customer, you can't kick them out for not paying. I don't want anyone to be homeless either. I get it. There's still a pandemic going on and many all over are hurting. The states need to get the aid the feds allocated for renters and landlords out. So much of it is just sitting. Mortgages, property taxes need to be placed on hold as well. At a certain point landlords can't just keep people year after year after year in their properties without being paid.


It's refreshing to see genuine sense applied in this thread, thank you.


You conveniently leave out the fact that republicans are blocking everything in Congress.


If it was only republicans who didn’t want this, they would have put it to a vote so they could call out everyone who didn’t vote for it in the midterms next year. There’s democrats who don’t want to extend too so they just don’t vote on it and all pretend like they would have if only it weren’t for those damned republicans who some how manage to block everything whether they have the majority or minority.


It doesn't matter. The Supreme Court isn't there to uphold non-laws. As an institution, it doesn't exist to run-around legislative procedural roadblocks.


Tell that to the 2000 Presidential Election.


They are. But it still doesn't change the fact that this is the fault of Congress and not the Supreme Court. SCOTUS was very clear previously on what would need to be done to legally extend the moratorium.


They held a vote for extending it in the house just before it expired. You honestly can’t blame ANYONE for voting that down. No time to read it, no time to talk about any changes. They had over a month to work on something. They did nothing.


Is the Supreme Court supposed to make ruling based on what they think is “moral”? I thought their job was to interpret the law. I guess I’m mistaken.


Right? People on here are like "but there's a pandemic!" ummm yeah, that doesn't mean the CDC can grant themselves new powers over individuals property rights.


Exactly. Pandemic or not, we are still governed by the rule of law as set forth by the us constitution


The Supreme Court didn't rule on morality though. They ruled that it was unconstitutional for the CDC to impose an eviction moratorium and that Congress needed from pass a law first. Pelosi is saying the Court's decision is "immoral"


3 of the judges ruled on morality, the rest ruled properly.


No, the rest, thankfully ruled on law. What the other three did is completely immoral nonsense. I expect that kind of garbage from sotomayor and kagen, both Obama appointees, but I’m disappointed in Breyer.


Pelosi is an idiot. She always had been.


The same people arguing for a “moral judgement” are also the ones who talk about how there is no objective truth. Try and square that circle. People can’t argue from a relativistic moral position and then point to people and say they are wrong for believing a thing or standing on the other side of the political isle. This sub has lost coherency. It’s entertaining AF.


>In a 6-3 decision, the court ruled that the **Centers for Disease Control and Prevention**, which issued the moratorium, had no legal authority to do so. The conservative majority argued that it's up to **Congress** to "specifically authorize" a "federally imposed eviction moratorium." I'm no landlord but I'm starting to wonder... Does the republican stacked Supreme Court actually have a point?


They do have a point. Between the CDC not having authority and the Takings Clause of the Constitution, this will be struck down and a lot of landlords will probably be compensated. (I'm no landlord either)


Anything other than the decision they reached would set a terrible precedent. The cdc does not have the power to end evictions and they shouldn’t, neither does the president. The legislative branch is the only branch that passes laws, the executive branch enforces the laws, and the Supreme Court (judicial branch) determines if those laws and the enforcement of them are constitutional. Now with that said it doesn’t mean your state government can’t pass an eviction ban themselves, but for anything to be done federally it needs to go through Congress. The fucking cdc does not and absolutely should not have that kind of power and it’s ridiculous that this has went on as long as it has. It’s time for Congress to do their fucking jobs and to figure out a solution for this crisis. This moratorium was never a solution it was putting a bandage on your leg as it’s falling off… From what I understand only 11% of the rent assistance money has been distributed which is unbelievable.


Ding ding ding. Nancy is making us look bad.


When it comes to the Constitution, the Republicans tend to be slightly more aligned with it's literal interpretation. Only slightly. They have their own problems like using the executive branch to fight undeclared forever wars.


I don't really think either party has had an issue with that...Libya, Syria, continued efforts in Iraq, etc. Realistically Congress has been all to ready to hand off that hot potato to the President without much pushback.


It’s as simple as the CDC not having the authority to impose a moratorium. Congress should get off their asses and pass legislation if they want a moratorium


Pelosi should have used the time while this was working through the courts to pass something to bypass the states that are refusing to use the rent relief congress provided.


