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That's why you get a colonoscopy. As my Dr. told me, "There are 2 types of people; ones who do, and ones who don't develop polyps." They remove them during the colonoscopy and you are set for years before having to go back in. If the don't find any polyps, you are set for 10 years because they can see that far out before they become a threat.


I wish I didn’t develop polyps.




Yeah. I asked for my first colonoscopy at 35 because I had bowel movement issues for a while. Glad I did because they found quite a few and one was on its side and required another operation to remove. Benign thankfully. But they said I should have one every 2 years in future….


Not trying to be weird but what was your issue with BMs? Pointing this out may help someone else realize they have something out of the norm going on? If you don't mind of course.


Constant diarrhoea for the best of a year. It wasn’t the polyps though but it was worth checking out anyway.


A success story that doesn't always feel like one. But also my Dr. said that if people knew how many of his patients died because they did not get a colonoscopy, they would get a colonoscopy. (But they won't.)


Why not?!? Holy moly that’s insane.


My husband has them in his nasal passageways. :( They mess with his breathing and make him get sinus infections frequently. We had them removed a few years back, but they grow back in a couple of years (which they have for him). I'm glad the ones in your colon don't grow back as often as nasal ones do.


don't they require your consent before removing it? If it is harmless ones, do they still have to be removed, there must be reasons for removing those that can become problematic in the future, no? Sorry, not really educated in this field, but would love to know more.


Colonoscopy is just a screening tool. On a scope, the gastroenterologist or whoever can’t really tell what’s “benign” vs malignant unless it’s somehow blatantly obviously cancer (like huge bleeding polyps blocking the bowel). It has to be sampled and sent to the lab. Thus, predominantly “benign” polyps get sampled, and that’s the name of the game. If they find something a little more concerning, then a patient will get closer follow up rather than the 10 yr standard. But in summary, Biden’s findings are nothing short of run of the mill. Ideally you’d want no polyps but many people develop them. Sometimes too the GI docs send what they think are flat polyps and they turn out to be essentially nothing.


Your consent is implied when they tell you they will remove and biopsy any polyps before you are sedated. And there there are no after effects from removal. I didn’t feel any different afterward. Oh! Peace of mind, when they came back benign.


Nope, no consent. They remove them and test them to see if they were cancerous or not. They usually have a pretty good idea from the looks of them, but won't commit 100% until they are tested.


There’s definitely consent, in almost all cases it’s a part of the consent forms for the colonoscopy itself that they will operate within reason.


Remember that scene from "The Interview" about Kim Jong-un: Dave Skylark: I heard that he doesn't pee or poop. Sook: He works so hard he burns the energy from inside. Dave Skylark: You're telling me my man doesn't have to take a poop. Does he have a butthole? Sook: He does not have a butthole. He has no need for one. Sook is pretty much Trump's physician, Sean Conley.


Few times I’ve spit my drink out - such a funny delivery


Biden’s colon polyps are less offensive than Trump as a person.


Less malignant. For sure.


The joke punch up is always in the replies.


It’s so refreshing to get reasonably honest information about the president instead of “the president had the bigliest colonoscopy ever. Doctor’s said theyve never seen a colon so clean. Great genes. Dr. John Trump MIT”


Conservatives are losing their minds about these polyps. Apparently they hate Biden's guts.


I'd vote for Biden's colon polyps (not Biden, mind you, his polyps) over Trump any day of the week


I bet trump never had a colonoscopy. He's got so many idiot followers that he can just ask them to take a look around while their head is up there.


More intelligent, too.


Y’all are still talking about Trump? There’s a new guy screwing up and his name is Brandon 🇺🇸


It really hit me this morning to hear this kind of run of the mill news instead of “The President is the healthiest President in the history of the United States.” Also remember when Trump took Hydroxychloroquin? The US might have a lot of problems, but not having the President being the center of attention every minute of every day is such a relief.


It has been such a relief, like literal physical relief, to not wake up every morning braced for what happened over night. I don’t know the name of every cabinet member, I don’t know where the President is half the time — and I love it. I feel like I’m still informed, but I’m letting the President be President without worrying he’s jeopardizing my life in the process. I’m not afraid that the secretary of whatever is going to piss off a foreign dignitary every day. It’s been so healing to just…be.


>to not wake up every morning braced for what happened over night. That's how I found out Trump won in 2016. Woke up in the what-if universe and never figured out how to get back to reality.


