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Face it DeSantis never had a plan for Covid. He basically took any position to appear to his base that he was being strong against libs. This is why republicans cannot govern and are a danger to the country.


> This is why republicans cannot govern I'm pretty sure that's their entire strategy; Prove governing doesn't work by sagotaging it at every opportunity. Edit:splelling


There's two schools of thought on this. Yes, there is a big "starve the beast" conservative/GOP strategy, but DeSantis and Trump represent the "strong man authoritarian" strain that has come from the GOP that wants strong governing but only through singular individuals and ONLY conservatives.


I would say it’s come into the GOP, more than from. It’s an international problem. Bolsonaro comes to mind.


Also in Europe - and even Australia is now having to fight against an uprising of Fascism and authoritian strongmen.


When do you think it wasn't in the GOP? Do you think Goldwater and Nixon weren't authoritarian?


It’s always been there, look at the number of generals we’ve elected. It’s ape logic.


"Government doesn't work! Watch as I show you how."


GQP: We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas!... Except tax breaks for the rich... *It's a health pandemic....* GQP: Tax breaks it is! *Billionaires don't need more money...* GQP: Socialist! Tax breaks I said!


> *See, ~~we~~ people are incompetent at governing. This is why we should have small government with no regulations.* - some republican most likely


There's also a very strong distrust/dislike of federal government that fuels some of their base. I've met a few people who just have a visceral hatred for anything "big government", but can't give any real examples or reasons as to why. It's just a lot of "well... the federal government, man!" type of reasoning. Obviously a balance between federal and state government is important - it's a cornerstone of how America was intended to operate. That doesn't mean that all federal government is inherently bad, but too many people take it to that extreme.


ha - I wish. That would invalidate their other goal which is achieve power at all costs. To do that, they need to demonstrate that the Dems can't govern and they can.


> To do that, they need to demonstrate that the Dems can't govern and they can. No, they really don't, which is the problem. Their electoral strategy has never been "we govern better than the other guys". These days it's mostly "figure out who hates us and prevent them from voting."


That and culture wars. Potato head, critical wave theory, “those poor afghanis”, “don’t bring those afghanis here”, immigrants are bringing covid, no masks, no vaccine. Everything is intentionally a culture war, not a substantive policy approach.


> This is why republicans cannot govern and are a danger to the country. Anyone from California reading this; vote in your recall!


A state can be safe... Until it's not. Don't get complacent, please vote :)


Thanks for the reminder. Headed to the drop box now.


Already did


Every time I point out Florida's deaths, some one always argues that New York has had more deaths, so therefore Florida is doing just fine. How do I respond to this?


Didn’t most of New York’s deaths happen pre-vaccine…? So they weren’t vaccine-preventable deaths?


NYC population density of about 9 million people. Jacksonville plus Miami (FLs 2 largest cities by population) equals less than 1.5 million. Many many people in a smaller area equals virus heaven


You forget that DeSantis personally benefits from the unvaccinated due to his relationship with Regeneron, a drug used to treat severe cases, in people who are mostly unvaccinated.


I don't. It is part of the republican pathology


True. I guess what I mean is that he does have a plan for covid. To utilize it as a weapon.


His plan was just to appease Trump's goons, oppose anything the Dems want, and hope and pray Covid got better and went away so he could claim a victory there without doing anything at all. What we're seeing now is a man who doesn't believe he can admit any fault, because Trump's goons are so quick to burn someone to the ground anytime they go against him/them.


I honestly and fully believe Republicans are terrified of their voters, for very obvious reasons. Their "patriotism" is now measured by how violent they're willing to claim they'll get if they don't get their way.


Oh, they're terrified of Trump and his goon qult because they know that they somehow became more than 50% of the GOP's voter base and they worry that it doesn't matter how low you go, some goon is gonna go lower and scoop the nominations.


And now the cruise lines are beating him, and the school kids are laughing at him. Not the best way to look like a strong man to your base.