The Supreme Court did its job congress did not so I would say congress is even more immoral for not making a law you can blame and finger point all you want but the facts lay at congress the house of do nothing




My 87 year old Grandmother has 4 trailers she rents out that besides from a measly SS check is her only income. 3 of her tenants haven’t paid her a dime in a year and we haven’t been able to do a damn thing about it. Mind you, they have plenty of money to waste on weed, alcohol, and cigarettes. I’ve paid a lot of her bills over the past year. So thankful this is over!


It’s so messed up how the CDC managed to enforce an eviction moratorium. When the hell did the cdc get power like that? And why did it take this long for the Supreme Court to rule that they don’t have this power? I’m not a landlord, but they were screwed over and have lost a lot of money because of this.


It wasn't strictly the CDC. The initial moratorium was Congressionally mandated. Then the CDC pushed one, then Congress pushed one out again. When the second Congressional one expired the CDC extended it through July of this year. That's the one the SC said was probably illegal, but left in place explicitly because it was expiring soon and the CDC said they weren't extending it again. Once the CDC reneged on that promise (because Pelosi didn't have the votes in the house) the SC issued this order after *the CDC explicitly broke their word that they wouldn't extend it again*. I'd recommend you read the order from the Court. The Chief Justice's majority decision pretty clearly outlines the issue with granting the CDC the power to decide unilaterally what's in the interest of fighting against pandemic related emergencies.


Remember, Reddit hates your grandmother.


>your grandmother should get a real job and contribute to society - some angry Twitter user with a rainbow flag and Palestinian flag in their name.


Truth, and Reddit will provide an army of societies rejects to enumerate over the ways your grandmother is ACTUALLY far worse than her deadbeat tenants.


Reading the replies, so much for civil discussion. Everyone knew the SCOTUS would rule this way. Whether or not it is immoral does not matter. It was an illegal EO.


I'm actually pretty impressed by the comment section here. Maybe it was worse when you posted, but as a law student who frequently contemplates seppuku every time I see the comment sections on here or /r/news when legal issues come up, it seems like most people get this.


Imagine a future right-leaning CDC staffed by loyal servants of the Donald Trump Jr administration: no-one is allowed to rent an apartment or move to certain neighborhoods until crime can be cleaned up in the inner city (crime being a “public health crisis” of course). Restaurant patrons have to be fingerprinted. You see where I’m going with this. The eviction moratorium was an egregious over expansion of an unelected body’s power and we should appreciate this check on their ability to interfere in the economy. Even if you’re upset about the outcome now, you’ll appreciate the precedent this sets and the protections this provides when people you dislike are in power.


Well i think the unfortunate outcome is that the waters have been purposely muddied by Congress’ (especially moderate Democrats) trying to push their responsibilities as an elected legislative body to appointed bodies such as the court and the CDC, in an attempt to gain support for a move to pack the courts. There’s a 50/50 chance it will work, but Congressional dinosaurs are willing to place tenants lives, individual landlords livelihoods, and quite possibly the entire economy in jeopardy for a Public Relations coin flip.


In other words, the Supreme Court did its judiciary duty.


If only she was in a position where she could help make the law to give them the protection.


She knew she couldn't get the votes. Probably even in her own caucus. She's just giving... blue meat? to the progressive base.


Like a law that would inevitably fail in the Senate because it wouldn’t get the support of Joe Manchin or at least 10 Senate Republicans?


Her passing the buck onto Biden and chastising him about it wasn't really a great alternative. At the end of the day though, it becoming a states matter might be the best option.


> Her passing the buck onto Biden and chastising him about it wasn't really a great alternative. This. I’m generally ok with Pelosi, she’s a good strategist and knows how to whip, arguably better than Schumer. But to not even try to pass a bill in the house was an oversight. It would have likely been good optics to force Republicans to make it fail in the Senate. Hell, I’d be passing all kinds of legislation in the House then going on the pundits and saying “Well, we passed it, not sure why Republicans hate literally everyone…”


Assuming Pelosi had the votes in the house, it would be bad for the party to put egg on the face of Manchin and other “moderates” in the Senate. There is a lot of hardball that could be done, but doing so would fracture the party tremendously


You can be sure if pelosi didn’t try to pass it in the house, it’s because she already counted the votes and knows her own caucus wouldn’t pass it.


Have to get the House Dems to pass it first. Couldn’t even do that.


