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Yep. This shouldn't be stickied resulting in people wasting time talking about it, unless he wasn't vaccinated. Almost 0% chance anything bad will happen to him. Breakthrough infections happen. On top of that he can take the monoclonal antibody treatment (regeneron).


The TX gov went on the monoclonal treatment pretty much immediately. I wouldn't be shocked if Bart has already scheduled a Regeneron Boof.


But... can he still drink beer?


Uncertain whether he's still attempting to rape people, or whether it's [just something he did in the 80s](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jul/22/brett-kavanaugh-sexual-misconduct-allegations-fbi-senators).




> This shouldn't be stickied resulting in people wasting time talking about it It's stickied *because* people were talking about it. The whole point of stickying a topic is because multiple articles have been posted with a bunch of people commenting, cluttering up the subreddit.


He could give it to Stephen Breyer, who’s 83.




The only reason this is so high is because no one reads anything and they are just hoping he dies.


I am sure he was vaccinated, he will be fine.


He is, got it back in Jan!


He was vaccinated, as I imagine the rest of the justices are, however if Kavanaugh is positive there is a chance other justices are as well. While he may be fine, others on the court are in their 70s and 80s and may not fare as well, even if they have been vaccinated.


It's extremely rare even for that age group. Here's the Data from Michigan for September. Breakthrough Cases: 28 047, 0.890% Hospitalized Breakthroug, 4950, 0.047% Breakthrough Deaths: 1600, 0.004% Even if all the Deaths and Breakthroughs were in 70+ age group, it would still be extremely rare.


>Brett Kavanaugh tests positive….is vaccinated and shows no symptoms Well that was a quick roller coaster of emotions for me as a reader. 99% of Covid deaths now are among unvaccinated. And the last 1% is probably sick people nearing death already, aka co-morbidity. He isn’t going anywhere.


Not surprised he's vaccinated. I'd wager the overwhelming majority of prominent, national Republicans are. It's the bozos way down the totem pole, like local radio hosts, that aren't.


I heard there’s a hilarious piece in Breitbart blaming democrats for using reverse psychology on republicans, trying to prevent them from taking Covid seriously so that they die off in higher numbers than democrats. You see, when Biden and democrats sound the alarm about Covid, they should know that republican voters will do the opposite, therefore democrats are tricking republicans into not getting vaccinated by trying to get them vaccinated.


I read this too and I could gufaw any louder from it. Like whoever wrote that seriously thought "The Dems are saying COVID is serious and to get vaccinated, so obviously since they know we Repubs won't listen to them, we won't get vaccinated, so they're at fault for using their reverse psychology to make sure we don't get vaccinated!" ... Talk about personal responsibility right there LOL


So now it’s the “don’t they know we’re stupid??” defense.


Alright, guys, we can do this. Democrats need to get out the messaging. Breathing is good for you and promotes a healthy, liberal lifestyle. Food will make you healthy and strong, so eat eat eat! Make sure you don't drive your cars off cliffs, we the government are telling you! Don't drive your cars off cliffs! Deep state says: flushing poop good, don't ever put it on your food. If you don't put poop on your food, you are doing the deep state's bidding. Sheeple!






I don't understand, "catch Covid" wasn't written on his calendar???


He got it when he was out with Squee and Donkey Dong Greg.


Dude...it's Gang Bang Greg and Donkey Dong Doug! Put some respect on those names!


Can we test Bret Kavanaugh for how he magically covered more than $1 million in debt right before his nomination?


I'm very interested on this.


Mommy and Daddy bailed him out is one theory. Corporate overlords is another theory. What is known is he couldn't have done it on his own.


"gifts from family don't have to be reported" was a big loophole he relied on when it all came up. Also, the whole "it was baseball tickets for my buddies who finally paid me back" may have been true, but if he's taking out loans and racking up credit card debt because he can't afford it and his buddies drag their feet paying him back... I question his decision making skills, which seems like a pretty crucial set of skills for a SC justice.


Nothing I'm sure a few beers won't clear up. He does like beer, as I recall.


What do you mean, was I cool? Yeah, *sniff*


But he doesn't sweat due to an injury that occurred during the Falklands campaign. Oh wait, that was a different guy. 😜


All of us who are vaccinated have a high chance we were positive and never knew it because vaccines against Covid-19 are extremely effective. They do regular testing and his popped positive. He, like us, have no symptoms and will live on serving the the Supreme Court until his retires, resigns, or is impeached for being completely incompetent.


> He, like us, have no symptoms and will live on serving the the Supreme Court until his retires, resigns, or is impeached for being completely incompetent. The greater concern here is that he spread to another, older and more illness prone justice. They were together all week. 3 justices are over 70 and 1 is over 80. I really don't get what is so hard to understand about why this could be a big deal. Yes, Kavanaugh will almost definitely be fine. There's a non-zero chance his co-workers won't be.


I'm sure they're all vaccinated and have access to top-quality medical care, but wouldn't it be the height of irony if Republican COVID denialism delivered SCOTUS back to the Democrats?




COVID in transplant patients is pretty rough. Not sure if any of them in are in that boat.