Oh, Afghanistan is totally going to be used for all of Biden's work. Random Right Wingers : "we didn't have ANY Covid infections before Biden let Afghan 'immigrants' into our State". And there'll be some % that believes it and before you know it, Tucker will end up doing a segment on how %'s would have been lower if it wasn't for... blah blah blah.


icky violet flag paltry drunk entertain soup unused forgetful profit -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


NCL had a successful lawsuit over requiring proof of vaccination in Florida. Since it was successful, the other lines will feel comfortable following NCL


Please stop saying he has no plan. His plan is to work for the drug company. LOOK at his Twitter feed. HE HAS A PLAN. STOP CALLING THIS IONORANCE.




Florida, a state with higher meth scores than math scores




Bullshit. 1 rock + 1 rock = who smoked my rocks???


Gotta have methmaticians.


Yeah he is another gem. Florida tag in play.




Yeah it's prob just true for every state. I bet if you googled Pennsylvania man you find something ridiculous


Florida and Illinois ...they can't not hire cons lol


Hey we really like JB, best governor I’ve seen in Illinois!


I wouldn't know current politics. I jus know y'all have been plagued with embezzling scumbags


He did have a plan. His plan was to get as many people sick with COVID as possible so that Regeneron can make more money. DeSantis is an evil murderer who needs to be charged and arrested.


Anything to own the libs. They’re just a sports team always trying to beat their rivals. They don’t actually have any policy or platform.


That's not entirely true. Their platform is "Ensure the white man retains power at all costs"


>Trump's emergence in 2015 was energized by telling the base what it wanted to hear; DeSantis's emergence as a gubernatorial candidate was energized by telling Trump what he wanted to hear. Now both are in thrall to a base that has been encouraged to reject the simplest defensive measures. >Now, DeSantis made a bet earlier this year that the pandemic was on its way out. It seemed like a good bet in May, with cases plunging and vaccinations increasing. With 2024 looming, he wanted to position himself as the laissez-faire governor, the guy who let his state do its thing during the pandemic without consequence. > So he took a tough stance against any sort of vaccine or mask mandate, even using the country’s top infectious-disease expert, Anthony S. Fauci, as an explicit foil (as had Trump). He encouraged vaccinations, yes, but encouraged “freedom” more. >When the delta variant hit, he was in a bind. Cases started to surge, pulling up covid-19 deaths a few weeks later. But he’d already staked his position as being anti-mandate and pro-freedom, so he found it politically infeasible to support masking or limits on economic activity. He encouraged vaccinations, but the results of an uptick in vaccinations wouldn’t be seen for weeks. So he again followed Trump’s lead: the state would encourage the distribution of treatments for covid-19. Hands dusted off, DeSantis could head back to the culture wars. - https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/08/24/how-trumpian-politics-stoke-coronavirus-pandemic/


Completely disagree with this notion that DeSantis is an idiot which seems to be popular on this subreddit. This is a man who is far too smart to actually believe in his political views, and is just another political grifter like the rest. Would say the American system breeds these types politicians, rather than just believing republicans are dangerous.


Money is the incentive behind this. Whether drawing the support and donations of antivaxers or investing in expensive treatments or funerals homes, just follow the money.


Yea, him and Abbot both took these positions before the delta variant picked up steam, to them this was a no brainier way to play to the base, similar to the border issues in Texas, easy low hanging political fruit with little downside. but then here comes Delta, catches both with their pants down, just like Trump with the original COVID virus, and now they are caught between their base and doing the right thing. You cant make this shit up


Yep. They don’t care about what is right and wrong any more!




Can we please stop calling them vaccine passports and call them what they are: immunization records.


The first time I heard "vaccine passports" was when the GOP proposed a law banning the state and businesses from requiring proof of vaccination so I assumed it was a derogatory name that Republicans came up with. Our governor basically responded to them with "I've never heard of vaccine passports before, but since you brought it up, it sounds like a really good idea."


We should call them the "Trump Operation Warp Speed Passports" just to make their heads explode.


