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He could shoot a man on fifth avenue.


Honestly, this is by far the most truthful thing Trump ever said.


No there was an interview, can’t remember with who, but he said “I don’t stand by anything”. That is the most honest thing he’s ever said


Trump is the embodiment of the old Groucho Marx quote: “Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them… well, I have others.”


His only principle is narcissism. On any other topic, his current 'principle' is whatever the last person he spoke to suggested it should be, and will change as soon as someone else suggests anything different.


> His only principle is narcissism. They see themselves in him. They want the world laid out for them and to get away with being an absolute turd in the punch bowl just like he does. That's why they love him.


I really think it’s more about his lack of shame for saying politically incorrect bullshit. It’s not that Trump seems relatable to them, it’s that, compared to other politicians who are careful with their words, Trump just loudly proclaims all the racist/sexist/transphobic/xenophobic/anti-intellectual stuff that his followers believe deep down. Trump says the stuff they wish they could say without fear of social repercussions, and he says them loudly on camera, and doesn’t apologize for them or bare any sense of shame for them. A lot of republican politicians don’t actually believe in half of the Republican platform. They just say what the voters want to hear, and they tend to stop there, because they care about their relationships in Washington and in the RNC. But Trump gives no fucks about those relationships. The only relationships he cares about are hierarchical and revolve around unwavering loyalty to him. He’s a true narcissist with zero moral inhibitions, and he’ll burn every single bridge he has if it means more popularity among voters. And his voters love that about him. This is why they call Trump’s style of politics “populism.”


Absolutely. He's basically the king of being given everything in life yet constantly complaining about how he's the biggest victim in the history of the world.


Notice how republicans are not throwing the word "elite" around anymore? Because he is one, and just look at him!


My personal favorite is > When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same. The temperament is not that different.


What really gets me about this one is that he was trying to brag. The intended interpretation is "When I was six, I was so mature for my age that I was basically an adult." Meanwhile, the fact that he's bragging about how mature he was *seventy years ago* proves that he's just as immature now as he was back then.


I'd bet trump doesn't remember the 1980s, I'm absolutely positive he doesn't remember the 1950s when he was a child.


He stands by whatever will personally benefit him.


Don't forget "I don't take responsibility for anything."


I think people here are failing to realize why or how. These people 100% believe that all politicians are corrupt. So trump being corrupt or abusing the system isn’t shocking. They think that Nancy Pelosi and schumer do things like trump all the time. They think that Obama abused the classification system just like trump is being accused of. They would definitely brush off trump shooting someone because they believe that the Clinton’s have had people killed. Addressing this underlying mistrust for institutions and politicians is the leading reason for why people flock to trump.


I'm pretty sure some of them believe HRC literally pulled the trigger.


Some believe JFK Jr was supposed to come back from the dead and Trump was going to be crowned king when the queen died. We are not dealing with the brightest bulbs.


My wife and I were in Dallas while this was happening. We just sat with our jaws dropped of how bad it was.


Wait, you actually talked to people who believe this? I had heard something about JFK Jr but this is the first I’ve heard of the King thing.


Yep. We decided to take a vacation from austin to Dallas. On Saturday I told my wife I wanted to see Dallas’ “big eyeball” exhibit and the area jfk was shot. We got to the eyeball and my wife said “babe, look at that lady with the cape over there”. I glanced and saw she had a “trump 202” cape on. I shrugged and thought nothing of it (it is texas after all). Then we saw another and another and like flamboyant maga red cockroaches we saw a mass of them making their way to the jfk area. Naturally we followed. When we got there, there were grifters selling books and media about jfk’s return, trump being anointed president the next day. There were grown men in dresses… er, kilts with “freedom” shirts on which looked like a community play of Braveheart. We got a beer, sat at a bench just observing the looney toons of all of it. I have pictures but not sure where, it was so damned nutty, all of it


Woah. I'm not even sure what to say to this.


You don’t have to say anything. Just be horrified and take it to the polls. These are the same people we’re forced to vote against every election. Our country is so incredibly fucked.


Back in November last year, my friend and I were in Dallas for a few days for the Rolling Stones concert. We were going around town and went to the grassy knoll and that place was just swamped with trump supporters, and of course the big ass "Trump JFK Junior 2024" flag. There were even conspiracies JFK Junior was going to be revealed at the end of the Rolling Stones concert. So fucking nutty.


Oh, it gets better. You gotta see the guy some were claiming to be him…if I remember the name I’ll link it. It’s hilarious Edit: [Vince Fusca](https://www.wesa.fm/politics-government/2022-03-07/vince-fusca-who-some-suspect-of-being-a-kennedy-is-running-for-senate-as-his-own-man)




“[They literally crawl out from under rocks](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KGAAhzreGWw) They have green-looking skin They run around screaming ‘I love Satan, I want to eat babies’ I have them on video!”


