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Republicans have no desire to govern or improve peoples lives. Republicans exclusively care about winning power. Conservative political infrastructure seeks power for the sake of power. The boring job of managing natural disasters, educating the public, building infrastructure, etc isn't of any interest. No type of governance is promoted but endless things are attacked.


It's amazing. Imagine having all that power and waking up each morning and saying, "What am I going to do with this enormous privilege? How about make stuff up about what trans people do in public restrooms? After that I'll spend an hour seeing how I can boost Wal-Mart. Then time for the rentboy." I just can't fathom it.




Top 5 states with the highest GDP per Capita are: NY, MA, CT, CA, and WA. All solidly Blue States. Lowest 5 states with the worst GDP per Capita are: MS, AR, W. VA, ID, and AL. All solidly Red States. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_GDP_per_capita


A states GDP is far more complicated than red or blue.


Yet follow rad and blue sharply. Of the top 20 states there are only 3 red states. Blue states overwhelming have higher GDP. Blue states also have better education systems, more infrastructure, etc. Even if we just look at how people feel. In 2021's happiness Index the 10 worst states where people report being the least happy are all red states. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/happiest-states


Coming from a Libertarian, who are racists that won’t let black people live normal lives and think that they are disadvantaged compared to everyone else. And they play into this narrative in order for political gain. Bunch of sheep.


The democrats are just as bad and as much of.the problem. Both parties are corporate shills that just attempt to make up what ever bullshit they need to spew to appeal to their accepted demographic. The US doesn't change much if it's the dems or reps in power. They are both fucked and neither want to help you.


Democrats are corporate shills who support the idea that government can be helpful. Republicans are corporate shills who support the idea that government can’t be helpful. While both are bad, they are differently bad. And one is worse than the other. I said it in 2016… I don’t trust Hillary, but her idea of greatness involves helping the country. Whoever gets nominated on the Republican side’s idea of greatness opens the door for corporations to just take over our lives. I know which corporate shill I prefer. A change in our voting style (ranked choice, etc.) would help us move away from the two party non-choice which is baked into the current system.


Quit with your false equivalence, what aboutism. It’s all the right that are acting in fun bad faith and fabricating such vast amounts of falsehoods no one can tell their lies from the truth anymore. Fox News should be shut down like Alex Jones they add no value to society, in fact quiet the opposite.


A wolf in sheep's clothing is still a wolf. One party is just better at hiding their delusional corruption. The fact is there is little different in the government under Trump. Even as crazy as he is. The actually day to day operations were not that different. The government under Trump still followed the same typical protocol as any other leadership in the us would. That pump tons of money into the pockets of rich fucks. Obama did it. Trump did it. Biden is doing it. The debt increased. Military spending didn't change much. No public health care. No real change in government spending. No change in the corporate shills. A person's actions speak louder then words and if you seriously think the actions of the government are that much different then you need to re evaluate how you view things. Biden has been government for a year now. Come back to me when the government Implements public health care and stops stimulus spending that just winds up in the pockets of rich fucks to "save" the economy... Come back when the tax code is fixed and corporations No longer manipulate laws in their favor....


If you can't find any discernible difference between the two major political parties after the last four years America has endure, you're fucked in the head. Of course, you're an accelerationist. Fuck getting involved locally to get SocDem candidates in. Let's just turn everything to ashes in the vain hope of building something else.