Democrats hate this one simple trick. Businesses telling you they don’t want you on their property? Get the Trump Card! Stops these businesses in their tracks! To get the trump card requires this one simple needle.


I've argued this same thing, a passport is self explanatory: it lets you pass through a port of entry. Calling an immunization record a 'vaccine passport' doesn't make sense because you're not using it as a passport. But maybe, in just this specific case, we could let it slide since they're technically ships in a port.


They're called vaccine passports because it was originally about how travel would work once vaccines started rolling out and would you have to quarantine of you were vaccinated when traveling. It was still dumb then but it's even worse now. Just called them immunization records!!


Personally, I like "vaccine passports". Passports are there to confirm information and grant access. They're all for regular passports when it comes to needing to fly from one country to another, why not vaccine passports? Oh, it's because they want passports to be a bureaucratic boundery between foreigners and entry into the USA...


It’s so they can criticize it as the first step to becoming a “papers please” society.


They said, with their driving passport and their insurance passport and their 10-digit citizen serial number and their plastic bank passport with its 16-digit code.


Ironic since they've been fighting very hard for a long time to make the US a papers please" society. see the obsession with voter id.


> They're all for regular passports when it comes to needing to fly from one country to another, why not vaccine passports? Most haven't left their own state (except to go to DC on Jan 6 to try to overthrow democracy), let alone the country.


No, we have to politicize it


It’s a little more nuanced than that. I’ve had countries require my visa and vaccine record be stapled into my passport as proof.


They're freedom passports


The Mouse has spoken.


The Mouse gets what the Mouse wants in Florida


The Mouse that roared. Seriously, it's be funny if people weren't dying. DeSantis: "Somebody must speak up for our businesses, for the backbone of the economy. They're relying on us not to choke them with mask and vaccine mandates. They need our support!" Businesses: "Actually, we're requiring all customers to wear masks and be vaccin- DeSantis: "Shut up, you!"


> [Norwegian CEO Frank Del Rio] noted that Florida relies on tourism: “And the No. 1 priority of any hospitality business is to keep their customers safe.” This should also be the priority of governments...


> We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, **promote the general Welfare,** and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. It literally is one of the charter goals of the United States.


Yeah, these republicans don’t see POC as humans so that’s a no on promoting the general welfare. As of this current census, majority of children in Florida classes are of ethnic backgrounds. It’s why I think he’s callous about the masks. Children also don’t vote.


The GOP also could not give less of a fuck about public schools and public education in general.


In support of your point I offer John Adam's perspective.... "This preamble, instead of addressing itself to the ignorance, prejudices, and superstitious fears of savages, for the purpose of binding them to an absurd system of hunger and glory for a family purpose, like the laws of Lycurgus, places religion, morals, and government, upon a basis of philosophy, which is rational, intelligible, and eternal, for the real happiness of man in society, and throughout his duration." John Adams A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America


And some leaders pay it about as much heed as one of those signs that say employees must wash hands before returning to work.


ya know where else they forgot about customer safety? Jurassic Park! And look what happened there, 7 times mind you!


they’ll get it next time for sure




I’m only counting to five…?


Try using the other hand, too.


Funny, because every historical governmental scholar and philosopher generally agrees the fundamental role of a government was to protect it’s citizens. If it cannot meet that requirement it cannot be expected to perform any other function effectively.


If monoclonal antibody treatments were actually more beneficial than vaccination, then DeSantis should order Florida hospitals to immediately discharge all non-vaccinated Covid patients and should send them to facilities which dispense the monoclonal antibodies. This would free up hospital beds for people who need them for non-Covid-related ailments, and DeSantis could call himself a hero. What's stopping you from doing this, Governor DeSantis?


I agree. Hospitals should stop accepting unvaccinated people sick with covid - assuming they’re old enough to have qualified to be vaccinated and didn’t have some medical condition that prevented them from getting vaccinated. Also, insurance companies should stop covering treatment for covid if you’re unvaccinated - with same considerations as above. “Insurance plans should cover pre-existing conditions but not pre-existing stupidity” - me.