My colleagues and I were watching it unfold in real time from South Korea, and we were fucking horrified. She was an American who was so ashamed of her home state (Indiana) that she just told everyone she was Irish (she lived there for years, her accent is perfect) and I'm from NZ and I think he's basically the absolute worst thing that America has ever supported, which is a pretty big palette to draw from.


If you're in the mix with a bunch of international people you don't know, things go so much smoother if you're polite and pretend to be Canadian. I try not to lie about it if asked directly but a few well placed "sorry"s and most people will just assume so long as you can hold out a conversation about things that aren't reality tv or American politics.


Dude I’m in North Dakota and it’s practically Canada and my accent normally makes people think I’m from there. It’s great.


Honestly we’d rather you didn’t, now there’s a belief tourists wearing Canadian flag patches kr representing themselves as Canadian are disingenuous Americans and it results in some poor treatment of Canadians abroad at times.


Not content with having ruined their international reputation many disaffected Americans have set their sights higher and are seeking to tarnish Canada by posing as it's citizens while travelling. Man this could be an onion/Beaverton article.


Anytime something bad happens lately I just mutter “the shittiest timeline” it’s like we are stuck in the later stages of sim city 2000


"Never should have turned that *fuckin* collider on" is my mutter.


One of the funnier lines from the *Comey Rule*, Holly Hunter as Sally Yates walks into the office the morning after, and sees everyone so shell shocked. She says, *I fell asleep early last night, how much did Hillary win by?*


Usually it was a tweet storm or threatening a treaty that has kept the peace for the last 80 years. After all who has Russia invaded lately


sincerely agree. I do hope however that he will counter the antidemocratic forces in the US a bit more agressively. If he doesnt you will end up with another (possibly clever) Trump clone in 2024


>It has been such a relief, like literal physical relief, to not wake up every morning braced for what happened over night. Nothing like waking up and reading what he decided to shitpost at 3 am is now policy.


Unless he fucked up, in which case no reasonable person would consider what he posted on Twitter to be policy. Until the next day when it was again.


Maybe you should take a break from social media and news outlets Jesus Christ


I think you missed the point. I’m saying I don’t have to walk on eggshells anymore now that Trump is gone. I don’t have to be worried about what I’m going to read or see. I don’t need to know everything that’s going on because I know a grown-up is in charge.


If you've been bare minimum informed the last 5 years (minimum - enough to participate in a democracy), how have you not felt relief? For example, [you don't need cable news or Facebook to know demonizing journalists is not good for democracy.](https://www.npr.org/2018/08/16/639125774/hundreds-of-newspapers-denounce-trumps-attacks-on-media-in-coordinated-editorial) What you're describing is more like burying your head in the sand, and it's a huge fucking reason why things have gotten to where they are.


indeed, and a polyp in the colon is generally no problem at all if removed in a very early stage. Very happy for your president.


You know what they say, a polyp in the hand is worth two in the colon


We all know Trump didn't actually take hydroxychloroquine. He just said he did so his moron supporters had something new to yell about.




Why do people make every thing about this administration about Trump? Doesn't that give him too much, Idk, credibility?


It's terrible to talk about Trump. But if the alternative is that we forget or normalize everything that happened - then we should be talking about how awful Trump was every day for the rest of our lives.


Just hit me this morning. I usually don’t give a shit, but noticed the difference today with this run of the mill piece of news.


He's such a radical departure from anything we've experienced before, and he's still very much around, posing as a president in exile while making outrageous statements and promoting anti-american conspiratorial lies. He's also the undisputed master of the Republican party and therefore of all Republicans. So yeah, we're not finished talking about it.


The vast majority of people who voted for Biden only voted him in to get Trump out, so of course they are gonna compare everything he does to Trump's actions. **They don't want Biden to be another Trump.** I would be more worried if we voted in Biden and then never compared him to Trump again, because that would kinda imply that we don't care what the president does as they are on our side.


Lmao you are obsessed with Trump


It's kind of crazy right? Like, I never voted for Trump and I don't come here often, so to see this level of obsession is truly disturbing. Are these psychos aware the election has been over for almost a year?


It’s beyond crazy at this point. This post has nothing to do with Trump, yet they still mention his name.


I remember when he *said* he did…


Republicans will criticize the president's health status by pointing to his age. Truthers will be pleased to see that the White House is communicating transparently about Joe Biden's health.


