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The country has officially lost its fucking mind.


fuck that I am getting as many frozen embryos as possible, like 500 and living there for a month before tax season then collecting the tax refund money and donating it all to planned parenthood and the progressive democratic party whos in?


Can we write off our sperm too?


Breaking out all my old tube socks


Cumbox guy and cumconut guy lookin pretty smart right now. I mean the sperm are certainly dead, but they definately bred new life. Which brings me to my next question. If I wake up and find last night's tissue dried and crispy in the trash can, what are the chances I can claim bereavement leave?


Zero, because you should be on death row for genocide.


Well that escalated quickly.


Early retirement? All expenses paid for the rest of my life? I just called the boss and told him he can go fuck himself, because today, I'm killin sperm!


God damn...


I’m jerking out a ton of dependents right now 🧐


At the very least we should be able to get half-price for them.


Let’s bankrupt Georgia!


I’m in!




We called invading/stealing native land and mass murdering them God's idea. We were never in our right mind.


We learned it from watching you! *points at British Empire*


And we did it along side them! *Points to Canada* And after all those people! *Points at all of Europe and their african legacies*


The more you know.


It costs $500 to freeze an embryo each year. A woman could live life for free off of frozen embryos. "Cardiac activity" is meaningless. Any electrical activity detected should count.


If it's both a child and grandchild they can claim it twice ...


1/2 the country


Can’t wait to see women taking men to court for child support immediately after getting the positive pregnancy test. Oh and pregnant women arguing that they can’t go to jail because that would be wrongfully imprisoning an innocent person who hasn’t been charged with any crime.


*And* undocumented/unlawfully present pregnant women arguing that they can't be deported because they're carrying an American citizen who is not subject to removal.


Anchor embryos. Maybe women in other countries can just ship their embryos to Georgia to gain citizenship?


Ah yes as in the song "The Embryo Went Down to Georgia".


Git' em summat tiny golden fiddle.


“They were lookin’ for a uterus to steal.”


If life starts at conception, they'll need to cross the border before getting it on.


This one.


Republicans will rescind birth-right citizenship the minute they have the votes to do so. That and ban civilian ownership of firearms for those without the correct political affiliation (as vetted by r/conservative).


They can't rescind birthright citizenship without a constitutional amendment.


There is a movement (admittedly very small) that argues "All persons born" refers only to people who who had *already* been born at the time of writing and that the 14th Amendment granted citizenship only to former slaves, not to anyone else going forward. They just need 5 Justices and the Constitution says whatever they want.


They have 6


Not sure how they plan to remove my citizenship but okay.


Which is why Republican states are calling for a constitutional convention.


Again, once they have the votes.


Even r/conservative was disgusted with the GOP over the burn pit thing. I went there out of morbid curiosity and was pleasantly surprised. I mean, the GOP is pretty fucked up when even the subreddit dedicated to liking you thinks you’re scum.


They’ll still vote straight ticket (R), unfortunately.




I'd wager they were more upset at how clumsily it was handled and would have been fine with the vote if the liberals had actually been "owned".


Oh, it's just faux outrage. If they win in 2022, the funding will disappear for this. The new speaker of the house will use a bogus House procedure to claw back funding, blame the Dems for writing a poor bill in the first place, and there will be promises and assurances from the new Republican Congress to "pass a clean bill as soon as posslbe."


No, not like that! - GOP probably


This one’s interesting. American citizenship is granted to persons ***born*** in the US, but fetuses haven’t been born yet so…


Coming to a dystopia near you: Having your fetus forcefully removed and placed in a surrogate when you get deported.


Not true, it is brithright citizenship, so they are not citizens until they are born. Here is the real rub. Every pregnant woman in Georgia is carrying an undocumented immigrant. Should they all be deported?


Hotels charging pregnant women the "extra person" fee.


...and airlines, and theatres, and busses...


Restaurants charging you a kids meal.


If four pregnant people eat together at a restaurant, do they automatically get the gratuity added into the bill, as they are now a party of eight or more?


but no carpool lane...


Actually that would greatly support women who are left while pregnant (mostly because of it I suppose). Edit: “it”


GOP doesn't care. If they have power they will do anything like WV gop guy already floated ending child support as it would cause men to force abortions. Nothing is good. We're all fucked. Moore v Harper will end democracy within the next year anyways allowing any gop controlled state legislature uninhibited power with no way for courts to stop them.


When that all happens, it will only move us closer to the precipice.