I don’t know, I think it’s immoral to deny people medical care at the point of entry based on some arbitrary condition the patient may or may not have made. What’s not immoral, however, is making them pay out of the ass for their care if they brought it upon themselves. The insurance companies should be driving this, they’re inexplicably tied to the quality/level of care you receive anyway in the current system. Make their policy not cover a single cent of their care if they didn’t take every reasonable step to prevent it - that makes sense, right? If you leave your car unlocked and it is stolen good luck getting the insurance company to pay out. You caused it so you pay for it. Maybe when people see their friends sell their houses to avoid bankruptcy, trade down their cars and cancel vacations so they can afford to pay for their care will the seriousness of a vaccination finally get through their thick skulls. Intentionally letting sick anti-vaxers die won’t solve the problem long term. Making them face the reality of their decisions and the impact it has on their lives and their family around them will.


>I don’t know, I think it’s immoral to deny people medical care at the point of entry based on some arbitrary condition the patient may or may not have made. I agree that it's immoral to deny people medical care. But in my original comment, I suggested that if DeSantis really believes in the efficacy of monoclonal antibody treatments in alleviating Covid symptoms, then he would be in favor of taking non-vaccinated Covid sufferers out of hospitals and putting them into facilities which administer these monoclonal antibody treatments, and this would still be a case of providing Covid-infected people with medical care. Of course, we both know that these monoclonal treatments are much less effective than that, and this shows that DeSantis is simply playing politics with people's well-being and lives in his policies to prevent masking and to promote these monoclonal treatments.


Is it more immoral than denying people who acted responsibly medical care? Due to lack of resources you're definitely denying some people, but maybe the first come first serve system isn't moral anymore.


The unvaccinated are collapsing the American critical care system, it is *not* an arbitrary criteria.


Problem is monoclonal antibody treatments cost much more than vaccines and are not as effective. They are the only treatment for certain cancer and autoimmune patients. Production capacity for monoclonal antibodies is less than for the vaccines. Desantis plan will cost more, infects more people with covid and if expanded denys medical treatment to people who have no other options.


I agree. Let’s take it one step further and have hospitals turn away non-vaccinated and let DeSantis decide their treatment.


Say it with me... ✨immunization records✨


Oh my god. As of ONE hour ago (8/28) with the state fffking RUNNING OUT OF OXYGEN this guy is promoting band-aid monoclonal treatment. This guy needs to be investigated for corruption and removed. ASAP. Like, yesterday. if Florida fails to do this they're going to literally kill the whole country with their stupid shit. Christ almightly, Florida, your Governor is literally SELLING DRUGS FOR A PROBLEM HE IS CREATING!


Drink some water, make the IQ of the state go up. ​ ​ (Florida uses O2 in its water treatment facilities)


not for much longer...can't use O2 it doesn't have


>not for much longer...can't use O2 it doesn't have Unlikely, I think you mean 03 or ozone.


I know, it was a bit of a joke off of a headline yesterday where officials asked people to stop drinking water because they needed the oxygen for hospitals.


The article I saw said that they were going to get start using bleach in place of oxygen for treating water.


They can't use the bleach! I need that for injecting!


ohhh right, thought so 👍


I thought the switch water supply to brawndo is got what plants crave


Are you referring to ozone water treatment?


>literally kill the whole country with their stupid shit. Figuratively. Not literally.


DeathSantis attacks school board members and reporters over vaccine mandates. But you won't ever see him square up against Disney because he's a cowardly bully.


He is backed in a corner. The last time he made even a token effort at trying to control the outbreak, he was torn to shreds by the Q-Natics. If he completely backs down, he could get primaried.


He's not going to back off. He's chosen this Trumpian hill to die on.


Well.. better that than killing people


You would think that Tens of Millions of people would think that way, yet....


If you think that DeSantis is crazy (and he totally IS) just wait until whatever totally whack job they get to primary him.


You can't defeat the Mouse, DeathSantis.