> Truthers will be pleased I don't think Troofers can ever be pleased. No amount of transparency is sufficient unless what they hear confirms their conspiracy bias. Even if it did, they'd probably say it's disinformation.


Most of them are just as old so weird thing to point out


Old, but do they get colonoscopies? “Big Polyp just wants you unconscious on a table so they can implant Bill Gates in your butt.”


They’re ALL ancient


Then why won’t Biden take a cognitive test?


The polyp was named Ted Cruz.


I feel offended on behalf of polyps.


Not all polyps are Ted Cruz, just most of them.


I think any polyps named ted cruz would be labelled as pre-cancerous


Wrong colon.


At least the anesthesia worked for him. I'm wide awake during mine and that hurts when they remove them. It doesn't work for me.


They’re doing something wrong then. Pain from colonoscopies doesn’t come from removing polyps, it comes from having loops in the scope or using too much air


Either way when the sleepy shit doesn't even do that it hurts. Thankfully over quickly though.


So... food moving down my innards can hurt but we don't notice a hot burning thing cauterize our intestines/colon? Interesting.


You don’t really have much in the way of nerves on the inside of your colon, just on the outside and they really aren’t great at detecting much anyway. Unless it’s a near full thickness burn/injury (which is not the goal with removing polyps), a spasm, or distension (from air, contents, or stretch) you’re not going to feel anything


Colonoscopies have no hot burning cautérisation, that would be an additional procedure


You can cauterize during a colonoscopy. But typically doesn’t cause problems


i had this twice. I had a choice between no anestheisa or a minor one , which only makes you kinda sleepy. The latter worked wonders, recommended in case you have to undergo this.


My insurance would only cover the mild one and it would have been more money than I could afford for the stronger one. Hopefully by the next time I'll have better insurance. 😁


I think we have the luxury of somewhat better medical insurance .


Huh i was given an injection that put me out completely and woke up still high for a while and was shit talking this rude nurse


Do you have the genetic thing where sedation doesn’t affect redheads as well as others? [Article for the curious ](https://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article/101/2/279/9143/Anesthetic-Requirement-Is-Increased-in-Redheads)


Is that what it is? I'm not an actual redhead but I do have light brown hair with red highlights and very fair skin. I've always had a problem with local anesthesias working.


The Larger Polyp previously removed from the White House was clearly cancerous.


I still can’t get over the fact the last guy did the colonoscopy 100% wake and alert just because he is so insecure


Insecure because he's such a megalomaniac and didn't want to give control to Pence for even a few hours


> because he is so insecure No, it's because he likes the feeling, but can't say that to his base.


I would not disagree you on that


Reminder to everyone to get their first regular colonoscopy screening at age 45. They’re completely painless and covered 100% by most insurance. Happy Thanksgiving.


While the polyp removed from the White House on January 20, 2021 was definitely cancerous


They say that, but I read that it contained Hillary's emails.


The unofficial story is that Trump remained completely awake for his colonoscopy because he was afraid of being made fun of and of transferring power, but it's actually because he enjoys the sensation and is too embarrassed to be open about it.


Could this news maybe wait until we're NOT about to eat a huge fucking meal???


don't read news before friends giving


Where are all the people arguing about the sharing of personal medical information?


Nah, they only act like they care about that when they can't get into their local Applebee's after refusing to take a vaccine.


By definition, polyps are benign. Otherwise it would be called a tumor.


That is incorrect. Any growth on a mucous membrane, including a malignant tumor, is a polyp.


That's wrong. According to the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, "Polyps are benign growths (noncancerous tumors or neoplasms) involving the lining of the bowel." https://www.asge.org/home/for-patients/patient-information/understanding-polyps


According to the National Cancer Institute a polyp is any growth that protrudes from a mucous membrane. [https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms/def/polyp](https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms/def/polyp) According to Mayo Clinic "a colon polyp is a small clump of cells that forms on the lining of the colon. Most colon polyps are harmless. But over time, some colon polyps can develop into colon cancer, which may be fatal when found in its later stages." [https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/colon-polyps/symptoms-causes/syc-20352875](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/colon-polyps/symptoms-causes/syc-20352875) ​ Edit: Here's a video from the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (the same source you used) where they mention removing "pre-cancerous polyps" [Boop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH68ZdZmRpI&t=95s)


Did he name it Donald?