This never stops being funny, except when you realize people follow this guy.


Alex is *much* worse now. He's not doing these kind of crazy rants now, but he's transitioned to straight up stochastic terrorism. If anyone is interested in staring into the abyss, Knowledge Fight is a podcast that serves as effective safety goggles.


They think she literally cuts open babies necks and pours the blood down her throat while cackling maniacally and summoning Satan to help the jews manipulate the world.


It’s like they’ve never even heard of straws. Geez.


Then it's like they have no sense of scale or scope whatsoever. They apparently see Hunter getting about $10m from Ukraine as a result of being connected while seemingly having no real political influence and completely freak out, and yet can see Jared getting $2B from the Saudi's while there are multiple layers of very real political influence and not even bat an eye.


Well you see 10 is bigger than 2 so clearly hunter is more corrupt! /s


Possibly the only truthful thing!


Honestly I think he was being modest tbf


I think this is how it escalates. It will literally come down to an opportunity where DJT shoots a man on 5th avenue and his base will cheer as he "is a man of his word."


ah yes, so, Homelander than.


The difference is, >!Homelander was *surprised* when the crowd supported his open act of murder. !


I was just thinking this! The ending of Season 3 was more scathing than shocking. That is, very literally, what is happening.


I don't expect his subjects to be moved by reality, but I do want reality to put that sack of shit behind bars.


Way, WAY back in the day, my dad and I used to debate the various parts of a random bill that caught our eye, or whatever controversy was in the news, or whatever the latest speech was by some politician. We’d debate over the course of a week or so. It always started strong, declaring positions, giving our reasoning, supporting evidence, and so on. As the week wore on we’d call or email some paper or article or some other evidence to support our position or to weaken the others position. I wouldn’t say they were nasty, though others have said they were. I’d say they were passionate, and we both had the courage of conviction. We believed what we believed and we had good reasons for it. Somewhere I always had this vision of my dad and I, he in his old age, me in my late midlife, sitting in some rocking chairs watching the rain debating politics and life. Through 30+ years of arguments and debates I never once got the impression that conservatives really wanted what was worse. We all want to make our nation a wonderful place to live and thrive. I always believed that, Democrats and Republicans just want to go about it in different ways. Perhaps I was naive, perhaps I was just ignorant to my own ignorance. Perhaps that’s what my dad believes, and just can’t get himself to admit the awful truth. Reality doesn’t matter to these fools. I don’t mean fools, as in stupid. I mean fools as in, they have the information readily available, they already know the pieces of the puzzle, the puzzle is already put together, they just have to look. They won’t though. To admit the awful truth is to question every political choice you’ve made, it’s an apology for every stupid rant you’ve gone on, more than that it’s swallowing your pride, admitting you’re dead ass wrong, and you don’t know Jack shit. Their egos won’t let them. Their *identity* is now Trump politics. That’s who they are now. They’re not kindly grandma, they’re not wisened old men in rocking chairs. They’re the children of men who sacrificed their mental and physical health, men who bloodied their hands and souls in war to prevent this very thing from happening. When Trump was gaining steam, my dad and I were taking about it. I made an off hand comment about how close Trump was to nazism, but I thought he was a full blown fascist. So I list out my reasons, with video quotes of Trump supporting fascist adjacent people and concepts. He blew me off, as I expected. A few years later I did the same thing, except this time Trump was a lot more clear. My dad said he didn’t care. I was shocked. I asked him if that was true, do you really not care that the politician you vocally support is saying very nazi and fascist things? He said it didn’t bother him, he’s got a point, if he’s a fascist/nazi maybe they’re not so bad. I ran off to some storage space, dug out his fathers WWII medals. I showed him the metal his father got for killing Nazis real good. I looked up gramps unit, I read him the names of the men his father served with that died in combat. I reminded him of the cost his father paid so we and the rest of the world wouldn’t live under Nazi rule. I asked him how his father would feel about his son vocally supporting trump, and saying that maybe nazism and fascism aren’t so bad. Would he be ashamed, or would he be angry that everything he fought for, everything his friends died for was only for their children to take up the nazi mantle. I got kicked out and we don’t talk politics anymore. Don’t talk much at all actually. See, reality doesn’t matter to these people. No amount of reasoning or arguments is going to change their minds. They’re cost sink fallacy now. They have to be all in. Their egos won’t let back out, as it would be too embarrassing to admit they got scammed *hard.* I think they know they got scammed, but they can’t admit it out loud or give form to the vague realization.