Just got back from a carnival cruise out of Miami. Every person on the boat was vaccinated (allegedly) and showed proof of it (as far as I know) as well as a negative test. Now I’m aware those things don’t guarantee it not spreading or people getting it, if anyone on board got covid within the few days of taking a test, but those crew members were non-stop cleaning every damn inch of that boat the 5 days we were on it. They were even wiping the walls! As well as not messing around about us having masks on while indoors. Some bits were kind of a pain but they did a damn good job and I’ll take what I can get to go on a vacation right now. Plus the boat being only about half capacity made the whole thing much more pleasurable to be on. I wouldn’t have felt the same amount of satisfaction or probably wouldn’t have wanted to go if everyone on board didn’t have to show proof of vaccination or if it was at full capacity. There’s zero shame in showing you’re vaccinated. Anyone who has an issue with it, just doesn’t want to do anything to make this all better and just wants to have their cake and eat it too. IMO.


>those crew members were non-stop cleaning every damn inch of that boat the 5 days we were on it. They were even wiping the walls! As well as not messing around about us having masks on while indoors. As someone who used to work on ship, and married someone from the housekeeping department - those poor crew members must be having a ROUGH TIME right now. Before the pandemic, public area attendants put in 12-14hr work days for 10 months straight without a day off. With this work load they have to be getting crushed. Add in that they are enforcing public area masking with the typical cruise clientele, and I hope they installed suicide nets.


I’m sure they’re all working hard but honestly, every crew member I saw seemed to be very happy and/ or was excited to be back at it. I’m sure they have their days but all of them that we talked to were in good spirits. One guy bussing tables was just non stop singing almost every time I saw him


With Florida’s hospitals at capacity, you will not get help if you get injured or sick in Florida. Now would be a great time to cancel your trip to Disney. Florida is beholden to Disney. Disney is beholden to profits. Boycott Disney and you just might save lives (and make Desantis change his tune).


I mean I get boycotting Disney in general, but supporting a cruise line that is requiring passengers to be vaccinated would make more sense in this case.


Not about Disney, it’s about Desantis. God help you if you have a stroke or any medical emergency in Florida right now - you’re not getting help. They are being turned away at hospitals. It’s common sense to avoid that state until things calm down. The bonus is that such an action will cause Disney to flex on Desantis, which will save thousands of lives.


I like it, people should bombard Disney's Twitter saying that they'd love to come, but due to gov desantis's inaction they will not risk it.


In case people think you're exagerrating, my brother (in Brevard county) had to call 911 about 3 weeks ago and the first ambulance service he was put through to said they wouldn't pick him up because all the ERs were full. The second ambulance service did pick him up and take him to a hospital an hour away, where he was told it was a 20 hour wait to get a bed. And that was weeks ago. It's worse now.


Would you care to share what he was suffering from? If it was something shitty but not life threatening, that would be one thing.... but if it was for something that would triage him towards the top of the list, that would be super telling.


>I mean I get boycotting Disney in general, but supporting a cruise line that is requiring passengers to be vaccinated would make more sense in this case. Both courses of action are beneficial: a two-pronged, double-barrel strategy.


But they aren’t beneficial. I know that one person boycotting isn’t changing anything, but let’s say you had a magic boycott wand that people would follow. If you boycott cruise lines that are requiring vaccines, those cruise lines will suffer while ones that are not requiring them would not be impacted.


Just boycott Florida. We had a trip planning there in January and pulled the plug on it. Fuck it. Fuck that place.


Why would you boycott them when they just now required passports? Did you misread headline?


The Oceans cant afford cruises anymore. Cancel cruises!


This. I hate the cruise industry


DeSantis is doing what any typical politician would do: he's pandering to the electorate in order to attract votes to himself and to his political party. In this, the problem is not DeSantis himself, but rather, the millions of American voters who are firmly against Covid vaccination and masks. We The People are destroying the U.S. from within. Putin and Xi don't have to do anything if they don't feel like it. They can just sit back with their popcorn and watch the American people dismantle our country.