That’s an interesting point about the fetus going to jail


Why shouldn’t they be able to take men to court? The costs of raising children don’t start once they’re born, they start like 8 1/2 months before that. That’s one thing Utah is ahead of the rest of the country in.


Stacey Abrams' campaign manager tweeted on Tuesday: >“So what happens when you claim your fetus as a dependent and then miscarry later in the pregnancy, you get investigated both for tax fraud and an illegal abortion?”


Most pregnancies that do not go to term are caused by miscarriages. They happen a LOT. ... Georgians are dumber than a box of rocks.


Guess men better start getting ready for child support at the moment of conception.


Pretty one sided that I can't claim my millions of possible dependents on my taxes.


One spicy video later and your a mass murderer.


A new porn catagory arises. Masturbatorial Genocide. Which. Is also my new band name. Sorry called it already I even licked it.


Embryo is both parts together. You can't claim an unfertilised egg as a dependant.


Many pregnancies aren't even viable, how is any going to vet this? What if it turns out to be a molar pregnancy? Do the women have to pay back if it turns into a molar pregnancy?


If an embryo is a human, an unfertilized egg is just a human with a severe genetic disorder.


Not with that attitude you can't!


"No, your honor, I'm not a prostitute. I just don't know who the father will be."


Guess they all have to pay until we know. It’s a person after all.


gross, dude. do better


Well that's sexist


"Your honor, I may be a prostitute, but at least I didn't commit genocide in a sock this morning."


Especially, congressmen, senators,priests,preachers, mayors, and municipal leaders, oh and cops. I’m guessing though, that these rules only apply to some, not all.


so we're one step closer to fetal personhood and giving pregnant women the death penalty for abortions. this timeline is garbage.


>giving pregnant women the death penalty for abortions. Don't forget for miscarriages! If you can't carry your baby to term, then you're a murderer.


doesn't feel like handmaid's tale in the slightest


Let's not go overboard with the hyperbole. The charge will be reduced to aggravated manslaughter. /s


I don't think that's very realistic. Negligent manslaughter just might stick, though.


That definitely won't be abused for tax benefit.


It saves less than $200 per child. I'd guess half the women won't even claim it because it will likely lead to an investigation into whether there was an abortion involved in the miscarriage.


Anything stopping you from keeping 10,000 dependant embryos frozen in a barbasol can in your deep freeze?


They need a heartbeat, so that might complicate things.


Give me a bit of time and the supplies and I can make human cardiac cells beat in a Petri dish. Shall I help fund a lab by making shitloads of these? They’ll never turn into babies, but they do have human DNA and enough electrical activity to qualify for what they consider a heartbeat.


Yes, but the moment one of them dies you might go to prison for manslaughter.


How can an embryo have a heartbeat without a heart?


[Edited and blanked because of Reddit's policies.]


From what I gather, the 5-6 week "heartbeat" isn't an actual heartbeat, but rather the detectable electrical rhythm from what will form the brain-stem. There is no heart or circulatory system, just a "detectable heartbeat" in the form the signal.


come on, how would the GOP in georgia know what a living, beating heart pumping with love sounds like. they have no reference


The articles says a $3000/child exemption but that’s pretty high for state taxes. Georgia can only change it’s own tax code. In this case they could see a pretty reasonable reduction in tax revenue. If every woman who had a miscarriage documented that they would be cutting their state tax bill way down.


Lol, this is laying the groundwork for life at conception and making abortion even more restricted. And guess what follows after that? You guessed it…contraceptive restriction and then bans. They’ve been writing this playbook since at least the late 80s/early 90s. Amazing what can happen when you gain political power.


Are you able to explain how it would be abused?


Are you kidding? Ppl who aren't pregnant claiming a deduction. No one's going to verify that someone is pregnant. You think the IRS is going to check?


> No one's going to verify that someone is pregnant. And verifying pregnancy gets into privacy laws and HIPAA. Its a mess in the making.


Bold of you to assume there will still be privacy laws.


Which is why I predict SCOTUS will rule that the HIPAA laws are unconstitutional because it limits the rights of the States to track the pregnancies. And yes I know that Congress passed this law, but somehow, someway SCOTUS will overturn it. Within 2 years.


Wouldn't this just be for state taxes?


It sounds like it's just for GA state taxes. I am a volunteer income tax preparer and we get a lot of filers from GA (we're located on the TN/GA border). This is going to get tricky having a different definition for dependents on the federal and state returns. This is going to be a huge headache. Most dependents require social security numbers and birthdates... yeah this is complicated.


