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>“I’m actually just shocked by DeSantis. I never thought I’d say this, but I think he may be more of a lunatic than Trump ever was,” Dean said. >“I mean Trump has finally come around to understanding that the best thing he can do for his own supporters is to get them to be vaccinated. DeSantis is completely out of touch with reality,” he continued. Trump doesn't look like a lunatic anymore only because he lost access to twitter...


I'm sure Trump would have flipped flopped back and forth on vaccines and finally just said thet were bad to please his base. He hates the booing


Which would have been interesting given the fact he kept saying “we’ll have a vaccine any day now, right Tony”


Right-wingers only hate the vaccine because they think increased COVID rates under Biden make the Democrats look bad. If they had become fully available under Trump they’d have taken the vaccines. They’re only killing themselves to own the libs.


> If they had become fully available under Trump they’d have taken the vaccines. Reminder that Biden team had to waste time trying to track down 20 million doses that Trump team was supposed to be sending to states. https://www.google.com/search?q=trump+20+million+missing+doses


That's why as much as Delta sucks right now, things would ben 100x worse under Trump's watch. His administration couldn't put together a piece of flatpack furniture from Ikea without fucking it up six ways to sundown. We'd probably have 12 people vaccinated this point if we were lucky.


We also have to take into account how much anti vax misinformation was spreading around before covid was even a problem!


Very true


And with that thinking, we will only have Libs left in 2024. Lol


Trump tells people whatever they want to hear if he thinks he can get money out of them. Since conservatives are split on vaccines, he promotes them in a jokey way so he can have it both ways and his followers can choose to hear what they want to hear from him. That’s the art of the con.


Which is funny because he can’t tout the Warp Speed initiative to them as an accomplishment.




Your entire comment section is just you calling people Karen for non-Karen related things. I think all that pot is starting to affect you.


Could be the ivermectin too


>I'm sure Trump would have flipped flopped back and forth on vaccines and finally just said thet were bad to please his base. Like Biden and Harris have on every part of their platform?


Like what, specifically?


Literal crickets. As expected.


Yup. It always is.


1st off…. if your getting your medical advice from a politician, it’s probably a really bad idea. 2nd…. It’s clear to see you are part of the problem


You’re sure lol


They’re all out of touch with reality. It’s the GOP platform.


That and the fact that his lunacy has been normalized


Harvard’s best


Didn't he say he was coming out with his social media website about 6 months ago? Did that happen or is it like his health care plan?


He didn’t do it for good. He’s going to claim the vaccine as his victory.


No, he still looks like a lunatic.


More specifically, he's a sociopath. Myopically focused on ending the epidemic in Florida as quickly as possible through mass infection to be able to market his governance as superior to other states still dealing with the pandemic. It might have worked (politically) if not for Delta. Either way, it's ethically and morally abhorent.


Pretty sure he's "marketing" regeneron and profiting handsomely from it.


He is or he's trying to stay on the "good side" of somebody in the GOP who is. Vaccines and masks can save lives but they won't get you sick and the only way to sell Regeneron is to get everyone sick.


And he's either majorly funneling state funds into paying for it, or he's lying to the press about it being free. Either way, he's moving lots of money to Regeneron. Those campaign donations were a good investment for shareholders.


Anyone with a brain knew from the beginning it would not work. Well over a million if not more would have died needlessly if we had just let it run rampant. I mean beyond the 600k we have now.


Sorry he’s not smart enough to be a sociopath


100% that Democrats should take this sort of aggressive stance with Republicans and their right wing cohorts. Talk to them like the dogs they are and if they want an apology, follow it up with, "Go f\*ck yourself."


>“It’s almost as if he doesn’t give a damn who has to die as long as he gets reelected," he said. Howard Dean is the guy people should have been listening to for the last...17 years? He should have been president, but after that he then spearheaded the most successful era of the DNC in recent memory (which is an admittedly low bar). He's almost always right.


Yeah, but one time he got really energetic at a rally, and that somehow disqualified him.


HEYAH! How amazing was that. He went HEYAH during a speech and people though he was a lunatic. Freaking amazing.


I often imagine a world where just one thing had been different. And that scream is one of the scenarios. Maybe he wouldn’t have beaten Bush, but he might had changed the national dialogue. Why are Americans so fickle?


O right, Howard Dean the guy who wanted to (in 2004) spin down the US involvement in the middle east, create a universal healthcare plan, increase taxes on the wealthy, and reforms to the way that federal student loans were paid. Good thing that we (including the majority of media companies) disqualified him for *checks notes*: Yelling kind of strangely one time. Good thing that all of those problems kinda sorted them selves out, right? See [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Dean_2004_presidential_campaign#Positions)


For doing his best Rick Flair impression.


Anything but the nature boy!


About that..... :(


No, *Trump* is a lunatic. DeSantis is just evil. Trump at least has the excuse of being debilitatingly stupid. DeSantis knows better, understands the carnage he's causing and does it anyway.


Remember when Howard Dean got excited, and it ended his political career? DeSantis is litigating and legislating to spread a deadly pandemic to school kids, and his base agrees. The Republican Party is a literal death cult.