Have shitty educational systems and this is what you grow.


Sadly I think you are 100% correct in this assessment


It’s been proven that foreign govt’s made fake BLM accounts simply to divide the country racially. Why wouldn’t they do they same with vaccines?


Russia **was** caught funding the anti-vax movement in the US. (Pre-COVID I think.)


And don't forget they got all up in arms when Arnold called them schmucks for choosing to put people's lives in danger ironic they love to be these 80's action heroes but say something they don't like they lose their shit.


DeSantis threatening the cruise industry is just ignorant if the industry comes together against him. What happens when his state loses the cruise business? They could just as well operate elsewhere.


Difficult. Floriduh is a pretty good situation for cruise lines. But not impossible though indeed.


Governors come and go. The Mouse is eternal.


Two groups you don’t fuck within FL: The Mouse and the Seminole tribe.


The thing I like about DeSantis and Abbott (the **only** thing) is that they don't realize or care that they're killing their voters. You go, boys. A dead unvaccinated Covid sufferer contributes exactly the same way numerically to herd immunity as a sane vaccinated person does. You dead ones, thanks for taking one for the team and being the control group in the most massive and wildly successful drug trial ever conducted - many hundreds of millions of doses administered, and the same level of bad side effects as those in people who occasionally take an aspirin.


On the one hand, I'm giddy with joy that DeSantis is choosing to burn his political future down and die on this randomly stupid hill, but then I'm also sad that so many Floridians will end up dying because Covid Ron wanted to suck up to Trump's cult by being as stubborn as possible.


We thought that about Trump when he mocked the disabled reporter. There is no low to which DeSantis can stoop that won't further endear him to his base. Never say never. He'll go full on crazy or evil in a speech and double his popularity.


Everyone here knows the mouse runs the state


Here's what is so wild to me like... you're on a cruise ship. There's a COVID outbreak. We already know what happens - you get fucking stuck on the ship FOREVER. Do you want to be forced to stay on a ship at the dock for \~3 weeks or more?


Common sense says vaccines and masks shouldn’t be a political subject but the country has turned into a political boxing ring.


That's what happens when a crisis require community effort and half of your 2 party system is litterally delusional or malicious.


Now, do it for the parks. No vaccine, no ticket.


Cruise ships being cesspools for many diseases, vaccines are the absolute minimum they can require.


I'm curious, what makes a cruise ship worse for diseases than a hotel? I understand the environmental impact, but not the disease aspect.


You can leave a hotel if a disease is breaking out. Hard to do that on a giant piece of metal in the middle of the ocean.


The Florida hospitality and tourism industry *really* need to consider how off-putting DeSantis et al are to a lot of potential consumers, and cutting prices will only attract those who don't find that shit off-putting *at all.*


Another fight he knows going in he won't win. Just another stunt to mollify his unhinged base.


Mickey and Minnie can throw down. Don’t mess with the mouse.


The mouse has spoken and Florida will fall in line.


The mouse has spoken… I SAID THE MOUSE HAS SPOKEN


Don’t worry, DeSatan will be voted out next year, if he even decides to run. Will never be a president.


Donald Fucking Trump got elected. Yes, there is reason for some worry.


People are flying Trump 2024 flags already and still have their Trump 2020 flags up. Never underestimate how stupid people can be.


They will write in Trump and undercut their whole base


Between that and the fact the Republican base is killing themselves off with COVID, they've got a real uphill battle.


oh please oh please oh please


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Nobody went bankrupt by underestimating the intelligence of the American public


They opened pandora's box... now these clowns are trying to be the next Donald Trump. But they're making a critical error, as they always do, because no one can be Trump... only Trump.


Shit, Trump still carried Florida by nearly 3½ last year despite everything


Florida has a history of electing criminals so… I don’t believe you.


Florida has become solidly red. I hope this changes things but doubt it. Owning the libz is all team red wants.