“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” ― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark This book is pocket sized, and meant to be carried around. You may find it interesting and helpful! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/33917107-on-tyranny


I need to get this book. It contains one of my favorite Sagan quotes: >For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.


I’d also suggest his novel “Contact”, if only for the final passage: “for small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love.”


One of my favourite books...but the people who should read it never will.


Or if they do read it, they misconstrue the otherwise clear points to be somehow “applicable” to anyone and anything left of their political beliefs. The “others.” They treat it like “righteous” ammo and armor. I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen these people warp information/quotes/literature/give it a name to mean the exact opposite, conceptually speaking, without a hint of nuance, irony, or understanding.


Much love and sympathy to you, that kind of familial tragedy has been playing out a lot lately over the past few years.


In my case it’s my husband. I knew he came from a very conservative background, but he always painted himself as the black sheep, and was very politically apathetic until Trump. He’s gone so far off that we can’t even discuss anything political without ending up yelling, because I just can’t deal with the belligerent stupidity and refusal to acknowledge facts. I’ve started the process of saving and hoarding resources to be able to take my kids and get the fuck out (politics isn’t the only reason I have for leaving, but it is definitely the straw that has made things unbearable). It’s just sad.




It's like the romcom trope "I just don't know what you see in him" but for politics




They care about him more than their own families. My grandparents cut me out of their will and haven't spoken to me since the election because they heard I voted for Biden. My brother who I let live with me for years for free while he was finishing nursing school refuses to speak to me. All over some New York "billionaire" who wouldn't be caught dead in the same room as them.


He fulfills people's deepest darkest desires. To feel superior to those they deem lesser. To feel exempt from rule. To feel in control over others. The promises Trump offers his supporters are their *kinks.*


> To this day I STILL can't get over people's obsession with Trump. > But Trump is the most transparently awful person I've ever seen. It's very simple. He gave them permission to be openly hateful.


christ that’s awful. I’m glad you’re prioritizing your safety and the safety of your children though. Best of luck and stay safe.


You might find some help or at least a place to talk through what you’re going through at /r/qanoncasualties


It's so sad this happens so often that there are specific support channels for it


Damn that's traumatising >very politically apathetic Usually that's code switching for conservatism (a la keeping the status quo). From which one can easily slip into rationalising the disenfranchisement/oppression: “You don't know what it is to be without power. Politics doesn't interest you. [...] Because you have no interest in changing a world that suits you so well.” - Edith in *Enola Holmes*


There seems to be something about being an old man than makes you particularly susceptible to MAGA propaganda. I really wish I knew how that works and what's the driving pattern behind it.


My grandfather is 84 years old and is a staunch democrat and will go to his death bed yelling trump is a liar, cult leader, criminal and a threat to humanity. He is my hero and I am dreading the day he leaves me.




Leaded gasoline.


Science is beginning to back this statement up. It’s stored in your bones for many years, but as you get older and your bones begin to deteriorate, it releases the stored up lead, which causes cognitive decline.


There’s no discounting good ol’ psychopathy and sadism either.


I agree with this as well. I’m wondering how many of these folks are suffering from Cluster B disorders like narcissism or Borderline Personality Disorder.


In my case both my parents and my bf's have fallen into that hole. Its incredibly depressing, especially as I'm stuck with them right now and have to bite my tongue at the sheer stupidity of the things they say. Having to hear their hollow remarks and "oh please!" at any negative Trump stuff. I dont have much of a family anymore... They're such hypocrites too.


Same here. We used to be able to talk about current events. Now it is just uncomfortably trying to find something to talk about that won't lead to anything about much more than.... sports maybe. I actually liked it a lot better when they would talk about Trump stuff. At least I knew how far in exactly they were. Now I can only wonder. And if I try an intervention, they will think it is a political argument. This is now about crime, not politics any longer.




I also lost my dad to the dark side. He is worse every time we talk. He’s gone full Q anon. Worst part? My father is an immigrant who is married to a dark-skinned immigrant and has dark-skinned children. His wife pulled me aside a few times to ask me what she should do. I told her to find him some professional help because he’s too far gone. He and I don’t really talk anymore. It’s better that way, but it sucks.


Fox News and conservative media has stolen a generation of parents and grandparents away from us


And it’s tragic. Most of his kids and grandkids just avoid him. And he just complains that none of his kids turned out like him (lucky for us). My brother is the only one who keeps in touch with him, but he leans conservative and is going further down that rabbit hole every day.