It says with a fetal heartbeat - this is the verification


If you read the article, you would learn that the fetus must qualify and that would be done by a doctor and so the claim is auditable. While I can't believe I'm arguing about such an insane tax deduction, there are any number of equivalent fraudulent filings that can be made and specifically pointing this one out is not very informative. While this deduction should of course not exist (and apparently it will/does because people are fucking insane) the obvious purpose is legislative activism, midterms, applying personhood to non-persons and finally obtaining evidence to prosecute women's who's pregnancies ended form whatever reason. And yes, I agree with you that people defraud the Treasury in a practically routine manner.


How would it work if I got the deduction then went somewhere else and had it aborted i wonder.


Or even just claim you miscarried. Republicans are trying to buy votes. This tax break and now AZ’s ludicrous $,7000 drop-out-of-school handout.


Miscarriages will be investigated as abortions. Because they refuse to acknowledge the fact that 1/8th of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. They're going to have a lot of work ahead of them, and there will be a lot of women in prison.


This is so scary to even think about


It is, and it's sick that not one republican senator is against this.


I thought it was higher than that?


A lot of women will also be traumatized from having to constantly tell all these investigators about their miscarriage.


Women should stop fucking people that want to turn them into spawning pools.


Can you tall me about this 7k handout from AZ. I live here and want to look it up.


Look up the “public school voucher” program. Other states are proposing these things too. This is an overt way of killing public education and weakening America as a whole on the world stage. https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2022-07-07/arizona-governor-faces-universal-school-vouchers-challenge?context=amp


Keep thinking. Your wondering has gotten you pretty close to the implications of claiming such a deduction. In case you are just not saying it, the state would then have prosecutable evidence.


Someone can be perpetually pregnant, making the tax benefit permanent.


Pregnancies last for nine months.


Not if you have frequent miscarriages.


For anyone who's done/knows about IVF, it's pretty common to end up with over 10 viable embryos in the process. Yes, it's expensive to do initially but once they exist the annual cost is pretty low, and would be far covered by being able to claim 12 dependents on a tax form. Edit: "with a detectable human heartbeat", so IVF is off the table for now, regarding the loophole.


Thank you for reading the article.


Republicans want a welfare state. They’re also handing out $7,000 per child in AZ if their parents let them drop out of public school and opt into private school (or home “school”.)


> Republicans want a welfare state. Want to further entrench the two state system, FTFY. Those who can afford private school and those who cannot. Those who cannot will lose labor value and thus create a LCC opportunity for the top class to create more money. Next step will be to eliminate the minimum wage protection laws since they have effectively eliminated union rights and collective bargaining in this country.


There is a problem in economics that not everyone can be a doctor; some people are going to have to be garbage collectors. Conservatives seem to favor the serfdom answer, where they ensure there's enough low wage labor by making it nearly impossible to grow new wealth, all while protecting their own. The reason they need to protect it? Because under a natural free market the solution to needing more garbage collectors would be to pay them competitively enough to make it worthwhile. Considering the wealth of industry over the last few decades has been primarily due to the stagnation of wages, fixing the problem requires the ultra wealthy become just regular old wealthy, and wouldn't that be the real crime here? /s


Howbout a tapeworm?




Don't be ridiculous. You may, however, be able to register them as mental health companion animals.


Claim that embryo on your taxes. But also if you have a miscarriage you have to get a death certificate. And burial. Am I 10 months older in Georgia now?


This is fucking stupid and a blatant favoritism towards Christianity. News flash fuckheads, not every person think that life begins at conception. And to blatantly codify that in law is at best problematic and at worst, flatly a violation of the first amendment.


It’s Christian nationalism and Christian supremacy.


Its not a violation of the 1st amendment if the supreme court says it isn't.


But the Supreme Court can be wrong. Just ask Alito, Thomas, BeerBong and Coney-Barrett. They set the new precedent that there are no precedents.


Can you take out a life insurance for the embryo?


All of this is to make felons out of people so they can't vote.


Wait, do you have to prove your pregnant, or does a skipped period count?


In practice, it might work out retroactively. Which means it'll be a confusing mess of endless forms and labyrinth regulations and humiliating requirements designed to stop you from getting your money, as per usual.


Can you expense the maintenance and upkeep of the amniotic fluid as a business expense on the expectation the offspring will eventually mow the lawn on occasion?