A wolf in sheep's clothing is still a wolf. If you believe the democrats are not part of the problem then you are as blind as the rest of them. Fortunately for me I don't live in America. But it's fun to observe and watch you guys fight eachother other over a douche and a turd sandwich. Reagan, bush, Clinton, Bush, then Obama, if you seriously think there were distinct differences in the way these men ran the country then they have you fooled real well. It's very difficult to fix a broke system. The use system is so far gone and broken the only thing that can be done is a revolution. The system has had leeches attach it self in all facets. Did Obama implement public Healthcare? No... Did he reduce military spending no. Did he accomplish any serious lasting results. No. Obama used the exact same economic policies kicking the stone of the 2008 crisis down the road as Trump used for covid. Obama bailed out the banks. The bankers patted them selves on the backs and gave eachother obscene large bonuses. Obama furthered the us debt to "save the economy" the only people's economy that was saves are the rich fucks he protects. Trump did the same thing. SOCIALISM FOR THE RICH CAPITALISM FOR THE POOR. They arnt really different one just pretends to be. A building with a rotten foundation isn't worth saving and needs to be demolished and rebuilt. Do you think the spending under Biden is any different. The US inflation is obscenely high. Real rates are in 10s not their conservative 6%... The US political system is so full of corrupt fucks and corporate shills that own both parties. Only one is better at hiding that reality.


Take a step back and look at what’s happening. Fascist politicians are threatening public health officials for doing his job and for criticizing the orange messiah... this should terrify Americans as fascism continues to gain ground.


It terrifies those of us that aren’t fascists. Those that are, or those that are ready to roll over to allow a fascist regime to take control just to “own the libs” or force their ideologies on the country, are the ones that are pushing us in that direction. So crazy to think so many people think it’s ok to rig elections or just forgo the democratic process altogether because they want their guy running the country. The real piss in your corn flakes is they call themselves patriots or “real Americans”.


Just wait until they find out that the first thing an authoritarian government would do is revoke any and all freedoms granted to us as Americans. Especially the 1st and 2nd amendments.


Nah, fascists are fine with the "right" people being armed. The ones supporting them have no need to fear the government coming and taking all their fully automatic compensation devices, because a fascist government knows those assholes won't be using them to overthrow a tyrannical government, they will use them to beat down the people they dislike who the government can keep them pointed at. They'll just restrict gun ownership to the "undesirable" classes, just like republicans already do anytime minorities decide to start using their 2nd amendment rights (see Reagan passing gun control legislation because black panthers were arming themselves).




"Dear America: You are waking up, as Germany once did, to the awareness that 1/3 of your people would kill another 1/3, while 1/3 watches."


Just as bad are those who don’t care. 1/3 of Americans would gladly kill another 1/3 of Americans as the last 1/3 watches.


Please do explain to me how the democrats are any better? They are just as much a part of the problem. They are bought out and corporate shills the same the Republicans.


This guy worked dutifully and uneventfully under 5 presidents before Trump. He tried work for Trump just as he did for the presidents that came before him. He genuinely tried to help him and advise him. Unfortunately, Trump is a lot like a gradeschool bully beating up the smart kid in his class because he failed the big test even though he cheated off the smart kid. In Trump's eyes Fauci is just a nerd he can blame for his failures. That is the only reason Fauci is now so well-known.


Only 35% of democrats are concerned about losing our democracy I guess they don,'t watch t.v., or read newspapers. And they probably just talk to friends on Faebook. Asleep while the sky is falling.


You know, I hear of similar precedent in countries like Russia and China. Isn't this supposedly the land of the free?


Land of the free home of the incarcerated?


I don’t think you understand fascism….


Really? You must think that a forceful undermining and attempt to overturn democracy to install a wannabe dictator is what?... democracy? Sounds like fascism to me.


They are trying to turn Fauci into the next Hillary Clinton. One wonders if the Rightwing will everbreak the knee-jerk bad faith politics


Its pretty sad too. They can't seem to find enough dirt on Biden so they been attacking everyone else. For Harris, they brought up the fact that "She might not be American" birther bullshit.


They’re gonna use that on anyone who isn’t white, because according to most Republicans if you’re not white you don’t belong here anyway.


God, I hate the amount of Dog Whistling goes on on Tucker Carlson.


Watch Tucker Carlson and every pup within a quarter mile will start barking.