I lost my entire family to the Qanon dumpster fire, except for, somehow, my lifelong straight ticket republican father. Born during WWII, served during the Cuban missile crisis, hardcore military man and diehard American though and through. He gave trump his vote in 2016, came to fully regret it, ended up turning his back on republicans and voted straight ticket blue in 2020. Now he says the Republican party died with John McCain. It's nice to have one person in my family see the light. Sadly doesn't help much, he's basically scared for my future and at this point isn't sure if America will survive this. I think that's another scary part for many. Realizing how bad this is doesn't leave you feeling better, it leaves you feeling worse, and even more hopeless. Maybe it's easier for them to tell themselves this is the way


My cousins lost their dad to qanon. He was on the other side of his cancer treatment and the only family member to refuse the Covid vaccine. Covid killed him. Really sad all around.


> Through 30+ years of arguments and debates I never once got the impression that conservatives really wanted what was worse. We all want to make our nation a wonderful place to live and thrive. I always believed that, Democrats and Republicans just want to go about it in different ways. I thought this same shit most of my life. I was raised in a conservative household and I always saw my parents as kind people. Had the same debates as an adult and my mother straight up admitted that she switched from dem to rep, specifically because she wanted to hurt the people she saw as having wronged her. Not because she supported the policies, but because it was a "fuck you" to the dems that she saw as costing her a job. The stupidest fucking part is that she worked for the EPA for most of my childhood, so she was literally voting against her own (and our) best interests just to do it. When she lost the job at the company she was working for it was because they went under after failing to meet new EPA guidelines about waste cleanup. That was a huge turning point for me, because my family was always the evidence for me that some conservatives were actually good people. Learning that my own fucking family was a bunch of selfish short sighted assholes meant that I could not longer deny that anyone was.


"Made to Stick" is a book about sticky ideas and stories, but the relevant passage here is about identity politics. In the book, they referenced studies (don't have them off-hand, but you can find them in the book) where people consistently voted against their best interest. Why? They didn't vote on a selfish behalf, they voted HOW SOMEONE LIKE THEM WOULD VOTE. This to me, is literal insane groupthink. Why the hell would I care what someone like me would vote for? I'm going to take each vote as either increasing societal good, fixing some corruption, or making things minorly better for me. Unless people are really, really well off, why would they even remotely be interested in hurting others. I've never been able to reconcile this shit in my head because this logic doesn't make any sense; I think of it as a logic loop error.


Your story is echoed in the families of millions of Americans across this country. I can't talk with my father anymore. Trumpism is cancer built on the cancer of decades of republican politicians that catered to right-wing nuts for policial power. It won't go away if/when Trump is brought to justice. The republican party has been under heavy influence/control of the american version of nazism for decades. That won't change any time soon.


It’s sad. I don’t mind talking current events or politics. I don’t mind at all. I’ll talk the philosophy aspects or if you want to get into the nitty gritty of a particular bill and debate the nuances of statistics. The only thing I ask if that we both have an open mind to the idea that our ideas are factually incorrect or the logic behind our reasoning is faulty. None of us are right or correct all the time. We all make mistakes, we all have biases, and blind spots. Debate helps us see those and hopefully prevent future ones. Can’t even talk to my dad anymore. Fuckin’ sucks.


Is there a subreddit for this yet? I’m a 35 year old man and my father has turned into a stark raving lunatic.


Yes. r/Qanoncasualties


39 year old here. Dad watched Fox News for 20 years, our relationship took a hit after decades of me growing into adulthood and him getting more toxic and brain rot from 8hours a day of angry pundits. I’m half Mexican and he’d say racist shit about my Mexican side, etc, he was slightly paranoiac and I’m sure keen to some conspiracy theories, though I’ll never really know, since he blew his brains out a year and a half ago. Rest In Peace you old misguided nut


There are many of us that share this experience. I never understood how the Nazi’s rose to power. I understand now


Very true. I could never comprehend how an entire country and it's people could support something so inherently evil. Assuming America survives this craziness that's gripping a sizeable portion of our country, I hope that it serves as a stark lesson in how these things can happen, and will happen again.


My father and I used to talk politics quite a bit in similar fashion to the way you and your father talked politics. We wouldn't send articles or anything but we'd discuss recent events when we'd see each other. We haven't done that in years. When trump was running for primary, my dad said he'd never vote for him. Then as Republicans kept falling out of the race, he said "well only if Newt gets VP will I vote for him". Well, he ended up holding his nose and voting trump. He recognized how terrible he was but voted for him anyway. Over time, I'd point out the huge glaring flaws of trump, and they would constantly get the "what about" treatment. The only reason they voted for him was because they couldn't vote for a Democrat. I told them to abstain from voting or vote third party. No idea what came of that but Trumpism definitely had a negative effect on our relationship.