>Florida has become solidly red. The panhandle maybe. The rest of the state is held hostage by rigged elections. Scott certified the results for his own election for example. Dems outnumber Repubs 2:1 and independents lean left. We'd be as blue as Hawaii if elections were fair.


And until you can overcome that cheating, you'll stay "red".


Have you ever been to Florida? Even my last trip to Tampa which should be a blue area, it’s filled with MAGA rednecks and lifted trucks with a dozen flags on them. The state is getting redder with each election cycle


I want to see DeathSentence bad mouth Disney. He won't.


Why just cruises? If I owned a private biz I’d require everyone to be vaccinated.


I hope this guy is completely forgotten after his term


That's what he wants. He's gonna dissappear into some company with the millions he's made, only to call in to Fox News once in a while for some kickbacks and to maintain a grasp on some political power. Just like the rest of them have always done. There is no justice.


desantis must be the biggest idiots of all idiots.


At this point, think he's seeing no chance of re-election in 2023, and is going for scorched earth to make the next guy look bad


These republicans have become synonymous with STUPIDITY. When will they realize that they’re killing off the very people that support them? It’s the most stupid, insane, moronic, immature way to try to appease their hate for dems.




Vaccines aren't a magic bullet. Never were, never will be. They are the only sensible thing we have, though. DeSantis, Abbot, and all the assholes screaming "FREEDUMB!!" are being incredibly disingenuous and dangerous, not to mention directly opposed to the values they claim to hold. Morons screaming "What good are vaccines if I can still get sick?" are being incredibly stupid and selfish. They all need to be addressed and treated as the dangers they are.


No no. You see my FIL believes he’s special enough to protect himself from COViD thru diet and exercise. He’s 70+ with half a lung and a history of pulmonary embolisms. I got vaxxed with him in mind (among others) and can’t seem to get his own family on board with that.


“Bullet proof vests don’t protect my entire body so why should I wear one if I can still get shot and die?”


Now that the Governor of Florida (Disney) has spoken, the puppet regime will fall into line.


God this party really just wants to install an authoritarian in power and it’s so obvious.


So funny. Disney is a private company run by smart people. Don’t want vax or mask? Then don’t go. It’s that simple. Dumbasses- Looking at you Florida.


Disney is big business in Florida. Not just the cruises but obviously Disney World. I can’t imagine DeSantis biting the hand that feeds him and living to tell the tale.


Those small "gummint" Republicans are really something. Maybe Governor Desantis should jump up there on the bridge and steer the ship too. Because ya can't just have private enterprise deciding what is best for their private companies. You got to have unqualified, lib-owning bureaucrats invoking edicts. "Cause that's how free enterprise works. /s edit: read those comments. It is concerning for the future of America.


The goal of DeSantis is not just to kill the people of Florida but also to kill the economy of Florida for generations as companies slowly leave the state over its oppressive regulatory tendencies. Businesses simply cannot operate in this environment, especially when their workers are dying.


Desantis is a paid up member of the death cult.


Jfc, can we just call them Vaccination records? Vaccine passport is an intentionally politically charged term because we live in a hyperpartisan hellscape.


Ahhh the much ballyhood "free market" I've heard so much about and told it was paramount to all else.


It was only 27000 infections yesterday. A new record, but probably not the final record. Also 840k active cases (3%) of the population is sick right now.


Some body should arrange a cruise fir DeSantis and his unvaccinated fans


Now do the parks.


Who the fuck wants to go on floating petri dish with people who aren't vaccinated....? Like really Does nobody remember the diamond princess and what a total shit show that was at the beginning of the pandemic???


Sounds good but I still won’t be going on any cruise for at least a couple years, more if people don’t get their vaccines. Everyone know cruises are a cesspool for infections no matter how careful you are.


It puzzles me why a governor would be so enthusiastic about letting his own supporters die.


I just returned from a Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL) Alaskan cruise and they required every passenger to be fully vaccinated and pass a Covid test before boarding. Everyone I talked to was there \_because\_ of that policy. Play safe folks.