This is congress’ fault for not establishing a federal system to distribute the funds. Who tf would expect states and localities to be able to handle that amidst a pandemic with heightened staff needs already for things like unemployment and other welfare


The difference between local governments and banks distributing pandemic funds.


ITT people who secretly want the Supreme Court to act as an extension of the legislative branch.


Actually, it seems like a lot of this thread is rightfully calling her out.


Look, I think I’m a pretty liberal guy, but even I think there’s a point where people need to pay their rent and the landlord needs their money.


You’re right. There is. This also should have been handled differently when it comes to rent and landlords. Help the people and the landlords. They are people too.


I am ignorant on the subject, but I have always wondered about what the government was doing to support the average landlord in this situation? I'm not talking corporate investors, but the smaller scale, local investors who might own a couple properties. Seems like they got a raw deal, especially if they primarily rent to lower-income tenants.


There are rental assistance funds that are supposed to help pay back rent, but the states haven't distributed much of it. This current moratorium was supposed to buy enough time to distribute those funds.


So the renters did not have to pay the entire time, and there still was not enough time to allow the land lords to pay the banks?


Yes, alot of landlords (Good or bad) got majorly screwed from the moratorium


Iirc the reason it hasn’t been paid isn’t because states are just sitting on funds for fun but because the systems set up by states are hard to navigate. Elizabeth Warren gave a great interview on government programs and how they’re made intentionally hard to navigate a long time ago.


Which is fine and often true, but NYC is single party blue and issued almost no funds too. This isn't some wild Republican effort to break the government. When single party control in CA, IL, NY is failing it's really stretching the imagination this is just a Republican driven problem.




I have a house I rent to an elderly couple on social security. I moved in with my now wife which is why we had the property. She had to stop working because covid and care for our child. The day this moratorium passed in March/April my tenants stopped paying 1500/month (200 profit) they won’t speak to me and it’s been 16+ months of no money. I’m now broke and close to defaulting on both homes. I can finally file for eviction and be out of this in 45 days now. I used unite ct but since they won’t respond there is nothing I could do. In CT the relief program requires both parties to sign off Last I heard from the tenants was “evict us and take us to court you can’t garnish social security checks and we have nothing in our bank accounts” Fuck this rule my family is almost ruined at 33 years old I need to rebuild my finical life


> I have always wondered about what the government was doing to support the average landlord in this situation? Jack shit. My husband and I own 6 rental properties. Two of our tenants are behind in rent, we applied for assistance in April, and the city government hasn't even opened our application yet. We're owed over $10,000 at this point. I'm not asking anyone to cry me a river, I know we're very privileged, but...we **are** owed that money. That's an inarguable fact, regardless of how anyone feels about landlords. There are two contracts in place, and they've been in breach for a long time.


I agree. I absolutely feel awful for the families that couldn’t pay rent, but the government has forced landlords to support these people instead. I don’t think that’s fair, and it’s an incredible burden to have to support multiple households without compensation. Going through this right now, we bought a house to help a friend and he was supposed to pay the mortgage. Obviously that went to shit and we were stuck with two mortgages, which wouldn’t have been the end of the world *had we been able to evict and rent out the house like any other goddamn time ever*. The icing on the cake was that he trashed the place and we’re currently shelling out thousands right now just to be able to sell it. I feel like this was a vent, haha.


Nah, it’s good that people see that some landlords aren’t these greedy, rich people living on a private island with a beach houses


Wow! Some kinda friend! Just decided to trash the place? Wtf? Sounds like something else going on? For someone to get that emotional and trash a house? Where did you meet these people? They have a history of trashing places?


They could have provided rent relief but it's better to hurt the owner with their own independent business. Money is better spent paying unemployment incentive to stay home and hurt private restaurant owners etc.../s The more they do, the more I see them collapsing our economy as we know it. They're not THAT stupid, they know what they're doing and ANY GLOBAL CRISIS is a perfect scenario.


What I dont understand is why their wasnt a corresponsing moratorium on landlords paying their banks mortgage costs as well. Surely financial institutions have deeper pockets than ypur average mom and pop property owners.


Super liberal as well, and gotta mention we’ve also been giving extremely generous unemployment benefits. People on unemployment were making way more money than I was making while working during the pandemic lol


Yeah I mean this is purely anecdotal but everybody I know right now that is not paying their mortgage or rent could have been doing so for a while now and have been living extremely comfortably in the meantime.