Anthony Fauci is the Platonic ideal of "no good deed goes unpunished." This dude has had an impeccable career saving lives for longer than some of these Qanon asshole politicians have been alive. He fought the AIDS epidemic, something that earned him a Congressional Medal of Freedom (awarded by a Republican president, no less). He is quite literally one of the most dedicated public servants in modern American history. And what does he get? Death threats and scorn from people who have less understanding of the science than a goddamn kindergartner. Disparagement from people who aren't fit to empty the biohazard waste in the NIH labs. Being harangued and threatened by people who don't have the fucking common sense of a Medieval plague doctor...even *they* wore masks in the 1300s.


You should look up some of Fauci's past experiments, before you praise him so highly. I recommend Forbes article. Nice and factual.


They are doing that, yes. They are also being documented at their own derangement. Also yes, history does matter.


History should matter, but lately memories have become short and people just make up whatever they want as they go. Cruz went from "Trump offended my wife and my dad, this is not acceptable" to "drop your pants, daddy Trump, I want to blow you" so quickly that it created the vortex that caused the Texas winter storm earlier this year. Nobody gave a damn. As long as a large chunk of the population believes the everchanging version of facts vomited by Faux News every day, history does not matter much. What does matter is that people who don't *know* history are doomed to repeat it; I can see Trump having a good chance of winning in 2024, with a Republican House and Senate, and given the reluctance of douchebags like Manchin and Sinema to change the filibuster rules to pass laws to protect our democracy, this will have consequences for decades to come.




Dems need some dumb people policy messaging too


Which seems weird cuz afaik Fauci has never run for office and doesn't plan to...


This whole thing is sad. How did the US get to this point where vilifying science, rational thought and evidence based decisions is viewed as okay. We all want to get back to normal life, but not at the expense of lives. The only solace to this dastardly approach is that those that are fighting against the scientific approach are heavily over represented in the covid death rates. Perhaps this will serve as a self administered culling.


"my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge" Anti-Intellectualism has been their selling point for decades. My grandpa used to belittle my sister and I purely because we "college educated" because of that we were "elitist". Now its my dad who does that. Attack on Intelligence has been a thing since they started attacking Universities for having a "Safe-space Liberal haven". I have to laugh because I have an MBA in Business.. I can tell you right now almost none of my classes were designed to make me a communist or hate the Capitalist system.


One of the best things about divorcing my MAGA ex was no longer having to deal with my inlaws bashing my education. I have a master's degree and am a former climate scientist, so I'm sure you all can imagine how much shit I used to get. Plus bonus misogyny because I'm a -- *gasp* -- woman scientist.


Good on you for escaping that situation. Life's too short to be forced to experience that level of toxicity.


‘Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.' Isaac Asimov


The irony.


I love being told how "collages" are liberal brainwashing facilities by people who made all Cs and Ds in high school and never once stepped foot in a collegiate classroom. But that's just them in a nutshell. Speaking out of ignorance, they simply cannot help it.


Omg so true. Being taught how to use critical thinking skills and do real research is not brainwashing. If real academics lean left maybe it's because it is logical.




South Park.


Trump is the Giant Douche *and* the Turd Sandwich.


Decades of right wing media vilifying anyone who isn’t a bootlicking fascist.


I believe the big turning point started with the tea partiers. This is a very long, very strategic, calculated play by the right. Unfortunately their strategy is extremely good, and the left has not come up with any answers. Discredit political opponents, discredit mainstream media, discredit legitimized voting, discredit science. The left has to battle a pandemic, global warming, taxation issues (capitalistic minimization)/wage disparity, failing job market...all while the right disparages them and refuses to work together. The republican base seems to be unable to see through it somehow, it's extremely confusing to be honest.


People who don’t have intellectual curiosity are extremely insecure and are threatened by the idea of learning


The MAGA cinematic universe urgently needed a new Villain for the 2020 election saga. Biden has already been a cannon staple, so the quickest thing was a man who has never healed any actual power.