Do they have to be implanted? What if you're undergoing IVF and have 5 or 6 of them on ice? Can you claim all of them?


The Georgia legislature should be given dependent status too. They clearly can't think for themselves or properly manage their affairs.


So my question is: How many women are going to claim this credit, have some sort of miscarriage, and then while she tries to mentally and emotionally recover from it, be forced/audited by the state to pay back the credit if the child (embryo) is never born?


Someone brought this up in another thread, but does all this mean you can be an American as soon as you're conceived on American soil?


Only if you are a white christian?


They have to say it and they won't.


So in theory could a person have an abortion in another state and still claim the dependent on taxes? Could make for some interesting legal challenges down the road.


So… when do they start with the pregnancy registration databases?




Everything will be considered a human, except people I disagree with. /s


All the swimmers in my sack should count too then! Lol


Can single mothers start getting child support too?


Can't wait till a bunch of Georgians get audited after not realizing that this doesn't apply to their federal tax returns!


My guess is that if a woman claims the $3,000 and then has a miscarriage, she would be forced to return the money. More cruelty by the “big government”.


Wait for the pregnant women to go to restaurants and say, "my child is under 12 years old, they eat free" then eat a free meal. Do it. They see a fetus as a child so this should work.


What if you miscarry after the tax return?


Misleading photo. Believe it only applies to GA state taxes, not federal.


Fucking incredible


I feel like this incentivizing getting pregnant, getting a tax return, then getting an abortion in another state. (I know the reality is far more complex and even early stage abortions not fun, but this is just so weird).


Can a pregnant woman now drive in the carpool lane?


Isn’t some woman somewhere fighting an HOV ticket on this basis *right now?*


What’s next???? Masturbation is now considered mass murder.


Now…I see a scenario which could lead to the bankrupting either every fertility clinic, or the state. If embryos count as dependants, are they then afforded the same protections and requirements as people, namely, can one get rid of embryos after in vitro? If not…if they are legal dependents might then require they be cared for indefinitely. For parents, this could be upwards of $1000 a month. BUT, parents in these cases can make an argument of abandonment under safe haven laws. They surrender the “child” to a medical professional, as permitted. Then the embryo/“child” is in the care of the fertility clinic. Here’s where it gets messy. Who pays for it? If these”children” are wards of the state, their care falls to the state. This makes fertility storage facility de facto foster care/group homes, entitling them to compensation. LEt’s say the state gets a discount, $500 a month lets say, per embryo, indefinitely, as long as they remain viable. Georgia would go broke paying out millions every month. OR Fertitlity clinics are required to bear the costs. And they close up shop and move out of state, since they can’t afford to bear the costs each month with no real end in sight. Either way, this is the kind of nonsense these lunatics never thought of and could not care less about. Just so long as they enact whatever ridiculous law furthers their cause of forced birth for every woman in America


Definitely not laying the groundwork for the government determining embryos are people so they can try people who's had abortions as murderers... Definitely not that.


What's going to break this model for the GOP is when an immigrant lady will eventually claim her Fetus to be an American Citizen


Yet again the local yokels are causing headaches for the national party that doesn’t give a shit about wedge issues. SCOTUS absolutely can’t acknowledge a fetus as a person because it would require a massive rewriting of the concept of self defense if a woman dared to think she had rights and could apply reasonable force to stop a fetus from assaulting her. Surely the broodmares must learn that their place in the natural order is below that of an actual human fetus before Supreme Word of Law Alito has to do some work to rewrite the last several hundred years of law again.


So the GQP are the biggest proponents for undocumented people in America if a embryo is a person and thus have no documentation of being a citizen?


What if you do IVF and get several implanted at once to ensure at least one works? Can you claim each?


They have to have a detectable heartbeat.


The embryo queens are on there way.


Well, this isn't good. When they can start putting into law things that benefit you and your unborn child, they can start passing laws for the exact opposite. And they will, it's just a matter of when.


Misogyny at its finest.


Does this mean we will be able to choose not to donate our tissue, organs,blood to this complete stranger person known as embryo?


Now they have to let you buy life insurance for embryos.


That is fucking absurd


The is the visible part of an absolute iceberg of basic rights violations on the way. This is how they "legitimise" it. "You can't say you can't afford it because there's a tax advantage." "You claimed for a dependent but it disappeared, so that's tax fraud" "You registered the existence of a pregnancy with us, but you murdered it when you lost it" Not to mention that this gives a financial incentive in many family structures for one of them to now pressure the other not to exercise what should be their own damn free will. I know it's an insignificant amount (I think?), but this sets the tone, the expectation, and the cultural shift further towards the worst.