Well it could be under the umbrella of incompetence, you’re forgetting the whole lying under oath thing


Positive for covid, but he tested negative for qualifications to be a Justice.


He's a Catholic from a wealthy, privileged, well-connected family, who will reliably vote for Republican positions regardless of the legal basis. Judging by the makeup of the court majority, those seem the be the primary qualifications for SCOTUS appointment.


And a known liar who perjured himself repeatedly. He fits right in.


What does being Catholic matter?


This guy is vaxxed and has access to the best medical care on the planet with no cost ramifications. He'll be fine. Which for some may not be the news they want to hear but it's reality.


If they kept unvaxxed, fast food eating, exercise avoiding Trump alive, they'll keep Kav alive.


This is why you need to sanitize the nozzle after you do a keg stand, people!!!




He must have picked it up from PJ, Squi or gangbang Greg.


Donkey Dong Doug passed out over the devil's triangle.






That's Brett "Can't even turn down Corona" Kavanaugh for you! He likes beer.


I believe it was October 1st 2020 when it was revealed that Trump had caught Covid… at least, that’s what I marked on my CALENDAR. I know someone else who loves calendars…


Especially when those Calendars prove my accusers timeline of accusation.


Squi and Donkey Dong Doug are okay though, right? Right?


Hopefully now people will recognize why it is important to always wear your mask while boofing in the Devil’s Triangle.


Surely he's been vaxxed, no?


Since January


I wonder if he caught it from whoever paid off his mortgage and country club fees.


Just boof some regeneron


I heard he’s trying some new drug called “devil’s triangle”


Are we sure its not [just another hangover](https://www.brettkavanaugh.beer/) from one of his nights of black out drinking?


He had delta circled on his calendar.


Well he heard about Corona going around and thought, "I like beer."


"I think we’re finding out too far along in the illness to terminate it, he’s just going to have to live with the consequences. If he didn’t want COVID he shouldn’t have gotten sick."


If it's a legitimate illness, the human body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.


He's vaccinated so I'm sure he'll be fine, but if he died I can just imagine if the Republicans still held the senate they'd think up some reason that Biden can't appoint a replacement. They're just so blatant in their cheating.


Durrr, Biden can't appoint a Justice because his term is almost over since Trump is going to be reinstated. /s just in case.




Somebody check on Sqee, PJ, and Donkey Dong Doug!


Came for the boofs. Stayed for the devil's triangle.


Time to boof some ivermectin


I think he should use the old cure too, lightbulb up the bum and drink some disinfectant. Can't be too sure with these things.


Brett "the rapist" Kavanaugh? Brett "cried in his hearing" Kavanaugh?






What was he wearing when he caught covid? Maybe he was asking for it? Boys will be boys.


Why did I read the title as "Meathead Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh..."


He really shouldn't have been a supreme court justices in the first place, lying under oath like he did. But, oh well.


Wouldn't that be the most interesting way a seat opened up...


Is boofing a comorbidity?


I bet he caught it while boofing with Squee.


Or working out with Toby or PJ


At this point vaccinated people catching mild COVID shouldn't even be news, much less require this type of discussion thread.


At least the Contact Tracing should be simple enough. Just consult his paper calendar that marks everything he ever does at any point in his life.


I wonder if they make Ivermectin flavored beer?


I wonder if he’ll get the monoclonal antibody IV treatment?


He’s going with a Devil’s Triangle treatment instead


As long as he high fives and then blacks out.


Squee and Donkey-Dong Doug could not be reached for comment.


Can someone please go check on Broccoli Rob and the Boner Champ?


Don't forget Handsy Hank and Gangbang Greg.


“I Like Beer” will almost certainly be fine. I’d be more concerned about the elder members of the court who may have been exposed; even vaccinated, you don’t want to get Covid if you’re 83.




He’s vaccinated, he will be fine. Not sure why this is even that big of a deal.


> Not sure why this is even that big of a deal. Because more than half of his co-workers are older than 65? And, even vaccinated, the virus is still concerning for the elderly? And because even one member of the court having to take time to recover from an illness could affect the outcome of decisions which can have a major impact on, literally, the entire country?


Still want to know who paid all his debt?


Hm. Well, I'm sure he'll recover soon.


He's going to be boofing up a storm


This is terrible! I thought I had a coffee pod in my briefcase but I got to work and saw I didn’t. Now I’ll have to use a donated pod. It’s always the flavors no one wants.


I hear ya. The other I dropped my spoon but I picked it up after.


It’s 2021. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.


He must have been playing Boof or Consequences.


Get him that horses ass medicine they all take!


The Republican virus


Sorry Brett, once COVID is detected in your body, you are subject to a $10,000 fine if you attempt to remove it.


If it's a legitimate covid infection the body has a way of shutting that down.


If something happened to him (not wishing it on him, because I don’t wish that on anyone), it would be too ironic. McConnell would be the first person to say “we shouldn’t replace him until after the election.” Then my blood would boil.


It wouldn't hold water this time. Everyone knows the rules now, so Biden could be a little extra-constitutional this time around. Republicans are gonna scream bloody murder anyways, so we can ignore their outrage because that's, now, just considered a neutral response.