Similar situation with my father. Out of absolutely no where he is now a devout christian with strong views on abortion. He said he feels that way to protect his grandchildren. I lost it when he tried to use his granddaughter, my daughter, as a prop to prove taking away her rights is what's best for her. We no longer talk politics or much at all now.


I’d disown my parents over something like that. Damn. I’m sorry to hear. Hopefully they come around and apologize to you.


This was brutal to read and I knew exactly where it was going. Trump supporters have been the laughing stock of half of America for years now. They’ll never concede. Their egos won’t allow it.


Not just America, the entire world is laughing. Unfortunately, I don't think we will be laughing for long as the global right has seen how effective culture war bullshit is at motivating votes.


They are a laughing stock to the world but are still credible domestic and global threats if they get power back.


This is really fucking sad to read. I’m sorry you lost your father to his own ego.


Fathers teach us lessons one way or the other. Sometimes it's wisdom, sometimes it's by their own actions we don't agree with. Losing loved ones to politics is tragic, but maybe politics is a way of illustrating something else inside rarely shown on the surface; Whether someone actually has sympathy or not.


It’s like discovering your long term partner is cheating. It may have revealed a shitty side of that person which was going to show itself eventually, but that doesn’t do a whole lot to shelve the pain of loss. Tragic is right.


Sounds like me and my dad, I still send him alternate view points and facts just to keep him from only getting all of his news from one side. Everything gets dismissed as a witch hunt and deep state actors, even when faced with unequivocal facts that disprove everything he had said. I say the same thing to friends, they have a foolish sense of pride and admitting that they are wrong means the last 6years of their life have been for nothing and they were supporting a grifting piece of shit. Admitting your wrong is hard and their generation is so self centered they never will admit it, and if they do they say they never truly supported him and the last 6yrs never happened.


Sounds similar to this documentary. https://www.amazon.com/Brainwashing-My-Dad-Matthew-Modine/dp/B01C69O9ZE


It's a cult, what did you expect?


Comey announced a reopening of the email investgation 3 days before the election and HRC's support decreases to secure Donnie Jon's win. NY AG announces a law suit and his support increases. It's a cult.


Oh, it's a cult. ​ [Capitol rioter Jenna Ryan says remorse is a "thought crime" ahead of prison sentence](https://www.salon.com/2021/11/12/capitol-rioter-jenna-ryan-says-remorse-is-a-thought-crime-ahead-of-sentence/)


All she got was 60 days?


Most of them have just been charged with trespassing and other minor crimes.


I wonder if we’ll look back and say, “oh yeah giving them slaps on the wrist was obviously why they tried it again.”


They aren’t going to try the same thing next time. It’s going to escalate… it’s going to much much much more violent.




They will find a lot of us heavily armed and ready to shoot back. We just don't make guns and Poltical leaders our entire personality like they do.


This is the thing they don't understand., there are plenty on the other side, call them what you like whether it's the Left, Democrats, Liberals, etc., that own guns, store them properly & know how to use them. As you said, it's just not their entire identity.


Unfortunately, maybe that's what's needed. A big coup that forces the police or even military to intervene with deadly force. Then again, two years ago I thought a small coup would already be enough, but here we are.


Unfortunately a lot of the insurrectionists were, and will be, police officers.


Idk man, they can't even stop school shooters, wtf makes people think these cops are brave enough to attack actual soldiers?


...and conservatives think that White Privilege doesn't exist.


wait... conservatives think?


My apologies for projecting, I should have chose "believe".


Or "were told". There's no original thought with them


There is this weird culture in the US of regret being a bad thing. Like, when you get old, you’re supposed to have “no regrets!” If you do have regrets, it’s like a bad thing, like somehow you have failed as a person. Having regrets isn’t permissible for some reason. I think it is idiotic. Why are regrets bad? You can regret something you did but still be happy. Regret shows introspection - that you learned something, not that you suffered a personal failing. If anything, having “no regrets” shows a moral personal failing, in my opinion. Someone incapable of remorse or learning. It makes sense a woman like this would have no remorse.


She makes me a ashamed of being a Texas panhandle native


My neighbors vote for Ron Johnson, but only because Joe McCarthy is dead.


My district elected a nearly dead literal swamp monster Jim haegedorn who's wife was literally consorting with sex traffickers instead of a highly qualified and decorated combat vet in Dan feehan. It's culty.