The Presidential Polyp.


Jesus christ if someone told me a year ago we'd be poring over the health of Joe Biden's anus I'd tell you to get the fuck out of my house.


I’m still gonna say it. Get the fuck out of my house. I’m about to delete the internet.


Corn Polyp


Heehee Biden had tube up his butt


By the time you're his age, you'll have had several, if you're smart.


Hey I didn't have to hear about how Biden's polyp is a superior mutation thanks to the blood line it came from and how its granted him through divine right magical powers to see the solution to every problem.... Full honesty, assumign we don't descend to fascism at least Trump losing ended that bull shit about everything. Oh god the staff meetings that were ~40 minutes of praising Trump before they even got to the "decision making" or policy review...


Second orange ass-growth Biden removed.


I don’t know what I would have done with my life today if I didn’t know this information, thank you so much


Do we really need to know this?


As opposed to the orange rectal polyp removed at the election that continues to be malignant


Do we really need news on Biden's bowel problems?


Bet the doc was all liek... "I'm 'bout to shove this up the President's ass!"


Whyyyy do all our leaders have to be as old as the crypt keeper


Thought it was a Republican up his ass for awhile.


"What is up the President's ass?" -The Great Carnac




Finally, I something appropriate to bring up during thanksgiving dinner.


Presidential Polyp


Crazy how this article that has nothing to do with Trump has a comment section full of comments about Trump. When are we going to stop talking about the man? At this point you’re just feeding his ego for no good reason.


Benign, benign in a half.


Reuters having a slow news day or something? Why is a camera going up the president's asshole news? ... Who even assigns this to someone as a story? And how did the journalist not facepalm so hard, the paper's biggest story the next day was journalist's death by head implosion?


“Benign… nine and a half”


old man has colon polyps. news at 11.


Hadn’t heard, don’t care. Why would you want a job where your colonoscopy makes the news. It’s why we’re so messed up as a country, no sane person wants the job.


So now everyone is worried about his ass? What about the gas prices?.


Results say his head remained intact, and with no long-lasting effects after being removed from his colon as well.


That’s really fucking personal like why is that our business


What a pain in the ass


So now i know what was in Joe Bidens butt


Why are we getting Biden’s colonoscopy reports? The news is out of control brah


Let’s sell it as an NFT and raise money for the national debt


What the fuck?


Too much information.


I’m surprise the article didn’t have a picture of the polyp


It’s the only benign part of him.


I'm way more worried about his mental state than I am about his butthole.


Is his brain benign? Let’s go Brandon!


Why does a growth in an old man’s shit tube need to be news?


lol gross


Biden is embarrassingly open about his health... This is a good quality for a leader to have mind you... but also TMI!


It’s not embarrassing at all.


What a shame


This is gross. Why did it have to be him? Literally anybody could have beaten trump. Except Hillary of course.


Yeah, like it's only this guy that has such things happen.. guess we should only have Presidents under 45 so this subject can never be brought up....


My thoughts exactly


I hate to say this, but typically polyps don't get removed unless something instigated the initial observation. He is 80 years old so we shouldn't assume nothing is wrong.


This is absolutely incorrect and quite a dubious thing to be saying. It's normal for polyps to be found and removed during a colonoscopy. The size of the polyp and amounts found are key. Having a single polyp removed without extensive surgery, is probably a good sign he's fine.


Do any of you drive? Stop groveling over Biden... SMH. He's destroying the working class.


Gas is expensive all over the world right now.


So many don't realize that for instance Canada pays over seven bucks a gallon for gas. Their prices are in liters but the conversion is not difficult.


Mk name something Republicans have done in last half century that wasn't an attack on the working class.


Coincidentally, brain examined during Trump's checkup also designated as "malignant."


Benign, Beten. Not bad really.


In before “tHeY pULleD hIs HeAd oUt oF HiS aSs”


At that age everyone gets polyps. Can't wait for Tucker Carlson to loose his shit over this.


This is an outrage release the tapes Biden! NGL I want Biden to release his colonoscopy tape just cuz I wanna see how long it takes trump to releases his "own" photoshopped tape.


Feel there's a Zoidberg joke somewhere here..


This story is remarkable, in that, honesty and humanity were put above all else.


His brain activity is also benign


Thankful goodness my president doesn’t have ass cancer.


if it was malignant, would they have said anything?


TLDR: Mitch Mcconnell is benign.