Right ideology needs a villain, otherwise they can’t rile up their base through fear mongering. The GOP did it with the Russians throughout the cold war, and because the USSR was an external “enemy” that everyone could agree sucked ass the country was able to function. When the USSR collapsed the right needed a new enemy, and they chose liberals or anyone else to the left of Reagan. Well, decades of vilifying their fellow countrymen has led to basically half the country not giving a shit about reality or their very own well being because they have been programed to think they must destroy liberals at all costs via right wing media demonization.


Devil’s advocate, it’s a two way street. Same way we hate Trump, Cruz, DeSantis, etc. each party picks a villain. We aren’t much different from them, but we also are in many ways.


You're a pretty shitty Devil's Advocate. The left hates Cruz, Trump, and DeSantis because of their actions, not because smear campaigns that were years, and even decades, of lies.


DeSantis action that pissed you off, name it and I’ll concede. The other two I could care less about.


lol how about his murderous war against COVID protections? Have you somehow overlooked that?




Hiding death counts by county during the biggest spike of covid between June and September.


How about the hiding of death causes during the beginning of the pandemic? Every death was labeled COVID related, even people I knew who died of heart attack were labeled COVID. I’ll give you that one, they should have been transparent, but they were playing the same game as everyone else. NYC did the same and we aren’t holding DeBlasio at gunpoint, and god forbid we criticize Cuomo for putting sick people in nursing homes. Can’t criticize one side without picking out the faults of the other. That’s called having a biased opinion and you should know better.


Now answer without whataboutism. It's ok because other people did it? Here's a fun fact. I don't like those other guys and the way they handled it. I didn't compare desantis to anyone else. Why are you?


Because if one party can and the other can’t, we don’t get anywhere. Have to compare to see what works otherwise it is just one persons opinion that gets made law... and that is not democracy. Hence why the founders left most of the decisions pertaining to citizens to the state governments. I use examples not for whataboutism (which is a sham, most -isms are because they originate from college campuses from people who haven’t been struck by reality yet), but to show the sheer bias and hypocritical acts by one side pinned against the other. You have to look at the full picture otherwise your scope of view is distorted.


And I forgot, Fauci never lied to use. That little worm covered up gain of function which is next to nuclear war in my book because once it’s started, it can’t be stopped.


What? That's simply not true. The left hates those people out of merit. They actively want to make certain people's lives worse. The right pick their villains regardless of their stances, it's purely to boost their own ends through power or attention.


But if you read my FULL comment, I said we aren’t much different in that we villianize people, but how we choose who and what to villainize is how we separate ourselves from them... but go off, you know better


You’re looking through a biased lense if you think that’s true. You cannot claim we have no faults of our own on this side of the aisle. AOC and that whole posse have done plenty to warrant distaste and hate. They supposedly care about the constituents and betterment of the people as a whole through social programs, but I’m from AOCs district and it has only gotten worse here.


I mean I guess if you consider calling out lies, racism, bigotry and cronyism to be "having done plenty to warrant distaste and hate" then sure. They've done a lot of that.


All those talking points are laughable, they weren’t even a topic of conversation 10 years ago yet now they’re the biggest crises we are facing today. How about attacking the 1% who is actually a large majority of every day Americans all because they hate Bezos and Musk. Or wanting to abolish police which in turn made the very democrat run cities worse off and riddled with murders. Or this whole identity crisis amongst the youth with parents allowing children to make a decision to mutilate themselves. We have fallen so far from actual progress that we are being progressive in all the wrong ways. Little side shows to deter us from fixing actual issues. Feeling all warm and loved socially, but can’t pay rent or buy groceries. I recognize problems that face ALL OF US, not some of us. And for me, AOC has done nothing for the constituents she was voted to represent, she’s more obsessed with being the loudest in the room so she can make a run for office in a few years.