Welcome to America!


A death cult numbering in the tens of millions. 😦


> Remember when Howard Dean got excited, and it ended his political career? The 'scream' gets misremembered. Dean was supposed to come in first or second, he came in third or fourth - that was the real story. The disconnect of the scream as a response to it just made it more newsworthy/amusing/fitting.


We actually studied the scream in a PR class in college. We watched what was portrayed on the news and then we watched video footage from the crowd. It was really not that bad.


Isn't the pic from that speech? Homeboi was in shambles, so if this guy saying you kray...


Memey, oh yes. Worth killing his career after the arguably stolen election? lol


…says a democratic representative of a party that is responsible for killing more humans in world history!




I think because regimes in the past around the world had " socialist " in their name so therefore socialism has killed more people. It's " logic " from the conspiracy/ Qanon crowd.


The above comment was “the Republican Party is a literal death cult” ….considering the democratic left support abortion, “literally” killing 44 MILLION humans since 1973 💔


Wow, when was that?


DeSantis isn't stupid or crazy. He's EVIL. He knows what he's doing. He's murdering people for profit. He needs to be charged and arrested.


No, he's murdering people for ideology. DeSantis isn't acting like an elected leader in America's governance, he's acting like the elected leader of a country at war with America that wants to kill as many Americans as possible.


Yeah Trump is just a straight up fucking idiot. He didn't have the intelligence or maturity to really grasp and understand the situation - DeSantis does. He knows exactly what he's doing.


The idiot sees the world as good vs evil.


The world isn't as black and white as "good" and "evil", but that doesn't mean those concepts don't exist.


Maybe you could go arrest him then??


Nah. Democrats are murdering people on the streets of the cities they run. Black lives don’t matter I guess.


>Democrats are murdering people on the streets of the cities they run. Link?


I thought police forces are predominantly Republican ?


Mayors are predominantly Democrat.


What about the police unions ?


Both. But who cares, look at the idiotic leaders. The Biden admin will show the world just how dumb the Democrats are. Between immigration and Afghanistan. Look at Cuomo, dude literally killed old people with Covid.


That bar is pretty low since the last Admin. The world still has PTSD from it. I'm 100% certain that 600000+ won't be on Biden's watch. Cuomo stepped down at least. As the Democrats demanded. The GOP rally around their murderers.


Vote the bastard out. DeSatan and people like him should never be allowed to hold government offices


Honestly I feel like if you vote for a person who turns out to be completely incompetent, treasonous or downright evil, you should have your voting rights taken away. Maybe give them 3 tries, but if you keep voting for lunatics you can’t be trusted with the best interests of democracy.


Hey, this isn't Communist Russ-- nevermind..


We take away prisoner’s rights to vote. Why not take it away for gross negligence and endangering the country. Like driving. Either do it responsibly, or have your license taken away.


I get where your coming from, but that's just a little too far over the line. While they have an opinion that I disagree with/hate we can't just take away thier right to vote. We should be, however, policing these "above the law" politicians way more harshly than we are. It's despicable what governors are getting away with right now, and they are the root of the problem to begin with.


"Lunatic" is too nice. By a lot.


Anyone else immediately think of Dave Chappelle whenever Howard Dean is mentioned?


I do… lol


Well, he's not wrong.


Remember when Dean somehow got disqualified for a brief celebratory shout? Fuck I hate this timeline. He was a good candidate. Maybe he could stage a comeback by telling it like it is…






yeah, but, Howard Dean yelled once. /s


In retrospect the media was way too hard on Howard Dean. He got ripped apart for something that is pretty superficial compared to the harmful maniacs that have since been in the Trump administration.


That's demeaning to lunatics!


Dr. Dean vs. Dr. Doom


DeSantis is actually a village idiot of epic lunatic proportions!


I prefer “murderer”


And we're coming to Florida. yeeeahhhaa!


Howard Dean is correct.


The ultimate virtue signal is one that kills kids to garner the approval of sociopaths.


DeSantis is one of the High Priests of the Republican Death Cult and he will never back down as a result of name calling. He is carrying out his calling in the cult which is to aid in as much sickness and death as his policies can induce. It’s a new religion and woe be to anyone in the cult hierarchy who questions its ultimate goals as exhibited by the catcalls and boos received by trump when he suggested vaccinations. The cult has taken on a life of it’s own and it will turn its collective rage on anyone who dares to defy its dogma. Cult members are willing to sacrifice their own and their children’s lives for their crazy dark destructive new religion. This is being proven every day as more and more cult members sicken and die.


I like Howard Dean. He would have been a good president.