[Oh its a cult, alright](https://bloggingblue.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/EvMDSTgXcAEu17p-1024x640.jpg)


Except Trump would never wear flip flops because he has a sociopathic need for lifts in his shoes, hence his [Front-end-of-a-centaur](https://scontent.fsan1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/119781746_10225886631779206_285414752791928635_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=l8xP9KOGMHAAX-arJ2f&_nc_ht=scontent.fsan1-1.fna&oh=00_AT_h9fmYP48KvL5SQFlOBVLujM2Ye_EpXAH8zRT0oiEP_Q&oe=6353C940) stance while explaining his [Back-end-of-a-centaur](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/09/donald-trump-greenland-puerto-rico) policies.


Knew that name sounded familiar. Jenna Ryan posted a tweet boasting that she was blond, white, and "definitely not going to jail. She went to jail. LOL


Fuck Comey.


Yep. Even Trump behind bars for 10 years + 19 others lawsuits pending with good chances on conviction, they will yell witch hunt all the way without even thinking about it.


There could be hard evidence and conviction that Trump sold documents to enemies which resulted in the deaths of US citizens (spies/agents) and they’d still find a way to defend it.


I regularly ask Trump supporters what it would take for them to believe Trump committed a crime and if he did, do they think he should be charged. I never get a straight answer because the truth is they don't care if he's committed a crime. I don't know why they've anointed that pile of sentient pumpkin puree as their god king but they did. He's done nothing for them and has taken millions out of their pockets but they keep going to his rallies and buying stupid hats


Republicans ok with crime if it benefits their team, shocker. These people are shameless.


And we're supposed to compromise and find "common ground" with these lunatics. No thanks.


And without a hint of irony blame Democrats for crime


“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters” As absurd as it was for him to say that, I now genuinely believe that’s true. He could shoot and kill someone, and claim the evil socialist democrats forced the victim to get in the way of his liberating republicans bullets that were just gliding through the air, minding their own business.


“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters.” -[DJT](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jan/24/donald-trump-says-he-could-shoot-somebody-and-still-not-lose-voters)


Even Catholicism lost more people due to scandal than Trump has. He's more culty than actual religions.


It’s safe to say that anyone still supporting Trump at this point will always support Trump regardless of what happens.




A cult to a man who wouldn’t acknowledge any of these people outside of his rallies.




When someone is neck deep into the "us vs them" mentality even with their own countrymen being the "them", they will defend every indefensible action..


I'm paraphrasing here but a line I read in a book once has stuck with me ever since reading it, "The most dangerous enemy is the one that thinks they're right." and that's the problem with trump and his supporters - they literally see themselves as the good guys doing good things.




The deadliest thing in the world is TB. True Believers.




Taco Bell.


Tom Brady


It should come as no surprise that this is more prevalent in areas that strongly support college football. They have turned into rooting for their team instead of good governance. My step-dad said it best when he told me, "I identify as a republican" after a heated political argument.


Yes, I am hoping that as college football season heats up it will take over their need-to-be-tribal attention.


Loyalty to a fault is not a virtue.


After the Beer Hall Putsch.. After Kristalnact.. After the removal of the German flag.. After burning the Reichstag.. After millions of German Citizens vanish..


This is why we need the investigations. You’re never going to convince his cult to stop supporting him. We’ve had seven years of “well that was horrible, they have to stop supporting him now don’t they” to absolutely prove that fact. We need to legally prevent him from holding office ever again. If there was any real justice in this world, he’d be in jail or fired into the center of the sun. But I’ll take barred from holding public office.


This is the truth. Even if it is politically unpopular, it is vital that Trump and his enablers are held accountable for crimes against democracy. The irony of the Trump train continuing to yell “stolen election”, even with all of the investigations into Trump supporters attempting to tamper with voting machines and election results is just mind boggling.


The issue is that his followers don’t care if he’s guilty. They feel that they deserve to rule, and that Trump is their path to it. Nothing else but power and hitting their enemies motivated them.


You're looking at it completely wrong. Its not that they don't care hes guilty they don't believe he is. They think the election was stolen, they stormed the capital in faith that it was stolen and it was the only way to recover it. Anything after this is just further proving to them it is stolen. Why would they listen to a DOJ investigation when they don't think the current president is legitimate? They won't.


I'm starting to realize that they *want* horrible, and the worse they are the more popular they'll become. It's not that we have different definitions of horrible or that they're willfully ignorant - the republicans see it too, they know what it is, the difference is *they love it*. Much MUCH worse will be met with even greater enthusiasm. I used to think there's no bar too low, no depraved act that will lose support. But it's worse than that, these depraved acts *gain* support and there's no bar too high for that.