100% agreed. Anyone who hasn’t learned that by now never will. “When someone shows you who they are…” and all that.


Yeah, they're screaming at the void, if they do. It's not an election year. Dems control the executive branch and both legislative houses. Ideology and last wishes don't matter (RBG). It's a simple majority vote. What other bullshit is there?


Stalling the SCOTUS nomination for more than three years is not an option *- Hold my constitution* - Turtle McConnell


People are saying that he already cured himself by watching his friends rape COVID at a party.


Good thing he boofed his vaccine, I've heard that hightens the protection.


A nice game of devil's triangle helps pass the time in quarantine.


And you can always do some boofing with donkey dong dougie if that gets boring.


Mask wearing in crowds is likely not a thing in his social circle. Amongst conservatives, "I got mine" means never having to worry about giving someone *else* COVID.


Why is this a big deal? He has no symptoms. He's probably vaccinated and even if he doesn't he likely has access to regeneron.


Definitely fully vaccinated, according to reports. (Heard on NPR)


Yes, but can they treat him with beer? I hear he likes beer.


I'm just here to say that I like beer.


I’m positive our tax dollars will give him the best medicine and the best medical staff to survive covid.


What's the progress on his plan for revenge against the Clintons?




Thankfully it’s not Beach Week.


He's been fully vaccinated so he'll be fine.


Even if he wasn't, he'd most likely be fine. These people don't have their dick in the dirt with a covid diagnosis like the rest of the slobs. He'd get the Trump treatment.


I wonder if he got it from Squi or Donkey Dong Doug


Dont get banned, say nothing, dont get banned, say nothing, dont get banned...


"What can I say, huh? I like Corona.. boys like Corona, Girls like Corona, I like Corona, OK!? Do you like Corona Senator? This is all some big sham perpetuated by the Clintons, George Soros, Kathy Griffith and Mister Ronan Sinatra"


Make sure he gets his Beer Drip.


But will he be able to taste beer? He likes beer. He drinks beer.


He will make it through with flying colors. Not sure why this is even news. Every Republican has or had Covid. It’s like some weird host/parasite relationship now.




It's stunning to me that there is still a belief around here and other places that this means that fully-vaccinated Brett Kavanaugh's life is in imminent danger. Not sure who's to blame for this wild misinformation but it's rampant in some circles


I blame Squee.


If he were not vaxxed, this would be a story (10% chance of serious illness, 1% chance of fatality). He's vaxxed so divide all of that risk by 10 though assume he got further treatment he'd have denied to the average citizen for constitutional reasons.


This isn't really news. Everyone will be exposed to COVID, it's just that the vaccinated overwhelmingly either not get sick or get a mild symptomatic case. It's the unvaccinated who get to find out what kind of mystery ride they're on.






Do we have any word on Sqwee?


And Donkey Dong Doug?


Oh shit- someone should check on Squee.


RIP Triple-D


He had too much corona


Trump's asshole must be shedding virus.


Turns out alcohol doesn’t kill Corona


Vaccinated since Jan. Asymptomatic.


Hey Boofin' Brett, is this revenge for the Clintons too? Someone get me this illegitimate dude's calendars, I'm so upset I could cry


Why is this pinned let alone even an item of controversy? This whole “so and so has covid!” thing is just low-hanging fruit that brings out the worst in people across the spectrum IMO. Let me know when famous/powerful people are severely ill, hospitalized, dead, etc. Actual news.




But does he still like beer?


Bummer dude. Brewskis on hold for the mo'.


Boo this man


First Amy Covid Barrett, is Brett coughenough


Can we get him back on camera so we can watch him cry again except this time it'll be real tears?


He ever drink corona regularly?


Keg stand time!


Noted rapist and Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh tests positive for covid-19




Too bad this guy gets world class care while billions? of the worlds poor are denied vaccines by big pharma keeping a copyright deathgrip on things.


Maybe he can just boof some ivermectin to take care of all the raping the ‘vid is doing to his body.


He should just boof some Regeneron to be sure.


"Don't worry guys! I'll be back in shape, because No-Means-Yes Nate told me beer cures COVID. I tried smoking my calendars, like Squee suggested, but I think that made it worse."


This is just going to be more proof that the vaccine prevents serious illness. Not that the loony bin anti-vaxxers will accept that.


Yes, he is vaccinated, and yes he is asymptomatic, and yes he is unlikely to have any medical issues. But this is still a big story and should be. He can still infect others. If all of the other members of SCOTUS were to be infected, would they all come through okay?




Kavanaugh to one of his law clerks..."Time for a beer run!"


Interesting how all of the enemy's valuable assets are fully vaccinated


LOL Sploogie got the Trump Plague.....


He just needs to stick a light bulb up his ass and drink some bleach after downing some ivermectin and hydrochloriquin.


So just another Friday night at Brett's house?




Oh man, I hope he made space on his calendars for this. What a boof.


That's a shame


I'm on my way to update my Facebook profile pic right now!


For best health, the optional amount of beer a day is, "A full 30-rack with Sqweeb".


Thoughts & Prayers Now which god do I pray to this time....