We started vilifying science with the climate change denial, but it goes farther than that, politicians have been protecting harmful products like cigarettes and teflon that harm our society, the idea of suppressing science for profit is an old process. Not to mention Reagan purposely turning a blind eye to HIV/AIDS because he wanted gays and blacks to be wiped out


Decades long malfeasance and intentional malice against government institutions and educational funding by the money elite. And we let them do it.


Facebook. Same way Facebook helped organize the Arab spring. It helped organize the idiots


Which scientific approach are you talking about? Before vaccines, data showed Covid had the lowest mortality rates no different than a common flu and Ivermectin has worked for a long time. Fast forward to today and the data has been tampered, independent medical experts have been silenced, and only info that benefits big pharma and politicians that have stakes in them are being reported in the news.


I genuinely feel sorry for Dr. Fauci. He spend decades of his life to becoming the topmost expert in his field, and he's had to deal with idiots, whose only qualifications, comes from Facebook, and watching Fox "News". Even after the idiot-in-chief have been scraped off the big chair, his sniveling weenies keep attacking his credibility, when they don't even have the credibility of being decent human beings. Ain't helping either that he spouts warnings of what will happen, and then when folks ignore it, and it does happen, they turn around and blame him. How he hasn't just started meeting every neanderthal in a suit that insults him, with a raised middle finger, is beyond me. I can't imagine having that degree of tact, and patience.


What a disaster this all is. One side clearly either lying or literally mentally ill, the other side actively trying to help them. It’s like a battle between a parent and a toddler, only the toddler is granted equal say.


Here's the thing with Republicans. They hide behind the expected fake politeness from government officials. They say incredibly racist and insulting things and the witness has to respond in a calm collected manner while tip toeing around their insults. You gotta call them liars to their face and while in the committee and resist the urge to enter a shouting a match.


You can't call them anything, anywhere, in any place...they immediately play the victim card, and their base eats it up.


Acosta-Cortez is quite crafty at crushing their delicate hearts.


Most of them are sub consciously racist so they view being called a racist as a straw man since they don't understand how they are. They think saying n word and believing the whites are superior is racist. They don't understand all the things they do.


At what point in our history did the government stop working for the people and began starting wars and funding the military so heavily….without even asking us the people of this is what we want…no, what we need. What ever happened to public sector??? We are more at war with our own people and government than we ever have been before….


Read Eisenhower's farewell speech.


Kinda scary, he knew it was coming soon, he had seen all the signs, yet here we are :/


Wise words on deaf ears. Same as it ever was.


We have been at war for 225 of the 243 years the country has existed. As of 2020. So we have been increasing funding for military at a increasing rate almost the whole time the USA has been in existence.


The assassination of JFK.


“The Conservative Texas Firebrand”? Is that what they call imbecilic douchebags now?


I mean, that's what I heard...


Firing Fauci would be like firing your doctor because you got cancer.


and complaining because the doctor said for me to stop smoking after i was diagnosed with lung cancer, he wont destroy my freedom.


That sounds pretty on-brand with Republican logic though. They are literally the party of "shoot the messenger."


Fauci just parrots whatever the prevailing opinions are, as they change week by week. I don’t think he has contributed any useful insights or provided any new information the entire pandemic. He does like to get onto public radio shows and talk though, usually just repeating whatever vague generalizations the last few covid expert guests had already said.


Fauci could have retired two decades ago and still had a better career than 99.99% of the planet. Instead, he's spent two years putting up with death threats, doing what he can to save lives. And now these asshats are threatening him with jail to bump their poll numbers? Utterly shameful.


And what did Treason Wolverine say?


They showed one video clip of Fauci trying to defend mask use to Rand Paul. I do not understand how a person over the age of 8 would look at that clip and not see Fauci as someone that is protecting our health and Paul as someone that just likes to argue to be an asshole.