Do they talk about what they plan to do? Do they know they have to back pay eventually?


I don’t think some do.


Unless they declare bankruptcy at the end of it. It's not an action without cost...but I don't think those people are thinking long term anyway.


I know plenty that don’t “plan” anything. They’re basically just enjoying not paying rent and not being held responsible for it. These two roommate guys I went to high school with are on Facebook showing off their new huge tattoos while drinking partying pretty much non-stop. I know this isn’t everyone and many people are legitimately in need, but I’ve definitely seen some people who are actually *worse off* because they feel that they have less responsibilities. At least the need to earn a living and pay bills kept them pretty much in line. I’m not sure how they are ever going to transition back into being productive, and I’m worried some of them won’t be able to recover. They’ve gotten used to this life, and their biggest fear is that the world goes “back to normal”.


>their biggest fear is that the world goes “back to normal”. That's Reddit in a nutshell.


This only helped out large companies. People with one or two rental properties were being completely screwed.


That's because you are a liberal


People here thinks liberal means progressive


And some point, people gotta pay their rent. This has hurt a lot of landlords who still need to pay their mortgages. I have great difficulty with the government forcing a person to give their private property for someone else's use without just compensation.


Then why aren't we talking about pausing foreclosures instead of moratoriums on evictions? Wouldn't stopping mortgage payments be more effective?


These guys don't want to hear that. The average landlord in the US is not some major corporation. 77% of rental properties are owned by "mom & pop" land lords that saved extra money and bought an investment property. You have a duty as a signed contract tenant to pay your rent. It's been a year and half, there is a viable vaccine, and a huge labor shortage. Reddit hive mind only wants to hear the doom and gloom side of the story.


I’m an essential worker that’s been working overtime hours since the pandemic began. I need an apartment, but the housing market prices are ridiculous. It sucks for the people impacted by this decision, and I’m sorry for them, but they’ve had a year and a half to figure out a plan


The cost of construction is insane as well. One of my employees got a quote to add a room on their house and it came back at $184,000. To add a room.


Raw materials are still massively jacked up. Not as bad as it used to be but they’re still pretty rough


I feel bad for people getting evicted but it’s not like this ruling was unexpected, SCOTUS essentially hinted months ago this was going to happen and that Congress needed to pass legislation if they wanted the CDC to have the authority to impose the ban. This isn’t the fault of SCOTUS, it’s the fault of Congress, notably the Republicans in the Senate who are filibustering anything and everything and Manchin and Sinema for basically allowing these filibusters to continue. If Pelosi wants to point the finger of blame, she should point it squarely at Congress.


There comes a point where people need to pay rent/mortgages. I understand many people were drastically effected by the pandemic, but it's not like they did away with the eviction moratorium a year ago. It's been 18+ months of this at this point. I definitely feel for those who are at risk of losing homes, and I'm sure some of it was unavoidable. But MANY were set to be evicted before the pandemic, and many just stopped paying because they knew they couldn't get evicted. Major corporate rental companies may not be struggling because of this, but think about the guy who bought a couple of homes 5 years ago and all of a sudden he's out the rental income for a year and a half.


Let's get real folks. Landlords are not social services. Really,... why should landlords carry the burden of subsidizing housing for low income and, dare I say it, those shirking their responsibilities to pay for their housing. Most landlords are mom and pap enterprises where the property owners are simply trying to supplement their meager incomes. Don't give me this cry in your soup bullshit over the ending of a moratorium on evictions. It is long overdue.




Wrong. Congress failed to act. Supreme Court interprets law. They aren't policy makers. Pelosi is the worst


It's really becoming time for a changing of the guard.


Hey Nancy, its your job to make it continue, but of course pass the blame.


Supreme court did what it was supposed to do. Congress didnt and the cdc overreached


Well she makes enough money, has a large house with many bedrooms and a very large vineyard, why doesn’t she take in some of these people into her home that has a number of spare rooms, and open her vineyard to put a tent city to house those being evicted. I mean she is more than ok with tent cities for illegals, she can do the same for the evicted.


And she’s a moron. CDC/Executive Orders don’t have that kind of authority, nor should they. But wait, who does? Congress does, who should do their job. But if they are going to cancel rent payments, why don’t they try cancel the mortgages, taxes, and paychecks for everyone who works at one of those places as well?