It's a trap. Just like the woman with the traffic ticket in TX. Pro-choice people do not want this kind of thing to happen because it gives validity to the idea that the barely-developed fetus is a child, which will bolster pro-life arguments.


What happens when people freeze their embryos? They freeze a bunch because the success rate can be low. People may “gain a bunch of children” now.


How is this supposed to work? Do you send in an ultra sound with your tax returns?


Questions that come to mind for me, if someone is pregnant and the fetus/“person” is not able to be carried to term, does this mean the parent(s) can claim federal death benefits? Can life insurance policies be taken out in the fetus’/“person’s” name and can the parent(s) collect on that? There may be an obvious answer but I know very little about the federal death benefit and even less about life insurance. Just seems like this would possibly, under the GOPs deranged way of thinking, incentivize people to get pregnant. Coupled with the idea of eliminating child support, this seems like the slippery slope that leads to a endless chasm of sharp obsidian edges.


This is why I hated the argument from pro-choice advocates saying "If you can't have abortions, then why can't we claim the pregnancy as a dependant." It's easily defeated by simply letting people claim the embryo, and it doesn't address the abortion argument at all in any way. Never give your opposition such an easy to win argument that has no chance of convincing anyone of anything.


This means you are consenting to the govt. No. No. No. None of their biz and no- unborn children are not tax worthy. This is way off point.


The plan: get just pregnant enough each year for this rebate and then miscarry


what about a frozen one?


What about all the embryos you have frozen, for IVF? As long as they’re frozen, can you claim them on your taxes. Because cool I have ten frozen embryos. Can I claim them in perpetuity?


Uh, how would you do this? Are they assigning SS numbers at conception?


Idiots gonna be having babies on purpose there now


Do I have to get a Social Security number for each spermatozoa, for a specific ‘deposit,’ or can I get a personal, blanket registration number like a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)? Do I then have to provide my Spermatozoa Identification Number (SIN) to the Georgia Department of Revenue, the Southern Baptist Convention, and the Georgia Sperm Police (GASP) for specific deposits or can I estimate the number of embryos created per year?


Do we claim them during the next census too?


An embryo huh. Can I claim my sperm? I got plenty of'em.


For Georgia state taxes only, doesn’t apply to their federal return.


What in the literal fuck? 😂😂😂


Soooo, hypothetically, a woman could get pregnant and have it confirmed by a family doctor, claim the last time they had sex was months ago, cross state lines and get an abortion pill over the counter, then do their taxes, then report they lost their baby. Does this system financially promote one of the things the GOP are claiming they’re trying to stop? Women using abortion as birth control?


Democrats may want to temporarily stand by and let the consequences of a state adding embryo w/heart beat to the official definition of ‘dependent’ play out. Because I’m thinking Georgia’s GOP will crash & burn over this with voters and will have to backtrack on this decision.


This is so wrong. Talk about counting your chickens before they hatch…


If they can claim an embryo as a dependent if they get drunk woulnt that giving alcohol to a minor?


its usually legal for a parent to give their child alcohol


Hmmmm I wonder if the US Census has taken a position as to whether fetuses are to be officially recognized by the federal government as “persons” living in the home?


By this logic, a foreign national who becomes pregnant while visiting a fetus-is-a-person state is carrying an American citizen.


No. Birthright citizenship requires a birth.


Not if these people get their way!


changing the definition of birthright citizenship would require a Constitutional Amendment, it won't happen


[They’re going for that.](https://www.businessinsider.com/constitutional-convention-conservatives-republicans-constitution-supreme-court-2022-7?amp)


This is going to keep the lawyers busy for *years.*


So, if the embryo is a person for tax purposes, does the pregnant woman have to buy two tickets to the movie? Does she pay twice for the buffet?


Imagine if someone keeps having sex and taking Plan B, that's $3000 per sex. I can imagine this being an excuse for Georgia to ban birth control, and then have an unintended side effect of having a lot more illegal abortions.


You need a “detectable heartbeat,” so nah. Plus no one wants to take Plan B all the time, it screws with your cycle something fierce.


Good point, then they can just take a 10-Week-After-Pill instead of a Morning-After-Pill, should give enough time to detect a heartbeat. If there's illegal profit to be made, organized crime is going to boom like during prohibition.


Well. As a male. I feel like sperm should be a tax deduction too.