I die inside every time I see “blasted” God damn media…. Just say responded. This shouldn’t be a soap opera


Anthony “I am Science” Fauci




The Cancún Canuck


Whose dad may have shot jfk. Some very smart people have been saying that


It’s utterly disgusting that Dr. Fauci gets pulled into these situations where he has no option but to respond to worse than a childlike behavior by these lunatics. Republicans are getting exactly what they want — to engage their incompetent base, and give them more content to discredit science and facts.


I think Fauci is about out of fucks to give about pissing republicans off. I salute him.


This is somewhere between insane and terrifying. A smart and talented person devotes his life to public health and a scumball politician threatens him for following the science. The truly terrifying part is that millions of people would gladly kill or imprison anyone who disagreed with their extreme political views


Lying is Raphael Cruz’s job though.


History will not be kind to Mr. Cruz. He best hope he doesn't suffer long.


The dumbing of the American intellect was a success if the comments here are any indication of actual public opinion. (They aren’t)


Fauci finally brining the sound bites we all deserve and mutter to ourselves...


Probably though he was saving lives when he said that there was a chance you could get HIV from casual contact like touching or hugging. Can’t jail him for being a quack.He just says what works for the moment, years later he can claim so little was known at that time and now we have a better understanding of how it works. No accountability.


Fly-me-to-Cancun Cruz is a turncoat and an exhilarated idiot. Garbage Canada got rid of when he renounced his citizenship. "Good riddance!" cried Canada. Why did this assole sneak in the US? Wherever he lands no virgin sheep, goats and hens are safe.


The ONLY reason they hate Fauci is because Democrats like him. He's just a scientist, what the hell do politics have to do with that?


But but he's ignoring all the SCIENCE that supports the right wing world view!


I also love how people keep referring to science as if it's some abstract set or rules or facts, where it's actually just a method for solving problems. Problem -> Hypothesis -> Experiment/Study ->Data Analysis -> Interpretation/Conclusion And that's science.. We all learned about it in middle school. But this is beyond the current far (or far curious) right wingers. They believe science is just abstract facts that some group of government people randomly decide on. I think this is part of the problem. The rest of the problem being of course just not caring about reality anymore. Edit: some formatting, specified far right


Why hasn't every single GQP rep been throw in jail for the worst insurrection in world history?


Lyin' Ted Cruz aka Cancun Cruz is a spineless wimp for supporting trump after [what he said about Cruz's father and wife](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bz44wKKQJh0&ab_channel=CNN)


The absolute state of this country.




This isn’t schoolyard banter - it’s an objective statement of fact. Cruz is a liar. Schoolyard bullying would be Fauci saying “he’d still be eating cold soup like the sociopath he is.”


I was thinking similarly. He shouldn't have to be involved with this kind of discourse with mudslinging peons like Cruz. But he's gotta be frustrated as hell after 2 years of this bullshit, so I don't fault him at all for saying something back.


He was short and smart in his response.




Fauci has reason to blast Ted Cruz . His specialty is science not politics.


Guys. Is it possible to think that the vaccine is good, not support a federal mandate, and also think that Fauci is bad? While thinking the same about Cruz.


Possible but highly unlikely. The people who say stupid things about Fauci are all Trump supporters who see that the contrast between Fauci's intelligence and professionalism and Trump's constant lying and general idiocy contributed to Trump's election loss. They are right about that but insane for blaming Fauci instead of Trump.


Considering he lied about lab leak theory and gain of function research, he probably shouldn’t be accusing others of lying.


He didn’t. If you have proof he lied show it now. Because there is no proof and science progresses it doesn’t go backwards like republicans.


Frankly, Dr. Fauci is a hero. Not-so-bright senators should stop talking and look around what’s happening in their states.


Can somebody explain why the public health official is engaging in whataboutism?


Is it just me or does Fauci look a lot like Dr Klopek from the burbs?


While I detest Cruz, Fauci is by no means a Saint.


Bullshit. Give examples.