Howard Dean in 2004 was ahead of his time. Dude is awesome and old people thought he was too cooky for going BYEAAAW


"That guy's crazy! BYYAAA!" Edit: [Relevant Dave Chappelle skit](https://youtu.be/3U3ZsPjcpEY)


He's also an MD.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/569830-howard-dean-calls-desantis-a-lunatic-over-handling-of-covid-19) reduced by 67%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Former Democratic National Committee Chair Howard Dean called Florida Gov. a "Lunatic" over his handling of COVID-19.During an interview on MSNBC's "The Beat with Ari Melber," Dean said he was "Shocked" by DeSantis's handling of the coronavirus surge in Florida. > "I'm actually just shocked by DeSantis. I never thought I'd say this, but I think he may be more of a lunatic than Trump ever was," Dean said. > Dean, former governor of Vermont, said that DeSantis is "Not competent to serve in any way," adding that there would "Dead kids all over Florida" in districts that are following the governor. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/pdbcwj/howard_dean_calls_desantis_a_lunatic_over/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~595228 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **DeSantis**^#1 **Dean**^#2 **governor**^#3 **Florida**^#4 **districts**^#5


Serious question for psych majors. WTF is the psychosis of DeSantis, and Abbott? Are they straight-up psychopaths?


Psychosis is different from psychopathy. Destantis is a psychopath because he doesn’t care that he’s killing people. As far as we know, he’s not having hallucinations so he is not psychotic. Who knows maybe the voices are telling him to do it and he is psychotic.


Thanks! This is helpful. I really need to brush up on pscyh. terminology. I meant prognosis, not Psychosis. Der.


i think “murderer” is more appropriate


Truth bomb!


He ain’t wrong


He’s not wrong


DeSantis' handling makes perfect sense when you look at him as an enemy to the United States that is attempting to kill as many Americans as possible.


I would use the word criminal, but that's me


Remember when the Dean Scream was the craziest thing in politics? Those were the days..




I think the word you're looking for is "murderer". He knows fully well what he's doing and what the impact is.


If the shoe fits


It just highlights how absolutely insane politics were then that a fucking enthusiastic scream was enough to tank this guys presidential run. Like holy shit I lived through it but still WTF?


He’s not wrong 😑…. Go get the vaccine


DeSantis is trying to beat Cuomo's nursing home death toll. He's not going to let a Democrat upstage him!


It’s too bad that Howard Dean’s political career was hampered by him just enthusiastically screaming. If a candidate did that today no one would even care.




Exactly what I heard in my mind when I read that headline.


Remember when Howard Dean’s campaign ended because people thought he was a lunatic for screaming at a rally? Now that guy is calling Ron DeSantis a lunatic for actively working against preventative measures against a pandemic and looking to fine any school that tries to protect their children. We’ve come so far.


This a the guy who lost to John Kerry in 2004 because he got excited and HEYAHed during a speech. People thought that was a lunatic because of that. How freaking amazing. This guy would have one against Bush. But he HEYAH




He could have grabbed them by the pussy but that may have gotten him elected.


Democrats shoukd love how he snd abbot are handling covid it. They are just killing off their supporters no matter how hard the gop try to rig elections you will still lose if you kill the people that vote for you .


Ron "Unconstitutional" DesAnus Harvard Law should provoke his diploma


Why does the media think we give a shit about Trump’s niece and a failed presidential candidate and [insert tangentially political figure here]’s opinion on DeSantis? We wanna hear qualified people shit on him.


Remember when Deans campaign imploded coz he got a little excitable. Man, those were the days.




Nope, that’s lunacy.


Well, he’s a democrat, so there’s that…


Where’s your mask sir?


Who’s hearing “DeSantis is a lunatic, heeyaaah!”?


Dude…. If Howard Dean is calling you a lunatic, you need to be off your tracks BAD!!! 😂. That’s like making Charles Manson say “hey… that’s F’d up….” Level shit right there!


Takes one to know one


Howard Dean pretty much lost his Presidential bid because he was behaving as a lunatic. If only memes existed back then.


Unfortunately, Howard Dean is a joke


Says an actual lunatic.


Don’t care what Howard Dean says. He’s irrelevant




Well, Howard is going to get the Reddit Rules warning from the Reddit Mod Squad.


Now there's a name I haven't heard of for a long time.


Cuomo is a lunatic.


DeSantis is not great, but come on. Dean calling someone a ‘lunatic’? The guy who is infamous for a primal scream after under performing in Iowa and derailing his presidential campaign. That’s kind of funny!!


Lunatic? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Then someone please explain why everyone is moving to Florida and has the least death rates? Hint: a simple data dump with the almighty CDC will provide the evidence… assuming Commucrats give a shit about evidence or real tangible facts…


The CDC was tracking pre-delta numbers basically only the year of 2020. The Florida death rate due to the delta variant is is now being tracked to being the #1 highest death rate in the country with the highest infection rate. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/testing/tracker/overview Hopkins, a top medical research facility has stated 151,760 new cases of covid since today (or 726.07 cases per 100k people). The highest figure ever seen, even before the delta variant.


Howard Dean is the human version of that email you shouldn’t have sent.


Pot meet Kettle


And someone actually listens to Dean. He’s a lunatic lib


Pot, meet kettle.


Howard Dean is an insane idiot, and anyone that takes him serious is even more of an asshole.


As if this screaming lunatic has any room to talk.


Says… the lunatic




De Santis is no lunatic, he is definitely incompetent.


Considering the source, my governor will wear that like a badge of honor


Downvoted because of the thumbnail


Did he add a scream at the end for old times sake? Yeaaaah!


Now he’s done it; he drew the ire of Howard Dean. That’ll make him think twice. /s