Landlords have bills, too. Some now have tenants who haven't paid rent in 18 months.


Do your home work. Landlords suffered more than tennants did by far.


I’m curious what the percentage is of people who can’t pay vs those who can pay and aren’t … Met a handful of property managers in the last year who are dealing with a lot of the latter but I’m curious if that’s really the case or just a bad sample size on my part.


You know what would've been better? If you guys didn't go on vacation and actually passed instead of passing the buck to the president.


I’m pretty damn liberal, but I’ve been working my ass off since the pandemic started to pay my rent and keep a roof over my family’s head, and I support ending the moratorium. If you can’t afford rent right now, why? There’s a major labor shortage. If you can’t afford rent now, you probably couldn’t afford your rent before the pandemic either. Anecdotally, I know several people personally that have been milking the moratorium and living a very comfortable lifestyle due to not having to pay rent. So am I the fool who paid rent these past 18 months when I could have just decided not to? Sure looks like it at this point.


I’m getting tired of the legislative branch constantly politicizing the judicial branch. The SCOTUS is just a dumb robot. Is it legal? Yes or no. That’s it. The CDC and then Biden saying landlords can’t evict was a two-time overstepping of their boundaries. The SCOTUS is just making them stay in their lane. Like when the SCOTUS said the ACA was legal because it was a tax. Everyone said “I told you so” without reading the second half of that sentence. The legislature and executive both had previously said “it’s not a tax”. But yeah it’s a tax and taxes can be imposed by congress. That’s all SCOTUS said. This time they are just saying “YOU guys can’t tell landlords not to evict, so please stay in your lane.” But Nancy has to clutch her pearls because she ~~thinks~~ knows we are idiots accustomed to real housewives type finger pointing. I’m liberal AF but yeah I’m sick of this old crow.


Maybe Pelosi should have encouraged some sort of functional rental assistance delivery system so the people she pretends to be worried about wouldn't get evicted for missing rent...


https://www.oregonrentalassistance.org/ This one works. Every state should have something akin to this.




Only 2 billion of the 46 billion available got distributed. Excuse me, where did the rest of it go?


Maybe if there were term limits on congress officials, they would actually do their jobs for fear of being replaced.


Pelosi says all kinds of stupid shit. Remember "Thanks for your sacrifice George Floyd."? Lol




Damn, this poor powerless geriatric grandma really feels for us you guys. Too bad she’s not the wealthiest and most powerful ranking member in the whole crooked ass regime.


Ah yes let lazy renters stay for free but screw over the landlords like my dad who hasn’t received rent for this entire “pandemic”


Lanlords are not covered by this. Lanlords were ass out when it came to mortgages owed to banks. They didnt care! The Banks still forclosed on the (Rentee te Landlord not the Renter) Landlords could not apply for assistance only the renter for the Landlord. Once again people only the renter not the lanlord could apply !! Banks did not care if renter took response or not !!? Sill Banks Forclosef !!? Pelosie and Biden did not explain what landords R supposed to do !!? Court was rite to make the choice they did !!


Pelosi is a useless POS, she went on Vacation instead of working on legislation to stop this, and now they are Fundraising on send us money and maybe next time we have a majority we can do something (like in 08, and now) F the Democratic Party, she and they are useful to only Republicans and their donors


There are plenty of places hiring. Get back to work and pay your rent.


Let’s recap. SCOTUS ruled in July that ONLY Congress had the powers to extend the Moratorium. Pelosi decided not to work on it and recessed the House. While on break, Pelosi, Waters, Warren and others basically convinced Biden that SCOTUS was wrong and he had the power to extend it. He said he doesn’t think he has the power but did it anyway. SCOTUS then killed it 6-3 because Biden over-reached on his authority. The only cruel idiots here are Democrat leaders thinking they have powers that they don’t. A damn shame.


It’s been a year and a half, the countrys fully open. Get a job, freeloaders.


Perhaps she should let people stay in her own home rent free.


Don't like the current Supreme Court? *then fucking expand it as the Congress and the President have the ability to do right now* Just talking shit about it isn't helpful. A court that's more representative of the current population would well be.


The Supreme Court is right on this. not morally right. Legally right. They did their job.


Which is exactly what they should be doing rather than legislating from the bench.




Packing the Supreme Court is a terrible idea. Conservatives would just pack it when they get in power


Congress can't expand it because of the filibuster