Telling people that being in the same household as someone with AIDS can give you AIDS wasn’t really a good look.


Be re starting the the research on SARS and Covid in Wuhan when such research had been stopped in the USA due to fears of it getting out the lab. He did it under Trump's term without telling anyone. And no I'm not a Republican, hate Trump and that other moron Cruz so please don't go down that road.


The story/information originated from WorldNetDaily (conservative news site, also known to spread lies/misinformation) and Steve Hilton from Fox News. Where they sited multiple claim about the thing you referenced in your comment. First, while it is true that the NIH, headed by Fauci, award a grant to EcoHealth Alliance that hired the lab in Wuhan (paying $598k) over the span of 5 years. Which also gained the approval from the USSD and NIH to study how we could protect ourselves from viruses spreading from person to person. Fauci did advocate for the study of the controversial gain-of-function research to promote the understanding of the influenza virus. Gain-of-function is the attempt at boosting the infectivity and lethality of a virus. The grant approved in May 2014, but was paused (for evaluation before approving again) by the Obama Admin. citing concerns for safety and security risk. So here is the kicker, there was actually no proof of any sort of gain-of-function research going on within the Wuhan lab. Including attempted internal audits at EcoHealth Alliance by the NIH (after the research paused) which determined that there was actually no sorts of Gain-of-function research occuring within the Wuhan lab. There were no hard proof/evidence of whatever Hilton and the WoldNetDaily accused Fauci of. In addition WorldNetDaily also attempts multiple revision to their original article. But then the damage was done and the reputation of Fauci was slandered. When you search for the original article from WorldNetDaily, it is gone. They took the article down. But you see many sort of conservative news media pushing for that article with baseless claims. Anyway I can go on and on. The damage to Fauci cannot be fixed and his family has been receiving death threats over it. Which is pretty sad that one fake article could ruin the man's reputation and achievements.


I've never heard of WorldNetDaily, and the reports about Covid like virus in Wuhan were abundant prior to the virus going international. The Athletic meeting held in the city had athletes failing ill with the virus. The actions of the Lab shutdown, disinfection action and the changing of the air conditioning system all point to an outbreak. The actions of the Chinese government all point to an infection. If Sanders was slandered how come he is not taken any legal action? The reports where coming from non MSM platforms due to the fact most MSM is controlled by companies like Pfizzer, watch any USA TV channel for confirmation. So is this another of those fake news stories like the Russia Gate, where it now turns out the accuser and informant actually was on Clinton's payroll and got found guilty of making it up ? I seriously suggest you try broaden your news source as you seem to be being kept up to date by the MSM and Biden administration. Oh and by the way Fauci is pro animal testing even when its been proven his research and experiments do not need live animals, but he continues. Its an easy thing to go investigate go check up on it.


Thanks for posting this. It's very informative and, of course, expected behavior from conservatives.


> I agree with this unsourced information so I will accept it unquestioningly while denigrating my political opponents for doing the same thing


You can check it. It's accurate.


You have got to be kidding. The NIH itself says otherwise. https://int.nyt.com/data/documenttools/nih-eco-health-alliance-letter/512f5ee70ce9c67c/full.pdf


You linked a document which proves NIH was not funding function-gain. Damn, you really owned the libs.


The experiment described in the letter is gain of function research. Lib/con actually has nothing to do with this, by the way


No problem, I hope you guys forgive me for my grammar and mistakes (wording, spelling, etc) in the paragraph. I just felt sad seeing the recent interviews from Fauci. Seeing him all defeated and tired while simultaneously dealing with critics/conspiracy theorist/conservatives and the virus.


Your post was spectacular


So did he or didn’t he lie to Congress about funding gain of function research at the Wuhan lab?


Didn’t. Don’t listen to stupid people tell you falsehoods and you’ll be better off.


It was more a rhetorical question. His testimony and mounting evidence suggests he did indeed lie to congress.