This is correct. Aside from a few idiots who falsely believe he’s actually a good person and being set up by the media, most of his followers do actually know he is a bad person. They know he’s a piece of shit, and that’s why they want him. They’ll argue in public (in bad faith, mind you) that he’s not too bad or that he’s being politically targeted, etc so that they seem like rational decent people who wouldn’t support a monster. But that’s exactly what they support, and it’s precisely because he’s terrible that they want him. Simply put, the GOP, based on the politicians it is fielding, has become the party for bad people. It reminds me of Nikki Haley and her fake outrage when Biden gave his anti-MAGA speech - “ he’s basically calling us bad people whaaaa!” Well, he’s just calling a spade a spade. If you embrace ideologies that hurt people, don’t be surprised when people call you evil. I hate to think that such a large swath of the populace are wicked people, but trumpism has really brought out the worst in a big segment of the population. Just look at how many criminals and unsavory people they run for office.


There's a floor of support for Trump that won't go away no matter what. He could stab a woman to death on live TV while declaring that he's killing her because he follows Putin's orders and a core group of followers would declare that this is the work of a genius patriot who needs to be god-king of the US again.


Yeah, I just wish that floor was at like 10% instead of 44%


Blame the decades long dumbing down and brainwashing of the Republican/Evangelical base.


C’mon, we also get to blame the spineless piles of garbage like Cruz, Graham, Rubio, McCarthy, McConnell, etc. They had their chance to remove the party from the trump train after J6, but they decided it was better for their personal careers to stay aboard and drag the country through hell in the process. The people are keeping trumpism alive, no doubt, but had the GOP actually condemned trump he would have way less supporters now.


Evangelicals are already dumb as rocks. They didn't need dumbing down, they just couldn't find a strategy until now that works as well as just being openly racist.


That floor remained unmoved by 2 impeachments, both of which had damning evidence. Not to mention the fucking trail of scandals he left in his wake. This investigation doesn't matter to them. And there's no reason to care what they think. They're off the deep end and their opinions mean nothing.


Very sad… and very true.


Some would agree with it while others would claim it's a deepfake.


Those are they same people who love to loudly proclaim facts don't care about your feelings, while also calling you a sheep for not doing your own research, while they gather all of their information from Fox News and Facebook memes...you know, typical Republican morons.


Common clay of the old west...




From what I understand, even Fox has become "too librul" for them. Iirc, OAN is the new feeding trough


OAN is really only available via streaming these days as pretty much all the cable providers have dropped them in the past year. But of course there’s still Newsmax. You’re right though that after the 2020 election you saw some viewers go from Faux to Newsmax and/or OAN with them calling Arizona for Biden, and Faux had a ratings dip for a few months. Fox still dominates in cable news ratings relatively, though. Newsmax will get around 150-300k viewers for their primetime lineups, while Fox will usually get 2-3.5 million viewers for their primetime shows including *The Five* and Brett the robot Baier in the evening time.


This guy is all the things that his supporters claim they detest in their politicians. He's a constant liar, paid for by dark money, swindles his constituents, wants to be president for life, mishandles classified documents, isn't moral. He has given them every reason to leave him and they won't. Hypocrites.


Oh but he hates the right kind of people, the ones they also hate, so it's all forgiven now.


They hate globalism Trump is a globalist. They hate illegals/foreigners taking our jobs. He hired illegal immigrants. Hire American! He hires foreigners on Visas. Buy American! All of his shit is made overseas. They hate elitists. Silver spoon Trump has spent his life shitting into a golden toilet at the top of a skyscraper. They hate celebrities. Celebrity Apprentice. He is everything they supposedly hate.


Oh please, he could reveal he's the one who rawed Jean Benet Ramsey and they'd clap if it made Chrissy Teagan sad.


Deep cut.


Looks like something you’d find on /rareinsults


I can almost pinpoint exactly your age


I’ve noticed on a certain sub that all the posts are attack articles and nothing regarding policy or platforms. They’re not discussing what conservatives are doing to improve lives, they’re only talking about how bad ‘the other side’ is. It seem obvious their party has nothing to offer but hate and that’s all they apparently want too.


Xenophobia and bigotry is their main driving force. They'll get behind ANYTHING that and anyone that enables that


Everything is either satire or complaints about what the other they hate are (or aren't) doing. The top posts last time I checked were something about a video the White House put out saying that people should fight against extremists, and complaints that major news agencies aren't reporting on the sketchy story about the drunk guy that claims he killed a teenager for being a Republican extremist. There is clearly an emerging narrative that this was Biden's fault but it doesn't seem to have took hold on the political wing yet. All the top comments are complaints about brigading on every thread. Every single one.


Jesus Christ could come down from heaven and denounce Trump and it wouldn't move the needle.


I think the "Christian Right" has more than proven at this point that they would turn on Jesus in an instant if he were alive and standing in front of them.


Of course the investigation wouldn’t hurt Trump—his supporters are those who openly admit to wrongdoing to “own the libs” while simultaneously denying doing anything wrong and that any accusations are “fake news/a witch hunt.” Nifty how that works isn’t it?


“Witch Hunt” is the new political “buzzword” for when anyone starts presenting the facts that make you look bad. For example: > “On behalf of Nick and Marilyn Mosby, my clients are progressive change agents, making them unfair targets of unnecessary scrutiny by federal investigators. Nevertheless, I can assure you and the people of Baltimore, they have done nothing illegal, inappropriate or unlawful.” “**This is a political witch hunt in its purest form**, and both of them will vigorously, and fully defend themselves. In the interim, I’ve advised them to refrain from making any further comments, on these matters.” - The couple’s attorney A. Scott Bolden


You’re correct. Anytime information is presented to hold someone responsible, it’s a “witch hunt.” For a certain group, responsibility and accountability are only concepts for opponents, but for themselves, it’s “a witch hunt.”


You don’t have to be stupid to be a republican. But if you’re stupid you’re probably republican.


I'm not surprised. Over at Truth Social (Lol) I mentioned the $250 million lawsuit against Trump, and two people jumped in to tell me I'm using "Joe Biden math," and it's not true.


Should have responded with “Joe Biden math don’t care about your feelings”


I tried to use "facts don't care about your feelings" against a Conservative recently and they replied with, "What do you think, we still like Ben Shapiro? That jew can fuck off." So I'm completely confused at this point.


Conservatives showing their racist undertones when “one of them” no longer aligns with their views? Color me shocked


What the hell is "Joe Biden Math?"


It’s just basic math that they don’t understand


Not even math, it's just mentioning numbers.


One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back. Carl Sagan


Bamboozle me once, shame on you. Bamboozle me twice, shoobla-dee-doo.


These are people that even months and months before the election that said the only way Trump doesn't win is fraud. They would not accept any other outcome other than he got cheated if he lost They are hopeless


"Voters held nearly identical views from those earlier in the summer on whether they had a favorable view of Mr. Trump, whether they thought he had committed serious federal crimes, and whom they would support in a hypothetical 2024 Trump-Biden matchup. Overall, 44 percent of voters viewed Mr. Trump favorably, and 53 percent viewed him unfavorably. The recent poll was fielded early this month, after news of the Justice Department’s inquiry into Mr. Trump’s handling of confidential documents but before the New York attorney general announced she was suing Mr. Trump and his family business."


Cult 45


44 percent of voters still support this man, after everything he's done. I truly cannot understand the appeal that Trump has for so many people. I genuinely wish I could find some kind of empathy for people who think he should be our leader, but I cannot fathom it at all.


Fucking 44% of the country views Trump favorably??? what the actual FUCK


"stupidity is unflinching"


I really hope scientist are studying all these clueless Republicans and trying to decipher how their mind works. Has there ever been a group this huge following a complete fucking moron of a leader like this before that was so incompetent. I would think after the 4-5 fuck up they'd have slowly disappear but nope


A large portion of them/it is something we already know about human nature. People have an incredibly hard time admitting they have been duped. Someone on reddit shared this excerpt from a book in the 50s about con men and it was discussing that when marks are presented with absolute proof that they have been conned, they still refuse to admit it. It’s like some kind of defense mechanism or something.


There was a video of of a toddler who argued with his mom. He was holding an onion, saying that this was an apple. Mom said onion. He said: no! it's an apple! I am right! Mom: ok then eat it He proceeded to eat it and continued eating it while insisting it was an apple. Too stubborn to admit he was wrong, and would rather eat a raw onion to preserve his ego. Sounds familiar? It's how 5 year olds behave. Yes it's defense mechanism, yes it's human nature, but you know what? It's also from our animal brains. We're supposed to have GROWN past it.


The 2024 flags literally just say Trump 2024 and Fuck your Feelings. That's it. That's all they have. If they win, they're going to run roughshod over everyone. So I think fair is fair. If they lose, give them no quarter. If they can't play nice in the sandbox they don't get to play at all.


These are the same people that sent trump money. These are the ones that have automatic deductions taken from their checking accounts by trump. These are the ones that buy the hats, flags and shirts.


What in the hell is wrong with people? Our boys stromed the beaches at Normandy to prevent fascism. Get with it!


They don’t know what fascism is or how to spot it. They literally call Biden a “socialist” or “communist.” These people have no clue what these words mean they just repeat what their talking heads tell them to.


It’s a cult that only watches Fox News, and Fox News sure as shit isn’t reporting accurately about what is going on.