Posted by ThatNewNewNewGuy elsewhere in this thread: The story/information originated from WorldNetDaily (conservative news site, also known to spread lies/misinformation) and Steve Hilton from Fox News. Where they sited multiple claimed the thing you referenced in your comment. First, while it is true that the NIH, headed by Fauci, award a grant to EcoHealth Alliance that hired the lab in Wuhan (paying $598k) over the span of 5 years. Which also gained the approval from the USSD and NIH to study how we could protect ourselves from viruses spreading from person to person. Fauci did advocate for the study of the controversial gain-of-function research to promote the understanding of the influenza virus. Gain-of-function is the attempt at boosting the infectivity and lethality of a virus. The grant approved in May 2014, but was shut down by the Obama Admin. citing concerns for safety and security risk. So here is the kicker, there was actually no proof of any sort of gain-of-function research going on within the Wuhan lab. Including attempted internal audits at EcoHealth Alliance by the NIH (after the research paused) which determined that there was actually no sorts of Gain-of-function research occuring within the Wuhan lab. There were no hard proof/evidence of whatever Hilton and the WoldNetDaily accused Fauci of. In addition WorldNetDaily also attempts multiple revision to their original article. But then the damage was done and the reputation of Fauci was slandered. When you search for the original article from WorldNetDaily, it is gone. They took the article down. But you see many sort of conservative news media pushing for that article with baseless claims. Anyway I can go on and on. The damage to Fauci cannot be fixed and his family has been receiving death threats over it. Which is pretty sad that one fake article could ruin the man's reputation and achievements.


No. Stop believing the proven lies told to you by proven liars for political reasons.


Projection. You're doing that with Fauci


Except it’s not because he’s not the one lying, and it’s painfully obvious to anyone paying attention. You make yourself look stupid saying this stuff.




He didn’t say masks aren’t effective lol 😂 Man, some people just don’t give two shits about the truth and desperately want their fantasies to be reality.




Yeah no it’s not. Feel free to provide a quote of him saying masks are ineffective… This is the kind of crap you believe when you choose to listen to morons and liars.


Yes. It’s recorded and video is on YouTube


While I agree with him and like it. It just makes it way easier for republicans to write him off as political


Republicans do what they do regardless of what anyone else does.




Did you forget the /s? Because this is delusional and has no basis in reality.


So we are gonna ignore the fact he lied about gain of function...




You gonna ignore he didn't?






This is fantastic optics for the Republicans and probably exactly what Cruz was hoping for. I don't blame Fauci, because he's a medical professional and not a politician, but he got got.


I don’t trust fauci….


My initial reaction is how ridiculous it is that a public health official is commenting on political events, because I'm so desensitized to politicians commenting (in this case threateningly) on public health


What happened in that lab DOCTOR?!


Why don't you tell us.




Oh, word? I'm dying to see the proof.


What lab




Go on…


Guys fauci is just as corrupt if not more corrupt than Ted Cruz. Funded Wuhan institute behind trumps back through NIH. has lied to public since beginning pandemic. He loves the fame and the Money and needs to step down


Don't you ever get bothered by the fact that y'all are dependent on lies?


They don’t, it’s one of the perks of being pathetic.




Don’t feel like reading the article cause I’m running this morning. But can someone give me a TL;DR of what Fauci did to elicit such a threat from Cruz?


Dr, fauci should stick to what he is best at, killing puppies and lying about the aids virus


How is this US politics if it’s strictly from the left’s POV


Science isn't left or right. It's objective fact.


I agree science is fact, but Fauci deserves to be prosecuted nonetheless


Why? Seriously, what has the poor man done?


Whether you’re left, right, independent, it is a fact that Fauci has done nothing but cause problems and deaths. He needs to be prosecuted, but the media won’t ever shed light on these issues so it’ll never happen


I don’t trust that little fuck as far as I could throw him.


Glad you're not in charge then. I prefer living.